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Need help with few things please (RTLer/Menu)

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Join Date: May 2018
Old 05-13-2018 , 12:42   Need help with few things please (RTLer/Menu)
Reply With Quote #1

Hello everyone,

* I have an issue with the plugin "RTLer", and searched the whole web for some answers / available fixed plugin and found nothing.
me and a friend tried to do a few thing to make it work, but we didn't knew what is wrong with it.
we using the latest updated: SC & RTLer

#include <sourcemod>
#include <chat-processor>
//#include <rtler>

#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required

#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.2.5"

ConVar gCV_Flag = null;
ConVar gCV_Minimum = null;

float minimum = 0.1;

public Plugin myinfo =
    name = "The RTLer",
    author = "alongub",
    description = "In-game chat support for RTL languages.",
    version = PLUGIN_VERSION,
    url = "http://steamcommunity.com/id/alon"

public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle myself, bool late, char[] error, int err_max)
    CreateNative("RTLify", Native_RTLify);


    return APLRes_Success;

public void OnPluginStart()
    gCV_Flag = CreateConVar("rtler_flag", "", "Restrict chat correction only for people who have this flag.");
    gCV_Minimum = CreateConVar("rtler_minimum", "0.1", "Minimum percent of RTL letters for a word's direction to be considered right to left.", 0, true, 0.001, true, 1.0);


public void OnMinimumChange(ConVar cvar, const char[] oldVal, const char[] newVal)
    minimum = StringToFloat(newVal);

public Action CP_OnChatMessage(int &author, ArrayList recipients, char[] flagstring, char[] name, char[] message, bool &processcolors, bool &removecolors)
    char[] flagString = new char[2];
    gCV_Flag.GetString(flagString, 2);

    AdminFlag admflag;

    if(FindFlagByChar(flagString[0], admflag))
        AdminId adminId = GetUserAdmin(author);

        if(adminId == INVALID_ADMIN_ID || (adminId != INVALID_ADMIN_ID && !GetAdminFlag(adminId, admflag)))
            return Plugin_Continue;

    if(_RTLify(message, message) == 0)
        return Plugin_Continue;
    return Plugin_Changed;

int _RTLify(char[] dest, char[] original)
    int rtledWords = 0;

    char[][] tokens = new char[96][96];
    char[][] words = new char[96][96];

    int n = ExplodeString(original, " ", tokens, 96, 96);
    for(int word = 0; word < n; word++)
        if(WordAnalysis(tokens[word]) >= minimum)
            ReverseString(tokens[word], 96, words[n-1-word]);

            int firstWord = word;
            int lastWord = word;
            while(WordAnalysis(tokens[lastWord]) < minimum)
            for(int t = lastWord - 1; t >= firstWord; t--)
                strcopy(words[n-1-word], 96, tokens[t]);
                if(t > firstWord)
    ImplodeStrings(words, n, " ", dest, 96);

    return rtledWords;

void ReverseString(char[] str, int maxlength, char[] buffer)
    for(int character = strlen(str); character >= 0; character--)
        if(str[character] >= 0xD6 && str[character] <= 0xDE)
        if(character > 0 && str[character - 1] >= 0xD7 && str[character - 1] <= 0xD9)
            Format(buffer, maxlength, "%s%c%c", buffer, str[character - 1], str[character]);

            Format(buffer, maxlength, "%s%c", buffer, str[character]);

float WordAnalysis(char[] word)
    int count = 0;
    int length = strlen(word);
    for(int n = 0; n < length - 1; n++)
        if(IsRTLCharacter(word, n))


    return float(count) * 2 / length;

bool IsRTLCharacter(char[] str, int n)
    return (str[n] >= 0xD6 && str[n] <= 0xDE && str[n + 1] >= 0x80 && str[n + 1] <= 0xBF);

public int Native_RTLify(Handle plugin, int params)
    int destLen = GetNativeCell(2);
    char[] dest = new char[destLen];

    int originalLen = destLen;
    GetNativeStringLength(3, originalLen);
    char[] original = new char[originalLen];
    GetNativeString(3, original, originalLen + 1);

    int amount = _RTLify(dest, original);
    SetNativeString(1, dest, destLen, true);

    return amount;
L 05/11/2018 - 23:59:13: [SM] Exception reported: Not enough space on the heapL 05/11/2018 - 23:59:13: [SM] Blaming: rtler.smxL 
05/11/2018 - 23:59:13: [SM] Call stack trace
:L 05/11/2018 -
23:59:13: [SM] [1] Line 79, D:\xx\xx\xx\SM Compiler\rtler.sp::_RTLifyL 05/11/2018 - 23:59:13: [SM] [2] Line 66, D:\xx\xx\xx\SM Compiler\rtler.sp::CP_OnChatMessageL 05/11/2018 - 23:59:13: [SM] [4] Call_FinishL 05/11/2018 - 23:59:13: [SM] [5] Line 270, D:\xx\SM Compiler\chat-processor.sp::OnSayText2
* I need help also with the "Menu", i want to change his location instead of the very left side of the HUD to other location on screen.

* I want to lower the "Admin Menu/Store/VIP", because the "Menu" is displayed on the player money.

* Also if there is any Source Pawn Programmer who can add me and we talk in private voice chat and helping me with new script that i want to do.

* Willing to pay for the new script build ^^

Have a great day/evening.

Discord: Di3Z1E#2441
Di3Z1E is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Old 05-14-2018 , 04:20   Re: Need help with few things please (RTLer/Menu)
Reply With Quote #2

Okay i managed to fix the RTLer, but i still need help with the menu.
Di3Z1E is offline

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