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Help Gunxpmod_shop unlock problems

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Join Date: Aug 2019
Old 01-06-2021 , 11:11   Help Gunxpmod_shop unlock problems
Reply With Quote #1

hey all i have this gunxpmod_shop plugin this plugin works fine but wehen i register any item or rifle not showing in /ul i dont know wehere is the problem

#include <amxmodx> #include <gunxpmod> #define PLUGIN "Gun Xp Mod Shop" #define AUTHOR "badboy" #define VERSION "1.4" #define MAX_UNLOCKS 500 #define MAX_UNLOCKS_NAME_SIZE 64 #define MAX_UNLOCKS_DESC_SIZE 128 new g_menuPosition[33], gSelected[33]; enum _:iUnlocks { UL_Knife, UL_Pistol, UL_Rifle, UL_Grenade, UL_Item }; //all new g_numberofitems[iUnlocks]; new g_itemname[iUnlocks][MAX_UNLOCKS+1][MAX_UNLOCKS_NAME_SIZE+1]; new g_itemdesc[iUnlocks][MAX_UNLOCKS+1][MAX_UNLOCKS_DESC_SIZE+1]; new g_itemlevel[iUnlocks][MAX_UNLOCKS+1]; new g_itemcost[iUnlocks][MAX_UNLOCKS+1]; new g_itemindex[iUnlocks][MAX_UNLOCKS+1]; new g_itemaccess[iUnlocks][MAX_UNLOCKS+1]; new g_itemwpn[iUnlocks][MAX_UNLOCKS+1]; new bool:g_PlayerItem[33][iUnlocks][MAX_UNLOCKS+1]; public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR); register_dictionary("gunxpmod.txt"); register_clcmd("say /unlocks", "menus") register_clcmd("say unlocks", "menus") register_clcmd("say /ul", "menus") register_clcmd("say ul", "menus") register_clcmd("say /items", "display_items") register_clcmd("say items", "display_items") } public client_connect(id) { static i, j for(i = 0; i < iUnlocks; ++i) for(j = 0; j <= MAX_UNLOCKS; ++j) g_PlayerItem[id][i][j] = false; } public menus(id) { new menu = menu_create("\r[GunXP] \yUnlocks", "upgrades_menu"); new call = menu_makecallback("Call_Back"); gSelected[id] = 0; new szMsg[256]; format(szMsg, 255, "Knifes", (GetItemCount(g_PlayerItem[id][UL_Knife], g_numberofitems[UL_Knife]) == g_numberofitems[UL_Knife]) ? "\r" : "\y", GetItemCount(g_PlayerItem[id][UL_Knife], g_numberofitems[UL_Knife]), g_numberofitems[UL_Knife]); menu_additem(menu, szMsg, _, _, g_numberofitems[UL_Knife] ? -1 : call); format(szMsg, 255, "Pistols", (GetItemCount(g_PlayerItem[id][UL_Pistol], g_numberofitems[UL_Pistol]) == g_numberofitems[UL_Pistol]) ? "\r" : "\y", GetItemCount(g_PlayerItem[id][UL_Pistol], g_numberofitems[UL_Pistol]), g_numberofitems[UL_Pistol]); menu_additem(menu, szMsg, _, _, g_numberofitems[UL_Pistol] ? -1 : call); format(szMsg, 255, "Rifles ", (GetItemCount(g_PlayerItem[id][UL_Rifle], g_numberofitems[UL_Rifle]) == g_numberofitems[UL_Rifle]) ? "\r" : "\r", GetItemCount(g_PlayerItem[id][UL_Rifle], g_numberofitems[UL_Rifle]), g_numberofitems[UL_Rifle]); menu_additem(menu, szMsg, _, _, g_numberofitems[UL_Rifle] ? -1 : call); format(szMsg, 255, "Granades", (GetItemCount(g_PlayerItem[id][UL_Grenade], g_numberofitems[UL_Grenade]) == g_numberofitems[UL_Grenade]) ? "\r" : "\y", GetItemCount(g_PlayerItem[id][UL_Grenade], g_numberofitems[UL_Grenade]), g_numberofitems[UL_Grenade]); menu_additem(menu, szMsg, _, _, g_numberofitems[UL_Grenade] ? -1 : call); format(szMsg, 255, "Items", (GetItemCount(g_PlayerItem[id][UL_Item], g_numberofitems[UL_Item]) == g_numberofitems[UL_Item]) ? "\r" : "\y", GetItemCount(g_PlayerItem[id][UL_Item], g_numberofitems[UL_Item]), g_numberofitems[UL_Item]); menu_additem(menu, szMsg, _, _, g_numberofitems[UL_Item] ? -1 : call); menu_display(id, menu, 0); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public Call_Back(id, menu, item) return ITEM_DISABLED; public upgrades_menu(id, menu, item) { if(item == MENU_BACK) { } gSelected[id] = item; g_menuPosition[id] = 0; display_item_upgrades(id, 0, item); } public plugin_natives() { register_native("register_gxm_item", "register_unlock") register_native("register_item_gxm", "register_unlock") } public register_unlock(plugin, params) { static item_section item_section = get_param(5)-1 g_numberofitems[item_section]++; get_string(1, g_itemname[item_section][g_numberofitems[item_section]], MAX_UNLOCKS_NAME_SIZE) get_string(2, g_itemdesc[item_section][g_numberofitems[item_section]], MAX_UNLOCKS_DESC_SIZE) g_itemlevel[item_section][g_numberofitems[item_section]] = get_param(4); g_itemcost[item_section][g_numberofitems[item_section]] = get_param(3); g_itemindex[item_section][g_numberofitems[item_section]] = plugin; g_itemaccess[item_section][g_numberofitems[item_section]] = get_param(6) ? get_param(6) : 0; g_itemwpn[item_section][g_numberofitems[item_section]] = get_param(7); } //ALL public display_item_upgrades(id, pos, selection) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return; static menuBody[510], len; len = 0; gSelected[id] = selection; if(pos < 0) return; new start = pos * 8 if(start >= g_numberofitems[selection]) start = pos = g_menuPosition[id]; len += formatex(menuBody[len], sizeof menuBody - 1 - len, "%L", LANG_SERVER, "TITLE_MENU_SHOP", get_user_xp(id), get_user_max_level(id)) new end = start + 8 new keys = MENU_KEY_0 if(end > g_numberofitems[selection]) end = g_numberofitems[selection]; new b = 0 for(new a = start; a < end; ++a) { new i = a + 1 new money, level money = get_user_xp(id) level = get_user_level(id) if( g_PlayerItem[id][selection][i] ) len += formatex(menuBody[len], sizeof menuBody - 1 - len,"%L", id, "INACTIVE_MENU_SHOP_BOUGHT", ++b, g_itemname[selection][i], g_itemcost[selection][i], g_itemlevel[selection][i]) else if(g_itemaccess[selection][i] == GUN_FIRST_ACCESS_ID && !(get_user_flags(id) & GUN_FIRST_ACCESS)) len += formatex(menuBody[len], sizeof menuBody - 1 - len,"%L", id, "INACTIVE_MENU_SHOP_ACCESS1", ++b, g_itemname[selection][i], GUN_FIRST_ACCESS_TEXT); else if(g_itemaccess[selection][i] == GUN_SECOND_ACCESS_ID && !(get_user_flags(id) & GUN_SECOND_ACCESS)) len += formatex(menuBody[len], sizeof menuBody - 1 - len,"%L", id, "INACTIVE_MENU_SHOP_ACCESS2", ++b, g_itemname[selection][i], GUN_SECOND_ACCESS_TEXT); else if(g_itemaccess[selection][i] == GUN_THIRD_ACCESS_ID && !(get_user_flags(id) & GUN_THIRD_ACCESS)) len += formatex(menuBody[len], sizeof menuBody - 1 - len,"%L", id, "INACTIVE_MENU_SHOP_ACCESS3", ++b, g_itemname[selection][i], GUN_THIRD_ACCESS_TEXT); else if(level < g_itemlevel[selection][i]) len += formatex(menuBody[len], sizeof menuBody - 1 - len,"%L", id, "INACTIVE_MENU_SHOP_LEVEL", ++b, g_itemname[selection][i], g_itemlevel[selection][i], g_itemcost[selection][i]) else if(PatrArTuri(id, g_itemwpn[selection][i])) len += formatex(menuBody[len], sizeof menuBody - 1 - len,"%L", id, "INACTIVE_MENU_NO_MORE", ++b, g_itemname[selection][i], g_itemcost[selection][i], g_itemlevel[selection][i]) else if( money < g_itemcost[selection][i] ) len += formatex(menuBody[len], sizeof menuBody - 1 - len,"%L", id, "INACTIVE_MENU_SHOP", ++b, g_itemname[selection][i], g_itemcost[selection][i], g_itemlevel[selection][i]) else { keys |= (1<<b) switch(g_itemaccess[selection][i]) { case GUN_FIRST_ACCESS_ID: len += formatex(menuBody[len], sizeof menuBody - 1 - len,"%L", id, "ACTIVE_MENU_SHOP2", ++b, g_itemname[selection][i], g_itemcost[selection][i], g_itemlevel[selection][i], GUN_FIRST_ACCESS_TEXT) case GUN_SECOND_ACCESS_ID: len += formatex(menuBody[len], sizeof menuBody - 1 - len,"%L", id, "ACTIVE_MENU_SHOP2", ++b, g_itemname[selection][i], g_itemcost[selection][i], g_itemlevel[selection][i], GUN_SECOND_ACCESS_TEXT) case GUN_THIRD_ACCESS_ID: len += formatex(menuBody[len], sizeof menuBody - 1 - len,"%L", id, "ACTIVE_MENU_SHOP2", ++b, g_itemname[selection][i], g_itemcost[selection][i], g_itemlevel[selection][i], GUN_THIRD_ACCESS_TEXT) default: len += formatex(menuBody[len], sizeof menuBody - 1 - len,"%L", id, "ACTIVE_MENU_SHOP", ++b, g_itemname[selection][i], g_itemcost[selection][i], g_itemlevel[selection][i]) } } } if(end != g_numberofitems[selection]) { len += formatex(menuBody[len], sizeof menuBody - 1 - len, "^n\r9. \w%L\r^n0. \w%L", id, "NEXT_MENU", id, pos ? "BACK_MENU" : "EXIT_MENU") keys |= MENU_KEY_9 } else { len += formatex(menuBody[len], sizeof menuBody - 1 - len, "^n\r0. \w%L", id, pos ? "BACK_MENU" : "EXIT_MENU") } show_menu(id, keys, menuBody, -1, "Unlocks Shop") } public action_item_upgrades(id, key) { switch(key) { case 8: display_item_upgrades(id, ++g_menuPosition[id], gSelected[id]); case 9: display_item_upgrades(id, --g_menuPosition[id], gSelected[id]); default: { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; ++key new money new plugin_id = g_itemindex[gSelected[id]][g_menuPosition[id] * 8 + key] new item_id = g_menuPosition[id] * 8 + key new func = get_func_id("gxm_item_enabled", plugin_id) money = get_user_xp(id) new cost = g_itemcost[gSelected[id]][item_id]; if(money >= cost) { callfunc_begin_i(func, plugin_id) callfunc_push_int(id) callfunc_end() g_PlayerItem[id][gSelected[id]][item_id] = true new overall = money - cost set_user_xp(id, overall) client_printcolor(1, "/yItem Bought, Item: /g%s.", g_itemname[gSelected[id]][item_id]) client_printcolor(1, "/yDescripcion: /g%s.", g_itemdesc[gSelected[id]][item_id]) display_item_upgrades(id, g_menuPosition[id], gSelected[id]); } } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } stock client_printcolors ( const id, const input[], any:... ) { new iCount = 1, iPlayers[32] new sNewMsg[191] vformat( sNewMsg, charsmax ( sNewMsg ), input, 3 ) //format ( sNewMsg, charsmax ( sNewMsg ), "^4[x^1 %s", sNewMsg ) replace_all ( sNewMsg, charsmax ( sNewMsg ), "/g", "^4") // green txt replace_all ( sNewMsg, charsmax ( sNewMsg ), "/y", "^1") // orange txt replace_all ( sNewMsg, charsmax ( sNewMsg ), "/t", "^3") // team txt if ( id ) iPlayers[0] = id else get_players ( iPlayers, iCount, "ch" ) for ( new i; i < iCount; i++ ) { if ( is_user_connected ( iPlayers[i] ) ) { message_begin ( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid ( "SayText" ), _, iPlayers[i] ) write_byte ( iPlayers[i]) write_string ( sNewMsg) message_end () } } } stock bool:PatrArTuri(id, wpn) { static i, j for(i = 0; i < iUnlocks; ++i) { for(j = 0; j <= MAX_UNLOCKS; ++j) { if(g_PlayerItem[id][i][j]) { if(g_itemwpn[i][j] == wpn) return true } } } return false } GetItemCount(array[], size) { new count = 0; for(new i = 1; i <= size; i++) if(array[i]) count++; return count; }
unlock >
#include <amxmodx> #include <fakemeta> #include <engine> #include <gunxpmod> new PLUGIN_NAME[] = "Unlock : Parachute" new PLUGIN_AUTHOR[] = "xbatista" new PLUGIN_VERSION[] = "1.0" new const parachute_model[] = "models/parachute.mdl" new bool:has_parachute[33] new para_ent[33] new g_parachute_FallSpeed, g_parachute_Detach public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, PLUGIN_AUTHOR) register_gxm_item("Parachute VIP", "Gives you parachute", 100, 1, GUN_SECTION_ITEMS, 1, 2) g_parachute_FallSpeed = register_cvar("gxm_parachute_fallspeed", "20") g_parachute_Detach = register_cvar("gxm_parachute_detach", "1") register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink,"PlayerPree_Think"); } public plugin_precache() engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheModel, parachute_model) public gxm_item_enabled(id) { has_parachute[id] = true } public client_connect(id) { parachute_reset(id) has_parachute[id] = false } parachute_reset(id) { if (para_ent[id] > 0) { if ( pev_valid(para_ent[id]) ) engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, para_ent[id]) } has_parachute[id] = false para_ent[id] = 0 } public PlayerPree_Think(id) { //parachute.mdl animation information //0 - deploy - 84 frames //1 - idle - 39 frames //2 - detach - 29 frames if (!is_user_alive(id) || !has_parachute[id] ) return new Float:fallspeed = get_pcvar_float(g_parachute_FallSpeed) * -1.0 new Float:frame new button = pev(id, pev_button) new oldbutton = pev(id, pev_oldbuttons) new flags = pev(id, pev_flags) if (para_ent[id] > 0 && (flags & FL_ONGROUND)) { set_view(id, CAMERA_NONE) if (get_pcvar_num(g_parachute_Detach)) { if ( pev(para_ent[id],pev_sequence) != 2 ) { set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_sequence, 2) set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_gaitsequence, 1) set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_frame, 0.0) set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_fuser1, 0.0) set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_animtime, 0.0) return } pev(para_ent[id],pev_fuser1, frame) frame += 2.0 set_pev(para_ent[id],pev_fuser1,frame) set_pev(para_ent[id],pev_frame,frame) if ( frame > 254.0 ) { engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, para_ent[id]) para_ent[id] = 0 } } else { engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, para_ent[id]) para_ent[id] = 0 } return } if (button & IN_USE && get_user_team(id) == 2) { new Float:velocity[3] pev(id, pev_velocity, velocity) if (velocity[2] < 0.0) { if(para_ent[id] <= 0) { para_ent[id] = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target")) if(para_ent[id] > 0) { set_pev(para_ent[id],pev_classname,"parachute") set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_aiment, id) set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_owner, id) set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_FOLLOW) engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, para_ent[id], parachute_model) set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_sequence, 0) set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_gaitsequence, 1) set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_frame, 0.0) set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_fuser1, 0.0) } } if (para_ent[id] > 0) { set_pev(id, pev_sequence, 3) set_pev(id, pev_gaitsequence, 1) set_pev(id, pev_frame, 1.0) set_pev(id, pev_framerate, 1.0) velocity[2] = (velocity[2] + 40.0 < fallspeed) ? velocity[2] + 40.0 : fallspeed set_pev(id, pev_velocity, velocity) if (pev(para_ent[id],pev_sequence) == 0) { pev(para_ent[id],pev_fuser1, frame) frame += 1.0 set_pev(para_ent[id],pev_fuser1,frame) set_pev(para_ent[id],pev_frame,frame) if (frame > 100.0) { set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_animtime, 0.0) set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_framerate, 0.4) set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_sequence, 1) set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_gaitsequence, 1) set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_frame, 0.0) set_pev(para_ent[id], pev_fuser1, 0.0) } } } } else if (para_ent[id] > 0) { engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, para_ent[id]) para_ent[id] = 0 } } else if ((oldbutton & IN_USE) && para_ent[id] > 0 ) { engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, para_ent[id]) para_ent[id] = 0 } }

Last edited by XxScripteRxX; 01-06-2021 at 11:14.
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Old 01-13-2021 , 09:42   Re: Help Gunxpmod_shop unlock problems
Reply With Quote #2

[CODE]register_gxm_item("Parachute VIP", "Gives you parachute", 100, 1, GUN_SECTION_ITEMS, 1, 0)[CODE] // 0

Last edited by Cristian505; 01-13-2021 at 09:42.
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Old 01-13-2021 , 09:59   Re: Help Gunxpmod_shop unlock problems
Reply With Quote #3

Did you add the extra item before or after the main plugin in plugins.ini?
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