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[L4D2]Plugin idea

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Join Date: Oct 2018
Old 08-20-2019 , 09:11   [L4D2]Plugin idea
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Hi, I saw this plugin on this site a long time ago. So this plugin automatically spawns melee weapons at a certain point in the safe room. I was thinking of a question like this, it's the same plug-in, but I just thought, why not for the guns, so the guns that are determined at a certain point in the safe room will spawn. Can you make such an Plugin?

Original Plugin name: Saferoom in the melee
New Plugin Name: Saferoom in the weapons

#pragma semicolon 1

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>

#define VERSION "2.0.7"

new Handle:g_hEnabled;
new Handle:g_hWeaponRandom;
new Handle:g_hWeaponRandomAmount;
new Handle:g_hWeaponBaseballBat;
new Handle:g_hWeaponCricketBat;
new Handle:g_hWeaponCrowbar;
new Handle:g_hWeaponElecGuitar;
new Handle:g_hWeaponFireAxe;
new Handle:g_hWeaponFryingPan;
new Handle:g_hWeaponGolfClub;
new Handle:g_hWeaponKnife;
new Handle:g_hWeaponKatana;
new Handle:g_hWeaponMachete;
new Handle:g_hWeaponRiotShield;
new Handle:g_hWeaponTonfa;

new bool:g_bSpawnedMelee;

new g_iMeleeClassCount = 0;
new g_iMeleeRandomSpawn[20];
new g_iRound = 2;

new String:g_sMeleeClass[16][32];

public Plugin:myinfo =
	name = "Melee In The Saferoom",
	author = "N3wton",
	description = "Spawns a selection of melee weapons in the saferoom, at the start of each round.",
	version = VERSION

public OnPluginStart()
	decl String:GameName[12];
	GetGameFolderName(GameName, sizeof(GameName));
	if( !StrEqual(GameName, "left4dead2") )
		SetFailState( "Melee In The Saferoom is only supported on left 4 dead 2." );
	CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_Version",		VERSION, "The version of Melee In The Saferoom", FCVAR_PLUGIN ); 
	g_hEnabled				= CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_Enabled",		"1", "Should the plugin be enabled", FCVAR_PLUGIN ); 
	g_hWeaponRandom			= CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_Random",		"1", "Spawn Random Weapons (1) or custom list (0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN ); 
	g_hWeaponRandomAmount	= CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_Amount",		"4", "Number of weapons to spawn if l4d2_MITSR_Random is 1", FCVAR_PLUGIN ); 
	g_hWeaponBaseballBat 	= CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_BaseballBat",	"1", "Number of baseball bats to spawn (l4d2_MITSR_Random must be 0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN );
	g_hWeaponCricketBat 	= CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_CricketBat", 	"1", "Number of cricket bats to spawn (l4d2_MITSR_Random must be 0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN );
	g_hWeaponCrowbar 		= CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_Crowbar", 	"1", "Number of crowbars to spawn (l4d2_MITSR_Random must be 0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN );
	g_hWeaponElecGuitar		= CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_ElecGuitar",	"1", "Number of electric guitars to spawn (l4d2_MITSR_Random must be 0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN );
	g_hWeaponFireAxe			= CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_FireAxe",		"1", "Number of fireaxes to spawn (l4d2_MITSR_Random must be 0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN );
	g_hWeaponFryingPan		= CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_FryingPan",	"1", "Number of frying pans to spawn (l4d2_MITSR_Random must be 0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN );
	g_hWeaponGolfClub		= CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_GolfClub",	"1", "Number of golf clubs to spawn (l4d2_MITSR_Random must be 0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN );
	g_hWeaponKnife			= CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_Knife",		"1", "Number of knifes to spawn (l4d2_MITSR_Random must be 0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN );
	g_hWeaponKatana			= CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_Katana",		"1", "Number of katanas to spawn (l4d2_MITSR_Random must be 0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN );
	g_hWeaponMachete			= CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_Machete",		"1", "Number of machetes to spawn (l4d2_MITSR_Random must be 0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN );
	g_hWeaponRiotShield		= CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_RiotShield",	"1", "Number of riot shields to spawn (l4d2_MITSR_Random must be 0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN );
	g_hWeaponTonfa			= CreateConVar( "l4d2_MITSR_Tonfa",		"1", "Number of tonfas to spawn (l4d2_MITSR_Random must be 0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN );
	AutoExecConfig( true, "[L4D2]MeleeInTheSaferoom" );
	HookEvent( "round_start", Event_RoundStart );
	RegAdminCmd( "sm_melee", Command_SMMelee, ADMFLAG_KICK, "Lists all melee weapons spawnable in current campaign" );

public Action:Command_SMMelee(client, args)
	for( new i = 0; i < g_iMeleeClassCount; i++ )
		PrintToChat( client, "%d : %s", i, g_sMeleeClass[i] );

public OnMapStart()
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/v_bat.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/v_cricket_bat.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/v_crowbar.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/v_electric_guitar.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/v_fireaxe.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/v_frying_pan.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/v_golfclub.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/v_katana.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/v_machete.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/v_tonfa.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/w_bat.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/w_cricket_bat.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/w_crowbar.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/w_electric_guitar.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/w_fireaxe.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/w_frying_pan.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/w_golfclub.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/w_katana.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/w_machete.mdl", true );
	PrecacheModel( "models/weapons/melee/w_tonfa.mdl", true );
	PrecacheGeneric( "scripts/melee/baseball_bat.txt", true );
	PrecacheGeneric( "scripts/melee/cricket_bat.txt", true );
	PrecacheGeneric( "scripts/melee/crowbar.txt", true );
	PrecacheGeneric( "scripts/melee/electric_guitar.txt", true );
	PrecacheGeneric( "scripts/melee/fireaxe.txt", true );
	PrecacheGeneric( "scripts/melee/frying_pan.txt", true );
	PrecacheGeneric( "scripts/melee/golfclub.txt", true );
	PrecacheGeneric( "scripts/melee/katana.txt", true );
	PrecacheGeneric( "scripts/melee/machete.txt", true );
	PrecacheGeneric( "scripts/melee/tonfa.txt", true );

public Action:Event_RoundStart(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
	if( !GetConVarBool( g_hEnabled ) ) return Plugin_Continue;
	g_bSpawnedMelee = false;
	if( g_iRound == 2 && IsVersus() ) g_iRound = 1; else g_iRound = 2;
	CreateTimer( 1.0, Timer_SpawnMelee );
	return Plugin_Continue;

public Action:Timer_SpawnMelee( Handle:timer )
	new client = GetInGameClient();

	if( client != 0 && !g_bSpawnedMelee )
		decl Float:SpawnPosition[3], Float:SpawnAngle[3];
		GetClientAbsOrigin( client, SpawnPosition );
		SpawnPosition[2] += 20; SpawnAngle[0] = 90.0;
		if( GetConVarBool( g_hWeaponRandom ) )
			new i = 0;
			while( i < GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponRandomAmount ) )
				new RandomMelee = GetRandomInt( 0, g_iMeleeClassCount-1 );
				if( IsVersus() && g_iRound == 2 ) RandomMelee = g_iMeleeRandomSpawn[i]; 
				SpawnMelee( g_sMeleeClass[RandomMelee], SpawnPosition, SpawnAngle );
				if( IsVersus() && g_iRound == 1 ) g_iMeleeRandomSpawn[i] = RandomMelee;
			g_bSpawnedMelee = true;
			SpawnCustomList( SpawnPosition, SpawnAngle );
			g_bSpawnedMelee = true;
		if( !g_bSpawnedMelee ) CreateTimer( 1.0, Timer_SpawnMelee );

stock SpawnCustomList( Float:Position[3], Float:Angle[3] )
	decl String:ScriptName[32];
	//Spawn Basseball Bats
	if( GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponBaseballBat ) > 0 )
		for( new i = 0; i < GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponBaseballBat ); i++ )
			GetScriptName( "baseball_bat", ScriptName );
			SpawnMelee( ScriptName, Position, Angle );
	//Spawn Cricket Bats
	if( GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponCricketBat ) > 0 )
		for( new i = 0; i < GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponCricketBat ); i++ )
			GetScriptName( "cricket_bat", ScriptName );
			SpawnMelee( ScriptName, Position, Angle );
	//Spawn Crowbars
	if( GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponCrowbar ) > 0 )
		for( new i = 0; i < GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponCrowbar ); i++ )
			GetScriptName( "crowbar", ScriptName );
			SpawnMelee( ScriptName, Position, Angle );
	//Spawn Electric Guitars
	if( GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponElecGuitar ) > 0 )
		for( new i = 0; i < GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponElecGuitar ); i++ )
			GetScriptName( "electric_guitar", ScriptName );
			SpawnMelee( ScriptName, Position, Angle );
	//Spawn Fireaxes
	if( GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponFireAxe ) > 0 )
		for( new i = 0; i < GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponFireAxe ); i++ )
			GetScriptName( "fireaxe", ScriptName );
			SpawnMelee( ScriptName, Position, Angle );
	//Spawn Frying Pans
	if( GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponFryingPan ) > 0 )
		for( new i = 0; i < GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponFryingPan ); i++ )
			GetScriptName( "frying_pan", ScriptName );
			SpawnMelee( ScriptName, Position, Angle );
	//Spawn Golfclubs
	if( GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponGolfClub ) > 0 )
		for( new i = 0; i < GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponGolfClub ); i++ )
			GetScriptName( "golfclub", ScriptName );
			SpawnMelee( ScriptName, Position, Angle );
	//Spawn Knifes
	if( GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponKnife ) > 0 )
		for( new i = 0; i < GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponKnife ); i++ )
			GetScriptName( "hunting_knife", ScriptName );
			SpawnMelee( ScriptName, Position, Angle );
	//Spawn Katanas
	if( GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponKatana ) > 0 )
		for( new i = 0; i < GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponKatana ); i++ )
			GetScriptName( "katana", ScriptName );
			SpawnMelee( ScriptName, Position, Angle );
	//Spawn Machetes
	if( GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponMachete ) > 0 )
		for( new i = 0; i < GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponMachete ); i++ )
			GetScriptName( "machete", ScriptName );
			SpawnMelee( ScriptName, Position, Angle );
	//Spawn RiotShields
	if( GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponRiotShield ) > 0 )
		for( new i = 0; i < GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponRiotShield ); i++ )
			GetScriptName( "riotshield", ScriptName );
			SpawnMelee( ScriptName, Position, Angle );
	//Spawn Tonfas
	if( GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponTonfa ) > 0 )
		for( new i = 0; i < GetConVarInt( g_hWeaponTonfa ); i++ )
			GetScriptName( "tonfa", ScriptName );
			SpawnMelee( ScriptName, Position, Angle );

stock SpawnMelee( const String:Class[32], Float:Position[3], Float:Angle[3] )
	decl Float:SpawnPosition[3], Float:SpawnAngle[3];
	SpawnPosition = Position;
	SpawnAngle = Angle;
	SpawnPosition[0] += ( -10 + GetRandomInt( 0, 20 ) );
	SpawnPosition[1] += ( -10 + GetRandomInt( 0, 20 ) );
	SpawnPosition[2] += GetRandomInt( 0, 10 );
	SpawnAngle[1] = GetRandomFloat( 0.0, 360.0 );

	new MeleeSpawn = CreateEntityByName( "weapon_melee" );
	DispatchKeyValue( MeleeSpawn, "melee_script_name", Class );
	DispatchSpawn( MeleeSpawn );
	TeleportEntity(MeleeSpawn, SpawnPosition, SpawnAngle, NULL_VECTOR );

stock GetMeleeClasses()
	new MeleeStringTable = FindStringTable( "MeleeWeapons" );
	g_iMeleeClassCount = GetStringTableNumStrings( MeleeStringTable );
	for( new i = 0; i < g_iMeleeClassCount; i++ )
		ReadStringTable( MeleeStringTable, i, g_sMeleeClass[i], 32 );

stock GetScriptName( const String:Class[32], String:ScriptName[32] )
	for( new i = 0; i < g_iMeleeClassCount; i++ )
		if( StrContains( g_sMeleeClass[i], Class, false ) == 0 )
			Format( ScriptName, 32, "%s", g_sMeleeClass[i] );
	Format( ScriptName, 32, "%s", g_sMeleeClass[0] );	

stock GetInGameClient()
	for( new x = 1; x <= GetClientCount( true ); x++ )
		if( IsClientInGame( x ) && GetClientTeam( x ) == 2 )
			return x;
	return 0;

stock bool:IsVersus()
	new String:GameMode[32];
	GetConVarString( FindConVar( "mp_gamemode" ), GameMode, 32 );
	if( StrContains( GameMode, "versus", false ) != -1 ) return true;
	return false;
Original plugin and plugin name Saferoom in the melee

Last edited by Darkwob; 08-20-2019 at 09:13.
Darkwob is offline

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