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CSGO Workshop map no download.

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Join Date: Feb 2016
Old 08-26-2019 , 09:49   CSGO Workshop map no download.
Reply With Quote #1


i want to upload a map from my server workshop but i get this error for some reason.

Server UGC Manager: Failed to get file info. HTTP status 401
can this error be corrected?

subscribed_collection_ids.txt //is in place
subscribed_file_ids.txt //is in place
webapi_authkey.txt // is in place. with the key in it.

server log
./srcds_run: 32: ./srcds_run: pushd: not found
./srcds_run: 35: ./srcds_run: popd: not found
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Updating server using Steam.
The recommended way to run steamcmd is: steamcmd.sh +runscript 000000001_install.txt
WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work.
Redirecting stderr to '/home/ogp_agent/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK.
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1
"@ShutdownOnFailedCommand" = "1"
@NoPromptForPassword 1
"@NoPromptForPassword" = "1"

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for user info...OK
force_install_dir "/home/ogp_agent/OGP_User_Files/csgo"
app_update 740
Success! App '740' already up to date.
CWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work processing queue not empty: 1 items discarded.
#Console initialized.
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 740
#Using breakpad minidump system 740/13711.964.DC
Using breakpad crash handler
Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
#Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
#Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
#Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
#Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
#Game.dll loaded for "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive"
#CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'server_pre_shutdown' unknown.
#CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'game_newmap' unknown.
#CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'finale_start' unknown.
#CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'round_start' unknown.
#CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'round_end' unknown.
#CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'difficulty_changed' unknown.
#CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'player_death' unknown.
#CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'hltv_replay' unknown.
#CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'player_connect' unknown.
#CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'player_disconnect' unknown.
#GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (custom/custom).
#GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/cooperative).
#GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/coopmission).
Server is hibernating
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to locate a running instance of Steam, or a local steamclient.so.
Loaded authkey from webapi_authkey.txt: 8847A12D1BA47153BB3854A5CC64FE4C
maxplayers set to 64
ConVarRef cl_embedded_stream_video_playing doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Unknown command "cl_bobamt_vert"
Unknown command "cl_bobamt_lat"
Unknown command "cl_bob_lower_amt"
Unknown command "cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt"
Unknown command "cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt"
Unknown command "cl_teamid_min"
Unknown command "cl_teamid_max"
Unknown command "cl_teamid_overhead"
Unknown command "cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist"
Setting mapgroup to 'mg_kz'
---- Host_NewGame ----
Host_NewGame on map kz_minimountain_go
L 08/25/2019 - 07:32:40: -------- Mapchange to kz_minimountain_go --------
Accelerator upload thread started.
Accelerator upload thread finished. (0 skipped, 0 uploaded, 0 failed)
Accelerator upload thread terminated. (canceled = false)
L 08/25/2019 - 07:32:40: [GEOIP] GeoIP database info: GEO-106FREE 20160202 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2016 MaxMind
CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'teamplay_win_panel' unknown.
CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'teamplay_restart_round' unknown.
CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'arena_win_panel' unknown.
[Updater] Doing update check.
[Updater] Doing update check.
[Updater] Doing update check.
[Updater] Auto checking for Updates
GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (custom/custom).
GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/cooperative).
GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/coopmission).
ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ammo_grenade_limit_default - 1
ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang - 1
ammo_item_limit_healthshot - 4
ammo_grenade_limit_total - 3
bot_allow_grenades - 1
bot_allow_machine_guns - 1
bot_allow_pistols - 1
bot_allow_rifles - 1
bot_allow_rogues - 1
bot_allow_shotguns - 1
bot_allow_snipers - 1
bot_allow_sub_machine_guns - 1
bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high - 5.0
bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low - -2.0
bot_chatter - normal
bot_defer_to_human_goals - 0
bot_defer_to_human_items - 1
bot_difficulty - 1
bot_quota - 10
bot_quota_mode - normal
cash_player_bomb_defused - 300
cash_player_bomb_planted - 300
cash_player_damage_hostage - -30
cash_player_get_killed - 0
cash_player_interact_with_hostage - 150
cash_player_killed_enemy_default - 300
cash_player_killed_enemy_factor - 1
cash_player_killed_hostage - -1000
cash_player_killed_teammate - -300
cash_player_rescued_hostage - 1000
cash_player_respawn_amount - 0
cash_team_elimination_bomb_map - 3250
cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_ct - 2000
cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_t - 1000
cash_team_hostage_alive - 0
cash_team_hostage_interaction - 500
cash_team_loser_bonus - 1400
cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds - 500
cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused - 800
cash_team_rescued_hostage - 0
cash_team_survive_guardian_wave - 1000
cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb - 3500
cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb - 3250
cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue - 3500
cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_bomb - 3250
cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_hostage - 3250
contributionscore_assist - 1
contributionscore_bomb_defuse_minor - 1
contributionscore_bomb_defuse_major - 3
contributionscore_bomb_planted - 2
contributionscore_bomb_exploded - 1
contributionscore_cash_bundle - 0
contributionscore_crate_break - 0
contributionscore_hostage_kill - -2
contributionscore_hostage_rescue_minor - 1
contributionscore_hostage_rescue_major - 3
contributionscore_kill - 2
contributionscore_kill_factor - 0
contributionscore_objective_kill - 3
contributionscore_suicide - -2
contributionscore_team_kill - -2
ff_damage_reduction_bullets - 0.1
ff_damage_reduction_grenade - 0.25
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self - 1
ff_damage_reduction_other - 0.25
global_chatter_info -
healthshot_healthboost_time - 0
healthshot_healthboost_damage_multiplier - 1
healthshot_healthboost_speed_multiplier - 1
mp_afterroundmoney - 0
mp_anyone_can_pickup_c4 - 0
mp_autokick - 1
mp_autoteambalance - 1
mp_buy_allow_grenades - 1
mp_buy_allow_guns - 255
mp_buy_anywhere - 0
mp_buy_during_immunity - 0
mp_buytime - 90
mp_c4_cannot_be_defused - 0
mp_c4timer - 40
mp_consecutive_loss_max - 4
mp_coop_force_join_ct - 0
mp_coopmission_bot_difficulty_offset - 0
mp_coopmission_mission_number - 0
mp_ct_default_grenades -
mp_ct_default_melee - weapon_knife
mp_ct_default_primary -
mp_ct_default_secondary - weapon_hkp2000
mp_damage_headshot_only - 0
mp_damage_scale_ct_body - 1.0
mp_damage_scale_ct_head - 1.0
mp_damage_scale_t_body - 1.0
mp_damage_scale_t_head - 1.0
mp_damage_vampiric_amount - 0
mp_death_drop_c4 - 1
mp_death_drop_defuser - 1
mp_death_drop_grenade - 2
mp_death_drop_gun - 1
mp_deathcam_skippable - 1
mp_default_team_winner_no_objective - -1
mp_defuser_allocation - 0
mp_display_kill_assists - 1
mp_dm_bonus_percent - 50
mp_dm_bonus_respawn - 0
mp_dm_bonusweapon_dogtags - 0
mp_dm_dogtag_score - 0
mp_dm_kill_base_score - 10
mp_dm_teammode - 0
mp_dm_teammode_bonus_score - 1
mp_dm_teammode_dogtag_score - 0
mp_dm_teammode_kill_score - 1
mp_dogtag_despawn_on_killer_death - 1
mp_dogtag_despawn_time - 120
mp_dogtag_pickup_rule - 0
mp_drop_grenade_enable - 0
mp_drop_knife_enable - 0
mp_economy_reset_rounds - 0
mp_equipment_reset_rounds - 0
mp_force_assign_teams - 0
mp_force_pick_time - 15
mp_forcecamera - 1
mp_free_armor - 0
mp_freezetime - 6
mp_friendlyfire - 0
mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay - 15.0
mp_ggtr_always_upgrade - 0
mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus - 1
mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus - 1
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash - 4
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he - 3
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov - 5
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade - 2.0
mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay - 0.0
mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus - 1
mp_ggtr_halftime_delay - 0.0
mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half - 0
mp_give_player_c4 - 1
mp_global_damage_per_second - 0.0
mp_guardian_bot_money_per_wave - 800
ConVarRef mp_guardian_loc_icon doesn't point to an existing ConVar
mp_guardian_loc_weapon -
mp_guardian_loc_string_hud - #guardian_mission_type_kills
mp_guardian_loc_string_desc -
mp_guardian_player_dist_max - 2000
mp_guardian_player_dist_min - 1300
mp_guardian_special_kills_needed - 10
mp_guardian_special_weapon_needed - awp
mp_guardian_target_site - -1
mp_halftime - 0
mp_halftime_pausetimer - 0
mp_heavyassaultsuit_cooldown - 5
mp_hostagepenalty - 10
mp_hostages_max - 2
mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions -
mp_hostages_spawn_same_every_round - 1
mp_items_prohibited -
mp_limitteams - 2
mp_match_can_clinch - 1
mp_match_end_changelevel - 0
mp_max_armor - 2
mp_maxmoney - 16000
mp_maxrounds - 0
mp_molotovusedelay - 15.0
mp_only_cts_rescue_hostages - 1
mp_plant_c4_anywhere - 0
mp_playercashawards - 1
mp_radar_showall - 0
mp_randomspawn - 0
mp_randomspawn_dist - 0
mp_randomspawn_los - 1
mp_respawn_immunitytime - 4.0
mp_respawn_on_death_ct - 0
mp_respawn_on_death_t - 0
mp_respawnwavetime_ct - 10.0
mp_respawnwavetime_t - 10.0
mp_round_restart_delay - 7.0
mp_roundtime - 5
mp_roundtime_defuse - 0
mp_roundtime_hostage - 0
mp_solid_teammates - 1
mp_starting_losses - 0
mp_startmoney - 800
mp_tagging_scale - 1.0
mp_t_default_grenades -
mp_t_default_melee - weapon_knife
mp_t_default_primary -
mp_t_default_secondary - weapon_glock
mp_taser_recharge_time - -1
mp_teamcashawards - 1
mp_teammates_are_enemies - 0
mp_timelimit - 5
mp_use_respawn_waves - 0
mp_warmup_pausetimer - 0
mp_warmuptime - 30
mp_warmuptime_all_players_connected - 0
mp_weapon_self_inflict_amount - 0
mp_weapons_allow_heavy - -1
mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit - 0
mp_weapons_allow_map_placed - 0
mp_weapons_allow_pistols - -1
mp_weapons_allow_rifles - -1
mp_weapons_allow_smgs - -1
mp_weapons_allow_typecount - 5
mp_weapons_allow_zeus - 1
mp_weapons_glow_on_ground - 0
mp_weapons_max_gun_purchases_per_weapon_per_match - -1
mp_heavyassaultsuit_speed - 130
mp_heavyassaultsuit_deploy_timescale - 0.8
mp_heavyassaultsuit_aimpunch - 1.0
mp_heavybot_damage_reduction_scale - 1.0
mp_win_panel_display_time - 3
inferno_child_spawn_max_depth - 4
inferno_max_flames - 16
inferno_max_range - 150
molotov_throw_detonate_time - 2.0
occlusion_test_async - 0
spec_freeze_panel_extended_time - 0.0
spec_freeze_time - 3.0
spec_replay_enable - 0
spec_replay_leadup_time - 5.3438
spec_replay_bot - 0
sv_accelerate - 5.5
sv_airaccelerate - 12
sv_air_pushaway_dist - 0
sv_allow_votes - 1
sv_alltalk - 0
sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after - 0
sv_auto_adjust_bot_difficulty - 1
sv_auto_full_alltalk_during_warmup_half_end - 1
sv_autobunnyhopping - 0
sv_autobuyammo - 0
sv_bot_buy_decoy_weight - 1
sv_bot_buy_flash_weight - 1
sv_bot_buy_grenade_chance - 33
sv_bot_buy_hegrenade_weight - 6
sv_bot_buy_molotov_weight - 1
sv_bot_buy_smoke_weight - 1
sv_bots_force_rebuy_every_round - 0
sv_bots_get_easier_each_win - 0
sv_bots_get_harder_after_each_wave - 0
sv_bounce - 0
sv_buy_status_override - -1
sv_deadtalk - 0
ConVarRef sv_disable_show_team_select_menu doesn't point to an existing ConVar
sv_disable_radar - 0
sv_disable_immunity_alpha - 0
sv_duplicate_playernames_ok - 0
sv_enablebunnyhopping - 0
sv_env_entity_makers_enabled - 1
sv_extract_ammo_from_dropped_weapons - 0
sv_falldamage_scale - 1
sv_falldamage_to_below_player_multiplier - 1
sv_falldamage_to_below_player_ratio - 0
sv_force_reflections - 0
sv_friction - 5.2
sv_grassburn - 0
sv_gravity - 800
sv_guardian_heavy_all - 0
sv_guardian_heavy_count - 0
sv_guardian_max_wave_for_heavy - 0
sv_guardian_min_wave_for_heavy - 0
sv_health_approach_enabled - 0
sv_hegrenade_damage_multiplier - 1
sv_hegrenade_radius_multiplier - 1
sv_ignoregrenaderadio - 0
sv_infinite_ammo - 0
sv_knife_attack_extend_from_player_aabb - 0
sv_maxspeed - 320
sv_maxvelocity - 3500
sv_occlude_players - 1
sv_outofammo_indicator - 0
ConVarRef sv_show_ragdoll_playernames doesn't point to an existing ConVar
sv_show_team_equipment_force_on - 0
sv_staminajumpcost - .080
sv_staminalandcost - .050
sv_stopspeed - 80
sv_talk_enemy_dead - 0
sv_talk_enemy_living - 0
sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec - 0
sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist - 0
sv_vote_to_changelevel_before_match_point - 0
sv_wateraccelerate - 10
sv_waterfriction - 1
sv_water_movespeed_multiplier - 0.8
sv_water_swim_mode - 0
sv_weapon_encumbrance_per_item - 0.85
sv_weapon_encumbrance_scale - 0
tv_delay - 10
weapon_accuracy_nospread - 0
weapon_air_spread_scale - 1.0
weapon_max_before_cleanup - 0
weapon_recoil_scale - 2.0
weapon_reticle_knife_show - 0
weapon_sound_falloff_multiplier - 1.0
Executing dedicated server config file
Unknown command "ď"
sv_pure set to 0.
Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg.
Writing cfg/banned_ip.cfg.
Server waking up from hibernation
Stopping 0 worker threads
Starting 1 worker threads
1 threads. 593,151 ticks
exec: couldn't exec gamemode_casual_server.cfg
PlayerModelInfo: missing terrorist models for map kz_minimountain_go. Adding the default model tm_phoenix.
PlayerModelInfo: missing counter-terrorist models for map kz_minimountain_go. Adding the default model ctm_st6.
PrecacheScriptSound 'Snowball.Bounce' failed, no such sound script entry
CHostage::Precache: missing hostage models for map kz_minimountain_go. Adding the default models.
Commentary: Could not find commentary data file 'maps/kz_minimountain_go_commentary.txt'.
Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 4 milliseconds to initialize
CApplicationManagerPopulateThread took 4 milliseconds to initialize (will have waited on CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread)
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 730
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 740
Logging into Steam gameserver account with logon token '8847A12Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
SteamDatagramServer_Init succeeded
sv_pure value unchanged (current value is 0).
Idle Random Map: kz_freezingridge_go.
sv_pure value unchanged (current value is 0).
Server UGC Manager: Failed to get file info. HTTP status 401
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   Public IP is x.x.x.x.
Assigned persistent gameserver Steam ID [G:1:3008208].
Gameserver logged on to Steam, assigned identity steamid:85568392923047632
VAC secure mode is activated.
GC Connection established for server version 964, instance idx 1
hostname: Counter Strike Global Offensive
version : 964/7508 secure  [G:1:3008208]
udp/ip  : x.x.x.x:27015  (public ip: x.x.x.x)
os      :  Linux
type    :  community dedicated
map     : kz_minimountain_go
players : 0 humans, 0 bots (12/0 max) (not hibernating)
# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state rate adr
sorry bad english
Elit59 is offline
Veteran Member
Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: Germany
Old 08-26-2019 , 14:47   Re: CSGO Workshop map no download.
Reply With Quote #2

Make sure your authkey and the workshop ids are correct.
TomL. is offline
AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Feb 2013
Old 08-26-2019 , 16:59   Re: CSGO Workshop map no download.
Reply With Quote #3

Have the server download and execute a map you do not have yet, such as:
host_workshop_map 1840566043
If it is able to download and host the map, it would be an issue with the workshop collection or map you have. Which you should remove and try again or verify the IDs.
However, if the map does not download or execute then your authkey is to blame, you should make a new one.
Maxximou5 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Old 08-26-2019 , 19:42   Re: CSGO Workshop map no download.
Reply With Quote #4

Originally Posted by TomL. View Post
Make sure your authkey and the workshop ids are correct.
Yes. all of them are correct.

Originally Posted by Maxximou5 View Post
Have the server download and execute a map you do not have yet, such as:
host_workshop_map 1840566043
If it is able to download and host the map, it would be an issue with the workshop collection or map you have. Which you should remove and try again or verify the IDs.
However, if the map does not download or execute then your authkey is to blame, you should make a new one.
I tried what you wrote and it doesn't work.
manually host_workshop_map 1840566043 also this error comes.
maybe you can't load webapi_authkey.txt?
Elit59 is offline
AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Feb 2013
Old 08-26-2019 , 19:48   Re: CSGO Workshop map no download.
Reply With Quote #5

Generally, if you're having an issue it is either Steam servers or your key is invalid.
Generate a new one from here: https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey

Your key is being loaded, which we can see by your first post, it would be best to make another one as someone may use it now since it's visible.
Maxximou5 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Old 08-26-2019 , 20:15   Re: CSGO Workshop map no download.
Reply With Quote #6

Originally Posted by Maxximou5 View Post
Generally, if you're having an issue it is either Steam servers or your key is invalid.
Generate a new one from here: https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey

Your key is being loaded, which we can see by your first post, it would be best to make another one as someone may use it now since it's visible.
okay. it is currently running. Thank you for your help!
Elit59 is offline
AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Feb 2013
Old 08-26-2019 , 23:21   Re: CSGO Workshop map no download.
Reply With Quote #7

Glad it was that easy, you're welcome!
Maxximou5 is offline

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