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[L4D2] Remove excess weapon_* on the ground

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Old 07-08-2024 , 12:36   [L4D2] Remove excess weapon_* on the ground
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As per title, some plugins spawn a lot of weapon time to time, so I plan to remove excess weapon_* but I didn't see weapon get removed, I not sure if my code is wrong

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdkhooks>

#define MAX_WEAPONS 18 // Maximum allowed weapon entities
#define CHECK_INTERVAL 5.0 // Interval in seconds to check for weapon entities

Handle g_Timer = INVALID_HANDLE;

public Plugin myinfo =
	name = "[L4D2] Limit Weapons Ground",
	author = "Anime4000",
	description = "Limit weapons on the ground",
	version = "1.0.0",
	url = "https://steamcommunity.com/id/anime4000/"

public void OnPluginStart()
	// Start the timer if it's not already running
	if (g_Timer == INVALID_HANDLE)
		g_Timer = CreateTimer(CHECK_INTERVAL, Timer_CheckWeapons, _, TIMER_REPEAT | TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);

public void OnMapStart()
	// Start the timer if it's not already running
	if (g_Timer == INVALID_HANDLE)
		g_Timer = CreateTimer(CHECK_INTERVAL, Timer_CheckWeapons, _, TIMER_REPEAT | TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);

public Action Timer_CheckWeapons(Handle timer, any data)
	return Plugin_Continue;

public void CheckAndManageWeapons()
	// Array to store the entity indices of weapons
	int weaponEntities[MAX_WEAPONS + 1];
	int weaponCount = 0;

	// Iterate through all entities
	for (int entity = 1; entity <= GetMaxEntities(); entity++)
		if (IsValidEntity(entity) && IsWeaponEntity(entity))
			weaponEntities[weaponCount++] = entity;

			// If we have found more weapons than the maximum allowed, remove the extras
			if (weaponCount > MAX_WEAPONS)
				PrintToConsoleAll("RemoveEntity Weapon %d (%d)", entity, weaponCount - 1);
				AcceptEntityInput(entity, "Kill", -1, -1, -1);

public bool IsWeaponEntity(int entity)
	// Check if the entity is a valid weapon by checking the classname prefix
	char classname[64];
	GetEdictClassname(entity, classname, sizeof(classname));

	// Check if the classname starts with "weapon_"
	if (strncmp(classname, "weapon_", 7) == 0)
		return true;

	return false;
What is different between RemoveEntity(int); or AcceptEntityInput(int, "kill);
some said using AcceptEntityInput is better way, but I didn't see any weapons on the ground get removed

Last edited by ilham92-cc-sakura; 07-08-2024 at 12:37. Reason: identation
ilham92-cc-sakura is offline

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