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How-To: Play L4D2 with 5+ player co-op using your own server by a newb

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Old 01-14-2020 , 11:34   Re: How-To: Play L4D2 with 5+ player co-op using your own server by a newb
Reply With Quote #41

Somehow, I test the game by myself with some setting up for the tank HP, the tank get oneshot by the bot ... so something wrong with it?

Alabasca is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Old 05-04-2021 , 18:47   Re: How-To: Play L4D2 with 5+ player co-op using your own server by a newb
Reply With Quote #42

Excuse the necro, I have a problem and this post seemed like the best place to ask.

I started a public campaign lobby with a friend, picked "Steam Group Server" and our dedicated server in the list. I basically followed the method described here: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpo...88&postcount=5

Eventually my friend had to leave but I stayed, and the server would regularly have random players come and go. However I noticed the number of human players never exceeded 4; when there were less than 4 human players it would take no more than 5 to 10 minutes for a random player to join. However there were actually 4 players, random people seemed to stop joining.

At one point, I had three random players on our server, plus me. One of them tried to invite a friend to join the server, but they were getting the "server full" message. I left in order for them to join, then I reconnected just fine via IP address.

What is wrong here? Wasn't L4DToolz supposed to prevent this problem? Is there something misconfigured? I'm using the version linked in the original post.

I did deviate from the guide as I found some info is dated; I'm using ABM instead of bebop as according to the replies here bebop has not been maintained for a long time. I also do not have SuperVersus as ABM is supposed to replace that (though I have been considering using both)

I also since have added Silver's Remove Lobby Reservation to see whether or not that fixes it.

Here is some of my server.cfg (I omitted some pointless or identifying stuff)
sv_lan 0
sv_cheats 0
sv_consistency 0
sv_maxcmdrate 101
sv_maxrate 30000

sm_cvar sv_disable_glow_survivors 0
sm_cvar sv_disable_glow_faritems 0
sm_cvar sv_rescue_disabled 0

sm_advertisements_enabled 1
sm_advertisements_interval 480

motd_enabled 1

sv_gametypes "coop"
sm_cvar mp_gamemode coop

//z_difficulty easy

sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0

sv_maxplayers "20"
sv_visiblemaxplayers "20"
sm_cvar sv_force_unreserved "1"
sv_steamgroup_exclusive 0

sm_cvar pipe_bomb_timer_duration "6"

//Game Settings
mp_disable_autokick 1         //(command)prevents a userid from being auto-kicked (Usage mp_diable_autokick )
sv_allow_wait_command 0        //default 1; Allow or disalow the wait command on clients connected to this server.
sv_alternateticks 0        //defulat 0; (singleplayer)If set, server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks.
sv_clearhinthistory 0        //(command)Clear memory of server side hint displayed to the player.
sv_consistency 0        //default 1; Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files
sv_pausable 0            //default 0; is the server pausable
sv_forcepreload 1        //default 0; Force server side preloading
sv_pure_kick_clients 0        //default 1; If set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatchng files. Otherwise, it will issue a warning to the client.
sv_pure 0            //If set to 1, server will force all client files execpt whitelisted ones (in pure_server_whitelist.txt) to match server's files.
                //If set to 2, the server will force all clietn files to come from steam and not load pure_server_whilelist.txt. Set to 0 for disabled.

sv_voiceenable 1        //default 1; enable/disable voice comm
sv_alltalk 1            //default 0; Players can hear all other players' voice communication, no team restrictions

log off            //Creates a logfile (on | off)
sv_logecho 0            //default 0; Echo log information to the console.
sv_logfile 1        //default 1; Log server information in the log file.
sv_log_onefile 0    //default 0; Log server information to only one file.
sv_logbans 1        //default 0;Log server bans in the server logs.
sv_logflush 0        //default 0; Flush the log files to disk on each write (slow).
sv_logsdir logs        //Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.

//  execute banned.cfgs at server start. Optimally at launch commandline.
//  Put writeip/wrtieid commands in the bottom of server.cfg AFTER banned.cfgs have loaded.
exec banned_user.cfg    //loads banned users' ids
exec banned_ip.cfg    //loads banned users' ips
writeip          //Save the ban list to banned_ip.cfg.
writeid          //Wrties a list of permanently-banned user IDs to banned_user.cfg.

//Network Tweaks - Increase network performance
rate 10000        //default 10000; Max bytes/sec the host can recieve data
sv_minrate 15000       //default "5000"; Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited
sv_maxrate 30000    //default "0";  Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited
sv_mincmdrate 20    //default 0; This sets the minimum value for cl_cmdrate. 0 = unlimited [cevo=67]
sv_maxcmdrate 33    //default 40; (If sv_mincmdrate is > 0), this sets the maximum value for cl_cmdrate. [cevo=101]

// Specifies how admin activity should be relayed to users.  Add up the values
// below to get the functionality you want.
// 1: Show admin activity to non-admins anonymously.
// 2: If 1 is specified, admin names will be shown.
// 4: Show admin activity to admins anonymously.
// 8: If 4 is specified, admin names will be shown.
// 16: Always show admin names to root users.
// --
// Default: 13 (1+4+8)
sm_show_activity 13

// Specifies whether menu sounds are enabled for menus created by SourceMod.
// Menu sounds can be further configured in addons/sourcemod/configs/core.cfg.
// --
// Default: 1
sm_menu_sounds 1

// Specifies how long of a delay, in seconds, should be used in between votes 
// that are "public" or can be spammed.  Whether or not this delay is obeyed 
// is dependent on the menu/command.
// --
// Default: 30
sm_vote_delay 0

// Default datetime formatting rules when displaying to clients.
// For full options, see: http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/.../strftime.html
// --
// Default: %m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S
// 12 hour format: %m/%d/%Y - %I:%M:%S %p
sm_datetime_format "%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S"

// Sets how SourceMod should check immunity levels when administrators target 
// each other.
// 0: Ignore immunity levels (except for specific group immunities).
// 1: Protect from admins of lower access only.
// 2: Protect from admins of equal to or lower access.
// 3: Same as 2, except admins with no immunity can affect each other.
// --
// Default: 1
sm_immunity_mode 1

// Sets how many seconds SourceMod should adjust time values for incorrect 
// server clocks.  This can be positive or negative and will affect every 
// system time in SourceMod, including logging stamps.
// --
// Default: 0
sm_time_adjustment 0

// Specifies the amount of time that is allowed between chat messages.  This
// includes the say and say_team commands.  If a client sends a message faster
// than this time, they receive a flood token.  When the client has accumulated
// 3 or more tokens, a warning message is shown instead of the chat message.
// --
// Requires: antiflood.smx
// Default: 0.75
sm_flood_time 0.75

// Specifies how the reserved slots plugin operates. Valid values are:
// 0 : Public slots are used in preference to reserved slots. Reserved slots are freed before public slots.
// 1 : If someone with reserve access joins into a reserved slot, the player with the highest latency and 
// no reserved slot access (spectator players are selected first) is kicked to make room. Thus, the reserved
// slots always remains free. The only situation where the reserved slot(s) can become properly occupied is 
// if the server is full with reserve slot access clients.
// 2 : The same as sm_reserve_type 1 except once a certain number of admins have been reached, the reserve slot
// stops kicking people and anyone can join to fill the server. You can use this to simulate having a large
// number of reserved slots with sm_reserve_type 0 but with only need to have 1 slot unavailable when there are
// less admins connected.
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_reserve_type 0

// Specifies the number of reserved player slots.  Users with the reservation
// admin flag set will be able to join the server when there are no public slots
// remaining. If someone does not have this flag, they will be kicked.
// (Public slots are defined as: maxplayers - number of reserved slots)
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_reserved_slots 1

// Specifies whether or not reserved slots will be hidden (subtracted from max
// slot count). Valid values are 0 (Visible) or 1 (Hidden).
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_hide_slots 0

// Specifies whether or not non-admins can send messages to admins using
// say_team @<message>. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled)
// --
// Requires: basechat.smx
// Default: 1
sm_chat_mode 1

// Specifies whether or not "timeleft" will automatically be triggered every
// x seconds. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) to 1800 seconds.
// --
// Requires: basetriggers.smx
// Default: 0
sm_timeleft_interval 0

// Specifies whether or not chat triggers are broadcast to the server or just
// the player who requested the info trigger. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or
// 1 (Enabled)
// --
// Requires: basetriggers.smx
// Default: 0
sm_trigger_show 0

// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress to clients in the
// "hint" box (near the bottom of the screen in most games).
// Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_hintbox 0

// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress to clients in the
// chat area. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_chat 0

// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress in the server console.
// Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_console 0

// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress to clients in the
// client console. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_client_console 0

vocalizeantiflood_time 1.0
vocalizeantiflood_penalty 1.0
vocalizeantiflood_talker_time 1.0
vocalizeantiflood_talker_penalty 1.0
vocalizefilter_mode 0
sm_cvar sb_all_bot_game 1
sm_cvar sb_allow_shoot_through_survivors 1

I just now realized 'sm_cvar "survivor_limit"' was not in my server.cfg, so it was on its default of 4. That might have been the cause of my problem but I'm not sure yet.

Edit2: I can't seem to change it, it says it changed sucessfully but when I check it again it's still at 4?

sm_cvar "survivor_limit" 20.0
[SM] Changed cvar "survivor_limit" to "20.0".
sm_cvar "survivor_limit"
[SM] Value of cvar "survivor_limit": "4.000000"

Last edited by Proaxel; 05-04-2021 at 20:37.
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Old 07-14-2021 , 11:58   Re: How-To: Play L4D2 with 5+ player co-op using your own server by a newb
Reply With Quote #43

Hi Proaxel, I have fixed my post with l4dtoolz and I also got
the new version for 2.2,
Thanks a lot for the pump!!

Last edited by jeremyvillanueva; 07-17-2021 at 15:32.
jeremyvillanueva is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Old 07-15-2021 , 12:25   Re: How-To: Play L4D2 with 5+ player co-op using your own server by a newb
Reply With Quote #44

Originally Posted by Proaxel View Post
Excuse the necro, I have a problem and this post seemed like the best place to ask.

I started a public campaign lobby with a friend, picked "Steam Group Server" and our dedicated server in the list. I basically followed the method described here: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpo...88&postcount=5

Eventually my friend had to leave but I stayed, and the server would regularly have random players come and go. However I noticed the number of human players never exceeded 4; when there were less than 4 human players it would take no more than 5 to 10 minutes for a random player to join. However there were actually 4 players, random people seemed to stop joining.

At one point, I had three random players on our server, plus me. One of them tried to invite a friend to join the server, but they were getting the "server full" message. I left in order for them to join, then I reconnected just fine via IP address.

What is wrong here? Wasn't L4DToolz supposed to prevent this problem? Is there something misconfigured? I'm using the version linked in the original post.

I did deviate from the guide as I found some info is dated; I'm using ABM instead of bebop as according to the replies here bebop has not been maintained for a long time. I also do not have SuperVersus as ABM is supposed to replace that (though I have been considering using both)

I also since have added Silver's Remove Lobby Reservation to see whether or not that fixes it.

Here is some of my server.cfg (I omitted some pointless or identifying stuff)
sv_lan 0
sv_cheats 0
sv_consistency 0
sv_maxcmdrate 101
sv_maxrate 30000

sm_cvar sv_disable_glow_survivors 0
sm_cvar sv_disable_glow_faritems 0
sm_cvar sv_rescue_disabled 0

sm_advertisements_enabled 1
sm_advertisements_interval 480

motd_enabled 1

sv_gametypes "coop"
sm_cvar mp_gamemode coop

//z_difficulty easy

sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0

sv_maxplayers "20"
sv_visiblemaxplayers "20"
sm_cvar sv_force_unreserved "1"
sv_steamgroup_exclusive 0

sm_cvar pipe_bomb_timer_duration "6"

//Game Settings
mp_disable_autokick 1         //(command)prevents a userid from being auto-kicked (Usage mp_diable_autokick )
sv_allow_wait_command 0        //default 1; Allow or disalow the wait command on clients connected to this server.
sv_alternateticks 0        //defulat 0; (singleplayer)If set, server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks.
sv_clearhinthistory 0        //(command)Clear memory of server side hint displayed to the player.
sv_consistency 0        //default 1; Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files
sv_pausable 0            //default 0; is the server pausable
sv_forcepreload 1        //default 0; Force server side preloading
sv_pure_kick_clients 0        //default 1; If set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatchng files. Otherwise, it will issue a warning to the client.
sv_pure 0            //If set to 1, server will force all client files execpt whitelisted ones (in pure_server_whitelist.txt) to match server's files.
                //If set to 2, the server will force all clietn files to come from steam and not load pure_server_whilelist.txt. Set to 0 for disabled.

sv_voiceenable 1        //default 1; enable/disable voice comm
sv_alltalk 1            //default 0; Players can hear all other players' voice communication, no team restrictions

log off            //Creates a logfile (on | off)
sv_logecho 0            //default 0; Echo log information to the console.
sv_logfile 1        //default 1; Log server information in the log file.
sv_log_onefile 0    //default 0; Log server information to only one file.
sv_logbans 1        //default 0;Log server bans in the server logs.
sv_logflush 0        //default 0; Flush the log files to disk on each write (slow).
sv_logsdir logs        //Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.

//  execute banned.cfgs at server start. Optimally at launch commandline.
//  Put writeip/wrtieid commands in the bottom of server.cfg AFTER banned.cfgs have loaded.
exec banned_user.cfg    //loads banned users' ids
exec banned_ip.cfg    //loads banned users' ips
writeip          //Save the ban list to banned_ip.cfg.
writeid          //Wrties a list of permanently-banned user IDs to banned_user.cfg.

//Network Tweaks - Increase network performance
rate 10000        //default 10000; Max bytes/sec the host can recieve data
sv_minrate 15000       //default "5000"; Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited
sv_maxrate 30000    //default "0";  Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited
sv_mincmdrate 20    //default 0; This sets the minimum value for cl_cmdrate. 0 = unlimited [cevo=67]
sv_maxcmdrate 33    //default 40; (If sv_mincmdrate is > 0), this sets the maximum value for cl_cmdrate. [cevo=101]

// Specifies how admin activity should be relayed to users.  Add up the values
// below to get the functionality you want.
// 1: Show admin activity to non-admins anonymously.
// 2: If 1 is specified, admin names will be shown.
// 4: Show admin activity to admins anonymously.
// 8: If 4 is specified, admin names will be shown.
// 16: Always show admin names to root users.
// --
// Default: 13 (1+4+8)
sm_show_activity 13

// Specifies whether menu sounds are enabled for menus created by SourceMod.
// Menu sounds can be further configured in addons/sourcemod/configs/core.cfg.
// --
// Default: 1
sm_menu_sounds 1

// Specifies how long of a delay, in seconds, should be used in between votes 
// that are "public" or can be spammed.  Whether or not this delay is obeyed 
// is dependent on the menu/command.
// --
// Default: 30
sm_vote_delay 0

// Default datetime formatting rules when displaying to clients.
// For full options, see: http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/.../strftime.html
// --
// Default: %m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S
// 12 hour format: %m/%d/%Y - %I:%M:%S %p
sm_datetime_format "%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S"

// Sets how SourceMod should check immunity levels when administrators target 
// each other.
// 0: Ignore immunity levels (except for specific group immunities).
// 1: Protect from admins of lower access only.
// 2: Protect from admins of equal to or lower access.
// 3: Same as 2, except admins with no immunity can affect each other.
// --
// Default: 1
sm_immunity_mode 1

// Sets how many seconds SourceMod should adjust time values for incorrect 
// server clocks.  This can be positive or negative and will affect every 
// system time in SourceMod, including logging stamps.
// --
// Default: 0
sm_time_adjustment 0

// Specifies the amount of time that is allowed between chat messages.  This
// includes the say and say_team commands.  If a client sends a message faster
// than this time, they receive a flood token.  When the client has accumulated
// 3 or more tokens, a warning message is shown instead of the chat message.
// --
// Requires: antiflood.smx
// Default: 0.75
sm_flood_time 0.75

// Specifies how the reserved slots plugin operates. Valid values are:
// 0 : Public slots are used in preference to reserved slots. Reserved slots are freed before public slots.
// 1 : If someone with reserve access joins into a reserved slot, the player with the highest latency and 
// no reserved slot access (spectator players are selected first) is kicked to make room. Thus, the reserved
// slots always remains free. The only situation where the reserved slot(s) can become properly occupied is 
// if the server is full with reserve slot access clients.
// 2 : The same as sm_reserve_type 1 except once a certain number of admins have been reached, the reserve slot
// stops kicking people and anyone can join to fill the server. You can use this to simulate having a large
// number of reserved slots with sm_reserve_type 0 but with only need to have 1 slot unavailable when there are
// less admins connected.
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_reserve_type 0

// Specifies the number of reserved player slots.  Users with the reservation
// admin flag set will be able to join the server when there are no public slots
// remaining. If someone does not have this flag, they will be kicked.
// (Public slots are defined as: maxplayers - number of reserved slots)
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_reserved_slots 1

// Specifies whether or not reserved slots will be hidden (subtracted from max
// slot count). Valid values are 0 (Visible) or 1 (Hidden).
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_hide_slots 0

// Specifies whether or not non-admins can send messages to admins using
// say_team @<message>. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled)
// --
// Requires: basechat.smx
// Default: 1
sm_chat_mode 1

// Specifies whether or not "timeleft" will automatically be triggered every
// x seconds. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) to 1800 seconds.
// --
// Requires: basetriggers.smx
// Default: 0
sm_timeleft_interval 0

// Specifies whether or not chat triggers are broadcast to the server or just
// the player who requested the info trigger. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or
// 1 (Enabled)
// --
// Requires: basetriggers.smx
// Default: 0
sm_trigger_show 0

// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress to clients in the
// "hint" box (near the bottom of the screen in most games).
// Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_hintbox 0

// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress to clients in the
// chat area. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_chat 0

// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress in the server console.
// Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_console 0

// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress to clients in the
// client console. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_client_console 0

vocalizeantiflood_time 1.0
vocalizeantiflood_penalty 1.0
vocalizeantiflood_talker_time 1.0
vocalizeantiflood_talker_penalty 1.0
vocalizefilter_mode 0
sm_cvar sb_all_bot_game 1
sm_cvar sb_allow_shoot_through_survivors 1

I just now realized 'sm_cvar "survivor_limit"' was not in my server.cfg, so it was on its default of 4. That might have been the cause of my problem but I'm not sure yet.

Edit2: I can't seem to change it, it says it changed sucessfully but when I check it again it's still at 4?

sm_cvar "survivor_limit" 20.0
[SM] Changed cvar "survivor_limit" to "20.0".
sm_cvar "survivor_limit"
[SM] Value of cvar "survivor_limit": "4.000000"
With COVID it's been a bit since I've had pals in my home to play games, probably since my last 2019 update. The guide did work then though when followed to a T. If you still have issues I'd recommend mirroring what I had done in the guide and then letting me know if there are still issues. If so I can boot up and test my own install.
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