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FF2 Duo boss trouble

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Join Date: Mar 2020
Old 04-03-2020 , 18:05   Duo boss trouble
Reply With Quote #1

Hey, y'all. I am running a custom, and, for whatever reason, a set of duo bosses is bugging out for me. Instead of choosing 2 bosses, and leaving all others on the opposite team, it chooses almost the entire red team as bosses, and leaves 2 players as normal players. I have only tested it on bots, now, so, I dunno if that is exclusive to them, or not. So, I have 2 Duo bosses (which are nearly identical copies of each other) and one of them is causing this :


"name" "Flandre Scarlet (DUO)"
"class" "8"
"model" "models\freak_fortress_2\newflandre\newflandr e.mdl"
"health_formula" "(((700+n)*n)^1.04)/2.8"
"ragedist" "9999"
"maxspeed" "360"
"ragedamage" "3000"
"sound_block_vo" "1"
"blocked" "1"
"companion" "remilia_duo"

//Boss Description(s)
"description_en" "Boss Name - Flandre Scarlet\nBoss Info - Younger sister of Remilia Scarlet who got locked in the Scarlet Devil Mansion for 495 years.\nSuper Jump : alt-fire, look up and stand up.\nWeighdown: in midair, look down and crouch.\nRage (Sentry Stun + Defense Buff + Speed Boost + Explosion + Rock Rage + Clone Summon)Call for medic when the Rage Meter is full.\nBoss Maker - Nameless and JuegosPablo"

"name" "tf_weapon_shovel"
"index" "452"
"attributes" "138 ; 0.7 ; 252 ; 0.5 ; 264 ; 1.5 ; 179 ; 1 ; 309 ; 1 ; 350 ; 1 ; 2025 ; 2 ; 2014 ; 1"

//Boss Ability(s)
"name" "rage_therock"
"arg1" "10.0" // Duration
"plugin_name" "ff2_death"
"name" "rage_stunsg"
"arg1" "10"
"plugin_name" "default_abilities"
"name" "dynamic_jump"

// slot is ignored.
"arg1" "1.5" // charge time, same as charge_bravejump
"arg2" "7.0" // cooldown, same as charge_bravejump
"arg3" "0" // 1 = disabled by default (can only be re-enabled in code)
"arg4" "0" // number of uses. set to 0 to be infinite.
"arg5" "3.0" // cooldown before first use
"arg6" "100.0" // minimum damage before super duper jump
"arg7" "0" // use new jump
"arg8" "1.2" // jump intensity multiplier. unlike charge_bravejump, this works for oldjump too
"arg9" "0" // 1 = use RELOAD instead of ALT-FIRE
"arg10" "1" // don't affect weighdown's cooldown

// HUD strings
"arg17" "Super DUPER Jump ready! Look up, press and release ALT-FIRE." // super duper jump message
"arg18" "Super Jump is not ready. %.1f seconds remaining." // cooldown message
"arg19" "Super Jump is ready. %.0f percent charged.\nLook up, press and release ALT-FIRE." // charge message

"plugin_name" "ff2_dynamic_defaults"
"name" "charge_weightdown_fix"
"arg0" "3"
"plugin_name" "ff2_otokiru_wc3"
"name" "boss_config"
"arg1" "2" // Human Sentry Buster Explosion
"arg2" "500.0" // Range
"arg3" "2500" // Damage
"plugin_name" "shadow93_bosses"
// IF SLOT IS 0 OR -1
"name" "summon_minions"
"arg0" "0" // 0: RAGE, -1: Life Loss
"arg1" "0" // Sound
"arg2" "3" // Summon per rage (specify amount for fixed amount, 0 to summon 1 per alive player, -1 to summon by ratio)
"arg3" "0.0" // Ratio, if arg2 is -1

// Minion Type
"arg4" "0" // Model Mode (0 = Human or Custom model, 1 = Robot Model (automatically applies robot voice lines), 2 = Look like a boss)
"arg5" "models\freak_fortress_2\newflandre\newflandr e.mdl" // Leave blank for human model, or specify model path for custom model (not used if arg9 is set to 1)
"arg6" "8" // Player class, leave blank to not change minion class
"arg7" "1" // Remove wearables? (for custom models / tf2 robot models)
"arg8" "-1" // Voice Line mode (-1: Block voice lines, 0: Normal voice lines, 1: Robot Voice lines, 2: Giant Voice Lines, 3: boss's catchphrase, 4: use 'sound_minion_catchphrase')
"arg9" "1" // Pickups (0 = None, 1 = Health, 2 = Ammo, 3 = Both)
"arg10" "1" // Teleport to summoner's location?
"arg11" "1.0" // Scale
"arg12" "1.0" // Gravity
"arg13" "walk" // Movetype
"arg14" "255 ; 255 ; 255 ; 255" // Player color (R ; G ; B ; Alpha) UNTESTED
"arg15" "5 ; 5 ; 28 ; 5" // Spawn Conditions
"arg16" "250" // Health formula
"arg17" "1" // Health Type (0: Overheal, 1: Non-Overheal)
"arg18" "1" // 0 - slay minions when their summoner dies, 1 - don't slay minions when their summoner dies and instead give minions a fighting chance to win

// Notifications
"arg19" "5" // Notification Alert (0: Disable, 1: Boss, 2: Minions, 3: Mercs, 4: Boss+Mercs, 5: Boss+Minions, 6: Mercs+Minions, 7: Everyone)
"arg20" "1" // Notification Type (0: Hint Text, 1: Center Text, 2: HUD Text, 3: TF2-style HUD Text, 4: TF2-Style Annotation)
"arg21" "Go have fun with the mercenaries!" // Minion Notification
"arg22" "You summoned your clones!" // Boss Notification
"arg23" "" // Merc Notification

// Restrictions
"arg24" "1" // Restrict new minions to only spawn if alive minions are equal or under the max allowed
"arg25" "1" // Restriction: Maximum amount of alive minions when new minions can spawn

// Minion Particle Effects
"arg26" "" // Particle Type
"arg27" "" // Duration
"arg28" "" // Follow?

// Weapons
"arg29" "1" // Weapon mode (0 to allow minions to spawn with regular loadouts, 1 for specific weapons, 2 for no weapons)
"arg30" "1" // If arg26 is set to 1, how many random custom weapon sets? (max is 9 sets)

// Weapon Set (up to 9 sets)
"arg100" "1" // Items in this loadout? (Max of 10, 1xx-999, 1010-1099)

// Loadout (up to 10 items per loadout, x01-x99)
"arg101" "tf_weapon_shovel" // Weapon Classname
"arg102" "452" // Index
"arg103" "68 ; -1 ; 252 ; 0.25 ; 1 ; 0.01 ; 75 ; 1.5 ; 149 ; 1 ; 218 ; 1 ; 402 ; 1 ; 275 ; 1 ; 264 ; 2 ; 179 ; 1 ; 32 ; 1 ; 182 ; 5 ; 326 ; 2 ; 205 ; 0.5" // Attributes (if arg10 = 1)
"arg104" "0" // Ammo
"arg105" "0" // Clip
"arg108" "1" // Visible?

"plugin_name" "ff2_salmon"
"name" "rage_buffs"
"arg1" "2" // Mode (-1=Random, 0=all buffs, 1=Minicrits, 2=Defense Buff, 3=Regen Buff, 4=Minicrits + Defense buff, 5=Minicrits + Regen Buff, 6=Defense + Regen Buff)
"arg2" "10" //Timer for the buffs
"arg3" "0" // Trigger. 0 = E rage, 1 = triggered by ability management system

"plugin_name" "M7_abilities"
"name" "rage_movespeed"
"arg1" "450" // Boss Move Speed
"arg2" "10" // Boss Move Speed Duration (seconds)
"plugin_name" "ff2_movespeed"
Or :


"name" "Remilia Scarlet (DUO)"
"class" "8"
"model" "models\freak_fortress_2\newremilia\newremili a.mdl"
"health_formula" "(((760+n)*n)^1.04)/2.8"
"ragedist" "2500.0"
"maxspeed" "340"
"ragedamage" "2500"
"sound_block_vo" "1"
"companion" "flandre_duo"

//Boss Description(s)
"description_en" "Boss Name - Remilia Scarlet\nBoss Info - Elder sister of Flandre Scarlet who owns the Scarlet Devil Mansion\nSuper Jump : alt-fire, look up and stand up.\nWeighdown: in midair, look down and crouch.\nPassive: With 30% rage you can cast a Bat Spell by pressing RELOAD button.\nRage (Stun + Gungnir)Call for medic when the Rage Meter is full.\nBoss Maker - Nameless and JuegosPablo"

"name" "tf_weapon_knife"
"index" "452"
"attributes" "1 ; 0.4 ; 149 ; 5 ; 137 ; 100 ; 337 ; 5 ; 338 ; 5 ; 2025 ; 2 ; 2014 ; 1"

//Boss Ability(s)
"name" "rage_stun"
"arg0" "0"
"arg1" "5.0"
"plugin_name" "default_abilities"
"name" "rage_stunsg"
"arg1" "7"
"plugin_name" "default_abilities"
"name" "dynamic_jump"

// slot is ignored.
"arg1" "1.5" // charge time, same as charge_bravejump
"arg2" "5.0" // cooldown, same as charge_bravejump
"arg3" "0" // 1 = disabled by default (can only be re-enabled in code)
"arg4" "0" // number of uses. set to 0 to be infinite.
"arg5" "3.0" // cooldown before first use
"arg6" "100.0" // minimum damage before super duper jump
"arg7" "0" // use new jump
"arg8" "1.2" // jump intensity multiplier. unlike charge_bravejump, this works for oldjump too
"arg9" "0" // 1 = use RELOAD instead of ALT-FIRE
"arg10" "1" // don't affect weighdown's cooldown

// HUD strings
"arg17" "Super DUPER Jump ready! Look up, press and release ALT-FIRE." // super duper jump message
"arg18" "Super Jump is not ready. %.1f seconds remaining." // cooldown message
"arg19" "Super Jump is ready. %.0f percent charged.\nLook up, press and release ALT-FIRE." // charge message

"plugin_name" "ff2_dynamic_defaults"
"name" "charge_weightdown_fix"
"arg0" "3"
"plugin_name" "ff2_otokiru_wc3"
"name" "rage_new_weapon"
"arg1" "tf_weapon_grenadelauncher"
"arg2" "308"
"arg3" "37 ; 0 ; 134 ; 77 ; 2 ; 100 ; 280 ; 2 ; 96 ; 0.01 ; 103 ; 1.5 ; 99 ; 1.5 ; 2025 ; 2 ; 2014 ; 1"
"arg4" "1"
"arg5" "1"
"arg6" "1"
"plugin_name" "special_noanims"
"name" "special_spells"
"arg1" "1" // Button Mode (1 - Reload, 2 - Special)
"arg2" "30.0" // RAGE Cost
"arg3" "20.0" // Cooldown between uses
"arg4" "1" // Number of Spell (0 = random)

"arg5" "Ability is on cooldown! You cannot cast a Spell yet!" // Cooldown text
"arg6" "Press %s to cast a Spell! (costs %i RAGE)" // Ready text
"arg7" "Spells are now available again!" // Cooldown over text

"arg8" "RELOAD" // Reload
"arg9" "SPECIAL" // Special

"arg10" "You need at least %i RAGE to cast a spell!" // Minimum RAGE not met!

"plugin_name" "the_killing_mann"
"name" "replace_projectile"
"arg1" "tf_projectile_rocket" //name of the projectile to replace the model of
"arg2" "models\freak_fortress_2\remilia\w_remilia_sp ear.mdl" //replacement model
"arg3" "2.0" //model scale
"plugin_name" "ff2_replaceprojectile"
"name" "projectile_particles"
"arg1" "eyeboss_projectile" // Particles effect name
"arg2" "1" // Holyness level. The higher = The brighter = More lag.
"plugin_name" "ff2_otokiru_pp"
Sounds and downloads excluded, of course.
CX47103 is offline
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Old 04-03-2020 , 18:11   Re: Duo boss trouble
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Remove that line: "companion" "remilia_duo"
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M76030 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2020
Old 04-03-2020 , 18:21   Re: Duo boss trouble
Reply With Quote #3

Then, the boss does not work, at all. Could I do something to make it work properly?

Last edited by CX47103; 04-03-2020 at 18:22.
CX47103 is offline
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Old 04-03-2020 , 22:40   Re: Duo boss trouble
Reply With Quote #4

You have to remove companion key on the blocked boss, otherwise it could cause every boss to search for a companion.
Batfoxkid is offline
Join Date: Mar 2020
Old 04-04-2020 , 03:32   Re: Duo boss trouble
Reply With Quote #5

Ah, alrighty
Well, thanks for this, I guess
CX47103 is offline

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