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Can Someone fix that code ?

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Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Turkey
Old 11-22-2019 , 18:33   Can Someone fix that code ?

I've decompiled a plugin , when i did this it gave me complicated code. can someone fix it ?

 new g_maxplayers;
new g_msgSayText;
new g_killzmoneround[33];
new g_survivelikehuman[33];
new g_infecthumoneround[33];
new g_killzmoneround1[33];
new g_infecthumoneround1[33];
new g_survivelikezombie[33];
new g_killzmoneround2[33];
new g_infecthumoneround2[33];
new g_zmkillinfectrowcount[33];
public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("[ZP] Mission System", "1.0", "ArtaNN");
	register_clcmd("say /missions", "menu_mission_system", -1, 1456, -1);
	register_clcmd("say /mission", "menu_mission_system", -1, 1456, -1);
	register_logevent("roundstart", 2, "1=Round_Start");
	register_event("DeathMsg", "DeathMsg", 1764, 1772);
	g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers();
	g_msgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText");
	return 0;

public menu_mission_system(id)
	new missionmenu = menu_create("\r[ZP]\y Choose your mission", "missionmenu_handler", g_maxplayers);
	new menu[100];
	if (8 <= g_killzmoneround[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Kill 8 Zombies in round\y [50AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[EASY]\w Kill 8 zombies in round\y [50AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 2372, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (g_survivelikehuman[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Survive round like human\y [50AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[EASY]\w Survive round like human\y [50AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 2756, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (8 <= g_infecthumoneround[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Infect 8 humans in round\y [50AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[EASY]\w Infect 8 humans in round\y [50AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 3140, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (12 <= g_killzmoneround1[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Kill 12 Zombies in round \y[100AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[MEDIUM]\w Kill 12 Zombies in round \y[100AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 3540, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (g_survivelikezombie[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Survive round like zombie\y [100AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[MEDIUM]\w Survive round like zombie\y [100AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 3948, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (12 <= g_infecthumoneround1[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Infect 12 humans in round\y [100AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[MEDIUM]\w Infect 12 humans in round\y [100AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 4356, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (20 <= g_killzmoneround2[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Kill 20 zombies in round\y [200AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[HARD]\w Kill 20 zombies in round\y [200AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 4748, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (20 <= g_infecthumoneround2[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Infect 20 humans in round\y [200AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[HARD]\w Infect 20 humans in round\y [200AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 5148, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (10 <= g_zmkillinfectrowcount[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Kill 10 zombies and infect 10 humans\y [200AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[HARD]\w Kill 10 zombies and infect 10 humans\y [200AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 5636, g_maxplayers, -1);
	menu_setprop(missionmenu, 6, 1);
	menu_setprop(missionmenu, 1, 7);
	menu_display(id, missionmenu, g_maxplayers);
	return 0;

public missionmenu_handler(id, menu, item)
	return 0;

public roundstart()
	new players[32];
	new n;
	new playerid;
	get_players(players, n, 5644, 5648);
	new i;
	while (i < n)
		playerid = players[i];
		if (g_infecthumoneround[playerid] != 8)
			g_infecthumoneround[playerid] = 0;
		if (g_killzmoneround[playerid] != 8)
			g_killzmoneround[playerid] = 0;
		if (g_infecthumoneround1[playerid] != 12)
			g_infecthumoneround1[playerid] = 0;
		if (g_killzmoneround1[playerid] != 12)
			g_killzmoneround1[playerid] = 0;
		if (g_killzmoneround2[playerid] != 20)
			g_killzmoneround2[playerid] = 0;
		if (g_infecthumoneround2[playerid] != 20)
			g_infecthumoneround2[playerid] = 0;
		if (g_zmkillinfectrowcount[playerid] != 10)
			g_zmkillinfectrowcount[playerid] = 0;
	return 0;

public DeathMsg()
	new killer = read_data(1);
	new victim = read_data(2);
	if (victim == killer)
		return 1;
	new var1;
	if (1 <= killer <= 32 && 1 <= victim <= 32)
		if (human_mission_rewards(killer, victim))
			if (g_killzmoneround[killer] != 8)
				if (g_killzmoneround[killer] == 8)
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(killer, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(killer) + 50);
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(killer, "Your mission: Kill 8 zombies in round\nMission reward: 50 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(killer, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Kill 8 zombies in round.\x01 Mission reward: 50 Ammo Packs");
			if (g_killzmoneround1[killer] != 12)
				if (g_killzmoneround1[killer] == 12)
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(killer, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(killer) + 100);
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(killer, "Your mission: Kill 12 zombies in round\nMission reward: 100 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(killer, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Kill 12 zombies in round.\x01 Mission reward: 100 Ammo Packs");
			if (g_killzmoneround2[killer] != 20)
				if (g_killzmoneround2[killer] == 20)
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(killer, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(killer) + 200);
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(killer, "Your mission: Kill 20 zombies in round\nMission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(killer, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Kill 20 zombies in round.\x01 Mission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
			if (g_zmkillinfectrowcount[killer] != 10)
				if (g_zmkillinfectrowcount[killer] == 10)
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(killer, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(killer) + 200);
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(killer, "Your mission: Kill 10 zombies and infect 10 humans\nMission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(killer, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Kill 10 zombies and infect 10 humans.\x01 Mission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
	return 0;

public zp_user_infected_pre(infected, infector, nemesis)
	new var1;
	if (1 <= infected <= 32 && 1 <= infector <= 32)
		if (zombie_mission_rewards(infected, infector, nemesis))
			if (g_infecthumoneround[infector] != 8)
				if (g_infecthumoneround[infector] == 8)
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(infector, "Your mission: Infect 8 humans in round\nMission reward: 50 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(infector, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Infect 8 humans in round.\x01 Mission reward: 50 Ammo Packs");
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(infector, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(infector) + 50);
			if (g_infecthumoneround1[infector] != 12)
				if (g_infecthumoneround1[infector] == 12)
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(infector, "Your mission: Infect 12 humans in round\nMission reward: 100 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(infector, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Infect 12 humans in round.\x01 Mission reward: 100 Ammo Packs");
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(infector, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(infector) + 100);
			if (g_infecthumoneround2[infector] != 20)
				if (g_infecthumoneround2[infector] == 20)
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(infector, "Your mission: Infect 20 humans in round\nMission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(infector, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Infect 20 humans in round.\x01 Mission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(infector, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(infector) + 200);
			if (g_zmkillinfectrowcount[infector] != 10)
				if (g_zmkillinfectrowcount[infector] == 10)
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(infector, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(infector) + 200);
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(infector, "Your mission: Kill 10 zombies and infect 10 humans\nMission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(infector, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Kill 10 zombies and infect 10 humans.\x01 Mission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
	return 0;

public zp_round_ended(winteam)
	static id;
	id = 1;
	while (id <= g_maxplayers)
		if (winteam)
			if (zp_get_user_zombie(id))
				set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
				show_hudmessage(id, "Your mission: Survive round like Zombie\nMission reward: 100 Ammo Packs");
				zp_colored_print(id, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Survive round like Zombie.\x01 Mission reward: 100 Ammo Packs");
				zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) + 100);
			set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
			show_hudmessage(id, "Your mission: Survive round like Human\nMission reward: 50 Ammo Packs");
			zp_colored_print(id, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Survive round like Human.\x01 Mission reward: 50 Ammo Packs");
			zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) + 50);
		id += 1;
	return 0;

public zombie_mission_rewards(infected, infector, turnedtonemesis)
	new var1;
	if (zp_get_user_zombie(infector) && !turnedtonemesis)
		return 1;
	return 0;

public human_mission_rewards(killer, victim)
	new var1;
	if (!zp_get_user_zombie(killer) && !zp_get_user_survivor(killer) && !zp_get_user_nemesis(victim) && zp_get_user_zombie(victim) && !zp_is_nemesis_round() && !zp_is_survivor_round())
		return 1;
	return 0;

public client_disconnect(id)
	g_killzmoneround[id] = 0;
	g_infecthumoneround[id] = 0;
	g_survivelikehuman[id] = 0;
	g_killzmoneround1[id] = 0;
	g_infecthumoneround1[id] = 0;
	g_survivelikezombie[id] = 0;
	g_killzmoneround2[id] = 0;
	g_infecthumoneround2[id] = 0;
	g_zmkillinfectrowcount[id] = 0;
	return 0;

zp_colored_print(target, message[])
	static argscount;
	static i;
	static buffer[512];
	argscount = numargs();
	if (!target)
		static player;
		player = 1;
		while (player <= g_maxplayers)
			if (is_user_connected(player))
				static changedcount;
				static changed[5];
				changedcount = 0;
				i = 2;
				while (i < argscount)
					if (getarg(i, g_maxplayers) == -1)
						setarg(i, g_maxplayers, player);
						changed[changedcount] = i;
						changedcount += 1;
					i += 1;
				vformat(buffer, 511, message, 3);
				message_begin(g_killzmoneround, g_msgSayText, 13924, player);
				i = 0;
				while (i < changedcount)
					setarg(changed[i], g_maxplayers, -1);
					i += 1;
			player += 1;
		vformat(buffer, 511, message, 3);
		message_begin(1, g_msgSayText, 13924, target);
	return 0;

Last edited by asherkin; 11-24-2019 at 11:26. Reason: Restore to previous version.
allame61 is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2019
Old 11-23-2019 , 02:04   Re: Can Someone fix that code ?

where are the includes at top of the code ?
Mankled is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Turkey
Old 11-23-2019 , 04:28   Re: Can Someone fix that code ?

Originally Posted by allame61 View Post
I've decompiled a plugin , when i did this it gave me complicated code. can someone fix it ?

 #include <amxmodx>
#include <zombieplague>
#include <fun>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <xs>

new g_maxplayers;
new g_msgSayText;
new g_killzmoneround[33];
new g_survivelikehuman[33];
new g_infecthumoneround[33];
new g_killzmoneround1[33];
new g_infecthumoneround1[33];
new g_survivelikezombie[33];
new g_killzmoneround2[33];
new g_infecthumoneround2[33];
new g_zmkillinfectrowcount[33];
public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("[ZP] Mission System", "1.0", "ArtaNN");
	register_clcmd("say /missions", "menu_mission_system", -1, 1456, -1);
	register_clcmd("say /mission", "menu_mission_system", -1, 1456, -1);
	register_logevent("roundstart", 2, "1=Round_Start");
	register_event("DeathMsg", "DeathMsg", 1764, 1772);
	g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers();
	g_msgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText");
	return 0;

public menu_mission_system(id)
	new missionmenu = menu_create("\r[ZP]\y Choose your mission", "missionmenu_handler", g_maxplayers);
	new menu[100];
	if (8 <= g_killzmoneround[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Kill 8 Zombies in round\y [50AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[EASY]\w Kill 8 zombies in round\y [50AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 2372, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (g_survivelikehuman[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Survive round like human\y [50AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[EASY]\w Survive round like human\y [50AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 2756, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (8 <= g_infecthumoneround[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Infect 8 humans in round\y [50AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[EASY]\w Infect 8 humans in round\y [50AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 3140, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (12 <= g_killzmoneround1[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Kill 12 Zombies in round \y[100AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[MEDIUM]\w Kill 12 Zombies in round \y[100AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 3540, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (g_survivelikezombie[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Survive round like zombie\y [100AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[MEDIUM]\w Survive round like zombie\y [100AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 3948, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (12 <= g_infecthumoneround1[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Infect 12 humans in round\y [100AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[MEDIUM]\w Infect 12 humans in round\y [100AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 4356, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (20 <= g_killzmoneround2[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Kill 20 zombies in round\y [200AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[HARD]\w Kill 20 zombies in round\y [200AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 4748, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (20 <= g_infecthumoneround2[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Infect 20 humans in round\y [200AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[HARD]\w Infect 20 humans in round\y [200AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 5148, g_maxplayers, -1);
	if (10 <= g_zmkillinfectrowcount[id])
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[Unlocked]\w Kill 10 zombies and infect 10 humans\y [200AP]");
		formatex(menu, 99, "\r[HARD]\w Kill 10 zombies and infect 10 humans\y [200AP]");
	menu_additem(missionmenu, menu, 5636, g_maxplayers, -1);
	menu_setprop(missionmenu, 6, 1);
	menu_setprop(missionmenu, 1, 7);
	menu_display(id, missionmenu, g_maxplayers);
	return 0;

public missionmenu_handler(id, menu, item)
	return 0;

public roundstart()
	new players[32];
	new n;
	new playerid;
	get_players(players, n, 5644, 5648);
	new i;
	while (i < n)
		playerid = players[i];
		if (g_infecthumoneround[playerid] != 8)
			g_infecthumoneround[playerid] = 0;
		if (g_killzmoneround[playerid] != 8)
			g_killzmoneround[playerid] = 0;
		if (g_infecthumoneround1[playerid] != 12)
			g_infecthumoneround1[playerid] = 0;
		if (g_killzmoneround1[playerid] != 12)
			g_killzmoneround1[playerid] = 0;
		if (g_killzmoneround2[playerid] != 20)
			g_killzmoneround2[playerid] = 0;
		if (g_infecthumoneround2[playerid] != 20)
			g_infecthumoneround2[playerid] = 0;
		if (g_zmkillinfectrowcount[playerid] != 10)
			g_zmkillinfectrowcount[playerid] = 0;
	return 0;

public DeathMsg()
	new killer = read_data(1);
	new victim = read_data(2);
	if (victim == killer)
		return 1;
	new var1;
	if (1 <= killer <= 32 && 1 <= victim <= 32)
		if (human_mission_rewards(killer, victim))
			if (g_killzmoneround[killer] != 8)
				if (g_killzmoneround[killer] == 8)
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(killer, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(killer) + 50);
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(killer, "Your mission: Kill 8 zombies in round\nMission reward: 50 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(killer, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Kill 8 zombies in round.\x01 Mission reward: 50 Ammo Packs");
			if (g_killzmoneround1[killer] != 12)
				if (g_killzmoneround1[killer] == 12)
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(killer, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(killer) + 100);
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(killer, "Your mission: Kill 12 zombies in round\nMission reward: 100 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(killer, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Kill 12 zombies in round.\x01 Mission reward: 100 Ammo Packs");
			if (g_killzmoneround2[killer] != 20)
				if (g_killzmoneround2[killer] == 20)
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(killer, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(killer) + 200);
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(killer, "Your mission: Kill 20 zombies in round\nMission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(killer, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Kill 20 zombies in round.\x01 Mission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
			if (g_zmkillinfectrowcount[killer] != 10)
				if (g_zmkillinfectrowcount[killer] == 10)
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(killer, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(killer) + 200);
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(killer, "Your mission: Kill 10 zombies and infect 10 humans\nMission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(killer, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Kill 10 zombies and infect 10 humans.\x01 Mission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
	return 0;

public zp_user_infected_pre(infected, infector, nemesis)
	new var1;
	if (1 <= infected <= 32 && 1 <= infector <= 32)
		if (zombie_mission_rewards(infected, infector, nemesis))
			if (g_infecthumoneround[infector] != 8)
				if (g_infecthumoneround[infector] == 8)
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(infector, "Your mission: Infect 8 humans in round\nMission reward: 50 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(infector, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Infect 8 humans in round.\x01 Mission reward: 50 Ammo Packs");
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(infector, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(infector) + 50);
			if (g_infecthumoneround1[infector] != 12)
				if (g_infecthumoneround1[infector] == 12)
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(infector, "Your mission: Infect 12 humans in round\nMission reward: 100 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(infector, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Infect 12 humans in round.\x01 Mission reward: 100 Ammo Packs");
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(infector, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(infector) + 100);
			if (g_infecthumoneround2[infector] != 20)
				if (g_infecthumoneround2[infector] == 20)
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(infector, "Your mission: Infect 20 humans in round\nMission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(infector, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Infect 20 humans in round.\x01 Mission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(infector, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(infector) + 200);
			if (g_zmkillinfectrowcount[infector] != 10)
				if (g_zmkillinfectrowcount[infector] == 10)
					zp_set_user_ammo_packs(infector, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(infector) + 200);
					set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
					show_hudmessage(infector, "Your mission: Kill 10 zombies and infect 10 humans\nMission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
					zp_colored_print(infector, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Kill 10 zombies and infect 10 humans.\x01 Mission reward: 200 Ammo Packs");
	return 0;

public zp_round_ended(winteam)
	static id;
	id = 1;
	while (id <= g_maxplayers)
		if (winteam)
			if (zp_get_user_zombie(id))
				set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
				show_hudmessage(id, "Your mission: Survive round like Zombie\nMission reward: 100 Ammo Packs");
				zp_colored_print(id, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Survive round like Zombie.\x01 Mission reward: 100 Ammo Packs");
				zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) + 100);
			set_hudmessage(255, 20, 20, 1025758986, 1061997773, g_maxplayers, 1086324736, 1094713344, 1036831949, 1045220557, g_msgSayText);
			show_hudmessage(id, "Your mission: Survive round like Human\nMission reward: 50 Ammo Packs");
			zp_colored_print(id, "\x04[ZP]\x01 Your mission:\x03 Survive round like Human.\x01 Mission reward: 50 Ammo Packs");
			zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) + 50);
		id += 1;
	return 0;

public zombie_mission_rewards(infected, infector, turnedtonemesis)
	new var1;
	if (zp_get_user_zombie(infector) && !turnedtonemesis)
		return 1;
	return 0;

public human_mission_rewards(killer, victim)
	new var1;
	if (!zp_get_user_zombie(killer) && !zp_get_user_survivor(killer) && !zp_get_user_nemesis(victim) && zp_get_user_zombie(victim) && !zp_is_nemesis_round() && !zp_is_survivor_round())
		return 1;
	return 0;

public client_disconnect(id)
	g_killzmoneround[id] = 0;
	g_infecthumoneround[id] = 0;
	g_survivelikehuman[id] = 0;
	g_killzmoneround1[id] = 0;
	g_infecthumoneround1[id] = 0;
	g_survivelikezombie[id] = 0;
	g_killzmoneround2[id] = 0;
	g_infecthumoneround2[id] = 0;
	g_zmkillinfectrowcount[id] = 0;
	return 0;

zp_colored_print(target, message[])
	static argscount;
	static i;
	static buffer[512];
	argscount = numargs();
	if (!target)
		static player;
		player = 1;
		while (player <= g_maxplayers)
			if (is_user_connected(player))
				static changedcount;
				static changed[5];
				changedcount = 0;
				i = 2;
				while (i < argscount)
					if (getarg(i, g_maxplayers) == -1)
						setarg(i, g_maxplayers, player);
						changed[changedcount] = i;
						changedcount += 1;
					i += 1;
				vformat(buffer, 511, message, 3);
				message_begin(g_killzmoneround, g_msgSayText, 13924, player);
				i = 0;
				while (i < changedcount)
					setarg(changed[i], g_maxplayers, -1);
					i += 1;
			player += 1;
		vformat(buffer, 511, message, 3);
		message_begin(1, g_msgSayText, 13924, target);
	return 0;

Last edited by asherkin; 11-24-2019 at 11:26. Reason: Restore to previous version.
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Sanjay Singh
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Old 11-23-2019 , 05:42   Re: Can Someone fix that code ?

provide zombieplague.inc file
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Old 11-23-2019 , 06:33   Re: Can Someone fix that code ?

already #include <zombieplague>
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Sanjay Singh
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Old 11-23-2019 , 09:15   Re: Can Someone fix that code ?

Originally Posted by allame61 View Post
already #include <zombieplague>
i dont have that file so cant compile without it.
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Old 11-23-2019 , 09:29   Re: Can Someone fix that code ?

Originally Posted by Sanjay Singh View Post
i dont have that file so cant compile without it.
Attached Files
File Type: inc zombieplague.inc (12.0 KB, 21 views)

Originally Posted by fysiks View Post
Please stop trying to help. You appear to just be posting random stuff. Wait until you actually understand more about AMX Mod X and how the game works.
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