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[L4D2] Modify Lerpmonitor to only print to admins....

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Join Date: Sep 2016
Old 05-01-2021 , 23:06   [L4D2] Modify Lerpmonitor to only print to admins....

there are a few players that do not like seeing lerps printed to everyone in the chat I bet with a few simple tweaks it could output to console or just to the admins connected to the server

[plugin requires colors.inc] and will not compile on these forums

Last edited by asherkin; 03-07-2022 at 03:49. Reason: Restore to previous version.
canadianjeff is offline
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Old 05-02-2021 , 01:36   Re: [L4D2] Modify Lerpmonitor to only print to admins....

Just replace the "CPrintToChatEx" with "PrintToConsole".
Or all other "CPrintToChat" with it (for example PrintToChatAllEx = Print to all users).

#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <colors>

#define PLUGIN_VERSION 		"1.1"

#define STEAMID_SIZE 		32

static const ARRAY_STEAMID = 0;
static const ARRAY_LERP = 1;
static const ARRAY_CHANGES = 2;
static const ARRAY_COUNT = 3;

static Handle:arrayLerps;
static Handle:cVarReadyUpLerpChanges;
static Handle:cVarAllowedLerpChanges;
static Handle:cVarLerpChangeSpec;
static Handle:cVarMinLerp;
static Handle:cVarMaxLerp;
static Handle:cVarMessages;

static Handle:cVarMinUpdateRate;
static Handle:cVarMaxUpdateRate;
static Handle:cVarMinInterpRatio;
static Handle:cVarMaxInterpRatio;

static bool:isFirstHalf = true;
static bool:isMatchLife = true;
static bool:isTransfer = false;
static Handle:cvarL4DReadyEnabled = INVALID_HANDLE;
static Handle:cvarL4DReadyBothHalves = INVALID_HANDLE;
new bool:bBadValveCoding[MAXPLAYERS + 1];

public Plugin:myinfo = {
	name = "LerpMonitor++",
	author = "ProdigySim, Die Teetasse, vintik",
	description = "Keep track of players' lerp settings",
	version = PLUGIN_VERSION,
	url = "https://bitbucket.org/vintik/various-plugins"

public OnPluginStart() {

	cVarMinUpdateRate = FindConVar("sv_minupdaterate");
	cVarMaxUpdateRate = FindConVar("sv_maxupdaterate");
	cVarMinInterpRatio = FindConVar("sv_client_min_interp_ratio");
	cVarMaxInterpRatio = FindConVar("sv_client_max_interp_ratio");

	cvarL4DReadyEnabled = FindConVar("l4d_ready_enabled");
	cvarL4DReadyBothHalves = FindConVar("l4d_ready_both_halves");
	cVarAllowedLerpChanges = CreateConVar("sm_allowed_lerp_changes", "1", "Allowed number of lerp changes for a half");
	cVarLerpChangeSpec = CreateConVar("sm_lerp_change_spec", "1", "Move to spectators on exceeding lerp changes count?");
	cVarReadyUpLerpChanges = CreateConVar("sm_readyup_lerp_changes", "1", "Allow lerp changes during ready-up");
	cVarMinLerp = CreateConVar("sm_min_lerp", "0.000", "Minimum allowed lerp value");
	cVarMaxLerp = CreateConVar("sm_max_lerp", "0.100", "Maximum allowed lerp value");
	cVarMessages = CreateConVar("sm_lerp_messages", "1", "Where to print chat messages"); // 0 = all, 1 = admins, 2 = console
	RegConsoleCmd("sm_lerps", Lerps_Cmd, "List the Lerps of all players in game");
	HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart);
	HookEvent("round_end", Event_RoundEnd);
	HookEvent("player_team", OnTeamChange);
	// create array
	arrayLerps = CreateArray(ByteCountToCells(STEAMID_SIZE));
	// process current players
	for (new client = 1; client < MaxClients+1; client++) {	
		if (!IsClientInGame(client) || IsFakeClient(client)) continue;
		ProcessPlayerLerp(client, true);

public OnClientPutInServer(client)
	if (IsValidEntity(client) && !IsFakeClient(client))
		CreateTimer(1.0, Process, client);

public Action:Process(Handle:timer, any:client)
	if (IsValidEntity(client) && !IsFakeClient(client) && GetClientTeam(client) != 1)

public OnMapStart() {
	if ((cvarL4DReadyEnabled!=INVALID_HANDLE) && (GetConVarBool(cvarL4DReadyEnabled))) {
		isMatchLife = false;
	else {
		isMatchLife = true;

public OnMapEnd() {
	isFirstHalf = true;

public OnClientSettingsChanged(client) {
	if (IsValidEntity(client) && !IsFakeClient(client)) {

public OnTeamChange(Handle:event, String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
    if (GetEventInt(event, "team") != L4D_TEAM_SPECTATE)
		new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
		if (client > 0)
			if (IsClientInGame(client) && !IsFakeClient(client) && !bBadValveCoding[client] && !isTransfer)
				CreateTimer(0.1, OnTeamChangeDelay, client, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);

public Action:OnTeamChangeDelay(Handle:timer, any:client)
	ProcessPlayerLerp(client, false, true);
	return Plugin_Handled;

public Action:OnBadCoding(Handle:timer, any:client)
	bBadValveCoding[client] = false;
	return Plugin_Handled;

public Action:OnRoundIsLive() {
	isMatchLife = true;
public Event_RoundEnd(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) {
	// little delay for other round end used modules
	CreateTimer(0.5, Timer_RoundEndDelay);

public Action:Timer_RoundEndDelay(Handle:timer) {
	isFirstHalf = false;
	isTransfer = true;
	if ((cvarL4DReadyBothHalves!=INVALID_HANDLE) && (GetConVarBool(cvarL4DReadyBothHalves))) {
		isMatchLife = false;

stock bool:IsFirstHalf() {
	return isFirstHalf;

stock bool:IsMatchLife() {
	return isMatchLife;

stock GetClientBySteamID(const String:steamID[]) {
	decl String:tempSteamID[STEAMID_SIZE];
	for (new client = 1; client < MaxClients+1; client++) {
		if (!IsClientInGame(client)) continue;
		GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, tempSteamID, STEAMID_SIZE);
		if (StrEqual(steamID, tempSteamID)) {
			return client;
	return -1;

public Action:Lerps_Cmd(client, args) {
	new clientID, index;
	decl Float:lerp;
	decl String:steamID[STEAMID_SIZE];
	for (new i = 0; i < (GetArraySize(arrayLerps) / ARRAY_COUNT); i++) {
		index = (i * ARRAY_COUNT);
		GetArrayString(arrayLerps, index + ARRAY_STEAMID, steamID, STEAMID_SIZE);
		clientID = GetClientBySteamID(steamID);
		lerp = GetArrayCell(arrayLerps, index + ARRAY_LERP);
		if (clientID != -1 && GetClientTeam(clientID) != L4D_TEAM_SPECTATE) {
			ReplyToCommand(client, "%N [%s]: %.01f", clientID, steamID, lerp*1000);
	return Plugin_Handled;

public Event_RoundStart(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) {
	// delete change count for second half
	if (!IsFirstHalf()) {
		for (new i = 0; i < (GetArraySize(arrayLerps) / ARRAY_COUNT); i++) {
			SetArrayCell(arrayLerps, (i * ARRAY_COUNT) + ARRAY_CHANGES, 0);
	CreateTimer(0.5, OnTransfer, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);

public Action:OnTransfer(Handle:timer, any:client)
	isTransfer = false;
	return Plugin_Handled;

ProcessPlayerLerp(client, bool:load = false, bool:team = false) 
	if (!IsValidClient(client)) return;
	// get lerp
	new Float:newLerpTime = GetLerpTime(client);
	// set lerp for fixing differences between server and client with cl_interp_ratio 0
	SetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Data, "m_fLerpTime", newLerpTime);
	// check lerp first
	if (GetClientTeam(client) == L4D_TEAM_SPECTATE) return;

	// Get steamid and index
	decl String:steamID[STEAMID_SIZE];
	GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, steamID, STEAMID_SIZE);
	new index = FindStringInArray(arrayLerps, steamID);

	if ((FloatCompare(newLerpTime, GetConVarFloat(cVarMinLerp)) == -1) || (FloatCompare(newLerpTime, GetConVarFloat(cVarMaxLerp)) == 1)) {
		//PrintToChatAll("%N's lerp changed to %.01f", client, newLerpTime*1000);
		if (!load) 
			if (index != -1)
				new Float:currentLerpTime = GetArrayCell(arrayLerps, index + ARRAY_LERP);
				// no change?
				if (currentLerpTime == newLerpTime)
					ChangeClientTeam(client, L4D_TEAM_SPECTATE); 
			CPrintToChatAllEx(client, "{default}<{olive}Lerp{default}> {teamcolor}%N {default}was moved to spectators for lerp {teamcolor}%.01f", client, newLerpTime*1000);
			ChangeClientTeam(client, L4D_TEAM_SPECTATE);
			CPrintToChatEx(client, client, "{default}<{olive}Lerp{default}> Illegal lerp value (min: {teamcolor}%.01f{default}, max: {teamcolor}%.01f{default})",
					GetConVarFloat(cVarMinLerp)*1000, GetConVarFloat(cVarMaxLerp)*1000);
		// nothing else to do
	if (index != -1) {
		new Float:currentLerpTime = GetArrayCell(arrayLerps, index + ARRAY_LERP);
		// no change?
		if (currentLerpTime == newLerpTime)
			if (team) PrintToAdmins("{default}<{olive}Lerp{default}> {teamcolor}%N {default}@ {teamcolor}%.01f", client, newLerpTime*1000, "z");
		// Midgame?
		if (IsMatchLife() || !GetConVarBool(cVarReadyUpLerpChanges)) {
			new count = GetArrayCell(arrayLerps, index + ARRAY_CHANGES)+1;
			new max = GetConVarInt(cVarAllowedLerpChanges);
			PrintToConsole(client, "<Lerp> %N @ %.01f <== %.01f [%s%d/%d changes]", client, newLerpTime*1000, currentLerpTime*1000, ((count > max)?"":""), count, max);
			if (GetConVarBool(cVarLerpChangeSpec) && (count > max)) {
				CPrintToChatAllEx(client, "{default}<{olive}Lerp{default}> {teamcolor}%N {default}was moved to spectators (illegal lerp change)!", client);
				ChangeClientTeam(client, L4D_TEAM_SPECTATE);
				CPrintToChatEx(client, client, "{default}<{olive}Lerp{default}> Illegal change of Lerp midgame! Change it back to {teamcolor}%.01f", currentLerpTime*1000);
				// no lerp update
			// update changes
			SetArrayCell(arrayLerps, index + ARRAY_CHANGES, count);
		else {
			PrintToConsole(client, "{default}<{olive}Lerp{default}> {teamcolor}%N {default}@ {teamcolor}%.01f {default}<== {green}%.01f", client, newLerpTime*1000, currentLerpTime*1000);
		// update lerp
		SetArrayCell(arrayLerps, index + ARRAY_LERP, newLerpTime);
	else {
		// add to array
		if (team) PrintToAdmins("{default}<{olive}Lerp{default}> {teamcolor}%N {default}@ {teamcolor}%.01f", client, newLerpTime*1000, "z");
		PushArrayString(arrayLerps, steamID);
		PushArrayCell(arrayLerps, newLerpTime);
		PushArrayCell(arrayLerps, 0);

	decl String:buffer[64];
	if (!GetClientInfo(client, "cl_updaterate", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) buffer = "";
	new updateRate = StringToInt(buffer);
	updateRate = RoundFloat(clamp(float(updateRate), GetConVarFloat(cVarMinUpdateRate), GetConVarFloat(cVarMaxUpdateRate)));
	if (!GetClientInfo(client, "cl_interp_ratio", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) buffer = "";
	new Float:flLerpRatio = StringToFloat(buffer);
	if (!GetClientInfo(client, "cl_interp", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) buffer = "";
	new Float:flLerpAmount = StringToFloat(buffer);	
	if (cVarMinInterpRatio != INVALID_HANDLE && cVarMaxInterpRatio != INVALID_HANDLE && GetConVarFloat(cVarMinInterpRatio) != -1.0 ) {
		flLerpRatio = clamp(flLerpRatio, GetConVarFloat(cVarMinInterpRatio), GetConVarFloat(cVarMaxInterpRatio) );
	return maximum(flLerpAmount, flLerpRatio / updateRate);

Float:clamp(Float:inc, Float:low, Float:high) {
	return inc > high ? high : (inc < low ? low : inc);

Float:maximum(Float:a, Float:b) {
	return a > b ? a : b;

    if (client <= 0 || client > MaxClients || !IsClientConnected(client) || !IsClientInGame(client) || IsFakeClient(client)) return false; 
    return true; 

stock PrintToAdmins(const String:message[], const String:flags[])
    for (new x = 1; x <= MaxClients; x++)
        if (IsValidClient(x) && IsValidAdmin(x, flags))
            PrintToChat(x, message);

stock bool:IsValidAdmin(client, const String:flags[])
    new ibFlags = ReadFlagString(flags);
    if ((GetUserFlagBits(client) & ibFlags) == ibFlags)
        return true;
    if (GetUserFlagBits(client) & ADMFLAG_ROOT)
        return true;
    return false;
suit it for your needs or report back.

Last edited by notyouraverage; 05-02-2021 at 01:38.
notyouraverage is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Old 05-07-2021 , 19:48   Re: [L4D2] Modify Lerpmonitor to only print to admins....

your edits did nothing at all
canadianjeff is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2015
Old 05-08-2021 , 11:23   Re: [L4D2] Modify Lerpmonitor to only print to admins....

There's already a function in the source code you attached for printing to admins
PHP Code:
stock PrintToAdmins(const String:message[], const String:flags[]) 
You can change whatever print statements you want to use that function instead.
dustinandband is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2021
Old 05-09-2021 , 15:52   Re: [L4D2] Modify Lerpmonitor to only print to admins....

Originally Posted by canadianjeff View Post
your edits did nothing at all
Go more into detail.

screenshots as well.

Say exactly what the problem is (and show) and what do you want to change.

public Action:Lerps_Cmd(client, args) {
	new clientID, index;
	decl Float:lerp;
	decl String:steamID[STEAMID_SIZE];
	for (new i = 0; i < (GetArraySize(arrayLerps) / ARRAY_COUNT); i++) {
		index = (i * ARRAY_COUNT);
		GetArrayString(arrayLerps, index + ARRAY_STEAMID, steamID, STEAMID_SIZE);
		clientID = GetClientBySteamID(steamID);
		lerp = GetArrayCell(arrayLerps, index + ARRAY_LERP);
		if (clientID != -1 && GetClientTeam(clientID) != L4D_TEAM_SPECTATE) {
			ReplyToCommand(client, "%N [%s]: %.01f", clientID, steamID, lerp*1000);
	return Plugin_Handled;
Prints information on command !lerp/sm_lerp.
ProcessPlayerLerp(client, bool:load = false, bool:team = false) 
	if (!IsValidClient(client)) return;
	// get lerp
	new Float:newLerpTime = GetLerpTime(client);
	// set lerp for fixing differences between server and client with cl_interp_ratio 0
	SetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Data, "m_fLerpTime", newLerpTime);
	// check lerp first
	if (GetClientTeam(client) == L4D_TEAM_SPECTATE) return;

	// Get steamid and index
	decl String:steamID[STEAMID_SIZE];
	GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, steamID, STEAMID_SIZE);
	new index = FindStringInArray(arrayLerps, steamID);

	if ((FloatCompare(newLerpTime, GetConVarFloat(cVarMinLerp)) == -1) || (FloatCompare(newLerpTime, GetConVarFloat(cVarMaxLerp)) == 1)) {
		//PrintToChatAll("%N's lerp changed to %.01f", client, newLerpTime*1000);
		if (!load) 
			if (index != -1)
				new Float:currentLerpTime = GetArrayCell(arrayLerps, index + ARRAY_LERP);
				// no change?
				if (currentLerpTime == newLerpTime)
					ChangeClientTeam(client, L4D_TEAM_SPECTATE); 
			CPrintToChatAllEx(client, "{default}<{olive}Lerp{default}> {teamcolor}%N {default}was moved to spectators for lerp {teamcolor}%.01f", client, newLerpTime*1000);
			ChangeClientTeam(client, L4D_TEAM_SPECTATE);
			CPrintToChatEx(client, client, "{default}<{olive}Lerp{default}> Illegal lerp value (min: {teamcolor}%.01f{default}, max: {teamcolor}%.01f{default})",
					GetConVarFloat(cVarMinLerp)*1000, GetConVarFloat(cVarMaxLerp)*1000);
		// nothing else to do

Prints information when player switches to spectator and/or an illegal lerp value is being used midgame.
	if (index != -1) {
		new Float:currentLerpTime = GetArrayCell(arrayLerps, index + ARRAY_LERP);
		// no change?
		if (currentLerpTime == newLerpTime)
			if (team) PrintToAdmins("{default}<{olive}Lerp{default}> {teamcolor}%N {default}@ {teamcolor}%.01f", client, newLerpTime*1000, "z");
Prints information to Admins.
		// Midgame?
		if (IsMatchLife() || !GetConVarBool(cVarReadyUpLerpChanges)) {
			new count = GetArrayCell(arrayLerps, index + ARRAY_CHANGES)+1;
			new max = GetConVarInt(cVarAllowedLerpChanges);
			changed -->PrintToConsole(client, "<Lerp> %N @ %.01f <== %.01f [%s%d/%d changes]", client, newLerpTime*1000, currentLerpTime*1000, ((count > max)?"":""), count, max);
			if (GetConVarBool(cVarLerpChangeSpec) && (count > max)) {
				CPrintToChatAllEx(client, "{default}<{olive}Lerp{default}> {teamcolor}%N {default}was moved to spectators (illegal lerp change)!", client);
				ChangeClientTeam(client, L4D_TEAM_SPECTATE);
				CPrintToChatEx(client, client, "{default}<{olive}Lerp{default}> Illegal change of Lerp midgame! Change it back to {teamcolor}%.01f", currentLerpTime*1000);
				// no lerp update
			// update changes
			SetArrayCell(arrayLerps, index + ARRAY_CHANGES, count);
		else { 
		changed -->PrintToConsole(client, "{default}<{olive}Lerp{default}> {teamcolor}%N {default}@ {teamcolor}%.01f {default}<== {green}%.01f", client, newLerpTime*1000, currentLerpTime*1000);
	else {
		// add to array
		if (team) PrintToAdmins("{default}<{olive}Lerp{default}> {teamcolor}%N {default}@ {teamcolor}%.01f", client, newLerpTime*1000, "z");
		PushArrayString(arrayLerps, steamID);
		PushArrayCell(arrayLerps, newLerpTime);
		PushArrayCell(arrayLerps, 0);
Again to Admins.

Last edited by notyouraverage; 05-09-2021 at 15:56.
notyouraverage is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Old 05-11-2021 , 04:24   Re: [L4D2] Modify Lerpmonitor to only print to admins....

oh sorry because this was coded to use colors (colors.inc) which is now defunct I am asking on morecolors to see if they have a solution https://forums.alliedmods.net/showth...10#post2746510

Last edited by canadianjeff; 05-12-2021 at 23:30.
canadianjeff is offline
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