"name" "Agent_Ninja_Version_1"
"class" "spy"
"ragedist" "1800"
"health_formula" "(((1650+n)*n)^1.04)"
"maxspeed" "370"
"fversion" "2"
-Boss have kunai as main melee which deals 168, boss have 50% higher normal jump height and have disguise kit + dead ringer with silent sound when decloak and fast regeneration rate + faster by 50% decloak time, backstaber gets jarate effect when backstabing boss, boss capture point rate is better by 6 times so x7 capture rate and enemy team - red have 1 revive, boss model have unusual effect.
themes :
Departune To Destruction by Andrew Hulshult link:
BLOOD OVERDRIVE by Aaron F. Bianchi Jupiter link:
Death Row - Payday 2 official soundtrack by Carl Norén link:
-the first is katana and, it deals 260 cant crit and slow attack rate by 60% note when time on katana runs out you need to manualy swich weapons back to main melee.
-the second is gun, with 6 max bullets 3 in magazine and 3 in reserve deals 168~~ + bleed dmg for 5s
-the third is rage buff, it gives minicrits and mannpower perk resistance for 15s and uber for 3.5s and stun for sentrys for 10s
all abilities are in ability menu.
download link:
video of testing my boss link: