Originally Posted by magicboyman2021
Okay, I share my plugin.
There cvar sm_handfix_enable to enable or disable plugin.
This plugin makes L4D2 survivors hands and icons in L4D1 campaigns and fixes wrong names above heads of bots. But there's file l4d1maps.txt in data folder with listed l4d1 map names, where should plugin to work.
This plugin replicates mp_gamemode cvar value to "shootzones" of joined players and replicates back to actual game mode in few seconds, but doesn't change server's value.
I have updated plugin.
sm_handfix_enable is now have 3 functions:
0 - Disable plugin
1 - Enable plugin (only maps from l4d1maps.txt file)
2 - Enable plugin (all maps)
New cvar - sm_handfix_versus - Enables plugin in versus mode.
0 - Disable in Versus
1 - Enable in Versus
To fix arms and icons for local server hoster, use this plugin - Mission and Weapons - Info Editor.
There open the file data/l4d_info_editor_mission.cfg and put "survivor_set" "2" on the "all" block and it's works for local server hoster. Using Hand fix with this plugin together makes L4D2 arms and icons for everyone.
L 10/09/2024 - 21:47:03: SourceMod error session started
L 10/09/2024 - 21:47:03: Info (map "c11m4_terminal") (file "c:\program files (x86)\steamcmd\l4d2sv\left4dead2\addons\sourc emod\logs\errors_20241009.log")
L 10/09/2024 - 21:47:03: [SM] Exception reported: Client 7 is not connected
L 10/09/2024 - 21:47:03: [SM] Blaming: survivor fixes\l4d2_fixhandsinl4d1.smx
L 10/09/2024 - 21:47:03: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 10/09/2024 - 21:47:03: [SM] [0] SendConVarValue
L 10/09/2024 - 21:47:03: [SM] [1] Line 102, C:\Program Files (x86)\steamcmd\l4d2sv\left4dead2\addons\sourc emod\scripting\l4d2_fixhandsinl4d1.sp::Restor eGameMode
L 10/09/2024 - 21:56:12: Error log file session closed.