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Admin Sounds 1.2.2

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Old 06-15-2013 , 19:22   Re: Admin Sounds 1.2.2
Reply With Quote #301


I think I managed to fix the error logs that were created from time to time:

L 05/04/2012 - 22:04:08: SourceMod error session started
L 05/04/2012 - 22:04:08: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20120504.log")
L 05/04/2012 - 22:04:08: [SM] Native "GetMenuItem" reported: Menu handle 28470510 is invalid (error 1)
L 05/04/2012 - 22:04:08: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "adminsounds.smx":
L 05/04/2012 - 22:04:08: [SM]   [0]  Line 587, /home/groups/sourcemod/upload_tmp/php0sThLc.sp::PlaySound()
L 05/04/2012 - 22:04:08: [SM]   [1]  Line 489, /home/groups/sourcemod/upload_tmp/php0sThLc.sp::AdminSoundsMenuHandler()
L 05/04/2012 - 22:07:43: Error log file session closed.
I'm posting the code here. It's only the default version like posted in 1st post but with the fix, and the fact the delay between sounds is reset at round start (because anyway, all sounds stop at round start, so it can be frustrating if the sound you just played had a big delay...)

PS: you can rename it to the normal name (adminsounds.smx), or you will have to reload the admin menu (or restart your server) if you don't want your admin menu to be messed up.

EDIT: still having the same kind of errors, currently testing.

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Last edited by St00ne; 07-14-2013 at 12:04.
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Old 07-14-2013 , 12:05   Re: Admin Sounds 1.2.2
Reply With Quote #302

Still having errors. I removed the script and keep testing it. It's getting on my nerves to still have this error

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St00ne is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Old 07-21-2013 , 14:33   Re: Admin Sounds 1.2.2
Reply With Quote #303

So this isn't working for me, maybe someone can tell me what I am doing wrong.

This is how I have the soundslist.cfg set up :

"Admin Sounds"
"delay" "60"
"volume" "1.0"
"file" "sound/test/It.mp3"
"download" "1"
"stop" "0"


In the server.cfg file :

sm_admin_sounds_delay "60"
sm_admin_sounds_display "1"
sm_admin_sounds_immunity "z"
sm_admin_sounds_menureprint "0"
sm_admin_sounds_menutime "120
sm_admin_sounds_stop "0"
sm_admin_sounds_stopall "0"
sm_admin_sounds_volume "1.0"

the file is in the sound/test folder both on server and fast download site

file never appears to download but I do get the menu in game so that portion is working

any help would be great

thanks in advance

no errors in console in game when trying to play file

edit :

it's working

Last edited by SirCheese; 07-21-2013 at 19:25.
SirCheese is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Old 07-21-2013 , 20:41   Re: Admin Sounds 1.2.2
Reply With Quote #304

Although, I do have a question, this delay, is this how long the file will play as well? I am using this for full music mp3 and it only plays part of the song.
SirCheese is offline
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Old 10-05-2013 , 14:38   Re: Admin Sounds 1.2.2
Reply With Quote #305

I'm looking to resolve this issue...
Originally Posted by Kamis View Post
After looking at your code, This problem occurs because sm_admin_sounds_stop is both a cvar and a console command. I changed one and that problem was fixed.
What portion of the code should be adjusted remove this error?
WARNING: unable to link sm_admin_sounds_stop and sm_admin_sounds_stop because one or more is a ConCommand.
So this is the current code for CS:S
seeing several places that sm_admin_sounds_stop is used as cvar and command.
What code should be changed to remove this error?

	Allows admins to play sounds from a menu

		* Initial Release
		* Increased the max number of sounds to 50
		* Added error checking on the number of sounds

	1.0.2 // Changed by o_O.Uberman.O_o upon request of|HS|Jesus
		* Added a chat "!stop" command to allow players to stop sounds started by this plug-in

	1.0.3 // Changed by |HS|Jesus
		* Added output of which sound is playing  

		* Made the config file load automatically
		* Added sm_admin_sounds_delay cvar to control the minimum delay between 2 sounds

	1.1.1 // Changed by cadavor
		* Added Log messages
		* Disable menu after launch sound
		* Added Cvar to enable or disable display and stop command
	1.1.2 // Changed by cadavor
		* Added to admin menu
		* Added translations
	1.1.3 // Changed by cadavor
		* Added how many sounds has been loaded in log
		* Added error in log when filename is too long to prevent crash of the plugin

	1.1.4a // Changed by cadavor (not released)
		* Added an option to stop all sound (require clientpref plugin) with say command !stopall
		* Added cvar to control the volume of sounds
	1.1.4b // Changed by cadavor (not released)
		* Correction of displayed message
	1.2.0 // Changed by cadavor
		* Change config file to use KeyValue function (see soundslist.cfg for more details)
		* Added command "sm_admin_sounds_list" to display in console all sounds and categories with parameters
		* Added Cvar to choose the show time of menu
		* Reset next sound delay on map start

	1.2.1 // Changed by cadavor
		* Added stop option for each categories and sounds
		* Added Cvar to choose if menu will be shown again after each sound
		* Added Cvar to choose admin flag for delay immunity
		* Fix StopAll option to check if ClientPref plugin is running
		* Fix Cvar tag to don't record the version in config file

	1.2.1d // Changed by cadavor
		* Fix stop option
		* Added Back button to all menus
		* Added stop action in menu
		* Fix check ClientPref plugin which sometimes made too early
		* Change precache option to enable precache before level startup
	1.2.1e // Changed by cadavor
		* Added cvar to choose admin level for stop option
		* Fix say command if only one stop option was enabled
		* Fix menu display again
	1.2.1f // Changed by cadavor
		* Fix admin level for stop option
		* Added message for reenable sounds to client who "stopall" on each sound launched
	1.2.1g // Changed by cadavor
		* Fix sound selection when categories have same name (allow sound with same name in different category)
		* Added public message when admin stop a sound
	1.2.1h // Changed by cadavor
		* Fix GetMenuIem errors
	1.2.2 // Changed by cadavor
		* Release version
Commands :
	Admin Commands:
		sm_admin_sounds_menu 		Display a menu of all admin sounds to play
		sm_admin_sounds_stop		Stop the playing sound for everyone
		sm_admin_sounds_list		Display a list of categories of sounds
	User Commands:
		!stop	 			When used in chat will per-user stop any sound currently playing by this plug-in
		!stopall			When used in chat will per-user enable/disable hearing of any sound


#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <clientprefs>

/* Make the admin menu plugin optional */
#include <adminmenu>

#pragma semicolon 1

#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.2.2"

// Plugin definitions
public Plugin:myinfo = 
	name = "Admin Sounds",
	author = "cadav0r, dalto, o_O.Uberman.O_o, |HS|Jesus",
	description = "Allows admins to play sounds from a menu",
	version = PLUGIN_VERSION,
	url = "http://forums.alliedmods.net"

/* Keep track of the top menu */
new Handle:AS_TopMenu = INVALID_HANDLE;

/* KV file */
new Handle:listfile = INVALID_HANDLE;
new String:soundlistfile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1] = "";

/* Menu */
new Handle:cat_menu = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:sound_menu = INVALID_HANDLE;

new Handle:g_CvarDelay = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_CvarDisplay = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_CvarAdminStop = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_CvarStop = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_CvarStopAll = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_CvarVolume = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_CvarMenuReprint = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_CvarMenuTime = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_CvarTimeImmunity = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_StopCookie = INVALID_HANDLE;
new StopAll[MAXPLAYERS+1];
new g_numSounds = 0;
new g_timeNextPlay = 0;
new SndPlaying[MAXPLAYERS+1];
new String:SndPlayingName[MAXPLAYERS+1][PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];

new Handle:g_precacheTrie = INVALID_HANDLE;

public OnPluginStart()

	g_CvarDelay = CreateConVar("sm_admin_sounds_delay", "60", "Default time in seconds after playing a sound that another one can be played. Default: 60", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0);
	g_CvarDisplay = CreateConVar("sm_admin_sounds_display", "1", "Enable the display of message to client when a sound is played. Default: on", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	g_CvarMenuReprint = CreateConVar("sm_admin_sounds_menureprint", "0", "Enable the possibility to reprint the menu after each sound. Default : 0.", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	g_CvarMenuTime = CreateConVar("sm_admin_sounds_menutime", "20", "How long the menu still show. Default : 20.", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 5.0, true, 60.0);
	g_CvarAdminStop = CreateConVar("sm_admin_sounds_adminlevelstop", "b", "Admin flag to be allow to stop played sound (see admin_level.cfg). If blank no stop possibility for admin. Default : b.", FCVAR_PLUGIN);
	g_CvarStop = CreateConVar("sm_admin_sounds_stop", "1", "Enable the possibility to stop the playing sound. Default: on", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	g_CvarStopAll = CreateConVar("sm_admin_sounds_stopall", "1", "Enable the possibility to stop all sounds. Default : on", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	g_CvarVolume = CreateConVar("sm_admin_sounds_volume", "1.0", "Default volume of played sounds : 0.0 <= x <= 1.0. Default : 1.0.", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	g_CvarTimeImmunity = CreateConVar("sm_admin_sounds_timeimmunity", "z", "Admin flag for delay time immunity (see admin_level.cfg). Leave blank for no immunity. Default : z.", FCVAR_PLUGIN);
	// Execute the config file
	AutoExecConfig(true, "adminsounds");

	RegAdminCmd("sm_admin_sounds_menu", AS_CatMenu, ADMFLAG_GENERIC);
	RegAdminCmd("sm_admin_sounds_stop", Command_StopPlayedSound, ADMFLAG_GENERIC);
	RegConsoleCmd("sm_admin_sounds_list", Command_Sound_List, "List available sounds to console");

	RegConsoleCmd("say", Command_Say);
	RegConsoleCmd("say_team", Command_Say);

	/* See if the menu pluginis already ready */
	new Handle:topmenu;
	if (LibraryExists("adminmenu") && ((topmenu = GetAdminTopMenu()) != INVALID_HANDLE))
		/* If so, manually fire the callback */

public OnAllPluginsLoaded()
	// Clientprefs 
	// for storing clients sound settings
	if (GetConVarBool(g_CvarStopAll))
		new Handle:Plugin_ClientPref = FindPluginByFile("clientprefs.smx");
		new PluginStatus:Plugin_ClientPref_Status = GetPluginStatus(Plugin_ClientPref);
		if ((Plugin_ClientPref == INVALID_HANDLE) || (Plugin_ClientPref_Status != Plugin_Running))
			LogError("This plugin require clientprefs plugin to allow users to disable all sounds.");
			g_StopCookie = RegClientCookie("adminsounds", "Stop All Admin Sounds", CookieAccess_Protected);

public OnMapStart()
	// Load sounds list
	// Reset Timer
	g_timeNextPlay = 0;

public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client)
	if (g_StopCookie != INVALID_HANDLE)
		// Check Client cookie
		new String:cookie[4];
		if (AreClientCookiesCached(client))
			GetClientCookie(client, g_StopCookie, cookie, sizeof(cookie));
			if (StrEqual(cookie, "on"))
				StopAll[client] = 1;
				PrintToChat(client, "\x04[SM] Admin Sounds: \x01%t \x04!stopall\x01 %t", "Stop_Type", "StopAll Reenabled");
			if (StrEqual(cookie, "off"))
				StopAll[client] = 0;
		// Set cookie if client connects the first time
		SetClientCookie(client, g_StopCookie, "off");
		StopAll[client] = 0;
		StopAll[client] = 0;
	SndPlaying[client] = 0;
	SndPlayingName[client] = "";

// Add to the admin menu
public OnAdminMenuReady(Handle:topmenu)
	/* Block us from being called twice */
	if (topmenu == AS_TopMenu)

	AS_TopMenu = topmenu;

	decl String:buffer[255];
	Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%t", "Admin Sounds");
	// Add top categorie
	new TopMenuObject:adminsounds_menu = AddToTopMenu(
		AS_TopMenu,		// Menu
	// Add items in the categorie
	if (adminsounds_menu != INVALID_TOPMENUOBJECT)
		Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%t", "Play sound");
		new AdminFlag:flag;
		decl String:adminstop[5];
		GetConVarString(g_CvarAdminStop, adminstop, sizeof(adminstop));
		if (FindFlagByChar(adminstop[0], flag))
			Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%t", "Stop sound");

public CategoryHandler(Handle:topmenu, 
	if (action == TopMenuAction_DisplayTitle)
		Format(buffer, maxlength, "%t:", "Admin Sounds");
	else if (action == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption)
		Format(buffer, maxlength, "%t", "Admin Sounds");

public AdminMenu_Stop(Handle:topmenu, 
	if (action == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption)
		Format(buffer, maxlength, "%t", "Stop sound");
	else if (action == TopMenuAction_SelectOption)
		AS_StopPlayedSound(param, 0);

public Action:AS_StopPlayedSound(client, args)
	if (!client)
		return Plugin_Handled;

	if (CheckImmunity(client, g_CvarAdminStop))
		if (StopSounds())
			decl String:name[35];
			GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));

			PrintToChatAll("%t", "AdminStopSounds", name);
			LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" stop played sound", client);
			PrintToChat(client, "%t", "NoSoundPlayed");
		PrintToChat(client, "%t", "AdminCantStop");
	DisplayTopMenu(AS_TopMenu, client, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);

	return Plugin_Handled;

public AdminMenu_Play(Handle:topmenu, 
	if (action == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption)
		Format(buffer, maxlength, "%t", "Play sound");
	else if (action == TopMenuAction_SelectOption)
		AS_CatMenu(param, 0);

public Action:AS_CatMenu(client, args)
	if (!client)
		return Plugin_Handled;

	cat_menu = CreateMenu(AS_CatMenuHandler);

	/* Translate to our phrase */
	decl String:buffer[255];
	Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%t", "Admin Sounds");	
	SetMenuTitle(cat_menu, buffer);

	// Add items in the categorie

	decl String:buffer2[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
	decl String:cat_name[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
	decl String:code_lang[4];
	new client_lang = GetClientLanguage(client);
	GetLanguageInfo(client_lang, code_lang, sizeof(code_lang));
		KvGetSectionName(listfile, buffer2, sizeof(buffer2));
		cat_name[0] = '\0';
		KvGetString(listfile, code_lang, cat_name, sizeof(cat_name));
		if (cat_name[0] == '\0')
			strcopy(cat_name, sizeof(cat_name), buffer2);
		AddMenuItem(cat_menu, buffer2, cat_name);
	} while (KvGotoNextKey(listfile));

	SetMenuExitBackButton(cat_menu, true);
	DisplayMenu(cat_menu, client, GetConVarInt(g_CvarMenuTime));

	return Plugin_Handled;

public AS_CatMenuHandler(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
	if (action == MenuAction_Select)
		AdminSoundsMenu(param1, param2, "");
	else if ((action == MenuAction_Cancel) && (param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack))
		DisplayTopMenu(AS_TopMenu, param1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
	else if (action == MenuAction_End)

public Action:AdminSoundsMenu(client, pos, String:name[])
	if (!client)
		return Plugin_Handled;

	decl String:cat_name[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
	decl String:buffer[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
	if (strlen(name) > 0)
			KvGetSectionName(listfile, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
			if (strcmp(name, buffer, false) == 0)
				cat_name = buffer;
		} while (KvGotoNextKey(listfile));
		decl String:SelectionInfo[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
		if ((cat_menu != INVALID_HANDLE) && GetMenuItem(cat_menu, pos, SelectionInfo, sizeof(SelectionInfo)))
				KvGetSectionName(listfile, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
				if (strcmp(SelectionInfo, buffer, false) == 0)
					cat_name = buffer;
			} while (KvGotoNextKey(listfile));

	decl String:buffer2[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
	if (KvJumpToKey(listfile, cat_name))
		sound_menu = CreateMenu(AdminSoundsMenuHandler);
		SetMenuTitle(sound_menu, cat_name);
			KvGetSectionName(listfile, buffer2, sizeof(buffer2));
			AddMenuItem(sound_menu, buffer2, buffer2);
		} while (KvGotoNextKey(listfile));

		SetMenuExitBackButton(sound_menu, true);
		DisplayMenu(sound_menu, client, GetConVarInt(g_CvarMenuTime));
		LogError("Subkey not found in the config file!");

	return Plugin_Handled;

public AdminSoundsMenuHandler(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
	if (action == MenuAction_Select)
		decl String:buffer[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
		GetMenuTitle(menu, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
		PlaySound(param1, param2, buffer);
	else if ((action == MenuAction_Cancel) && (param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack))
		AS_CatMenu(param1, 0);
	else if (action == MenuAction_End)

// Loads the soundsList array with the quake sounds
public Action:Load_Sounds()

	// precache sounds, loop through sounds
	BuildPath(Path_SM, soundlistfile, sizeof(soundlistfile), "configs/soundslist.cfg");
	if (!FileExists(soundlistfile))
		SetFailState("soundslist.cfg not parsed...file doesnt exist!");
		if (listfile != INVALID_HANDLE)
		listfile = CreateKeyValues("Admin Sounds");
		if (FileToKeyValues(listfile, soundlistfile))
			if (KvGotoFirstSubKey(listfile))
				decl String:cat_name[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
				decl String:name[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
				decl String:filelocation[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
				decl String:dl[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
				new download;
				g_numSounds = 0;
					KvGetSectionName(listfile, cat_name, sizeof(cat_name));
//					LogMessage("Category : %s", cat_name);
						KvGetSectionName(listfile, name, sizeof(name));
						filelocation[0] = '\0';
						KvGetString(listfile, "file", filelocation, sizeof(filelocation), "");
						if (filelocation[0] != '\0')
							download = KvGetNum(listfile, "download", 1);
							Format(dl, sizeof(dl), "sound/%s", filelocation);
							if (FileExists(dl))
								if (download)
//								LogMessage("Loaded sound %s (file : %s - dl : %d)", name, filelocation, download);
								LogError("Sound file %s (name : %s) does not exist", filelocation, name);							
					} while(KvGotoNextKey(listfile));
					KvJumpToKey(listfile, cat_name);
				} while (KvGotoNextKey(listfile));
				LogMessage("%d sounds loaded", g_numSounds);	
				SetFailState("soundslist.cfg not parsed... No subkeys found!");
			SetFailState("soundslist.cfg not parsed... Failed to convert into KeyValue!");
	return Plugin_Handled;

public PlaySound(client, item, String:cat_name[])
	if ((GetTime() > g_timeNextPlay) || CheckImmunity(client, g_CvarTimeImmunity))
		decl String:SelectionInfo[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
		decl String:buffer[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
		decl String:sound_cat[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
		decl String:sound_name[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
		decl String:sound_filelocation[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
		new cat_delay, sound_delay, cat_display, sound_display, cat_stop, sound_stop;
		new Float:cat_volume, Float:sound_volume;
		if (GetMenuItem(sound_menu, item, SelectionInfo, sizeof(SelectionInfo)))
			if (KvJumpToKey(listfile, cat_name))
				cat_delay = KvGetNum(listfile, "delay", GetConVarInt(g_CvarDelay));
				cat_volume = KvGetFloat(listfile, "volume", GetConVarFloat(g_CvarVolume));
				cat_display = KvGetNum(listfile, "display", GetConVarInt(g_CvarDisplay));
				cat_stop = KvGetNum(listfile, "stop", GetConVarInt(g_CvarStop));
					KvGetSectionName(listfile, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
					if (strcmp(SelectionInfo, buffer, false) == 0)
						strcopy(sound_cat, sizeof(sound_cat), cat_name);
						sound_name = buffer;
						sound_filelocation[0] = '\0';
						KvGetString(listfile, "file", sound_filelocation, sizeof(sound_filelocation));
						if (sound_filelocation[0] != '\0')
							sound_delay = KvGetNum(listfile, "delay", cat_delay);
							sound_volume = KvGetFloat(listfile, "volume", cat_volume);
							sound_display = KvGetNum(listfile, "display", cat_display);
							sound_stop = KvGetNum(listfile, "stop", cat_stop);
							if (sound_volume > 1.0)
								sound_volume = 1.0; // Max value for the volume
				} while (KvGotoNextKey(listfile));
				LogError("Subkey not found in the config file!");
			LogError("Item not found!");
		if (sound_filelocation[0] != '\0')
			new clientlist[MAXPLAYERS+1];
			new clientcount = 0;
			for(new i = 1; i <= GetMaxClients(); i++)
				if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && !SndPlaying[i])
					if (!StopAll[i])
						clientlist[clientcount++] = i;
						SndPlaying[i] = 1;
						strcopy(SndPlayingName[i], sizeof(SndPlayingName[]), sound_filelocation);
						PrintToChat(i, "\x04[SM] Admin Sounds: \x01%t \x04!stopall\x01 %t", "Stop_Type", "StopAll Reenabled");
			if (clientcount)
				if (PrepareSound(sound_filelocation))
					EmitSound(clientlist, clientcount, sound_filelocation, .volume=sound_volume);
					if (sound_display)
						PrintToChatAll("\x04[SM] Admin Sounds - \x01%t", "Now playing", sound_name);
//						PrintToChatAll("\x04[SM] Admin Sounds - \x01%t - cat: %s - delay: %d - volume: %f - stop: %d", "Now playing", sound_name, sound_cat, sound_delay, sound_volume, sound_stop); // test
					if (sound_stop)
						decl String:buffer2[255];
						Format(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), "\x01[SM] %t \x04!stop\x01 %t", "Stop_Type", "Stop_to");
						for(new i = 0; i < clientcount; i++)
							PrintToChat(clientlist[i], buffer2);
					if (g_StopCookie != INVALID_HANDLE)
						decl String:buffer3[255];
						Format(buffer3, sizeof(buffer3), "\x01[SM] %t \x04!stopall\x01 %t", "Stop_Type", "StopAll_to");
						for(new i = 0; i < clientcount; i++)
							PrintToChat(clientlist[i], buffer3);
					LogError("Failed to precache sound %s (file : %s)", sound_name, sound_filelocation);
			if (sound_delay > 0)
				g_timeNextPlay = GetTime() + sound_delay;
				CreateTimer(float(sound_delay), Timer_ResetSound);
			LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" launch the sound %s - \"%s\"", client, sound_cat, sound_name);
			// Display again the menu
			if (GetConVarBool(g_CvarMenuReprint))
				AdminSoundsMenu(client, 0, sound_cat);
			LogError("File %s not found", sound_name);
		PrintToChat(client, "\x04[SM] Admin Sounds: \x01%t", "Wait a moment");

public Action:Timer_ResetSound(Handle:timer, any:dp) {
	for(new i = 1; i <= GetMaxClients(); i++)
		if (SndPlaying[i])
			SndPlaying[i] = 0;

public Action:Command_StopPlayedSound(client, args)
	if (!client)
		return Plugin_Handled;

	if (CheckImmunity(client, g_CvarAdminStop))
		if (StopSounds())
			decl String:name[35];
			GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));

			PrintToChatAll("%t", "AdminStopSounds", name);
			LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" Stop Played Sound", client);
			PrintToConsole(client, "%t", "NoSoundPlayed");
		PrintToConsole(client, "%t", "AdminCantStop");
	return Plugin_Handled;

public Action:Command_Sound_List(client, args)
	return Plugin_Handled;

stock List_Sounds(client)

	decl String:buffer[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
	decl String:buffer2[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
	decl String:tempbuffer[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
	decl String:filelocation[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
	new String:code_lang[4];
	new String:cat_name[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
	new String:cat_langname[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1];
	PrintToConsole(client, "[Admin Sounds] Default params : delay=%d - volume=%.2f - stop=%d", GetConVarInt(g_CvarDelay), GetConVarFloat(g_CvarVolume), GetConVarBool(g_CvarStop));
		KvGetSectionName(listfile, cat_name, sizeof(cat_name));
		strcopy(buffer, sizeof(buffer), cat_name);
		for(new i = 0; i < GetLanguageCount(); i++)
			GetLanguageInfo(i, code_lang, sizeof(code_lang));
			cat_langname[0] = '\0';
			KvGetString(listfile, code_lang, cat_langname, sizeof(cat_langname), "");
			if (cat_langname[0] != '\0')
				Format(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), " - %s : \"%s\"", code_lang, cat_langname);
				StrCat(cat_name, sizeof(cat_name), tempbuffer);
		new Float:cat_volume = KvGetFloat(listfile, "volume");
		if (cat_volume)
			Format(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), " - volume : %.2f", cat_volume);
			StrCat(cat_name, sizeof(cat_name), tempbuffer);
		new cat_delay = KvGetNum(listfile, "delay");
		if (cat_delay)
			Format(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), " - delay : %d", cat_delay);
			StrCat(cat_name, sizeof(cat_name), tempbuffer);
		new cat_display = KvGetNum(listfile, "display");
		if (cat_display)
			Format(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), " - display : %d", cat_display);
			StrCat(cat_name, sizeof(cat_name), tempbuffer);
		new cat_stop = KvGetNum(listfile, "stop");
		if (cat_stop)
			Format(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), " - stop : %d", cat_stop);
			StrCat(cat_name, sizeof(cat_name), tempbuffer);
		PrintToConsole(client, cat_name);
			KvGetSectionName(listfile, buffer2, sizeof(buffer2));
			filelocation[0] = '\0';
			KvGetString(listfile, "file", filelocation, sizeof(filelocation));
			Format(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), "- %s (\"%s\"", buffer2, filelocation);
			new Float:volume = KvGetFloat(listfile, "volume");
			if (volume)
				Format(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), " - volume : %.2f", volume);
				StrCat(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), tempbuffer);
			new delay = KvGetNum(listfile, "delay");
			if (delay)
				Format(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), " - delay : %d", delay);
				StrCat(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), tempbuffer);
			new display = KvGetNum(listfile, "display");
			if (display)
				Format(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), " - display : %d", display);
				StrCat(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), tempbuffer);
			new stop = KvGetNum(listfile, "stop");
			if (stop)
				Format(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), " - stop : %d", stop);
				StrCat(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), tempbuffer);
			StrCat(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), ")");
			PrintToConsole(client, buffer2);
		} while (KvGotoNextKey(listfile));
		KvJumpToKey(listfile, buffer);
	} while (KvGotoNextKey(listfile));

public Action:Command_Say(client, args)
	if (!client || (!GetConVarBool(g_CvarStop) && (g_StopCookie == INVALID_HANDLE)))
		return Plugin_Continue;

	decl String:speech[128];
	decl String:clientName[64];
	decl String:clientAuth[64];
	GetClientName(client, clientName, 64);
	GetClientAuthString(client, clientAuth, sizeof(clientAuth));

	new startidx = 0;
	if (speech[0] == '"')
		startidx = 1;
		/* Strip the ending quote, if there is one */
		new len = strlen(speech);
		if (speech[len-1] == '"')
			speech[len-1] = '\0';

	// Stop current sound
	if (strcmp(speech[startidx], "!stop", false) == 0)
		if (SndPlaying[client])
			StopSound(client, SNDCHAN_AUTO, SndPlayingName[client]);
			SndPlaying[client] = 0;
			PrintToChat(client, "%t", "NoSoundPlayed");		
		return Plugin_Handled;

	// Stop all sounds
	if (strcmp(speech[startidx], "!stopall", false) == 0)
		if (g_StopCookie != INVALID_HANDLE)
			if (!StopAll[client])
				if (SndPlaying[client])
					StopSound(client, SNDCHAN_AUTO, SndPlayingName[client]);
					SndPlaying[client] = 0;
				SetClientCookie(client, g_StopCookie, "on");
				StopAll[client] = 1;
				PrintToChat(client, "\x04[SM] Admin Sounds: \x01%t", "StopAll Enabled");
				LogMessage("%s<%s> disable all sounds", clientName, clientAuth);
				SetClientCookie(client, g_StopCookie, "off");
				StopAll[client] = 0;
				PrintToChat(client, "\x04[SM] Admin Sounds: \x01%t", "StopAll Disabled");
				LogMessage("%s<%s> reenable all sounds", clientName, clientAuth);
		return Plugin_Handled;
	return Plugin_Continue;

stock SetupPreloadTrie()
    if (g_precacheTrie == INVALID_HANDLE)
        g_precacheTrie = CreateTrie();

stock bool:PrepareSound(const String:sound[], bool:preload=true)
	//if (!IsSoundPrecached(sound))
	new bool:value;
	if (!GetTrieValue(g_precacheTrie, sound, value))
		if (PrecacheSound(sound, preload))
			SetTrieValue(g_precacheTrie, sound, true);
			return true;
			return false;
	return true;

stock bool:CheckImmunity(client, Handle:cvar_immunity)
	if (!client)
		return false;

	new AdminId:adminid = GetUserAdmin(client);
	if (adminid == INVALID_ADMIN_ID)
		return false;

	new AdminFlag:flag;
	decl String:immunity[3];
	GetConVarString(cvar_immunity, immunity, sizeof(immunity));
	if (!FindFlagByChar(immunity[0], flag))
		return false;

	return GetAdminFlag(adminid , flag);

stock bool:StopSounds()
	new clientcount = 0;
	for(new i = 1; i <= GetMaxClients(); i++)
		if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && SndPlaying[i])
			StopSound(i, SNDCHAN_AUTO, SndPlayingName[i]);
			SndPlaying[i] = 0;

	if (clientcount > 0)
		return true;

	return false;
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Last edited by nightrider; 10-05-2013 at 14:43.
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Old 10-05-2013 , 22:25   Re: Admin Sounds 1.2.2
Reply With Quote #306

Originally Posted by SirCheese View Post
Although, I do have a question, this delay, is this how long the file will play as well? I am using this for full music mp3 and it only plays part of the song.
It's the delay between sounds, which means, if you or another admin is trying to play a sound while the delay has not been reached, the sound is not played.
It is ALSO the delay giving you the ability to stop the sound. Otherwise, if you try to stop it AFTER, it won't work. (Which is the proof that it i not the max length of the sound, because a sound can continue after the delay that you set. You will just not be able to stop it. And you will be able to play another sound, making you play two sounds, or more, at the same time - very annoying.)

I don't know if there is a max length for a song. I play songs of 1mn15 without any trouble.


PS: if someone can fix the error log, it would be much appreciated.
PS2: I'm using the DEFAULT version on CSGO and it's WORKING.

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Last edited by St00ne; 10-05-2013 at 22:33.
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Old 10-23-2013 , 00:07   Re: Admin Sounds 1.2.2
Reply With Quote #307

Hi all, im a seller of servers and too configure this.

I´m just having problem with this plugin cause my fastdownload have this directory path ...\cstrike\sound\admin_plugin\*.*
And my serverside this .../cstrike/sound/admin_plugin/*.*

I think all of ur understand this "world plugin problem".

And all is suppose to be okay BUT have 1 problem

Failed to load sound "admin_plugin\cancionvara.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository
Anyone know how to fix dat problem?

Sorry my bad english , im spanish.

This is a directory path problem between Server and FastDL & Client (/´s and \´s).

Last edited by thedoragon; 10-23-2013 at 00:15.
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Old 12-03-2013 , 03:47   Re: Admin Sounds 1.2.2
Reply With Quote #308

I have a question.
I would want to continue playing the sound when I die on the CSGO game.
It's possible ?

Last edited by vintz; 12-03-2013 at 03:48.
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Old 12-03-2013 , 15:54   Re: Admin Sounds 1.2.2
Reply With Quote #309

Originally Posted by thedoragon View Post
Hi all, im a seller of servers and too configure this.

I´m just having problem with this plugin cause my fastdownload have this directory path ...\cstrike\sound\admin_plugin\*.*
And my serverside this .../cstrike/sound/admin_plugin/*.*

I think all of ur understand this "world plugin problem".

And all is suppose to be okay BUT have 1 problem

Anyone know how to fix dat problem?

Sorry my bad english , im spanish.

This is a directory path problem between Server and FastDL & Client (/´s and \´s).
Hi, in your soundslist.cfg, if you are using Linux, write your paths with slashes. If you are using Windows, anti-slashes should work.

Ex: for Linux:
"Admin Sounds"
        "delay" "45"
        "volume" "0.50"
            "file" "myserversounds/la_banane.mp3"
There is no need to edit the plugin as far as I know.

PS: sounds must be in both server and fastdownload folders, but I guess you know that.

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Old 12-08-2013 , 06:15   Re: Admin Sounds 1.2.2
Reply With Quote #310

I have a question.
I would want to continue playing the sound when I die on the CSGO game.
It's possible ?
vintz is offline

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