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Admin Dll w/ Weapons Restrictions and Voting and Ranks/hpk

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Join Date: Apr 2004
Old 12-05-2004 , 21:38   Admin Dll w/ Weapons Restrictions and Voting and Ranks/hpk

Provided by:
Rabid [QODA]
Nicely Done!


Added CVAR allowfarts 1 enable/disable farts
Added CVAR MapVotesShowDeadOnly 1 if 1 shows @mapvotes votes to dead only or alive at round end or when alive types vote in chat.
Added CVAR AutoJoinAllowSpectate 0 allow ppl to join spectate if autojoin is 1 (set to 1 allows it)
Added CVAR TKFines 2500 amount to Allow tk'd person to collect from Tk'er from tkmenu.
Changed CVAR PlaySoundLevel 1 1=admins only 0 everyone
the mapvotes (end of map and @votemaps) command now only enables the menu to dead players or live players at round end or when they type vote in chat.
set MapVotesShowDeadOnly to 0 to have normal showall functionality.

I used the default serverplugin_empty project in the sdk and
made all the basic needed commands to run a server so that we as server ops can get away from using rcon .

This is the first rendition of it and I will be polishing it up some over time,
(Like adding say commands once valve Opens that interface).
But its usable (I have been running all day on My Source server).

Its a no frills admin dll. Nothing fancy ...just something to hold people over
till Source Mod is ready to Rock.

Heres the readme text from the file:
I took the basic example plugin dll from the sdk and
added the following commands in it:

@ban (admin_ban also) <targetname> <minutes> (permanant if none specified)
@banip (admin_banip also) <targetname> <minutes>(permanant if none specified)(bans steamid also)
@kick (admin_kick also) <targetname>
@say (admin_say also) Text to have server print
@map (admin_map also) mapname
@alltalk (admin_alltalk also) 1/0
@slay (admin_slay also) <targetname>
@ip (admin_showip also) <targetname> (shows ip address for target)
@timelimit (admin_timelimit also)<minutes> Sets the Timelimit to
@nextmap (or admin_nextmap) Ends the current map by setting

because unicode names are very annoying to type etc I typically dont not allow
unicode names on my server of more than 3 characters so I added a console varible
to allow the server to reject unicode names with more than 3 unicode characters in it
AllowUniNames 1/0 defaults to 1 to allow all names.
AllowPercentNames 1/0 defaults to 1 to allow all names otherwise kicks ppl with a % in there name.

The Admins are listed in admins.txt file located in the
Addons folder. There are no levels of admin. If there steamid is in
the list they are an admin.
Dont put anything in list but the steamid i.e.

A maximum of 64 admins.

The intent of this admin dll is strickly to hold people over until a full Version
admin dll is available in a month or two.
Rcon commands are the pits!

I put the serverplugin_empty.dll and the serverplugin_empty.vdf and the admins.txt
file all directly in the addons folder.

in my vdf file is this:
"file" "../cstrike/addons/serverplugin_empty"

I fixed a problem with the Banning (STEAMIDS were in quotes)(IP'S HAD PORTS)

I added the following Commands:
admin_help (@help also) displays all commands
admin_execclient (@execclient also) executes command on client
admin_chat (@chat also) send message to all admins
admin_list (@list also) list all admins
admin_psay (@psay also) send message to client
admin_showips (@showips also) lists all clients ips
admin_changeteam (@changeteam also) changes client to opposite team

admin_votemaps (@votemaps also) initates a 5 map mapvote
admin_votemap (@votemap also) <mapname> initates a single map mapvote
admin_votekick (@votekick also)<targetname> initiates a kick vote against <target>
admin_cancelvote (@cancelvote also) cancels all voting
admin_fart (@fart also) <targetname> gives player gas making them give away there position (once).
admin_relieve(@relieve also) <targetname> gives relief from gas to target.
admin_dropbomb(@dropbomb also)<targetname> makes target drop the bomb is they have it.

added Repeating till death or round_end to admin_fart.

made admin_ban,admin_banip,admin_kick,admin_execcl ient,admin_chat,admin_psay
console commands for server.

the existing commands were:
admin_ban (@ban also) ban steamid of client by minutes or permanant
admin_banip (@banip also)ban both steamid and ip address
admin_alltalk (@alltalk also) turn alltalk on or off 1/0
admin_slay (@slay also) kill client
admin_say (@say also) send message to all clients
admin_kick (@kick also) kick a client
admin_map (@map also) changelevel to map

I modified the findplayers to allow it to find players by ID as well as steamid and names or partialnames.

targetname can be a partial unique name, a server ID with or without # infront of it, or a steamid in quotes.

I have updated the serverplugin_empty.dll
by fixing a bug with admin_psay and admin_chat
sending the message to the person sending instead of the reciepients.
I have added weapons restriction capabilities via Console CVars.

Weapons restrictions

Weapons are restricted via Console Variables
To restrict a weapon for both teams restrict it with a 1.
To Restrict a weapon for T's only restrict it with a 2.
To Restrict a weapon for CT's only restrict it with a 3.
Because of the Autobuy mechanism autobuying has to be disablable also.
Set the cvar Autobuying to 0 to stop autobuys.
I have added code to have the server exec a <MapName.cfg> file from
the cfg folder and execute that so that different weapons can be restricted
on different maps.
To restrict weapons on de_dust create a de_dust.cfg and put it in the cfg folder.
There is a defaults.cfg file, put that in the cfg folder if you want it to turn all
restrictions off each map. That gets executed before the mapname.cfg file.

Restrictglock 1
RestrictUsp 1
RestrictP228 1
RestrictDeagle 1
RestrictElite 1
RestrictM3 1
Restrictxm1014 1
Restrictmac10 1
Restrictmp5navy 1
Restrictump45 1
Restrictp90 1
Restricttmp 1
Restrictgalil 1
Restrictak47 1
Restrictsg552 1
Restrictg3sg1 1
Restrictawp 1
Restrictfamis 1
Restrictaug 1
Restrictsg550 1
Restrictnightvision 1
Restricthegrenade 1
Restrictsmoke 1
Restrictflash 1
Restrictdefuser 1
Restrictvest 1
Restrictvesthelm 1
Restrictscout 1
Restrictm4a1 1
RestrictPrimAmmo 1
RestrictSecAmmo 1
Restrictm249 1
Restrictfiveseven 1
autobuying 0

If you put the included defaults.cfg file in with the server
it will turn all restrictions off.
If you want a weapon permanantly restricted either delete
defaults.cfg or change the weapon restriction in there.
It is executed every map.

I modified the code that Executes the defaults.cfg and mapname.cfg
to do it shortly after map loads, because they are always executing.

[UPDATED] 12/09/2004
Added Admins By IPAddress as well as by STEAMID.
Redid Autobuy (and rebuy) to still allow autobuying with autobuying=0 and weapons restricted.

[UPDATED] 12/12/2004
Added Map And Kick Votes. Added admin_fart command to give away a campers position.
admin_votemaps (@votemaps also) initates a 5 map mapvote
admin_votemap (@votemap also) <mapname> initates a single map mapvote
admin_votekick (@votekick also)<targetname> initiates a kick vote against <target>
admin_cancelvote (@cancelvote also) cancels all voting
admin_fart (@fart also) <targetname> gives player gas making them give away there position (once).
VoteFrequency 180 seconds until another map or kick vote is allowed
AllowVoting 1 0 = all voting disabled,
1 only admins can initiate a vote,
2 only admins when admin present otherwise anyone,
3 anyone can initiate a vote

ShowVotes 1 Shows Voters Choices Made

there is (now) a mapvotes.ini file in the addons folder.
Open that and put the choices to be used for admin_votemaps
it will randomly pick five valid mapnames from there.

sounds for admin_fart should go into sounds/misc folder
There is no mechinism for the plugin to download files to client at this time,
so the only way to get the sound files to download to clients is by
adding them into a res file for commonly played maps
create a de_dust.cfg or cs_office.res or whatever maps dont have a res file
(if they do add these lines into it)

"sound/misc/anxious.wav" "file"
"sound/misc/blower.wav" "file"
"sound/misc/common.wav" "file"

this will download the sound files to the client when that map is loaded if they
do not have them.

[EDITED and UPDATED]Version 12/12/2004
admin_relieve(@relieve also) <targetname> gives relief from gas to target.
admin_dropbomb(@dropbomb also)<targetname> makes target drop the bomb is they have it.

added Repeating till death or round_end to admin_fart.

made admin_ban,admin_banip,admin_kick,admin_execcl ient,admin_chat,admin_psay
console commands for server.

[UPDATED] 12/13/2004
Modified the admin_psay ,admin_chat and admin_say messages to use client chat text
insteam of TextBox on top left.
added CVAR AllowExecClient 1/0 to enable/disable admin_execclient command
added CVAR FartSayMessages 1/0 to enable/disable Say Messages on Gaseous Players

[UPDATED] 12/15/2004
Default Maximum Ranks 2000. CVAR RankingsTotal def =2000
CalculateRanksEachRound def =1 Recalulates ranks on end of each round,if 0 calulates on map end.
say RANK or (/RANK) in chat to see your ranking,
say Top5 or /top5 in chat to see the top 5 Rankings.
added command admin_password (@password also) <password> no pw turns off.

[UPDATED] 12/16/2004
Added admin commands as Say Commands.
Added ShowChatCommands Cvar def=0 to show the chat commands to everyone
when given (1 shows to admins only).
Added EnableRanks CVAR def=1 to enable/disable Rankings.
Fixed the Server Say messages.

[UPDATED] 12/17/2004
Redid say Commands to using the new player_say event provided by valve.
Added ReservedSlot cvar def=0 set to 1 and it will kick the first found non admin

when the server fills to MaxPlayers.
I added a mechinism to retain players information for a while after they
disconnect, so that when the guy tks someone or whatever and quits before you can
ban them, now the ban command will search through disconnected players who have
from the last half hour or so and get there steamid and still allow you to ban then.
If after JoeSmoe tks and quits, do a chat or console @ban joe 1440 and if no one currently
connected matchs the targetlookup, it will then search the disconnected players
and find him and ban him for 1440 minutes...0 for permanant.
No more having to look through the logs or console to find a steamid.
this can be turned off via cvar EnableKeepInMem def=1 0 to disable.

[UPDATED] 12/17/2004
Added admin_nextmap (or @nextmap) Ends the current map by setting mp_timelimit 1.
Added admin_timelimit (or @timelimit)<minutes> Sets the Timelimit to number of minutes.
Removed @chat from say commands (only console command now).
Added saychat responses for saychat commands.
Added top5 to dialog instead of chat text.
Added GetTkKick def=4 Number of tks per map to get kicked.

Added First Version Of linux Binary, without weapons restrictions.
Updated Linux Version with The lastest Version changes.

[EDITED] Uploaded Version
There seems to be a crash bug in later version,
so I am uploading an older version until I can track down the problem.

admin_restart (@restart) <seconds def=5> restart the round no param=5.
admin_gravity (@gravity) <value> 800 is standard gravity.
admin_ff (@ff) <1/0> turn ff on or off.
admin_mute (@mute) <partialname> mutes mic till end of map.Re-enables automatically at next map or restarting CS.
admin_timelimit (@timelimit) <map time in minutes>
(all 5 commands are Level 2 Commands).
admin_nextmap (@nextmap) changes mp_timelimit to 1 to end the map ate round end.
(Level 3 command)
added /Nextmap,/Timeleft,/ff, and /currentmap chat commands.
added rockthevote (same as admin_votemaps)

Made all commands say chat commands as well as console commands...except
@psay and @chat.
Changed Voting menus to Radio Command Like menus. CVAR UseEscMenus def=0 set to 1
to use the hit original esc Menus.
fixed @dropbomb command to only act on bomb carrier.
fixed @changeteam command to work no matter how many players on either team.
fixed @changeteam command to work no matter how many players on either team.
added CVAR AutoRestart def=12 number of seconds that the mp_restartgame will fire
when a map begins..to give time for more players to join and make for a better pistol round.
added CVAR SpawnKillSeconds def=8 the number of seconds after spawing that a single tk will kick.
added CVAR KicksForAutoBan def=3 number of kicks thats needed to autoban someone.
added CVAR AutoBanTime def=1440 (1day) for being kicked cvar KicksForAutoBan times.

Fixed exploits of Map and Kickvotes.
Fixed Nextmap not showing the mapname.
Fixed Disconnected players from staying in memory when disconnected event not fired on them.

added admin_tsay (@tsay) <shorttext> to print white caption on top left to all.

CVAR AfkRoundKick number of rounds of being AFK to get kicked.
CVAR AutoVoteMapTime 2.0 number of minutes before map end that a Votemaps is autogenerated.
CVAR SwearKick number of curses needed to kick a player. set to 0 to disable.
put wordlist.txt into addons folder.
changed admins to be unlimited in quantity.
now allows // comments after level
added level 4 non admin reserved slot only.
changed reservedslot kicked player to not be kicked..but clientexec disconnect..so they are not autobanned.
added headshot tracking to Ranks

Fixed afk detection bug falsely detecting afk for first round .
Fixed AutoVoteMapTime 0.0 not disabling MapEnd Votes correctly.

Redid AFK detection, changed it to disconnect player instead of kick,
so that autobans doesnt trigger. Improved False detections.
Added Extend Current map to add 20 minutes to current map if it wins.
Redid picks for votemaps to be more random so that

Changed afk detection to be disabled when CVAR AfkRoundKick set to 0.
changed Map Votes to changelevel 5 seconds after round end after winning vote,and to showscores.

Uploaded Linux Version
Known Issues..Map Voting is not working.

Changed afk detection to be disabled when CVAR AfkRoundKick set to 0.
changed Map Votes to changelevel 5 seconds after round end after winning vote,and to showscores.
Added CVAR BlowOutLimit def=0(disabled) set to number of rounds won advantage needed to
change map...(I set to 12). If one time is winning by this number of rounds it ends the map.

Added Advertisements via advertisements.txt file in addons folder.Prints to top left of screen every CVAR AdDisplayFreq seconds.
admin_startmatch or @startmatch Command added.
CVAR MatchPassword password to set server password to during match.
CVAR MatchConfig config filename to execute when @startmatch command executed.
CVAR MatchRounds number of rounds for each match half. (def=15).
admin_playsound (@playsound) <soundname> plays sound to all clients.
Sounds must be precached and downloaded to all clients,(use resfile to download
and sounds.txt file to list ones to precache.
example @playsound misc/comeout.wav
added ` and ~ to AllowPercentName = 0 name check as unacceptable characters.

[UPDATED] Linux Version Uploaded.

Added TKMenu for when Someone is TK'd..IF Tker is not kicked because of spawnkilling or tkcount then TK victim gets a chance to forgive tker.if not forgiven then tker is slayed then or beginning of next round if already dead.
cvar ForgiveTkMenu def 1 to enable tkmenu.

Added CVAR BanMyg0t def 1 (auto permabans anyone who uses myg0t in there name (id and ip).
Added CVAR AdvertiseDeadOnly Def 1 Show Advertisements To 1=Dead Only 0=all 2= console say messages
Added CVAR ExtendTimeLimit def 20 for length of time extend map win increases timelimit.
Added @fartall @fartt @fartct @relieveall commands.
Changed ReservedSlot disconnect to look for spectators first.
Changed Advertisements to be disabled during a match.
Changed Farts To be disabled During a match.
added CVAR ExtendTimeLimit def=20 number of minutes to extend map if extend wins vote.
changed extendmap to keep track of timelimit better.
various bug fixes and improvements.
added new sound for @fart command

[updated] 1/5/2005
Reuploaded new version forgot sounds and may have been version 20 in zip.

[UPDATED] 1/9/2005
Uploaded Linux Version 21
Known Issues Mapvoting still not working.

Added @menu command for admin commands
added @banmenu command
added @slaymenu command
added @fartmenu command
added @banipmenu command
added @restmenu command
added @kickmenu command

Version 22 has ban/kick/slay/fart/restrictweapons menus
Cvar Redirect to redirect last person joining to another server.
(if admin is set via IP admins will not be redirected but reservedslot loser will be redirected)
Allowuninames 0 will change names if CVAR ChangeNames is set to 1
or kick if set to 0.
Names with words from wordlist.txt in it if CVAR SwearKick set to some value will change names if changenames 1 or kick if 0.

Oh yeah...I forgot to add:
On my server My banned_user.cfg has be lost twice...once shortly have source came out and once about a week ago...I m pretty sure its not my plugin...since it did happen long before the sdk was out...
So I made a autobackup function for the banned_user.cfg
if the banned_user.cfg file has more bans in it the the backup copy it overwrites the backup copy (bu_banned_user.cfg).
And I added @unban (or admin_unban) command
for steamid and ipaddress permabans (also overwrites bu_banned_user.cfg)
LEVEL 1 admin
Added Cvar Playsoundlevel def 3 adminlevel for @playsound command
0 to let everyone use command.

Added PathInfo cvar to offset advertisements,sounds,match,mapvotes,admins files.
format: PathInfo "Server1\" (add trailing \ )
added Checking for Bots and HLTV when Creating menus.

Disabled AutoTeamJoin which was still a workinprogress which was enabled by default mistakenly in 23.

Added extra checking for bots and hltv.
They dont get added to ranks or disconnectedplayers.
Disabled EnableKeepInMem cvar as it is required for many things now.
Added CVAR AutoJoin def 0 if set to 1 forces players to autojoin a team and prevents players from
switching teams. if set to 2 players can not join spectate either.

UpdatedLinux Version to 26...All functions working.
Thanks A lot minitotoro!!!!!!

Added CVAR allowfarts 1 enable/disable farts
Added CVAR MapVotesShowDeadOnly 1 if 1 shows @mapvotes votes to dead only or alive at round end or when alive types vote in chat.
Added CVAR AutoJoinAllowSpectate 0 allow ppl to join spectate if autojoin is 1 (set to 1 allows it)
Added CVAR TKFines 2500 amount to Allow tk'd person to collect from Tk'er from tkmenu.
Changed CVAR PlaySoundLevel 1 1=admins only 0 everyone
the mapvotes (end of map and @votemaps) command now only enables the menu to dead players or live players at round end or when they type vote in chat.
set MapVotesShowDeadOnly to 0 to have normal showall functionality.

[UPDATED]1/19/2005 Uploaded Linux version

Added CVAR MaxPing def=0 Max Ping allowed to be disconnect (checked each round_end)
Added CVAR MaxPingChecks def=2 Number of round_end checks to fail before disconnected.
Added CVAR Admin1PassWord "" password to use with _password on client to set admin level 1
Added CVAR Admin2PassWord "" password to use with _password on client to set admin level 2
Added CVAR Admin3PassWord "" password to use with _password on client to set admin level 3
Added CVAR Admin4PassWord "" password to use with _password on client to set admin level 4
Added CVAR CheckSayMyG0t def=2 number of times someone chat says w w w.myg0t.c o m to be permabanned by ip and id.
(since Myg0t is now changing there names..they tend to post there website in the server in chat).

For setting admin via a password clients can do setinfo _password PassWord that matchs the adminlevelpassword cvar.
Fixed redirect cvar from redirecting an admin.
Fixed @changeteam to still change players team when autojoin is set to 1.
Changed Myg0t Name check to use list from addons/bannednames.txt

added CVAR MatchAutoSwitch def=1 autoswitchs players at half time of match.
added CVAR MatchStopDemos def = 1 auto execute stop on all clients at halftime and match end.
Added CVAR RankByName def=0 to have rankings based on name instead of steamid.
changed CVAR SwearKick to default to -1 to just replace swears with **** if set to positive number
it still replaces text with **** but will also kick on X number of occurrances.
if set to 0 not filtering is done.
fixed AutoMapVotes from not always changing map to the map that won because of mp_timelimit getting hit.
changed default value of AutoVoteMapTime to 3.0 minutes instead of 2.
changed all say admin commands to not display to non admin players when typed in chat
and changed CVAR ShowChatCommands def 1 to show all admins chat commands and only to individual if set to 0.
changed myg0t checks for names and say text. if anyone says [myg0t] or webaddress for them in chat CheckSayMyG0t number of times
it permabans id and ip.
add say @ban @kick @banip @startmatch to Console Say Messages so HLSW can now use those commands..via Say
(say text blocked from non admins)
Redid AutoBuying set to 0 to disable autobuying and rebuying completely.
(still havent found a way to enable except for restricted weapons, so now it just disables the whole commands).
Added @dropbomb command to @kick if person has the bomb.
Added thetime chat message to get serverlocal time
added CVAR TimeZone def ="EST" timezone for thetime command.

ADDED CVAR PlayLlamaSounds to play a llama wav 1-10 percent chance when a llama speaks.
Added @llama (admin_llama) @unllama (admin_unllama) commands
Added @gag (admin_gag) @ungag (admin_ungag) commands.

added adminpasswords.txt loading (from addons folder) to set password access to indivudual commands via setinfo _admin_kick password commands.
added CVAR StartVoteDelay def =180 number of seconds after start of a map to allow voting.
added CVAR LosersBonus def = 0 (i set to 2500 to 5000 depending on map) it awards that amount of cash to a team if they are down by cvar BlowOutLimit/2.
changed @changeteam command to changeplayer without killing them.
changed Bannednames.txt (bug in it that caused it not to use first name in list).
fixed crash buy when weapons are restricted.
added @endmatch command that resets internal varibles for a match
and executes server.cfg and defaults.cfg
(make sure your server.cfg has default password in it (if none have sv_password "" ).
redid team switching at match halftime and screenshots taken delay

added CVAR TeamSwitchPercent 0.20 percentage of teams to switch when a losersbonus is set to -1 at half of blowoutlimit rounds.
fixed @slay and @slap to slay bots if needed.

Redid Autojoin to improve team selection.
Redid @changeteam to to use CVAR SwitchPlayerBackToSpawn 1 to teleport a player to the appropriate spawn when switched.
Redid Overviewmode protection during matchs
added bots to kickmenu,slaymenu
redid redirect,reservedslot section.
added blind,shake,fart to TKMenu options.
added @blind (admin_blind) command
added @shake (admin_shake) command
added cvar TKBlindTime 30 (duration of tkoption 0 to remove option)
added cvar TKShakeTime 30 (duration of tkoption 0 to remove option)
added cvar TKFart (0 to remove option)
added CVAR DisableOverHead "1=Disable Overhead Always 0 disable during matchs"
added logging of someone trying to turn on overhead when its disabled.
redid losersbonus -1 switching team players logic, and it teleports them out of map to prevent tking because of sudden switching of teams.

Fixed menus for latest update.
Added CVAR AutoLoadTempAdminsDay Load Temporary admins from tempadmins.txt
Added CVAR AutoLoadTempAdminsStartHour Load Temporary admins from tempadmins.txt on AutoLoadTempAdminsDay on mapchange after this hour 20=8PM
Added CVAR AutoLoadTempAdminsEndHour Load admins from tempadmins.txt on AutoLoadTempAdminsDay on mapchange until this hour 22=10PM
LoadTemporaryAdmins Load admins from tempadmins.txt
Added DontVoteMaps.txt to remove certain maps from votes while a given person is playing based on steamid.

Redid whole plugin to new SDK Files.

fixed menu options 9 and 0

ADDED CVAR DontIncludeLastMaps 5 Dont include the last <DontIncludeLastMaps> played maps in the current map votes. valid numbers 0 to 5. 5 will remove the last 5 played maps from mapvotes.
Redid the ForgiveTKMenu Section to get rid of crash bug.

added CVAR VoteMapPercent for Admin_votemap <mapname> for percentage needed.
changed CVAR VoteMapsPercent for admin_votemaps percentage needed.
added level2 @slayt (or admin_slayt) slay all terrorists (useful for bots)
added level2 @slayct (or admin_slayct) slay all counter-terrorists (useful for bots)

Added Bot Error detection where bots just keep loading and getting an error verifying steam ticket...and kick bots when that happens to prevent server crash.
added Colors to @tsay and Advertisements
use white,red,green,blue,cyan,magenta,yellow as the first word of @tsay or advertisement to
use that color.

[UPDATED] 3/18/2005
Fixed Various bugs relating to empty txt files loading.
Removed adminpasswords.txt functionality.
Changed Admin Levels using new level structure:
admin_immunity *
admin_weaponmenu A
admin_list A
admin_execclient A
admin_rcon B
admin_quit C
admin_redirect D
admin_timelimit E
admin_cancelvote F
admin_mute G
admin_gag H
admin_ungag H
admin_psay I
admin_chat I
admin_playsound J
admin_snapshot K
admin_changeteam L
admin_switchteams L
admin_ban M
admin_banip M
admin_unban N
admin_llama O
admin_unllama O
admin_map P
admin_nextmap P
admin_relieve Q
admin_relieveall Q
admin_fart Q
admin_fartall Q
admin_fartt Q
admin_fartct Q
admin_password R
admin_alltalk S
admin_ff T
admin_gravity U
admin_slay V
admin_slap W
admin_shake X
admin_blind Y
admin_showips Z
admin_showip Z
admin_say 0
admin_tsay 1
admin_bury 2
admin_unbury 2
admin_kick 3
admin_startmatch 4
admin_restart 5
reservedslot 6
admin_slayt 7
admin_slayct 7
admin_dropbomb 8
admin_menu 9
Old admins.txt file formats should still function albeit some command levels may have changed slightly.
added console concommands
addtempadmins loads the tempadmins.txt until map change.
listadmins <partialsteamid> will print all the admins listed in memory to the console(partial steamids accepted blank for all).
addadmin <partialname><levels> will give admin to a player until map change.
killadmin <partialname> removes admin from player until end of map.
fixed admin levels not loading properly from admins.txt with new level formats.
added extra bot checks on @slay bot
fixed various other bugs.
Removed @burymenu and replaced with
@mapmenu gives a list of available maps thats listed in maplist.txt file from addons folder
fixed @slay and @kick for bots with bot_prefix set
Added Commands to @menu (admin_menu)
Added @playsound to @menu
Added @blind to @menu
Added @shake to @menu
Added @gag to @menu
Added @mute to @menu
Added @llama to @menu
Added @redirect to @menu
Added @psmenu,@mapmenu,@blindmenu,@shakemenu,@gagme nu,@llamamenu,@mutemenu,@redirect commands
Fixed VoteMapsPercent for @Mapvotes and VoteMapPercent for @mapvote
Added CVAR ClanTag
Added CVAR ClanTagPunishment People not in clan who have clan tag in name gets: 1=kicked 2=AutoBanTime 3=permanantly banned 0=disabled
use addons/clanmembers.txt to list all clanmembers
Added CVAR ClanTagPunishment option 4 changename
Added Cvar NameChangesToKick def 7 if player changes name this number of times per map it will kick them
Removed ClanMembers.Txt and using Clanmembers.cfg (in cfg folder)
for clantag protection
set Clantagpunishment 0 to disable or remove Clanmembers.cfg
added @kickall command level L
added Console Command (server)
ProtectTag "STEAMID" "TAG"
Addadminid "STEAMID" "LEVELS" adds a steamid to admins till map change
AddAdmin <partialtargetname> <levels> adds a specific player admin till mapchange
Admin_Who lists all admins present and levels
Added AutoJoins.Cfg (cfg folder)
Added Console Command (server) AddAutoJoin "STEAMID"
forces Client to have forced autojoin and cant switch to spectate..Overrides autojoinimmunity
Added AdminLevel ! if an admin has a level (!) they are a lowertier admin whos admin is only
is active only when there are no highertier admins present (highertier do not have level (!)
Added CVAR LoadMapsFromFile def=0 for @mapmenu command if 0 Maplist is gotten using bsp search
if set to 1 it uses maplist.txt file for @mapmenu command.
Fixed bug that kills Normal admins on AutoLoadTempAdminsDay
redid admin_execclient for quoted names
Added CVAR VoteKickPercent def =0.35 percent of players needed to successfully kick for @votekick
redid timed events in gameframe to use engine->Time() instead of counters
to work correctly for different tickrates.
added CVAR MatchRestart1 def=3 first restart for match seconds
added CVAR MatchRestart2 def=2 second restart for match seconds
added CVAR MatchRestart3 def=10 first restart for match seconds
added bm_displayranks console command 1=default 2= doesnt show ppl typed rank 3 changes ranking to say message
added console as a color for advertisements..if console does a server say message for that avert.

Added CVAR AdminChatToAllAdmins 1=send admin_chat message to all admins 0 send to admins with admin_chat access only
added CVAR AdminChatFromNonAdmins Allow Non Admins To Send @chat messages to admins
Removed reservedslot from highlevel/lowlevel admins present detection
removed reservedslot from admin_chat messages.
redid various little bugs for @psay and @chat in say commands

Added CVAR NamesWithUniSpacePunish People who change names as same as others with an invisible space punishment 1 kick ,2 autoban,3 permaban 0 off
redid some code to improve stutters on large full servers
Added CVAR NameChangePunishment def= 1 to kick 2 =autoban 3=permaban (if NameChangesToKick is set to some value).
added admin_execclientall command
fixed rank not working (only /rank was)

Fixed advertisements.cfg not loading
Fixed advertisements.cfg having commands misspelled
changed NameChangesToKick to be on a Per Round Basis so autobanning can be used
via NameChangePunishment changed default punishment to be autoban to autobantime

Changed Advertisements.cfg to only load if advertisements.txt not present
Fixed Advertisements Not Showing if loaded from advertisements.cfg
Changed Reservedslot to allow all admins to have reservedslot
and for someone with only reservedslot.
changed checking for hightier/lowertier to not include someone with just reservedslot
fixed @list to show all admins and reservedslot holders.
Changed Access level for admin_list to M (same as admin_ban)
Added CVAR AdminListFromNonAdmins 0 allow anyone to use @list to see whos an admin.
Added server console command setadminlevel to set the admin level for a command
format = setadminlevel admin_list M
Redid @help to correct for setadminlevel command
redid @execclient
Added timeleft Filtering to ShowFFNextMap filtering
Added SpawnEntity protection..
if someone attempts it they suffer NameChangePunishment punishment.
added immediate fadetoblack on death if MatchBlind set to 1
changed screenshots to jpeg command instead of screenshot command
Changed MoneyOffset for tkfines and losersbonus to 870 for update
added search feature to help @help ban will show all ban commands you have access to.
added option to showchatcommands if set to 2 doesnt show any admin message (1 to all admins 0 to self)
added bm_displayranks option 4 to show ranks in top left @tsay area
added newline checking for advertisements to split to 2 lines (though the box its displayed in doesnt show the complete 2 lines 1 is cut off some)
Added command @ghostkill (admin_ghostkill) level M command
gives them a fadetoblack command on each death till end of map
(for permanant add AddGhostStop "STEAM_0:0:XXXXXX" to defaults.cfg or clanmembers.cfg)
added CVAR MatchCheckRoster 0 set to 1 to check roster when the @startmatch command is executed.
players are added from a cfg file AddMatchPlayer "STEAM_0:0:XXXXXX"
Added Command @matchroster or admin_matchroster <filename> with roster entries
add a cfg file with match roster on server and use @matchroster filename to load that roster if not in defaults.cfg or clanmembers.cfg
if a player is not on the roster when @startmatch command is ran..
then the match cant be started.(unless MatchCheckRoster is 0)
Added command @pay or admin_pay <partialtarget> <ammount> to give player
Level M

Added CVAR AutoMapVotes 1
Added CVAR EnableStatsMe 1
Changed @pay command to tell everyone when used to prevent cheating.
Added Stats command to show stats for last round or 2.
Redid top15 to show top15 rankings in MOTD window.
added rules and motd chat command to show the motd window.
if automapvotes set to 0 then no automatic map voting happens for timelimit or winlimit.
Added CVAR KnifeKillSound "misc/humiliation.wav" played on a knifekill
Added CVAR GodLikeSound "misc/godlike.wav" Sound to Play after 11 kills with out a death
Added CVAR UltraKillSound "misc/ultrakill.wav" Sound to Play after 7 kills with out a death
Added CVAR MonsterKillSound "misc/monsterkill.wav" Sound to Play after 5 kills with out a death
Added CVAR HeadShotSound "misc/headshot.wav" Sound to Play On a Head shot kill
Added CVAR FirstBloodSound "misc/firstblood.wav" Sound to play when first blood is drawn
Added CVAR KnifeMugging -1 0 to disable -1 to rob victim of all cash positive to rob victim of upt KinfeMugging Value of cahs
Added SaveRankingsToTextFile beetlestats.txt each map
Reformated Top15 window
added @freeze (admin_freeze) command to freeze player in tracks
added @unfreeze (admin_unfreeze) command to allow player to move again
added @freezet (admin_freezet) command to freeze whole T team
added @freezect (admin_freezect) command to freeze whole CT team
added @freezeall (admin_freezeall) command to freeze everyone
added @unfreezeall (admin_unfreezeall) command to allow all to move again
added listmaps (@listmaps) <partialsearch> for all players
changed TkForgiveMenu options Tk'd victims get tk menu if 1, if 2 only admin_slay level admins get Slay options
Added CVAR ClanTagCaseSensitive def =0 set to 1 for unicode
LimitSnipersPerTeam 0 Limit the number of snipers per team set to number of snipers per team
IncludeScoutInSnipers 0 Include Scouts when counting snipers
NightTimeCfgHour 0 Hour of everyday to exec nighttime.cfg file (plus houroffset) use militarytime
DayTimeCfgHour 0 Hour of everyday to exec daytime.cfg (plus houroffset) use militarytime
AdminListMapsFromNonAdmins 1 set to 1 Makes listmaps (@listmaps) available to everyone
ResetKillCountOnRoundStart 1 Resets Kill counter for sound events on roundstart
Added Setting sv_visiblemaxplayers to PlayersMax-ReservedSlot value
Redid Stats counting for new player_hurt messages
changed namechanging for unauthorized tag to remove tag if starts or ends with tag
Added cvar LimitSnipersPerPersonPerMap 0 allow a person to buy a sniper right x number of times per map.
added WeaponStats2 (body Location) logging as well as the weaponstats 1 logging
Added CVAR ExecuteOnJoin "" set to a command to execute on all clients on clientactive
(used to fix name bug..not tested but was told if someone does a chat message it fix's name issues)
Added CVAR SetMaxVisible 0 if 1 it will set the sv_visiblemaxplayers to PlayersMax-ReservedSlot
if 0 it will not change sv_visiblemaxplayers
Added clearadvertisements command for removing all advertisements...
can be used in mapname.cfg to removall and add custom advertisements for a certain map.
Added Pause/unpause flags
fixed voting (hopefully)
removed KnifeMuggin for AFK's
Added admin_pay server command
Added admin_restrictall (@restrictall) command
added admin_restrictprimary (@pistols or @restrictprimary) command
added admin_unrestrictall (@unrestrictall) command
added servercommand admin_restrictall,admin_unrestrictall and admin_restrictprimary commands
added servercommand setstring with predefined strings for changing language of messages (see replacetext.cfg for all predefined stringnames)
added servercommand setadminhelp "admin_level" "helpstring" for setting the help message displayed for a command
added servercommand bm_cleartasks to clear all scheduled tasks
added servercommand bm_task "HH:MM" "SERVERCOMMAND" to add scheduled tasks...limitation 1 per minute
added servercommand tsay message (uses same colors as @tsay) sends tsay message to all clients
added day of week config file executed monday.cfg..tuesday.cfg etc..execute at 12:01AM or on server startup.
added @freezemenu and @freeze command to @menu
added CVAR DisplayTop15 1 "0 Disable,1 Display 15 top in MOTD, 2 Display Top 5 in chat,3 display in unformated motd"
added CVAR PlayQuakeSoundsToAll 0 ("Set to 1 for all players to hear Quake Sounds 0 for only involved players")
Note: in order to have scheduled Tasks to function..there has to be at least one player in the server (tv_enable 1 to enable srctv to count as a player)
Added execution of pistols.cfg file after the @pistols command is executed to unrestrict nades etc
Added execution of allrestricted.cfg after the @restrictall command is executed to unrestrict nades etc
Added execution of daily.cfg each map change...if bm_tasks are in it ..make sure to use bm_cleartasks first.
Added LastManStandingBets 0 set to -1 to allow betting on winning team when down to 1 player each team. set to positive value to limit bets..0 to disable
bets are typed in chat as bet 1000 T to bet 1000 that t's will win..bet 500 CT to bet 500 on cts winning.
Bet window closed once bomb is planted.
deleted and added all cvars into defaults.cfg again to make sure theres no duplicates
Redid LastManStandingBets to use menus.
Changed LastManStanding to require more than 4 players present to function.
Added chat doubledown to allow doubling of bets.
Added bm_task round_end and round_start as valid events to add a task as well as "HH:MM"
Added RestrictedPerPerson as a valid setstring
Added RestrictedPerTeam as a valid setstring
Added CVAR AdminPasswordRequiresNick 0 set to 1 to force requiring name to be in list of users for
admin1password admin2password admin3password admin4password
Added Server Command AddAdminName to add names for using those passwords if AdminPasswordRequiresNick is set to 1
added cvar DontAllowSpectate 0 set to 1 to prevent non admins from joining spectate (checked before autojoin)
Added CVAR HurtSpawnAttackers 0 Slap Spawn Attackers with this amount of damage + damage inflicted to teammates during SpawnKillSeconds 0 disable
added server command admin_hurt player damage to hurt a player with out slaps teleport
added server command admin_hurtall damage to hurt all players with outs slaps teleport
Added server command admin_Hurtt damage to hurt all T's
added server command admin_HurtCt damage to hurt all CT's
added server command getplayersinfo playername logs players info:
added server command getallplayersinfo logs all players info:
L 04/20/2005 - 2183: [BeetlesMod] [BotS]Derek: SteamId:BOT Uid:6 Team:CT Health:100 Money:10370 Frags:0 Deaths:0 Dead:0
L 04/20/2005 - 2183: [BeetlesMod] [BotS]Wyatt: SteamId:BOT Uid:7 Team:TERRORIST Health:100 Money:11900 Frags:0 Deaths:0 Dead:0
L 04/20/2005 - 2183: [BeetlesMod] [BotS]Norm: SteamId:BOT Uid:8 Team:CT Health:100 Money:11220 Frags:0 Deaths:0 Dead:0
added command @slapall <damage>
added command @slapt <damage>
added command @slapct <damage>
setKillCount "monsterkills" "5"
setKillCount "GodLikeKills" "7"
setkillcount "UltraKillKills" "11"
Changed SpawnKillSeconds to start at end of freezetime instead of round_start
Fixed weaponstats logging to have quotes

added cvar ReservedMode ReservedMode 1 will continuously disconnect or redirect player to open a free slot 0 to only disconnect a player on connect if nonadmin
Added CVAR PermaMuteDuration 0 0=For Current Map, 1=Duration Of Connection,2= Forever
Added CVAR PermaGagDuration 0 0=For Current Map, 1=Duration Of Connection,2= Forever
Added CVAR UseNonResFileSoundDownloads 1 set to 1 to allow sounds downloading without res files 0 to use res files
added @permamute command
added @permagag command
if someone is @permamuted or @permagaged and duration is set to forever
there info is saved in clanmembers.cfg
added server command AddPermaGag "steamid" "name"
added server command Addpermamute "steamid" "name"
Added Command logging to addons/adminlogs folder
Added Rates chat command so players can see there rates
added @rates admin command to check a players cl_cmdrate,cl_updaterate and rate (level m)
added CVAR LastmanStandingUseOdds 1 (0 to disable) to add odds on betting based on rankings and/or health
added execution of allunrestricted.cfg when @unrestrictall command is executed to set default restrictions.
added CVAR PercentOfVotesToEndVote 0.75 percent of players needed to place votes to end a vote.
added @restrictsnipers 1/2/3/0 command 1 restrictfor all 2 T's 3'CT's 0 Unrestrict (level A)
restricts awp,autos, and scout (if IncludeScoutInSnipers is set to 1)
Changed server command AddAdminName to
accept access levels format:
Admin can now be set using that (has to be in CFG file..not admins.txt file)
Added Server Command Admin_pay (forgot it in last version)
added @burn (or admin_burn) admin command and server command
added @burnmenu (or admin_burnmenu) admin command.
added @burnct (or admin_burnct)admin command
added @burnt (or admin_burnt)admin command
fixed server say @slap command to allow it to find target if damage is specified.
Fixed bug in paying bets not being paid if bomb was planted
Added On Death Damage Report (changed stats chat to show this also)
added bm_displaydeathstats server command (1 or 0)
added admin_extinquish (@ext or admin_extinquish or @extinquish) <partialtarget>
Added Admin_extinquishall (@extall or admin_extinquishall or @extinquishall )
Added SetString "WatchLanguage" "Please Watch The Language" string to replacetext.cfg
Added SetString "Burn1" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" string to replacetext.cfg
Added SetString "Burn2" "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Hot! Hot! Hot!" string to replacetext.cfg
Added SetString "Burn3" "Man Its Awfully Hot In Here!" string to replacetext.cfg
Added SetString "Burn4" "Richard Prior Has Nothing On Me!" string to replacetext.cfg
Added SetString "Burn5" "Man, Talk About Heart Burn!!!!" string to replacetext.cfg
changed Burn sayings to not show if FartSayMessages 0 is set
fixed client crashing when non valid sound file is added to downloads.
added CVAR AnnouncePlayers "" set to "rank" to announce players rank after entering server
set to "%s Has Entered the building" to display players name with Has Entered the Building.
Do not add more than one %s and no other % signs as it may crash server.
(announcements disabled for first half minute or so after map change to prevent spam)
added total damage to damage report.
Added damagereport on/off in chat text to turn off automatic damagereport for a given player for connection length.
added server command ShowKillTextMessages 1 show text messages for quakelike sounds
added setstring "FirstBloodText" "First Blood!!!!"
added setstring "GodLikeText" "Is GodLike!!!!"
added setstring "MonsterKillText" "Is A Monster!!!"
added setstring "UltraKillText" "UltraKill!!!!"
added setstring "HeadShotText" "HeadShot!!!!"
added @botadd <t or ct> command adminlevel H
Added bm_task "round_freeze_end" event..use bm_task "round_freeze_end" "admin_tsay Now you can move"
to do a task when the mp_freezetime is over.
added server command addsaytrigger (TriggerText respond with 0 show text, 1 replaceText 2 exec servercommand )
addsaytrigger "BD" "Bomb DOwn" "1" //will replace DB with Bomb Down
addsaytrigger "BD" "Bomb DOwn" "0" //will show DB said and say Bomb Down
addsaytrigger "slapme" "admin_slap #%s" "2" //will slap player with slapdamage amount of damage
addsaytrigger "Msg" "admin_tsay #TEXT#" "2" //msg this is a test will admin_tsay this is a test
addsaytrigger "I hack" "admin_kick #%s" "2" //will kick a client if they say "I Hack"
addsaytrigger "psay" "admin_psay #TEXT#" "2" //will do a admin_psay message with text someone types psay mybuddy test it will psay to mybuddy test
changed Checking for myg0t website in chat text to checking for anything listed in bannednames.txt
and added more hack sites to bannednames.txt
added admin and server command admin_csay (chat @csay) to display white centered text message admin_level 1
added server command bm_KickForBadPassword 1 or 0 to kick a player with non valid password if admin is set up with password
added @voteban command to vote in a ban for autobantime length of time if vote is successful
added CVAR VoteBanPercent 0.35
changed CVAR Allowvoting to be for @vote, @votemap and @votemaps only
added CVAR AllowKickVoting 1 Allow Kick Voteing 1 Admin Only,2 Anyone when No Admins, 3 Anyone
Added CVAR AllowBanVoting 1 Allow Ban Voting 1 admin Only,2 Anyone when No Admins,3 Anyone
fixed bug with announceplayers "rank" only showing word rank instead of announceing rank
Added permanant on/off for damagereport on/off
added CVAR CheckForCheats 7 (if higher than normal tickcount set higher..0 to disable detection)
added hack detection and autobanning
added servercommand AddAdminLogFilenamePrefix "Server1"
added servercommand AddAdminLogPathInfo "MyServer"
redid @startmatch actions..because latest update may have caused false restarts on second half.
fixed Bug of not logging or printing persons name when hack detection triggers
added server command bm_NotifyAdminsOfHack 1 will notify admins of each detection that detects hacks
added server command bm_AutoBanHacks 1 autoban person when hack detection triggers
added server command bm_ForceSpamDetection 1 will execute a spam message attempt on each player on each hack detection trigger
added server command bm_QuickHackDetect 1 will execute a spam message attempt on each player shortly after joining
//if they have the hack installed the player will send a chat message with there spam..usually a cheat pronouncement
fixed crash bug on hack detection
removed bm_ForceSpamDetection
removed bm_QuickHackDetect
added bm_addremoteserver "" "RconPassword"
Added cvar SendBansToAllServers 0 -- 1 will send bans to remote servers on map change
added cvar ServersIpAddress "" used to filter out current server from bm_addremoteservers
(THE SendBansToAllServers portion is relatively untested for bad ipaddress's and passwords..I did test it with a known
good address and rconpw and my when I banned my self it did propagate to the other server)
added servercommand bm_DisplayHackBans 1 or 0 display hack ban when detect via admin_csay and chat message 0 off
redid hack detection..made it more sensitive..
(keep autoban off till your sure its not falsely detecting with more than 2 strikes)
added cvar bm_BackUpBans 1 to back up bans to bu_banned_user.cfg each map change
//bm_BackUpBans 1 back bans to bu_banned_user.cfg each map change
bm_BackUpBans 1
added cvar bm_DetectCount 4 and raised number of detects to 4 to take action
(have seen 2 false strikes and 1 3
added server command admin_unban <steamid> or <ipaddress> (sends to remotes if set up) steamid and ip should be in quotes
redid damagereport adding extra checks for overflow's
added admin command @botslay (admin_botslay) slays all bots
added admin command @botkick admin_botkick kicks all bots
removed Trying to Permanantly save DamageReports OFF
added CVAR ShowDamageReports 1 shows on death damage report..0 doesnt show by default
changed functionality of bm_autobanhacks 1=if admin present gives them a menu asking
if target is spinning..if any answer yes..permabans target..if someone answers
no..it kicks target assuming a messed up internet connection causeing strikes..
if they answer I dont know..it resets strike counter
if no admins are present then it permabans them.
if bm_autobanhacks is set to 5 it doesn the same menu...but if no admin present it bans target for autoban time
if bm_autobanhacks is set to 2 it kicks the persons.
if bm_autobanhacks is set to 4 it bans target for autobantime
added bm_autobanhacks 3 to be permaban for bm_detectcount strikes for hacks
added chat command browse <website>
added execution of csmaps.cfg,fymaps.cfg,demaps.cfg,hemaps.cfg for each of those map types.
changed map changes/votes to use lowercase letters only.
order of cfg execution after map change is:
<maptype>.cfg (called csmaps.cfg,fymaps.cfg,demaps.cfg,hemaps.cfg)
daytime or nighttime.cfg if the hour is set for that hour
Fixed bm_autobanhacks 1 menu to admins not processing answer.
added aimmaps.cfg execution for aim_ maps
Attached Files
File Type: zip minimumadmindll_56.zip (820.1 KB, 12525 views)
File Type: zip beetlefart_linux_1.0.0.31.zip (335.2 KB, 3444 views)
CSource Server: Beetlesmod.com And CS-Addicts{US}

BeetleFart is offline
SourceMod Donor
Join Date: Apr 2004
Old 12-05-2004 , 22:18   Re: Mini Admin Dll

Here is the source code and Visual C 6 Project.

Updated the serverplugin_empty.cpp with the latest version.

Updated with the latests CPP file.
I have changed a little bit of the code for the exec of the defaults.cfg
and mapname.cfg but I havent been able to test it on my server yet.

There may be an issue with those files not always getting executed.

Last Version
Attached Files
File Type: zip serverplugin_sample_26.zip (61.4 KB, 706 views)
BeetleFart is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Old 12-06-2004 , 00:22  

Nice! Will a Linux version be coming
Christy is offline
SourceMod Donor
Join Date: Apr 2004
Old 12-06-2004 , 07:05  

Originally Posted by christy
Nice! Will a Linux version be coming
Im afraid not by me..I know nothing about Linux.
But Someone could port it over Im sure.
BeetleFart is offline
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Location: V'dauban
Old 12-06-2004 , 12:49  


I' m a noob coder but i think in serverplugin_empty.cpp :
const char *CEmptyServerPlugin::GetPluginDescription( void )
	return "Emtpy-Plugin, Valve";
You could put :

const char *CEmptyServerPlugin::GetPluginDescription( void )
	return "Mini Admin Dll, BeetleFart";
Cr3V3TT3 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Old 12-06-2004 , 12:57  

Originally Posted by Cr3V3TT3

I' m a noob coder but i think in serverplugin_empty.cpp :
const char *CEmptyServerPlugin::GetPluginDescription( void )
	return "Emtpy-Plugin, Valve";
You could put :

const char *CEmptyServerPlugin::GetPluginDescription( void )
	return "Mini Admin Dll, BeetleFart";
Hehe, Your right.
I am updating it already to add a couple of more commands and
to change the way it finds a Target (right its by name only).
I will change that as well.

BeetleFart is offline
KocK GoBlin
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Old 12-06-2004 , 13:42  

Great job. Exactly what I needed. Thanks.
KocK GoBlin is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Old 12-06-2004 , 13:49  

Great job This is definitely better than using rcon. Keep up the good work.
#strafeRight @ irc.gamesurge.net
YankeeDeuce is offline
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Old 12-06-2004 , 13:52  

Thanks for the thanks's

Im adding a few more commands today and will test then deploy tonight.
BeetleFart is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: V'dauban
Old 12-06-2004 , 13:59  

Wanna fun commands?
I don t test them because i don t know how to compile...

(Ps : Good Work )
Cr3V3TT3 is offline
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