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Unlock Gunxp some errors crashing server please help

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AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: Germany
Old 06-02-2020 , 08:12   Unlock Gunxp some errors crashing server please help
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I need help about this errors, maybe anyone can help, the server is crashing sometimes about this file. Running an Swarm Mod and i need to use 1.8.3 Compiler for this. AMX Mod X Compiler 1.8.3-dev+5154

L 06/02/2020 - 13:17:39: [AMXX]    [0] fakemeta_util.inc::fm_find_ent_by_owner (line 81)
L 06/02/2020 - 13:17:39: [AMXX]    [1] fakemeta_util.inc::fm_get_user_weapon_entity (line 655)
L 06/02/2020 - 13:17:39: [AMXX]    [2] zpextrabalrog9.sma::Effect_ChargedAttack (line 337)
L 06/02/2020 - 13:17:44: [HAMSANDWICH] Entity out of range (1123024896)
L 06/02/2020 - 13:17:44: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "zpextrabalrog9.amxx", version "1.0")
L 06/02/2020 - 13:17:44: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "ExecuteHamB")
L 06/02/2020 - 13:17:44: [AMXX]    [0] fakemeta_util.inc::fm_find_ent_by_owner (line 81)
L 06/02/2020 - 13:17:44: [AMXX]    [1] fakemeta_util.inc::fm_get_user_weapon_entity (line 655)
L 06/02/2020 - 13:17:44: [AMXX]    [2] zpextrabalrog9.sma::Effect_ChargedAttack (line 339)
#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <cstrike>
#include <xs>
#include <gxm_shop>

#define PLUGIN "Balrog-IX"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "Dias Pendragon"


// Draw Time
#define DRAW_TIME 1.0

// Next Attack Time
#define NEXTATTACK_HIT 0.35

// Attack Distance
#define ATTACKDIS_SLASH 58.0

// Attack Damage
#define DAMAGE_SLASH 200.0
#define DAMAGE_CHARGE 100.0

// Charge Mode
#define CHARGE_TIME 2.0


// Task
#define TASK_CHARGING 464334

// Models
new const v_model[] = "models/gunxp/v_balrog9.mdl"
new const p_model[] = "models/gunxp/p_balrog9.mdl"

// Sprite
new const exp_spr[] = "sprites/balrogcritical.spr"
new const exp_spr2[] = "sprites/spear_exp.spr"

new const weapon_sound[9][] =

	B9_DRAW = 0,

new ItemIndex
new g_bot, g_exp_sprid, g_exp_sprid2
new g_had_balrog9[33], g_attack_mode[33], g_charging[33], g_charged[33], g_chargeattack[33]




public plugin_init() 
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	register_event("CurWeapon", "Event_CurWeapon", "be", "1=1")
	register_forward(FM_EmitSound, "fw_EmitSound")
	register_forward(FM_CmdStart, "fw_CmdStart")
	register_forward(FM_TraceLine, "fw_TraceLine")
	register_forward(FM_TraceHull, "fw_TraceHull")		
	RegisterHam(Ham_CS_Weapon_SendWeaponAnim, "weapon_knife", "fw_Knife_SendAnim", 1)
	RegisterHam(Ham_TraceAttack, "player", "fw_TraceAttack")
	RegisterHam(Ham_TraceAttack, "player", "fw_TraceAttack_Post", 1)
	ItemIndex = gxm_register_knife("Balrog-9", 1600, 5, 2, 0, "KNIFE")

public gxm_knife_selected(id, itemid)
	if(ItemIndex == itemid)


public plugin_natives ( )
	register_native ( "give_barlog9", "get_balrog9", 1 );

public plugin_precache()
	engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheModel, v_model)
	engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheModel, p_model)
	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(weapon_sound); i++)
		engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, weapon_sound[i])
	g_exp_sprid = engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheModel, exp_spr)
	g_exp_sprid2 = engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheModel, exp_spr2)

public get_balrog9(id)
	g_had_balrog9[id] = 1
	g_attack_mode[id] = 0
	g_charged[id] = 0
	g_charging[id] = 0
	g_chargeattack[id] = 0
	if(get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_KNIFE) 
		set_weapon_anim(id, BALROG9_ANIM_DRAW)

public remove_balrog9(id)
	g_had_balrog9[id] = 0
	g_attack_mode[id] = 0
	g_charged[id] = 0
	g_charging[id] = 0	
	g_chargeattack[id] = 0

public client_putinserver(id)
	if(is_user_bot(id) && !g_bot)
		g_bot = 1
		set_task(0.1, "Do_RegisterHamBot", id)

public Do_RegisterHamBot(id)
	RegisterHamFromEntity(Ham_TraceAttack, id, "fw_TraceAttack")
	RegisterHamFromEntity(Ham_TraceAttack, id, "fw_TraceAttack_Post", 1)

public Event_CurWeapon(id)
	if(!is_user_alive(id) || get_user_team(id) != 2)
		return 1
	if(get_user_weapon(id) != CSW_KNIFE)
		return 1
		return 1
	set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, v_model)
	set_pev(id, pev_weaponmodel2, p_model)
	return 0

public fw_Knife_SendAnim(ent, anim, skip_local)
	if(!pev_valid(ent) && get_user_team(ent) != 2)
		return HAM_IGNORED
	new id
	id = get_pdata_cbase(ent, 41 , 4)
		return HAM_IGNORED
	static Float:PunchAngles[3]
	if(anim == KNIFE_ANIM_DRAW)
		set_weapons_timeidle(id, DRAW_TIME)
		set_player_nextattack(id, DRAW_TIME)	
		set_weapon_anim(id, BALROG9_ANIM_DRAW)
	} else if(anim == KNIFE_ANIM_MIDSLASH1) {
		PunchAngles[0] = random_float(-1.0, -2.0)
		PunchAngles[1] = random_float(0.5, 1.5)
		PunchAngles[2] = 0.0
		set_pev(id, pev_punchangle, PunchAngles)
		set_weapon_anim(id, BALROG9_ANIM_SLASH1)
	} else if(anim == KNIFE_ANIM_MIDSLASH2) {
		PunchAngles[0] = random_float(-1.0, -2.0)
		PunchAngles[1] = random_float(-0.5, -1.5)
		PunchAngles[2] = 0.0
		set_pev(id, pev_punchangle, PunchAngles)
		set_weapon_anim(id, BALROG9_ANIM_SLASH2)
	} else if(anim == KNIFE_ANIM_STAB_HIT) {
		PunchAngles[0] = random_float(-0.5, 0.5)
		PunchAngles[1] = random_float(-0.5, -1.0)
		PunchAngles[2] = 0.0
		set_pev(id, pev_punchangle, PunchAngles)
		if(g_chargeattack[id] == 2) 
			set_weapon_anim(id, BALROG9_ANIM_CHARGE_ATTACK2)
			set_task(0.1, "Effect_ChargedAttack", id)
		} else set_weapon_anim(id, BALROG9_ANIM_CHARGE_ATTACK1)
	} else if(anim == KNIFE_ANIM_STAB_MISS) {
		PunchAngles[0] = random_float(-0.5, 0.5)
		PunchAngles[1] = random_float(-0.5, -1.0)
		PunchAngles[2] = 0.0
		if(g_chargeattack[id] == 2) 
			set_weapon_anim(id, BALROG9_ANIM_CHARGE_ATTACK2)
			set_task(0.1, "Effect_ChargedAttack", id)
		} else set_weapon_anim(id, BALROG9_ANIM_CHARGE_ATTACK1)


public Remove_OldStuff(id)
	g_charging[id] = 0
	g_charged[id] = 0
	g_chargeattack[id] = 0


public Effect_ChargedAttack(id)
	static Float:Origin[3]
	get_position(id, 36.0, 0.0, 0.0, Origin)
	// DLight
	engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, Origin[0])
	engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, Origin[1])
	engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, Origin[2])
	// Exp
	engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, Origin[0])
	engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, Origin[1])
	engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, Origin[2])
	write_short(g_exp_sprid)	// sprite index
	write_byte(1)	// scale in 0.1's
	write_byte(2)	// framerate
	write_byte(4)	// flags
	engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, Origin[0])
	engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, Origin[1])
	engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, Origin[2])
	write_short(g_exp_sprid2)	// sprite index
	write_byte(7)	// scale in 0.1's
	write_byte(30)	// framerate
	write_byte(4)	// flags

	// Check Attack Damage
	HamRadiusDamage(id, fm_get_user_weapon_entity(id, CSW_KNIFE), float(CHARGE_EXPRADIUS), DAMAGE_CHARGE, DMG_BURN)
	//ExecuteHamB(Ham_TakeDamage, id, fm_get_user_weapon_entity(id, CSW_KNIFE), id, DAMAGE_CHARGE, DMG_BLAST)
	ExecuteHamB(Ham_TakeDamage, id, fm_get_user_weapon_entity(id, CSW_KNIFE), float(CHARGE_EXPRADIUS), DAMAGE_CHARGE, DMG_BURN)

stock HamRadiusDamage(id, ent, Float:radius, Float:damage, bits) 
	static target, Float:origin[3] 
	target = -1
	pev(ent, pev_origin, origin) 
	while((target = find_ent_in_sphere(target, origin, radius) )) 
		static Float:o[3] 
		pev(target, pev_origin, o) 
		xs_vec_sub(origin, o, o) 
		// Recheck if the entity is in radius 
		if (xs_vec_len(o) > radius) 
			if(id == target)
			if(cs_get_user_team(id) == cs_get_user_team(target))
		Ham_ExecDamageB(target, ent, id, damage * (xs_vec_len(o) / radius), HIT_GENERIC, bits) 

stock Ham_ExecDamageB(victim, inflictor, attacker, Float:damage, hitgroup, bits)
	static const Float:hitgroup_multi[] =
		1.0,  // HIT_GENERIC
		4.0,  // HIT_HEAD
		1.0,  // HIT_CHEST
		1.25, // HIT_STOMACH
		1.0,  // HIT_LEFTARM
		1.0,  // HIT_RIGHTARM
		0.75, // HIT_LEFTLEG
		0.75,  // HIT_RIGHTLEG
		0.0   // HIT_SHIELD
	set_pdata_int(victim, 75, hitgroup, 5)
	ExecuteHamB(Ham_TakeDamage, victim, inflictor, attacker, damage * hitgroup_multi[hitgroup], bits)

public fw_TraceAttack(ent, attacker, Float:Damage, Float:Dir[3], ptr, DamageType)
	if(!is_user_alive(attacker) || get_user_team(attacker) != 2)
		return HAM_IGNORED
	if(get_user_weapon(attacker) != CSW_KNIFE || !g_had_balrog9[attacker])
		return HAM_IGNORED
	if(g_attack_mode[attacker] == MODE_NORMAL) SetHamParamFloat(3, DAMAGE_SLASH)
	else if(g_attack_mode[attacker] == MODE_CHARGE) SetHamParamFloat(3, DAMAGE_CHARGE)

public fw_TraceAttack_Post(ent, attacker, Float:Damage, Float:Dir[3], ptr, DamageType)
	if(!is_user_alive(attacker) || get_user_team(attacker) != 2)
		return HAM_IGNORED
	if(get_user_weapon(attacker) != CSW_KNIFE || !g_had_balrog9[attacker])
		return HAM_IGNORED
	if(g_attack_mode[attacker] == MODE_CHARGE) 
		if(g_chargeattack[attacker] == 2) // Do KnockBack Here
			static Float:Origin[3]
			pev(attacker, pev_origin, Origin)
			hook_ent2(ent, Origin, CHARGE_ATTACK_KNOCKPOWER, 2)

public fw_EmitSound(id, channel, const sample[], Float:volume, Float:attn, flags, pitch)
	if(!is_user_connected(id) || get_user_team(id) != 2)
	if(get_user_weapon(id) != CSW_KNIFE || !g_had_balrog9[id])
	if(sample[8] == 'k' && sample[9] == 'n' && sample[10] == 'i')
		if(sample[14] == 's' && sample[15] == 'l' && sample[16] == 'a')
			set_weapons_timeidle(id, NEXTATTACK_MISS)
			set_player_nextattack(id, NEXTATTACK_MISS)
			if(g_attack_mode[id] == MODE_CHARGE)
				if(g_chargeattack[id] == 2)
					emit_sound(id, channel, weapon_sound[B9_CHARGE_ATTACK], volume, attn, flags, pitch)
					emit_sound(id, channel, weapon_sound[random_num(B9_SLASH1, B9_SLASH2)], volume, attn, flags, pitch)
			} else emit_sound(id, channel, weapon_sound[random_num(B9_SLASH1, B9_SLASH2)], volume, attn, flags, pitch)
		if (sample[14] == 'h' && sample[15] == 'i' && sample[16] == 't') // hit
			if (sample[17] == 'w') // wall
				set_weapons_timeidle(id, NEXTATTACK_HIT)
				set_player_nextattack(id, NEXTATTACK_HIT)	
				if(g_attack_mode[id] == MODE_CHARGE)
					if(g_chargeattack[id] == 2)
						emit_sound(id, channel, weapon_sound[B9_CHARGE_ATTACK], volume, attn, flags, pitch)
						emit_sound(id, channel, weapon_sound[B9_HITWALL], volume, attn, flags, pitch)
				} else emit_sound(id, channel, weapon_sound[B9_HITWALL], volume, attn, flags, pitch)
			} else {
				set_weapons_timeidle(id, NEXTATTACK_HIT)
				set_player_nextattack(id, NEXTATTACK_HIT)
				if(g_attack_mode[id] == MODE_CHARGE)
					if(g_chargeattack[id] == 2)
						emit_sound(id, channel, weapon_sound[B9_CHARGE_ATTACK], volume, attn, flags, pitch)
						emit_sound(id, channel, weapon_sound[random_num(B9_HIT1, B9_HIT2)], volume, attn, flags, pitch)
				} else emit_sound(id, channel, weapon_sound[random_num(B9_HIT1, B9_HIT2)], volume, attn, flags, pitch)
		if(sample[14] == 's' && sample[15] == 't' && sample[16] == 'a') // stab
			if(g_chargeattack[id] == 2)
				emit_sound(id, channel, weapon_sound[B9_CHARGE_ATTACK], volume, attn, flags, pitch)
				emit_sound(id, channel, weapon_sound[random_num(B9_HIT1, B9_HIT2)], volume, attn, flags, pitch)

public fw_CmdStart(id, uc_handle, seed)
	if (!is_user_alive(id) || get_user_team(id) != 2) 
	if(get_user_weapon(id) != CSW_KNIFE)
	static ent
	ent = find_ent_by_owner(-1, "weapon_knife", id)
	static CurButton, OldButton
	CurButton = get_uc(uc_handle, UC_Buttons)
	OldButton = (pev(id, pev_oldbuttons) & IN_ATTACK2)
	if(CurButton & IN_ATTACK)
		if(get_pdata_float(ent, 46, 4) > 0.0 || get_pdata_float(ent, 47, 4) > 0.0) 
		g_attack_mode[id] = MODE_NORMAL
		set_uc(uc_handle, UC_Buttons, CurButton & ~IN_ATTACK2)
	} else {
		if(CurButton & IN_ATTACK2) 
			set_uc(uc_handle, UC_Buttons, CurButton & ~IN_ATTACK2)
			set_uc(uc_handle, UC_Buttons, CurButton & ~IN_ATTACK)
			if(OldButton) // Holding This Button
				if(g_charging[id] == 2)
					if(get_pdata_float(ent, 46, 4) > 0.0 || get_pdata_float(ent, 47, 4) > 0.0) 
						set_weapons_timeidle(id, 99999.0)
						set_player_nextattack(id, 99999.0)
						if(pev(id, pev_weaponanim) != BALROG9_ANIM_CHARGE_IDLE2)
							set_weapon_anim(id, BALROG9_ANIM_CHARGE_IDLE2)
					} else {
						set_weapons_timeidle(id, 99999.5)
						set_player_nextattack(id, 9999.5)
						if(pev(id, pev_weaponanim) != BALROG9_ANIM_CHARGE_IDLE1)
							set_weapon_anim(id, BALROG9_ANIM_CHARGE_IDLE1)
			if(get_pdata_float(ent, 46, 4) > 0.0 || get_pdata_float(ent, 47, 4) > 0.0) 
			g_attack_mode[id] = MODE_CHARGE
			g_charging[id] = 1
			g_charged[id] = 0
			g_chargeattack[id] = 1
			set_weapons_timeidle(id, CHARGE_STARTTIME + 0.25)
			set_player_nextattack(id, CHARGE_STARTTIME + 0.25)
			set_weapon_anim(id, BALROG9_ANIM_CHARGE_START)
			set_task(CHARGE_TIME, "Do_SetCharge", id+TASK_CHARGING)
		} else {
			if(OldButton) // After Press this Button (no Hold)
				if(g_charging[id] == 2)
						ExecuteHamB(Ham_Weapon_SecondaryAttack, ent)
						set_weapons_timeidle(id, CHARGE_NEXTATTACK)
						set_player_nextattack(id, CHARGE_NEXTATTACK)
						g_charging[id] = 0
						g_charged[id] = 0
						g_chargeattack[id] = 0

public Do_SetCharge(id)
	if(!is_user_alive(id)|| get_user_team(id) != 2) 
	if(get_user_weapon(id) != CSW_KNIFE)
	g_charging[id] = 2
	g_charged[id] = 1
	g_chargeattack[id] = 2
	set_weapons_timeidle(id, 0.25)
	set_player_nextattack(id, 0.25)
	set_weapon_anim(id, BALROG9_ANIM_CHARGE_FINISH)	

public Do_HoldCharge(id)
	if(!is_user_alive(id)|| get_user_team(id) != 2) 
	if(get_user_weapon(id) != CSW_KNIFE)
	if(!(pev(id, pev_button) & IN_ATTACK2) && !(pev(id, pev_oldbuttons) & IN_ATTACK2))
		static ent
		ent = find_ent_by_owner(-1, "weapon_knife", id)
		ExecuteHamB(Ham_Weapon_SecondaryAttack, ent)
		set_weapons_timeidle(id, CHARGE_NEXTATTACK)
		set_player_nextattack(id, CHARGE_NEXTATTACK)
		g_charging[id] = 0
		g_charged[id] = 0
		g_chargeattack[id] = 0
	g_charging[id] = 2
	g_chargeattack[id] = 1
	g_charged[id] = 0
	set_weapons_timeidle(id, CHARGE_TIME + 0.25)
	set_player_nextattack(id, CHARGE_TIME + 0.25)
	set_weapon_anim(id, BALROG9_ANIM_CHARGE_IDLE1)	

public fw_TraceLine(Float:vector_start[3], Float:vector_end[3], ignored_monster, id, handle)
	if (!is_user_alive(id)|| get_user_team(id) != 2)
	if (get_user_weapon(id) != CSW_KNIFE)
	static Float:vecStart[3], Float:vecEnd[3], Float:v_angle[3], Float:v_forward[3], Float:view_ofs[3], Float:fOrigin[3]
	pev(id, pev_origin, fOrigin)
	pev(id, pev_view_ofs, view_ofs)
	xs_vec_add(fOrigin, view_ofs, vecStart)
	pev(id, pev_v_angle, v_angle)
	engfunc(EngFunc_MakeVectors, v_angle)
	get_global_vector(GL_v_forward, v_forward)

	if(g_attack_mode[id] == MODE_NORMAL)
		xs_vec_mul_scalar(v_forward, ATTACKDIS_SLASH, v_forward)
	else if(g_attack_mode[id] == MODE_CHARGE)
		xs_vec_mul_scalar(v_forward, ATTACKDIS_CHARGE, v_forward)
	xs_vec_add(vecStart, v_forward, vecEnd)
	engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, vecStart, vecEnd, ignored_monster, id, handle)

public fw_TraceHull(Float:vector_start[3], Float:vector_end[3], ignored_monster, hull, id, handle)
	if (!is_user_alive(id)|| get_user_team(id) != 2)
	if (get_user_weapon(id) != CSW_KNIFE)
	static Float:vecStart[3], Float:vecEnd[3], Float:v_angle[3], Float:v_forward[3], Float:view_ofs[3], Float:fOrigin[3]
	pev(id, pev_origin, fOrigin)
	pev(id, pev_view_ofs, view_ofs)
	xs_vec_add(fOrigin, view_ofs, vecStart)
	pev(id, pev_v_angle, v_angle)
	engfunc(EngFunc_MakeVectors, v_angle)
	get_global_vector(GL_v_forward, v_forward)

	if(g_attack_mode[id] == MODE_NORMAL)
		xs_vec_mul_scalar(v_forward, ATTACKDIS_SLASH, v_forward)
	else if(g_attack_mode[id] == MODE_CHARGE)
		xs_vec_mul_scalar(v_forward, ATTACKDIS_CHARGE, v_forward)
	xs_vec_add(vecStart, v_forward, vecEnd)
	engfunc(EngFunc_TraceHull, vecStart, vecEnd, ignored_monster, hull, id, handle)

stock get_position(ent, Float:forw, Float:right, Float:up, Float:vStart[])
	new Float:vOrigin[3], Float:vAngle[3], Float:vForward[3], Float:vRight[3], Float:vUp[3]
	pev(ent, pev_origin, vOrigin)
	pev(ent, pev_view_ofs,vUp) //for player
	pev(ent, pev_v_angle, vAngle) // if normal entity ,use pev_angles
	angle_vector(vAngle,ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD,vForward) //or use EngFunc_AngleVectors
	vStart[0] = vOrigin[0] + vForward[0] * forw + vRight[0] * right + vUp[0] * up
	vStart[1] = vOrigin[1] + vForward[1] * forw + vRight[1] * right + vUp[1] * up
	vStart[2] = vOrigin[2] + vForward[2] * forw + vRight[2] * right + vUp[2] * up
stock set_weapons_timeidle(id, Float:TimeIdle)
	if(!is_user_alive(id)|| get_user_team(id) != 2)
	new entwpn = fm_get_user_weapon_entity(id, CSW_KNIFE)
	if (pev_valid(entwpn)) 
		set_pdata_float(entwpn, 46, TimeIdle, 4)
		set_pdata_float(entwpn, 47, TimeIdle, 4)
		set_pdata_float(entwpn, 48, TimeIdle + 1.0, 4)

stock set_player_nextattack(id, Float:nexttime)
	if(!is_user_alive(id)|| get_user_team(id) != 2)
	const m_flNextAttack = 83
	set_pdata_float(id, m_flNextAttack, nexttime, 5)

stock set_weapon_anim(id, anim)
	if(!is_user_alive(id)|| get_user_team(id) != 2)
	set_pev(id, pev_weaponanim, anim)

stock hook_ent2(ent, Float:VicOrigin[3], Float:speed, type)
	static Float:fl_Velocity[3]
	static Float:EntOrigin[3]
	pev(ent, pev_origin, EntOrigin)
	static Float:distance_f
	distance_f = get_distance_f(EntOrigin, VicOrigin)
	new Float:fl_Time = distance_f / speed
	VicOrigin[2] -= 36.0
	if(type == 1)
		fl_Velocity[0] = ((VicOrigin[0] - EntOrigin[0]) / fl_Time) * 1.5
		fl_Velocity[1] = ((VicOrigin[1] - EntOrigin[1]) / fl_Time) * 1.5
		fl_Velocity[2] = ((VicOrigin[2] - EntOrigin[2]) / fl_Time) * 1.5
	} else if(type == 2) {
		fl_Velocity[0] = ((EntOrigin[0] - VicOrigin[0]) / fl_Time) * 1.5
		fl_Velocity[1] = ((EntOrigin[1] - VicOrigin[1]) / fl_Time) * 1.5
		fl_Velocity[2] = ((EntOrigin[2] - VicOrigin[2]) / fl_Time) * 1.5

	entity_set_vector(ent, EV_VEC_velocity, fl_Velocity)
 * This file provides various utility functions that use the Fakemeta module.
 * This file is created and maintained by VEN.
 * For support and issues, see:
 * http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=28284

/* Fakemeta Utilities
* by VEN
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).

#if !defined _fakemeta_included
	#include <fakemeta>

#if defined _fakemeta_util_included
#define _fakemeta_util_included

#include <xs>

/* Engine functions */

#define fm_precache_generic(%1) engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheGeneric, %1)
/* stock fm_precache_generic(const file[])
	return engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheGeneric, file) */

#define fm_precache_event(%1,%2) engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheEvent, %1, %2)
/* stock fm_precache_event(type, const name[])
	return engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheEvent, type, name) */

// ported by v3x
#define fm_drop_to_floor(%1) engfunc(EngFunc_DropToFloor, %1)
/* stock fm_drop_to_floor(entity)
	return engfunc(EngFunc_DropToFloor, entity) */

#define fm_force_use(%1,%2) dllfunc(DLLFunc_Use, %2, %1)
/* stock fm_force_use(user, used)
	return dllfunc(DLLFunc_Use, used, user) */

#define fm_entity_set_size(%1,%2,%3) engfunc(EngFunc_SetSize, %1, %2, %3)
/* stock fm_entity_set_size(index, const Float:mins[3], const Float:maxs[3])
	return engfunc(EngFunc_SetSize, index, mins, maxs) */

#define fm_get_decal_index(%1) engfunc(EngFunc_DecalIndex, %1)
/* stock fm_get_decal_index(const decalname[])
	return engfunc(EngFunc_DecalIndex, decalname) */

stock Float:fm_entity_range(ent1, ent2) {
	new Float:origin1[3], Float:origin2[3];
	pev(ent1, pev_origin, origin1);
	pev(ent2, pev_origin, origin2);

	return get_distance_f(origin1, origin2);

// based on KoST's port, upgraded version fits into the macros
#define fm_create_entity(%1) engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, %1))
/* stock fm_create_entity(const classname[])
	return engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, classname)) */

#define fm_find_ent_by_class(%1,%2) engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, %1, "classname", %2)
/* stock fm_find_ent_by_class(index, const classname[])
	return engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, index, "classname", classname) */

stock fm_find_ent_by_owner(index, const classname[], owner, jghgtype = 0) {
	new strtype[11] = "classname", ent = index;
	switch (jghgtype) {
		case 1: strtype = "target";
		case 2: strtype = "targetname";

	while ((ent = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, ent, strtype, classname)) && pev(ent, pev_owner) != owner) {}

	return ent;

#define fm_find_ent_by_target(%1,%2) engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, %1, "target", %2)
/* stock fm_find_ent_by_target(index, const target[])
	return engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, index, "target", target) */

#define fm_find_ent_by_tname(%1,%2) engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, %1, "targetname", %2)
/* stock fm_find_ent_by_tname(index, const targetname[])
	return engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, index, "targetname", targetname) */

stock fm_find_ent_by_model(index, const classname[], const model[]) {
	new ent = index, mdl[72];
	while ((ent = fm_find_ent_by_class(ent, classname))) {
		pev(ent, pev_model, mdl, sizeof mdl - 1);
		if (equal(mdl, model))
			return ent;

	return 0;

#define fm_find_ent_in_sphere(%1,%2,%3) engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, %1, %2, %3)
/* stock fm_find_ent_in_sphere(index, const Float:origin[3], Float:radius)
	return engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, index, origin, radius) */

#define fm_call_think(%1) dllfunc(DLLFunc_Think, %1)
/* stock fm_call_think(entity)
	return dllfunc(DLLFunc_Think, entity) */

#define fm_is_valid_ent(%1) pev_valid(%1)
/* stock fm_is_valid_ent(index)
	return pev_valid(index) */

stock fm_entity_set_origin(index, const Float:origin[3]) {
	new Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3];
	pev(index, pev_mins, mins);
	pev(index, pev_maxs, maxs);
	engfunc(EngFunc_SetSize, index, mins, maxs);

	return engfunc(EngFunc_SetOrigin, index, origin);

#define fm_entity_set_model(%1,%2) engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, %1, %2)
/* stock fm_entity_set_model(index, const model[])
	return engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, index, model) */

// ported by v3x
#define fm_remove_entity(%1) engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, %1)
/* stock fm_remove_entity(index)
	return engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, index) */

#define fm_entity_count() engfunc(EngFunc_NumberOfEntities)
/* stock fm_entity_count()
	return engfunc(EngFunc_NumberOfEntities) */

#define fm_fake_touch(%1,%2) dllfunc(DLLFunc_Touch, %1, %2)
/* stock fm_fake_touch(toucher, touched)
	return dllfunc(DLLFunc_Touch, toucher, touched) */

#define fm_DispatchSpawn(%1) dllfunc(DLLFunc_Spawn, %1)
/* stock fm_DispatchSpawn(entity)
	return dllfunc(DLLFunc_Spawn, entity) */

// ported by v3x
#define fm_point_contents(%1) engfunc(EngFunc_PointContents, %1)
/* stock fm_point_contents(const Float:point[3])
	return engfunc(EngFunc_PointContents, point) */

stock fm_trace_line(ignoreent, const Float:start[3], const Float:end[3], Float:ret[3]) {
	engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, start, end, ignoreent == -1 ? 1 : 0, ignoreent, 0);

	new ent = get_tr2(0, TR_pHit);
	get_tr2(0, TR_vecEndPos, ret);

	return pev_valid(ent) ? ent : 0;

stock fm_trace_hull(const Float:origin[3], hull, ignoredent = 0, ignoremonsters = 0) {
	new result = 0;
	engfunc(EngFunc_TraceHull, origin, origin, ignoremonsters, hull, ignoredent > 0 ? ignoredent : 0, 0);

	if (get_tr2(0, TR_StartSolid))
		result += 1;
	if (get_tr2(0, TR_AllSolid))
		result += 2;
	if (!get_tr2(0, TR_InOpen))
		result += 4;

	return result;

stock fm_trace_normal(ignoreent, const Float:start[3], const Float:end[3], Float:ret[3]) {
	engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, start, end, 0, ignoreent, 0);
	get_tr2(0, TR_vecPlaneNormal, ret);

	new Float:fraction;
	get_tr2(0, TR_flFraction, fraction);
	if (fraction >= 1.0)
		return 0;

	return 1;

// note that for CS planted C4 has a "grenade" classname as well
stock fm_get_grenade_id(id, model[], len, grenadeid = 0) {
	new ent = fm_find_ent_by_owner(grenadeid, "grenade", id);
	if (ent && len > 0)
		pev(ent, pev_model, model, len);

	return ent;

#define fm_halflife_time() get_gametime()
/* stock Float:fm_halflife_time()
	return get_gametime() */

#define fm_attach_view(%1,%2) engfunc(EngFunc_SetView, %1, %2)
/* stock fm_attach_view(index, entity)
	return engfunc(EngFunc_SetView, index, entity) */

stock fm_playback_event(flags, invoker, eventindex, Float:delay, const Float:origin[3], const Float:angles[3], Float:fparam1, Float:fparam2, iparam1, iparam2, bparam1, bparam2) {
	return engfunc(EngFunc_PlaybackEvent, flags, invoker, eventindex, delay, origin, angles, fparam1, fparam2, iparam1, iparam2, bparam1, bparam2);

#define fm_eng_get_string(%1,%2,%3) engfunc(EngFunc_SzFromIndex, %1, %2, %3)
/* stock fm_eng_get_string(istring, string[], len)
	return engfunc(EngFunc_SzFromIndex, istring, string, len) */

/* HLSDK functions */

// the dot product is performed in 2d, making the view cone infinitely tall
stock bool:fm_is_in_viewcone(index, const Float:point[3]) {
	new Float:angles[3];
	pev(index, pev_angles, angles);
	engfunc(EngFunc_MakeVectors, angles);
	global_get(glb_v_forward, angles);
	angles[2] = 0.0;

	new Float:origin[3], Float:diff[3], Float:norm[3];
	pev(index, pev_origin, origin);
	xs_vec_sub(point, origin, diff);
	diff[2] = 0.0;
	xs_vec_normalize(diff, norm);

	new Float:dot, Float:fov;
	dot = xs_vec_dot(norm, angles);
	pev(index, pev_fov, fov);
	if (dot >= floatcos(fov * M_PI / 360))
		return true;

	return false;

stock bool:fm_is_visible(index, const Float:point[3], ignoremonsters = 0) {
	new Float:start[3], Float:view_ofs[3];
	pev(index, pev_origin, start);
	pev(index, pev_view_ofs, view_ofs);
	xs_vec_add(start, view_ofs, start);

	engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, start, point, ignoremonsters, index, 0);

	new Float:fraction;
	get_tr2(0, TR_flFraction, fraction);
	if (fraction == 1.0)
		return true;

	return false;

/* Engine_stocks functions */

stock fm_fakedamage(victim, const classname[], Float:takedmgdamage, damagetype) {
	new class[] = "trigger_hurt";
	new entity = fm_create_entity(class);
	if (!entity)
		return 0;

	new value[16];
	float_to_str(takedmgdamage * 2, value, sizeof value - 1);
	fm_set_kvd(entity, "dmg", value, class);

	num_to_str(damagetype, value, sizeof value - 1);
	fm_set_kvd(entity, "damagetype", value, class);

	fm_set_kvd(entity, "origin", "8192 8192 8192", class);

	set_pev(entity, pev_classname, classname);
	fm_fake_touch(entity, victim);

	return 1;

#define fm_find_ent(%1,%2) engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, %1, "classname", %2)
/* stock fm_find_ent(index, const classname[])
	return engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, index, "classname", classname) */

#define fm_get_user_button(%1) pev(%1, pev_button)
/* stock fm_get_user_button(index)
	return pev(index, pev_button) */

#define fm_get_user_oldbutton(%1) pev(%1, pev_oldbuttons)
/* stock fm_get_user_oldbutton(index)
	return pev(index, pev_oldbuttons) */

#define fm_get_entity_flags(%1) pev(%1, pev_flags)
/* stock fm_get_entity_flags(index)
	return pev(index, pev_flags) */

#define fm_get_entity_distance(%1,%2) floatround(fm_entity_range(%1, %2))
/* stock fm_get_entity_distance(ent1, ent2)
	return floatround(fm_entity_range(ent1, ent2)) */

#define fm_get_grenade(%1) fm_get_grenade_id(%1, "", 0)
/* stock fm_get_grenade(id)
	return fm_get_grenade_id(id, "", 0) */

// optimization idea by Orangutanz
stock fm_get_brush_entity_origin(index, Float:origin[3]) {
	new Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3];

	pev(index, pev_origin, origin);
	pev(index, pev_mins, mins);
	pev(index, pev_maxs, maxs);

	origin[0] += (mins[0] + maxs[0]) * 0.5;
	origin[1] += (mins[1] + maxs[1]) * 0.5;
	origin[2] += (mins[2] + maxs[2]) * 0.5;

	return 1;

// based on v3x's port, upgraded version returns number of removed entities
stock fm_remove_entity_name(const classname[]) {
	new ent = -1, num = 0;
	while ((ent = fm_find_ent_by_class(ent, classname)))
		num += fm_remove_entity(ent);

	return num;

stock fm_ViewContents(id) {
	new origin[3], Float:Orig[3];
	get_user_origin(id, origin, 3);
	IVecFVec(origin, Orig);

	return fm_point_contents(Orig);

stock fm_get_speed(entity) {
	new Float:Vel[3];
	pev(entity, pev_velocity, Vel);

	return floatround(vector_length(Vel));

stock fm_set_rendering(entity, fx = kRenderFxNone, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, render = kRenderNormal, amount = 16) {
	new Float:RenderColor[3];
	RenderColor[0] = float(r);
	RenderColor[1] = float(g);
	RenderColor[2] = float(b);

	set_pev(entity, pev_renderfx, fx);
	set_pev(entity, pev_rendercolor, RenderColor);
	set_pev(entity, pev_rendermode, render);
	set_pev(entity, pev_renderamt, float(amount));

	return 1;

stock fm_set_entity_flags(index, flag, onoff) {
	new flags = pev(index, pev_flags);
	if ((flags & flag) > 0)
		return onoff == 1 ? 2 : 1 + 0 * set_pev(index, pev_flags, flags - flag);
		return onoff == 0 ? 2 : 1 + 0 * set_pev(index, pev_flags, flags + flag);

	return 0;

stock fm_set_entity_visibility(index, visible = 1) {
	set_pev(index, pev_effects, visible == 1 ? pev(index, pev_effects) & ~EF_NODRAW : pev(index, pev_effects) | EF_NODRAW);

	return 1;

#define fm_get_entity_visibility(%1) (!(pev(%1, pev_effects) & EF_NODRAW))
/* stock fm_get_entity_visibility(index)
	return !(pev(index, pev_effects) & EF_NODRAW) */

stock fm_set_user_velocity(entity, const Float:vector[3]) {
	set_pev(entity, pev_velocity, vector);

	return 1;

#define fm_get_user_velocity(%1,%2) pev(%1, pev_velocity, %2)
/* stock fm_get_user_velocity(entity, Float:vector[3])
	return pev(entity, pev_velocity, vector) */

/* Fun functions */

#define fm_get_client_listen(%1,%2) engfunc(EngFunc_GetClientListening, %1, %2)
/* stock fm_get_client_listen(receiver, sender)
	return engfunc(EngFunc_GetClientListening, receiver, sender) */

#define fm_set_client_listen(%1,%2,%3) engfunc(EngFunc_SetClientListening, %1, %2, %3)
/* stock fm_set_client_listen(receiver, sender, listen)
	return engfunc(EngFunc_SetClientListening, receiver, sender, listen) */

stock fm_get_user_godmode(index) {
	new Float:val;
	pev(index, pev_takedamage, val);

	return (val == DAMAGE_NO);

stock fm_set_user_godmode(index, godmode = 0) {
	set_pev(index, pev_takedamage, godmode == 1 ? DAMAGE_NO : DAMAGE_AIM);

	return 1;

stock fm_set_user_armor(index, armor) {
	set_pev(index, pev_armorvalue, float(armor));

	return 1;

stock fm_set_user_health(index, health) {
	health > 0 ? set_pev(index, pev_health, float(health)) : dllfunc(DLLFunc_ClientKill, index);

	return 1;

stock fm_set_user_origin(index, /* const */ origin[3]) {
	new Float:orig[3];
	IVecFVec(origin, orig);

	return fm_entity_set_origin(index, orig);

stock fm_set_user_rendering(index, fx = kRenderFxNone, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, render = kRenderNormal, amount = 16) {
	return fm_set_rendering(index, fx, r, g, b, render, amount);

stock fm_give_item(index, const item[]) {
	if (!equal(item, "weapon_", 7) && !equal(item, "ammo_", 5) && !equal(item, "item_", 5) && !equal(item, "tf_weapon_", 10))
		return 0;

	new ent = fm_create_entity(item);
	if (!pev_valid(ent))
		return 0;

	new Float:origin[3];
	pev(index, pev_origin, origin);
	set_pev(ent, pev_origin, origin);
	set_pev(ent, pev_spawnflags, pev(ent, pev_spawnflags) | SF_NORESPAWN);
	dllfunc(DLLFunc_Spawn, ent);

	new save = pev(ent, pev_solid);
	dllfunc(DLLFunc_Touch, ent, index);
	if (pev(ent, pev_solid) != save)
		return ent;

	engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent);

	return -1;

stock fm_set_user_maxspeed(index, Float:speed = -1.0) {
	engfunc(EngFunc_SetClientMaxspeed, index, speed);
	set_pev(index, pev_maxspeed, speed);

	return 1;

stock Float:fm_get_user_maxspeed(index) {
	new Float:speed;
	pev(index, pev_maxspeed, speed);

	return speed;

stock fm_set_user_gravity(index, Float:gravity = 1.0) {
	set_pev(index, pev_gravity, gravity);

	return 1;

stock Float:fm_get_user_gravity(index) {
	new Float:gravity;
	pev(index, pev_gravity, gravity);

	return gravity;

/* interferes with FM_Spawn enum, just use fm_DispatchSpawn
stock fm_spawn(entity) {
	return dllfunc(DLLFunc_Spawn, entity)

stock fm_set_user_noclip(index, noclip = 0) {
	set_pev(index, pev_movetype, noclip == 1 ? MOVETYPE_NOCLIP : MOVETYPE_WALK);

	return 1;

#define fm_get_user_noclip(%1) (pev(%1, pev_movetype) == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP)
/* stock fm_get_user_noclip(index)
	return (pev(index, pev_movetype) == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) */

// note: get_user_weapon will still return former weapon index
stock fm_strip_user_weapons(index) {
	new ent = fm_create_entity("player_weaponstrip");
	if (!pev_valid(ent))
		return 0;

	dllfunc(DLLFunc_Spawn, ent);
	dllfunc(DLLFunc_Use, ent, index);
	engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent);

	return 1;

stock fm_set_user_frags(index, frags) {
	set_pev(index, pev_frags, float(frags));

	return 1;

/* Cstrike functions */

stock fm_cs_user_spawn(index) {
	set_pev(index, pev_deadflag, DEAD_RESPAWNABLE);
	dllfunc(DLLFunc_Spawn, index);
	set_pev(index, pev_iuser1, 0);

	return 1;

/* Custom functions */

// based on Basic-Master's set_keyvalue, upgraded version accepts an optional classname (a bit more efficient if it is passed)
stock fm_set_kvd(entity, const key[], const value[], const classname[] = "") {
	if (classname[0])
		set_kvd(0, KV_ClassName, classname);
	else {
		new class[32];
		pev(entity, pev_classname, class, sizeof class - 1);
		set_kvd(0, KV_ClassName, class);

	set_kvd(0, KV_KeyName, key);
	set_kvd(0, KV_Value, value);
	set_kvd(0, KV_fHandled, 0);

	return dllfunc(DLLFunc_KeyValue, entity, 0);

stock fm_find_ent_by_integer(index, pev_field, value) {
	static maxents;
	if (!maxents)
		maxents = global_get(glb_maxEntities);

	for (new i = index + 1; i < maxents; ++i) {
		if (pev_valid(i) && pev(i, pev_field) == value)
			return i;

	return 0;

stock fm_find_ent_by_flags(index, pev_field, flags) {
	static maxents;
	if (!maxents)
		maxents = global_get(glb_maxEntities);

	for (new i = index + 1; i < maxents; ++i) {
		if (pev_valid(i) && (pev(i, pev_field) & flags) == flags)
			return i;

	return 0;

stock Float:fm_distance_to_box(const Float:point[3], const Float:mins[3], const Float:maxs[3]) {
	new Float:dist[3];
	for (new i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
		if (point[i] > maxs[i])
			dist[i] = point[i] - maxs[i];
		else if (mins[i] > point[i])
			dist[i] = mins[i] - point[i];

	return vector_length(dist);

stock Float:fm_boxes_distance(const Float:mins1[3], const Float:maxs1[3], const Float:mins2[3], const Float:maxs2[3]) {
	new Float:dist[3];
	for (new i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
		if (mins1[i] > maxs2[i])
			dist[i] = mins1[i] - maxs2[i];
		else if (mins2[i] > maxs1[i])
			dist[i] = mins2[i] - maxs1[i];

	return vector_length(dist);

stock Float:fm_distance_to_boxent(entity, boxent) {
	new Float:point[3];
	pev(entity, pev_origin, point);

	new Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3];
	pev(boxent, pev_absmin, mins);
	pev(boxent, pev_absmax, maxs);

	return fm_distance_to_box(point, mins, maxs);

stock Float:fm_boxents_distance(boxent1, boxent2) {
	new Float:mins1[3], Float:maxs1[3];
	pev(boxent1, pev_absmin, mins1);
	pev(boxent1, pev_absmax, maxs1);

	new Float:mins2[3], Float:maxs2[3];
	pev(boxent2, pev_absmin, mins2);
	pev(boxent2, pev_absmax, maxs2);

	return fm_boxes_distance(mins1, maxs1, mins2, maxs2);

// projects a center of a player's feet base (originally by P34nut, improved)
stock Float:fm_distance_to_floor(index, ignoremonsters = 1) {
	new Float:start[3], Float:dest[3], Float:end[3];
	pev(index, pev_origin, start);
	dest[0] = start[0];
	dest[1] = start[1];
	dest[2] = -8191.0;

	engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, start, dest, ignoremonsters, index, 0);
	get_tr2(0, TR_vecEndPos, end);

	pev(index, pev_absmin, start);
	new Float:ret = start[2] - end[2];

	return ret > 0 ? ret : 0.0;

// potential to crash (?) if used on weaponbox+weapon_* entity pair (use fm_remove_weaponbox instead)
stock fm_kill_entity(index) {
	set_pev(index, pev_flags, pev(index, pev_flags) | FL_KILLME);

	return 1;

// if weapon index isn't passed then assuming that it's the current weapon
stock fm_get_user_weapon_entity(id, wid = 0) {
	new weap = wid, clip, ammo;
	if (!weap && !(weap = get_user_weapon(id, clip, ammo)))
		return 0;
	new class[32];
	get_weaponname(weap, class, sizeof class - 1);

	return fm_find_ent_by_owner(-1, class, id);

// only weapon index or its name can be passed, if neither is passed then the current gun will be stripped
stock bool:fm_strip_user_gun(index, wid = 0, const wname[] = "") {
	new ent_class[32];
	if (!wid && wname[0])
		copy(ent_class, sizeof ent_class - 1, wname);
	else {
		new weapon = wid, clip, ammo;
		if (!weapon && !(weapon = get_user_weapon(index, clip, ammo)))
			return false;
		get_weaponname(weapon, ent_class, sizeof ent_class - 1);

	new ent_weap = fm_find_ent_by_owner(-1, ent_class, index);
	if (!ent_weap)
		return false;

	engclient_cmd(index, "drop", ent_class);

	new ent_box = pev(ent_weap, pev_owner);
	if (!ent_box || ent_box == index)
		return false;

	dllfunc(DLLFunc_Think, ent_box);

	return true;

// only weapon index or its name can be passed, if neither is passed then the current gun will be transferred
stock bool:fm_transfer_user_gun(index1, index2, wid = 0, const wname[] = "") {
	new ent_class[32];
	if (!wid && wname[0])
		copy(ent_class, sizeof ent_class - 1, wname);
	else {
		new weapon = wid, clip, ammo;
		if (!weapon && !(weapon = get_user_weapon(index1, clip, ammo)))
			return false;
		get_weaponname(weapon, ent_class, sizeof ent_class - 1);

	new ent_weap = fm_find_ent_by_owner(-1, ent_class, index1);
	if (!ent_weap)
		return false;

	engclient_cmd(index1, "drop", ent_class);

	new ent_box = pev(ent_weap, pev_owner);
	if (!ent_box || ent_box == index1)
		return false;

	set_pev(ent_box, pev_flags, pev(ent_box, pev_flags) | FL_ONGROUND);
	dllfunc(DLLFunc_Touch, ent_box, index2);
	if (pev(ent_weap, pev_owner) != index2)
		return false;

	return true;

stock bool:fm_is_ent_visible(index, entity, ignoremonsters = 0) {
	new Float:start[3], Float:dest[3];
	pev(index, pev_origin, start);
	pev(index, pev_view_ofs, dest);
	xs_vec_add(start, dest, start);

	pev(entity, pev_origin, dest);
	engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, start, dest, ignoremonsters, index, 0);

	new Float:fraction;
	get_tr2(0, TR_flFraction, fraction);
	if (fraction == 1.0 || get_tr2(0, TR_pHit) == entity)
		return true;

	return false;

// ported from AMXX's core get_user_origin(..., 3) (suggested by Greenberet)
stock fm_get_aim_origin(index, Float:origin[3]) {
	new Float:start[3], Float:view_ofs[3];
	pev(index, pev_origin, start);
	pev(index, pev_view_ofs, view_ofs);
	xs_vec_add(start, view_ofs, start);

	new Float:dest[3];
	pev(index, pev_v_angle, dest);
	engfunc(EngFunc_MakeVectors, dest);
	global_get(glb_v_forward, dest);
	xs_vec_mul_scalar(dest, 9999.0, dest);
	xs_vec_add(start, dest, dest);

	engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, start, dest, 0, index, 0);
	get_tr2(0, TR_vecEndPos, origin);

	return 1;

stock bool:fm_get_user_longjump(index) {
	new value[2];
	engfunc(EngFunc_GetPhysicsKeyValue, index, "slj", value, 1);
	switch (value[0]) {
		case '1': return true;

	return false;

stock fm_set_user_longjump(index, bool:longjump = true, bool:tempicon = true) {
	if (longjump == fm_get_user_longjump(index))

	if (longjump) {
		engfunc(EngFunc_SetPhysicsKeyValue, index, "slj", "1");
		if (tempicon) {
			static msgid_itempickup;
			if (!msgid_itempickup)
				msgid_itempickup = get_user_msgid("ItemPickup");

			message_begin(MSG_ONE, msgid_itempickup, _, index);
		engfunc(EngFunc_SetPhysicsKeyValue, index, "slj", "0");

#define WEAPON_SUIT 31

stock bool:fm_get_user_suit(index) {
	return bool:(!(!(pev(index, pev_weapons) & (1<<WEAPON_SUIT)))); // i'm not insane, this is a trick!

stock fm_set_user_suit(index, bool:suit = true, bool:sound = true) {
	new weapons = pev(index, pev_weapons);
	if (!suit)
		set_pev(index, pev_weapons, weapons & ~(1<<WEAPON_SUIT));
	else if (!(weapons & (1<<WEAPON_SUIT))) {
		set_pev(index, pev_weapons, weapons | (1<<WEAPON_SUIT));
		if (sound)
			emit_sound(index, CHAN_VOICE, "items/tr_kevlar.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM);

#define FEV_RELIABLE (1<<1)
#define FEV_GLOBAL (1<<2)

// removes all created decals and players' corpses from the world
// set a specific index to remove decals only for the given client
stock fm_cs_remove_decals(index = 0) {
	static eventindex_decal_reset;
	if (!eventindex_decal_reset)
		eventindex_decal_reset = engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheEvent, 1, "events/decal_reset.sc");

	new flags = FEV_RELIABLE;
	if (!index)
		flags |= FEV_GLOBAL;

	engfunc(EngFunc_PlaybackEvent, flags, index, eventindex_decal_reset, 0.0, Float:{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, Float:{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// checks whether the entity's classname is equal to the passed classname
stock bool:fm_is_ent_classname(index, const classname[]) {
	if (!pev_valid(index))
		return false;

	new class[32];
	pev(index, pev_classname, class, sizeof class - 1);
	if (equal(class, classname))
		return true;

	return false;

// the same as AMXX's core user_kill but fixes the issue when the scoreboard doesn't update immediately if flag is set to 1
stock fm_user_kill(index, flag = 0) {
	if (flag) {
		new Float:frags;
		pev(index, pev_frags, frags);
		set_pev(index, pev_frags, ++frags);

	dllfunc(DLLFunc_ClientKill, index);

	return 1;

// returns a degree angle between player-to-point and player's view vectors
stock Float:fm_get_view_angle_diff(index, const Float:point[3]) {
	new Float:vec[3], Float:ofs[3], Float:aim[3];
	pev(index, pev_origin, vec);
	pev(index, pev_view_ofs, ofs);
	xs_vec_add(vec, ofs, vec);
	xs_vec_sub(point, vec, vec);
	xs_vec_normalize(vec, vec);

	pev(index, pev_v_angle, aim);
	engfunc(EngFunc_MakeVectors, aim);
	global_get(glb_v_forward, aim);

	return xs_vec_angle(vec, aim);

// gets a weapon type of the linked to weaponbox weapon_* entity
stock fm_get_weaponbox_type(entity) {
	static max_clients, max_entities;
	if (!max_clients)
		max_clients = global_get(glb_maxClients);
	if (!max_entities)
		max_entities = global_get(glb_maxEntities);

	for (new i = max_clients + 1; i < max_entities; ++i) {
		if (pev_valid(i) && entity == pev(i, pev_owner)) {
			new wname[32];
			pev(i, pev_classname, wname, sizeof wname - 1);
			return get_weaponid(wname);

	return 0;

// safe removal of weaponbox+weapon_* entity pair (delay =~= 0.03 second)
#define fm_remove_weaponbox(%1) dllfunc(DLLFunc_Think, %1)
/* stock fm_remove_weaponbox(entity)
	return dllfunc(DLLFunc_Think, entity) */
/* Ham Sandwich
 *   Copyright 2007-2012
 *   By the AMX Mod X Development Team
 *  Ham Sandwich is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 *  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
 *  your option) any later version.
 *  Ham Sandwich is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 *  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with Ham Sandwich; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 *  Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
 *  In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to
 *  link the code of Ham Sandwich with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL
 *  Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve,
 *  L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all
 *  respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs
 *  from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception
 *  to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
 *  you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
 *  version.

 * Ham Sandwich is a module that is used to hook and call virtual functions of 
 *  entities.
 * Virtual functions are mod-specific functions.  This means that in order
 *  for this to work on a mod, it needs to be configured with the hamdata.ini
 *  file.
 * Be very careful with parameter passing to these functions.

#if defined _hamsandwich_included
#define _hamsandwich_included

#include <ham_const>

	#pragma reqlib hamsandwich
		#pragma loadlib hamsandwich
	#pragma library hamsandwich

 * Hooks the virtual table for the specified entity class.
 * An example would be: RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "player_hurt");
 * Look at the Ham enum for parameter lists.
 * @param function		The function to hook.
 * @param EntityClass	The entity classname to hook.
 * @param callback		The forward to call.
 * @param post			Whether or not to forward this in post.
 * @return 				Returns a handle to the forward.  Use EnableHamForward/DisableHamForward to toggle the forward on or off.
native HamHook:RegisterHam(Ham:function, const EntityClass[], const Callback[], Post=0);

 * Hooks the virtual table for the specified entity's class.
 * An example would be: RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, id, "player_hurt");
 * Look at the Ham enum for parameter lists.
 * Note: This will cause hooks for the entire internal class that the entity is
 *       not exclusively for the provided entity.
 * @param function		The function to hook.
 * @param EntityId		The entity classname to hook.
 * @param callback		The forward to call.
 * @param post			Whether or not to forward this in post.
 * @return 				Returns a handle to the forward.  Use EnableHamForward/DisableHamForward to toggle the forward on or off.
native HamHook:RegisterHamFromEntity(Ham:function, EntityId, const Callback[], Post=0);

 * Stops a ham forward from triggering.
 * Use the return value from RegisterHam as the parameter here!
 * @param fwd			The forward to stop.
native DisableHamForward(HamHook:fwd);

 * Starts a ham forward back up.
 * Use the return value from RegisterHam as the parameter here!
 * @param fwd			The forward to re-enable.
native EnableHamForward(HamHook:fwd);

 * Executes the virtual function on the entity.
 * Look at the Ham enum for parameter lists.
 * @param function		The function to call.
 * @param id			The id of the entity to execute it on.
native ExecuteHam(Ham:function, this, any:...);

 * Executes the virtual function on the entity, this will trigger all hooks on that function.
 * Be very careful about recursion!
 * Look at the Ham enum for parameter lists.
 * @param function		The function to call.
 * @param id			The id of the entity to execute it on.
native ExecuteHamB(Ham:function, this, any:...);

 * Gets the return status of the current hook.
 * This is useful to determine what return natives to use.
 * @return				The current status of the hook (such as HAM_SUPERCEDE).
native GetHamReturnStatus();

 * Gets the return value of a hook for hooks that return integers or booleans.
 * @param output		The variable to store the value in.
native GetHamReturnInteger(&output);

 * Gets the return value of a hook for hooks that return float.
 * @param output		The variable to store the value in.
native GetHamReturnFloat(&Float:output);

 * Gets the return value of a hook for hooks that return Vectors.
 * @param output		The variable to store the value in.
native GetHamReturnVector(Float:output[3]);

 * Gets the return value of a hook for hooks that return entities.
 * @param output		The variable to store the value in. Will be -1 on null.
native GetHamReturnEntity(&output);

 * Gets the return value of a hook for hooks that return strings.
 * @param output		The buffer to store the string in.
 * @param size			The string size of the buffer.
native GetHamReturnString(output[], size);

 * Gets the original return value of a hook for hooks that return integers or booleans.
 * @param output		The variable to store the value in.
native GetOrigHamReturnInteger(&output);

 * Gets the original return value of a hook for hooks that return floats.
 * @param output		The variable to store the value in.
native GetOrigHamReturnFloat(&Float:output);

 * Gets the original return value of a hook for hooks that return Vectors.
 * @param output		The variable to store the value in.
native GetOrigHamReturnVector(Float:output[3]);

 * Gets the original return value of a hook for hooks that return entities.
 * @param output		The variable to store the value in. -1 on null.
native GetOrigHamReturnEntity(&output);

 * Gets the original return value of a hook for hooks that return strings.
 * @param output		The buffer to store the string in.
 * @param size			The size of the buffer.
native GetOrigHamReturnString(output[], size);

 * Sets the return value of a hook that returns an integer or boolean.
 * This needs to be used in conjunction with HAM_OVERRIDE or HAM_SUPERCEDE.
 * @param value				The value to set the return to.
native SetHamReturnInteger(value);

 * Sets the return value of a hook that returns a float.
 * This needs to be used in conjunction with HAM_OVERRIDE or HAM_SUPERCEDE.
 * @param value				The value to set the return to.
native SetHamReturnFloat(Float:value);

 * Sets the return value of a hook that returns a Vector.
 * This needs to be used in conjunction with HAM_OVERRIDE or HAM_SUPERCEDE.
 * @param value				The value to set the return to.
native SetHamReturnVector(const Float:value[3]);

 * Sets the return value of a hook that returns an entity.  Set to -1 for null.
 * This needs to be used in conjunction with HAM_OVERRIDE or HAM_SUPERCEDE.
 * @param value				The value to set the return to.
native SetHamReturnEntity(value);

 * Sets the return value of a hook that returns a string.
 * This needs to be used in conjunction with HAM_OVERRIDE or HAM_SUPERCEDE.
 * @param value				The value to set the return to.
native SetHamReturnString(const value[]);

 * Sets a parameter on the fly of the current hook.  This has no effect in post hooks.
 * Use this on parameters that are integers.
 * @param which				Which parameter to change.  Starts at 1, and works up from the left to right.  1 is always "this".
 * @param value				The value to change it to.
native SetHamParamInteger(which, value);

 * Sets a parameter on the fly of the current hook.  This has no effect in post hooks.
 * Use this on parameters that are floats.
 * @param which				Which parameter to change.  Starts at 1, and works up from the left to right.  1 is always "this".
 * @param value				The value to change it to.
native SetHamParamFloat(which, Float:value);

 * Sets a parameter on the fly of the current hook.  This has no effect in post hooks.
 * Use this on parameters that are Vectors.
 * @param which				Which parameter to change.  Starts at 1, and works up from the left to right.  1 is always "this".
 * @param value				The value to change it to.
native SetHamParamVector(which, const Float:value[3]);

 * Sets a parameter on the fly of the current hook.  This has no effect in post hooks.
 * Use this on parameters that are entities.
 * @param which				Which parameter to change.  Starts at 1, and works up from the left to right.  1 is always "this".
 * @param value				The value to change it to.
native SetHamParamEntity(which, value);

 * Sets a parameter on the fly of the current hook.  This has no effect in post hooks.
 * Use this on parameters that are strings.
 * @param which				Which parameter to change.  Starts at 1, and works up from the left to right.  1 is always "this".
 * @param value				The value to change it to.
native SetHamParamString(which, const output[]);

 * Sets a parameter on the fly of the current hook.  This has no effect in post hooks.
 * Use this on parameters that are trace result handles.
 * @param which				Which parameter to change.  Starts at 1, and works up from the left to right.  1 is always "this".
 * @param value				The value to change it to.
native SetHamParamTraceResult(which, tr_handle);

 * Returns whether or not the function for the specified Ham is valid.
 * Things that would make it invalid would be bounds (an older module version
 *  may not have all of the functions), and the function not being found in
 *  the mod's hamdata.ini file.
 * @param function		The function to look up.
 * @return				true if the function is valid, false otherwise.
native bool:IsHamValid(Ham:function);

 * This is used to compliment fakemeta's {get,set}_pdata_{int,float,string}.
 * This requires the mod to have the pev and base fields set in hamdata.ini.
 * Note this dereferences memory! Improper use of this will crash the server.
 * This will return an index of the corresponding cbase field in private data.
 * Returns -1 on a null entry.
 * @param id			The entity to examine the private data.
 * @param offset		The windows offset of the data.
 * @param linuxdiff	The linux difference of the data.
 * @param macdiff		The mac difference of the data.
 * @return				The index of the corresponding pdata field. -1 for none set.
native get_pdata_cbase(id, offset, linuxdiff=5, macdiff=5);

 * This is used to compliment fakemeta's {get,set}_pdata_{int,float,string}.
 * This requires the mod to have the pev and base fields set in hamdata.ini.
 * This will set the corresponding cbase field in private data with the index.
 * Pass -1 to null the entry.
 * @param id			The entity to examine the private data.
 * @param offset		The windows offset of the data.
 * @param value		The index to store, -1 for invalid
 * @param linuxdiff	The linux difference of the data.
 * @param macdiff		The mac difference of the data.
native set_pdata_cbase(id, offset, value, linuxdiff=5, macdiff=5);

 * This is similar to the get_pdata_cbase, however it does not dereference memory.
 * This is many times slower than get_pdata_cbase, and this should only be used 
 * for testing and finding of offsets, not actual release quality plugins.
 * This will return an index of the corresponding cbase field in private data.
 * Returns -1 on a null entry. -2 on an invalid entry.
 * @param id			Entry to examine the private data.
 * @param offset		The windows offset of the data.
 * @param linuxdiff	The linux difference of the data.
 * @param macdiff		The mac difference of the data.
 * @return				The index of the corresponding pdata field, -1 for null, -2 for invalid.
native get_pdata_cbase_safe(id, offset, linuxdiff=5, macdiff=5);

// This is the callback from the module, this handles any fatal errors.
// This will in turn call the "HamFilter(Ham:id, HamError:err, const reason[])" public, if it exists.
// Return PLUGIN_HANDLED from within the HamFilter to stop the plugin from failing.
// Any other return value will fail the plugin.
// You do not need to have a HamFilter, if there is none, all fatal errors will fail the plugin.
// Do not modify this!
public __fatal_ham_error(Ham:id, HamError:err, const reason[])
	new func=get_func_id("HamFilter", -1);
	new bool:fail=true;
	if (func != -1 && callfunc_begin_i(func, -1)==1)
		callfunc_push_str(reason, false);
		if (callfunc_end()==PLUGIN_HANDLED)
	if (fail)
Attached Files
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (zpextrabalrog9_1.sma - 143 views - 20.4 KB)
File Type: inc fakemeta_util.inc (25.0 KB, 81 views)
File Type: inc hamsandwich.inc (13.1 KB, 83 views)

Last edited by Godofwar; 06-02-2020 at 08:13.
Godofwar is offline

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