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[SM plugin] error 100: function prototypes do not match

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Old 05-23-2022 , 16:57   [SM plugin] error 100: function prototypes do not match
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Hello, I'm new to Sourcemod/Pawn coding and I get this error when trying to compile:
error 100: function prototypes do not match and the error happened in columns 237 and 322 which was
QueryGameMEStats("playerinfo", client, QuerygameMEStatsCallback, 0);
QueryGameMEStats("playerinfo", client, QuerygameMEStatsCallback, 0);

downstairs is the whole code:

Last edited by q8972999; 05-23-2022 at 17:02.
q8972999 is offline
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Join Date: May 2022
Old 05-23-2022 , 16:58   Re: [SM plugin] error 100: function prototypes do not match
Reply With Quote #2

whole code:
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <sdktools>
#include <cstrike>
#include <clientprefs>
#include <overlays>

#include <kento_rankme/rankme>
#include <gameme>
#include <zr_rank>
#include <hlstatsx_api>

#pragma newdecls required
#pragma semicolon 1

int rank[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {0, ...};
int oldrank[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {0, ...};

// ConVar Variables
ConVar g_CVAR_RanksPoints[18];
ConVar g_CVAR_RankPoints_Type;
ConVar g_CVAR_RankPoints_Flag;
ConVar g_CVAR_RankPoints_Prefix;
ConVar g_CVAR_RankPoints_HudOverlay;
ConVar g_CVAR_RankPoints_OverlayTime;
ConVar g_CVAR_RankPoints_SoundEnable;
ConVar g_CVAR_RankPoints_SoundRankUp;
ConVar g_CVAR_RankPoints_SoundRankDown;

// Variables to store ConVar values;
int g_RankPoints_Type;
int g_RankPoints_Flag;
int g_RankPoints_HudOverlay;
int g_RankPoints_SoundEnable;
float g_RankPoints_OverlayTime;
char g_RankPoints_SoundRankUp[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
char g_RankPoints_SoundRankDown[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
char g_RankPoints_Prefix[40];
int RankPoints[18];

bool g_zrank;
bool g_kentorankme;
bool g_gameme;
bool g_hlstatsx;

char RankStrings[19][256];
char RankOverlays[18][PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];

public Plugin myinfo =
name = "[CS:GO] Matchmaking Ranks by Points",
author = "Hallucinogenic Troll",
description = "Prints the Matchmaking Ranks on scoreboard, based on points stats by a certain rank.",
version = "1.6",
url = "https://PTFun.net/"

public void OnPluginStart()
RegConsoleCmd("sm_mm", Menu_Points);
HookEvent("announce_phase_end", Event_AnnouncePhaseEnd);
HookEvent("player_death", Event_PlayerDeath);
HookEvent("player_disconnect", Event_Disconnect, EventHookMode_Pre);

// ConVar to check which rank you want
g_CVAR_RankPoints_Type = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_typeofrank", "0", "Type of Rank that you want to use for this plugin (0 for Kento Rankme, 1 for GameMe, 2 for ZR Rank, 3 for HLStatsX)", _, true, 0.0, true, 3.0);
g_CVAR_RankPoints_Prefix = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_prefix", "[{purple}Fake Ranks{default}]", "Chat Prefix");
g_CVAR_RankPoints_Flag = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_flag", "", "Flag to restrict the ranks to certain players (leave it empty to enable for everyone)");
g_CVAR_RankPoints_HudOverlay = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_hudoverlay" , "1", "Chooses between a HUD Text Message (0) or an Overlay (1)", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_CVAR_RankPoints_OverlayTime = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_overlaytime", "5.0", "Time between showing and deleting the overlay (need \"ranks_matchmaking_hudoverlay\" set to 1). 0.0 means forever", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RankPoints_SoundEnable = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_soundenable", "1", "Enable sounds when a player ranks up or deranks", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_CVAR_RankPoints_SoundRankUp = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_soundrankup", "levels_ranks/levelup.mp3", "Path to the sound which will play on Rank Up (needs \"ranks_matchmaking_soundenable\" set to 1)");
g_CVAR_RankPoints_SoundRankDown = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_soundrankdown ", "levels_ranks/leveldown.mp3", "Path to the sound which will play on Derank (needs \"ranks_matchmaking_soundenable\" set to 1)");

// Rank Points ConVars;
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[0] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_s1", "100", "Number of Points to reach Silver I", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[1] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_s2", "150", "Number of Points to reach Silver II", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[2] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_s3", "200", "Number of Points to reach Silver III", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[3] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_s4", "300", "Number of Points to reach Silver IV", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[4] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_se", "400", "Number of Points to reach Silver Elite", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[5] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_sem", "500", "Number of Points to reach Silver Elite Master", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[6] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_g1", "600", "Number of Points to reach Gold Nova I", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[7] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_g2", "750", "Number of Points to reach Gold Nova II", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[8] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_g3", "900", "Number of Points to reach Gold Nova III", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[9] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_g4", "1050", "Number of Points to reach Gold Nova IV", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[10] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_mg1", "1200", "Number of Points to reach Master Guardian I", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[11] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_mg2", "1400", "Number of Points to reach Master Guardian II", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[12] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_mge", "1600", "Number of Points to reach Master Guardian Elite", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[13] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_dmg", "1800", "Number of Points to reach Distinguished Master Guardian", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[14] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_le", "2000", "Number of Points to reach Legendary Eagle", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[15] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_lem", "2200", "Number of Points to reach Legendary Eagle Master", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[16] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_smfc", "2400", "Number of Points to reach Supreme Master First Class", _, true, 0.0, false);
g_CVAR_RanksPoints[17] = CreateConVar("ranks_matchmaking_point_ge", "2700", "Number of Points to reach Global Elite", _, true, 0.0, false);

LoadTranslations("ranks_matchmaking.phrases") ;
AutoExecConfig(true, "ranks_matchmaking");

public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle myself, bool late, char[] error, int err_max)
MarkNativeAsOptional("RankMe_OnPlayerLoaded") ;
return APLRes_Success;

public void OnLibraryAdded(const char[] name)
if (StrEqual(name, "zr_rank")) {
g_zrank = true;
} else if (StrEqual(name, "rankme")) {
g_kentorankme = true;
} else if(StrEqual(name, "gameme")) {
g_gameme = true;
} else if (StrEqual(name, "hlstatsx_api")) {
g_hlstatsx = true;

public void OnLibraryRemoved(const char[] name)
if (StrEqual(name, "zr_rank")) {
g_zrank = false;
} else if(StrEqual(name, "rankme")) {
g_kentorankme = false;
} else if(StrEqual(name, "gameme")) {
g_gameme = false;
} else if (StrEqual(name, "hlstatsx_api")) {
g_hlstatsx = false;

public void OnMapStart()
for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
RankPoints[i] = g_CVAR_RanksPoints[i].IntValue;

g_RankPoints_HudOverlay = g_CVAR_RankPoints_HudOverlay.IntValue;
g_RankPoints_OverlayTime = g_CVAR_RankPoints_OverlayTime.FloatValue;

g_CVAR_RankPoints_Prefix.GetString(g_RankPoin ts_Prefix, sizeof(g_RankPoints_Prefix));

g_RankPoints_SoundEnable = g_CVAR_RankPoints_SoundEnable.IntValue;

g_CVAR_RankPoints_SoundRankUp.GetString(g_Ran kPoints_SoundRankUp, sizeof(g_RankPoints_SoundRankUp));
g_CVAR_RankPoints_SoundRankDown.GetString(g_R ankPoints_SoundRankDown, sizeof(g_RankPoints_SoundRankDown));

char buffer[10];
g_CVAR_RankPoints_Flag.GetString(buffer, sizeof(buffer));

if(StrEqual(buffer, "0") || strlen(buffer) < 1)
g_RankPoints_Flag = -1;
g_RankPoints_Flag = ReadFlagString(buffer);

g_RankPoints_Type = g_CVAR_RankPoints_Type.IntValue;

int iIndex = FindEntityByClassname(MaxClients+1, "cs_player_manager");
if (iIndex == -1)
SetFailState("Unable to find cs_player_manager entity");

SDKHook(iIndex, SDKHook_ThinkPost, Hook_OnThinkPost);




public void GetRanksGradesSounds()
char buffer[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "sound/%s", g_RankPoints_SoundRankUp);
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "*/%s", g_RankPoints_SoundRankUp);
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "sound/%s", g_RankPoints_SoundRankDown);
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "*/%s", g_RankPoints_SoundRankDown);

public void GetRanksOverlays()
for(int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
Format(RankOverlays[i], sizeof(RankOverlays[]), "lvl_overlays/overlay_hd_%d", (i+1));

public void GetRanksNames()
FormatEx(RankStrings[0], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Unranked");
FormatEx(RankStrings[1], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Silver I");
FormatEx(RankStrings[2], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Silver II");
FormatEx(RankStrings[3], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Silver III");
FormatEx(RankStrings[4], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Silver IV");
FormatEx(RankStrings[5], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Silver Elite");
FormatEx(RankStrings[6], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Silver Elite Master");
FormatEx(RankStrings[7], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Gold Nova I");
FormatEx(RankStrings[8], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Gold Nova II");
FormatEx(RankStrings[9], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Gold Nova III");
FormatEx(RankStrings[10], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Gold Nova Master");
FormatEx(RankStrings[11], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Master Guardian I");
FormatEx(RankStrings[12], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Master Guardian II");
FormatEx(RankStrings[13], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Master Guardian Elite");
FormatEx(RankStrings[14], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Distinguished Master Guardian");
FormatEx(RankStrings[15], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Legendary Eagle");
FormatEx(RankStrings[16], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Legendary Eagle Master");
FormatEx(RankStrings[17], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Supreme First Master Class");
FormatEx(RankStrings[18], sizeof(RankStrings[]), "%t", "Global Elite");

public Action RankMe_OnPlayerLoaded(int client)
if(g_kentorankme && g_RankPoints_Type == 0)
int points = RankMe_GetPoints(client);
CheckRanks(client, points);

public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
if (IsValidClient(client)) {

if (g_gameme && g_RankPoints_Type == 1) {

QueryGameMEStats("playerinfo", client, QuerygameMEStatsCallback, 0);

} else if (g_zrank && g_RankPoints_Type == 2) {

int points = ZR_Rank_GetPoints(client);
CheckRanks(client, points);

} else if (g_hlstatsx && g_RankPoints_Type == 3) {

HLStatsX_Api_GetStats("playerinfo", client, _HLStatsX_API_Response, 0);

public int QuerygameMEStatsCallback(int command, int payload, int client, Handle &datapack)
if ((client > 0) && (command == RAW_MESSAGE_CALLBACK_PLAYER))
Handle data2 = CloneHandle(datapack);
int points;

points = ReadPackCell(data2);
points = ReadPackCell(data2);
points = ReadPackCell(data2);


CheckRanks(client, points);

public void _HLStatsX_API_Response(int command, int payload, int client, DataPack &datapack)
if (!IsValidClient(client) || command != HLX_CALLBACK_TYPE_PLAYER_INFO) {

DataPack pack = view_as<DataPack>(CloneHandle(datapack));
int points;

points = pack.ReadCell();
points = pack.ReadCell();

delete datapack;
delete pack;

CheckRanks(client, points);

public Action Event_PlayerDeath(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
int victim = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("userid"));


int attacker = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("attacker"));


int assister = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("assister"));


public Action Event_Disconnect(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
int client = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("userid"));

rank[client] = 0;

public void CheckPoints(int client)
if (g_kentorankme && g_RankPoints_Type == 0) {

int points = RankMe_GetPoints(client);
CheckRanks(client, points);

} else if (g_gameme && g_RankPoints_Type == 1) {

QueryGameMEStats("playerinfo", client, QuerygameMEStatsCallback, 0);

} else if (g_zrank && g_RankPoints_Type == 2) {

int points = ZR_Rank_GetPoints(client);
CheckRanks(client, points);

} else if (g_hlstatsx && g_RankPoints_Type == 3) {

HLStatsX_Api_GetStats("playerinfo", client, _HLStatsX_API_Response, 0);

public void CheckRanks(int client, int points)
if(g_RankPoints_Flag != -1)
if(!CheckCommandAccess(client, "", g_RankPoints_Flag, true))
rank[client] = 0;

// Unranked
if(points < RankPoints[0])
rank[client] = 0;
else if(points >= RankPoints[0] && points < RankPoints[1]) // Silver I
rank[client] = 1;
else if(points >= RankPoints[1] && points < RankPoints[2]) // Silver II
rank[client] = 2;
else if(points >= RankPoints[2] && points < RankPoints[3]) // Silver III
rank[client] = 3;
else if(points >= RankPoints[3] && points < RankPoints[4]) // Silver IV
rank[client] = 4;
else if(points >= RankPoints[4] && points < RankPoints[5]) // Silver Elite
rank[client] = 5;
else if(points >= RankPoints[5] && points < RankPoints[6]) // Silver Elite Master
rank[client] = 6;
else if(points >= RankPoints[6] && points < RankPoints[7]) // Gold Nova I
rank[client] = 7;
else if(points >= RankPoints[7] && points < RankPoints[8]) // Gold Nova II
rank[client] = 8;
else if(points >= RankPoints[8] && points < RankPoints[9]) // Gold Nova III
rank[client] = 9;
else if(points >= RankPoints[9] && points < RankPoints[10]) // Gold Nova Master
rank[client] = 10;
else if(points >= RankPoints[10] && points < RankPoints[11]) // Master Guardian I
rank[client] = 11;
else if(points >= RankPoints[11] && points < RankPoints[12]) // Master Guardian II
rank[client] = 12;
else if(points >= RankPoints[12] && points < RankPoints[13]) // Master Guardian Elite
rank[client] = 13;
else if(points >= RankPoints[13] && points < RankPoints[14]) // Distinguished Master Guardian
rank[client] = 14;
else if(points >= RankPoints[14] && points < RankPoints[15]) // Legendary Eagle
rank[client] = 15;
else if(points >= RankPoints[15] && points < RankPoints[16]) // Legendary Eagle Master
rank[client] = 16;
else if(points >= RankPoints[16] && points < RankPoints[17]) // Supreme Master First Class
rank[client] = 17;
else if(points >= RankPoints[17]) // Global Elite
rank[client] = 18;

if(rank[client] > oldrank[client] && rank[client] > 0)
case 0:
SetHudTextParams(-1.0, 0.125, 5.0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0.25, 1.5, 0.5);
ShowHudText(client, 5, "%t", "Rank Up", RankStrings[rank[client]]);
case 1:
ShowOverlay(client, RankOverlays[rank[client] - 1], g_RankPoints_OverlayTime);

ClientCommand(client, "playgamesound Music.StopAllMusic");
EmitSoundToClient(client, g_RankPoints_SoundRankUp, SOUND_FROM_PLAYER, SNDCHAN_STATIC, SNDLEVEL_NONE, _, 0.75);

if(rank[client] < oldrank[client] && rank[client] > 0)
case 0:
SetHudTextParams(-1.0, 0.125, 5.0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0.25, 1.5, 0.5);
ShowHudText(client, 5, "%t", "Rank Down", RankStrings[rank[client]]);
case 1:
ShowOverlay(client, RankOverlays[rank[client] - 1], g_RankPoints_OverlayTime);

ClientCommand(client, "playgamesound Music.StopAllMusic");
EmitSoundToClient(client, g_RankPoints_SoundRankDown, SOUND_FROM_PLAYER, SNDCHAN_STATIC, SNDLEVEL_NONE, _, 0.75);

oldrank[client] = rank[client];


public void Hook_OnThinkPost(int iEnt)
static int iRankOffset = -1;
if (iRankOffset == -1)
iRankOffset = FindSendPropInfo("CCSPlayerResource", "m_iCompetitiveRanking");

int iRank[MAXPLAYERS+1];
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
iRank[i] = rank[i];
SetEntDataArray(iEnt, iRankOffset, iRank, MaxClients+1);

public Action Menu_Points(int client, int args)
Menu menu = new Menu(Panel_Handler);

char buffer[256];

Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%t", "Rank Menu Title");

Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%t", "Less Than X Points", RankStrings[0], (RankPoints[0] - 1));
menu.AddItem("1", buffer);

char S_i[2];
for(int i = 1; i < 17; i++)
IntToString(i, S_i, sizeof(S_i));
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%t", "Between X and Y", RankStrings[i], RankPoints[i - 1], (RankPoints[i + 1] - 1));
menu.AddItem(S_i, buffer);
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%t", "More Than X Points", RankStrings[18], (RankPoints[17] - 1));
menu.AddItem("17", buffer);

menu.ExitButton = true;
menu.Display(client, 20);

public int Panel_Handler(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int choice)
if(action == MenuAction_Select)

else if (action == MenuAction_End)
delete menu;

public Action OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, int &buttons, int &impulse, float vel[3], float angles[3], int &weapon)
if (buttons & IN_SCORE && !(GetEntProp(client, Prop_Data, "m_nOldButtons") & IN_SCORE))
Handle hBuffer = StartMessageOne("ServerRankRevealAll", client);
if (hBuffer == INVALID_HANDLE)
PrintToChat(client, "INVALID_HANDLE");

return Plugin_Continue;

public Action Event_AnnouncePhaseEnd(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
Handle hBuffer = StartMessageAll("ServerRankRevealAll");
if (hBuffer == INVALID_HANDLE)
PrintToServer("ServerRankRevealAll = INVALID_HANDLE");

return Plugin_Continue;

stock bool IsValidClient(int client)
if(client >= 1 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client) && !IsFakeClient(client))
return true;

return false;

// https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Csgo_quirks
stock void FakePrecacheSound(const char[] szPath)
AddToStringTable(FindStringTable("soundprecac he"), szPath);
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New Member
Join Date: May 2022
Old 05-23-2022 , 17:03   Re: [SM plugin] error 100: function prototypes do not match
Reply With Quote #3

the include.inc of this script was posted here:
* gameME Plugin
* http://www.gameme.com
* Copyright (C) 2007-2020 TTS Oetzel & Goerz GmbH
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#if defined _gameme_included_
#define _gameme_included_

// raw message handling
#define RAW_MESSAGE_TOP10 5

// callbacks

forward onGameMEStatsRank(command, client, String: message_prefix[], &Handle: datapack);
forward onGameMEStatsPublicCommand(command, client, String: message_prefix[], &Handle: datapack);
forward onGameMEStatsTop10(command, client, String: message_prefix[], &Handle: datapack);
forward onGameMEStatsNext(command, client, String: message_prefix[], &Handle: datapack);

typedef gameMEStatsCallback = function Action(int command, int payload, int client, Handle datapack);
* Query gameME Stats data from a client
* @param request Request type (only 'playerinfo' available)
* @param client Client index.
* @param func Callback function.
* @param payload Payload to distinct queries.
* @noreturn
native QueryGameMEStats(String: request[], client, gameMEStatsCallback: callback, payload = 0);

typedef gameMEStatsTop10Callback = function Action(int command, int payload, Handle datapack);
* Query Top10 players from gameME Stats
* @param request Request type (currently only 'top10' available)
* @param client Client index.
* @param func Callback function.
* @param payload Payload to distinct queries.
* @noreturn
native QueryGameMEStatsTop10(String: request[], client, gameMEStatsTop10Callback: callback, payload = 0);

typedef gameMEStatsNextCallback = function Action(int command, int payload, int client, Handle datapack);
* Query next players from gameME Stats for s specified client
* @param request Request type (currently only 'next' available)
* @param client Client index.
* @param func Callback function.
* @param payload Payload to distinct queries.
* @noreturn
native QueryGameMEStatsNext(String: request[], client, gameMEStatsNextCallback: callback, payload = 0);

typedef QuerygameMEStatsIntCallback = function Action(int command, int payload, int caller[MAXPLAYERS + 1], int target[MAXPLAYERS + 1], char[] message_prefix, char[] message);
* Query internal (preformatted) gameME Stats data
* @param request Request type.
* @param client Client index.
* @param func Callback function.
* @param payload Payload to distinct queries.
* @noreturn
native QueryIntGameMEStats(String: request[], client, QuerygameMEStatsIntCallback: callback, payload = 0, limit = 0);

* Display internal gameME Stats menu.
* @param client The client index the menu is displayed to.
* @param time How long should the menu be displayed.
* @param message The menu message.
* @param need_handler Define, if a menu handler is needed.
* @noreturn
native DisplayGameMEStatsMenu(client, time, String: message[], need_handler);

* Color gameME entitites
* @param message String.
native gameMEStatsColorEntities(String: message[]);

public SharedPlugin:__pl_gameme =
name = "gameme",
file = "gameme.smx",
#if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
required = 1,
required = 0,

#if !defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
public __pl_gameme_SetNTVOptional()
MarkNativeAsOptional("QueryGameMEStatsTop10") ;
MarkNativeAsOptional("DisplayGameMEStatsMenu" );
MarkNativeAsOptional("gameMEStatsColorEntitie s");
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