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[26/7/07] Source Utils v1.6

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Join Date: Nov 2005
Old 03-13-2007 , 12:41   [26/7/07] Source Utils v1.6
Reply With Quote #1


This is my 1º plugin (c++), is small for now but i have some plans for the future.
SourceUtils work in all Source games win32/linux.
This is ONLY Utils.

############################################# ###############################
########################Source Utils Commands###############################
############################################# ###############################


su_MySQL <ServerIP> <Port | 3306 = Default Port> <UserName> <Password | "" = No Password> <"DataBase | "" = No db Command"> <"Cmd"> [Var]

eg. su_mysql localhost 3306 root mypass "" "SELECT CURTIME()" time

NOTE: 'Var' is only for store a stat from one db using "SELECT" String


su_MySQLCreate <Connection Name> <Access Password> <ServerIP> <Port | 3306 = Default Port> <UserName> <Password | "" = No Password>

eg. su_mysqlcreate myconn myconnpass localhost 3306 root ""

NOTE: <Access Password> Is used for Edit|Delete|Use|Debug Yours Fast Connections


su_MySQLDelete <Connection Name> <Access Password>

eg. su_mysqldelete myconn myconnpass = Will Delete Your Connection
eg. su_mysqldelete myconn myfalseconnpass = "SU: Incorrect Access Password 'myfalseconnpass' For Connection 'myconn'!."
eg. su_mysqldelete myfalseconn myfalseconnpass = "SU: Connection 'myfalseconn' No Exists!. Use 'su_MySQLCreate"


su_MySQLEdit <Connection Name> <Actual Access Password> <New Access Password> <ServerIP> <Port | 3306 = Default Port> <UserName> <Password | "" = No Password>
Use 'NULL' To Stay The Old Param

eg. su_mysqledit myconn myconnpass mynewconnpass NULL NULL NULL NULL
eg. su_mysqledit myconn myconnpass NULL NULL NULL newuser userpass


su_MySQLInfo <Connection Name> <Access Password> [Var]

eg. su_mysqlinfo myconn myconnpass
eg. su_mysqlinfo myconn myconnpass su_temp_get

(null) = Empty "" Argument On Param
Source Utils Fast Mysql Connection Info:
Connection Name: myconn
Access Password: myconnpass
Source Utils Fast Mysql Connection Data:
Ip: localhost
Port: 3306
Username: root
Password: (null)

su_temp_get = "myconn myconnpass || localhost 3306 root (null)"


su_MySQLFast <Connection Name> <Access Password> <"DataBase | "" = No db Command"> <"Cmd"> [Var]

eg. su_mysqlfast myconn myconnpass "" "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `su_test`;CREATE DATABASE `su_test`"


su_AddDownload <path/filename.***>

eg. su_AddDownload sound/sn4k3/mymp3.mp3


su_GetExists <Action> <Name> <Var>
<Action = (file | directory | userid | cvar | pause | mysqlfastconn | externalsrc | cmdtarget | mute | profile | mapent)>

eg. su_GetExists file cfg/server.cfg su_temp_get = will return 1
eg. su_GetExists directory addons su_temp_get = probaly return 1
eg. su_GetExists userid 10 su_temp_get
eg. su_GetExists cvar mycvar su_temp_get = return 0 if cvar not exists
eg. su_GetExists pause something su_temp_get = return 0 if not paused
eg. su_GetExists mysqlfastconn my_conn_name su_temp_get = return 0 if mysqlfastconn not exists/created
eg. su_GetExists externalsrc my_externalsrc_alias_name su_temp_get = return 0 if the externalsrc not exists/created
eg. su_GetExists cmdtarget -tickrate su_temp_get = return 0 if not exists that parm in cmdtarget
eg. su_GetExists mute userid su_temp_get = return 0 if not muted
eg. su_GetExists profile profile_name su_temp_get = return 0 if profile name not exists/created
eg. su_GetExists mapent buy_zone su_temp_get = return 0 if not exits that entity in map


su_Precache <sound | model> <path/filename> [Var]

eg. su_Precache model models/zombies/newzombie.mdl
eg. su_Precache model materials/zombies/newzombie.vtf (not need)
eg. su_Precache sound mp3/mymp3.mp3/wav su_temp_get

NOTE: [Var] = Return With Precached index


su_GetVersion <Host> <Port (80)> <Var>

eg. su_GetVersion mattie.info 80 su_temp_get = Will Return A Version Of ES
eg. es_msg Eventscripts Version: server_var(su_temp_get)
eg. return in chat == Eventscripts Version:

Good for know if plugin/script is outdate.

NOTE: You Need Put One File In Host With Name 'version.txt' After Put Version In 1º
Line eg. After Save File And Send To FTP


su_Rand <Minimum> <Maximum> <Var>

eg. su_Rand 1 100 su_temp_get = rand a number between 1 and 100


su_CVarForceSet <Var> <Value> <Silence Set>
<Silence Set> = Dont Advert Var Change In Chat

eg. su_CVarForceSet sv_cheats 1 0 = will change sv_cheats to 1 and advert change in chat
eg. su_CVarForceSet sv_cheats 1 1 = will change sv_cheats to 1 and no change advert in chat

NOTE: Change only advert in chat if cvar is REPLICATED



eg. su_EndRound = Will force end a round


su_GetTime <Time Format> <Cvar>

<Time Format>:
'%d' = day
'%m' = month
'%Y' = Year
'%H' = Hour
'%M' = Minute
'%S' = Secounds
'%Z' = GMT()

eg. su_GetTime "%d/%m/%Y || %H-%M-S" su_temp_get = will return with "Day/Month/Year || Hours/Minutes/Secounds"


su_replace <Var> <"Text"> <"New Text">

eg. su_temp_get "this is a test with replace"
eg. su_replace "a test" "a new test" = will return with 'this is a new test with replace'


su_ChangeLevel <LevelName>

eg. su_ChangeLevel de_dust2


su_profile <Action (create | remove | reset | get)> <Alias> [Var]

eg. su_profile create my_profile_name = create a profile alias (auto start counting)
eg. su_profile reset my_profile_name su_temp_get = will reset time but first get alias profile time
eg. su_profile get my_profile_name su_temp_get = will get alias profile time and continue counting
eg. su_profile remove my_profile_name = will remove alias profile


su_Load <Action (externalsrc)> <Alias> <Folder>
(externalsrc) Folder = '|root' To run ROOT Apps

eg. su_load externalsrc wget_cmd wget su_systempw

NOTE: Default <Folder> = addons/sourceutils/externalsrc '(su_externalsrc_folder) cvar'
NOTE: You need have the System PW for Load ExternalSRC (addons/sourceutils/sourceutils_security.cfg)



eg. su_load_print

Source Utils Loaded Scripts:
1-> wget_cmd  (addons/sourceutils/externalsrc/wget)


su_UnLoad <Action (externalsrc)> <Alias>

eg. su_unload externalsrc wget_cmd


su_ExternalSrc <Action (addlink | editlink | use | info)> <Alias> [Command]

eg. su_ExternalSrc addlink wget_cmd wget.exe = will add wget.exe to alias name for use
eg. su_ExternalSrc editlink wget_cmd wget.exe = will add/edit wget.exe to alias name for use
eg. su_ExternalSrc use wget_cmd "www.mattie.info/cs" = Will download the http target link

NOTE: Full info about this in: 'addons/sourceutils/externalsrc/Readme.txt'


su_Compile <Path/To/Configure/Sh>

eg. su_Compile addons/sourceutils/externalsrc/qstat

This will compile ONLY Linux Srcs (MakeFile) And (configure)
In compile finish will create a file saying finish trying the compile (not say compile un/success)


su_Log <Text>

eg. su_log "A log text exemple from source utils"

NOTE: Only Print The text if Log mod Is ON (log on)


su_Sound <Action (getduration | stopall)> [Sound] [Var]

eg. su_Sound getduration radio/go.wav su_temp_get = will get .wav file sound duration
eg. su_Sound stopall = will Stop all Played sounds

NOTE: <getduration> Only suport '.wav' Files !!


su_SConsole get <Action (index | max | target | value | name)> <Parm Name> <Var>
su_SConsole set <Action (create | remove)> <Parm Name> <Value> <Access-Password> [Var]

eg. su_SConsole get index -tickrate su_temp_get = will return with parm index
eg. su_SConsole get max 0 su_temp_get = will return with Max parm Count
eg. su_SConsole get target 0 su_temp_get = will return with All parms in cmdtarget
eg. su_SConsole get value +map su_temp_get = will return with parm value eg. de_dust2
eg. su_SConsole get name <index eg. '5'> su_temp_get = will Get parm index name

Allowed Parms: (# ! $ | » >) 'su_avaliable_parms' cvar

eg. su_SConsole set create >my_parm hello mypassword su_temp_get = if have a cvar will return with the new parm index
eg. su_SConsole set remove >my_parm 0 mypassword


su_SQlite <db> <Cmd>

eg. su_SQlite my_db "MY CMD"


su_GeoIP <Type (ip | http)> <By> <Ip/Http> <Var>
<By (0 = Country Code2 | 1 = Country Code3 | 2 = Country Name)>

eg. su_GeoIP ip 0 "" su_temp_get
"su_temp_get" = "US"

eg. su_GeoIP ip 1 "" su_temp_get
"su_temp_get" = "USA"

eg. su_GeoIP ip 3 "" su_temp_get
"su_temp_get" = "United States"

eg. su_GeoIP http 0 "www.mattie.info" su_temp_get
"su_temp_get" = "US"

eg. su_GeoIP http 3 "www.sourcemod.net" su_temp_get
"su_temp_get" = "United States"

NOTE: <Type (ip) ONLY || Ports ":" Are Auto Removed
NOTE: <type = http> use theard!! take a time to get result!


su_getnetinfo <Action> <userid> <var>
<Action (ip | ping | choke | loss | packet | contime | timeout)>

eg. su_getnetinfo ip 10 su_temp_get
eg. su_getnetinfo ping 10 su_temp_get
eg. su_getnetinfo choke 10 su_temp_get
eg. su_getnetinfo loss 10 su_temp_get
eg. su_getnetinfo packet 10 su_temp_get
eg. su_getnetinfo contime 10 su_temp_get
eg. su_getnetinfo timeout 10 su_temp_get

NOTE: <Action (timeout)> return 0 or 1 (0/1)


su_mapfind <name (* = all)>

eg. su_mapfind zm_
eg. su_mapfind de_
eg. su_mapfind *

NOTE: This only print founded results!


su_Echo <Text To Print>

eg. su_echo Echo function writed in SourceUtils v1.6

NOTE: Not a Warpper From "echo" Command!


su_For <beginvalue> <endvalue> <command>

eg. su_for 0 100 "su_echo sending 100 commands to console"


su_file get <filename> <action (line | size)> [linenumber] <var>
su_file endwrite <filename> <text>
su_file event <filename> <remove comments (0 = no | 1 = yes)> [var]
su_file list <filetocreate.*> <search-path> [only file names (0 = fullpath to file)] [include others game folders (1 = yes)] [prefix-command] [remove .extension (1 = yes)]
su_file remove <file> [Full-Access-Password]

eg. su_file get mapcycle.txt line 10 su_temp_get = will get file line text!
eg. su_file get mapcycle.txt size 10 su_temp_get = will get file line text Size!
eg. su_file get mapcycle.txt size 0 su_temp_get = will get file size!
eg. su_File endwrite mapcycle.txt de_newmap = will add that map to mapclycle
eg. su_file event mapcycle.txt 1 su_temp_get = will debug all file lines, sizes, status
eg. su_file list mapcycle.txt maps/*.bsp 1 0 0 1 = will write to file all founded files with .bsp
eg. su_file list cfg/downloads.cfg sound/myscript/*.mp3 0 0 su_adddownload 0 = output (su_adddownload sound/myscript/sound.mp3)
eg. exec downloads = will add downloads in last created file!
eg. su_file remove myfile.txt su_filepw
eg. su_file remove su_myfile.txt

NOTE: [Full-Access-Password] Allow you remove any file!!! without this you only can remove files with su_ in name eg. su_myfile.cfg


su_FileCreate <Filename>

eg. su_FileCreate mynewfile.txt = will create a file named mynewfile.txt in cstrike folder!
eg. su_FileCreate cfg/mynewfile.txt = will create a file named mynewfile.txt in cstrike/cfg folder!

NOTE: You cant Replace a file!!!


su_dumpclassprops <print to (0 = Console | 1 = File)>
(File) OutPut: 'addons/sourceutils/dumps/su_dumpclassprops_mapname.txt'

eg. su_dumpclassprops 0 = will print all to console
eg. su_dumpclassprops 1 = will print all to file


su_dumpmapentitys <print to (0 = Console | 1 = File)>
(File) OutPut: 'addons/sourceutils/dumps/su_dumpmapentitys_mapname.txt'

eg. su_dumpmapentitys 0 = will print all to console
eg. su_dumpmapentitys 1 = will print all to file



eg. su_dumpsclean = will clean dumps folder

############################################# ###############################
##########################Source Utils Events###############################
############################################# ###############################

Event File: addons/sourceutils/sourceutils.res
Auto Loaded To EventScripts

	"su_mysql"  // Used For Mysql (su_mysql | su_mysqlfast)
		"su_mysql_userid"	"short"		// Set Your Query "SELECT" Userid. Retured By su_mysql* [Var]
		"su_mysql_status"	"short"   		// 0 = Connection Fail | 1 = Query Fail | 2 = Sucessfull MySQL Job | 3 = Sucessfull MySQL Job With Returned Data
		"su_mysql_data" 	"string"   		// Return Data Selected (SELECT *) (0 = No Select Command | OK = Finish Get All Data)
		"su_mysql_db"		"string"   	// db Used (0 = No db Used)
		"su_mysql_cmd"		"string"   	// Cmd Used
	"su_thread" // Used For Global Threaded Functions
	    	"su_thread_userid"      "short"		// Set Your Query Userid. Retured By Function [Var]
	    	"su_thread_function"    "string"   		// Function Used (geoip)
	   	"su_thread_data"        "string"    	// If A Sucessfull Query Return Data If Not Return The Error
      	"su_thread_status"      "short"     	// 0 = Fail | 1 = Sucessfull
	"su_file"  // Used For su_file event <filename> [var]
	    	"su_file_userid"      	"short"		// Set Your Query Userid. Retured By Function [Var]
	    	"su_file_line"    	"string"    	// Line Returned
	   	"su_file_size"        	"short"    		// If A Sucessfull Query Return Data If Not Return The Error
      	"su_file_line_size"     "short"     // 0 = Fail | 1 = Sucessfull
      	"su_file_status"     	"short"     // 0 = Not Finish | 1 = Finish Debug

############################################# ###############################
##########################Source Utils CVars################################
############################################# ###############################

su_temp_get = a temp cvar to get the returns.
su_version = show current source utils version.
su_os = show operative system type server is using (Windows | Linux)
su_maxplayers = show maxplayers server have
su_currentmap = show the current map
su_gamemod = show current game mod
su_lastcompile = show last compile date
su_tickrate = show server tickrate
su_externalsrc_folder = show externalsrc folder source utils is using
su_avaliable_parms = show avaliable parms to use in text begin (su_sconsole set create)
su_servergamedll = show gameserverdll source utils is using
su_tools_folder = Show Source Utils Tools Path
su_dedicatedserver = Is Dedicated Server? (0 = No/ 1 = Yes)
su_nextmap = Nextmap
su_backmap = BackMap
su_freelib_version = Source Utils FreeLib Version
su_freelib_license = Source Utils FreeLib License (GPL)

############################################# ###############################
###########################Source Utils Docs################################
############################################# ###############################

MySQL Client Syntax
Sqlite3 Client Syntax


In Target:

- Parser [.ini/.xml/.cfg]
- http functions

They can post edias

Special Thanks:

- chumly (Encorage-me to makeit [Objective MySQL])
- www.sourcemm.net (MetaMod Source Engine, Plugin Track)
- www.sourcemod.com (Thanks To all help From comunity, examples, Linux Problems Compile, Addons Stats Track and for the Plugin Annouce)
- www.sourceplugins.com (Thanks To all help From comunity and for the Plugin Annouce)
- www.hl2coding.com (Thanks for posted examples [Where i started learn c++ ])
- C0ld (thanks For crosstoll, Linux Compile tutorial |cygwin| And For MakeFile Template)
- Mattie (For www.sourceplugins.com Web Site And EventScripts For the Source Utils Usage)


- sn4k3 (Developer)
- chumly MySQL "SELECT()" Rows Help, tester


v1.6 [26/7/07]

- added SourceUtils FreeLib can run without SourceUtils bin files (only mysql functions)
- added 'su_thread' event for threaded functions like geoip http
- added 'su_file' event for debug/print a file
- added file open/endwrite/list/remove/event commands
- added su_echo command
- added su_getexists mapent (allow know if exists an entity in map eg. buy_zone)
- added su_for command
- added su_FileCreate command (allow you create your own files!)
- added su_dumpclassprops command
- added su_dumpmapentitys command
- added su_dumpsclean command
- added a new folder 'addons/sourceutils/dumps' for dumps

- added 'su_nextmap' cvar to know nextmap
- added 'su_backmap' cvar to know backmap

- updated GeoIp.dat
- updated sourceutils_security.cfg with Files Options

- Improved su_compile command!
- Improved su_cvarforceset command!

- fixed all userid problems (crashs, not found userid)
- fixed "su_getnetinfo timeout" no setvalue to 0
- fixed all "su_getexists" no setvalue to 0

v1.5 [2/6/07]

- added GeoIp Functions (http Theared only)
- added netinfo functions (allow get ip/ping/timeouts ...)
- added MapFind allow search maps on server
- added 'addons/sourceutils/tools' folder

- added 'su_tools_folder' cvar to know Source Utils Tools Path
- added 'su_dedicatedserver' cvar to know If Server Is Dedicated
- added 'su_freelib_version' cvar to know Source Utils FreeLib Version
- added 'su_freelib_license' cvar to know Source Utils FreeLib License (GPL)

- relesed SourceUtils FreeLib Source Code

- change all source utils bin/folder files
- change mysql userids increase type

- fixed bin files (linux)
- fixed mysql license (GPL)

v1.4 [14/5/07]

- added 'su_mysql_userid' to su_mysql event
- added 'addons/sourceutils/sourceutils_security.cfg' file
- added ExternalSRC security (root access, deny programs, master password)
- added 'su_load' [MasterPass] Parm
- changed su_mysql* [Var] = gets su_mysql_userid
- fixed linux binnary dont work

v1.3 [6/5/07]

- added su_getexists mysqlfastconn
- added su_getexists externalsrc
- added su_getexists cmdtarget
- added su_getexists mute
- added su_getexists profile
- added su_externalsrc (like system command)
- added su_profile (get a precision profile)
- added su_compile (allow compile (ONLY) linux makefiles)
- added su_log (can print mensages to current log file)
- added su_precache now suport get file index
- added su_load (allow load source utils extras)
- added su_unload (allow unload loaded scripts)
- added su_load_print (allow print loaded scripts)
- added su_sconsole get/set (allow get/set parms in server console cmd target)
- added su_sound (sound utils like get duration)
- added su_sqlite (allow make sqlite3 querys) (UNTESTED)
- added a Plugin load mensage (successfull load)

- added Source Utils Events! (addons/sourceutils/sourceutils.res)
- added event su_mysql
- added auto load for EventScripts Source Utils Events

- added 'su_tickrate' cvar to see server tickrate
- added 'su_externalsrc_folder' cvar to see ExternalSrc folder source utils is using
- added 'su_avaliable_parms' cvar know what parms can use in begin 'su_sconsole set create' (# ! $ | » >)
- added 'su_servergamedll' cvar to see what GameServerDll Source Utils is using
- added cvars callback (disallow source utils cvars change)

- added update metamod source library to v1.4

- fixed su_getexists userid can crash server if no player in server
- fixed MySQL Fast Connections dont use selected db

v1.2 [5/4/07]

- added MySQL compatible binnary querys!
- added MySQL Multi-Theard ( Now dont stop the server )
- added MySQL Suport "LOAD DATA INFILE"
- added MySQL Suport Multi Statments Separated by A ";"
- added MySQL Suport Multi Results
- added MySQL Fast Connections
- added MySQL Fast Create|Delete|Edit|Info Connections
- fixed Not need SQL.dll for work!

v1.1 [13/3/07]

- added 'su_temp_get' cvar to get things also they can use others cvars
- added 'su_currentmap' cvar to see current map
- added 'su_os' cvar to see Operating System (Windows | Linux)
- added 'su_maxplayers' cvar to see maxplayers/slots
- added 'su_gamemod' cvar to see Current Running DLL Game Mod
- added 'su_lastcompile' cvar to see last compile date of Source Utils

- add GetExists
- add AddDownload
- add Precache Model/Sound
- add Rand (Rand Numbers)
- add Version Check
- add Changelevel
- add CvarForceset
- add Force EndRound
- add GetTime
- add Replace (allow repace text)

- add Suport For MetaMod Source

- fixed 'su_version' cvar cant be Msg/Get Say Protected

v1.0 [23/1/07]

- first realse


Download SourceUtils MetaMod: Source Version (V1.6)
MetaMod:Source Home

Download SourceUtils Standart Alone Version (V1.6)
Standart Alone Version Home

Download SourceUtils FreeLib Source Code (V1.1)


if you need install soruceutils in other game than counter-strike source you need modificate (addons/sourceutils.vdf) !!!
eg. change 'cstrike' for 'dod'


you can get you .vdf easy here: VDF Creator
In Plugin choose: SourceUtils
After choose you game server!

Last edited by sn4k3; 09-29-2008 at 06:01. Reason: Update Version
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: CT
Old 03-13-2007 , 22:14   Re: Source Utils v1.1
Reply With Quote #2

I don't normally do this, but please don't use giant font sizes for no reason.
Various bits of semi-useful code in a bunch of languages: http://code.devicenull.org/
devicenull is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Old 03-14-2007 , 09:58   Re: Source Utils v1.1
Reply With Quote #3

Originally Posted by devicenull View Post
I don't normally do this, but please don't use giant font sizes for no reason.

sorry, i use same code to post in sourceplugins and i dont look ate this
sn4k3 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Old 04-05-2007 , 18:09   Re: Source Utils v1.2
Reply With Quote #4

New Version!!!

v1.2 [5/4/07]

- add MySQL compatible binnary querys!
- add MySQL Multi-Theard ( Now dont stop the server )
- add MySQL Suport Multi Statments Separated by A ";"
- add MySQL Suport Multi Results
- add MySQL Fast Connections
- add MySQL Fast Create|Delete|Edit|Info Connections
- fixed Not need SQL.dll for work!
sn4k3 is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Old 05-04-2007 , 20:26   Re: Source Utils v1.2
Reply With Quote #5

Trying to use this in conjunction with eventscripts to insert bans into a db when they are made but Ive tried handwriting the commands in rcon even with and without fast mode and none of them seem to be working, is there a way to check if a connection has successfully been established to the database
The-Killer is offline
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Old 05-06-2007 , 14:52   Re: Source Utils v1.2
Reply With Quote #6

Originally Posted by The-Killer View Post
Trying to use this in conjunction with eventscripts to insert bans into a db when they are made but Ive tried handwriting the commands in rcon even with and without fast mode and none of them seem to be working, is there a way to check if a connection has successfully been established to the database
wait for next version and use su_mysql event
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Old 05-06-2007 , 14:55   Re: Source Utils v1.3
Reply With Quote #7

new version!

v1.3 [6/5/07]

- added su_getexists mysqlfastconn
- added su_getexists externalsrc
- added su_getexists cmdtarget
- added su_getexists mute
- added su_getexists profile
- added su_externalsrc (like system command)
- added su_profile (get a precision profile)
- added su_compile (allow compile (ONLY) linux makefiles)
- added su_log (can print mensages to current log file)
- added su_precache now suport get file index
- added su_load (allow load source utils extras)
- added su_unload (allow unload loaded scripts)
- added su_load_print (allow print loaded scripts)
- added su_sconsole get/set (allow get/set parms in server console cmd target)
- added su_sound (sound utils like get duration)
- added su_sqlite (allow make sqlite3 querys) (UNTESTED)
- added a Plugin load mensage (successfull load)

- added Source Utils Events! (addons/source_utils/source_utils.res)
- added event su_mysql
- added auto load for EventScripts Source Utils Events

- added 'su_tickrate' cvar to see server tickrate
- added 'su_externalsrc_folder' cvar to see ExternalSrc folder source utils is using
- added 'su_avaliable_parms' cvar know what parms can use in begin 'su_sconsole set create' (# ! $ | » >)
- added 'su_servergamedll' cvar to see what GameServerDll Source Utils is using
- added cvars callback (disallow source utils cvars change)

- added update metamod source library to v1.4

- fixed su_getexists userid can crash server if no player in server
- fixed MySQL Fast Connections dont use selected db
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Old 05-07-2007 , 13:50   Re: Source Utils v1.3
Reply With Quote #8

I've removed the download links to this, as I'm pretty sure you are violating the GPL.

Specifically, you link to yassl and taocrypt, also the mysql library is technically under the GPL..
Various bits of semi-useful code in a bunch of languages: http://code.devicenull.org/
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Old 05-08-2007 , 13:44   Re: Source Utils v1.3
Reply With Quote #9

Originally Posted by devicenull View Post
I've removed the download links to this, as I'm pretty sure you are violating the GPL.

Specifically, you link to yassl and taocrypt, also the mysql library is technically under the GPL..
what i have to do for resolve it??

im not using yassl or taocrypt.

only mysql library

if i remove my GPL lincense resolve?

Last edited by sn4k3; 05-08-2007 at 16:03.
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Old 05-09-2007 , 00:45   Re: Source Utils v1.3
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What is your native language? I can see about getting someone to explain it to you in that.

Basically, yes.. if you were to remove mysql this would no longer be an issue. Or, if you find an alternate to the normal mysql library that is not under the GPL.. it's no longer an issue.
Various bits of semi-useful code in a bunch of languages: http://code.devicenull.org/
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