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[Compiling AMX Plugin] Compile fails

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Old 05-23-2005 , 12:41   [Compiling AMX Plugin] Compile fails

i have an AMX plugin that runs quite well under AMX, but other then the other plugins it does not compile under AMXX - as the other plugins have no problems, i have no idea what i should look for:

./amxxsc tb.sma
Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.00-272 Compiler.
Copyright (c) 1997-2004 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team

amxxsc: sc3.c:835: int hier14(value *): Assertion `lval3.arrayidx==arrayidx1' failed.
So, did anyone see such a message already?

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Old 05-23-2005 , 17:54  

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Old 05-24-2005 , 05:13  

This is a mixture of different TeamBalancers which i try to make usefull:

// ttb.sma
//  TJAs Team Balancer

#include <amxmod>
#include <amxmisc>

new TTB_VERSION[] = "0.93"

#define MAX_PLAYERS 32

#define FREQ_TEAM_CHECK 1.0

#define UNASSIGNED              0
#define TS                                              1
#define CTS                                             2
#define AUTO_TEAM               5

new teamScore[3] // teamScore
new playerNumber[3] // number of players
new Float:teamKillDeath[3] // sum of Kills-Deaths Ratios
new teamName[3][] = { "Spectator", "TS", "CTS" }

new lastWinner
new lastLooser
new winStreak // number of successive wins

new bool:isBeingTransfered[MAX_PLAYERS+1]
new playerTeam[MAX_PLAYERS+1]
new lastRoundSwitched[MAX_PLAYERS+1]
new kills[MAX_PLAYERS+1]
new deaths[MAX_PLAYERS+1]
new Float:KillDeathRatio[MAX_PLAYERS+1]

new roundNumber
new lastRoundTB

        return ( n < 0.0 ) ? -n : n

public plugin_init(){
        register_plugin("Team Balancer",TTB_VERSION,"[Murka] TJA")

        register_event("SendAudio","round_end","a","2=%!MRAD_terwin","2=%!MRAD_ctwin","2=%!MRAD_rounddraw") // Round End
        register_event("RoundTime", "new_round", "bc") // Round Time
        register_event("TextMsg","game_restart","a","1=4","2&#Game_C","2&#Game_w") // Game restart

        register_event("DeathMsg","death_msg","a") // Kill

        register_event("TeamScore","team_score","a") // Team teamScore

        set_task(FREQ_TEAM_CHECK, "check_teamcompos")

        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

public game_restart(){
        roundNumber = 0
        lastRoundTB = 0
        teamScore[0] = teamScore[1] = teamScore[2] = 0
        lastWinner = UNASSIGNED
        lastLooser = UNASSIGNED
        winStreak = 0
        for (new i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; ++i){
                kills[i] = 0
                deaths[i] = 0
                lastRoundSwitched[i] = -999

public new_round() {
        if ( floatround(get_cvar_float("mp_roundtime") * 60.0) != read_data(1) ) return


        new msg[128]
        if (lastWinner == CTS) {
                format(msg, 127, "Round %d - CTS %d TS %d^nBalance: %.2f - %.2f^nWin-Streak CTs: %d", roundNumber, teamScore[CTS], teamScore[TS], teamKillDeath[CTS], teamKillDeath[TS], winStreak)
        if (lastWinner == TS) {
                format(msg, 127, "Round %d - CTS %d TS %d^nBalance: %.2f - %.2f^nWin-Streak Ts: %d", roundNumber, teamScore[CTS], teamScore[TS], teamKillDeath[CTS], teamKillDeath[TS], winStreak)
        set_hudmessage(255, 255, 255, 0.45, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 10.0 , 0.5, 0.15, 2)
        show_hudmessage( 0, msg )
        server_print("[TTB] Round %d - CTS %d TS %d", roundNumber, teamScore[CTS], teamScore[TS])
        server_print("[TTB] Balance: %.2f - %.2f", teamKillDeath[CTS], teamKillDeath[TS])
        if (lastWinner == CTS) {
                server_print("[TTB] Win-Streak CTs: %d", winStreak)
        if (lastWinner == TS) {
                server_print("[TTB] Win-Streak Ts: %d", winStreak)

public round_end(){
        new param[12]
        if (param[7]=='c') {//%!MRAD_ctwin
                if (lastWinner==CTS)
                else {
        else if (param[7]=='t') {//%!MRAD_terwin
                if (lastWinner==TS)
                else {
                return // %!MRAD_rounddraw (both teams have left the game)


public death_msg(){
        new iWinner = read_data(1)
        new iLoser = read_data(2)
        if ( iWinner < 1 || iWinner > MAX_PLAYERS || iLoser < 1 || iLoser > MAX_PLAYERS )

        if ( get_user_team(iWinner) == get_user_team(iLoser) )
                return // no TKS!!!

public team_score(){
        new arg[2]
        teamScore[ ( arg[0] == 'T' ) ? TS : CTS ] = read_data(2)

public client_authorized(id){
        kills[id] = 0
        deaths[id] = 0
        KillDeathRatio[id] = 1.0
        isBeingTransfered[id] = false
        playerTeam[id] = UNASSIGNED
        lastRoundSwitched[id] = -999

        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

public client_disconnect(id) {
        kills[id] = 0
        deaths[id] = 0
        KillDeathRatio[id] = 1.0
        isBeingTransfered[id] = false
        playerTeam[id] = UNASSIGNED
        lastRoundSwitched[id] = -999


        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

public set_teams()
        playerNumber[UNASSIGNED] = 0
        playerNumber[CTS] = 0
        playerNumber[TS] = 0

        for (new i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; ++i) {
                playerTeam[i] = UNASSIGNED
        new inum
        new players[MAX_PLAYERS]
        get_players(players, inum)
        for (new a = 0; a <inum; a++)
                new i=players[a]

                playerTeam[i] = get_user_team(i)

public check_teamcompos(parm[])
        new inum
        new players[MAX_PLAYERS]
        get_players(players, inum)
        for (new a = 0; a <inum; a++)
                new i = players[a]
                new t = get_user_team(i)

                if (playerTeam[i] != t)
                        playerTeam[i] = t

        set_task(FREQ_TEAM_CHECK, "check_teamcompos")

public transferPlayer(id, team)
        new parm[4]
        parm[0] = id
        parm[1] = team
        parm[2] = roundNumber
        parm[3] = 0 // number of tries

        isBeingTransfered[id] = true
        engclient_cmd(id, "menuselect", team==1 ?  "1" : "2" )
        engclient_cmd(id, "menuselect", "5")
        set_task(3.0, "check_transfer", 0, parm, 4)

public check_transfer(parm[4])
        new name[32]
        get_user_name(parm[0], name, 31)

        if (get_user_team(parm[0]) == parm[1])
                isBeingTransfered[parm[0]] = false
                lastRoundSwitched[parm[0]] = roundNumber
                lastRoundTB = roundNumber
                client_print(0, print_chat, "[TTB] successfuly transfered %s to %s!", name, teamName[parm[1]])
                server_print("[TTB] successfuly transfered %s to %s!", name, teamName[parm[1]])

        if (parm[3]>=2) {
                client_print(0, print_chat, "[TTB] did'nt managed to transfer %s to %s after 2 tries!", name, teamName[parm[1]])
                server_print("[TTB] did'nt managed to transfer %s to %s after 2 tries!", name, teamName[parm[1]])
                isBeingTransfered[parm[0]] = false
        if ( (roundNumber<parm[2]) || (roundNumber-parm[2]>1) ) {
                client_print(0, print_chat, "[TTB] did'nt managed to transfer %s to %s in less than one round!", name, teamName[parm[1]])
                server_print("[TTB] did'nt managed to transfer %s to %s in less than one round!", name, teamName[parm[1]])
                isBeingTransfered[parm[0]] = false

        client_print(0, print_chat, "[TTB] tries to transfer %s to %s (%d)!", name, teamName[parm[1]], parm[3])
        server_print("[TTB] tries to transfer %s to %s (%d)!", name, teamName[parm[1]], parm[3])
        new id = parm[0]
        new team = parm[1]
        engclient_cmd(id, "menuselect", team==1 ?  "1" : "2" )
        engclient_cmd(id, "menuselect", "5")
        set_task(3.0, "check_transfer", 0, parm, 4)

public sqrt(num) {
new div = num
new result = 1
while (div > result) {
  div = (div + result) / 2
  result = num / div
return div

public init_KillDeathRatio()
        teamKillDeath[UNASSIGNED] = 0.0
        teamKillDeath[CTS] = 0.0
        teamKillDeath[TS] = 0.0
        for (new i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; ++i)
                KillDeathRatio[i] = float(kills[i]+1) / float(deaths[i]+1) + 1.0
                teamKillDeath[playerTeam[i]] += KillDeathRatio[i]

public round_end_tb()

        new pCT, pT
        new nameCT[32], nameT[32]


        new msg[128]
        if (lastWinner == CTS) {
                format(msg, 127, "Round %d - CTS %d TS %d^nBalance: %.2f - %.2f^nWin-Streak CTs: %d", roundNumber, teamScore[CTS], teamScore[TS], teamKillDeath[CTS], teamKillDeath[TS], winStreak)
        if (lastWinner == TS) {
                format(msg, 127, "Round %d - CTS %d TS %d^nBalance: %.2f - %.2f^nWin-Streak Ts: %d", roundNumber, teamScore[CTS], teamScore[TS], teamKillDeath[CTS], teamKillDeath[TS], winStreak)
        set_hudmessage(200, 200, 200, 0.45, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 5.0 , 0.5, 0.5, 2)
        show_hudmessage( 0, msg )
        server_print("[TTB] Round %d - CTS %d TS %d", roundNumber, teamScore[CTS], teamScore[TS])
        server_print("[TTB] Balance: %.2f - %.2f", teamKillDeath[CTS], teamKillDeath[TS])
        if (lastWinner == CTS) {
                server_print("[TTB] Win-Streak CTs: %d", winStreak)
        if (lastWinner == TS) {
                server_print("[TTB] Win-Streak Ts: %d", winStreak)

        if ( ((winStreak>=3) && (roundNumber-lastRoundTB>=2)) || (winStreak>=5) || (teamKillDeath[lastWinner] / teamKillDeath[lastLooser] >= 2.0) || (teamKillDeath[lastWinner] - teamKillDeath[lastLooser] >= 10.0) )
                client_print(0, print_chat, "[TTB] TEAMS need to be balanced!")
                server_print("[TTB] TEAMS need to be balanced!")
                if (lastWinner==CTS) {
                        pCT = searchBestTransfer(CTS, 1)
                        if (pCT!=0)
                                get_user_name(pCT, nameCT, 31)
                                //client_print(0, print_chat, "[TTB] Transfering %s to the Terrorists!", nameCT)
                                server_print("[TTB] Transfering %s to the Terrorists!", nameCT)
                                transferPlayer(pCT, TS)
                if (lastWinner==TS) {
                        pT = searchBestTransfer(TS, 1)
                        if (pT!=0)
                                get_user_name(pT, nameT, 31)
                                //client_print(0, print_chat, "[TTB] Transfering %s to the Counter-Terrorists!", nameT)
                                server_print("[TTB] Transfering %s to the Counter-Terrorists!", nameT)
                                transferPlayer(pT, CTS)


public searchBestTransfer(team, deadonly)
        new oteam = 3-team

        if (playerNumber[oteam]==0)
                new Float:bestKDR=0.0, p=0
                for(new i=1; i<=MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                        if ((playerTeam[i]==team)&&(KillDeathRatio[i]>bestKDR))
                                bestKDR = KillDeathRatio[i]
                server_print("[TTB] Created opposing team: %d", p)
                return p

        new Float:bestBalance = fabs( teamKillDeath[CTS] / playerNumber[TS] - teamKillDeath[TS] / playerNumber[CTS] )
        new p = 0
        new divTeam = playerNumber[oteam] + 1, divOTeam = playerNumber[team] - 1

        for (new i=1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
                if ( (playerTeam[i] == team) && (roundNumber - lastRoundSwitched[i] > 10) && ((deadonly + is_user_alive(i)) != 2) )
                        new Float:b = fabs( (teamKillDeath[team] + winStreak - KillDeathRatio[i]) / divTeam - (teamKillDeath[oteam] + KillDeathRatio[i]) / divOTeam )
                        new name[32]
                        get_user_name(i, name, 31)
                        if (b < bestBalance ) {
                                bestBalance = b
                                p = i

        return p
The error:

./amxxsc ttb.sma
Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.00-272 Compiler.
Copyright (c) 1997-2004 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team

amxxsc: sc3.c:835: int hier14(value *): Assertion `lval3.arrayidx==arrayidx1' failed.
TJA is offline
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Old 05-24-2005 , 06:18  

Looks like an AMXX error to me :-/
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hello, i am pm
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Canalization
Old 05-24-2005 , 06:31  

It's a problem in the compiler. However I can't reproduce it oO. Maybe someone else can? Are you sure that the source you posted is the right one? Thanks.
hello, i am pm
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Old 05-24-2005 , 06:44  

Yes, it is ...
Your comment made me think about file-encoding, but a "recode ibmpc..latin1" did not help:

./amxxsc ttb2.sma
Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.00-272 Compiler.
Copyright (c) 1997-2004 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team

amxxsc: sc3.c:835: int hier14(value *): Assertion `lval3.arrayidx==arrayidx1' failed.
Any way to make the compiler be more verbose?
-d3 and -v did not change much :-)

Btw. i installed this version:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2026317 Mar 13 068 amxmodx-1.01.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1799746 Mar 10 02:48 amxmodx-SQLmodules-1.01.zip
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 140260 Mar 10 02:53 amxmodx-cstrike-1.01.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7391637 Mar 10 02:52 amxmodx-source-1.01.tar.gz
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Old 05-24-2005 , 09:39  

If i comment out the following function, it DOES work:

public game_restart(){
        roundNumber = 0
        lastRoundTB = 0
        teamScore[0] = teamScore[1] = teamScore[2] = 0
        lastWinner = UNASSIGNED
        lastLooser = UNASSIGNED
        winStreak = 0
        for (new i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; ++i){
                kills[i] = 0
                deaths[i] = 0
                lastRoundSwitched[i] = -999
So, what is strange in this code?
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Old 05-24-2005 , 09:41  


        teamScore[0] = 0
        teamScore[1] = 0
        teamScore[2] = 0
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Old 05-24-2005 , 13:15  

Yeah, I was about to say teamScore[0] = teamScore[1] = teamScore[2] = 0 would do it.

I think we reported this as a bug and it was fixed in later versions of Small.
However, the later versions are still buggier than our version
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