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UltimatePlugin v1.5.0b [Menu + API + ColorChat + Selectivity] (13-Aug-2014)

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Plugin Info:     Modification:   Counter-Strike        Category:   Server Management       
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Old 04-07-2013 , 22:06   UltimatePlugin v1.5.0b [Menu + API + ColorChat + Selectivity] (13-Aug-2014)
Reply With Quote #1

by tonykaram1993


We all know the famous amx_super plugin. Most servers use it as a wonderful administrative tool to let admins take control over their servers and manage it in a better and more efficient way. At first I started by editing that plugin to make it use less resources and do things in a better way (AFAIK). But later, I ended up rewriting the whole thing from scratch (ofc it is based on amx_super so a lot of resemblance can be found). I hope I succeeded in my mission. I am not the best coder there is, but I think I have some good knowledge in scripting (I hope ).

NOTE: why post this plugin if you can use the original amx_super? Well AFAIK, amx_super has stopped being worked on or progress is going immensely slow since the developers/authors are busy. Have a look here .

Plugins Included


	Admin Check 				(by OneEyed)
	Admin Restart/Shutdown 			(by Hawk552)
	Admin Heal 				(by F117Bomb)
	Admin Armor 				(by F117Bomb)
	Admin Bury/Unbury 			(by v3x)
	Admin Ammo 				(by AssKicR)
	Admin Revive 				(by anakin_cstrike)
	Admin Disarm 				(by mike_cao)
	Admin Noclip 				(by watch)
	Admin Godmode 				(by watch)
	Admin Blanks 				(by EKS)
	Admin NoBuy 				(by AssKicR)
	Admin Score 				(by Freecode)
	Admin Listen 				(by sMaxim)
	Admin Rocket 				(by F117Bomb)
	Admin Extend 				(by JSauce)
	Admin Speed 				(by X-olent)
	Admin Badaim 				(by Twistedeuphoria)
	Admin Drug 				(by X-Olent)
	Admin Lock 				(by Bmann_420)
	Admin Gravity 				(by JustinHoMi)
	Admin PersonalGravity 			(by GHW_Chronic)
	Admin Auto-Slay 			(by fezh)
	Admin Password 				(by Sparky911)
	Admin Transfer 				(by Deviance)
	Admin Swap 				(by Deviance)
	Admin Team Swap 			(by Deviance)
	Admin Glow 				(by Kensai)
	Admin Glow2 				(by Kensai)
	Admin Gag 				(by EKS)

	Reset Score                             (by silentt)
	Command Search                          (by GHW_Chronic)
	Advanced Bullet Damage                  (by Sn!ff3r)
	Spawn Refund                            (by tonykaram1993)
	Auto Restart                            (by vato loco [GE-S])
	Aim Practice                            (by rompom7)
	Dead Listen                             (by sMaxim)
	Standard Admin Color Chat               (by vandercal)
	AFK Bomb Transfer                       (by VEN)
	Join/Leave Announcments                 (by BigBaller)
	Shown Dead Spectator Fix                (by Vantage)
	C4 Timer                                (by Cheap_Suit)
	No More Rcon                            (by ??)
	AFK Manager                             (by hoboman)
	Player IP                               (by tonykaram1993)
	Loading Songs                           (by White Panther)
	Spectator Menu Bug Fix                  (by Gray Death)
	To Spec and Back                        (by Regalis)
	Mute Menu                               (by Cheap_Suit)
	Spawn Protection                        (by tonykaram1993)


Client Commands:

NOTE: all chat commands are applicable through 'say' and 'say_team'


/rs            - Resets player score
/resetscore    - Resets player score
/admin         - Prints the list of online admins
/admins        - Prints the list of online admins
/spec          - Transfer player to spec without affecting the score
/unspec        - Transfer player back to his team without affecting the score
/gravity       - Check the current gravity
/alltalk       - Check the alltalk value
/version       - Prints the name and version of the plugin
/mute          - Pops up a menu were you can mute individual players
/randmusic     - Plays a random song from the loading songs (if you have a cd in the tray, it will play one of those songs)
/stopmusic     - Stops the song in play

/upmenu        - Opens up the commands menu (only if the 'UltimatePluginMenu' plugin is installed)
Admin Commands:

[ ]          : optional
< >          : obligatory
|            : or
#            : number
@T           : Terrorists
@CT          : Counter-Terrorists
@ALL         : All
@SPEC        : Spectators


amx_heal "<nick | #userid | authid | @> <#hp>"                                       - Gives player certain ammount of health (ALIVE ONLY)     
	amx_heal tony 10                                                             - Gives tony 10 hp    
	amx_heal @CT 10                                                              - Gives CT players 10 hp     

amx_hp "<nick | #userid | authid | @> <#hp>"                                         - Sets player health to a certain ammount (ALIVE ONLY)     
	amx_hp tony 10                                                               - Sets tony's hp to 10     
	amx_hp @ALL 1                                                                - Sets everyone's hp to 1  
amx_armor "<nick | #userid | authid | @> <#ap"                                       - Gives player certain ammount of armor (ALIVE ONLY)     
	amx_armor tony 100                                                           - Gives tony 100 armor     
	amx_armor @T 50                                                              - Gives T players 50 armor      

amx_ap "<nick | #userid | authid | @> <#ap"                                          - Sets player armor to a certain ammount (ALIVE ONLY)     
	amx_ap tony 0                                                                - Sets tony's armor to 0     
	amx_ap @SPEC 100                                                             - Sets ALIVE specator players's armor to 100      

amx_unammo "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1]                                    - 0:Off | 1:On"                 - Give player unlimited CLIP ammo (ALIVE ONLY) (NO PARAM = OFF)     
	amx_unammo tony 1                                                            - Turn ON unlimited clip ammo for tony     
	amx_unammo @ALL                                                              - Turn OFF everyone's unlimited clip ammo      

amx_unammobp "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1]                                  - 0:Off | 1:On"                - Give player unlimited BP ammo (ALIVE ONLY) (NO EFFECT IF PLAYER HAS UNLIMITED CLIP AMMO)  (NO PARAM = Off)     
	amx_unammobp tony 1                                                          - Turn ON unlimited bp ammo for tiny     
	amx_unammobp @T                                                              - Turn OFF unlimited bp ammo for all T players      

amx_score "<nick | #userid | authid | @> <#frags> <#deaths>"                         - Change player's frags and deaths     
	amx_score tony 2000 2                                                        - Set tony's score to 2000 frags and 2 deaths (I rock :P)     
	amx_score @ALL 0 0                                                           - Set everyone's score to 0 frags and 0 deaths      

amx_revive "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [#health] [#armor]"                        - Make a player respawn in his spawn     
	amx_revive tony                                                              - Revives tony     
	amx_revive @CT 250                                                           - Revives CT players with 250 health and 0 armor     
	amx_revive @T 100 100                                                        - Revives T players with 100 health and 100 armor      

amx_noclip "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1 | 2]                                - 0:Off | 1:On | 2:On + Every Round"    - Set a player's noclip status (NO PARAM = OFF) (ALIVE ONLY)    
	amx_noclip tony 2                                                            - Give tony noclip every round     
	amx_noclip @CT 1                                                             - Give CT players noclip for one round    
	amx_noclip @T                                                                - Remove T players' noclip      
 amx_godmode "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1 | 2]                              - 0:Off | 1:On | 2:On + Every Round"    - Set a player's godmode status (NO PARAM = OFF) (ALIVE ONLY)     
	amx_godmode tony 2                                                           - Give tony godmode every round     
	amx_godmode @CT 1                                                            - Give CT players godmode for one round     
	amx_godmode @T                                                               - Remove T players's godmode      

amx_userorigin "<nick | #userid | authid | @>"                                       - Save a player's origin (ALIVE ONLY)     
	amx_userorigin tony                                                          - Save tony's origin coordinates (to be used later in amx_teleport)      

amx_teleport "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [x] [y] [z]"                             - Teleport player to an origin (NO PARAM = SAVED ORIGIN) (ALIVE ONLY)     
	amx_teleport tony                                                            - Teleport tony to location saved when amx_userorigin is used     
	amx_teleport @CT 0 0 0                                                       - Teleprt CT players to location x=0 y=0 z=0  

amx_speed "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1]                                     - 0:Off | 1:On"                - Set a player's speed status (NO PARAM = OFF) (ALIVE ONLY)     
	amx_speed tony 1                                                             - Give tony speed     
	amx_speed @ALL                                                               - Remove everyone's speed      

amx_drug "<nick | #userid | authid | @>"                                             - Give player drugs (ALIVE ONLY)     
	amx_drug tony                                                                - Give tony drugs     
	amx_drug @ALL                                                                - Give everyone drugs      

amx_weapon "<nick | #userid | authid | @> <weaponname | weaponid> [ammo]"            - Give a player a weapon (NO AMMO = MAX WEAPON AMMO) (ALIVE ONLY)     
	amx_weapon tony ak47                                                         - Give tony ak47 with full bp ammo      
	amx_weapon tony 46 10                                                        - Give tony awp (awp = #46) with 10 bp ammo     
	amx_weapon @ALL deagle                                                       - Give all players deagles with full bp ammo

ADMIN_LEVEL_B (punishments):
amx_blanks "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1]                                  - 0:Off | 1:On"                - Make player's bullets without damage (NO PARAM = OFF)
    amx_blanks tony 1                                                              - Give tony blank bullets
    amx_blanks @ALL                                                                - Remove everyone's blank bullets
amx_nobuy "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1]                                   - 0:Off | 1:On"                - Set players ability to buy weapons (NO PARAM = OFF)
    amx_nobuy tony 1                                                               - Disable tony's ability to buy weapons
    amx_nobuy @ALL                                                                 - Allow everybody to buy weapons
amx_bury "<nick | #userid | authid | @>"                                           - Put player in the ground and strip weapons (ALIVE ONLY)
    amx_bury tony                                                                  - Bury tony
    amx_bury @T                                                                    - Bury all T players
amx_unbury "<nick | #userid | authid | @>"                                         - Remove player from the ground (ALIVE ONLY)
    amx_unbury tony                                                                - Unbury tony 
    amx_unbury @T                                                                  - Unbury all T players
amx_disarm "<nick | #userid | authid | @>"                                         - Remove player's weapons (ALIVE ONLY)
    amx_disarm tony                                                                - Disarm tony
    amx_disarm @SPEC                                                               - Disarm ALIVE spectators
amx_uberslap "<nick | #userid | authid | @>"                                       - Slaps player with power repetadely (ALIVE ONLY)
    amx_uberslap tony                                                              - Slaps tony repetadely
    amx_uberslap @CT                                                               - Slaps CT players repetadely
amx_fire "<nick | #userid | authid | @>"                                           - Set player on fire (ALIVE ONLY)
    amx_fire tony                                                                  - Set tony on fire
    amx_fire @T                                                                    - Set T players on fire
amx_autoslay "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1]                                - 0:Off | 1:On"                - Set player's auto slay status (NO PARAM = OFF)
    amx_autoslay tony 1                                                            - Auto slay tony every time he spawns
    amx_autoslay @ALL                                                              - Turn everyone's auto slay status to off
amx_rocket "<nick | #userid | authid | @>"                                         - Make a rocket out of a player a.k.a. kill (ALIVE ONLY)
    amx_rocket tony                                                                - Rocket tony
    amx_rocket @SPEC                                                               - Rocket ALIVE spectator players
amx_badaim  "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1 | #seconds]"                     - Set player's badaim status (ALIVE ONLY)  (NO PARAM = OFF)
    amx_badaim tony 20                                                             - Give tony badaim for 20 seconds
    amx_badaim @ALL                                                                - Remove everyone's badadim
    amx_badaim @T 1                                                                - Set Terrorist player's badaim status to 1 
amx_slay2 "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1 | 2]                               - 0:Lightning | 1:Blood | 2:Explode"    - Slay a player in different way (ALIVE ONLY) (NO PARAM = LIGHTNING)
    amx_slay2 tony 2                                                               - Make tony explode
    amx_slay2 @ALL                                                                 - Make all players get struck by lightning and die
    amx_slay2 @T 1                                                                 - Make all T players gore blood and die

amx_gag "<nick | #userid | authid> [a | b | c] [#time] [reason]"                        - Gags the player with the specified flags (NO PARAM = DEFAULT)
    amx_gag tony                                                                   - Gags tony for 10 minutes and with all flags
    amx_gag @ALL                                                                   - INVALID
    amx_gag tony abc 120 "because i can"                                   - Gags tony with reason "because i can"

amx_ungag "<nick | #userid | authid>"                                              - Ungags players
    amx_ungag tony                                                                 - Ungags tony
    amx_ungag @T                                                                   - INVALID

ADMIN_LEVEL_C (others):
amx_pgravity "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [#gravity]"                           - Change individual player's gravity (NO PARAM = OFF)
    amx_pgravity tony 100                                                         - Give ONLY tony 100 gravity
    amx_pgravity @ALL                                                             - Set everyone's gravity to default
amx_pass "<password>"                                                             - Change the server's password
    amx_pass tonyrocks                                                            - Change the server's password to "tonyrocks"
amx_nopass                                                                        - Remove the server's password
    amx_nopass                                                                    - Removes the password
amx_ip "[nick | #userid | authid | @]"                                            - Get a players ip (NO PARAM = ALL PLAYERS)
    amx_ip tony                                                                   - Prints tony's ip
    amx_ip                                                                        - Prints everyone's ip
amx_transfer "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [t | ct | spec]"                      - Transfer a player to another team (NO PARAM = OPPOSITE TEAM)
    amx_transfer tony                                                             - Transfer tony to CT if he is T or to T if he is CT
    amx_transfer @CT t                                                            - Transfer all CT players to terrorist team
amx_swap "<nick | #userid | authid> <nick | #userid | authid>"                    - Swap two players with each others (ONLY PLAYERS WITH OPPOSITE TEAMS)
    amx_swap tony johndoe                                                         - Swap both players
amx_swapteams                                                                     - Swap two teams with each others
    amx_swapteams                                                                 - Swaps all players
amx_glow "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [#r] [#g] [#b] [#a]"                      - Glow player (NO PARAM = OFF) (ALIVE ONLY)
    amx_glow tony red                                                             - Glows tony red
    amx_glow @ALL                                                                 - Turn's off everyone's glow
    amx_glow @T 0 0 255 100                                                       - Glow terrorist players blue with alpha (a.k.a. transparency) 100
amx_glow2 "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [#r] [#g] [#b] [#a]"                     - Glow player permanently (NO PARAM = OFF) (ALIVE ONLY)
    amx_glow2 tony red                                                            - Glows tony red
    amx_glow2 @ALL                                                                - Turn's off everyone's glow
    amx_glow2 @T 0 0 255 100                                                      - Glow terrorist players blue with alpha (a.k.a. transparency) 100

ADMIN_LEVEL_D (affects everybody):
amx_hsonly "[0 | 1]                                                - 0:Off | 1:On"                                 - Set or remove headshot only gameplay (NO PARAM = OFF)
    amx_hsonly 1                                                   - Turn on hs only
    amx_hsonly                                                     - Turn off hs only
amx_extend "<#minutes>"                                            - Extend map by minutes
    amx_extend 10                                                  - Extend map 10 minutes
amx_lock "<CT | T | AUTO | SPEC>"                                  - Lock teams (NO PARAM = ALL TEAMS)
    amx_lock ct                                                    - Lock ct team
    amx_lock                                                       - Lock all teams
amx_unlock "<CT | T | AUTO | SPEC>"                                - Unlock team (NO PARAM = ALL TEAMS)
    amx_unlock t                                                   - Unlock t team
    amx_unlock                                                     - Unlock all teams
amx_gravity "[#gravity]"                                           - Change general gravity (NO PARAM = CHECK VALUE)
    amx_gravity 100                                                - Change gravity to 100
    amx_gravity                                                    - Check gravity value
amx_reloadcvars                                                - Reload all cvars
    amx_reloadcvars                                            - Reloads all cvars and changes take place immediately
amx_restart "<timer>                                           - Min:0 | Max:60 | Cancel:-1"                         - Restarts server by a timer (NO PARAM = 0)
    amx_restart                                                - Instant server restart
    amx_restart 15                                             - Restart in 15 seconds
amx_shutdown "<timer>                                          - Min:0 | Max:60 | Cancel:-1"                         - Shuts down server by a timer (NO PARAM = 0)
    amx_shutdown                                               - Instant server shutdown
    amx_shutdown 15                                            - Shutdown in 15 seconds
amx_search "<command>"                                         - Search all commands containing that part
    amx_seach glow                                             - Seachs for all commands containing "glow" in it

amx_ultimatepluginmenu                                         - Open the UltimatePluginMenu from console (ONLY IF UltimatePluginMenu IS INSTALLED)


NOTE: after changing the cvar, you will need to execute 'amx_reloadcvars' in the console for changes to take place, or wait for a new round.

// UltimatePlugin Configuration File
// ---------------------------------

// Author: "tonykaram1993"
// Version: "1.0.3"
// Plugin: "UltimatePlugin"

// Note: 0:Disable | 1:Enable

// Enable or disable the resetscore feature for all players
// Values: 0 | 1
// Default: 1
up_resetscore "1"

// Enable or disable the display messages to all players when 
// a player resets his score
// Values: 0 | 1
// Default: 1
up_resetscore_display "1"

// Enable or disable the admin check for normal players
// Values: 0 | 1
// Default: 1
up_admincheck "1"

// Enable or disable the display of done and received damage next
// to the crosshair
// Values: 0 | 1
// Deafault: 1
up_abd "1"

// Enable or disable the display of done damage through the walls
// Values: 0 | 1
// Default: 1
// Note: this will not function 100% correctly, as sometimes it might not
// catch correctly done damage. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
up_abd_walls "1"

// Enable or disable giving players a set ammount of money
// when they spawn
// Values: 0 | 1
// Deafult: 1
up_money "1"

// Set the ammount of money given when player is spawn
// Note: up_money must be 1 for this to take effect
// Deafult: 16000
up_money_ammount "16000"

// Enable or disable automatically restarting the round
// after map change or server start
// Values: 0 | 1
// Default: 1
up_autorr "0"

// Set the delay to automatically restart the round after map
// change or server start
// Note: up_autorr must be 1 for this to take effect
// Default: 45
up_autorr_delay "45"

// Enable or disable the use of only knife during autorr
// Note: players will not be able to buy weapons during this time
// Default: 1
up_autorr_knife "1"

// Enable or disable admin being able to see all chat messages
// Values: 0 | 1
// Default: 1
up_adminlisten "1"

// Enable or disable the ability for admin to see teamchat messages
// Values: 0 | 1
// Deafult: 1
up_adminlisten_team "1"

// Enable or disable dead players being able to see alive chat
// messages (say/say_team proof)
// Values: 0 | 1
// Default: 1
up_deadlisten "1"

// Enable or disable the ability for dead players to see alive players'
// team chat messages
// Values: 0 | 1
// Default: 0
up_deadlisten_team "0"

// Enable or disable afk checking
// Values: 0 | 1
// Default: 1
up_afk "1"

// Set the afk time a player can be at most
// Default: 60
// Note: you are advised to choose a number that is a multiple of 5 (or AFK_FREQUENCY
// that is in the source file)
up_afk_time "60"

// Set the type of punishment the player gets when he is afk
// Values: 0:No punishment | 1:Transfer to spec | 2:Kick player
up_afk_punishment "1"

// Enable or disable spectator afk checking
// Values: 0 | 1
// Default: 1
up_afk_spectators "1"

// Set the time that spectators can stay in spec
// Default: 180
// Note: you are advised to choose a number that is a multiple of 5 (or AFK_FREQUENCY
// that is in the source file)
up_afk_spectators_time "180"

// Enable or disable check of the bomb carrier if he is afk,
// and transfer the bomb to a non afk player
// Values: 0 | 1
// Default: 1
up_afkbombtransfer "1"

// Set the time that the player has to be afk in order to make
// the bomb transfer
// Default: 10
// Note: you are advised to choose a number that is a multiple of 5 (or AFK_FREQUENCY
// that is in the source file)
up_afkbombtransfer_time "10"

// Set whether a bomb timer is shown in place of the round time
// when bomb is planted
// Values: 0 | 1
// Default: 1
up_c4timer "1"

// Set the maximum number of minutes a map can be extended at most
// Default: 45
up_extend_max "45"

// Enalbe or disable the /spec command
// Values: 0 | 1
// Default: 1
up_speccommand "1"

// Specify the default time of gag
// Default: 600
// Note: this is in seconds, and not minutes (so 600 seconds is 10 minutes)
up_gag_time "600"

// Specify the default flags of gag
// Default: abc
up_gag_flags "abc"

// Enable or disable name changing when gagged
// Values: 0 | 1
// Default: 1
up_gag_blocknamechange "1"

// Disable or choose what type of join/leave announcements
// Values: 0:Disable | 1:HUD | 2:Chat
up_joinleave_announcements "0"

// Set the welcome messages
// Default: "%name% has joined!\nEnjoy the Server!\nCurrent Ranking is %rankpos%"
// Note: leave empty if you want to disable only welcome messages
up_connect_message "%name% has joined!\nEnjoy the Server!\nCurrent Ranking is %rankpos%"

// Set the leave messages
// Default: "%name% has left!\nHope to see you back sometime."
// Note: leave empty if you want to disable only leave messages
up_leave_message "%name% has left!\nHope to see you back sometime."

// Set the prefix for ingame messages
// Default: [UP]
up_plugin_prefix "[UP]"

// Set the time of the advertisement message (or disable it)
// Default: 10
// Note: type 0 to disable it. I ask you not to disable it, cause that way players
// will know what plugin is running and it becomes more popular. Thank you!
up_advertisement "10"

// Set the time or disable the spawn protection feature
// Default: 0
up_sp "0"

// Enable or disable glowing effect when sp is active
// Default: 1
// Note: 0:No Glow | 1:Team color glow | 2:white glow
up_sp_glow "1"

// Other essentiel cvars
sv_maxspeed "9999"		// This is a must in order for amx_speed to work properly

Customizable Defines

NOTE: these are the defines that you can customize to your liking. After editing them, you will need to recompile the plugin for it to take effect (you need to edit these in the source file a.k.a. '.sma')
/*     Below is the section where normal people can safely edit     its values.     Please if you don't know how to code, refrain from editing     anything outside the safety zone.         Experienced coders are free to edit what they want, but I     will not reply to any private messages nor emails about hel-     ping you with it.         SAFETY ZONE STARTS HERE */ /*     Set this to your maximum number of players your server can     hold. */ #define MAX_PLAYERS     32 /*     If you wish not to have green message on your server, you     should comment line 133. Else keep it as it is.         Commenting a line is when you add '//' at the beginning of     the line.         NOTE: if GREEN_CHAT is defined, then the plugin must be     above the admin_chat.amxx plugin in the plugins.ini file.     Else the std admin color chat, will not function. */ #define GREEN_CHAT      1 /*     This will control whether green messages are shown. Comment     to disable the colored messages     Note: prefix is always colored in green */ #define COLOR_CHAT      1 /*     ADMIN_LISTEN is the access the admin must have in order to     see all the players' messages. For the full list of admin     rights, please check the following file:     c:\...\scripting\includes\amxconst.txt. */ #define ADMIN_LISTEN        ADMIN_BAN /*     Below are the limits that admins can use to set the health/armor     of a player. The reason that this exists is to prevent admin     from giving players 200,000 health/armor and risk crash the     server. */ #define MIN_HEALTH      1   #define MAX_HEALTH      20000 #define MIN_ARMOR       0 #define MAX_ARMOR       1000 /*     Below are the default values of each the health and armor     whitch are used when the admin who revives a player does     not specify an exact ammount of health and/or armor.         Note: MIN_/MAX_ HEALTH/ARMOR values still apply. */ #define SPAWN_DEF_HEALTH    100 #define SPAWN_DEF_ARMOR     0 /*     Below is to specify whether the revive function include     already alive players or skips them. If you want that alive     players gets counted, then leave it as it is, else comment     line 173.         Commenting a line is when you add '//' at the beginning of     the line. */ #define REVIVE_ALIVE        1 /*     Below are the default, minimun and maximum values that the     restart/shutdown timer take. Default timer is when the admin     who wants to restart/shutdown the server does not specify it.         Note: 0 means instant restart/shutdown */ #define DEF_TIMER       0 #define MIN_TIMER       0 #define MAX_TIMER       60 /*     Below is the delay that it takes to auto slay a player after     he has spawned.         Note: this value must be a float (float means that its a deci-     mel number even if the first number after the '.' is a 0)     ex: 2.5, 0.1, 5.0 (5.0 and not 5). */ #define DELAY_AUTOSLAY      Float:2.5 /*     After a player is revived by an admin, he normally doesn't     get any weapons, but I am giving them their default spawn     weapons (CT:USP | T:GLOCK18). And here you can specify how     much back pack ammo they get with the weapon. */ #define BPAMMO_USP      24 #define BPAMMO_GLOCK18      40 /*     Here you can specify how much damage a player gets per 2     seconds when he is set on fire by an admin.         Note: even if the damage is set to a negative number, it     will automatically take the absolute value if it     ex: setting it to -10 is like setting it to 10 */ #define FIRE_DAMAGE     10 /*     In here you can define what are the limits that an admin     can extend the map by step. So that the admin cannot ext-     end more than 15 minutes at one time for example. */ #define MIN_EXTEND      1 #define MAX_EXTEND      15 /*     Here you can specify what access the admin has to have in     order to see the IP and STEAM ID of the joining/leaving     player, else do not display IP nor STEAM ID. */ #define ADMIN_DISCONNECT    ADMIN_BAN #define ADMIN_AUTHORIZED    ADMIN_BAN /*     AFK specific settings are below here.     + Frequency: each what number of seconds, the plugin checks     for afk players     + Immunity: what flag the admin must to be immune     + Warning: when he has that many seconds left, he is warned */ #define AFK_FREQUENCY       5 #define AFK_IMMUNITY        ADMIN_IMMUNITY #define AFK_WARNING     10 /*     In the following, you can specify the model that the players     would get if they have been transfered by an admin. */ #define CS_T_MODEL      CS_T_LEET #define CS_CT_MODEL     CS_CT_URBAN /*     This is to ensure the admin executing amx_search     does not get overflowed. A max ammount of commands     is set. Besides having that many commands means just     like paging amx_help */ #define MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS  30 /*     These are the minimums and maximum of the gag time     an admin can set on a player. They are in minutes. */ #define GAG_MIN         1 #define GAG_MAX         60 /*     This is where you stop. Editing anything below this point     might lead to some serious errors, and you will not get any     support if you do.         SAFETY ZONE ENDS HERE */

Installation Instructions

Note: it is recommended to use the latest version of this plugin, using an older version is not supported.

UltimatePlugin Installation Instructions:

First of all, I would like to thank you for using UltimatePlugin. You have made a good choice!
Now for the installation instructions, please look below.
Note: UltimatePlugin now supports amxmodx 1.8.2 and amxmodx 1.8.3. While it will work on both,
using this plugin on amxmodx 1.8.3 is gonna be faster, you will not notice the difference.

In this .zip file you will find everything you need to make the plugin work on your server. You only
need to do two small steps.
1. Download a copy of UltimatePlugin.amxx and UltimatePluginMenu.amxx from the alliedmods. To do
   so, click on 'Get Plugin' for both files (UltimatePlugin.sma and UltimatePluginMenu.sma)
   Note: if you have amxmodx 1.8.3, you will need to compile the plugin locally because the web
   compiler is on 1.8.2 at the writing of this post.
2. Place those two files in the 'addons/amxmodx/plugins' folder.
3. Extract and copy all the files to their respective folders. In the .zip file, everything is in
   the correct folder, so all you have to do is merge to the folders together, and you are done.
4. Last but not least, go to the following file: 'addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini'. Now look for
   the following line: 'adminchat.ammx'. After you locate that line, add directly ABOVE it the following:
   'UltimatePlugin.sma'. Then add at the very bottom of the file the following: 'UltimatePluginMenu.amxx'
   Note: do NOT include the quotes when writing them.
Now the plugins is installed. For the changes to take effect, you will need to restart your server, or 
simply change the map.

ATTENTION: you might ask, why are there 3 language files? The answer is simple, some players do not
like greeen chat messages, therefore they have the opportunity to change that in the source code.
If '#define GREEN_CHAT 1' is commented, on the prefix is set in green color, else it is colored.

API Natives

Note: For the full .inc file, check the zip package.

/*     The below get natives are pretty much self explanatory.     Note:   - those natives return 1 if positive/success and 0 if negative/failure.         - for the get natives, it will return -1 on failure (for example user is         not connected or dead) */ native up_get_user_unammo( iPlayerID ); native up_get_user_unammobp( iPlayerID ); native up_get_user_speed( iPlayerID ); native up_get_user_blanks( iPlayerID ); native up_get_user_nobuy( iPlayerID ); native up_get_user_fire( iPlayerID ); native up_get_user_autoslay( iPlayerID ); native up_get_user_badaim( iPlayerID ); native up_get_user_afk( iPlayerID ); native up_get_user_mute( iPlayerID, iMutePlayerID ); native up_set_user_unammo( iPlayerID, iState = 0 ); native up_set_user_unammobp( iPlayerID, iState = 0 ); native up_set_user_speed( iPlayerID, iState = 0 ); native up_set_user_blanks( iPlayerID, iState = 0 ); native up_set_user_nobuy( iPlayerID, iState = 0 ); native up_set_user_fire( iPlayerID, iState = 0 ); native up_set_user_autoslay( iPlayerID, iState = 0 ); native up_set_user_badaim( iPlayerID, iState = 0 ); native up_user_revive( iPlayerID ); native up_user_drug( iPlayerID ); native up_user_bury( iPlayerID ); native up_user_unbury( iPlayerID ); native up_user_disarm( iPlayerID ); native up_user_uberslap( iPlayerID ); native up_user_rocket( iPlayerID ); /*     The below natives will lock/unlock teams.     strTeam can start with:     't', 'T': TERRORIST     'c', 'C': COUNTER     's', 'S': SPEC     'a', 'A': AUTO     Will return 1 on success and 0 on failure     */ native up_lock_team( strTeam[ ] ); native up_unlock_team( strTeam[ ] ); /*     The below native will slay the player in another way than normal.     0: Lightning     1: Blood     3: Explode     Will return 1 on success and 0 on failure */ native up_user_slay2( iPlayerID, iType ); /*     The following native will return the gag flags of the user.     Note: you would have to use get_flags after getting the sum     of bits if you don't know what the sum of bits is equal to.     Will return 1 on success and 0 on failure */ native up_get_user_gag( iPlayerID ); /*     The below native will gag a user. Flags range from 'a' to 'c'.     You can combine flags like so 'ab' or 'abc'.     'a': gag say     'b': gag say_team     'c': gag voice_com     Will return 1 on success and 0 on failure */ native up_set_user_gag( iPlayerID, strFlags[ ] = "^0" ); /*     The below native will turn ON or OFF HS only on the server.     Note: 0 means OFF and 1 means ON     Will return 1 on success and 0 on failure */ native up_get_hsonly( ); native up_set_hsonly( iState ); /*     The below native will set the frags and deaths of a user.     Will return 1 on success and 0 on failure */ native up_set_user_score( iPlayerID, iFrags, iDeaths );

Known Bugs:
  • In the 'UltimatePluginMenu' plugin, the amx_restart command will not work. You will have to issue it manually. Why? It is because of the 2013 HLDS update, they blocked the '_restart' command which is contained in the 'amx_restart' command. I am afraid there is no workaround for this bug.

Screen Shots:





  • If you like this plugin and the layout, rate this thread 5 stars for a piece of .
  • To report an issue with the plugin or even suggest an improvement, do so in the comments .
  • Questions that can be answered by reading this post will be ignored.
  • To view the full change log of the plugin, please go here .
  • To submit a translation please do so here.
  • For a list of servers using this plugin, please go on game-monitor or gametracker.
  • If you would like to talk to me in private, send me an e-mail to the following e-mail address [email protected].
  • If you want to view the source code, view it under these conditions in any text editor :
        Notepad++ Allied Modders Edition v6.2
        Style Configuration:    Default
        Font:                   Consolas
        Font size:              10
        Indent Tab:             8 spaces


  • Menu (DONE)
    After three days of hard work, the menu plugin is finished and can be downloaded below. I made it as much as user friendly as possible. Hope it worked, and let me know in the comments below.
  • Selectivity (100% DONE - BETA)
    Yes, Yes and Yes. Finally it's done, selectivity has been implemented. However, this feature is still in beta, please test it and report back to me. If it's a success I will release it as a stable version. Go to the Beta section and download it.
  • Multilingual (DONE)
    I have already started working on it, and progress is good. I have finished the language text file, now all to do is go throught all the chat messages in the source code and replace them with the according format. This as you can see takes time since the plugin has a lot of messages to display.
  • API (DONE)
    Yep, API is ready to roll. I have tested the API myself for about two days, trying several combinations and so one. Until now, no major flaws were found just minute ones and they have been fixed. Developers, if you want something new added (new native, forward, ...etc), please let me know.
  • ColorChat (DONE)
    Yes ColorChat has finally been integrated into 1.8.3 and it is finally available on UltimatePlugin. Took a bit longer than expected but it worked. Please check the README.txt files in each .zip package to get a better understanding.


Code also available on Github:
Attached Files
File Type: zip UltimatePlugin.zip (57.6 KB, 1633 views)
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (UltimatePlugin.sma - 2491 views - 233.2 KB)
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (UltimatePluginMenu.sma - 2056 views - 28.7 KB)
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Last edited by tonykaram1993; 02-24-2018 at 09:02. Reason: updated selectivity story :P
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Old 04-07-2013 , 22:07   UltimatePlugin + Menu Changelogs and Betas
Reply With Quote #2

Change Log

+ something added/new
- something removed
* important note
x bug fix or improvement

A: 0 -> beta | 1 -> public
B: new functionality added
C: minor bug fix or improvement
  • v0.0.1b: * plugin written
  • v0.0.2b: x removed afk task check when last player leaves server x re-initialized afk task check when player joins server - removed debug function x stripped the player after being buried so he cannot throw grenades anymore x allowed amx_autoslay on dead clients (you needed to catch player alive to remove) x fixed +jump command on players when being rocketed + added check if pgravity value is zero, warn admin + added a cap limit to command search results, stops player overflow
  • v0.1.0b: + added loading songs plugin to the list + added spectator menu bug fix plugin + added glow/2 plugins to the list + re-added debug function (commented) + added /spec and /unspec (bug fixed)
  • v0.1.1b: x allowed score changing on dead players x allowed blanks and bobuy setting on dead players x fixed amx_ip not working on targets x removed alive checking when transfering x removed alive checking when swapping two players
  • v0.1.2b: x changed max, min and clamp to engine and not functions (seems to work again) + added alive/connected checks for all tasks (where players are involved and neccessary) x removed task when task is repeated several times and that user is not connected + added a small advertisement message + added /gravity and /alltalk as client commands + added the configuration auto execution (forgot about that earlier :( ) + added sv_maxspeed to the config file
  • v1.0.0: x added preprocessor if for the colorchat enum x fixed memory access bug in the transfer command x reused function way of min, max and clamp, since weird values was being found * plugin out of beta
  • v1.0.1: + now the plugin automatically reloads cvars on new round + added gag plugin to the list (tested as much as i can alone) * after adding gag, i figured i might add reconnect support in the following week
  • v1.0.2: x fixed stupid typo that prevented loading songs from working
  • v1.0.3: x fixed PLUGIN_VERSION wrongly configured x relocalized some global arrays to local static ones (arkshine)
  • v1.0.4: * changed amx_search access from ADMIN_ADMIN to ADMIN_MENU x fixed displaying the wrong message when unlocking a team * removed some defines from the safety zone x changed iRandom variable in client_connect from 'new' to 'static' x changed variables in client_infochanged from 'new' to 'static'
  • v1.0.5: x fixed /spec working on old style menus (perviously it was only blocked on vgui menus) x fixed cvars being loaded before config execution x fixed dead players not seeing alive chat when enabled (MPNumB) x fixed typo with client_authorized
  • v1.1.0: + added ability to remove connect and disconnect messages from defines x fixed the private message system, it was totally messed up no idea why x fixed admin chat, message was only printed to admins and not the one who wrote it
  • v1.1.1: x moved config execution to plugin_init, should be executed before ReloadCvars( ) + added the ability to remove advertising messages by commenting the AD_TIME define x fixed a few error message when GREEN_CHAT was commented x fixed error in Event_Damage, when hitting a non player entity x fixed a bug where spectator players could not use any menus
  • v1.2.0: + added mute menu plugin x moved several defines to cvars + added the ability to choose between HUD and CHAT for join/leave messages x fixed no message being shown when player disconnects x changed that only immune admins can affect immune admins with @t, @ct, @spec and @all params + added new command to start playing the loading songs + added new command to stop playing the loading songs * the new command above, will actually play the cd that is inside your cd tray (if you have one in) x possibly fixed the index out of bounds error in ClCmd_JoinTeam function
  • v1.2.1: + added a couple of messages printed on the player's screen when he starts/stops the random song x fixed displaying warning message to afk immune admins x fixed amx_ip not displaying the correct userid of players when no argument was specified x fixed speed not working after freeze time x fixed not being able to plant after c4 has been given + added spawn protection x changed the way rcon cvars are handled
  • v1.2.2: x fixed a bug with amx_psay which was crashing the server + added some defines that makes editing the prefix and suffix much easier x several code optimization have been applied
  • v1.3.0b: * plugin is in beta temporarely x extended the plugin prefix from 15 characters to 31 + added a couple of messages when player uses /spec + added function that prints in log files if UltimatePlugin is up to date or needs update + added word after the version (needs update or not) when user type /version - removed a couple of block comments which served for nothing - removed plugin prefix in log messages (it was useless there) x disabled the use of /unspec before using /spec x fixed small bug with mute menu where name was not printed correctly x fixed message typo x rearranged some of the code, now looks better xD - removed green messages in prints (was kinda childish :P) * GREEN_CHAT now only controls std_admin_color_chat x fixed a bug with the mute menu, where you could actually mute yourself (oops) x fixed missing console message in godmode/noclip command x fixed a parametr error with the afk warning message
  • v1.3.1: * plugin not in beta anymore x added a check to see if player is connected in ClCmd_JoinTeam, since it was giving some errors sometimes x fixed std admin color chat as it was reading first argument instead of the whole sentence x various minor code optimization x fixed misse placed variable in ConCmd_Health when giving health to a team (sorry)
  • v1.3.2: + added link to the thread at the top of the source code for reference x fixed string in some commands x possible compatibility fix for the cod mw mod x fixed not being able to type /spec after previous fix gone wrong x replaced reamining show_hudmessage with message sync (oops sry) x minor code optimisations x removed useless enum that was never used
  • v1.3.3: * update UltimatePlugin.txt lang file x fixed stupid typo in a log message + added print message after version have been compared x added check if user is connected in some tasks x fixed typo in amx_userorigin command - removed all useless comments that were kept for reference + added printed message when player uses /mute and he is alone on server
  • v1.3.4: x fixed wrongly named variables (no errors, just the naming) + added message to all when player listens to music so they can do the same + added a check if it is the first time playing song to print to all to prevent spam * language file must be updated x fixed swapped messages when muting and unmuting players x fixed wrong argument placing in some log messages + added condition that stops uberslap when round has ended + added bitsums to cache if user has blanks (usefull for api) + added bool to check if is hs only (usefull for api) + added several api natives that can be used from other plugins
  • v1.3.5: + added colorchat support (now message can be customized in green and/or red, blue, grey
  • v1.3.6: x changed the way config file is checked, it is not hardcoded anymore (according to plugin name) x fixed dictionary registration (my bad, I forgot to change the file's name - was meant for testing) x various code optimizations
  • v1.3.7: x changed default not to show port when using amx_ip x fixed return value in client_command + added text message to all players when admin changes cvars in client_command
  • v1.4.0: * plugin now fully supports amxmodx 1.8.2 and 1.8.3 x fixed some small typos in the ML files + added two ML files, for simplicity to the users (they can choose in the source whitch one)
  • v1.4.1: * replaced std_admin_color_chat with connor's version (it better looking :D) x various code optimisations x fixed small issue with client_print_color's stock (my bad sorry :() x fixed two errors that did not have ^1 after the prefix + added check if GREEN_CHAT is defined whether to inititaze register_dictionary_colored
  • v1.4.2: - removed old std admin color chat defines x changed that after muting a player, menu get refreshed and not closed x fixed gagged players name change message still showing x changed the way time is printed when player is gagged x added time left of gag when player tries to chat and he is gagged (name change as well) x fixed wrong color in gag name change message x fixed wrong number of arguments is clamping gag time message + added gag reason for when admin is gagging * changed afk checking frequenfcy to 5 seconds instead of 1 x changed return to continue in afk check x fixed wrong paramter number in afk warning message + added afk check for spectators, and kicking them + added couple of cvars to control spec afk check * config file must be updated x fixed max and min natives + added COLOR_CHAT define to control only colored messages
  • v1.4.4: x fixed invalid menu id error in Handle_RecentelyUsedMenu x fixed cvar typo x fixed not being able to use weapons on autorr when knife warmup was off x changed the way blocking a player from buying weapons is done x fixed bug where if player was in buy zone, he could still buy x fixed invalid buffer size from replace( ) function * cfg file need to be updated
  • v0.0.1b: * plugin written
  • v0.0.2b: x removed useless array that took place and was not used
  • v0.1.0b: + added the menu to the amxmodmenu + added a new console command to launch the menu
  • v0.1.1: * plugin out of beta x removed team choosing in CMD_GAG and CMD_UNGAG x removed team choosing in CMD_BADAIM


This is where you can download the latest beta release of the plugin where new features/options might not fully work but it is posted for you guys to test and see if you can spot any bugs that needs fixing before releasing the plugin as fully working. Please download the beta below.

NOTE: please note that installing and using the below beta version of the plugin is optional and only should be done if you understand that this version will most probably contain bugs. I highly advise you to use the beta version on a test server only and not on your normal server.

Please use the stable version's files with the below beta files. But do not use UltimatePlugin.amxx and UltimatePlugin_Select.amxx at the same time, if you want to use the beta, only use UltimatePlugin_Select.amxx.

To download the beta version, please visit this link and install UltimatePlugin_Select.amxx instead of UltimatePlugin.amxx. Do not forget about UltimatePlugin.ini.
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Last edited by tonykaram1993; 02-06-2015 at 06:58. Reason: added beta changelog
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Old 04-08-2013 , 07:39   Re: UltimatePlugin v0.0.1 (beta)
Reply With Quote #3

I think MOST of these can be achieved without amx super
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Old 04-08-2013 , 09:27   Re: UltimatePlugin v0.0.1 (beta)
Reply With Quote #4

Originally Posted by roymor View Post
I think MOST of these can be achieved without amx super
I really don't get what's your point. What do you mean to say?
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Old 04-08-2013 , 11:23   Re: UltimatePlugin v0.0.1 (beta)
Reply With Quote #5

Originally Posted by tonykaram1993 View Post
I really don't get what's your point. What do you mean to say?
that if most of it can be done without amx super and it was done so those plugins will always be better than this because amx super is making server work slower
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Old 04-09-2013 , 00:16   Re: UltimatePlugin v0.0.2 (beta)
Reply With Quote #6

Originally Posted by roymor
amx super is making server work slower
That's what made me start this one. I am still confused of what you are trying to tell me.


Plugin Updated to version 0.0.2 (beta)

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Last edited by tonykaram1993; 04-30-2013 at 15:22.
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Old 04-09-2013 , 00:44   Re: UltimatePlugin v0.0.2 (beta)
Reply With Quote #7

I think he trying to say that a massive plugin with multiple Plugins will always slow down the server.

which is why most of those Plugins were made to run on there own.

but talking about slowing server down. unless your trying to play pro or have wars. It shouldn't matter too much.
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Old 04-10-2013 , 02:22   Re: UltimatePlugin v0.1.0 (beta)
Reply With Quote #8

Plugin Updated to version 0.1.0 (beta)

Change Log


Plugin Updated to version 0.1.1 (beta)

Change Log


Plugin Update to version 0.1.2 (beta)

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Last edited by tonykaram1993; 04-30-2013 at 15:22.
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Old 04-11-2013, 04:53
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Old 04-15-2013 , 03:03   Re: UltimatePlugin v1.0.0 (15th Apr 2013) - tonykaram1993
Reply With Quote #9

Plugin Updated to verion 1.0.0
Out of Beta

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Last edited by tonykaram1993; 04-30-2013 at 15:22.
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Old 04-15-2013 , 08:36   Re: UltimatePlugin v1.0.0 (15th Apr 2013) - tonykaram1993
Reply With Quote #10

Sounds good.
Nice to see something of this size actually being worked on.

I haven't taken a look at the code but looking at the CVars it may be smart to have one CVar rather than two when you want to have 1 for the amount and 1 for enable/disable.
For example:
// Enable or disable automatically restarting the round
// after map change or server start
// Values: 0 | 1
// Default: 1
up_autorr "1"

// Set the delay to automatically restart the round after map
// change or server start
// Note: up_autorr must be 1 for this to take effect
// Default: 45
up_autorr_delay "45"
This could be just
// Set the delay to automatically restart the round after map
// change or server start
// Note: Disabled if 0.
// Default: 45
up_autorr "45"

Last edited by DarkGod; 04-15-2013 at 08:37.
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