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Old 01-25-2012 , 08:36   Re: Dr.Hax
Reply With Quote #21

Originally Posted by 341464 View Post
It works now
But is it suppose to teamkill
Thanks, this is a good news
Yeah=} is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Old 01-29-2012 , 15:06   Re: Dr.Hax
Reply With Quote #22

new entity = CreateEntityByName( "prop_physics_physics" );
what is this? cause it is stopping it
supposed to be this:
new entity = CreateEntityByName( "prop_physics_override" ); ?????????
Mitchell is offline
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Old 01-31-2012 , 01:56   Re: Dr.Hax
Reply With Quote #23

Originally Posted by Mitchell View Post
new entity = CreateEntityByName( "prop_physics_physics" );
what is this? cause it is stopping it
supposed to be this:
new entity = CreateEntityByName( "prop_physics_override" ); ?????????
Oh god... Sorry... Fixed.

PS. Now I can't test and fix this plugin cuz one bad guy has taken away FTP from the server where I tested my plugins I will get it back soon.

Last edited by Yeah=}; 02-01-2012 at 03:38.
Yeah=} is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Old 02-02-2012 , 04:42   Re: Dr.Hax
Reply With Quote #24

You could give me the amxx of the new plugin and i could test it.

EDIT: Ah, nvm i got amxmodx not sourcemod sorry.

Last edited by RoaR; 02-02-2012 at 04:42.
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Old 02-03-2012 , 02:46   Re: Dr.Hax
Reply With Quote #25

Sound file from hl2 confirmed working in TF2
EHG is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Old 02-03-2012 , 22:56   Re: Dr.Hax
Reply With Quote #26

hey for some reason the sound file wont play and the computer wont throw as far as the original code. i took the code off of Yeah =) and this is what i got.

#pragma semicolon 1

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdkhooks>

#define VERSION "1.2_TF2"

#define MODEL "models/props_lab/monitor01a.mdl"
#define SOUND "res/drhax/Hax.mp3"

new Handle:drhax_enabled =                 INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:drhax_music_path =             INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:drhax_monitor_weight =         INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:drhax_throwing_force =            INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:drhax_let_users_set_weight =     INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:drhax_distance_from_spawner = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:drhax_only_admins =            INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:drhax_entity_destroy_delay =    INVALID_HANDLE;

new Handle:g_hThrowedObjects =            INVALID_HANDLE;

public Plugin:myinfo =
    name = "Dr.Hax",
    author = "Push",
    description = "Fell yourself as Dr.Hax",
    version = VERSION,
    url = "http://css-quad.ru"

public OnPluginStart()
    g_hThrowedObjects = CreateArray( 2 );

    drhax_enabled =                    CreateConVar( "drhax_enabled", "1", "Enable the plugin?" );
    drhax_music_path =                CreateConVar( "drhax_music_path", SOUND, "Path to the sound." );
    drhax_monitor_weight =            CreateConVar( "drhax_monitor_weight", "1.0", "Default weight of monitor." );
    drhax_throwing_force =            CreateConVar( "drhax_throwing_force", "100.0" , "Force of throwing the monitor ( More = better )." );
    drhax_let_users_set_weight =        CreateConVar( "drhax_let_users_set_weight", "1", "Do you want to let users set monitor's weight?" );
    drhax_distance_from_spawner =    CreateConVar( "drhax_distance_from_spawner", "40.0", "Distance from object's creator to a spawned object." );
    drhax_only_admins =                CreateConVar( "drhax_only_admins", "1", "Only admins can throw monitors. Disable it at your own risk :)" );
    drhax_entity_destroy_delay =        CreateConVar( "drhax_entity_destroy_delay", "5", "Delay before entity will be destroyed by entity dissolver" );
    AutoExecConfig( );
    RegConsoleCmd( "sm_hax", CommandHandler );

public OnPluginEnd( )
    CloseHandle( g_hThrowedObjects );

public OnConfigsExecuted( )
    new String:szBuffer[ PLATFORM_MAX_PATH ];
    GetConVarString( drhax_music_path, szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ) );
    PrecacheModel( MODEL );
    PrecacheSound( szBuffer, true );
    Format( szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ), "sound/%s", szBuffer );
    AddFileToDownloadsTable( szBuffer );

public Action:CommandHandler( client, args )
    if( GetConVarBool( drhax_enabled ) )
        new Float:fMonitorWeight;
        new Float:fDefMonitorWeight;
        fDefMonitorWeight = GetConVarFloat( drhax_monitor_weight );
        if( GetConVarBool( drhax_only_admins ) )
            if( GetUserAdmin( client ) == INVALID_ADMIN_ID )
                PrintToChat( client, "It works only for admins." );
                return Plugin_Handled;
        if( GetCmdArgs() == 1 && GetConVarBool( drhax_let_users_set_weight ) )
            new String:szMonitorWeight[16];
            if( GetCmdArg( 1, szMonitorWeight, sizeof( szMonitorWeight ) ) )
                if( ( fMonitorWeight = StringToFloat( szMonitorWeight ) ) == 0.0 )
                    fMonitorWeight = fDefMonitorWeight;
                fMonitorWeight = fDefMonitorWeight;
            fMonitorWeight = fDefMonitorWeight;
        if( IsPlayerAlive( client ) )
            new Float:fPlayerPos[3];
            new Float:fPlayerAngles[3];
            new Float:fThrowingVector[3];
            new Float:fDistanceFromSpawner;
            new Float:fThrowingForce;
            new String:szSoundPath[ PLATFORM_MAX_PATH ];
            new String:szMonitorWeight[ PLATFORM_MAX_PATH ];
            Format( szMonitorWeight, sizeof( szMonitorWeight ), "%f", fMonitorWeight );
            GetConVarString( drhax_music_path, szSoundPath, sizeof( szSoundPath ) );
            fDistanceFromSpawner = GetConVarFloat( drhax_distance_from_spawner );
            fThrowingForce = GetConVarFloat( drhax_throwing_force );
            GetClientEyeAngles( client, fPlayerAngles );
            GetClientEyePosition( client, fPlayerPos );
            TR_TraceRayFilter( fPlayerPos, fPlayerAngles, MASK_SOLID, RayType_Infinite, DontHitSelf, client );
            if( TR_DidHit( ) )
                new Float:fEndPosition[3];
                TR_GetEndPosition( fEndPosition );
                if( GetVectorDistance( fPlayerPos, fEndPosition ) < fDistanceFromSpawner ) // if distance from player to a target is so long...
                    return Plugin_Handled; // return
            EmitAmbientSound( szSoundPath, fPlayerPos, _, _, _, 5.0 ); // HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX
            new Float:fLen = fDistanceFromSpawner * Sine( DegToRad( fPlayerAngles[0] + 90.0 ) );
            fPlayerPos[0] = fPlayerPos[0] + fLen * Cosine( DegToRad( fPlayerAngles[1] ) );
            fPlayerPos[1] = fPlayerPos[1] + fLen * Sine( DegToRad( fPlayerAngles[1] ) );
            fPlayerPos[2] = fPlayerPos[2] + fDistanceFromSpawner * Sine( DegToRad( -1 * fPlayerAngles[0] ) ) ;
            new entity = CreateEntityByName( "prop_physics_override" );
            DispatchKeyValue( entity, "model", MODEL );
            DispatchKeyValue( entity, "massScale", szMonitorWeight );
            DispatchSpawn( entity );
            ActivateEntity( entity );

            new Float:fScal = fThrowingForce * Sine( DegToRad( fPlayerAngles[0] + 90.0 ) );
            fThrowingVector[0] = fScal * Cosine( DegToRad( fPlayerAngles[1] ) );
            fThrowingVector[1] = fScal * Sine( DegToRad( fPlayerAngles[1] ) );
            fThrowingVector[2] = fThrowingForce * Sine( DegToRad( -1 * fPlayerAngles[0] ) );

            new iPair[2];
            iPair[0] = entity;
            iPair[1] = client;
            PushArrayArray( g_hThrowedObjects, iPair, sizeof( iPair ) );
            SDKHook( entity, SDKHook_ShouldCollide, ShouldCollide );
            TeleportEntity( entity, fPlayerPos, fPlayerAngles, fThrowingVector );
            CreateTimer( GetConVarFloat( drhax_entity_destroy_delay ), OnTimerTick, entity );
    return Plugin_Handled;

public bool:ShouldCollide( entity /*Object that collides with player*/, collisiongroup, contentsmask, bool:originalResult )
    if( contentsmask & MASK_PLAYERSOLID )
        new Float:fMaxs[3];
        GetEntPropVector( entity, Prop_Send, "m_vecMaxs", fMaxs );
        new Float:fPos[3];
        GetEntPropVector( entity, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", fPos );
        new Float:fDist;
        fDist = GetVectorLength( fMaxs ) * 1.5;
        for( new client = 1; client < MaxClients; client++ ) // Checking all players which is on a server
            if( IsClientInGame( client ) && IsPlayerAlive( client ) )
                new Float:fPlayerOrigin[3];
                new Float:fPlayerEyesPose[3];
                GetClientAbsOrigin( client, fPlayerOrigin );
                GetClientEyePosition( client, fPlayerEyesPose );
                for( new Float:i = 0.0; i < GetVectorDistance( fPlayerOrigin, fPlayerEyesPose ); i+=1.0 ) // Checking all the units from player's feet to player's eyes
                    new Float:fPointInPlayer[3];
                    new bool:bPlayerKilled;
                    fPointInPlayer[0] = fPlayerOrigin[0];
                    fPointInPlayer[1] = fPlayerOrigin[1];
                    fPointInPlayer[2] = fPlayerOrigin[2] + i;
                    if( GetVectorDistance( fPointInPlayer, fPos ) <= fDist ) // If distance from body to a monitor is too short...
                        new iArrSize = GetArraySize( g_hThrowedObjects );
                        if( iArrSize != 0 )
                            for( new count = 0; count < iArrSize; count++ )
                                new iPair[2];
                                GetArrayArray( g_hThrowedObjects, count, iPair, sizeof( iPair ) );
                                if( entity == iPair[0] ) // If entity that collieds with a monitor is not a monitor's owner...
                                    if( client != iPair[1] && IsPlayerAlive( iPair[1] ) )
                                        bPlayerKilled = true;
                                        ForcePlayerSuicide( client ); // Kill it.
                    if( bPlayerKilled )
                        bPlayerKilled = false;
                    bPlayerKilled = false;
    return true;

public bool:DontHitSelf( entity, mask, any:data )
    if( entity == data )
        return false;
    return true;

public Action:OnTimerTick( Handle:hTimer, any:data )
    new iArrSize = GetArraySize( g_hThrowedObjects );
    Dissolve( data );
    if( iArrSize != 0 )
        for( new i = 0; i < iArrSize; i++ )
            new iPair[2];
            GetArrayArray( g_hThrowedObjects, i, iPair, sizeof( iPair ) );
            if( iPair[0] == data )
                RemoveFromArray( g_hThrowedObjects, i-- );
    return Plugin_Continue;

stock void:Dissolve(edict)
        new String:dname[32], ent = CreateEntityByName("env_entity_dissolver");
        Format(dname, sizeof(dname), "dis_%d", edict);
        if (ent > 0)
            DispatchKeyValue(edict, "targetname", dname);
            DispatchKeyValue(ent, "dissolvetype", "3");
            DispatchKeyValue(ent, "target", dname);
            AcceptEntityInput(ent, "Dissolve");
            AcceptEntityInput(ent, "kill");

i also set the sound file cvar to the path of the sound file relative to the sound folder. please help
bananapie62 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Old 02-09-2012 , 04:14   Re: Dr.Hax
Reply With Quote #27

Originally Posted by bananapie62 View Post
hey for some reason the sound file wont play and the computer wont throw as far as the original code. i took the code off of Yeah =) and this is what i got.

#pragma semicolon 1

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdkhooks>

#define VERSION "1.2_TF2"

#define MODEL "models/props_lab/monitor01a.mdl"
#define SOUND "res/drhax/Hax.mp3"

new Handle:drhax_enabled =                 INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:drhax_music_path =             INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:drhax_monitor_weight =         INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:drhax_throwing_force =            INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:drhax_let_users_set_weight =     INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:drhax_distance_from_spawner = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:drhax_only_admins =            INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:drhax_entity_destroy_delay =    INVALID_HANDLE;

new Handle:g_hThrowedObjects =            INVALID_HANDLE;

public Plugin:myinfo =
    name = "Dr.Hax",
    author = "Push",
    description = "Fell yourself as Dr.Hax",
    version = VERSION,
    url = "http://css-quad.ru"

public OnPluginStart()
    g_hThrowedObjects = CreateArray( 2 );

    drhax_enabled =                    CreateConVar( "drhax_enabled", "1", "Enable the plugin?" );
    drhax_music_path =                CreateConVar( "drhax_music_path", SOUND, "Path to the sound." );
    drhax_monitor_weight =            CreateConVar( "drhax_monitor_weight", "1.0", "Default weight of monitor." );
    drhax_throwing_force =            CreateConVar( "drhax_throwing_force", "100.0" , "Force of throwing the monitor ( More = better )." );
    drhax_let_users_set_weight =        CreateConVar( "drhax_let_users_set_weight", "1", "Do you want to let users set monitor's weight?" );
    drhax_distance_from_spawner =    CreateConVar( "drhax_distance_from_spawner", "40.0", "Distance from object's creator to a spawned object." );
    drhax_only_admins =                CreateConVar( "drhax_only_admins", "1", "Only admins can throw monitors. Disable it at your own risk :)" );
    drhax_entity_destroy_delay =        CreateConVar( "drhax_entity_destroy_delay", "5", "Delay before entity will be destroyed by entity dissolver" );
    AutoExecConfig( );
    RegConsoleCmd( "sm_hax", CommandHandler );

public OnPluginEnd( )
    CloseHandle( g_hThrowedObjects );

public OnConfigsExecuted( )
    new String:szBuffer[ PLATFORM_MAX_PATH ];
    GetConVarString( drhax_music_path, szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ) );
    PrecacheModel( MODEL );
    PrecacheSound( szBuffer, true );
    Format( szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ), "sound/%s", szBuffer );
    AddFileToDownloadsTable( szBuffer );

public Action:CommandHandler( client, args )
    if( GetConVarBool( drhax_enabled ) )
        new Float:fMonitorWeight;
        new Float:fDefMonitorWeight;
        fDefMonitorWeight = GetConVarFloat( drhax_monitor_weight );
        if( GetConVarBool( drhax_only_admins ) )
            if( GetUserAdmin( client ) == INVALID_ADMIN_ID )
                PrintToChat( client, "It works only for admins." );
                return Plugin_Handled;
        if( GetCmdArgs() == 1 && GetConVarBool( drhax_let_users_set_weight ) )
            new String:szMonitorWeight[16];
            if( GetCmdArg( 1, szMonitorWeight, sizeof( szMonitorWeight ) ) )
                if( ( fMonitorWeight = StringToFloat( szMonitorWeight ) ) == 0.0 )
                    fMonitorWeight = fDefMonitorWeight;
                fMonitorWeight = fDefMonitorWeight;
            fMonitorWeight = fDefMonitorWeight;
        if( IsPlayerAlive( client ) )
            new Float:fPlayerPos[3];
            new Float:fPlayerAngles[3];
            new Float:fThrowingVector[3];
            new Float:fDistanceFromSpawner;
            new Float:fThrowingForce;
            new String:szSoundPath[ PLATFORM_MAX_PATH ];
            new String:szMonitorWeight[ PLATFORM_MAX_PATH ];
            Format( szMonitorWeight, sizeof( szMonitorWeight ), "%f", fMonitorWeight );
            GetConVarString( drhax_music_path, szSoundPath, sizeof( szSoundPath ) );
            fDistanceFromSpawner = GetConVarFloat( drhax_distance_from_spawner );
            fThrowingForce = GetConVarFloat( drhax_throwing_force );
            GetClientEyeAngles( client, fPlayerAngles );
            GetClientEyePosition( client, fPlayerPos );
            TR_TraceRayFilter( fPlayerPos, fPlayerAngles, MASK_SOLID, RayType_Infinite, DontHitSelf, client );
            if( TR_DidHit( ) )
                new Float:fEndPosition[3];
                TR_GetEndPosition( fEndPosition );
                if( GetVectorDistance( fPlayerPos, fEndPosition ) < fDistanceFromSpawner ) // if distance from player to a target is so long...
                    return Plugin_Handled; // return
            EmitAmbientSound( szSoundPath, fPlayerPos, _, _, _, 5.0 ); // HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX
            new Float:fLen = fDistanceFromSpawner * Sine( DegToRad( fPlayerAngles[0] + 90.0 ) );
            fPlayerPos[0] = fPlayerPos[0] + fLen * Cosine( DegToRad( fPlayerAngles[1] ) );
            fPlayerPos[1] = fPlayerPos[1] + fLen * Sine( DegToRad( fPlayerAngles[1] ) );
            fPlayerPos[2] = fPlayerPos[2] + fDistanceFromSpawner * Sine( DegToRad( -1 * fPlayerAngles[0] ) ) ;
            new entity = CreateEntityByName( "prop_physics_override" );
            DispatchKeyValue( entity, "model", MODEL );
            DispatchKeyValue( entity, "massScale", szMonitorWeight );
            DispatchSpawn( entity );
            ActivateEntity( entity );

            new Float:fScal = fThrowingForce * Sine( DegToRad( fPlayerAngles[0] + 90.0 ) );
            fThrowingVector[0] = fScal * Cosine( DegToRad( fPlayerAngles[1] ) );
            fThrowingVector[1] = fScal * Sine( DegToRad( fPlayerAngles[1] ) );
            fThrowingVector[2] = fThrowingForce * Sine( DegToRad( -1 * fPlayerAngles[0] ) );

            new iPair[2];
            iPair[0] = entity;
            iPair[1] = client;
            PushArrayArray( g_hThrowedObjects, iPair, sizeof( iPair ) );
            SDKHook( entity, SDKHook_ShouldCollide, ShouldCollide );
            TeleportEntity( entity, fPlayerPos, fPlayerAngles, fThrowingVector );
            CreateTimer( GetConVarFloat( drhax_entity_destroy_delay ), OnTimerTick, entity );
    return Plugin_Handled;

public bool:ShouldCollide( entity /*Object that collides with player*/, collisiongroup, contentsmask, bool:originalResult )
    if( contentsmask & MASK_PLAYERSOLID )
        new Float:fMaxs[3];
        GetEntPropVector( entity, Prop_Send, "m_vecMaxs", fMaxs );
        new Float:fPos[3];
        GetEntPropVector( entity, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", fPos );
        new Float:fDist;
        fDist = GetVectorLength( fMaxs ) * 1.5;
        for( new client = 1; client < MaxClients; client++ ) // Checking all players which is on a server
            if( IsClientInGame( client ) && IsPlayerAlive( client ) )
                new Float:fPlayerOrigin[3];
                new Float:fPlayerEyesPose[3];
                GetClientAbsOrigin( client, fPlayerOrigin );
                GetClientEyePosition( client, fPlayerEyesPose );
                for( new Float:i = 0.0; i < GetVectorDistance( fPlayerOrigin, fPlayerEyesPose ); i+=1.0 ) // Checking all the units from player's feet to player's eyes
                    new Float:fPointInPlayer[3];
                    new bool:bPlayerKilled;
                    fPointInPlayer[0] = fPlayerOrigin[0];
                    fPointInPlayer[1] = fPlayerOrigin[1];
                    fPointInPlayer[2] = fPlayerOrigin[2] + i;
                    if( GetVectorDistance( fPointInPlayer, fPos ) <= fDist ) // If distance from body to a monitor is too short...
                        new iArrSize = GetArraySize( g_hThrowedObjects );
                        if( iArrSize != 0 )
                            for( new count = 0; count < iArrSize; count++ )
                                new iPair[2];
                                GetArrayArray( g_hThrowedObjects, count, iPair, sizeof( iPair ) );
                                if( entity == iPair[0] ) // If entity that collieds with a monitor is not a monitor's owner...
                                    if( client != iPair[1] && IsPlayerAlive( iPair[1] ) )
                                        bPlayerKilled = true;
                                        ForcePlayerSuicide( client ); // Kill it.
                    if( bPlayerKilled )
                        bPlayerKilled = false;
                    bPlayerKilled = false;
    return true;

public bool:DontHitSelf( entity, mask, any:data )
    if( entity == data )
        return false;
    return true;

public Action:OnTimerTick( Handle:hTimer, any:data )
    new iArrSize = GetArraySize( g_hThrowedObjects );
    Dissolve( data );
    if( iArrSize != 0 )
        for( new i = 0; i < iArrSize; i++ )
            new iPair[2];
            GetArrayArray( g_hThrowedObjects, i, iPair, sizeof( iPair ) );
            if( iPair[0] == data )
                RemoveFromArray( g_hThrowedObjects, i-- );
    return Plugin_Continue;

stock void:Dissolve(edict)
        new String:dname[32], ent = CreateEntityByName("env_entity_dissolver");
        Format(dname, sizeof(dname), "dis_%d", edict);
        if (ent > 0)
            DispatchKeyValue(edict, "targetname", dname);
            DispatchKeyValue(ent, "dissolvetype", "3");
            DispatchKeyValue(ent, "target", dname);
            AcceptEntityInput(ent, "Dissolve");
            AcceptEntityInput(ent, "kill");
i also set the sound file cvar to the path of the sound file relative to the sound folder. please help
Due to the CVAR, you'll have to login to your RCON and do this command: "rcon drhax_throwing_force <value>". I suggest setting the value to 9000. Seems fast enough.

Also, if you don't want to use the custom sound, replace:

#define SOUND "res/drhax/Hax.mp3"

#define SOUND "vo/npc/male01/hacks01.wav"
This way, everyone can hear the sound, including those who choose not to download custom sounds. The "hacks01.wav" is part of the shared source files that everyone has after installing any "Source" game.

Last edited by 404UserNotFound; 02-09-2012 at 04:16.
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Old 02-09-2012 , 14:55   Re: Dr.Hax
Reply With Quote #28

I can't hear the sound on Tf2 even tough I put it in my sv_downloadurl server
dylstew is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Old 02-09-2012 , 16:53   Re: Dr.Hax
Reply With Quote #29

I have a suggestion, using what you did here and making it into a dodge-ball mod, a more realistic dodge ball too. i was going to do it but cant find the time. i can give you the suggestions i wrote down.
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Old 06-14-2012 , 01:19   Re: Dr.Hax
Reply With Quote #30

For anyone who wanted to see this you can view it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2eUUHkpvQA#t=1m40s

I love this plugin <3 if only the computer screen got stuck to you're head.

Last edited by C0nw0nk; 06-14-2012 at 01:19.
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