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Replay unable to rename (quick help please)

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Join Date: Aug 2014
Old 02-11-2016 , 11:52   Replay unable to rename (quick help please)
Reply With Quote #1

So this is happening
********************************************* ***********************************
* Address any failures above and re-exec replay.cfg.
* FAILURE - REPLAY DISABLED! "replay_enable" is now 0.

* ** ERROR: Failed to rename '/home/r12_kd54482/game/6510_59243_595/tf2/tf/replay/server/tmp/testpublish_1605.tmp' -> '/var/www/replays/testpublish_1605.tmp'
* Renaming to target...........................Unable to rename /home/r12_kd54482/game/6510_59243_595/tf2/tf/replay/server/tmp/testpublish_1605.tmp to /var/www/replays/testpublish_1605.tmp!
Unable to rename /home/r12_kd54482/game/6510_59243_595/tf2/tf/replay/server/tmp/testpublish_1605.tmp to /var/www/replays/testpublish_1605.tmp!
* Checking fileserver path.....................OK
* Source file exists?..........................OK
* Validating................................... OK
* Path: /var/www/replays
* Fileserver type: Local Web server
* Testing file publisher...
* Writing temp file............................OK
* Allocating test buffer.......................OK
* Opening temp file............................OK
* Temp path: /home/r12_kd54482/game/6510_59243_595/tf2/tf/replay/server/tmp/
* Testing File I/O...
* URL:
* browser, they will not be able to download Replays.
* If clients can't access the following URL via a Web
* Validating................................... OK
* Path: /replays
* Validating................................... OK
* Port: 80
* Validating................................... OK
* Hostname:
* Validating................................... OK
* Protocol: http
* Testing Fileserver ConVars (replay_fileserver_*)...
********************************************* ***********************************

what to do ????

This is my config:

// Example replay configuration file.
// DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! Instead, copy this file to replay.cfg and modify that file.
// You will need to select either FTP offload mode, or local HTTP server mode.
// Note that it is NOT enough to exec this config file. The -replay switch much be present on the
// command line, for example:
// srcds -game tf -console -replay
// The replay system will do a sanity check at startup to help you debug any issues.
// For a full overview on getting setup, view the "Replay Overview for Server Operators & FAQ" here:
// http://forums.steampowered.com/forum....php?t=1882475

// Enable replay!
replay_enable "1"

// How often we dump replay data. You should not need to modify this value.
replay_block_dump_interval "15"

// This is the method by which clients download replay data. At the moment, only HTTP is available.
replay_fileserver_protocol "http"

// There are currently two supported ways that your replay server can operate:
// - The "local HTTP" method requires that you run a web server on the
// same machine as your game server, or at least that your gameserver can
// get the files to the HTTP server using local filesystem paths and ordinary
// filesystem copies. (For example, an NFS share.)
// - The "FTP" method allows you to offload replay data to another machine (which
// must be running a web server) over FTP. Clients will download their replay
// data over HTTP.
// Select one of those two methods, uncomment the appropriate block of code below,
// and modify the convars appropriately.

// Local HTTP mode
//// Don't offload over FTP. Use a local web server.
//// You don't need to edit this line, just uncomment it.
replay_fileserver_offload_enable "0"
//// The replay data will be copied to this directory
replay_local_fileserver_path "/var/www/replays"

////These are used to reconstruct a URL on the client.
replay_fileserver_host ""
replay_fileserver_port "80"
replay_fileserver_path "/replays"

// FTP mode
//// Offload using FTP. Do not use a local web server.
//// You don't need to edit this line, just uncomment it.
//replay_fileserver_offload_enable "1"
//// These are used to reconstruct a URL on the client.
//replay_fileserver_host "my.server.com"
//replay_fileserver_port "8080"
//replay_fileserver_path "/"
//// Your FTP info. This data is private and not shared with the client.
//replay_fileserver_offload_protocol "ftp"
//replay_fileserver_offload_hostname "ftp.my.server.com"
//replay_fileserver_offload_port "21"
//replay_fileserver_offload_remotepath "/"
//replay_fileserver_offload_login "username"
//replay_fileserver_offload_password "password"
//replay_fileserver_offload_maxuploads "16"
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