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Few questions on setting up AMX MODX on HLDS

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Old 01-08-2006 , 16:30   Few questions on setting up AMX MODX on HLDS
Reply With Quote #1

Sorry for the newbie questions but some of the docs are a bit over my head. First off I want to thank the guys making this. I have used this mod on public servers and it is really cool. I have set up a dedicated server for my coworkers to come and let off some steam, and settle some scores. I want to add bots and need to start "upgrading" the server. So here I am. The server is for 1.6.

I originally set up my server.cfg with things like sv_password and other configs like fliashligh and map times. So that worked fine. So I have a few questions.

1. does amx overide the server.cfg? After AMX install my sv_password is still working so I guess the server.cfg is still working. Should I remove certain switches from the server.cfg that may be handled by the amxx.cfg?

2. in the amxx.cfg what does the amx_default_access "z" do? The server has been set up on a box on my home LAN and it has its own keyboard and monitor. So I will not need any remote admin or any of that. I can just switch over to the other keyboard. In my server.cfg I have disabled the rcon.

3. Again in the amxx.cfg the amx_password_field "_pw". is this the remote admin password? or is the the player password field? The docs say the "setinfo which should store a password on a client" I am know sure what this means. The config does say to change it, but I am not sure who access this password.

4. I am planning on getting a bot on this server too. I was looking at the {e}podbot plugin. Any opinions on this? Also is there anything I should be concerned about when installing with AMXX? Don't want to jack up my install .

5. I used the auto configer that was in the sticky, yes some newbies do read stickies. Anyway this is what it gave me. Does it look ok?
amx_default_access "z"
amx_password_field "_pw"
amx_extendmap_step 15
amx_scrollmsg ""
csstats_rank 0
csstats_maxsize 3500
amx_statsx_duration 12.0
amx_statsx_freeze -2.0
amx_client_languages 1
amx_debug 1
admin_mode 0
amx_show_activity 0
amx_freq_imessage 300
amx_flood_time 0.75
amx_reservation 2
amx_time_voice 1
amx_vote_delay 30
amx_vote_time 10
amx_vote_answers 0
amx_extendmap_max 90

6. for the maps.ini will that overwrite the mapcycle.txt? I don't have a reference in my server.cfg to a mapcyclefile but the default install of HLDS did put a mapcycle.txt file in the cstrike directory. Should I remove that?

Thanks for any information. It is tough being a newbie and setting up a server for this game is quite confusing.
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Old 01-09-2006 , 15:06  
Reply With Quote #2

Lets start ;)

1. No, only if u install a plugin, whose readme wants you to do it. (sounds horrible, is that correct grammar??)

2. amx_default_access defines, which the default acces level is, for the players who have no special rule -> for every player who joins your server. Z means just "no rights"

3. amx_password_field "_pw" means that clients, who got a password assigned need to execute setinfo _pw "your_password" to join your server

4. Dunno, on the server i rented its not possible... i dont know why, but it is not ^^
Ah, i remember, i once set up a working lan server with ZBots... I had to create a file called config.ini in the metamod directory with
gamedll "dlls\zbotcz.dll"
in it

5. Seems good, except 4. line, i think this should be (if u really want no time announcement) amx_time_display ""

6. just leave mapcycle.txt as it is, amx will first check maps.ini, if it doesnt exists its gonna use mapcycle.txt

plz don't hurt me cause of my terrible english *g*
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Old 01-09-2006 , 19:28  
Reply With Quote #3

Hey thanks for the info. This whole thing can get a tad confusing if you let it.

I have figured out the bots, I used realbot and just put a line in the plugins.ini file. Seems to work.

I am still not getting the amx_password_field "_pw". Not really sure what it is for. my server.cfg sets the password players enter when they log in so what does this do? Would it be for assigning certain rights to users to run commands like changin map and such. Basicly I don't want anyone to have remote access. I have the server on a seperate terminal so I can do things from that console.

Also came up with another question lol. The csstats module. Does this operate without needing to set up SQL? Since the server is private and just my coworkers I won't need a huge amount of space since it will be the same 10-15 of us. Can I still keep track of stats? or do I need to set up SQL? I have never done it but I am sure I can figure it out.

thanks again for the help.
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Old 01-12-2006 , 14:42  
Reply With Quote #4


AFAIK csstats doesnt need sql.
amx_password_field is only needed if you want to have remote admins and you cannot identify them by steamid.
Then you gonna add the users and a password in the users.ini and the users have to a setinfo _pw "your_password"
or if u change amx_password_field to "_asdf" the admins have to add setinfo _asdf "your_password"
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Old 01-12-2006 , 15:04  
Reply With Quote #5

You can verify admins by (a method below with and a pass or without a pass) :
SteamID (most common)
Name (easiest, but least secure)
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Old 01-12-2006 , 15:23  
Reply With Quote #6

ok well I don't want any remote admins so I will just leave it alone I guess. Can anyone point me to info one the stats thing? I know I can /rank in the game chat but I played on one server and it would show it at the bottom in white. had more of a ranking thing though. I think everything is configured and working good. Just need to learn more about that and customization. Thanks again for the info and to the guys who wrote and maintain this thing.
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Old 01-12-2006 , 15:37  
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Do you know which stat plugin?
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Old 01-12-2006 , 19:31  
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yeah plugins.ini says it is statsx.amxx. in the configuration side the statscfg.amxx is enabled too. I have been having an issue with crashing lately but I think, per the crash report, that it is caused by my podbot_mm.dll. So it must be an issue with my podbot. Only thing I can figure from the log is that there is a problem with my de_chateau map.

Since the last thing in the log shows mapchange to that map. Any way to get better logging of crashes? I commented out the map in the maps.ini but it is still going to it. Now just to let you know I start my server by clicking on the hlds.exe and brings up the GUI. I am not sure but I think this is causing my server not to load certain configs or at least read them. Example would be the maps.ini.

So I went into the GUI and pulled that map out of the list. Will see if that does it. Oh also I did find new waypoints for the map, but that didn't help.

Thanks again.
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Old 01-14-2006 , 06:10  
Reply With Quote #9

in the amxx.cfg
set amx_debug to 2
so every plugin is in debug mode and should log enough, to figure problems out.

I think your stats problem is, that you didn't enable the stat options in stats.ini
Mine looks like this:

;Generated by Stats Configuration Plugin. Do not modify!
;Variable  Description
KillerChat               ;Show killer hp&ap
ShowAttackers            ;Show Attackers
ShowVictims              ;Show Victims
ShowKiller               ;Show killer
ShowTotalStats           ;Show Total Stats
ShowStats                ;HUD-stats default
ShowDistHS               ;Dist&HS in HUD lists
EndPlayer                ;Stats at the end of map
EndTop15                 ;Top15 at the end of map
SayHP                    ;Say /hp
SayStatsMe               ;Say /statsme
SayRankStats             ;Say /rankstats
SayMe                    ;Say /me
SayRank                  ;Say /rank
SayReport                ;Say /report
SayScore                 ;Say /score
SayTop15                 ;Say /top15
SayStatsAll              ;Say /stats
SayMiscFunc              ;Misc say commands
SpecRankInfo             ;Spec. Rank Info
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Old 01-14-2006 , 11:13  
Reply With Quote #10

set debug to 2 and we shall see. I wonder if my dynamic IP changes and the server crashes because of it? May be something to try to figure out.

In the stats.ini I was missing half of what you put. I will get that in there and see how it looks then.

Thanks for the info.

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