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Hats compiling problem

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Join Date: Feb 2016
Old 12-01-2020 , 02:29   Hats compiling problem
Reply With Quote #1

Hello how to fixed problem?

Compiling source started!
    SourcePawn Compiler
    Copyright (c) 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase
    Copyright (c) 2004-2018 AlliedModders LLC
    H:\source compile\compile1.10new3\franug_hats.sp(45) : error 050: constant 'Name' already defined
    H:\source compile\compile1.10new3\franug_hats.sp(53) : warning 241: Array-based enum structs will be removed in 1.11. See https://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourcePawn_Transitional_Syntax#Enum_Structs
    H:\source compile\compile1.10new3\franug_hats.sp(268) : warning 241: Array-based enum structs will be removed in 1.11. See https://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourcePawn_Transitional_Syntax#Enum_Structs
    H:\source compile\compile1.10new3\franug_hats.sp(296) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "g_array")
    H:\source compile\compile1.10new3\franug_hats.sp(298) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "g_array")
    H:\source compile\compile1.10new3\franug_hats.sp(299) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "g_array")
    H:\source compile\compile1.10new3\franug_hats.sp(416) : warning 241: Array-based enum structs will be removed in 1.11. See https://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourcePawn_Transitional_Syntax#Enum_Structs
    H:\source compile\compile1.10new3\franug_hats.sp(429) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "Items")
    H:\source compile\compile1.10new3\franug_hats.sp(429) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
    H:\source compile\compile1.10new3\franug_hats.sp(429) : warning 215: expression has no effect
    H:\source compile\compile1.10new3\franug_hats.sp(429) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"
    H:\source compile\compile1.10new3\franug_hats.sp(429) : fatal error 190: too many error messages on one line
    Compilation aborted.
    8 Errors.
/*  SM Franug Hats
 *  Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Francisco 'Franc1sco' García
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) 
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 
 * this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <clientprefs>
#include <smartdm>
#include <dhooks>
#include <multicolors>

#pragma newdecls required // let's go new syntax! 

#define HIDE_RADAR_CSGO 1<<12

enum Hat

enum Hat2

bool viendo[MAXPLAYERS+1];

int g_eHats[1024][Hat], g_Elegido[MAXPLAYERS + 1], g_hats, g_Hat[MAXPLAYERS+1];
Handle g_mHats[1024];

//new Handle:g_hLookupAttachment = INVALID_HANDLE;

char sConfig[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];

Handle c_GameSprays, kv, hSetModel, mp_forcecamera; 

Menu menu_hats, menu_editor, menu_editor2;

// ConVars
Handle g_hThirdPerson = INVALID_HANDLE;

Handle timers[MAXPLAYERS+1];

// ConVar Values
bool g_bThirdPerson;

#define DATA "3.3.3"

public Plugin myinfo = 
	name = "SM Franug Hats",
	author = "Franc1sco franug",
	description = "Hats",
	version = DATA,
	url = "http://steamcommunity.com/id/franug"

public void OnPluginStart()
	mp_forcecamera = FindConVar("mp_forcecamera");
	CreateConVar("sm_franughats_version", DATA, "", FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
	c_GameSprays = RegClientCookie("Hats", "Hats", CookieAccess_Private);
	RegConsoleCmd("sm_hats", Command_Hats);
	// ConVars
	g_hThirdPerson = CreateConVar("sm_franughats_thirdperson", "1", "Enable/Disable third-person view.");
	// ConVar Changes.
	HookConVarChange(g_hThirdPerson, CVarChanged);
	HookEvent("player_death", PlayerDeath, EventHookMode_Pre);
	HookEvent("player_team", PlayerDeath, EventHookMode_Pre);
	Handle hGameConf;
/* 	hGameConf = LoadGameConfigFile("franug_hats.gamedata");
	PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hGameConf, SDKConf_Signature, "LookupAttachment");
	PrepSDKCall_SetReturnInfo(SDKType_PlainOldData, SDKPass_Plain);
	PrepSDKCall_AddParameter(SDKType_String, SDKPass_Pointer);
	g_hLookupAttachment = EndPrepSDKCall(); */
	hGameConf = LoadGameConfigFile("sdktools.games");
	if(hGameConf == INVALID_HANDLE)
		SetFailState("Gamedata file sdktools.games.txt is missing.");
	int iOffset = GameConfGetOffset(hGameConf, "SetEntityModel");
	if(iOffset == -1)
		SetFailState("Gamedata is missing the \"SetEntityModel\" offset.");
	hSetModel = DHookCreate(iOffset, HookType_Entity, ReturnType_Void, ThisPointer_CBaseEntity, SetModel);
	DHookAddParam(hSetModel, HookParamType_CharPtr);
	HookEvent("player_spawn", Event_PlayerSpawn);
	RegAdminCmd("sm_editor", DOMenu, ADMFLAG_ROOT, "Opens hats editor.");
	RegAdminCmd("sm_reloadhats", Reload, ADMFLAG_ROOT, "Reload hats configuration.");
	for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
		if(IsClientInGame(i) && AreClientCookiesCached(i))
	// Load Translations.
	// Auto-load the config.
	//AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.franughats"); // meh

public void CVarChanged(Handle hConvar, char[] oldV, char[] newV)

public void OnConfigsExecuted()
	// Get the values.
	g_bThirdPerson = GetConVarBool(g_hThirdPerson);

public void OnClientPutInServer(int client)
	if(IsFakeClient(client)) return;
	DHookEntity(hSetModel, true, client);

public MRESReturn SetModel(int client, Handle hParams)
	if(timers[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
		return MRES_Ignored;
	} else timers[client] = CreateTimer(2.5, ReHats, client);
	return MRES_Ignored;

public Action ReHats(Handle timer, int client)
	timers[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;

public void OnPluginEnd()
	for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
		if(IsClientInGame(i)) OnClientDisconnect(i);

public Action Event_PlayerSpawn(Handle event, char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
	int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
	if(IsFakeClient(client)) return;
	viendo[client] = false;
	timers[client] = CreateTimer(2.5, ReHats, client);

public Action Command_Hats(int client, int args)
	Showmenuh(client, 0);
	return Plugin_Handled;

public Action Reload(int client,int args)
	CPrintToChat(client, " {darkred}[f-Hats] %T", "ConfigReloaded",client);
	return Plugin_Handled;

void Showmenuh(int client, int item2)
	SetMenuTitle(menu_hats, "%T", "HatsMenu", client);
	DisplayMenuAtItem(menu_hats, client, item2, 0);
	//viendo[client] = true;
	//SetThirdPersonView(client, true);

public int DIDMenuHandler(Menu menu, MenuAction action,int client,int itemNum) 
	if ( action == MenuAction_Select ) 
		char info[4];
		GetMenuItem(menu, itemNum, info, sizeof(info));
		int index = StringToInt(info);
		if(!HasPermission(client, g_eHats[index][flag]))
			CPrintToChat(client, " {darkred}[f-Hats] %T",  "NoAccess",client);
			Showmenuh(client, GetMenuSelectionPosition());
		g_Elegido[client] = index;
		CPrintToChat(client, " {darkred}[f-Hats] %T", "Chosen", client, g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][Name]);
		Showmenuh(client, GetMenuSelectionPosition());
	else if (action == MenuAction_Cancel) 
/* 		if(IsClientInGame(client) && viendo[client])
			viendo[client] = false;
			SetThirdPersonView(client, false);
		} */
		//PrintToServer("Client %d's menu was cancelled.  Reason: %d", client, itemNum); 

public void LoadHats()
	for (int i=0; i<g_hats; ++i)
		if(g_mHats[g_hats] != INVALID_HANDLE)
			g_mHats[g_hats] = INVALID_HANDLE;
	g_hats = 0;
	BuildPath(Path_SM, sConfig, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, "configs/franug_hats.txt");
	if(kv != INVALID_HANDLE) CloseHandle(kv);
	kv = CreateKeyValues("Hats");
	FileToKeyValues(kv, sConfig);

	int g_array[Hat2];
			float m_fTemp[3];
			KvGetSectionName(kv, g_eHats[g_hats][Name], 64);
			KvGetString(kv, "model", g_eHats[g_hats][szModel], PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
			KvGetVector(kv, "position", m_fTemp);
			g_eHats[g_hats][fPosition] = m_fTemp;
			KvGetVector(kv, "angles", m_fTemp);
			g_eHats[g_hats][fAngles] = m_fTemp;
			g_eHats[g_hats][bBonemerge] = (KvGetNum(kv, "bonemerge", 0)?true:false);
			g_eHats[g_hats][bHide] = (KvGetNum(kv, "hide", 1)?true:false);
			KvGetString(kv, "attachment", g_eHats[g_hats][szAttachment], 64, "facemask");
			KvGetString(kv, "flag", g_eHats[g_hats][flag], 8, "");
			if(KvJumpToKey(kv, "playermodels"))
				g_mHats[g_hats] = CreateArray(134);
						KvGetSectionName(kv, g_array[Name], 64);
						ReplaceString(g_array[Name], 64, "&", "/");
						KvGetVector(kv, "position", m_fTemp);
						g_array[fPosition] = m_fTemp;
						KvGetVector(kv, "angles", m_fTemp);
						g_array[fAngles] = m_fTemp;
						KvGetString(kv, "attachment", g_array[szAttachment], 64, "facemask");
						PushArrayArray(g_mHats[g_hats], g_array[0]);
					}while (KvGotoNextKey(kv));
		} while (KvGotoNextKey(kv));
	if(menu_hats != INVALID_HANDLE) CloseHandle(menu_hats);
	menu_hats = new Menu(DIDMenuHandler);
	SetMenuTitle(menu_hats, "Choose Hat");
	char item[4];
	for (int i=0; i<g_hats; ++i) {
		Format(item, 4, "%i", i);
		AddMenuItem(menu_hats, item, g_eHats[i][Name]);
	SetMenuExitButton(menu_hats, true);
	if(menu_editor != INVALID_HANDLE) CloseHandle(menu_editor);
	menu_editor = new Menu(DIDMenuHandler2);
	SetMenuTitle(menu_editor, "Hats Editor");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor, "Position X+0.5", "Position X + 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor, "Position X-0.5", "Position X - 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor, "Position Y+0.5", "Position Y + 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor, "Position Y-0.5", "Position Y - 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor, "Position Z+0.5", "Position Z + 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor, "Position Z-0.5", "Position Z - 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor, "Angle X+0.5", "Angle X + 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor, "Angle X-0.5", "Angle X - 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor, "Angle Y+0.5", "Angle Y + 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor, "Angle Y-0.5", "Angle Y - 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor, "Angle Z+0.5", "Angle Z + 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor, "Angle Z-0.5", "Angle Z - 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor, "save", "Save");
	SetMenuExitBackButton(menu_editor, true);
	//SetMenuExitButton(menu_editor, true);
	menu_editor2 = new Menu(DIDMenuHandler3);
	SetMenuTitle(menu_editor2, "Hats Editor");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor2, "Position X+0.5", "Position X + 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor2, "Position X-0.5", "Position X - 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor2, "Position Y+0.5", "Position Y + 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor2, "Position Y-0.5", "Position Y - 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor2, "Position Z+0.5", "Position Z + 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor2, "Position Z-0.5", "Position Z - 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor2, "Angle X+0.5", "Angle X + 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor2, "Angle X-0.5", "Angle X - 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor2, "Angle Y+0.5", "Angle Y + 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor2, "Angle Y-0.5", "Angle Y - 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor2, "Angle Z+0.5", "Angle Z + 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor2, "Angle Z-0.5", "Angle Z - 0.5");
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor2, "save", "Save");
	SetMenuExitBackButton(menu_editor2, true);
	//SetMenuExitButton(menu_editor2, true);

/* stock LookupAttachment(client, String:point[])
    if(g_hLookupAttachment==INVALID_HANDLE) return 0;
    if( client<=0 || !IsClientInGame(client) ) return 0;
    return SDKCall(g_hLookupAttachment, client, point);
} */

public void OnMapStart()
	for (int i=0; i<g_hats; ++i)
		if(!StrEqual(g_eHats[i][szModel], "none") && strcmp(g_eHats[i][szModel], "")!=0)
			PrecacheModel(g_eHats[i][szModel], true);

void CreateHat(int client)
	if(!IsPlayerAlive(client) || GetClientTeam(client) < 2 || IsFakeClient(client)) return;

/* 	new bool:second = false;
	if(!LookupAttachment(client, g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][szAttachment]))
		if(LookupAttachment(client, "forward")) second = true;
		else return;
	} */
	if(StrEqual(g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][szModel], "none")) return;
 	if(!HasPermission(client, g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][flag]))
		g_Elegido[client] = 0;
	// CreateHats code taken from https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=208125
	// Calculate the final position and angles for the hat
	float m_fHatOrigin[3], m_fHatAngles[3], m_fForward[3], m_fRight[3], m_fUp[3], m_fOffset[3];

	bool found = false;
	int Items[Hat2];
	if(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]] != INVALID_HANDLE)
		char buscado[64];
		GetClientModel(client, buscado, 64);
		for(int i=0;i<GetArraySize(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]]);++i)
			GetArrayArray(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]], i, Items[0]);
			if(StrEqual(Items[Name], buscado))
				m_fHatAngles[0] += Items[fAngles][0];
				m_fHatAngles[1] += Items[fAngles][1];
				m_fHatAngles[2] += Items[fAngles][2];

				m_fOffset[0] = Items[fPosition][0];
				m_fOffset[1] = Items[fPosition][1];
				m_fOffset[2] = Items[fPosition][2];
				found = true;
		m_fHatAngles[0] += g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles][0];
		m_fHatAngles[1] += g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles][1];
		m_fHatAngles[2] += g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles][2];

		m_fOffset[0] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition][0];
		m_fOffset[1] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition][1];
		m_fOffset[2] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition][2];

	GetAngleVectors(m_fHatAngles, m_fForward, m_fRight, m_fUp);

	m_fHatOrigin[0] += m_fRight[0]*m_fOffset[0]+m_fForward[0]*m_fOffset[1]+m_fUp[0]*m_fOffset[2];
	m_fHatOrigin[1] += m_fRight[1]*m_fOffset[0]+m_fForward[1]*m_fOffset[1]+m_fUp[1]*m_fOffset[2];
	m_fHatOrigin[2] += m_fRight[2]*m_fOffset[0]+m_fForward[2]*m_fOffset[1]+m_fUp[2]*m_fOffset[2];
	// Create the hat entity
	int m_iEnt = CreateEntityByName("prop_dynamic_override");
	DispatchKeyValue(m_iEnt, "model", g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][szModel]);
	DispatchKeyValue(m_iEnt, "spawnflags", "256");
	DispatchKeyValue(m_iEnt, "solid", "0");
	SetEntPropEnt(m_iEnt, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity", client);
	if(g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][bBonemerge]) Bonemerge(m_iEnt);

	AcceptEntityInput(m_iEnt, "TurnOn", m_iEnt, m_iEnt, 0);
	// Save the entity index
	// We don't want the client to see his own hat
	if(g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][bHide]) SDKHook(m_iEnt, SDKHook_SetTransmit, ShouldHide);
	// Teleport the hat to the right position and attach it
	TeleportEntity(m_iEnt, m_fHatOrigin, m_fHatAngles, NULL_VECTOR); 

	AcceptEntityInput(m_iEnt, "SetParent", client, m_iEnt, 0);

	if(!found) SetVariantString(g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][szAttachment]);
	else SetVariantString(Items[szAttachment]);
/* 	if(!second) SetVariantString(g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][szAttachment]);
	else SetVariantString("forward"); */
	AcceptEntityInput(m_iEnt, "SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset", m_iEnt, m_iEnt, 0);	

public void Bonemerge(int ent)
	int m_iEntEffects = GetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_fEffects"); 
	m_iEntEffects &= ~32;
	m_iEntEffects |= 1;
	m_iEntEffects |= 128;
	SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_fEffects", m_iEntEffects); 

public Action PlayerDeath(Handle event, char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
	int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
	if(IsFakeClient(client)) return;
	if(timers[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
		timers[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
		viendo[client] = false;
		SetThirdPersonView(client, false);

public void OnClientCookiesCached(int client)
	char SprayString[12];
	GetClientCookie(client, c_GameSprays, SprayString, sizeof(SprayString));
	g_Elegido[client]  = StringToInt(SprayString);
	if(g_hats <= g_Elegido[client]) g_Elegido[client] = 0;

public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
	if(IsFakeClient(client)) return;
		char SprayString[12];
		Format(SprayString, sizeof(SprayString), "%i", g_Elegido[client]);
		SetClientCookie(client, c_GameSprays, SprayString);
	if(timers[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
		timers[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;

public Action ShouldHide(int ent, int client)
	int owner = GetEntPropEnt(ent, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity");
	if (owner == client)
		if(viendo[client]) return Plugin_Continue;
		return Plugin_Handled;

	if (GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iObserverMode") == 4)
		if (owner == GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget"))
			return Plugin_Handled;
	if(IsClientSourceTV(client)) return Plugin_Handled; // hide hats in demos
	return Plugin_Continue;

public void RemoveHat(int client)
	int entity = EntRefToEntIndex(g_Hat[client]);
	if(entity != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE && IsValidEdict(entity) && entity != 0)
		if(g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][bHide]) SDKUnhook(entity, SDKHook_SetTransmit, ShouldHide);
		AcceptEntityInput(entity, "Kill");
		g_Hat[client] = INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE;

stock void SetThirdPersonView(int client, bool third)
	if (!g_bThirdPerson || !IsPlayerAlive(client))
		SetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget", 0); 
		SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iObserverMode", 1);
		SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_bDrawViewmodel", 0);
		SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iFOV", 120);
		SendConVarValue(client, mp_forcecamera, "1");
		//SetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Data, "m_flLaggedMovementValue", 0.0);
		SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD", GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD") | HIDE_RADAR_CSGO);
		SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD", GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD") | HIDE_CROSSHAIR_CSGO);
		SetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget", -1);
		SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iObserverMode", 0);
		SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_bDrawViewmodel", 1);
		SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iFOV", 90);
		char valor[6];
		GetConVarString(mp_forcecamera, valor, 6);
		SendConVarValue(client, mp_forcecamera, valor);
		//SetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Data, "m_flLaggedMovementValue", 1.0);
		SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD", GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD") & ~HIDE_RADAR_CSGO);
		SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD", GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD") & ~HIDE_CROSSHAIR_CSGO);

public Action DOMenu(int client,int args)
	if(StrEqual(g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][szModel], "none"))
		CPrintToChat(client, " {darkred}[f-Hats] %T", "FirstChoose",client);
		return Plugin_Handled;
	Menu menu_editor_init = new Menu(DIDMenuHandler_init);
	char itemmenu[64];
	SetMenuTitle(menu_editor_init, "%T", "EditorMenu", client);
	Format(itemmenu, 64, "%T", "Edit default hat position", client);
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor_init, "default", itemmenu);
	Format(itemmenu, 64, "%T", "Edit hat positions for this model", client);
	AddMenuItem(menu_editor_init, "model", itemmenu);
	SetMenuExitButton(menu_editor_init, true);
	DisplayMenu(menu_editor_init, client, 0);
	return Plugin_Handled;

public int DIDMenuHandler_init(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int itemNum) 
	if ( action == MenuAction_Select ) 
		char info[32];
		GetMenuItem(menu, itemNum, info, sizeof(info));

		if ( strcmp(info,"default") == 0 ) ShowMenu(client, 0);
		else if ( strcmp(info,"model") == 0 ) ShowMenu2(client, 0);
	else if (action == MenuAction_End)

void ShowMenu(int client, int item)
	SetMenuTitle(menu_editor, "%T", "EditorMenu", client);
	DisplayMenuAtItem(menu_editor, client, item, 0);
	viendo[client] = true;
	SetThirdPersonView(client, true);

void ShowMenu2(int client, int item)
	SetMenuTitle(menu_editor2, "%T", "EditorMenu", client);
	DisplayMenuAtItem(menu_editor2, client, item, 0);
	viendo[client] = true;
	SetThirdPersonView(client, true);

public int DIDMenuHandler2(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int itemNum) 
	if ( action == MenuAction_Select ) 
		char info[32];
		GetMenuItem(menu, itemNum, info, sizeof(info));
		int numero;
		float posicion;
		if (StrContains(info, "Position", false) != -1)
			ReplaceString(info, 32, "Position", "", false);
			if (StrContains(info, "X", false) != -1)
				numero = 0;
				ReplaceString(info, 32, "X", "", false);
			else if (StrContains(info, "Y", false) != -1)
				numero = 1;
				ReplaceString(info, 32, "Y", "", false);
			else if (StrContains(info, "Z", false) != -1)
				numero = 2;
				ReplaceString(info, 32, "Z", "", false);
			posicion = StringToFloat(info);
			g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition][numero] += posicion;
		else if (StrContains(info, "Angle", false) != -1)
			ReplaceString(info, 32, "Angle", "", false);
			if (StrContains(info, "X", false) != -1)
				numero = 0;
				ReplaceString(info, 32, "X", "", false);
			else if (StrContains(info, "Y", false) != -1)
				numero = 1;
				ReplaceString(info, 32, "Y", "", false);
			else if (StrContains(info, "Z", false) != -1)
				numero = 2;
				ReplaceString(info, 32, "Z", "", false);
			posicion = StringToFloat(info);
			g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles][numero] += posicion;
		else if (StrContains(info, "Save", false) != -1)
			KvJumpToKey(kv, g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][Name]);
			float m_fTemp[3];
			m_fTemp[0] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition][0];
			m_fTemp[1] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition][1];
			m_fTemp[2] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition][2];
			KvSetVector(kv, "position", m_fTemp);
			m_fTemp[0] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles][0];
			m_fTemp[1] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles][1];
			m_fTemp[2] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles][2];
			KvSetVector(kv, "angles", m_fTemp);
			KeyValuesToFile(kv, sConfig);
			CPrintToChat(client, " {darkred}[f-Hats] %T", "ConfigSaved",client);
		ShowMenu(client, GetMenuSelectionPosition());
	else if (action == MenuAction_Cancel) 
		if(IsClientInGame(client) && viendo[client])
			viendo[client] = false;
			SetThirdPersonView(client, false);
		//PrintToServer("Client %d's menu was cancelled.  Reason: %d", client, itemNum); 

public int DIDMenuHandler3(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int itemNum) 
	if ( action == MenuAction_Select ) 
		char info[32];
		GetMenuItem(menu, itemNum, info, sizeof(info));
		int numero;
		float posicion;
		if (StrContains(info, "Position", false) != -1)
			ReplaceString(info, 32, "Position", "", false);
			if (StrContains(info, "X", false) != -1)
				numero = 0;
				ReplaceString(info, 32, "X", "", false);
			else if (StrContains(info, "Y", false) != -1)
				numero = 1;
				ReplaceString(info, 32, "Y", "", false);
			else if (StrContains(info, "Z", false) != -1)
				numero = 2;
				ReplaceString(info, 32, "Z", "", false);
			posicion = StringToFloat(info);
			int Items[Hat2];
			char buscado[64];
			GetClientModel(client, buscado, 64);
			bool found = false;
			int index;
			if(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]] == INVALID_HANDLE) 
				g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]] = CreateArray(134);
				Items[fPosition] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition];
				Items[fAngles] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles];
				Format(Items[szAttachment], 64, "facemask");
				Format(Items[Name], 64, buscado);
				index = PushArrayArray(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]], Items[0]);
				found = true;
				for(int i=0;i<GetArraySize(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]]);++i)
					GetArrayArray(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]], i, Items[0]);
					if(StrEqual(Items[Name], buscado))
						found = true;
						index = i;
				Items[fPosition] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition];
				Items[fAngles] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles];
				Items[fPosition][numero] += posicion;
				Format(Items[szAttachment], 64, "facemask");
				Format(Items[Name], 64, buscado);
				PushArrayArray(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]], Items[0]);
				Items[fPosition][numero] += posicion;
				SetArrayArray(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]], index, Items[0]);
		else if (StrContains(info, "Angle", false) != -1)
			ReplaceString(info, 32, "Angle", "", false);
			if (StrContains(info, "X", false) != -1)
				numero = 0;
				ReplaceString(info, 32, "X", "", false);
			else if (StrContains(info, "Y", false) != -1)
				numero = 1;
				ReplaceString(info, 32, "Y", "", false);
			else if (StrContains(info, "Z", false) != -1)
				numero = 2;
				ReplaceString(info, 32, "Z", "", false);
			posicion = StringToFloat(info);
			int Items[Hat2];
			char buscado[64];
			GetClientModel(client, buscado, 64);
			bool found = false;
			int index;
			if(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]] == INVALID_HANDLE) 
				g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]] = CreateArray(134);
				Items[fPosition] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition];
				Items[fAngles] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles];
				Format(Items[szAttachment], 64, "facemask");
				Format(Items[Name], 64, buscado);
				index = PushArrayArray(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]], Items[0]);
				found = true;
				for(int i=0;i<GetArraySize(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]]);++i)
					GetArrayArray(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]], i, Items[0]);
					if(StrEqual(Items[Name], buscado))
						found = true;
						index = i;
				Items[fPosition] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition];
				Items[fAngles] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles];
				Items[fAngles][numero] += posicion;
				Format(Items[szAttachment], 64, "facemask");
				Format(Items[Name], 64, buscado);
				PushArrayArray(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]], Items[0]);
				Items[fAngles][numero] += posicion;
				SetArrayArray(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]], index, Items[0]);
		else if (StrContains(info, "Save", false) != -1)
			int Items[Hat2];
			char buscado[64],temp[64];
			float m_fTemp[3];
			GetClientModel(client, buscado, 64);
			bool found = false;
			if(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]] == INVALID_HANDLE) 
				g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]] = CreateArray(134);
				KvJumpToKey(kv, g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][Name]);
				KvJumpToKey(kv, "playermodels", true);
				Format(temp, 64, buscado);
				ReplaceString(temp, 64, "/","&");
				KvJumpToKey(kv, temp, true);
				//ReplaceString(temp, 64, "&","/");
				//KvSetSectionName(kv, temp);
				m_fTemp[0] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition][0];
				m_fTemp[1] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition][1];
				m_fTemp[2] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition][2];
				KvSetVector(kv, "position", m_fTemp);
				m_fTemp[0] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles][0];
				m_fTemp[1] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles][1];
				m_fTemp[2] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles][2];
				KvSetVector(kv, "angles", m_fTemp);
				Items[fPosition] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition];
				Items[fAngles] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles];
				Format(Items[szAttachment], 64, "facemask");
				Format(Items[Name], 64, buscado);
				PushArrayArray(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]], Items[0]);
				found = true;
				KeyValuesToFile(kv, sConfig);
				CPrintToChat(client, " {darkred}[f-Hats] %T", "ConfigSaved", client);
				ShowMenu2(client, GetMenuSelectionPosition());
				for(int i=0;i<GetArraySize(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]]);++i)
					GetArrayArray(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]], i, Items[0]);
					if(StrEqual(Items[Name], buscado))
						found = true;
				KvJumpToKey(kv, g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][Name]);
				KvJumpToKey(kv, "playermodels", true);
				Format(temp, 64, buscado);
				ReplaceString(temp, 64, "/","&");
				KvJumpToKey(kv, temp, true);
				//ReplaceString(temp, 64, "&","/");
				//KvSetSectionName(kv, temp);
				m_fTemp[0] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition][0];
				m_fTemp[1] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition][1];
				m_fTemp[2] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition][2];
				KvSetVector(kv, "position", m_fTemp);
				m_fTemp[0] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles][0];
				m_fTemp[1] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles][1];
				m_fTemp[2] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles][2];
				KvSetVector(kv, "angles", m_fTemp);
				Items[fPosition] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fPosition];
				Items[fAngles] = g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][fAngles];
				Format(Items[szAttachment], 64, "facemask");
				Format(Items[Name], 64, buscado);
				PushArrayArray(g_mHats[g_Elegido[client]], Items[0]);
				KeyValuesToFile(kv, sConfig);
				KvJumpToKey(kv, g_eHats[g_Elegido[client]][Name]);
				KvJumpToKey(kv, "playermodels", true);
				ReplaceString(buscado, 64, "/","&");
				if(!KvJumpToKey(kv, buscado))
					KvJumpToKey(kv, buscado, true);
					//ReplaceString(temp, 64, "&","/");
					//KvSetSectionName(kv, temp);
					//PrintToChatAll("no existe");
				m_fTemp[0] = Items[fPosition][0];
				m_fTemp[1] = Items[fPosition][1];
				m_fTemp[2] = Items[fPosition][2];
				KvSetVector(kv, "position", m_fTemp);
				m_fTemp[0] = Items[fAngles][0];
				m_fTemp[1] = Items[fAngles][1];
				m_fTemp[2] = Items[fAngles][2];
				KvSetVector(kv, "angles", m_fTemp);
				KeyValuesToFile(kv, sConfig);
				//PrintToChatAll("pasado4 numero %f",Items[fPosition][0]);
			CPrintToChat(client, " {darkred}[f-Hats] %T", "ConfigSaved", client);
		ShowMenu2(client, GetMenuSelectionPosition());
	else if (action == MenuAction_Cancel) 
		if(IsClientInGame(client) && viendo[client])
			viendo[client] = false;
			SetThirdPersonView(client, false);
		//PrintToServer("Client %d's menu was cancelled.  Reason: %d", client, itemNum); 

// Just a quick function.
stock bool HasPermission(int iClient, char[] flagString) 
	if (StrEqual(flagString, "")) 
		return true;
	AdminId admin = GetUserAdmin(iClient);
	if (admin != INVALID_ADMIN_ID)
		int count, found, flags = ReadFlagString(flagString);
		for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++) 
			if (flags & (1<<i)) 
				if (GetAdminFlag(admin, view_as<AdminFlag>(i))) 

		if (count == found) {
			return true;

	return false;
Elit59 is offline
gee, six eggs
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Land Below The Wind
Old 12-01-2020 , 05:53   Re: Hats compiling problem
Reply With Quote #2

You modify this yourself?

Consider using enum struct. Probably need to re-write most of the code.
If i happen to insulted you unintentionally,
it was me and Google Translate who did it.
GsiX is offline

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