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Need help with mp_clan_ready config

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-=BB&A=- Hoot
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Old 09-13-2008 , 03:09   Need help with mp_clan_ready config
Reply With Quote #1

Hey guys! I was hoping someone here might now the answer to my problem. I tried googling for 15-20 minutes and couldn't find any help on this topic.

I am trying to get this to work on my Match server:
mp_clan_ready_signal "ready"
mp_clan_readyrestart "1"

When one team clicks ready everything is fine, but as soon as the other team clicks ready, the server crashes. I tried a TWL config and a CAL config and I tried this on two of my servers and got crashes every time. One server was hosted at gameservers.com and the other hosted on our own dedicated server. The one at gameservers.com has MetaMod v1.6.2.703v, SourceMod v1.0.3, and Mani Admin v1.2BetaS installed, the other one just has Mani Admin v1.2BetaS installed. Below was the CAL config I was using. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

hostname " BeerBaitandAmmo.com |MATCH| Server"
rcon_password "****hidden*****"
// CAL TF2 Stopwatch Config
// Verison 1.4 7/11/08
// www.caleague.com
// Match "hostname" and "mp_allowspectators" are the only values CAL permits teams to change.
// Any additional changes without CAL consent could result in team penalty.
mp_allowspectators "1"
// Nothing below this may be edited
// --------------------------------
log on
mp_logdetail "3"
mp_autoteambalance "0"
mp_autocrosshair "1"
mp_chattime "15"
mp_falldamage "0"
mp_flashlight "0"
mp_footsteps "1"
mp_forcecamera "1"
mp_forcerespawn "1"
mp_fraglimit "0"
mp_timelimit "0"
mp_winlimit "0"
mp_maxrounds "0"
mp_bonusroundtime "0"
mp_showrespawntimes "1"
mp_teams_unbalance_limit "0"
mp_time_between_capscoring "0"
mp_clan_ready_signal "ready"
mp_clan_readyrestart "1"
mp_tournament "1"
mp_tournament_stopwatch "1"
mp_stalemate_enable "0"
mp_disablerespawntimes "0"
mp_respawnwavetime "10"
sv_password "*****hidden*****"
sv_lan "0"
sv_unlag "1"
sv_maxunlag ".5"
sv_accelerate "10"
sv_airaccelerate "10"
sv_alltalk "0"
sv_cheats "0"
sv_client_cmdrate_difference "30"
sv_client_interpolate "1"
sv_client_predict "1"
sv_client_max_interp_ratio "1"
sv_client_min_interp_ratio "1"
sv_consistency "1"
sv_forcepreload "1"
sv_footsteps "0"
sv_friction "4"
sv_gravity "800"
sv_maxrate "30000"
sv_maxspeed "320"
sv_maxupdaterate "101"
sv_maxcmdrate "101"
sv_mincmdrate "67"
sv_minrate "15000"
sv_minupdaterate "67"
sv_rollangle "0"
sv_rollspeed "200"
sv_stepsize "18"
sv_stopspeed "50"
sv_turbophysics "1"
sv_voiceenable "1"
sv_unlag "1"
sv_wateraccelerate "10"
sv_waterfriction "1"
sv_pure "2"
sv_allow_color_correction "0"
sv_allow_wait_command "0"
sv_pure_kick_clients "1"
sv_pure_trace "1"
sv_pausable "0"
tv_delay "90"
tv_maxrate "3500"
tv_transmitall "1"
tv_delaymapchange "1"
tv_autorecord "1"
tf_weapon_criticals 0
say "CAL TF2 Stopwatch config loaded"
say "Two sets where each team will attack/defend once."
say "Stopwatch/Tournament mode will be used to determine the winner of each set."
say "If, after two sets, the teams are tied, a third set will be played to determine the winner."
say "Each set is worth 1 point towards the final score, 2-0 or 2-1(if OT was played)."
say "The team who attacks first will defend first during the second set and attack first during OT."
say "Attack/Defend/Defend/Attack/Attack/Defend"

-=BB&A=- Hoot is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Canada
Old 10-06-2008 , 13:13   Re: Need help with mp_clan_ready config
Reply With Quote #2

There is a conflict with Mani Mod and the readystart for TF2 with League Cfgs
ma_war 1 does not stop the problem
CAL does not allow any plugins on a match server so it wouldn't have shown up in their testing

So for your matches
Stop server
In FTP, browse to tf/addons
Rename the addons folder to something like addonsXXX
The server wont be able to find it. Rcon of course will still work
Reboot server
Play your match

When you want Mani reenabled, repeat and rename addonsXXX to addons
Rosie is offline

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