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REQ: I will pay for this

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Veteran Member
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Malaysia (9w2zow).
Old 07-29-2015 , 12:25   Re: REQ: I will pay for this
Reply With Quote #21

Just try below code:
#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <hamsandwich>

new PAINTBALL_V_MODEL[64] = "models/v_gatling.mdl"
new PAINTBALL_P_MODEL[64] = "models/p_gatling.mdl"
new PAINTBALL_W_MODEL[64] = "models/w_gatling.mdl"

new g_paintSprite[2][] = {"sprites/bhit.spr", "sprites/richo1.spr"}
new lastammo[33], g_paintball_gun[33], g_ballsnum = 0

// Cvars //
new paintball_lifetime, paintball_maxballs, paintball_dmg_multi, paintball_unlimited_clip, g_itemid

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin("[ZP] Extra Item: Paint Ball Gun", "1.0", "KRoTaL | [P]erfec[T] [S]cr[@]s[H]")
    RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "fw_TakeDamage")
    RegisterHam(Ham_Item_AddToPlayer, "weapon_mp5navy", "fw_AddToPlayer")
    register_forward(FM_SetModel, "fw_SetModel")
    register_event("CurWeapon", "make_paint", "be", "3>0")
    register_event("HLTV", "new_round", "a", "1=0", "2=0")
    paintball_maxballs = register_cvar("zp_paintball_maxballs", "50")
    paintball_lifetime = register_cvar("zp_paintball_lifetime", "2")
    paintball_dmg_multi = register_cvar("zp_paintball_dmg_multi", "4")
    paintball_unlimited_clip = register_cvar("zp_paintball_unlimited_clip", "1")

public plugin_precache()

public fw_TakeDamage(victim, inflictor, attacker, Float:damage)
    if (is_user_alive(attacker) && get_user_weapon(attacker) == CSW_MP5NAVY && g_paintball_gun[attacker] && get_user_flags(attacker) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H)
        SetHamParamFloat(4, damage * get_pcvar_float(paintball_dmg_multi ))
        set_rendering(victim, kRenderFxGlowShell, random_num(0,255), random_num(0,255), random_num(0,255), kRenderNormal, 16);
        set_task(5.0, "remove_glow", victim)

public remove_glow(id) 

public checkWeapon(id)
    new plrClip, plrAmmo, plrWeap[32], plrWeapId
    plrWeapId = get_user_weapon(id, plrClip , plrAmmo)
    if (plrWeapId == CSW_MP5NAVY && g_paintball_gun[id])

    else return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
    if (plrClip == 0 && get_pcvar_num(paintball_unlimited_clip))
        // If the user is out of ammo..
        get_weaponname(plrWeapId, plrWeap, 31)
        // Get the name of their weapon
        give_item(id, plrWeap)
        engclient_cmd(id, plrWeap) 
        engclient_cmd(id, plrWeap)
        engclient_cmd(id, plrWeap)

public checkModel(id)
    if (!(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new szWeapID = read_data(2)
    if ( szWeapID == CSW_MP5NAVY && g_paintball_gun[id])
        entity_set_string(id, EV_SZ_viewmodel, PAINTBALL_V_MODEL)
        entity_set_string(id, EV_SZ_weaponmodel, PAINTBALL_P_MODEL)

public make_paint(id)
    new ammo = read_data(3)
    if(get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_MP5NAVY  && lastammo[id] > ammo && g_paintball_gun[id])
        new iOrigin[3]
        get_user_origin(id, iOrigin, 4)
        new Float:fOrigin[3]
        IVecFVec(iOrigin, fOrigin)
        if(g_ballsnum < get_pcvar_num(paintball_maxballs) && worldInVicinity(fOrigin))
            new ent = create_entity("info_target")
            if(ent > 0)
                entity_set_string(ent, EV_SZ_classname, "paint_ent")
                entity_set_int(ent, EV_INT_movetype, 0)
                entity_set_int(ent, EV_INT_solid, 0)
                entity_set_model(ent, g_paintSprite[random_num(0,1)])
                new r, g, b

                r = random_num(64,255)
                g = random_num(64,255)
                b = random_num(64,255)
                set_rendering(ent, kRenderFxNoDissipation, r, g, b, kRenderGlow, 255)
                entity_set_origin(ent, fOrigin)
                entity_set_int(ent, EV_INT_flags, FL_ALWAYSTHINK)
                entity_set_float(ent, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime() + get_pcvar_float(paintball_lifetime))
    lastammo[id] = ammo

public pfn_think(entity) 
    new class[32]; entity_get_string(entity, EV_SZ_classname, class, 31)
    if(entity > 0 && equal(class, "paint_ent")) 

public new_round()
    new iPlayers[32], iPlayerCount, i, id
    get_players(iPlayers, iPlayerCount, "a") 
    for(i = 0; i < iPlayerCount; i++)
        id = iPlayers[i]
        if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H)
            g_paintball_gun[id] = true
            give_item(id, "weapon_mp5navy")
            client_printcolor(id, "!g[CS]!t Free !gPaintball Gun")
            g_paintball_gun[id] = false
    g_ballsnum = 0

stock worldInVicinity(Float:origin[3]) 
    new ent = find_ent_in_sphere(-1, origin, 4.0)
    while(ent > 0)
        if(entity_get_float(ent, EV_FL_health) > 0 || entity_get_float(ent, EV_FL_takedamage) > 0.0) return 0;
        ent = find_ent_in_sphere(ent, origin, 4.0)
    new Float:traceEnds[8][3], Float:traceHit[3], hitEnt
    traceEnds[0][0] = origin[0] - 2.0; traceEnds[0][1] = origin[1] - 2.0; traceEnds[0][2] = origin[2] - 2.0
    traceEnds[1][0] = origin[0] - 2.0; traceEnds[1][1] = origin[1] - 2.0; traceEnds[1][2] = origin[2] + 2.0
    traceEnds[2][0] = origin[0] + 2.0; traceEnds[2][1] = origin[1] - 2.0; traceEnds[2][2] = origin[2] + 2.0
    traceEnds[3][0] = origin[0] + 2.0; traceEnds[3][1] = origin[1] - 2.0; traceEnds[3][2] = origin[2] - 2.0
    traceEnds[4][0] = origin[0] - 2.0; traceEnds[4][1] = origin[1] + 2.0; traceEnds[4][2] = origin[2] - 2.0
    traceEnds[5][0] = origin[0] - 2.0; traceEnds[5][1] = origin[1] + 2.0; traceEnds[5][2] = origin[2] + 2.0
    traceEnds[6][0] = origin[0] + 2.0; traceEnds[6][1] = origin[1] + 2.0; traceEnds[6][2] = origin[2] + 2.0
    traceEnds[7][0] = origin[0] + 2.0; traceEnds[7][1] = origin[1] + 2.0; traceEnds[7][2] = origin[2] - 2.0
    for (new i = 0; i < 8; i++) 
        if (PointContents(traceEnds[i]) != CONTENTS_EMPTY) return 1;
        hitEnt = trace_line(0, origin, traceEnds[i], traceHit)
        if (hitEnt != -1) return 1;
        for (new j = 0; j < 3; j++) if (traceEnds[i][j] != traceHit[j]) return 1;
    return 0

public fw_SetModel(entity, model[])
        return FMRES_IGNORED;

    if(!equal(model, "models/w_mp5.mdl")) 
        return FMRES_IGNORED;

    static szClassName[33]
    entity_get_string(entity, EV_SZ_classname, szClassName, charsmax(szClassName))
    if(!equal(szClassName, "weaponbox")) return FMRES_IGNORED

    static iOwner, iStoredMp5ID
    iOwner = entity_get_edict(entity, EV_ENT_owner)
    iStoredMp5ID = find_ent_by_owner(-1, "weapon_mp5navy", entity)

    if(g_paintball_gun[iOwner] && is_valid_ent(iStoredMp5ID))
        g_paintball_gun[iOwner] = false
        entity_set_int(iStoredMp5ID, EV_INT_impulse, 1664656581)
        entity_set_model(entity, PAINTBALL_W_MODEL)

        return FMRES_SUPERCEDE
    return FMRES_IGNORED

public fw_AddToPlayer(wpn, id)
    if(is_valid_ent(wpn) && is_user_connected(id) && entity_get_int(wpn, EV_INT_impulse) == 1664656581)
        g_paintball_gun[id] = true
        entity_set_int(wpn, EV_INT_impulse, 0)

        return HAM_HANDLED
    return HAM_IGNORED

stock give_item(index, const item[]) {
    if (!equal(item, "weapon_", 7) && !equal(item, "ammo_", 5) && !equal(item, "item_", 5) && !equal(item, "tf_weapon_", 10))
        return 0;

    new ent = create_entity(item);
    if (!pev_valid(ent))
        return 0;

    new Float:origin[3];
    pev(index, pev_origin, origin);
    set_pev(ent, pev_origin, origin);
    set_pev(ent, pev_spawnflags, pev(ent, pev_spawnflags) | SF_NORESPAWN);
    dllfunc(DLLFunc_Spawn, ent);

    new save = pev(ent, pev_solid);
    dllfunc(DLLFunc_Touch, ent, index);
    if (pev(ent, pev_solid) != save)
        return ent;

    engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent);

    return -1;

stock client_printcolor(const id,const input[], any:...)
    new msg[191], players[32], count = 1
    replace_all(msg,190,"!g","^4");    // green
    replace_all(msg,190,"!y","^1");    // normal
    replace_all(msg,190,"!t","^3");    // team
    if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players,count,"ch");
    for (new i=0;i<count;i++)
        if (is_user_connected(players[i]))

Last edited by zmd94; 07-30-2015 at 08:45.
zmd94 is offline

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