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Cant see every hero!

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Join Date: Aug 2009
Old 08-30-2009 , 08:52   Cant see every hero!
Reply With Quote #1

Hello, i have a superhero server and the sh config looks like this:
//********************** GENERAL MOD CVARS **********************

//Enables/disables the mod 0=disable, 1=enable
sv_superheros 1

//Flag to determine who can access the important server commands
sh_adminaccess m

//If optional C/D is on a server - don't let people without C/D have powers
sh_cdrequired 0

//Debug Message Level
//ONLY enable this if you are trying to fix something, it prints A LOT of messages
// 0 = Disabled, 1 = Server Print, 2 = Server Log, 3+ = More Messages, Server Log
sh_debug_messages 0

//Number of heros allowed with bind characters - after that you must pick non-bind heros only
sh_maxbinds 3

//Max number of powers players can pick from, this is also limited by the number of levels you have.
sh_maxpowers 50

//What level to start newcomers at
sh_minlevel 0

//Save XP or restart it from 0 each map: 1 = save, 0 = restart each map
sh_savexp 1

//How many days XP is saved after a users last connection
//Recommended max setting of 30 for VAULT style saving. Max value is 365.
sh_xpsavedays 30

//Enable this to save XP at end of every round
//May cause a very small ammount of lag at round end with MySQL saving
sh_endroundsave 1

//This cvar sets the value of XP given/taken from players for Hostage / Bomb events.
//Hostage rescues only get 1/4th the XP because there is usually 4 of them.
sh_bombhostxp 8

//Give new players an average level of XP based on people already playing - 1=on | 0=off
sh_autobalance 0

//Load XP right when a player joins (may cause lag with large user database)
sh_loadimmediate 0

// MercyXP gives players XP if they did not gain any during a round
// 0 = MercyXP system Disabled
// 1 = Give any player a set amount of XP which is set with sh_mercyxp
// 2 = Give only players up to a certian level MercyXP, max level is set with sh_mercyxp
//    XP given will be the inverse of the amount they would get for killing
//    someone at thier level, then this is diveded by 2 to keep it low.
//    So as a players level increases they will get less MercyXP with mode 2
sh_mercyxpmode 1

//Mode 1: How much Mercy XP to give players
//Mode 2: Max level to give MercyXP to players
sh_mercyxp 15

//Command Projector, displays help info to players in a HUD messages non-stop - 1+ = on | 0=off
//    1 - Only show to DEAD players
//    2 - Show to ALL players
sh_cmdprojector 1

//How many highest level heros can a person pick
//If this is set to 2 and a client is at level 9, they can only pick 2 level 9 heroes.
//There is a bunch of complicated math that goes into this system and it limits more than
//just the highest level avliable to that person, try it and see what I mean.
//Set to 0 to disable this limiting of choices
sh_lvllimit 1

// 1 = New style menu, shows disabled heros grayed out
// 0 = Old style menu, hides disabled heros from showing on the menu
sh_menumode 1

//Headshot Multiplyer - if you kill someone with a headshot the XP given
//will be multiplied by the value.  Setting this to "1.0" will effectivly
//disable it because x * 1 = x.  Any value less than 1.0 is ignored.
sh_hsmult 1.5

//Can clients drop heroes while alive?
//This is OFF by default because many people expliot the server by picking a hero
//like batman, get the weapons, then drop him.  This will prevent that kind of activity.
sh_alivedrop 0

// *** MySQL Settings, Only Needed if using the mysql saving method ***
// Uncomment the cvar lines to enable these settings

//sh_mysql_host "localhost"
//sh_mysql_user "SuperHeroModUser"
//sh_mysql_pass ""
//sh_mysql_db "sherodb"
//sh_mysql_persistent 0

// *************** END STANDARD SUPERHERO CVARS ***************

// ***************** START HERO SPECIFIC CVARS ****************

abomination_level 1
abomination_pctperlev 0.01 //chance of turning green and ugly when being hit
abomination_maxsec 16.0 //max ammount of godsecs. a lvl 1 will have 15 secs, a lvl 2 will have 14, lvl 3 13 and so on.
abomination_minsec 5.0 //smallest ammount of godsecs. no matter what lvl, they will have at least this many.
// Achilles
achilles_level 8     - level at which he becomes available
achilles_dmgmult 3.0 - multiplier of the damage he takes in the left leg; set to 100 for instant death
alien_level 5
alien_health 125  //Default 125
alien_armor 125  //Default 125
alien_knifemult 0.0  //Damage multiplyer for his Knife
alien_vision 160  //How far vision is zoomed out (normal vision = 90)
alien_tint 50  //How dark the green screen tint is (255-no sight, 0-perfect sight)
alien_alpha 50  //Alpha level when invisible (0-invisible, 255-full visibility)
alien_knifemode 1  //Default = 1-knife only, can't change weapons 0-Alien Vision on only when knifing
batgirl_level 9
batgirl_moveacc 650   //How quickly she can move while on the zipline
batgirl_reelspeed 1000  //How fast hook line reels in
batgirl_hookstyle 3   //1=spacedude, 2=spacedude auto reel (spiderman), 3=cheap kids real (batgirl)
batgirl_hooksky 0   //0=no sky hooking 1=sky hooking allowed
batgirl_teamcolored 1  //1=teamcolored zip lines 0=white zip lines
batgirl_maxhooks -1   //Max ammout of hooks allowed (-1 is an unlimited ammount)
batman_level 0
batman_health 125  //default 125
batman_armor 125  //defualt 125
anubis_level 0
anibus_showdamage 1  //(0|1) - hide|show bullet damage..
anibus_showchat 1  //(0|1) - hide|show ghostchat messages..
//Black Panther
blackpanther_level 0
beast_level 0
beast_gravity 0.4  //Gravity
beast_health 175  //Starting health
beast_armor 200  //Starting armor
beast_speed 375  //Running speed
blink_level 18
blink_amount 100    //Ammount of teleportaions available
blink_cooldown 0   //Cooldown timer between uses
blink_delay 0  //Delay time before the teleport occurs
blink_delaystuck 1   //Is the user stuck in place during the delay?
blob_level 6
aquaman_level 0
aquaman_armorcost 0    //How much amour each bubble attack blast uses
aquaman_numbubbles 7   //How many giant killer bubbles
aquaman_bubbledamage 10   //How much damage each bubble does
bomberman_level 0
bomberman_cooldown 5  //Cooldown time from bomb explostion until new planting
bomberman_xpbased 0   //Does he get more bombs each level           (def=0)
bomberman_bombs 1   //How Many Bombs does he start with           (def=1)
bomberman_bpl 1   //How Many More Bombs Does he get each level  (def=1)
bomberman_radius 400  //Radius of damage   (def=400)
bomberman_maxdamage 100  //Maximum Damage to deal  (def=100)
bombsquad_level 1
bombsquad_godtime 10 // Time of godmode after defuse/planting starts - default 10
//Captain America
captaina_level 0
captaina_pctperlev 0.02  //Percentage that factors into godmode randomness
captaina_godsecs 1   //# of seconds of god mode
catwoman_level 1
catwoman_seconds 0.5  //Seconds after round starts that she sneaks to other base
catwoman_change 1.0  //Look like the enemy when you sneak? 0 dont look like enemy. 1.0 look like enemy for entire round. 2.0 and above is the time you look like the enemy.
catwoman_type 2   //Type of sneaking
                             // 1. It multiplies pctperlev cvar times current level and if it is higher than a random number, you sneak       // 2. Works like my abomination, takes maxrounds and subtracts your level from it.       //  This number is how many rounds you have to wait until you can sneak.       //  It won't go under the minrounds catwoman_pctperlev 0.05 //Chance of sneaking
catwoman_maxrounds 20 //Max rounds (minus your level) until you sneak
catwoman_minrounds 5 //Min rounds until you sneak, no matter your level, it wont go under this
//Cola Lover
cola_level 17
cola_health 1000  //Starting Health (default is 700)
cola_speed 800   //Running Speed (default is 500)
cyclone_level 9
cyclone_cooldown 60  // Time in seconds the player must wait before he can use the power again
cyclone_range 1000  // Size of the cyclone
cyclone_force 800  // Power of the cyclone
cyclone_time 100   // Time in 1/10th of a second (10 sec now)
cyclone_playersonly 1 // The cyclone only picks up players if this is set to 1,
     // if set to 0 the cyclone will pick up all entities ( WARNING VERY HEAVY FOR YOUR CPU AND I-NET IF THE MAP CONTAINTS MANY ENTITIES)
cyclops_level 5
cyclops_laser_ammo 20   //total # of shots given each round
cyclops_laser_burndecals 1  //Show the burn decals on the walls
cyclops_cooldown 0.20   //Cooldown timer between shots
cyclops_multishot 0.20   //Delay for multishots on holding key down
daredevil_level 0
daredevil_radius 600  //Radius of the rings
daredevil_bright 192  //How bright to make the rings
dazzler_level 0
dazzler_radius 3000  //radius of people affected
dazzler_cooldown 15  //# of seconds before Dazzler can flash

//Demolition Man
demoman_level 15
demoman_radius 300   // radius of blast
demoman_maxdamage 200  // max damage a mine can cause
demoman_maxmines 5   // max ammount of mines that can be placed at once
demoman_minehealth 80  // health of mines (determines how many shots blow them up)
doug_level 6
doug_knivespeed 400
dracula_level 0
dracula_pctperlev 0.30 //What percent of damage to give back per level of player
empyrean_level 6
empyrean_percent 0.1 // % of damage healed to id and teamate
explosion_level 7
explosion_radius 300
explosion_damage 100
flash_level 0
flash_speed 350  //the speed flash can run
frogger_level 0
gmaster_level 13
gmaster_cooldown 400  //# of seconds for Grandmaster cooldown
gmaster_xp 100
hgoblin_level 0
hgoblin_grenademult 1.5  //Damage multiplyer from orginal damage amount
hgoblin_grenadetimer 10  //How many second delay for new grenade
hulk_level 0
hulk_radius 1800   //Radius of people affected
hulk_cooldown 7   //# of seconds before Hulk can ReStun
hulk_stuntime 3   //# of seconds Hulk Stuns Everybody
hulk_stunspeed 70   //Speed of stunned players
//Human Torch
htorch_level 0
htorch_armorcost 15   //How much amour each flame uses
htorch_numburns 5   //How many time to burn the victim
htorch_burndamage 10  //How much damage each burn does
//Iron Man
ironman_level 0
ironman_timer 0.1   //How often (seconds) to run the loop
ironman_thrust 125   //The upward boost every loop
ironman_maxspeed 400  //Max x and y speeds (while in air)
ironman_xymult 1.05   //Multiplies the current x,y vector when moving
ironman_armorfuel 1   //Uses armor as fuel
ironman_fuelcost 1   //How much armor does it cost per firing
ironman_armor 100   //How much armor does ironman start with?
jolt_level 0
juggernaut_level 9
justice_gravity 0.70 //how high she jumps with one jump; the lower, the higher
justice_speed 265 //how fast she runs
justice_level 0 //level at which her powers become available
justice_jumpno 3 //number of jumps mid-air + 1 (the initial jump)
kamikaze_level 0
kamikaze_radius 300   //Radius of people affected by blast
kamikaze_fuse 15   //# of seconds before kamikaze blows Up
kamikaze_maxdamage 125  //Maximum damage to deal to a player
madness_level 10
madness_health 200   //how much health madness has
madness_armor 100   //how much armor madness has
madness_m3mult 2.0   //Damage multiplyer for his M3
magneto_level 11
magneto_cooldown 45   //Time delay bewtween automatic uses
magneto_boost 125   //How much of an upward throw to give weapons
magneto_giveglock 1   //Give the poor victim a glock?
mesmero_level 0
mesmero_cooldown 20
mesmero_time 10.0 // set this to 0.0 and the enemy will be drugged until he die
mirage_level 3
mirage_fadetime 0.5 //time it takes for him to become invisible
mirage_invistime 3  //how long will he stay invis
mirage_cooldown 5   //how long till he will invis again
morpheus_level 8
morpheus_gravity 0.35   //Gravity Morpheus has
morpheus_mp5mult 2.0   //Damage multiplyer for his MP5
mystique_level 0
mystique_cooldown 0   //Cooldown time between morphs
mystique_maxtime 0   //Max time you can be morphed
mystique_toggle 1   //Should the key be a toggle or do they need to hold it down
penguin_level 0
penguin_grenademult 1.0  //Damage multiplyer, 1.0 = no xtra dmg (def 1.0)
penguin_grenadetimer 30.0 //How many seconds delay for new grenade after nade is thrown (def 30.0)
penguin_cooldown 120.0  //How many seconds until penguin grenade can be used again (def 120.0)
penguin_fuse 5.0   //Length of time Penguin grenades can seek for before blowing up (def 5.0)
penguin_nadespeed 900  //Speed of Penguin grenades when seeking (def 900)
//Poison Ivy
poisonivy_level 0
poisonivy_damage 1  //Damage per second from infection
poisonivy_cooldown 0.0 //Seconds before you can infect another player
poisonivy_xpbased 0  //Do they cause more damage each xp level, 0=no 1=yes (def=0)
poisonivy_dpl 1  //Amount of additonal damage per level
poisonivy_maxdpl 0  //Maximum possible damage amount if xpbased (0=no max set)
poisonivy_self 1  //Can users with Poison Ivy be infected, 0=no 1=yes
ash_level 5
char_rage 5 //1 extra damage for this ammount of hp
squir_damage 10 //damage of bubble beam
squir_num 10 //number of bubble beams each round and after charged
bulb_leech 5 //ammount of hp to leech every 5 secs if target is being leeched
cool_time 10.0 //cooldown time for some skills (Bulbasaur, Geodude, Onix, Diglet, Starmie, Poliwhirl, Togepi)
brock_level 7
geo_hard 1 //how much hp he gets per armor
onix_damage 60 //max damage of getting hit by a boulder
misty_level 8
poison_damage 10 //damage of poison attacks (weezing and arbok)
psylocke_level 2
punisher_level 0
punisher_dropwpn 0  //Should client be forced to drop thier weapon?
rattler_level 0
rattler_dmgreturn 0.02 //Try to keep it between 0.09 and 0.02 otherwise it will either be too high or too low.
rayden_level 0
rayden_damage 4
rayden_remove_god 0
rayden_cooldown 6
rayden_autolock 1
rayden_expradius 50
robin_level 0
robin_health 125  //default 125
robin_armor 125  //defualt 125
//Robo Ky
roboky_level 4
roboky_healpoints 6
roboky_armor 150
roboky_tensioncharge 10
shadowcat_level 0
shadowcat_cooldown 30  //# of seconds before NightCrawler can NoClip Again
shadowcat_cliptime 6  //# of seconds NightCrawler has in noclip mode.
//Shang Chi
shangchi_level 1
shangchi_armor 130
shangchi_health 80
sikorsky_level 5
skeletor_level 0
skeletor_cooldown 30  // # of seconds for skeletor cooldown
skeletor_camptime 15  // # of seconds player considered camping w/o x/y movement
skeletor_movedist 10  // minimum amount of dist player has to move b4 considered not camping
slayer_level 6     //level at which he's available
slayer_cooldown 40 //cooldown between god removals
slayer_chance 0.05 //chance of assassination
speedball_level 12
speedball_speed 5 //experiment with this, it can get pretty crazy!
spiderman_level 0
spiderman_moveacc 140  //How quickly he can move while on the hook
spiderman_reelspeed 400  //How fast hook line reels in
spiderman_hookstyle 2  //1=spacedude, 2=spacedude auto reel (spiderman), 3=cheap kids real (batgirl)
spiderman_teamcolored 1  //1=teamcolored web lines 0=white web lines
spiderman_maxhooks 60  //Max ammout of hooks allowed (-1 is an unlimited ammount)
superman_level 0
superman_gravity 0.35  //Gravity
superman_health 150   //Starting health
superman_armor 150   //STarting armor
//The Thing
thing_level 5  // Character level this hero becomes available.
thing_weapon_percent 0.25 // Percent chance to ignore bullets
thing_knife_percent 1.00 // Percent chance to ignore knife hits (headshots always hit)
tyrael_level 4
tyrael_chance 0.15  - chance to Banish an opponent
tyrael_banishtime 3 - amount of time the banishment lasts
tyrael_cooldown 6   - how long till he can banish someone again
//Vash the Stampede
vash_level 4
vash_deaglemult 2.5  //Damage multiplyer for his Deagle
vash_gravity 1.0  //Default 1.0 = normal gravity (0.50 is 50% of normal gravity, ect.)
wolv_level 0
wolv_healpoints 3   //The # of HP healed per second
wolv_knifespeed 290   //Speed of wolveine in knife mode
wolv_knifemult 1.35   //Multiplier for knife damage
//Wonder Woman
wonderwoman_level 0
wonderwoman_cooldown 45 // 0 = unlimited...
wonderwoman_searchtime 45
xavier_level 7
xavier_traillength 25   //Length of trail behind players
xavier_showteam 0    //Show trails on your team
xavier_showenemy 1    //Show trails on enemies
xavier_refreshtimer 5.0   //How ofte
//Darth Maul
darth_level 6
darth_healpoints 10 // the #of HP healed per second
darth_knifespeed 400 // speed of Darth Maul in knife mode
darth_knifemult 2.70 // multiplier for knife 
exodus_level 13
exodus_cooldown 60 //# of seconds before next available use after a grabbed user is released (Default 15)
exodus_grabtime 3 //# of seconds Exodus can grab a player for, -1 is unlimited (Default 6)
exodus_grabforce 8.0 //Grab force or speed you can move a grabbed user, 1.5 min - 16.0 max (Default 8.0)
exodus_toggle 1 //0-hold keydown to use, 1-toggles the grab (Default 1)
gambit_level 0
gambit_grenademult 60.9 //Damage multiplyer from orginal damage amount (def 60.9)
gambit_grenadetimer 30.0 //How many seconds delay for new grenade after nade is thrown (def 30.0)
gambit_cooldown 120.0 //How many seconds until extra grenade damage can be used again (def 120.0)
gohan_level 18
gohan_health 1700 //default 150
gohan_gravity 0.40 //default 0.40 = low gravity
gohan_speed 1500 //How fast he is with all weapons
gohan_healpoints 10 //The # of HP healed per second
gohan_healmax 1000 //Max # HP gohan can heal to
//Grim Reaper
grimreaper_level 18
grimreaper_knifemult 30.0 //Multiplier for knife damage (Default 10.0)
grimreaper_alpha 30 //Grim Reaper's invisibility (Default 60)
grimreaper_gravity 0.25 //Precent of normal gravity (Default 0.25)
//Invisible Man
invisman_level 14
invisman_alpha 15 //Alpha level when invisible. 0 = invisible, 255 = full visibility.
invisman_delay 0 //Time a player must be still to become invisible
invisman_checkmove 0 //Should movement be checked, or only shooting? 0 = only check shooting
penguin_level 0
penguin_grenademult 1.0 //Damage multiplyer, 1.0 = no xtra dmg (def 1.0)
penguin_grenadetimer 30.0 //How many seconds delay for new grenade after nade is thrown (def 30.0)
penguin_cooldown 120.0 //How many seconds until penguin grenade can be used again (def 120.0)
penguin_fuse 5.0 //Length of time Penguin grenades can seek for before blowing up (def 5.0)
penguin_nadespeed 900 //Speed of Penguin grenades when seeking (def 900)
pitch_level 0
pitch_time 7 //Ammount of time the darkness lasts
pitch_cooldown 60 //Seconds till next available use o
afterburn_level 7
afterburn_cooldown 6.0 //# of seconds before Afterburn can use flame thrower again
afterburn_numburns 1 //How many times to burn the victim
afterburn_burndmg 5 //How much damage each burn does
rattler_level 0
rattler_dmgreturn 0.02 //Percentage increase with level, the higher lvl, 
steel_level 0
steel_hpsetsuit 40 //Health # to set suit on (def 40)
steel_aps 3 //Amount of Armor regenerated per second when suit is on (def 3)
steel_maxaps 100 //Max Armor regenerated per second when suit is on (def 100)
//Master Chief
masterchief_level 0
masterchief_health 100 //Default 100 (no extra health)
masterchief_armor 150 //Default 150
masterchief_gravity 1.0 //Default 1.0 = no extra gravity (0.50 is 50% normal gravity, ect.)
masterchief_speed -1 //Default -1 = no extra speed, this cvar is for all weapons (for faster then normal speed set to 261 or higher)
masterchief_p90mult 1.3 //Damage multiplyer for his P90
masterchief_teamglow 1 //Glow Team Color when player skin in use (0=no 1=yes)
madness_level 9
madness_health 200 //how much health madness has
madness_armor 100 //how much armor madness has
madness_m3mult 2.0 //Damage multiplyer for his M3
morpheus_level 18
morpheus_gravity 0.35 //Gravity Morpheus has
morpheus_mp5mult 5.0 //Damage multiplyer for his MP5
//Vash the Stampede
vash_level 4
vash_deaglemult 2.5 //Damage multiplyer for his Deagle
vash_gravity 1.0 //Default 1.0 = normal gravity (0.50 is 50% of normal gravity, ect.)
thor_level 8
thor_pctofdmg 75 //Percent of Damage Taken that is dealt back at your attacker (def 75%)
thor_cooldown 45 //Amount of time before next available use (def 45) 
alucard_level 4
alucard_deaglemult 2.5  //Damage multiplyer for his Deagle
alucard_gravity 1.0  //Default 1.0 = normal gravity (0.50 is 50% of normal gravity, ect.)
//BloodLusT<1> Health, Armor, Speed
bloodlust_level 16
bloodlust_health 1250 //Starting HP (default = 250)
bloodlust_armor 1500 //Starting AP (default = 250) note : this is the armor due to iron man also!!!
bloodlust_speed 1200 //How fast does BloodLusT<1> run?
// Damage Multiplyers ( UMP45 and DEAGLE
bloodlust_umpmult 2
bloodlust_deagmult 2
//BloodLusT<1> Iron Man Capabillity
bloodlust_level 18
bloodlust_timer 0.1   //How often (seconds) to run the loop
bloodlust_thrust 300   //The upward boost every loop
bloodlust_maxspeed 3000  //Max x and y speeds (while in air)
bloodlust_xymult 1.5   //Multiplies the current x,y vector when moving
bloodlust_armorfuel 5   //Uses armor as fuel
bloodlust_fuelcost 3   //How much armor does it cost per firing
//BloodLusT's ESP Rings / Punisher abillity
bloodlust_radius 1024 //radius of ESP rings
bloodlust_dropwpn 0  //Should client be forced to drop thier weapon?
gogeta_level 20
gogeta_ss2_cost 250   //Choice 1 Armor Cost of each Kamehameha fired
gogeta_ss2_maxap 2000  //Choice 1 Max Armor given and max he regens to
gogeta_ss2_regen 25   //Choice 1 Amount of Armor regen per seceond
gogeta_ss2_maxdmg 50  //Choice 1 Max Damage from Kamehameha
gogeta_ss2_radius 175  //Choice 1 Max Radius of Kamehameha
gogeta_ss4_cost 500   //Choice 2 Armor Cost of each Kamehameha fired
gogeta_ss4_maxap 2000  //Choice 2 Max Armor given and max he regens to
gogeta_ss4_regen 15   //Choice 2 Amount of Armor regen per seceond
gogeta_ss4_maxdmg 90  //Choice 2 Max Damage from Kamehameha
gogeta_ss4_radius 300  //Choice 2 Max Radius of Kamehameha
gogeta_blast_decals 1  //Show the burn decals on the walls (1=yes 0=no)
gogeta_speed 500   //How fast he is with all weapons (defalut=500)
hulk_level 0
hulk_healpoints 3   //The # of HP healed per second
hulk_radius 1800   //Radius of people affected
hulk_cooldown 7   //# of seconds before Hulk can ReStun
hulk_stuntime 3   //# of seconds Hulk Stuns Everybody
hulk_stunspeed 70   //Speed of stunned players
juby_level 12
juby_health 1000   // Starting Health (default is 300)
juby_armor 1000   // Starting Armor (default is 300)
juby_umpmult 2.45  //Damage multiplyer for his UMP45
juby_speed 700  //How fast Juby runs (def 560)
juby_gravity .45  //Default 1.0 = normal gravity (0.50 is 50% of normal gravity, ect.)
//Bomberman Capabillity
juby_cooldown 0  //Cooldown time from bomb explostion until new planting
juby_xpbased 50   //Does he get more bombs each level           (def=0)
juby_bombs 5   //How Many Bombs does he start with           (def=1)
juby_bpl 1   //How Many More Bombs Does he get each level  (def=1)
juby_bombradius 400  //Radius of damage   (def=400)
juby_maxdamage 160  //Maximum Damage to deal  (def=100)
//Drain HP
juby_level 0
juby_pctperlev 0.03  //What percent of damage to give back per level of player
//Xavier Teammate/Enemy Detection
juby_traillength 35   //Length of trail behind players
juby_showteam 1   //Show trails on your team
juby_showenemy 1    //Show trails on enemies
juby_refreshtimer 5.0   //How often do the trails refresh
//ESP Rings
juby_radius 1030  //Radius of the rings (def 1024)
juby_bright 192  //How bright to make the rings (def 192)
juby_teamcolored 1  //0=default color 1=team colored rings
juby_enemyonly 0  //0=rings on all players 1=rings on enemy onlyCode:
//Night Slayer
night_level 16
night_healpoints 8 // number of heal points per second
night_health 1800  //default 250
night_armor 1600  //defualt 250
night_speed 1700  // running speed
night_mp5mult 2  // damage multiplyer
//Bomberman Capabillity
night_cooldown 2  //Cooldown time from bomb explostion until new planting
night_xpbased 45   //Does he get more bombs each level           (def=0)
night_bombs 4   //How Many Bombs does he start with           (def=1)
night_bpl 1   //How Many More Bombs Does he get each level  (def=1)
night_radius 425  //Radius of damage   (def=400)
night_maxdamage 125  //Maximum Damage to deal  (def=100)
// Detect Teammate
night_traillength 25   //Length of trail behind players
night_showteam 0    //Show trails on your team
night_showenemy 1    //Show trails on enemies
night_refreshtimer 5.0   //How often do the trails refresh
bazooka_level 33
bazooka_buy 0   //Set to 1 to require missiles to be purchased
//The following "COST" settings only apply if buying mode is ON
bazooka_cost1 1000  //Common missile cost
bazooka_cost2 3000  //Laser guided missile cost
bazooka_cost3 3000  //Gun camera missile cost
bazooka_cost4 2000  //Anti-missile shot
bazooka_cost5 4000  //Heat seeking missile cost
bazooka_cost6 4000  //Rope seeking missile cost
bazooka_cost7 5000  //Swirling death missile cost
//The following "AMMO" settings only apply if buying mode is OFF
bazooka_ammo1 999  //Free Common missiles
bazooka_ammo2 999          //Free Laser guided missiles
bazooka_ammo3 999          //Free Gun camera missiles
bazooka_ammo4 999          //Free Anti-missile shots
bazooka_ammo5 999          //Free Heat seeking missiles
bazooka_ammo6 999         //Free Rope seeking missiles
bazooka_ammo7 999          //Free Swirling death missiles
//If set to 1, this cvar causes swirling death missile to use 7 missiles in the
//player's missile inventory. It draws from all types of missiles instead of
//it having its own indepedent inventory count.
bazooka_ammo7ta 999
bazooka_speed 2000  //Sets the default speed of most missiles
bazooka_rsspeed 2400 //Sets the speed of ropeseeking missiles
bazooka_hsspeed 2100 //Sets the speed of heatseeking missiles
bazooka_fuel 6.0  //Number of seconds a missile is driven before it falls to the ground out of fuel
bazooka_sdfuel 2.0  //Number of seconds a swirling death missile is driven before it "mirvs" or breaks then falls to the ground out of fuel
bazooka_sdspeed 1750  //Sets the speed of swirling death missiles
bazooka_sdcount 6  //Sets the number missiles in swirling death
bazooka_sdrotate 6  //Sets the rotation speed of swirling death
bazooka_sdradius 32  //Sets the radius of swirling death missiles
bazooka_obeygravity 1 //Makes missile obey server gravity rules
bazooka_damradius 340 //Max distance from the blast that damage will occur at
bazooka_maxdamage 900 //Maximum Blast damage from explosion
bazooka_radarbattery 100  //Sets the amount of time a player can use his anti-missile radar per round.
//This cvar limits the two types of missiles responsible for spawn rape, guncamera and
//swirling death, from being fired until 15 seconds of a round has passed. Set cvar to 0
//to allow those missiles to be fired without being limited by round start
bazooka_spawndelay 0
bass_level 21
bass_health 2200   //Default 200
bass_armor 2200    //Default 200
bass_speed 2300    //Default 200
bass_gravity 0.10   //Default 0.40
bass_laser_ammo 50  //total # of shots given each round, -1 is unlimited (Default 1000)
bass_laser_burndecals 1  //Show the burn decals on the walls
bass_cooldown 0.1   //Cooldown timer between laser use
bass_multishot 0.1   //Delay for multishots on holding key down, set to -1 for only 1 shot per keydown (Default 0.1)
bishop_level 24
bishop_absorbmult 0.80 //Weapon damage taken X this cvar = damage absorbed [def=0.50]
bishop_damagemult 0.84 //Energy absorbed X this cvar = extra weapon damage dealt [def=0.75]
bishop_blastmult 3.50 //Energy absorbed X this cvar = damage that Energy Blast deals [def=2.50]
casper_level 2
casper_health 1  //Max amount of Health when in Ghost mode (Default 50)
casper_armor 100  //Max amount of Armor when in Ghost mode (Default 25)
casper_stuckcheck 1  //Kill user if stuck in wall/ground after noclip, 0=no 1=yes (Default 1)
anubis_level 1
anibus_showdamage 1    //(0|1) - hide|show bullet damage..
anibus_showchat 1    //(0|1) - hide|show ghostchat messages..
aquaman_level 2
aquaman_armorcost 0    //How much armor each bubble thrower blast uses
aquaman_numbubbles 7   //How many giant killer bubbles
aquaman_bubbledamage 10   //How much damage each bubble does
batman_level 4
batman_health 125    //Starting Health
batman_armor 125    //Starting Armor
bomberman_level 4
bomberman_cooldown 5   //Cooldown time from bomb explostion until new planting
bomberman_xpbased 0    //Does he get more bombs each level           (def=0)
bomberman_bombs 1    //How Many Bombs does he start with           (def=1)
bomberman_bpl 1     //How Many More Bombs Does he get each level  (def=1)
bomberman_radius 400   //Radius of damage   (def=400)
bomberman_maxdamage 100   //Maximum Damage to deal  (def=100)
//Captain America
captaina_level 5
captaina_pctperlev 0.02   //Percentage that factors into godmode randomness
captaina_godsecs 1    //# of seconds of god mode
cyclops_level 5
cyclops_laser_ammo 20   //total # of shots given each round
cyclops_laser_burndecals 1  //Show the burn decals on the walls
cyclops_cooldown 0.20   //Cooldown timer between shots
cyclops_multishot 0.20   //Delay for multishots on holding key down
daredevil_level 3
daredevil_radius 600   //Radius of the rings
daredevil_bright 192   //How bright to make the rings
dazzler_level 2
dazzler_radius 3000    //radius of people affected
dazzler_cooldown 15    //# of seconds before Dazzler can flash
dracula_level 2
dracula_pctperlev 0.03   //What percent of damage to give back per level of player
flash_level 1
flash_speed 350     //the speed Flash can run
//Hob Goblin
goblin_level 6
goblin_grenademult 1.5   //Damage multiplyer from orginal damage amount
goblin_grenadetimer 10   //How many second delay for new grenade
hulk_level 5
hulk_radius 1800    //Radius of people affected
hulk_cooldown 7     //# of seconds before Hulk can ReStun
hulk_stuntime 3     //# of seconds Hulk Stuns Everybody
hulk_stunspeed 70    //Speed of stunned players
//Human Torch
htorch_level 7
htorch_armorcost 2    //How much amour each flame uses
htorch_numburns 5    //How many time to burn the victim
htorch_burndamage 10   //How much damage each burn does
//Iron Man
ironman_level 1
ironman_timer 0.1    //How often (seconds) to run the loop
ironman_thrust 125    //The upward boost every loop
ironman_maxspeed 400   //Max x and y speeds (while in air)
ironman_xymult 1.05    //Multiplies the current x,y vector when moving
ironman_armorfuel 1    //Uses armor as fuel
ironman_fuelcost 1    //How much armor does it cost per firing
ironman_armor 100    //How much armor does ironman start with?
kamikaze_level 3
kamikaze_radius 300    //Radius of people affected by blast
kamikaze_fuse 15    //# of seconds before kamikaze blows Up
kamikaze_maxdamage 125   //Maximum damage to deal to a player

mystique_level 2
mystique_cooldown 0    //Cooldown time between morphs
mystique_maxtime 0    //Max time you can be morphed
mystique_toggle 1    //Should the key be a toggle or do they need to hold it down
//Night Crawler
nightc_level 7
nightc_cooldown 30    //# of seconds before NightCrawler can NoClip Again
nightc_cliptime 6    //# of seconds NightCrawler has in noclip mode.
punisher_level 4
punisher_dropwpn 0    //Should clinet be forced to drop thier weapon?
skeletor_level 2
skeletor_cooldown 20   // # of seconds for skeletor cooldown
skeletor_camptime 10   // # of seconds player considered camping w/o x/y movement
skeletor_movedist 10   // minimum amount of dist player has to move b4 considered not camping
spiderman_level 5
spiderman_moveacc 140   //How quickly he can move while on the hook
spiderman_reelspeed 400   //How fast hook line reels in
spiderman_hookstyle 2   //1=spacedude, 2=spacedude auto reel (spiderman), 3=cheap kids real (batgirl)
spiderman_teamcolored 1   //1=teamcolored web lines 0=white web lines
spiderman_maxhooks 60   //Max ammout of hooks allowed (-1 is an unlimited ammount)
superman_level 9
superman_gravity 0.35   //Gravity
superman_health 750    //Starting health
superman_armor 750    //STarting armor
windwalker_level 0
wolv_level 3
wolv_healpoints 3    //The # of HP healed per second
wolv_knifespeed 290    //Speed of wolveine in knife mode
wolv_knifemult 1.35    //Multiplier for knife damage
xavier_level 7
xavier_traillength 25   //Length of trail behind players
xavier_showteam 0    //Show trails on your team
xavier_showenemy 1    //Show trails on enemies
xavier_refreshtimer 5.0   //How often do the trails refresh
zeus_level 9
zeus_cooldown 600    // # of seconds for zeus cooldown
//Dr. Doom
drdoom_level 48
drdoom_armor 9500   //Default 200
drdoom_speed 9500   //Default 200
drdoom_laser_ammo 200  //total # of shots given each round, -1 is unlimited (Default 30)
drdoom_laser_burndecals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls
drdoom_cooldown 0.0   //Cooldown timer between laser use
drdoom_multishot 0.01  //Delay for multishots on holding key down, set to -1 for only 1 shot per keydown (Default 0.25)
drdoom_switchtoknife 0  //Switch to knife when firing laser, 0-no 1-yes (changing requires map change)
//Dr. Strange
drstrange_level 22
drstrange_armor 2400    //Default 200
drstrange_gravity 0.05   //Default 0.40
drstrange_pctperlev 0.02   //Percentage that factors into godmode randomness
drstrange_godsecs 1    //# of seconds of god mode
drstrange_respawnpct 50   //Percent chance 0-100 of respawning on each death (default 50)
drstrange_respawncooldown 0.0  //Ammount of time before next available respawn
drstrange_bolt_ammo 300   //Total # of shots each round, -1 is unlimited (default 30)
drstrange_bolt_burndecals 1  //Show the burn decals on the walls
drstrange_multishot 0.20   //Delay for multishots on holding key down, set to -1 for only 1 shot per keydown (Default 0.20)
drstrange_cooldown 0.0   //Cooldown timer between bolt power use
frogger_level 0
general_level 4
general_dmg 10   //Amount of damage added to attacks by teammates
general_cooldown 0.0 //Cooldown between added damage to attacks
general_benefit 0  //General's get extra attack damage from other General's on their team (0=no 1=yes)
goku_level 47
goku_aps 15   //The amount of AP gained per second (Default 5)
goku_apl 250   //AP amount multiplied by ssjlevel = AP required for each ssjlevel and cost of ssjlevel power use (Default 250)
goku_hpl 40   //HP amount multiplied by ssjlevel, ex. 30*ssj2 = +60HP (Default 30)
goku_hpmax 9000   //Max HP that can be gained (Default 500)
goku_speedbase 8000  //Initial Speed boost for ssjlevel 1, only sets if you are slower (Default 300)
goku_speedadd 25  //Speed added to goku_speedbase every next ssjlevel (Default 25)
goku_damage1 600  //Max Damage for ssjlevel 1 power (Default 70)
goku_damage2 800  //Max Damage for ssjlevel 2 power (Default 100)
goku_damage3 1000  //Max Damage for ssjlevel 3 power (Default 175)
goku_damage4 1500  //Max Damage for ssjlevel 4 power (Default 300)
goku_radius1 200  //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 1 power (Default 100)
goku_radius2 500  //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 2 power (Default 300)
goku_radius3 800  //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 3 power (Default 700)
goku_radius4 2000  //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 4 power (Default 1500)
goku_blast_decals 1  //Show the burn decals on the walls (0-no 1-yes)
goten_level 6
goten_health 400  //Default HP 400
goten_armor 100   //Default AP 100
goten_cooldown 30  //Cooldown timer between shots in seconds
goten_maxdamage 75  //Max Damage from blast
goten_radius 100  //Radius of blast
goten_blast_decals 1   //Show the burn decals on the walls
morph_level 1
morph_cooldown 0 //Cooldown time between shapeshifting, from when you unmorph til you morph
morph_maxtime 100 //Max time in seconds you can be morphed
morph_toggle 0  //1-toggle 0-turns on til max time is over (Default 1)
phoenix_level 23
phoenix_cooldown 120 //Ammount of time before next available respawn (Default 120)
phoenix_radius 375  //Radius of people affected by blast (Default 375)
phoenix_maxdamage 150 //Maximum damage dealt spread over radius (Default 90)
//Raiden (MGS2)
raiden_level 10
raiden_health 125  //Default 125
raiden_armor 125  //Default 125
raiden_alpha 127  //Alpha value when invisible (0=completely invisible, 255=completely visible)
scorpion_level 9
scorpion_maxhooks 30  //Max ammout of spears/hooks allowed, -1 is an unlimited ammount (Default 30)
scorpion_reelspeed 1000  //How fast hook line reels speared users in (Default 1000)
scorpion_dragmates 0  //Drag teammates, 0-no 1-yes
scorpion_knifefight 0  //Knife only with enemies you speared til death, 0-no 1-yes (Default 0)
scorpion_mode 1   //0-no xtra mode/dmg, 1-uppercut dmg, 2-line dmg and stun, 3-both 1 and 2 (Default 1)
//If scorpion_mode 1 or 3, this gets used:
scorpion_uppercutdmg 20  //Amount of Damage for uppercut performed when speared user is touched (Default 20)
//If scorpion_mode 2 or 3, these get used:
scorpion_speardmg 20  //Amount of Damage done when user is speared (Default 20)
scorpion_stuntime 2   //Seconds of stun when user is speared (Default 2)
yoda_level 8
yoda_cooldown 5 //Time in seconds until yoda can push again
yoda_radius 400 //How close does enemy have to be in order to push them (def=400)
yoda_power 600  //Force of the push, velocity multiplier (def=600)
yoda_damage 10  //Amount of damage a push does to an enemy (def=10)
yoda_selfdmg 0  //Amount of damage using push does to self (def=0)
veronika_level 22
veronika_akmulti 6.0   //Damage multiplyer for his ak47
veronika_grenades 20    //Grenades given
veronika_m203rad 400
veronika_m203dmg 220
ctrooper_level 26                   // Level for CloneTrooper 
ctrooper_teamglow 1            // if 0 hi will not glow and if 1 he will glow
ctrooper_ak47mult 6.5          // Damage Multiplier For His AK47 
ctrooper_health 2800              // Amount of HP he has 
ctrooper_armor 3000              // Amount of AP he has 
ctrooper_teamcolored 1         //Default 1,
//Dark Predator
darkpred_level 27  //What level should DarkPredator be? Default=10
darkpred_armor 3100  //How much armor should DarkPredator get? Default=400
darkpred_alpha 10  //What is the alpha level when invisible? | 0 = invisible, 255 = full visibility. | Default=50
darkpred_delay 1  //How long should a player wait to become fully invisible? (seconds) Default=2
darkpred_checkmove 0   //Should movement be checked, or only shooting? | 0 = only check shooting | Default=0
darkpred_radius 900  //What is the radius of the rings? Default=900
darkpred_bright 192  //How bright should the rings be? Default=192
darkpred_healpoints 6  //How much HP does Darkpredator heal per second? Default=4
darkpred_bullets 7  //How many lazer bullets does he get? Default=7
pred_laser_ammo 10
pred_level 12
pred_laser_burndecals 1
pred_cooldown 0.5
pred_clockedmove 1
pred_knifemult 2.5
pred_DLbulletspred_getdeagle 1 
noob_level 0
noob_maxlevel 8
noob_arrows 5      //How many bullets does he get each round 
noob_getdeagle 1   //Does he get a free deagle on respawn.
//Green Arrow
garrow_level 6
garrow_arrows 10
garrow_getscout 1
riddick_level 29
riddick_healpoints 80            //The # of HP healed per second
riddick_knifespeed 1340            //Speed of riddick in knife mode
riddick_knifemult 11.8            //Multiplier for knife damage
//Blue Blood
blueblood_level 28   
blueblood_cooldown 20
//Glock Master
glockmas_level 6
glockmas_health 125  //How much health for glock master? (Default 125)
glockmas_armor 150  //How much armor for glock master? (Default 150)
glockmas_speed 375  //How fast can this glock master run with a glock? (Default 375)
glockmas_glockmult 1.5 //Damage multiplyer for his Glock (Default 0.0)
pimp_level 34
pimp_gravity 0.01        //Gravity
pimp_health 4200            //Starting Health
pimp_armor 4150            //Starting Armor
pimp_speed 4000            //Running Speed
pimp_m249mult 12.5        //M249 Damage
//James Bond
bond_level 7
bond_gravity 0.40        //Gravity James Bond has
bond_deaglemult 2.3      //Multiplier for Deagle damage
//US Marine
usmarine_level 10
usmarine_m4a1mult 1.5        //Multiplier for m4a1 damage
usmarine_gravity 0.40        //Gravity US Marine has
steel_level 0
steel_hpsetsuit 40  //Health # to set suit on (def 40)
steel_aps 3   //Amount of Armor regenerated per second when suit is on (def 3)
steel_maxaps 100  //Max Armor regenerated per second when suit is on (def 100)
//Neo Reloaded
neor_level 17
neor_slowmotime 10  //Slow motion time in seconds
neor_cooldown 20  //Cooldown time in seconds
neor_dodge 85   //Chance out of 100 a bullet will be stopped
neor_radius 100   //Bullets stopped at this radius
neor_speed 100   //Speed of neo during slow motion
neor_bulletspeed 475  //Speed of neos bullet during slow motion
neor_nospeed 75   //Speed of non-neos during slow motion
neor_nobulletspeed 450  //Speed of non-neos bullet during 
robin_level 8
robin_health 125 //default 125
robin_armor 125 //defualt 125
register_cvar("jaws_level", "9" )
register_cvar("jaws_cooldown", "90" ) // Time in seconds the player must wait before he can use the power again
register_cvar("jaws_range", "2000") // The maximum distance that jaws searches for an enemy
neo_level 33
neo_health 4000
neo_armor 4000
neo_gravity 0.05
neo_speed 2500
neo_mode 1
neo_flyspeed 5000 
neo_flybeforeftime 1 
neo_fly_upforce 1000 
neo_fly_downforce 1000 
neo_toggle 0
//Silver Surfer
surfer_level 36
surfer_speed 4500
ken_level 37
ken_upcdamage 1000       // Damage of uppercut (default 30)
ken_upcheight 380     // Height of jump when using uppercut (default 380)
ken_upcheight2 600   // Height of victim blown (default 600
t800_level 46
t800_time 10 //How long is T-800 mode
t800_cooldown 15 //Whats the cooldown of T-800 mode
t800_paramult 40 //how strong is the para 
haxor_level 40
haxor_health 5000
haxor_armor 5000
haxor_speed 5500
haxor_moneydeduct 11000 // How much money taken from team killer that killed haxor
haxor_moneyreward 14000 // How much money given to player that killed haxor  
Pirate_level 8 
Pirate_teamglow 1 //Glow Team Color when player skin in use (0=no 1=yes) 
Pirate_m3mult 2.0 //Damage multiplyer for his M3 
Pirate_health 150 //Default 100 (no extra health) 
Pirate_armor 150 //Default 100 
Pirate_gravity 0.35 //Default 1.0 = no extra gravity (0.50 is 50% normal gravity, ect.) 
Pirate_speed 375 //Default -1 = no extra speed, this cvar is for all weapons (for faster then normal speed set to 321 or higher) 
Pirate_healpoints 5 //healpoints = the #of hp healed per second 
Pirate_knifemult 2.0 //dmg for his knife
//Dark Angel 
dangel_level 0
dangel_health 100 //Default 100 (no extra health)
dangel_armor 150 //Default 150
dangel_gravity 1.0 //Default 1.0 = no extra gravity (0.50 is 50% normal gravity, ect.)
dangel_speed -1 //Default -1 = no extra speed, this cvar is for all weapons set to 250 or higher to be faster
dangel_m4a1mult 1.3 //Damage multiplyer for his m4a1
//Santa Claus 
santa_level 5                  // Level of Santa 
santa_teamglow 1            // Does He Glow? 
santa_ak47mult 1.9          // Damage Multiplier For His AK47 
santa_health 500              // Amount of HP he has 
santa_armor 500              // Amount of AP he has 
santa_gravity .20              // Whats his gravity? 
santa_speed 690               // How fast does he run
antman_level 14
antman_cooldown 15 //Cooldown time from when you unshrink until you shrink again
antman_maxtime 30 //Max time you can be shrunk
antman_toggle 1  //Should the key be a toggle or just turn it on til max time is over
Sentinel_towerammo 100 //How many towers does he have
Sentinel_throwforce 5.0 //Force of towers throw
Sentinel_cooldown 5 // no duh
Sentinel_radius 800 //how near the enemy has to be, to be shot at
Sentinel_time  1.5 //how many seconds between each shot that a tower shoots
Sentinel_dmg 50 //wootang!
Sentinel_dist 800 //how far can throw tower
Sentinel_hp 200

//Agent Zero
agentz_level 5
//Uber Gunner
UberGunner_level 45
UberGunner_teamglow 1  
UberGunner_m4a1mult 12.0  
UberGunner_health 8000  
UberGunner_armor 8000  
UberGunner_gravity 0.01  
UberGunner_speed 7500
batgirl_level 9
batgirl_moveacc 750   //default 650
batgirl_reelspeed 2000  //default 1000
batgirl_hookstyle 3   //1=spacedude, 2=spacedude auto reel, 3=cheap kids real
batgirl_hooksky 1   //0=no sky hooking 1=sky hooking allowed
batgirl_teamcolored 1  //1=teamcolored zip lines 0=white zip lines
batgirl_maxhooks -1   //max ammout of hooks allowed (-1 is an unlimited ammount)
wolv_level 3
wolv_healpoints 5   //The # of HP healed per second
wolv_knifespeed 300   //Speed of wolveine in knife mode
wolv_knifemult 1.55   //Multiplier for knife damage
superman_level 8
superman_gravity 0.25   //Gravity
superman_health 500    //Starting health
superman_armor 500    //STarting armor
dracula_level 3
dracula_pctperlev 0.04   //What percent of damage to give back per level of player
scream_level 44
scream_healpoints 100
scream_knifespeed 8000
gordon_level 13
gordon_m4a1mult 3.5  //Damage multiplyer for his M4a1
gordon_health 1000  //Default 350 
gordon_armor 1000  //Default 350
coca_level 43
coca_gravity 0.2             //Gravity
coca_health 7000            //Starting Health
coca_armor 7000           //Starting Armor
coca_speed 7500            //Running Speed
coca_augmult 13            //Aug Damage Multi
coca_henademult    8        //He Grenade Multi
coca_grenadetimer 1.5        //Nade Refills
swat_level 18
swat_armor 2500  //how much armor swat has
swat_m4a1mult 1.5  //Damage multiplyer for his M4A1
swat_knifemult 4.0  //Damage multiplyer for his knife.
swat_damage 1000    //How much damage the rocket does.
swat_cooldown 45    //How long till he can use rocket again.
swat_radius 1000  //How powerful the blast is.
greenberet_level 19
greenberet_health 1650        //how much health green beret has
greenberet_armor 2000        //how much armor green beret has
greenberet_gravity 0.15        //how much gravity green beret has
greenberet_m4a1mult 4.0            //Damage multiplyer for his m4a1
//Black Archer
Arch_level 18
Arch_getscout 1      //Does he get a free scout on respawn
Arch_firearrows 50      // # of fire arrows
Arch_numburns 50      // number of burns
Arch_burndamage 30      // damage amount from each burn
Arch_bombarrows 50      // # of bomb arrows
Arch_bombdmg 170      // damage amount from each bomb
Arch_radius 300      // radius of bomb damage
Arch_bombtime 0.5      // time in sec til bomb explodes
Arch_portarrows 25      // # of teleportation arrows, teleport to where you shoot
Arch_sleeparrows 20      // # of sleep arrows
Arch_sleep 10         // time in seconds sleep arrows last
Arch_icearrows 20      // # of ice arrows
Arch_icetime 4         // time in seconds ice arrows last
FootBall_level 8 // level of hero
FootBall_cooldown 20 // Cooldown for FootBall
FootBall_radius 150 // NEVER CHANGE!!!!!!
FootBall_maxdamage 500 // Damage of FootBall
frieza_level 10 
frieza_damage 200 
frieza_cooldown 3 
frieza_diskspeed 1750 
frieza_disklife 25
trinity_level 24
trinity_health 2000  //how much health trinity has
trinity_armor 2000  //how much armor trinity has
trinity_gravity 0.10  //how much gravity trinity has
trinity_tmpmult 9.5  //Damage multiplyer for her TMP
//Arctic Predator
arcpred_level 20  //Level of Arctic Predator
arcpred_radius 1500  //What is the radius of the rings
arcpred_bright 192  //How bright should the rings be
arcpred_bullets 15  //Number of exploding scout shots
arcpred_knifemult 2.0  //Damage for his knife
awpwhore_level 11
awpwhore_awpmult 7    //Multiplier for awp damage
marine_level 38
marine_health 4800  //Health for Marine.
marine_armor 5000  //Armor for Marine.
marine_gravity 0.02  //Gravity for Marine.
marine_m4a1mult 15.0  //Damage multiplyer for his M4A1.
hunter_level 11
hunter_health 800
hunter_armor 800
hunter_sg550mult 2.5
beast_level 7
beast_gravity 0.30         //Gravity
beast_health 675         //Starting Health
beast_armor 700         //Starting Armor
beast_speed 1075         //Running 
t800_level 25
t800_time 35          //How long is T-800 mode
t800_cooldown 80  //Whats the cooldown of T-800 mode
t800_paramult 15      //how strong is the para
goldenak_level 29
goldenak_health 4250
goldenak_ak47mult 13.35
soldier_level 10
soldier_augmult 3.5
soldier_health 800
soldier_armor 1100
soldier_gravity 0.20
//Moon Man 
MoonMan_level 8 
MoonMan_health 375 //Default 100 (no extra health)
MoonMan_armor 375  //Default 150
MoonMan_gravity 1 //Default 1.0 = no extra gravity (0.50 is 50% normal gravity, ect.)
MoonMan_speed 300  //Default -1 = no extra speed, this cvar is for all weapons (for faster then normal speed set to 261 or higher)
luke_level 37
luke_sabertime 20
luke_sabermode 1
luke_cooldown 45

//Leave this at the very bottom, lets you know the config file fully loaded
echo "[SH] Successfully Loaded Superhero Config File"
And i cant se exempel T-800 when i choose hero, and i am in max level!

Please help !
Lyserinc is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Old 08-30-2009 , 13:31   Re: Cant se every hero!
Reply With Quote #2

i have same problem. It's hero list too short but i don't know how to change it ;|
Draxoth is offline
SuperHero Moderator
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: L.A. County, CA
Old 08-30-2009 , 15:01   Re: Cant se every hero!
Reply With Quote #3

When you type herolist in console, is T-800 listed?

Verify the plugin is actually running, use the server console command "amxx plugins" or the admin command "amx_plugins"
vittu is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Old 08-30-2009 , 15:21   Re: Cant se every hero!
Reply With Quote #4

       name                    version     author            file             status   
 [  1] Admin Base      AMXX Dev Team     admin.amxx       running  
 [  2] Admin Commands  AMXX Dev Team     admincmd.amxx    running  
 [  3] Admin Help      AMXX Dev Team     adminhelp.amxx   running  
 [  4] Slots Reservation  AMXX Dev Team     adminslots.amxx  running  
 [  5] Multi-Lingual System  AMXX Dev Team     multilingual.am  running  
 [  6] Menus Front-End  AMXX Dev Team     menufront.amxx   running  
 [  7] Commands Menu   AMXX Dev Team     cmdmenu.amxx     running  
 [  8] Players Menu    AMXX Dev Team     plmenu.amxx      running  
 [  9] Maps Menu       AMXX Dev Team     mapsmenu.amxx    running  
 [ 10] Plugin Menu     AMXX Dev Team     pluginmenu.amxx  running  
 [ 11] Admin Chat      AMXX Dev Team     adminchat.amxx   running  
 [ 12] Anti Flood      AMXX Dev Team     antiflood.amxx   running  
 [ 13] Scrolling Message  AMXX Dev Team     scrollmsg.amxx   running  
 [ 14] Info. Messages  AMXX Dev Team     imessage.amxx    running  
 [ 15] Admin Votes     AMXX Dev Team     adminvote.amxx   running  
 [ 16] NextMap         AMXX Dev Team     nextmap.amxx     running  
 [ 17] Nextmap Chooser  AMXX Dev Team     mapchooser.amxx  running  
 [ 18] TimeLeft        AMXX Dev Team     timeleft.amxx    running  
 [ 19] Pause Plugins   AMXX Dev Team     pausecfg.amxx    running  
 [ 20] Stats Configuration  AMXX Dev Team     statscfg.amxx    running  
 [ 21] SuperHero Mod           1.18e       JTP10181/{HOJ}Ba  superheromodnva  running  
 [ 22] SUPERHERO AfterBurn     1.2         [FTW]-S.W.A.T     sh_afterburn.am  running  
 [ 23] SUPERHERO Agent         1.3         AssKicR & -|-LoA  sh_agent.amxx    running  
 [ 24] SUPERHERO Alien         1.5         Freecode/AssKicR  sh_alien.amxx    running  
 [ 25] SUPERHERO Alien Grunt   1.2         LiToViEtBoI/[SiN  sh_aliengrunt.a  running  
 [ 26] SUPERHERO Anubis        1.18        AssKicR/JTP10181  sh_anubis.amxx   running  
 [ 27] SUPERHERO Aquaman       1.18        AssKicR/Lazy/JTP  sh_aquaman.amxx  running  
 [ 28] SUPERHERO Bass          1.3         Op                sh_bass.amxx     running  
 [ 29] SUPERHERO Batgirl       1.2         sharky/JTP10181   sh_batgirl.amxx  running  
 [ 30] SUPERHERO Batman        1.18        {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_batman.amxx   running  
 [ 31] SUPERHERO Bazooka       4.0         JTP10181 / AssKi  sh_bazooka.amxx  running  
 [ 32] SUPERHERO Beast         1.0         Vectren           sh_beast.amxx    running  
 [ 33] SUPERHERO Bishop        1.1         scoutPractice     sh_bishop.amxx   running  
 [ 34] SUPERHERO Blade         1.1         TreDizzle/AssKic  sh_blade.amxx    running  
 [ 35] SUPERHERO Blink         2.4         scoutPractice /   sh_blink.amxx    running  
 [ 36] SUPERHERO Bomberman     1.18        AssKicR           sh_bomberman.am  running  
 [ 37] SUPERHERO Captain Amer  1.18        {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_captaina.amx  running  
 [ 38] SUPERHERO Casper        1.1         BLU3 V1Z10N / ma  sh_casper.amxx   running  
 [ 39] SUPERHERO Catwoman      2.6         Emp`              sh_catwoman.amx  running  
 [ 40] SUPERHERO Chucky        1.4         LiToViEtBoI/vitt  sh_chucky.amxx   running  
 [ 41] SUPERHERO Cola Lover    1.3         Dr Dream          sh_colalover.am  running  
 [ 42] SUPERHERO Cyclops       1.18        AssKicR/Batman/J  sh_cyclops.amxx  running  
 [ 43] SUPERHERO Daredevil     1.18        {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_daredevil.am  running  
 [ 44] SUPERHERO Darth Maul    1.2         Chivas2973        sh_darthmaul.am  running  
 [ 45] SUPERHERO Dazzler       1.18        {HOJ} Batman      sh_dazzler.amxx  running  
 [ 46] SUPERHERO Domino        1.2         vittu             sh_domino.amxx   running  
 [ 47] SUPERHERO Dracula       1.18m       {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_dracula.amxx  running  
 [ 48] SUPERHERO Dr. Doom      1.2         Necroscope        sh_drdoom.amxx   running  
 [ 49] SUPERHERO Dr. Strange   1.2         Mr. Sparkle       sh_drstrange.am  running  
 [ 50] SUPERHERO Exodus        1.2         Freecode / Rabid  sh_exodus.amxx   running  
 [ 51] SUPERHERO Fartman       1.5         RichoDemus / Ass  sh_fartman.amxx  running  
 [ 52] SUPERHERO Flash         1.18        {HOJ} Batman      sh_flash.amxx    running  
 [ 53] SUPERHERO frieza        1.1         Gorlag/Batman  /  sh_frieza.amxx   running  
 [ 54] SUPERHERO Frogger       1.1         vittu             sh_frogger.amxx  running  
 [ 55] SUPERHERO Gambit        1.3         Vectren / vittu   sh_gambit.amxx   running  
 [ 56] SUPERHERO General       1.1         [Pentium4].killa  sh_general.amxx  running  
 [ 57] SUPERHERO Gohan         1.2         sharky            sh_gohan.amxx    running  
 [ 58] SUPERHERO Goku          1.5         |RIC|_ALBANIAN /  sh_goku.amxx     running  
 [ 59] SUPERHERO Goten         1.3         buttface / vittu  sh_goten.amxx    running  
 [ 60] SUPERHERO Grim Reaper   1.1         SniperX           sh_grimreaper.a  running  
 [ 61] SUPERHERO Hawkeye       1.1         a|eX / AssKicR    sh_hawkeye.amxx  running  
 [ 62] SUPERHERO Hobgoblin     1.18        {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_hobgoblin.am  running  
 [ 63] SUPERHERO Hulk          1.18        {HOJ} Batman      sh_hulk.amxx     running  
 [ 64] SUPERHERO Human Torch   1.18        {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_humantorch.a  running  
 [ 65] SUPERHERO The Invisibl  1.1         AssKicR           sh_invisman.amx  running  
 [ 66] SUPERHERO Invisible Wo  1.1         Glooba            sh_inviswoman.a  running  
 [ 67] SUPERHERO Ironman       1.18        {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_ironman.amxx  running  
 [ 68] SUPERHERO Jubilee       1.1         SRGrty / JTP1018  sh_jubilee.amxx  running  
 [ 69] SUPERHERO Kamikaze      1.18        AssKicR/JTP10181  sh_kamikaze.amx  running  
 [ 70] SUPERHERO Madness       1.3         Assassin          sh_madness.amxx  running  
 [ 71] SUPERHERO Magneto       1.18        AssKicR / JTP101  sh_magneto.amxx  running  
 [ 72] SUPERHERO Master Chief  1.6         Spartan-117/vitt  sh_masterchief.  running  
 [ 73] SUPERHERO Morph         1.2         BLU3 V1Z10N / Fr  sh_morph.amxx    running  
 [ 74] SUPERHERO Morpheus      1.3         RadidEskimo & Fr  sh_morpheus.amx  running  
 [ 75] SUPERHERO Mr. Freeze    1.2.1       SRGrty / JTP1018  sh_mrfreeze.amx  running  
 [ 76] SUPERHERO Mystique      1.18        {HOJ} Batman      sh_mystique.amx  running  
 [ 77] SUPERHERO Neo Reloaded  1.4         JTP10181/[Pentiu  sh_neoreloaded.  running  
 [ 78] SUPERHERO Nightcrawler  1.18        {HOJ} Batman      sh_nightcrawler  running  
 [ 79] SUPERHERO Penguin       1.2         Yang/vittu        sh_penguin.amxx  running  
 [ 80] SUPERHERO Phoenix       1.1         [FTW]-S.W.A.T /   sh_phoenix.amxx  running  
 [ 81] SUPERHERO Pitch Black   1.2         [FTW]-S.W.A.T     sh_pitchblack.a  running  
 [ 82] SUPERHERO Poison Ivy    1.5         AssKicR / vittu   sh_poisonivy.am  running  
 [ 83] SUPERHERO Psylocke      1.3         StuD|MaN          sh_psylocke.amx  running  
 [ 84] SUPERHERO Punisher      1.18        {HOJ} Batman      sh_punisher.amx  running  
 [ 85] SUPERHERO Raiden (MGS2  1.2         N4m3LesS`Jay      sh_raiden.amxx   running  
 [ 86] SUPERHERO Rambo         1.1         Glooba            sh_rambo.amxx    running  
 [ 87] SUPERHERO Rattler       2.1         DuPeR/Rockell     sh_rattler.amxx  running  
 [ 88] SUPERHERO Riddick       1.0         JTP10181          sh_riddick.amxx  running  
 [ 89] SUPERHERO Robin         1.18        {AMR} Robin       sh_robin.amxx    running  
 [ 90] SUPERHERO Sandman       1.1         Freecode/vittu    sh_sandman.amxx  running  
 [ 91] SUPERHERO Scorpion      2.3         ReVeNgIsT/yang/v  sh_scorpion.amx  running  
 [ 92] SUPERHERO Skeletor      1.18        {HOJ} Batman      sh_skeletor.amx  running  
 [ 93] SUPERHERO Slayer        1.0         Mydas             sh_slayer.amxx   running  
 [ 94] SUPERHERO Snake         1.2         Taker             sh_snake.amxx    running  
 [ 95] SUPERHERO Sonic         1.2         D-unit            sh_sonic.amxx    running  
 [ 96] SUPERHERO Spider-Man    1.18        {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_spiderman.am  running  
 [ 97] SUPERHERO Super Saiyan  1.0         vittu             sh_ssjgohan.amx  running  
 [ 98] SUPERHERO Steel         1.0         HeKTiK ChAoS      sh_steel.amxx    running  
 [ 99] SUPERHERO Stick         1.4         a|eX / vittu      sh_stick.amxx    running  
 [100] SUPERHERO Superman      1.18        {HOJ} Batman      sh_superman.amx  running  
 [101] SUPERHERO Terran Marin  1.2         scoutPractice/vi  sh_terranmarine  running  
 [102] SUPERHERO The Tick      1.2         vittu             sh_thetick.amxx  running  
 [103] SUPERHERO Thief         1.2         AssKicR           sh_thief.amxx    running  
 [104] SUPERHERO Thor          1.1         TreDizzle         sh_thor.amxx     running  
 [105] SUPERHERO Uncle Sam     1.1         AssKicR / vittu   sh_unclesam.amx  running  
 [106] SUPERHERO Vash the Sta  1.4         sharky / vittu    sh_vash.amxx     running  
 [107] SUPERHERO War Machine   1.1         Dragoon           sh_warmachine.a  running  
 [108] SUPERHERO Wind Walker   1.18        AssKicR/JTP10181  sh_windwalker.a  running  
 [109] SUPERHERO Wolverine     1.17.5      {HOJ}Batman/JTP1  sh_wolverine.am  running  
 [110] SUPERHERO Xavier        1.18        {HOJ} Batman      sh_xavier.amxx   running  
 [111] SUPERHERO Yoda          1.2         AssKicR / Freeco  sh_yoda.amxx     running
all running but i have on my list only 42 heroes [ end at riddick]

sh_maxbinds 6
sh_maxpowers 100
When i deleted heroes named form A-R i could see on my list heroes named S-Y. I think that list is too short.
Draxoth is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Old 08-31-2009 , 09:52   Re: Cant se every hero!
Reply With Quote #5

I get that too, now when i have re-install the server i cant find ANY heroes i added!!
Currently loaded plugins:
name               version  author            file             status   
Admin Base         1.75     AMXX Dev Team     admin.amxx       running  
Admin Commands     1.75     AMXX Dev Team     admincmd.amxx    running  
Admin Help         1.75     AMXX Dev Team     adminhelp.amxx   running  
Slots Reservation  1.75     AMXX Dev Team     adminslots.amxx  running  
Multi-Lingual Sys  1.75     AMXX Dev Team     multilingual.am  running  
Menus Front-End    1.75     AMXX Dev Team     menufront.amxx   running  
Commands Menu      1.75     AMXX Dev Team     cmdmenu.amxx     running  
Players Menu       1.75     AMXX Dev Team     plmenu.amxx      running  
Maps Menu          1.75     AMXX Dev Team     mapsmenu.amxx    running  
Admin Chat         1.75     AMXX Dev Team     adminchat.amxx   running  
Anti Flood         1.75     AMXX Dev Team     antiflood.amxx   running  
Scrolling Message  1.75     AMXX Dev Team     scrollmsg.amxx   running  
Info. Messages     1.75     AMXX Dev Team     imessage.amxx    running  
Admin Votes        1.75     AMXX Dev Team     adminvote.amxx   running  
NextMap            1.75     AMXX Dev Team     nextmap.amxx     running  
Nextmap Chooser    1.75     AMXX Dev Team     mapchooser.amxx  running  
TimeLeft           1.75     AMXX Dev Team     timeleft.amxx    running  
Pause Plugins      1.75     AMXX Dev Team     pausecfg.amxx    running  
Stats Configurati  1.75     AMXX Dev Team     statscfg.amxx    running  
StatsX             1.75     AMXX Dev Team     statsx.amxx      running  
CS Misc. Stats     1.75     AMXX Dev Team     miscstats.amxx   running  
CS Stats Logging   1.75     AMXX Dev Team     stats_logging.a  running  
SuperHero Mod      1.18e    JTP10181/{HOJ}Ba  superheromodnva  running  
SUPERHERO Anubis   1.18     AssKicR/JTP10181  sh_anubis.amxx   running  
SUPERHERO Aquaman  1.18     AssKicR/Lazy/JTP  sh_aquaman.amxx  running  
SUPERHERO Batman   1.18     {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_batman.amxx   running  
SUPERHERO Bomberm  1.18     AssKicR           sh_bomberman.am  running  
SUPERHERO Captain  1.18     {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_captaina.amx  running  
SUPERHERO Cyclops  1.18     AssKicR/Batman/J  sh_cyclops.amxx  running  
SUPERHERO Daredev  1.18     {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_daredevil.am  running  
SUPERHERO Dazzler  1.18     {HOJ} Batman      sh_dazzler.amxx  running  
SUPERHERO Dracula  1.18     {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_dracula.amxx  running  
SUPERHERO Flash    1.18     {HOJ} Batman      sh_flash.amxx    running  
SUPERHERO Hobgobl  1.18     {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_hobgoblin.am  running  
SUPERHERO Hulk     1.18     {HOJ} Batman      sh_hulk.amxx     running  
SUPERHERO Human T  1.18     {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_humantorch.a  running  
SUPERHERO Ironman  1.18     {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_ironman.amxx  running  
SUPERHERO Kamikaz  1.18     AssKicR/JTP10181  sh_kamikaze.amx  running  
SUPERHERO Magneto  1.18     AssKicR / JTP101  sh_magneto.amxx  running  
SUPERHERO Mystiqu  1.18     {HOJ} Batman      sh_mystique.amx  running  
SUPERHERO Nightcr  1.18     {HOJ} Batman      sh_nightcrawler  running  
SUPERHERO Punishe  1.18     {HOJ} Batman      sh_punisher.amx  running  
SUPERHERO Skeleto  1.18     {HOJ} Batman      sh_skeletor.amx  running  
SUPERHERO Spider-  1.18     {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_spiderman.am  running  
SUPERHERO Superma  1.18     {HOJ} Batman      sh_superman.amx  running  
SUPERHERO Wind Wa  1.18     AssKicR/JTP10181  sh_windwalker.a  running  
SUPERHERO Wolveri  1.18     {HOJ}Batman/JTP1  sh_wolverine.am  running  
SUPERHERO Xavier   1.18     {HOJ} Batman      sh_xavier.amxx   running  
SUPERHERO Zeus     1.18     {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_zeus.amxx     running  
49 plugins, 49 running
Lyserinc is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Denmark
Old 08-31-2009 , 11:18   Re: Cant se every hero!
Reply With Quote #6

You are running superhero 1.18e. It is wired, but it depends on the server, how many heroes you can have in it. my old server could have max 69 heroes, some can have less, some can have more. Upgrade to and recompile the heroes with the new includes and it should work.

The problem where you cant find any custom heroes... Did you add them again to plugins-shero.ini? It reset when you reinstall.
Jelle is offline
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Old 08-31-2009 , 12:03   Re: Cant se every hero!
Reply With Quote #7

where is plugins-shero.ini?
Lyserinc is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Denmark
Old 08-31-2009 , 12:27   Re: Cant se every hero!
Reply With Quote #8

in addons/amxmodx/configs...
Jelle is offline
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Old 08-31-2009 , 12:31   Re: Cant se every hero!
Reply With Quote #9

Yeah, but now when i updated the superhero mod, NOTHING WORKS there is just NO HEROES OR SOMETHING!!
And i have plugged in everyhero!!
and the server sais:
couldn't exec listip.cfg
couldn't exec banned.cfg
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:32: -------- Mapchange to de_dust --------
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:32: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "sh_invisiwoman.amxx")
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "superheromodnvault.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_anubis.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_aquaman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_batman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_blackpanther.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_bomberman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_captaina.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_cyclops.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_daredevil.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_dazzler.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_demoman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_dracula.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_flash.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_grandmaster.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_hobgoblin.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_hulk.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_humantorch.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_invisman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_ironman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_kamikaze.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_morpheus.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_mystique.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_punisher.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_shadowcat.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_skeletor.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_spiderman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_superman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_wolverine.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_xavier.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_blade.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_penguin.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_morpheus.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_frieza.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_bazooka.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
Setmaster unavailable, start a server first.
[AMXX] Loaded 1 admin from file

Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   VAC secure mode is activated.
Lyserinc is offline
SuperHero Moderator
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: L.A. County, CA
Old 08-31-2009 , 14:24   Re: Cant se every hero!
Reply With Quote #10

Originally Posted by Lyserinc View Post
Yeah, but now when i updated the superhero mod, NOTHING WORKS there is just NO HEROES OR SOMETHING!!
And i have plugged in everyhero!!
and the server sais:
couldn't exec listip.cfg
couldn't exec banned.cfg
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:32: -------- Mapchange to de_dust --------
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:32: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "sh_invisiwoman.amxx")
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "superheromodnvault.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_anubis.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_aquaman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_batman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_blackpanther.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_bomberman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_captaina.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_cyclops.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_daredevil.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_dazzler.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_demoman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_dracula.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_flash.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_grandmaster.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_hobgoblin.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_hulk.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_humantorch.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_invisman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_ironman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_kamikaze.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_morpheus.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_mystique.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_punisher.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_shadowcat.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_skeletor.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_spiderman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_superman.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_wolverine.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_xavier.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_blade.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_penguin.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_morpheus.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_frieza.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
L 08/31/2009 - 18:30:33: [AMXX] Plugin "sh_bazooka.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "hamsandwich" required for plugin.  Check modules.ini.
Setmaster unavailable, start a server first.
[AMXX] Loaded 1 admin from file

Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   VAC secure mode is activated.
Originally Posted by Jelle View Post
Upgrade to and recompile the heroes with the new includes and it should work.

Lyserinc: Also, SH only runs on amxmodx(w/ cstrike addon) 1.80 or greater, your amxmodx version from your last post was 1.75...

Last edited by vittu; 08-31-2009 at 15:21.
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