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Is there file current position has limitation

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Join Date: Aug 2019
Old 09-24-2020 , 03:51   Is there file current position has limitation
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i make a plugin read .nav file, but when file current position >= 4096 then read wrong data (i guess)

#include <amxmodx>

#define CONSOLE_ECHO(%0) log_amx(%0)

// ie: "no place"
#define ANY_PLACE		0xFFFF

// enum Extent
// {
//     Float:lo[3],
//     Float:hi[3]

//     float SizeX() const        { return hi.x - lo.x; }
//     float SizeY() const        { return hi.y - lo.y;}
//     float SizeZ() const        { return hi.z - lo.z; }
//     float Area() const        { return SizeX() * SizeY(); }

//     // return true if 'pos' is inside of this extent
//     bool Contains(const Vector *pos) const
//     {
//         return (pos->x >= lo.x && pos->x <= hi.x &&
//             pos->y >= lo.y && pos->y <= hi.y &&
//             pos->z >= lo.z && pos->z <= hi.z);
//     }
// };

enum _:LadderDirectionType
    LADDER_UP = 0,

    IN_COVER = 0x01,
    GOOD_SNIPER_SPOT = 0x02,
// enum NavConnect
// {
//     connect_id,
//     area_id,

//     // bool operator==(const NavConnect &other) const { return (area == other.area) ? true : false; }
// };

enum _:NavDirType
    NORTH = 0,


enum _:NavAreaData
    // height of the implicit corners

    // // connections to adjacent areas
    // m_connect[ NUM_DIRECTIONS ],        // a list of adjacent areas for each direction
    // m_connect_id[ NUM_DIRECTIONS ],        // a list of adjacent areas for each direction
    // m_connect_area[ NUM_DIRECTIONS ],        // a list of adjacent areas for each direction
    // m_ladder[ NUM_LADDER_DIRECTIONS ],    // list of ladders leading up and down from this area
    // m_ladder_dir[ NUM_LADDER_DIRECTIONS ],    // list of ladders leading up and down from this area

// new g_iNavArea, g_eNavArea[32][NavAreaData]
new Array:g_aNavArea
public plugin_init() 
    register_plugin("Nav Reader", "1.0", "OrangePeel")
    register_clcmd("/nav", "clcmd_test")
    g_aNavArea = ArrayCreate(NavAreaData)

public plugin_end()

public clcmd_test(id)
    new const szNavFile[] = "maps/fy_iceworld.nav"
    new const szMapFile[] = "maps/fy_iceworld.bsp"
    new iFile;
    if ((iFile = fopen(szNavFile, "rt")))
        new result
        new magic
        result = fread(iFile, magic, BLOCK_INT);
        CONSOLE_ECHO("NavReader magic: '%d'", magic);
        if (!result || magic != NAV_MAGIC_NUMBER)
            CONSOLE_ECHO("ERROR: Invalid navigation file '%s'", szNavFile);

        new version
        result = fread(iFile, version, BLOCK_INT);
        CONSOLE_ECHO("NavReader version: '%d'", version);
        if (!result || version > 5)
            CONSOLE_ECHO("ERROR: Unknown navigation file version '%d'", version);

        if (version >= 4)
            new saveBspSize
            fread(iFile, saveBspSize, BLOCK_INT);
            CONSOLE_ECHO("NavReader saveBspSize: '%d' %d", saveBspSize, filesize(szMapFile));
            if (filesize(szMapFile) != saveBspSize)
                CONSOLE_ECHO("*** WARNING ***^nThe AI navigation data is from a different version of this map.^nThe CPU players will likely not perform well.^n");

        // load Place directory
        if (version >= 5)

        // get number of areas
        new count;
        result = fread(iFile, count, BLOCK_INT);
        CONSOLE_ECHO("NavReader AreaCount: '%d'", count);
        // count = 1
        for (new i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            CNavArea_Load(iFile, version)

public CNavArea_Load(iFile, version)

    // load ID
    new areaData[NavAreaData]
    fread(iFile, areaData[m_id], BLOCK_INT);
    CONSOLE_ECHO("CNavArea_Load - ID: '%d'", areaData[m_id]);

    // update nextID to avoid collisions
    if (areaData[m_id] >= areaData[m_nextID])
        areaData[m_nextID] = areaData[m_id] + 1;

    // load attribute flags
    fread(iFile, areaData[m_attributeFlags], BLOCK_CHAR);
    // fread_blocks(iFile, areaData[m_attributeFlags], 1, BLOCK_CHAR);
    CONSOLE_ECHO("CNavArea_Load - flags: '%d'", areaData[m_attributeFlags]);

    // load extent of area
    // file->Read(&m_extent, 6 * sizeof(float));
    // fread(iFile, areaData[m_extent], 6 * BLOCK_INT);
    fread_vector(iFile, areaData[m_extent_lo]);
    fread_vector(iFile, areaData[m_extent_hi]);
    // fread_blocks(iFile, areaData[m_extent_lo], 3, BLOCK_INT);
    // fread_blocks(iFile, areaData[m_extent_hi], 3, BLOCK_INT);
    // CONSOLE_ECHO("CNavArea_Load - extent: '%.2f %.2f %.2f | %.2f %.2f %.2f'", areaData[m_extent][lo][0], areaData[m_extent][lo][1], areaData[m_extent][lo][2], areaData[m_extent][hi][0], areaData[m_extent][hi][1], areaData[m_extent][hi][2]);
    CONSOLE_ECHO("CNavArea_Load - extent: '%.2f %.2f %.2f | %.2f %.2f %.2f'", areaData[m_extent_lo][0], areaData[m_extent_lo][1], areaData[m_extent_lo][2], areaData[m_extent_hi][0], areaData[m_extent_hi][1], areaData[m_extent_hi][2]);

    // m_center.x = (m_extent.lo.x + m_extent.hi.x) / 2.0f;
    // m_center.y = (m_extent.lo.y + m_extent.hi.y) / 2.0f;
    // m_center.z = (m_extent.lo.z + m_extent.hi.z) / 2.0f;

    // load heights of implicit corners
    // fread(iFile, any:areaData[m_neZ], BLOCK_INT);
    // fread(iFile, any:areaData[m_swZ], BLOCK_INT);
    fread_float(iFile, any:areaData[m_neZ])
    fread_float(iFile, any:areaData[m_swZ])
    CONSOLE_ECHO("CNavArea_Load - m_neZ m_swZ: '%.2f %.2f'", areaData[m_neZ], areaData[m_swZ]);

    // load connections (IDs) to adjacent areas
    // in the enum order NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST
    new count, connect_id;
    for (new d = 0; d < NUM_DIRECTIONS; ++d)
        // load number of connections for this direction
        fread(iFile, count, BLOCK_INT);
        for (new i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            // You need to save with Array (connect_id, area_id)
            fread(iFile, connect_id, BLOCK_INT);
            CONSOLE_ECHO("CNavArea_Load - connections: '%d %d %d'", d, i, connect_id);

    // Load hiding spots
    // load number of hiding spots
    // new hidingSpotCount[1];
    new hidingSpotCount;
    fread(iFile, hidingSpotCount, BLOCK_CHAR);
    // fread_blocks(iFile, hidingSpotCount, 1, BLOCK_CHAR);
    CONSOLE_ECHO("CNavArea_Load - hidingSpotCount: '%d'", hidingSpotCount);
    // file->Read(&hidingSpotCount, sizeof(unsigned char));

    new Float:pos[3];
    if (version == 1)
        // load simple vector array
        for (new h = 0; h < hidingSpotCount; ++h)
            fread_vector(iFile, pos);
            CONSOLE_ECHO("CNavArea_Load - hidingSpotPos: '%d %.2f %.2f %.2f'", h, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);

            // // create new hiding spot and put on master list
            // HidingSpot *spot = new HidingSpot(&pos, HidingSpot::IN_COVER);

            // m_hidingSpotList.AddToTail(spot);
        // load HidingSpot objects for this area
        for (new h = 0; h < hidingSpotCount; ++h)
            // create new hiding spot and put on master list
            // HidingSpot *spot = new HidingSpot;


            // m_hidingSpotList.FindAndRemove(spot);

    // Load number of approach areas
    fread(iFile, areaData[m_approachCount], BLOCK_CHAR);
    // fread_blocks(iFile, hidingSpotCount, 1, BLOCK_CHAR);
    // file->Read(&m_approachCount, sizeof(unsigned char));

    // load approach area info (IDs)
    new type, here_id, prev_id, next_id;
    for (new a = 0; a < areaData[m_approachCount]; ++a)
        fread(iFile, here_id, BLOCK_INT);
        fread(iFile, prev_id, BLOCK_INT);
        // file->Read(&m_approach[a].here.id, sizeof(unsigned int));
        // file->Read(&m_approach[a].prev.id, sizeof(unsigned int));
        // file->Read(&type, sizeof(unsigned char) );
        fread(iFile, type, BLOCK_CHAR);
        // m_approach[a].prevToHereHow = (NavTraverseType)type;

        fread(iFile, next_id, BLOCK_INT);
        CONSOLE_ECHO("CNavArea_Load - approach: '%d here_id:%d prev_id:%d type:%d next_id:%d'", a, here_id, prev_id, type, next_id);
        fread(iFile, type, BLOCK_CHAR);
        // file->Read(&m_approach[a].next.id, sizeof(unsigned int));
        // file->Read(&type, sizeof(unsigned char));
        // m_approach[a].hereToNextHow = (NavTraverseType)type;

    // Load encounter paths for this area
    fread(iFile, count, BLOCK_INT);
    CONSOLE_ECHO("CNavArea_Load - encounter count: '%d '", count);

    if (version < 3)
        new from_id, to_id, Float:path_from_x[3], Float:path_to_x[3]
        // old data, read and discard
        for (new e = 0; e < count; ++e)
            // SpotEncounter encounter;

            fread(iFile, from_id, BLOCK_INT);
            fread(iFile, to_id, BLOCK_INT);
            fread_vector(iFile, path_from_x);
            fread_vector(iFile, path_to_x);
            // file->Read(&encounter.from.id, sizeof(unsigned int));
            // file->Read(&encounter.to.id, sizeof(unsigned int));

            // file->Read(&encounter.path.from.x, 3 * sizeof(float));
            // file->Read(&encounter.path.to.x, 3 * sizeof(float));

            // read list of spots along this path
            new spotCount;
            fread(iFile, spotCount, BLOCK_CHAR);
            // file->Read(&spotCount, sizeof(unsigned char));

            for (new s = 0; s < spotCount; ++s)
                fread_vector(iFile, pos);
                fread_float(iFile, pos[0]);
                // file->Read(&pos, 3 * sizeof(float));
                // file->Read(&pos, sizeof(float));

    for (new e = 0; e < count; ++e)
        new from_id, to_id, order_id
        // SpotEncounter *encounter = new SpotEncounter;

        fread(iFile, from_id, BLOCK_INT);

        // file->Read(&encounter->from.id, sizeof(unsigned int));

        new dir;
        fread(iFile, dir, BLOCK_CHAR);
        // file->Read(&dir, sizeof(unsigned char));
        // encounter->fromDir = static_cast<NavDirType>(dir);

        fread(iFile, to_id, BLOCK_INT);
        // file->Read(&encounter->to.id, sizeof(unsigned int));

        fread(iFile, dir, BLOCK_CHAR);
        // file->Read(&dir, sizeof(unsigned char));
        // encounter->toDir = static_cast<NavDirType>(dir);

        // read list of spots along this path
        new spotCount;
        fread(iFile, spotCount, BLOCK_CHAR);
        CONSOLE_ECHO("CNavArea_Load - Cur: '%d'", ftell(iFile));
        CONSOLE_ECHO("CNavArea_Load - encounter: 'from_id:%d dir:%d to_id:%d spotCount:%d'", from_id, dir, to_id, spotCount);
        // file->Read(&spotCount, sizeof(unsigned char));

        // SpotOrder order;
        for (new s = 0; s < spotCount; ++s)
            fread(iFile, order_id, BLOCK_INT);
            // file->Read(&order.id, sizeof(unsigned int));

            new t;
            fread(iFile, t, BLOCK_CHAR);
            CONSOLE_ECHO("CNavArea_Load - SpotOrder: 'order_id:%d t:%.2f'", order_id, float(t) / 255.0);

            // file->Read(&t, sizeof(unsigned char));

            // order.t = (float)t / 255.0f;

            // encounter->spotList.AddToTail(order);

        // m_spotEncounterList.AddToTail(encounter);

    if (version < 5)

    // Load Place data
    new entry
    fread(iFile, entry, BLOCK_SHORT);
    CONSOLE_ECHO("CNavArea_Load - entry: '%d'", entry);
    // file->Read(&entry, sizeof(entry));
    // convert entry to actual Place
    ArrayPushArray(g_aNavArea, areaData)

// public PlaceDirectory_EntryToPlace(entry)
// {
// 	if (entry == 0)
// 		return UNDEFINED_PLACE;

// 	new i = entry - 1;

// 	if (i > m_directory.Count())
// 	{
// 		// assert(false && "PlaceDirectory::EntryToPlace: Invalid entry");
// 		return UNDEFINED_PLACE;
// 	}

// 	return m_directory[i];
// }

public HidingSpot_Load(iFile)
    new id, Float:pos[3], flags
    fread(iFile, id, BLOCK_INT);
    fread_vector(iFile, pos)
    // fread_blocks(iFile, any:pos, 3, BLOCK_INT);
    // fread_blocks(iFile, flags, 1, BLOCK_CHAR);
    fread(iFile, flags, BLOCK_CHAR);
    CONSOLE_ECHO("CNavArea_Load - hidingSpotPos: '%d %.2f %.2f %.2f %d'", id, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], flags);
    // file->Read(&m_id, sizeof(unsigned int));
    // file->Read(&m_pos, 3 * sizeof(float));
    // file->Read(&m_flags, sizeof(unsigned char));

    // // update next ID to avoid ID collisions by later spots
    // if (m_id >= m_nextID)
    //     m_nextID = m_id + 1;

public PlaceDirectory_Load(iFile)
    // read number of entries
    new count;
    fread(iFile, count, BLOCK_SHORT);
    CONSOLE_ECHO("PlaceDirectory_Load - count: '%d'", count);

    // m_directory.RemoveAll ();

    // read each entry
    static placeName[256];
    new len;
    for (new i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        fread(iFile, len, BLOCK_SHORT);
        fread_blocks(iFile, placeName, len, BLOCK_CHAR);
        CONSOLE_ECHO("PlaceDirectory_Load: %s (%d)", placeName, len);

        // AddPlace(TheBotPhrases->NameToID(placeName));

stock fread_float(iFile, &Float:val)
    fread(iFile, any:val, BLOCK_INT);

stock fread_vector(iFile, Float:vec[])
    fread_blocks(iFile, any:vec, 3, BLOCK_INT);
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