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Restrict weapons for certain maps

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Old 09-14-2010 , 15:25   Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Reply With Quote #41

Hey guys im a noob with amx. I managed to get csdm working ok with the gun menu etc. But like Darknightcze2 i also want to fix the awp maps so that you auto get a deagle and awp and cant buy anything else. I tried all the above that you said and i still cant get it to work. It will still say awp limit reached when i drop my awp and i cannot pick another one up untill i kill another bot. Even with the sniper commands at the end of the amxx.cfg file adjusted once im in the game it reverts to the default settings. Any ideas as ive spent days not getting any results.


Just incase you dont understand here is the error log:

L 09/15/2010 - : -------- Mapchange to awp_bycastor32 --------
L 09/15/2010 - : [AMXX] Plugin "admin.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "admins_lookup") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/15/2010 - : [AMXX] Plugin "admincmd.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "LookupLangKey") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/15/2010 - : [AMXX] Plugin "telemenu.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "LookupLangKey") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/15/2010 - : [AMXX] Plugin "mapsmenu.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "ArrayPushString") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/15/2010 - : [AMXX] Plugin "pluginmenu.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "set_pcvar_string") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/15/2010 - : [AMXX] Plugin "imessage.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "ArrayPushArray") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/15/2010 - : [AMXX] Plugin "adminvote.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "LookupLangKey") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_spawn_preset.amxx] No spawn points file found (addons/amxmodx/configs\csdm\awp_bycastor32.spawns.cfg)
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_main.amxx] CSDM spawn mode set to preset
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "//" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "max_awps" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "max_autos" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "winspread_awp" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "winspread_auto" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "autolimit" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "awplimit" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "checkrebuy" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] No items file found (addons/amxmodx/configs\csdm\items\ents_awp_bycastor32.cfg)
L 09/15/2010 - : [maphandler06.amxx] Starting map: awp_bycastor32
L 09/15/2010 - : [maphandler06.amxx] About to write to addons/amxmodx/data/maphandler.dat.
L 09/15/2010 - : [mapchooser4.amxx] Found 17 maps in maps folder
L 09/15/2010 - : [mapchooser4.amxx] xvars for mapchooser 4 setuped.
L 09/15/2010 - : -------- Mapchange to awp_bycastor32 --------
L 09/15/2010 - : [AMXX] Plugin "admin.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "admins_lookup") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/15/2010 - : [AMXX] Plugin "admincmd.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "LookupLangKey") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/15/2010 - : [AMXX] Plugin "telemenu.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "LookupLangKey") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/15/2010 - : [AMXX] Plugin "mapsmenu.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "ArrayPushString") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/15/2010 - : [AMXX] Plugin "pluginmenu.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "set_pcvar_string") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/15/2010 - : [AMXX] Plugin "imessage.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "ArrayPushArray") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/15/2010 - : [AMXX] Plugin "adminvote.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "LookupLangKey") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_spawn_preset.amxx] No spawn points file found (addons/amxmodx/configs\csdm\awp_bycastor32.spawns.cfg)
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_main.amxx] CSDM spawn mode set to preset
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "//" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "max_awps" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "max_autos" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "winspread_awp" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "winspread_auto" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "autolimit" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "awplimit" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] "checkrebuy" is not a valid name. Check your restrictions for item mode.
L 09/15/2010 - : [csdm_itemmode.amxx] No items file found (addons/amxmodx/configs\csdm\items\ents_awp_bycastor32.cfg)
L 09/15/2010 - : [maphandler06.amxx] Starting map: awp_bycastor32
L 09/15/2010 - : [maphandler06.amxx] About to write to addons/amxmodx/data/maphandler.dat.
L 09/15/2010 - : [mapchooser4.amxx] Found 17 maps in maps folder
L 09/15/2010 - : [mapchooser4.amxx] xvars for mapchooser 4 setuped.

Last edited by mad_maniac_man; 09-15-2010 at 18:46.
mad_maniac_man is offline
AMX Mod X Beta Tester
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Poland
Old 09-16-2010 , 09:04   Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Reply With Quote #42

I believe You are using some of my All-In-One packages with plugins I'm supporting (mapchooser4, maphandler06, sniperlimit etc). Form that what I can see from Your logs You have some troubles with loading even standard (original) AMX X plugins (like admin, admincmd, pluginmenu, imessage etc). That menas You may need to compile that locally against the AMX X version You are currently using.
About max_awps , max_autos, winspread_awp, winspread_auto, autolimit, awplimit, checkrebuy settings - they are for sniperlimit plugin and they have nothing to do to CSDM. If You want to disable this plugin for awp_xxx maps, all You need to do is put the settings for them in amxx.cfg (like for normal maps), but then - in amxmodx/configs/maps/prefix_awp.cfg You should just write
awplimit 0
autolimit 0

That should disable sniperlimit plugin working on awp maps, but it should work normaly on others.

Log messages You provided here about those settings are telling me one thing - You have put them in wrong place (I believe in amxmodx\configs\csdm\extraconfigs\ in some awp_xxx.cfg file and in section [items] or [item_restrictions]. But as I said - those settings have nothing to do with CSDM nor itemomode of CSDM - so they shouldn't be there.
The Fullpack of podbot mm V3B22 - 24 apr 2012!!! is available here.
The All-In-One 3.2a package - 02 jun 2013 (AMX X 1.8.2 [with ATAC 3.0.1b , CSDM2.1.3c beta, CM OE 0.6.5, podbot mm V3B22c and mm 1.20) is available here.
The newest Beta V3B23a (rel. 28 august 2018!!!) is available here.

Last edited by KWo; 09-16-2010 at 09:10.
KWo is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Old 09-16-2010 , 12:40   Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Reply With Quote #43

#1 "If You want to disable this plugin for awp_xxx maps, all You need to do is put the settings for them in amxx.cfg"

The bottom of my amxx.cfg file reads:

// ***********************
// Custom plugin settings
// ***********************

// gore plugin
// a - Headshot blood
// b - Extra blood effects
// c - Bleeding on low health
// d - Gib explosion (knife, HE, high damage only)
amx_gore ab

// mapchooser4

amx_mapchooser_type 1
amx_mapchooser_mapsfile maps.ini
amx_nominfromfile 0
amx_maxnominperplayer 2
amx_map_history 5

amx_rtv 1
amx_rtv_percent 0.6
amx_rtv_min_time 10

amx_extendmap_max 5
amx_extendmap_step 3
amx_ext_round_max 5
amx_ext_round_step 3
amx_ext_win_max 5
amx_ext_win_step 3

// sniperlimit
max_awps 90
max_autos 90
winspread_awp 0
winspread_auto 0
autolimit 0
awplimit 0
checkrebuy 1

Correct me if im wrong.

#2 "Log messages You provided here about those settings are telling me one thing - You have put them in wrong place (I believe in amxmodx\configs\csdm\extraconfigs\ in some awp_xxx.cfg file and in section [items] or [item_restrictions]. But as I said - those settings have nothing to do with CSDM nor itemomode of CSDM - so they shouldn't be there."

Where should they be then ? As I really want to solve the awp maps problem. All i want is auto awp and auto deagle for every player/bot and to restrict buying completely.


I found the compile thingy in scripting folder and used the .exe seems to have fixed somethings as there is less in the error log. Take a look for yourself:

L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:16: -------- Mapchange to awp_bycastor32 --------
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:16: [AMXX] Plugin "pluginmenu.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "set_pcvar_string") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:16: [AMXX] Plugin "csdm_stripper.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "csdm_write_cfg") - check your modules.ini.
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:17: [csdm_spawn_preset.amxx] No spawn points file found (addons/amxmodx/configs\csdm\awp_bycastor32.spawns.cfg)
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:17: [csdm_main.amxx] CSDM spawn mode set to preset
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:18: [maphandler06.amxx] Starting map: awp_bycastor32
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:18: [maphandler06.amxx] About to write to addons/amxmodx/data/maphandler.dat.
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:18: [mapchooser4.amxx] Found 17 maps in maps folder
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:25: [CSDM2] Could not read config file: cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\csdm\extraconf igs\items_awp_byca
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:25: [mapchooser4.amxx] xvars for mapchooser 4 setuped.

I think it has fixed the awp limiting problem and buying seems to be restricted. The few things above I have no idea about. And I think that leaves the last thing to be fixed for everyone to have a deagle by default(auto).

Cheers for your help and patience with me so far mate,

Your padawan,


Last edited by mad_maniac_man; 09-16-2010 at 13:08.
mad_maniac_man is offline
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Location: Poland
Old 09-16-2010 , 15:54   Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Reply With Quote #44

Originally Posted by mad_maniac_man View Post
L 09/16/2010 - 17:00:16: [AMXX] Plugin "csdm_stripper.amxx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "csdm_write_cfg") - check your modules.ini.
That means - more than likely - You are using original CSDM module with my stripper plugin. You should use CSDM module (csdm_amxx.dll or csdm_amxx_i386.so) provided by me in beta package (or in All-In-One package - they are the same).
The Fullpack of podbot mm V3B22 - 24 apr 2012!!! is available here.
The All-In-One 3.2a package - 02 jun 2013 (AMX X 1.8.2 [with ATAC 3.0.1b , CSDM2.1.3c beta, CM OE 0.6.5, podbot mm V3B22c and mm 1.20) is available here.
The newest Beta V3B23a (rel. 28 august 2018!!!) is available here.
KWo is offline
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Old 09-17-2010 , 04:59   Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Reply With Quote #45

Originally Posted by KWo View Post
That means - more than likely - You are using original CSDM module with my stripper plugin. You should use CSDM module (csdm_amxx.dll or csdm_amxx_i386.so) provided by me in beta package (or in All-In-One package - they are the same).
Yeah I tried the csdm module in your all-in-one package and it still gave me the same error log.

How do i set it that everyone gets a deagle automatically on all awp maps ?

mad_maniac_man is offline
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Location: Poland
Old 09-17-2010 , 15:08   Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Reply With Quote #46

CSDM can only automatically equip player with grenades or armor, but it doesn't automatically equip them with any primary or secondary weapon. The only thing You can do with CSDM is to let players have in their gun menu only deagle available (but the players still have to choose it from the gun menu) for awp maps. You may need to create in addons\configs\maps\prefix-awp.cfg with this line:
csdm_reload "csdm\extraconfigs\guns_awp.cfg"
Then - in addons\configs\csdm\extraconfigs\guns_awp.cfg You should write such lines:

usp USP 0
glock18 Glock 0
deagle Deagle 1
p228 P228 0
elite Elite 0
fiveseven "Five Seven" 0

m4a1 M4A1 0
ak47 AK47 0
aug AUG 0
sg552 SG552 0
galil Galil 0
famas Famas 0
scout Scout 0
awp AWP 0
sg550 SG550 0
m249 M249 0
g3sg1 G3SG1 0
ump45 "UMP 45" 0
mp5navy "MP5 Navy" 0
m3 M3 0
xm1014 XM1014 0
tmp TMP 0
mac10 "Mac 10" 0
p90 P90 0


You can also try to make the section [primary] empty.
The Fullpack of podbot mm V3B22 - 24 apr 2012!!! is available here.
The All-In-One 3.2a package - 02 jun 2013 (AMX X 1.8.2 [with ATAC 3.0.1b , CSDM2.1.3c beta, CM OE 0.6.5, podbot mm V3B22c and mm 1.20) is available here.
The newest Beta V3B23a (rel. 28 august 2018!!!) is available here.

Last edited by KWo; 09-17-2010 at 15:10.
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Old 09-19-2010 , 16:22   Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Reply With Quote #47

Ahh right ok that makes sense mate. Ok scrap that how do I go about making csdm to automatically equip players with grenades and full armor then ?
mad_maniac_man is offline
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Old 09-20-2010 , 07:22   Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Reply With Quote #48

Originally Posted by mad_maniac_man View Post
Ok scrap that how do I go about making csdm to automatically equip players with grenades and full armor then?
Do You mean on all maps or only on awp maps?
If on all maps, then You need to have these lines in csdm.cfg:
;Equip Menu flags: 
; p - primary
; s - secondary
; a - armor
; g - grenade
; b - buy
menus = ps

;Autoitem flags:
; a - armor
; h - helmet
; g - grenades
; d - defusekit (CTs only!)
; n - nightvision
autoitems = ahg

;Grenade flags:
; f - flashbang
; h - he grenade
; s - smoke grenade
grenades = fhs

;Sets number of flashbangs given if
; grenades are enabled
fnadesnum = 2
If You are just talking about awp maps - then You should have those above lines in guns_awp.cfg file.

Remember - in guns_awp.cfg file You should have to have only settings for differences between normal maps and awp maps (don't write there everything).

Example - on normal maps You want to let the player choose everyting from gun menus, but no flashbangs:
The responsible part of csdm.cfg looks like:
;Equip Menu flags: 
; p - primary
; s - secondary
; a - armor
; g - grenade
; b - buy
menus = psag

;Autoitem flags:
; a - armor
; h - helmet
; g - grenades
; d - defusekit (CTs only!)
; n - nightvision
autoitems = 

;Grenade flags:
; f - flashbang
; h - he grenade
; s - smoke grenade
grenades = hs
But for awp maps You want to have players automatically equiped with nades (including flashbang), armor and helmet, but no primary weapon menu (only secondary). Then the whole guns_awp.cfg file looks like:
;Equip Menu flags: 
; p - primary
; s - secondary
; a - armor
; g - grenade
; b - buy
menus = s

;Autoitem flags:
; a - armor
; h - helmet
; g - grenades
; d - defusekit (CTs only!)
; n - nightvision
autoitems = ahg

;Grenade flags:
; f - flashbang
; h - he grenade
; s - smoke grenade
grenades = fhs
Instead asking - just read the config and play a bit with settings.
The Fullpack of podbot mm V3B22 - 24 apr 2012!!! is available here.
The All-In-One 3.2a package - 02 jun 2013 (AMX X 1.8.2 [with ATAC 3.0.1b , CSDM2.1.3c beta, CM OE 0.6.5, podbot mm V3B22c and mm 1.20) is available here.
The newest Beta V3B23a (rel. 28 august 2018!!!) is available here.
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Old 09-20-2010 , 13:52   Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Reply With Quote #49

I tried all variations of that gun_awp.cfg in the extraconfigs folder but no luck so I give up. The other mainly annoying problem im getting is node errors in the waypoints and maps like sa_treetops aint working properly. That might not be in your area of expertize though.

mad_maniac_man is offline
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Location: Poland
Old 09-20-2010 , 15:11   Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Reply With Quote #50

The only thing I cannot be sure is this prefix awp thing, I mean if this file is whole interpreted by AMX X:
To make sure the contents of it is called, rename the file name to awp_bycastor32.cfg (leave everything else as You did it untill now whole testing those configs described by me above) then try to play some map to see if settings for standard maps are working, then call changelevel for Your awp_bycastor32 map. Check how CSDM is working on that map (if there are any differences with equiping players, showing menus etc).

BTW - waypoints problem for podbot mm is also somehow in my scope, byt this is not the right forum to ask such things.

Go there to ask the question related podbot mm waypoints.
The Fullpack of podbot mm V3B22 - 24 apr 2012!!! is available here.
The All-In-One 3.2a package - 02 jun 2013 (AMX X 1.8.2 [with ATAC 3.0.1b , CSDM2.1.3c beta, CM OE 0.6.5, podbot mm V3B22c and mm 1.20) is available here.
The newest Beta V3B23a (rel. 28 august 2018!!!) is available here.

Last edited by KWo; 09-20-2010 at 15:14.
KWo is offline

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