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Translate to Spanish and French

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AlliedModders Donor
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Old 10-17-2012 , 14:37   Translate to Spanish and French
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Please translate to Spanish and French. Thanks


Last edited by _GamerX; 10-17-2012 at 14:38.
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Old 10-18-2012 , 15:50   Re: Translate to Spanish and French
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Why just 2 languages? Why not all which are possible..
Torge is offline
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Old 10-18-2012 , 22:24   Re: Translate to Spanish and French
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ok, so you translate this form the original languge to english using google translator, right? It was verry dificult to translate it to spanish beacuse you use google translator and some sentences where totally wrong. Also some words didn not translate like Eff, Acc or Gratz.

Here you have the spanish translation, its not good, but its something:

RESET_SCORE = !g[FUN]!y Reiniciaste tus puntos.
HUD_LEVEL = [Nivel]: %i] ^n[XP: %i / %i] ^n[Kill Streak: %i] ^n[Banco: $%i] ^n[Salud: %i HP]
HUD_LEVEL_1 = Nivel: %i | XP: %i / %i ^nKill Streak: %i | Banco: $%i | Salud: %i HP
HUD_LEVEL_SPECT = Nivel: %i ^nXP: %i / %i ^nKill Streak: %i ^nBanco: $%i ^nTirar cuchillos: %d ^nPais: %s ^nRank: %d
LEVEL_UP = !g[FUN] !t%s !ysubiste de nivel!t %i!y! !gGratz!y! Quieres mas? Escribe !t/xp !yPara chatear!
BIND_ANO = !g[FUN] !yAuto-Bindeado correcto.
BIND_NE = !g[FUN] !yAuto-Bindeado desactivado. Escribe !t/bind !ypara lista de comandos.
BIND_OTAZKA = Auto-bindear los comandos requeridos para el servidor?
MENU_B_NE = \rNo
BIND_SHOW = Mostrar lista de comandos
BIND_MANUAL = Bindeado manual
MENU_NEXT = Siguiente
CONNET_MSG = Hola, %s ^n^nNo eres VIP? Consigelo en:^nwww.mpgaming.eu | El precio es 99 kc/4 e ^n^nTan solo una activacion de masses(?) y eres VIP PARA SIEMPRE!^n^nComandos del Servidor:^n^n/menu - Para menu del juego^n/setting - Para ajustes del juego^n/loss - Perdidas^n/shop - Menu de la Tienda
HERNI_MENU = Menu del juego \d(\r/menu\d)
KNIFE_M = Elegir Cuchillo
TRAIL_M = Elegir Rastro
GLOW_M = Elegir Brillo
HATS_M = Elegir Sombrero
RADIO_M = Elegir Radio
PISEN_M = Elegir Cancion\y[VIP]^n
PISEN_M_VIP = Elegir Cancion \y[VIP]
MENU_VIP = \yActivar VIP
POHLED_M = Elegir vista
NOM_MAP = Nominar mapa^n
NASTAV_S = \rAjustes del servidor^n
NEW_P = \yComandos del servidor
PRAVIDLA = \yReglas del servidor
ADMIN_CHCE = \yAdmins del servidor^n
ADMIN_M_ADMIN = Admin Menu
ADMIN_M = \dAdmin Menu
NO_VIP = !g[FUN] !yNo eres VIP! Quieres ser VIP? Escribe !t/vip !yen el chat.
C4 = Bomba: %d
TOTAL_HIT = Aciertos Totales: %d
TRAIL_MENU = Elige color
TRAIL1 = Azul
TRAIL2 = Verde
TRAIL3 = Rojo
TRAIL4 = Amarillo
TRAIL5 = Oro
TRAIL6 = Violeta^n
TRAIL7 = Blanco
TRAIL8 = Nieve
TRAIL9 = Rosa
TRAIL10 = Marron
TRAIL11 = Plata
TRAIL12 = Verde Obscuro^n
TRAIL13 = Naranja
TRAIL14 = Hielo
TRAIL15 = Oliva
TRAIL16 = NaranjaRojo
TRAIL17 = AmarilloVerde
TRAIL18 = Cian^n
TRAIL19 = Limon
TRAIL20 = Lima
TRAIL21 = Tomate^n
TRAIL_OFF = \yapagar rastro
TRAIL_OFF_M = !g[FUN] !t%s !yapago el rastro.
TRAIL_MENU_TYPE = Elegir tipo
TRAIL_1 = Normal
TRAIL_2 = Circulos
TRAIL_3 = Ovalo fino
TRAIL_4 = Estrella
TRAIL_5 = Ruedas
TRAIL_6 = Irregular
TRAIL_7 = Grueso
TRAIL_8 = Fino
TRAIL_9 = Grueso Transparente
TRAIL_10 = Grueso y Abrupto
TRAIL_11 = Muy Grueso
TRAIL_12 = Grueso2
TRAIL_13 = Aleatorio
TRAIL_ON = !g[FUN] !t%s !yEstableciste rastro.
TRAIL_RANDOM = !g[FUN] !t%s !yPusiste un rastro aleatorio.
SONG_MENU = Elige cancion
NOM_MENU = Nominar Mapa
NO_ADMIN = !g[FUN] !yNo eres Admin!
GLOW_1 = Rojo
GLOW_2 = Verde
GLOW_3 = Azul
GLOW_4 = Cian
GLOW_5 = Amarillo
GLOW_6 = Violeta
GLOW_7 = Naranja
GLOW_8 = Aleatorio
GLOW_OFF = \yApagar brillo
GLOW_OFF_M = !g[FUN] !t%s !yapago el brillo.
GLOW_LOST = !g[FUN] !yAl cominezo de una ronda se pierde el brillo!
KNIFE_MENU = Elige cuchillo
CAM_MENU = Elige vista
3D_POHLED = Vista en 3ra persona
SHORA_POHLED = Vista desde arriba
STRAN_POHLED = Vista desde arriba a la izquierda
NORM_POHLED = Vista normal
DRUG_POHLED = Vista drogado
SET_MENU = Ajustes del servidor \d(\r/ajustes\d)
SET_CROSS = Ajustes de la mira
SET_PISMO = Ajustes de la letra
SET_LANG = Ajustes del idioma
SET_BIND = Ajustes de comandos
SET_GUN = Ajuste de funciones^n^n\yModelos de Jugadores
SET_RIHGT = Encendido
SET_LEFT = Apagado
STUCK = destrabar!
NOZE_1 = Tiraste un cuchillo
NOZE_25 = Tienes %i cuchillos para tirar
NOZE_DEF = Tienes %i cuchillos para tirar
NOZE_NO = No tienes cuchillos para tirar
SHOP_MENU = MEnu de la tienda \d(\r/Tienda\d)
SHOP_1 = Bombas
SHOP_2 = Invisibilidad
SHOP_3 = Gravedad
SHOP_4 = Agregar vida
SHOP_5 = Comprar velocidad
SHOP_6 = Comprar XP
SHOP_7 = Cuchillos para tirar
NO_MONEY = !g[FUN] !yNo tienes dinero suficiente. Quieres mas dinero? Escribe !t/money !yen el chat!
NO_LIFE = !g[FUN] !yTienes que estar vivo.
CHAT_SONG = Cancion
RANK_1 = Tus estadisticas
RANK_2 = Rango
RANK_3 = Matados
RANK_4 = Muertes
RANK_5 = Dispros a la cabeza
RANK_6 = Danio
RANK_7 = Disparos
RANK_8 = Aciertos
RANK_9 = Nivel
RANK_10 = Eff(?)
RANK_11 = Acc(?)
RANK_12 = plantar/desactivar bomba
RANK_13 = Bombas explotadas
RANK_14 = Tu rango
Tallulah is offline
AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Fun Server
Old 10-19-2012 , 00:40   Re: Translate to Spanish and French
Reply With Quote #4

Very Thanks, My language is Czech and my English is wrong

Originally Posted by Torge View Post
Why just 2 languages? Why not all which are possible..
They now need the most to the server. And now he remembered that I need and translate to Sweden

Last edited by _GamerX; 10-19-2012 at 00:56.
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