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[CS:S] RankMe (Version 2.8.3 - 19 Jul 12)

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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Brazil
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Counter-Strike: Source
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    Plugin Description:
    An Statistical Plugin that Supports SQLite and MySQL (with a simple web interface for both)
    Old 04-24-2011 , 13:36   [CS:S] RankMe (Version 2.8.3 - 19 Jul 12)
    Reply With Quote #1


    --- Introduction:
    This plugin has been made because the features that I needed wasn't availiable in the others that doesn't use MySQL databases.

    --- Features:
    = Rank your players by STEAM:ID or by NAME or by IP Address.
    = Use SQLite or MySQL for the Database.
    = Kills and Death Statistic.
    = Accuracy Statistic.
    = Weapon Statistic.
    = Rank by Points System or by KDR (Kill:death ratio).
    = Hitbox Statistic.
    = Connected Time.
    = Bomb and Hostage Statistic.
    = VIP (as_ maps) statistic.
    = Statistics changed on current map.
    = Translation.
    = Auto-Purge.
    = SQLite database.
    = Full customization with CVars.
    = Set minimal kills for entering the rank.
    = Set multiplier for losing points.
    = Possible to not showing the points changes on chat.
    = Top for each weapon.
    = Natives.
    = Mani Admin Plugin Import.
    == Just run the sm_rankme_import_mani command. Doesn't matter if MAP is loaded or not.
    = Possible to use with web interface since it has an export system.
    == The database is exported to cstrike folder as rank.sql (needed for SQLite).
    == For web interface, may require a web server with PHP and MySQL.

    --- Point System (Default, changeable with cvars):
    = Every player start with 1000 points.
    = For each kill is given 2 points plus 1 point for each 100 points difference between the killer and the killed.
    = For each death is taken the same amount that is given to the killer.
    = For HeadShot kill is given 1 point.
    = Killing with Knife doubles the points given and taken.
    = For Planting the C4, is given 2 points for each terrorist plus 2 points for the one who planted.
    = For Exploding the C4, is given 2 points for each terrorist plus 2 points for the one who planted.
    = For Defusing the C4, is given 2 points for each counter-terrorist plus 2 points for the one who defused.
    = For Rescuing the Hostage, is given 2 points for each counter-terrorist plus 2 points for the one who rescued.
    = For being the MVP, is given 2 points for the player.
    = For VIP Escaping, is given 2 points for each counter-terrorist plus 2 points for the one who escaped.
    = For Killing the VIP, is given 2 points for each terrorist plus 2 points for the one who killed.

    --- Commands:
    = Normal Commands:
    == sm_rankme
    == sm_session
    == sm_statsme
    == sm_hitboxme
    == sm_weaponme
    == sm_rank
    == sm_next
    == sm_top
    == sm_top x (x equals number) (also topx on chat)
    == sm_topkills
    == sm_topkills x (x equals number) (also topkillsx on chat)
    == sm_topdeaths
    == sm_topdeaths x (x equals number) (also topdeathsx on chat)
    == sm_topknife
    == sm_topknife x (x equals number)
    == sm_topnade
    == sm_topnade x (x equals number)
    == sm_tophs
    == sm_tophs x (x equals number) (also tophsx on chat)
    == sm_topacc
    == sm_topacc x (x equals number) (also topaccx on chat)
    == sm_toptime
    == sm_toptime x (x equals number) (also toptimex on chat)
    == sm_topweapon
    == sm_topweapon x (x equals weapon name. Eg: glock,usp)
    == sm_topweapon x z (x equals weapon name. Eg: glock,usp. z equals number)
    == sm_resetmyrank

    = Admin Commands
    == Root flag:
    === sm_resetrank "STEAM:ID/Name/IP Address" (don't forget the quotes, the info inside the quotes depends on your rank mode)
    === sm_rankpurge X (x equals number of days of inactivity)
    === sm_resetrank_all
    === sm_rankme_import_mani (import rank data from Mani Admin Plugin)
    === sm_rankme_remove_duplicate (remove duplicated rows)

    == Generic Flag:
    === sm_statsme2 <name / #position on top / steam> ->
    ==== Examples:
    ===== sm_statsme2 "STEAM_0:0:12345678"
    ===== sm_statsme2 "lok1"
    ===== sm_statsme2 #1 -> get the stats from the top1

    --- ConVars:
    = rankme_version -> RankMe Version

    You can found these CVars on cfg/sourcemod/rankme.cfg. (The file is auto-generated in the first run).

    = rankme_enabled -> Is RankMe enabled? 1 = true 0 = false. Default 1.
    = rankme_rank_by -> Rank players by? 0 = STEAM:ID 1 = Name 2 = IP. Default 0.
    = rankme_rankbots -> Rank bots? 1 = true 0 = false. Default 0.
    = rankme_show_bots_on_rank -> Show bots on rank/top/etc? 1 = true 0 = false. Default 0.
    = rankme_changes_chat -> Show points changes on chat? 1 = true 0 = false. Default 1.
    = rankme_ffa -> Free-For-All (FFA) mode? 1 = true 0 = false. Default 0.
    = rankme_rank_mode -> Rank by what? 1 = by points 2 = by KDR. Default 1.
    = rankme_mysql -> Using MySQL? 1 = true 0 = false (SQLite). Default 0.
    = rankme_sql_table -> The name of the table that will be used. (Max: 100). Default "rankme".
    = rankme_dump_db -> Dump the Database to SQL file? (required to be 1 if using the web interface and SQLite, case MySQL, it won't be dumped) 1 = true 0 = false. Default 0.
    = rankme_autopurge -> Auto-Purge inactive players? X = Days 0 = Off. Default 0.
    = rankme_points_bomb_defused_team -> How many points CTs got for defusing the C4? Default 2.
    = rankme_points_bomb_defused_player -> How many points the CT who defused got additional? Default 2.
    = rankme_points_bomb_planted_team -> How many points TRs got for planting the C4? Default 2.
    = rankme_points_bomb_planted_player -> How many points the TR who planted got additional? Default 2.
    = rankme_points_bomb_exploded_team -> How many points TRs got for exploding the C4? Default 2.
    = rankme_points_bomb_exploded_player -> How many points the TR who planted got additional? Default 2.
    = rankme_points_hostage_rescued_team -> How many points CTs got for rescuing the hostage? Default 2.
    = rankme_points_hostage_rescued_player -> How many points the CT who rescued got additional? Default 2.
    = rankme_points_hs -> How many additional points a player got for a HeadShot? Default 1.
    = rankme_points_kill_ct -> How many points a CT got for killing? Default 2.
    = rankme_points_kill_tr -> How many points a TR got for killing? Default 2.
    = rankme_points_kill_bonus_ct -> How many points a CT got for killing additional by the diffrence of points? Default 1.
    = rankme_points_kill_bonus_tr -> How many points a TR got for killing additional by the diffrence of points? Default 1.
    = rankme_points_kill_bonus_dif_ct -> How many points of diffrence is needed for a CT to got the bonus? Default 100.
    = rankme_points_kill_bonus_dif_tr -> How many points of diffrence is needed for a TR to got the bonus? Default 100.
    = rankme_points_ct_round_win -> How many points an alive CT got for winning the round? Default 0.
    = rankme_points_tr_round_win -> How many points an alive TR got for winning the round? Default 0.
    = rankme_points_knife_multiplier -> Multiplier of points by knife. Default 2.
    = rankme_points_start -> Starting points. Default 1000.
    = rankme_minimal_kills -> Minimal kills for entering the rank. Default 0.
    = rankme_minimumplayers -> Minimum players to start giving points. Default 2.
    = rankme_show_rank_all -> When rank command is used, show for all the rank of the player? 1 = true 0 = false. Default 0.
    = rankme_resetownrank -> Allow player to reset his own rank? 1 = true 0 = false. Default 0.
    = rankme_vip_enabled -> Show AS_ maps statiscs (VIP mod) on statsme and session? 1=true 0=false. Default 0.
    = rankme_points_vip_escaped_team -> How many points CTs got helping the VIP to escaping? Default 2.
    = rankme_points_vip_escaped_player -> How many points the VIP got for escaping? Default 2.
    = rankme_points_vip_killed_team -> How many points TRs got for killing the VIP? Default 2.
    = rankme_points_vip_killed_player -> How many points the TR who killed the VIP got additional? Default 2.
    = rankme_percent_points_lose -> Multiplier of losing points. (WARNING: MAKE SURE TO INPUT IT AS FLOAT) 1.0 equals lose same amount as won by the killer, 0.0 equals no lose. Default 1.
    = rankme_points_lose_round_ceil -> If the points is f1oat, round it to next the highest or lowest? 1 = highest 0 = lowest. Default 1.
    = rankme_points_lose_tk -> How many points a player lose for Team Killing? Default 0.
    = rankme_points_lose_suicide -> How many points a player lose for Suiciding? Default 0.
    = rankme_chat_triggers -> Enable (non-command) chat triggers. (e.g: rank, statsme, top) Recommended to be set to 0 when running with EventScripts for avoiding double responses. 1 = true 0 = false. Default 1.
    = rankme_points_mvp_ct -> How many points a CT got for being the MVP? Default 1.
    = rankme_points_mvp_tr -> How many points a TR got for being the MVP? Default 1.

    --- Translations:
    = English.
    = Brazilian Portuguese.
    = French. Big thanks to Messiah93 and Zirconium and MarechalSummers. (Missing MVP translation and the Bomb Pickup and Drop, Deaths and ResetMyOwnRank translations)
    = German. Big thanks to Dr. Greg House and Lord_Rofl. (outdated)
    = Polish. Big thanks to SilvErr and sajmon83. (Missing the Deaths and ResetMyOwnRank translations)
    = Russian. Big thanks to ShufflexDD and Lord Canistra. (Missing MVP translation and the Bomb Pickup and Drop, Deaths and ResetMyOwnRank translations))
    = Netherlands. Big thanks to Monkeys. (outdated)
    = Spanish. Big thanks to Franc1sco. (outdated)
    = Lithuanian. Big thanks to hleV. (outdated)
    = Korean. Big thanks to Blowst. (Missing the Deaths and ResetMyOwnRank translations)
    = Norwegian. Big thanks to hasjduden. (outdated)

    --- For using as MySQL:
    First of all, at database.cfg, on your sourcemod/configs folder, set the configs for the database at a connection called "rankme". Example:
    		"driver"			"default"
    		"host"				"localhost"
    		"database"			"rankme"
    		"user"				"root"
    		"pass"				""
    		//"timeout"			"0"
    		//"port"			""
    Then, set the cvar rankme_mysql on your rankme.cfg to 1. And there it is.

    --- Natives:
    A sample of using Natives is on scripting/include folder.
     * Give point(s) to a player on the server
     * @param client	The client index of the player to receive the points
     * @param points		Points to be given to the player
     * @param reason	The reason to be given the points
     * @param printtoplayer	Print the change to the player
     * @param printtoall	Print the change to the everyone
     * @noreturn		
    native RankMe_GivePoint(client,points,String:reason[],printtoplayer,printtoall);
     * Get rank of a player on the server
     * @param client	The client index of the player to get the rank
     * @param callback	The return Callback
     * @param data	Any data you would like that return on the callback
     * @noreturn		
    native RankMe_GetRank(client,RankCallback:callback,any:data=0);
     * Get the score (points) of a player on the server
     * @param client	The client index of the player to get the rank
     * @param data	Any data you would like that return on the callback
     * @return		The score of the client
    native RankMe_GetPoints(client);
     * Get stats of a player on the server
     * @param client	The client index of the player to get the stats
     * @param stats_return	The array that will return the data following the ENUM STATS_NAME;
     * @noreturn		
    native RankMe_GetStats(client,stats_return[STATS_NAMES]);
     * Get session of a player on the server
     * @param client	The client index of the player to get the session
     * @param session_return	The array that will return the data following the ENUM STATS_NAME;
     * @noreturn		
    native RankMe_GetSession(client,session_return[STATS_NAMES]);
     * Get weapon stats of a player on the server
     * @param client	The client index of the player to get the session
     * @param session_return	The array that will return the data following the ENUM WEAPONS_ENUM;
     * @noreturn		
    native RankMe_GetWeaponStats(client,weapons_return[WEAPONS_ENUM]);
     * Get hitbox stats of a player on the server
     * @param client	The client index of the player to get the session
     * @param session_return	The array that will return the data following the ENUM HITBOXES;
     * @noreturn		
    native RankMe_GetHitbox(client,hitbox_return[HITBOXES]);
    --- Forwards:
     * When a player has been loaded
     * *
     * @param         client        The client index of the player that has been loaded
     * @noreturn
    forward Action:RankMe_OnPlayerLoaded(client);
     * When a player has been saved
     * *
     * @param         client        The client index of the player that has been saved
     * @noreturn
    forward Action:RankMe_OnPlayerSaved(client);
    --- Todo:
    = Commands:
    = Features:
    = Activity
    = Auto-reset rank
    = Points given based on weapon

    --- Known Bugs:
    = It has been reported to me that sometimes, running Eventscripts (problem an addon/plugin of it) will make chat triggers from RankMe be called twice. I'm looking at it but i have almost no knowledge about ES.

    --- Installation:
    Simply extract the rankme.zip at your addons/sourcemod folder.

    --- Plugins using RankMe:
    = [CS:S] RankMe Connect Announcer

    --- Credits:
    = lok1 (me) -> Making the plugin.
    = AlliedModders Staff/SourceMod Staff -> Providing information and SourceMod.
    = XTREME TEAM SURF SERVER -> Allowing me to use the plugin there while making it.
    = Black Candle (XTREME SERVER OWNER) -> Bothering me about the bugs to fix. (I'm really lazy to make things).
    = SMLib -> Taken 1 function.
    = exvel -> [INC] Colors.
    = Antithasys -> Helping me with the say triggers.
    = Translation Project -> Translating the plugin
    = All the guys that report bugs, suggest features and criticise it. -> It make me want to continue with the plugin and make it better.

    --- Donate:
    I'm a student. I'm at school all day and afternoon and can develop only by night that is my free time. So, if you like the plugin, feel free to send me a game on steam. (vinifred01)

    --- Web Interface:
    I'm posting too, my simple web interface.
    For using it if running into SQLite, set the cvar rankme_dump_db to 1. Note that, as it needs to make a dump, if you have thousands of players, it may cause lag spikes at round end. (when the dump is made)
    Just upload to your WebServer with PHP and MySQL the files and edit config.php setting the data (DB, on the web server, and FTP, of the game server. If you are using the plugin at MySQL, change $sqlite_server to false).
    It is really ugly. The data is updated every 3 minutes for avoiding traffic. (in case of sqlite). If you want to change the interval, change the line:
    if(intval($lastback)+180 < mktime()){
    if(intval($lastback)+N < mktime()){
    where N equals the interval in seconds.
    The up folder should be CHMOD 777.
    If you want to check it out click here. Another example of (custom) design is here and here.

    --- Reporting issues/support:
    When you need help with the plugin, please tell me the info below:
    - Ranking by Name or Steam or IP?
    - Ranking by Points or KDR?
    - Running with SQLite or MySQL?
    - Plugin Version

    === If you need any other feature, please, don't edit it. Ask me and I will make it and release a new version with the feature since it may be what others people want.
    === If you make a better design and code for the Web Interface, please post it and I will put it on this post. (at least, post the URL to it so it can be used as example).
    === Please, post bugs, suggestions and critics.
    === If possible, translate/update the translation for your language and post the translation.
    === Please, rate the thread.
    === I'm brazilian, so, my english probably sucks.
    === If you want to post it in other forum, please, give the credits.
    === The source code is avaliable in the zip file and also at the SVN

    --- Changelog (MM/DD/YY):
    = V.0.9.0 (04/24/11):
         => First Release
    = V.1.0.0 (04/25/11):
         => Small fixes (Checking if client is equal 0, thanks Groger, and hitboxme not showing up, thanks krispx) and adding topknife
    = V.1.0.2 (04/26/11):
         => Fixes:
              = Now using SQL_EscapeString. Thanks psychonic
              = Fixed Rescued Hostage text. Thanks krispx
              = Fixed topknife. Showing wrong kills due to wrong SQL_FetchInt
    = V.1.1.0 (04/27/11):
         => Fixes:
              = Back to the old way of protecting SQL (replacing single quotes). SQL_EscapeString was bugging some names, making they empty. 
         => Features:
              = Added the command next (on chat) and sm_next (on console). The explanation for the difference is on the post.
    = V.1.1.1 (04/28/11):
         => Added CVar rankme_version (mainly for tracking servers with it)
    = V.1.2.0 (04/28/11):
         => Features:
              = Added purge system (through command only, see above).
    = V.1.3.0 (04/29/11):
         => Features:
              = Added CVars asked by krispx. See above.
    = V.1.3.1 (04/29/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed small bug on CVars when loading plugin (stupid error).
    = V.1.3.2 (05/02/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed a bug that would cause the player not being ranked until re-entering the server, if the rankme_enabled cvar was 0 when he entered and then, changed to 1. (in other words, if player entered the game with RankMe disabled, and after this enabled, it wouldn't be ranked until re-entering the server).
    = V.1.3.3 (05/03/11):
         => Fixes:
              = Fixed some panels showing % (percent) on KDR or not showing KDR.
              = Added a check when inserting a player in the DB to see if it still on server. (preventing errors). Thanks bandit.
    = V.1.3.4 (05/04/11):
         => Fix:
              = Now checking if client is equal 0 before using IsFakeClient. Thanks bandit.
    = V.1.4.0 (05/06/11):
         => Features:
              = Added Translations. (now uses [INC] Colors) (Map change required for reloading translations)
              = Added Auto-Purge. (if you are upgrading from another version, please delete rankme.cfg)
    = V.1.4.1 (05/07/11):
         => Features: 
              = Finished translations. (Map change required for reloading translations)
    = V.1.4.2 (05/07/11):
         => Fixes:
              = Fixed PT TimeConnected translation. (Map change required for reloading translations).
              = Panel Statsme (Rank line was like an item and Time Connected was wrong).
    = V.1.5.0 (05/08/11):
         => Features:
              = Added more CVars for customization. (please delete rankme.cfg before updating the plugin for showing the new cvars. Also, as the translation has changed, needs map change).
         => Fix:
              = Fixed some PT translations.
    = V.1.5.1 (05/09/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed cvar with wrong default value (rankme_points_hs was 2. should be 1)
    = V.1.6.0 (05/10/11):
         => Features:
              = Added CVars for minimal kills and for No Points Lose Mode.(please delete rankme.cfg before updating the plugin for showing the new cvars. Also, as the translation has changed, needs map change).
    = V.1.6.1 (05/10/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed silent triggers. When turned on, no chat was being displayed. (thanks away000)
    = V.1.6.2 (05/12/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed not checking if client was 0 in some Events. Also changed the way is checked the cvar rankme_rankbots. (thanks Sn@ke92)
    = V.1.6.3 (05/13/11):
         => Features:
              = Added command resetrank_all.
    = V.1.6.4 (05/14/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed RoundEnd points given announce on chat. Wrong parameter for client. (thanks Paaf)
    = V.1.6.5 (05/17/11):
         => Features:
              = Now possible for not showing in chat the points changes.(please delete rankme.cfg before updating the plugin for showing the new cvars). (thanks Smexy)
    = V.1.7.0 (05/29/11):
         => Features:
              = Added cvar for setting the minimum players needed to start giving points. (thanks sajmon83)
              = Added cvar for allowing players to reset their own ranks. (thanks sajmon83 and Smoflydc)
              = Added cvar for showing the rank command for all. (thanks sajmon8 and, Smexy)
              = Added kills on rank commands. (thanks Smexy)
              = Added polish translation. (big thanks SilvErr)
              = Please delete rankme.cfg before updating the plugin for showing the new cvars. Also, as the translation has changed, needs map change).
         => Fix:
              = Fixed array out of bounds on line 765. (thanks Parpayol and Lucky_luck)
    = V.1.7.1 (05/29/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed wrong client index. (thanks Lucky_luck)
    = V.1.7.2 (05/30/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed array out of bounds. Now, i think i fixed they all (thanks Lucky_luck)
    = V.1.7.3 (05/31/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed array out of bounds on line 808. (thanks Lucky_luck)
              = Fixed NotRanked translation. PT was set as EN. (thanks Whist) (because the translation file has changed, is needed map change).
    = V.1.7.5 (06/13/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed DumpDB. If player had backslash in his name, it would compromise all the dump.
              = Fixed Polish Translation. (thanks sajmon83)
              = Fixed rankme_show_all_rank cvar not showing the rank. (thanks sajmon83)
              = Fixed a possible memory leak: not closing menus handles.
         => Features:
              = Added topN chat hook. (thanks the_faith01)
              = Changed how translations are distributed. Now easier to add more languages.
              = Added russian translation. (thanks ShufflexDD)
    = V.1.7.6 (06/19/11):
         => Features:
              = Added NL translation.
         => Fix:
              = Fixed RU translation.
    = V.1.7.7 (06/20/11):
         => Fixes:
              = Removed some not needed FOR's.
              = Fixed topknife not showing up when typed on chat.
    = V.1.7.9 (06/23/11):
         => Features:
              = Added ES translation. (thanks Franc1sco)
              = Added Natives (thanks to Despirator for the GetRank Native).
         => Fix:
              = Fixed an array out of bouns that would occur if running the plugin in a server with 64 slots.
    = V.1.8.2 (06/24/11):
         => Features:
              = Added more Natives (GetWeaponStats and GetHitbox).
         => Fix:
              = Fixed PT translation.
              = Fixed Next showing null players
    = V.1.8.6 (06/25/11):
         => Features:
              = Started adding AS_ maps support.
              = Added support to import mani admin plugin stats data. (thanks shotzonfire)
         => Fix:
              = Fixed RU translation. (thanks Leonardo)
              = Fixed PL translation. (thanks sajmon83)
    = V.1.8.7 (06/26/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed mistake on counting points if rankme_points_kill_bonus_dif_ct or rankme_points_kill_bonus_dif_tr was set to 0. (thanks shotzonfire)
    = V.1.9.0 (07/01/11):
         => Features:
              = Added DE translation. (thanks Dr. Greg House)
              = Added FR translation. (thanks Messiah93)
         => Fix:
              = Type mistake in cvar rankme_minimumplayers, was rankme_minimunplayers. (thanks GrO)
              = Fixed resetrank_all not checking if player was connected. (thanks Bacardi)
              = Fixed points always starting at 1000. (thanks Bacardi)
    = V.1.9.1 (07/01/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed showing points changes messages when points given for that action was 0. (thanks Bacardi)
    = V.1.9.2 (07/02/11):
         => Fix:
              = Changed GetMaxClients() to MaxClients for optimization.
    = V.1.9.7 (07/17/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed PL translation. (thanks sajmon83)
              = Fixed error when the player who planted the bomb disconnect before it explode. (thanks Bacardi and GrO)
              = Fixed errors caused by player disconnecting during SQL query. (thanks Bacardi)
              = Fixed how statsme, session, hitboxme and next are drawn. (thanks GrO)
              = Fixed time connected on statsme.
    = V.1.9.8 (07/19/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed counting bot as player when not ranking then. (thanks CrazyHarry)
    = V.2.0.0 (07/22/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed not being able to set a float value for knife kills multiplier.
         => Features:
              = Changed no points lose mode to use multiplier. rankme_percent_points_lose. (thanks sajmon83)
              = Added lose points by TK and suicide. (thanks banania and GrO)
              = Finished adding VIP support. (please delete rankme.cfg before updating the plugin for showing the new cvars. Also, as the translation has changed, needs map change).
    = V.2.0.1 (07/23/11):
         => Features:
              = Added PL translation for losing points by TK and Suicide and VIP statistics. (thanks sajmon83)
         => Changes:
              = Changed the use of rankme_vip_enabled.
    = V.2.0.3 (07/23/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed TK and Suicide points not obeying rankme_changes_chat.
              = Fixed Knife Kills messing up the score. (thanks GrO)
    = V.2.0.4 (07/24/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed showing BOT on stats even if rankme_rankbots is 0.
    = V.2.0.5 (07/24/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed stats being queried without DESC caused by the last version.
    = V.2.0.6 (07/29/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed PL translation. (thanks sajmon83)
    = V.2.0.7 (07/30/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed missing one paramater of KillingBothNotRanked translation at the CPrintToChat. (thanks sajmon83)
    = V.2.0.8 (08/06/11):
         => Features:
              = Added rankme_show_bots_on_rank cvar. (thanks Teigen)
    = V.2.1.0 (08/13/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed error when the player who planted the bomb disconnect before it explode. (thanks Bacardi)
         => Feature:
              = Added support for ranking by name. (thanks natino)
    = V.2.1.1 (08/15/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed when ranking by name some stats weren't working properly. (thanks natino)
    = V.2.1.2 (08/22/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed not being able to reset players when ranking by name if their name had spaces. (thanks natino)
    = V.2.2.0 (08/31/11):
         => Features:
              = Added FFA mode. Cvar: rankme_ffa (thanks Fearts) (please delete rankme.cfg before updating the plugin for showing the new cvar)
    = V.2.3.0 (09/03/11):
         => Features:
              = Added topweapon. (thanks gamemann)
              = Added topnade. (thanks GrO)
    = V.2.3.1 (09/03/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fix topweapon sometimes not showing the correct weapon kills.
    = V.2.4.0 (09/13/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed wrong order of replaces on database dump.
         => Feature:
              = Added support for MySQL databases. (thanks Lord_Rofl)
    = V.2.4.1 (09/14/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed a query causing problem if running in MySQL. Field wasn't set to autoincrement. (thanks Lord_Rofl)
    = V.2.4.2 (09/17/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed/Updated DE translation. (thanks Lord_Rofl)
              = Fixed an error that would occur if a cvar was changed before the connection with the DB was estabilished. (thanks GrO)
              = Now it will unload the plugin if can't connect to the Database.
         => Features:
              = Added LT translation. (thanks hleV)
    = V.2.4.4 (09/19/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed Native RankMe_GetRank passing wrong rank values if not using bots at the rank or ranking by name.
              = Fixed an error that would occur if a player joined the server before the connection with the DB was estabilished. (thanks GrO)
    = V.2.4.5 (09/20/11):
         => Features:
              = Added rankme_remove_duplicate command for removing duplicated rows, that shouldn't exists anyway. (thanks banania)
    = V.2.5.0 (09/??/11):
         => Features:
              = Added KO translation. (thanks Blowst)
         => Fix:
              = Fixed TOP's so when used an position value higher than possible, it will show the last page.
         => Changes:
              = Changed the way of getting the chat triggers. (thanks Antithasys)
              = Changed the way of getting the cvar changes. (thanks Antithasys)
    = V.2.5.1 (09/24/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed chat not showing up when cvar rankme_silenttriggers was 1. (thanks GrO)
              = Fixed clamping the top's. (thanks a banania and others that reported it)
         => Changes: ( needed for approval ) (thanks Antithasys)
              = Now register properly the commands.
              = Changed the chat triggers.
              =  Removed the rankme_silenttriggers cvar because we shouldn't parse commands.
              = Now global variables are better named.
    = V.2.5.2 (09/25/11):
         => Changes:
              = Changed again the chat triggers. (for avoiding conflict with others plugins). (thanks GrO and Antithasys).
         => Fix:
              = Fixed statsme not showing up if player didn't have enough kills. (thanks GrO)
              = CVars were with wrong names. (different from the main post)
    = V.2.5.3 (09/28/11):
         => Fix:
              = Now using the correct past form of reset. (thanks Fearts)
              = Fixed the top not backing to first page if was called from top 10. (thanks siangc)
    = V.2.5.4 (09/29/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed hitboxme not being triggered from the chat. (was being triggered by hitbox) (thanks GrO)
              = Fixed hitboxme showing wrong hits values. (thanks GrO)
              = Added a check for preveting the creation duplicates. (thanks banania)
    = V.2.5.5 (10/03/11):
         => Fix:
              = Updated FR translation. (thanks Zirconium)
              = Added CVar "rankme_dump_db" for enabling/disabling the SQL database. (thanks banania)
              (please delete rankme.cfg before updating the plugin for showing the new cvar. Also, as the translation has changed, needs map change).
    = V.2.5.6 (10/04/11):
         => Fix:
              = Optimized Round End event.
              = DumpDB occurring on wrong times. (bad check)
    = V.2.5.7 (10/07/11):
         => Fix:
              = Now using SQL_EscapeString for preventing SQL Injection insted of ReplaceString. (thanks Antithasys)
              = When using rankme_enabled 0 it will not show commands as unknown. (thanks Antithasys)
              = Fixed tops queries being able to use LIMIT -1. (thanks 4erkess)
              = Fixed RankMe_GetHitBox native.
              = Fixed hits and shots not being properly counted. (thanks GrO)
    = V.2.5.8 (10/09/11):
         => Features:
              = Added Forward OnPlayerLoaded.
              = Added Forward OnPlayerSaved.
              = Added Native RankMe_GetPoints.
         => Fix:
              = Now RankMe_GetRank don't force to pass something for any:data.
              = Prevented an error that would occur if RankMe_GetRank was called when client disconnected.
              = Saving player is optimized. Now only uses one query.
    = V.2.5.9 (10/09/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed calling SQL_EscpaeString before the connection to the database was made. (thanks GrO)
    = V.2.6.0 (10/11/11):
         => Fix:
              = Removed Timer_LoadPlayer as it wasn't needed. (thanks GrO and Smofly and Antithasys)
    = V.2.6.1 (10/14/11):
         => Features:
              = Added cvar rankme_gather_stats. (thanks wtfaatp)
              = Added cvar rankme_days_to_not_show_on_rank. (thanks hasjduden)
              (please delete rankme.cfg before updating the plugin for showing the
              new cvars.).
              = Added NO translation. (thanks hasjduden)
              (As the translation has changed, a map change is required).
    = V.2.6.2 (10/27/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed a memory leak caused by not closing Datapack handles. (thanks Bacardi)
         => Features:
              = Added cvar rankme_rank_mode. Also, added rank by kdr mode. (thanks ASTFA)
    = V.2.6.3 (11/11/11):
         => Features:
              = Added cvar rankme_sql_table. (thanks golden_eagle)
    = V.2.6.4 (11/12/11):
         => Fix:
              = Replace ' to ` when using table name in queries.
    = V.2.6.5 (11/12/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed remove duplicate queries, and added the return for it. (thanks hasjduden)
    = V.2.6.6 (11/12/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed table not being created. (thanks TlLLluk)
    = V.2.6.7 (11/13/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed table not being created. Now it's fixed. (thanks TlLLluk)
    = V.2.6.8 (11/14/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed sm_resetrank_all command.(thanks TlLLluk)
              = Fixed DB Dumping. (thanks zing)
    = V.2.6.9 (02/12/11):
         => Features:
              = Added sm_statsme2 command.(thanks Fearts)
    = V.2.7.0 (12/03/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed sm_statsme2 showing everyone as top1.(thanks Fearts)
              = Fixed sm_statsme2 error in case was retrieving a top position higher than avaliable.
    = V.2.7.1 (12/20/11):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed a minor bug on checking if needed to show on chat the kills and minimal kills.
              = Added a error message log for when unable to open the dump file.
              = Fixed a case where the dump file could be not generated.
              = Fixed sm_resetmyrank command not being colored.
    = V.2.7.2 (01/03/12):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed Mani Import function when running in MySQL mode. (thanks HolyDuFF)
              = Fixed resetrank not reseting the rank when ranking by name until rejoining the server. (thanks imteme)
              = Added descriptions to the commands.
              = Fixed GetRank native not working if ranking by name.
              = Updated Natives to avoid compatibility issues that could happen in a plugin update.
              = Optimized code, now instead always getting name, ip and steam:id, using the data that were buffered for the Load Player callback.
         => Features:
              = Added Top HS.
              = Added Top Accuracy.
              = Added sm_rankme command.		   
              = Added rankme_chat_triggers cvar for disabling chat triggers like rank, statsme. Recommend to disable when running EventScripts for avoiding double responses.
              = Added giving points for being the MVP.
              = Added support for ranking by IP.
    = V.2.7.3 (01/06/12):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed ORDER BY KDR and Accuraccy queries. (thanks krispx)
    = V.2.7.4 (01/13/12):
         => Fix:
              = Now using HookEventEx instead HookEvent to avoid errors.
    = V.2.7.5 (01/13/12):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed not giving points for being MVP and wrong annoucement. (thanks Dave_h1234)
    = V.2.7.6 (02/02/12):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed remove duplicate queries not working on MySQL. (thanks krispx)
    = V.2.7.7 (02/03/12):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed misformatted queries in MySQL. (thanks krispx)
    = V.2.7.8 (03/18/12):
         => Fix:
              = Updated PL translation. (thanks sajmon83)
              = Updated FR translation. (thanks MarechalSummers)
              = Updated RU translation. (thanks Lord Canistra)	 
    = V.2.7.9 (04/20/12):
         => Features:
              = Added support for {teamcolor} tag. (thanks relicek)
              = Added cvar for changing the default message start ([RankMe]).
              = Added giving points for picking up the bomb and losing for dropping it. (thanks relicek)
         => Fix:
              = Updated KO translation. (thanks Blowst)
         (As new translations were added, a map change is required, and because of the new cvar, delete the rankme.cfg)
    = V.2.8.0 (04/21/12):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed using client 0. (thanks relicek and krispx)
              = Removed support for tag {teamcolor} as if you enable it, you lose the {lightgreen} tag. (thanks relicek and krispx)
    = V.2.8.1 (07/07/12):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed not using CPrintToChat on Not Ranked message. (thanks relicek)
              = Update PL translation. (thanks sajmon83)
    = V.2.8.2 (07/15/12):
         => Fix:
              = Added check for invalid client at BombDropped event. (thanks beatfried)
              = Added resetmyrank text to translation. Now enabled Color Tags on them. (thanks phillip.)
         => Features:
              = Added topkills and topdeaths. (thanks daroach and natino)
              = Added ResetMyRank and Deaths translations. (As new translations were added, a map change is required)
    = V.2.8.3 (07/19/12):
         => Fix:
              = Fixed Bots not showing on rank when rankme_show_bots_on_rank was set to 1. (thanks natino)
              = Updated FR translation. (thanks timort)
    It doesn't compile on web compiler since there is some includes.

    To see servers using it, click here.

    => When you download the plugin, first time or not, if possible, give me a feedback about how it is working and what you think about it so then i can use that to improve it.
    => You won't lose any data when updating the plugin.
    Attached Files
    File Type: zip rankme_webinterface.zip (853.4 KB, 31351 views)
    File Type: zip rankme.zip (101.6 KB, 48085 views)

    Last edited by lokizito; 07-19-2012 at 19:03.
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    Old 04-25-2011 , 05:59   Re: [CS:S] RankMe
    Reply With Quote #2

    hi lok1, hitboxme command not work here any infos about it please ?
    edit: !hitboxme work pls fix trigger same as other

    Last edited by krispx; 04-25-2011 at 06:12.
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    Old 04-25-2011 , 07:46   Re: [CS:S] RankMe
    Reply With Quote #3

    Just testing this on my test server

    L 04/25/2011 - 13:45:46: [SM] Native "ClientCommand" reported: Client index 0 is invalid
    L 04/25/2011 - 13:45:46: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "rankme.smx":
    L 04/25/2011 - 13:45:46: [SM]   [0]  Line 216, rankme.sp::Command_SayChat()
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    Old 04-25-2011 , 20:57   Re: [CS:S] RankMe
    Reply With Quote #4

    Thanks for reporting

    EDIT: Fixed. The fixed version is on the first post.

    Last edited by lokizito; 04-25-2011 at 21:08.
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    Old 04-26-2011 , 11:25   Re: [CS:S] RankMe
    Reply With Quote #5

    lokizito, when hostage Rescued, the chat write bomb defuse
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    Old 04-26-2011 , 18:56   [CS:S] RankMe
    Reply With Quote #6

    Originally Posted by psychonic View Post
    @ lokizito

    I highly suggest reading up on SQL_EscapeString.

    You cannot safely toss data provided by a user (such as name) directly into a query.

    I advise against anyone running this until the injection holes are fixed.
    Really thank you psychonic. I know that I need to it (due to programming PHP) but I've totally forgot about it.
    EDIT: Already fixed, but, wouldn't be enough just Replace the ' with nothing as i was doing?

    Originally Posted by krispx View Post
    lokizito, when hostage Rescued, the chat write bomb defuse
    Thanks, I copied the part from bomb defuse and forgot to rewrite.


    EDIT: Fixed. The fixed version is on the first post.

    Last edited by lokizito; 04-26-2011 at 20:30.
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    Old 04-27-2011 , 11:40   Re: [CS:S] RankMe
    Reply With Quote #7

    Hey back lokizito, when we type "top" or "topknife" i haven't name player in list, i have 1 2 3 4
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    Old 04-27-2011 , 17:01   Re: [CS:S] RankMe
    Reply With Quote #8

    Originally Posted by krispx View Post
    Hey back lokizito, when we type "top" or "topknife" i haven't name player in list, i have 1 2 3 4
    I'll be looking at it. I saw that bug right after starting using SQL_EscapeString.
    I think it is because is needed to re-enter in the database the names again (when the players connect). But anyway, i'll be checking it.

    EDIT: Fixed it. It was really bugged. Fixed version on the first post. ( added also a new command, see changelog )

    Last edited by lokizito; 04-27-2011 at 19:41.
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    Old 04-28-2011 , 17:28   Re: [CS:S] RankMe
    Reply With Quote #9

    New version posted.

    Last edited by lokizito; 04-28-2011 at 19:52.
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    Old 04-28-2011 , 19:52   Re: [CS:S] RankMe
    Reply With Quote #10

    New version posted.
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