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Halo Gameplay Mod Translation

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Old 07-11-2007 , 12:28   Re: Halo Gameplay Mod Translation
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I'll add it all up and post it today or tomorrow.

-Thx for a great plugin flyeni6
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Old 07-11-2007 , 13:27   Re: Halo Gameplay Mod Translation
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Old 07-11-2007 , 13:39   Re: Halo Gameplay Mod Translation
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BETRAYAL = Verraad!
BETRAYAL_MSG = %s heeft %s verraden!
BETRAYAL_VICTIM_MSG = Je bent verraden door %s!
BLUE = Blauw
BLUE_SCORE = Blauwe team scoort!
BLUE_SKIN_MSG = Je model kleur is Blauw
BLUE_TEAM_KILLS = Blauwe Team heeft %i kills gemaakt!
BLUE_WIN = Blauwe Team WINT!
COLOR_SKIN_CHOOSER = Model Kleur Kiezer
CONNECT_LINE_1 = Deze server runt Halo GamePlay mod van:^n
CONNECT_LINE_2A = Je speelt nu Slayermode!^n
CONNECT_LINE_2B = Je speelt nu TeamSlayermode!^n
CONNECT_LINE_2C = Je speelt nu Territories!^n
CONNECT_LINE_2D = Je speelt nu Juggernaut!^n
CONNECT_LINE_3 = Voor het Halo mod menu, typ '/hmmenu^n'
CONNECT_LINE_4 = Druk op een Nummer om Door te gaan
DARK_ORANGE = Donker Oranje
DARK_ORANGE_SKIN_MSG = Je model kleur is Donker Oranje
GAMEOVER = Spel over!
GREEN = Groen
GREEN_SKIN_MSG = Je model kleur is Groen
GRENADES_CMD = Je hebt %i/%i Granaten
HALO_DISABLED = HaloMod is uitgeschakeld!
HALO_SKIN_HUD = Halo Model Kleur:
HELP = Help
JUGGERNAUT = Juggernaut!
JUGG_CHAT_WIN = De Juggernaut %s WINT!
JUGG_DISCONNECT = De Juggernaut %s heeft de server verlaten!
JUGG_HUD_WIN = De Juggernaut %s WINT!
JUGG_NEW_PLAYER = %s is de nieuwe Juggernaut!
JUGG_ONE_KILLS_CHAT = %s heeft nog 1 kill nodig om te WINNEN!
JUGG_ONE_KILLS_HUD = %s heeft nog 1 kill nodig om te WINNEN!
JUGG_SCORE_HUD = Huidige Juggernaut: %s^nJuggernaut Leven: %d
JUGG_TWO_KILLS_CHAT = %s heeft nog 2 kills nodig om te WINNEN!
JUGG_TWO_KILLS_HUD = %s heeft nog 2 kills nodig om te WINNEN!
MAIN_MENU_TITLE = Halo Hoofdmenu:
MAPCHANGE = Map verandert naar %s
ONE_MIN_REM = 1 minuut over!
ORANGE = Oranje
ORANGE_SKIN_MSG = Je model kleur is Oranje
PURPLE = Paars
PURPLE_SKIN_MSG = Je model kleur is Paars
RANDOM_SKIN = Willekeurige model kleur: %s
RED = Rood
RED_SCORE = Rode Team Scoort!
RED_SKIN_MSG = Je model kleur is Rood
RED_TEAM_KILLS = Rode Team heeft %i kills gemaakt!
RED_WIN = Rode Team WINT!
REJOIN_MSG = Spawn opnieuw in %d
RUNNING_JUGG = [HALOMOD] Deze server runt Juggernaut Mode van HaloMod
RUNNING_SLAY = [HALOMOD] Deze server runt Slayer Mode van HaloMod
RUNNING_SLAY_SKIN = [HALOMOD] Typ /hmskin in chat om je model kleur te kiezen!
RUNNING_TERR = [HALOMOD] Deze server runt Territories Mode van HaloMod
RUNNING_TSLAY = [HALOMOD] Deze server runt Running Team Slayer Mode van HaloMod
SKIN_MENU_TITLE = Halo Slayer Model kleuren:
SLAYER = Slayer!
SLAY_ONE_KILLS_TO_WIN = %s heeft 1 kill nodig om te WINNEN!
SLAY_TWO_KILLS_TO_WIN = %s heeft 2 kills nodig om te WINNEN!
SLAY_WIN = %s is de WINNAAR!
SLAY_WIN_VICTIM = Je bent %s's laatste slachtoffer
TEAL = Blauw-groen
TEAL_SKIN_MSG = Je model kleur is blauw-groen
TEN_SEC_REM = 10 Sec Over!
TERRITORIES = Territories!
TERR_CAPTURE = %s: [%s] heeft [%s] territorium overgenomen!
TERR_CONTROLLED = Territorium onder controle!
TERR_MOST_POINTS = Meeste Territorium Punten:
THIRTY_SEC_REM = 30 Seconds Over!
TSLAYER = Team Slayer!
TYPE_MENU = [HALOMOD] Voor een help menu typ /hmmenu
VERSION = Versie
VERSION_CMD = De Halomod Versie is %s
VIEW_NADE_COUNT = Laat granaat aantal zien
YELLOW_SKIN_MSG = Je model kleur is Geel

CONNECT_LINE_2F = Je speelt nu Capture The Flag!^n
CTF_START = Capture The Flag
CTF_ACTIVE = CTF Mode Aangezet
RED_TEAM = Rode Team
BLUE_TEAM = Blauwe Team
RED_FLAG_LOCATION = Rode Vlag Locatie
BLUE_FLAG_LOCATION = Blauwe Vlag Locatie
RED_TEAM_HAS_FLAG = Rode Team Heeft de Vlag!
BLUE_TEAM_HAS_FLAG = Blauwe Team Heeft de Vlag!
RED_FLAG_RETURN = De Rode Team Vlag Is Teruggebracht!
BLUE_FLAG_RETURN = De Blauwe Team Vlag Is Teruggebracht!
ONGROUND = Op de ground
BSCORE = Blauwe Team's Score
RSCORE = Rode Team's Score
BBASE = Blauwe Team Basis
RBASE = Rode Team Basis
Just a few things:
-English has way more words than dutch, here and there I had to improvise a little bit and it seems that worked out okay.
-Ofcourse grammar of both languages are very different but the specific values (eg. "%s" and stuff) still, fortunately, ended up on the same places so dutch players shouldn't get any weird messages with eg. Killer and victim names or something reversed.
-As said in point 1, dutch has fewer words, in fact, there is no Dutch word (that I'm aware of) in existence that can (even vaguely) translate "Teal" so I basically said "Blue-Green" in dutch. If you have another idea for that I'll change it.
-I noticed a few typo's in the english version (and with that I mean the text on the left side) but I haven't corrected ANY of it cos that'd probably mean that message would stop working with the plugin correctly. And then again, it doesn't really matter cos only the plugin sees that part of the text.

EDIT: Oh yes, one more thing about the word "skin".
As everyone knows the word skin can mean either real actual skin of a person, or in games something that goes along the lines of a player model. Because the dutch language doesn't have one word for both of these I didn't translate it literally cos that'd be plainly weird in the messages. Instead I clarified "Skin color" as "Model color" (color/colour = kleur). Model is dutch for model, and works for both models (game files and stuff) and models (think women in bikini's). Just a different pronunciation.

Last edited by BlackMilk; 07-11-2007 at 13:42.
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Old 07-11-2007 , 15:06   Re: Halo Gameplay Mod Translation
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I have polish translation for you. Maybe there, are some mistakes but I'm sure that Trawiator will catch them ^^

BETRAYAL = Zdrada!
BETRAYAL_MSG = %s zdradzil %s!
BETRAYAL_VICTIM_MSG = Zostales zdradzony przez %s!
BLUE = Niebieski
BLUE_SCORE = Punkt dla druzyny Niebieskich!
BLUE_SKIN_MSG = Twoj kolor postaci to Niebieski!
BLUE_TEAM_KILLS = Druzyna Niebieskich zabila %i graczy
BLUE_WIN = Druzyna Niebieskich WYGRYWA!
COLOR_SKIN_CHOOSER = Wybor kolorowych wygladow
CONNECT_LINE_1 = Ten serwer uzywa moda Halo GamePlay napisanego przez:^n
CONNECT_LINE_2A = Grasz teraz w trybie Slayermode!^n
CONNECT_LINE_2B = Grasz teraz w trybie TeamSlayermode!^n
CONNECT_LINE_2C = Grasz teraz w trybie Territories!^n
CONNECT_LINE_2D = Grasz teraz w trybie Juggernaut!^n
CONNECT_LINE_3 = Aby wejsc do menu Halo, wpisz '/hmmenu^n'
CONNECT_LINE_4 = Wcisnij dowolny klawisz, aby kontynuowac
DARK_ORANGE = Ciemno Pomaranczowy
DARK_ORANGE_SKIN_MSG = Twoj kolor postaci to Ciemno Pomaranczowy!
GAMEOVER = Koniec Gry!
GREEN = Zielony
GREEN_SKIN_MSG = Twoj kolor postaci to Zielony!
GRENADES_CMD = Masz %i/%i Granatow
HALO_DISABLED = HaloMod zostal wylaczony!
HALO_SKIN_HUD = Wyglad postaci Halo:
HELP = Pomoc
JUGGERNAUT = Juggernaut!
JUGG_DISCONNECT = Juggernaut %s rozlaczyl sie!
JUGG_HUD_WIN = Juggernaut %s ZWYCIEZA!
JUGG_NEW_PLAYER = %s jest teraz Juggernautem!
JUGG_ONE_KILLS_CHAT = %s potrzebuje jeszcze 1 zabojstwo aby wygrac!
JUGG_ONE_KILLS_HUD = %s potrzebuje jeszcze 1 zabojstwo aby wygrac!
JUGG_SCORE_HUD = Aktualny niszczyciel: %s^nIlosc zyc niszczyciela: %d
JUGG_TWO_KILLS_CHAT = %s potrzebuje jeszcze 2 zabojstwa aby wygrac!
JUGG_TWO_KILLS_HUD = %s potrzebuje jeszcze 2 zabojstwa aby wygrac!
MAIN_MENU_TITLE = Glowne Menu Halo:
MAPCHANGE = Mapa zostaje zmieniona na %s
ONE_MIN_REM = Zostala 1 minuta!
ORANGE = Pomaranczowy
ORANGE_SKIN_MSG = Twoj kolor postaci to Pomaranczowy!
PURPLE = Purpurowy
PURPLE_SKIN_MSG = Twoj kolor postaci to Purpurowy!
RANDOM_SKIN = Losowy wyglad: %s
RED = Czerwony
RED_SCORE = Punkt dla druzyny Czerwonych!
RED_SKIN_MSG = Twoj kolor to Czerwony!
RED_TEAM_KILLS = Druzyna Czerwonych zabila %i graczy
RED_WIN = Druzyna Czerwonych WYGRYWA!
REJOIN_MSG = Ponowne polaczenie za %d
RUNNING_JUGG = [HALOMOD] Ten serwer jest w trybie Juggernaut HaloModa
RUNNING_SLAY = [HALOMOD] Ten serwer jest w trybie zgladzania HaloModa
RUNNING_SLAY_SKIN = [HALOMOD] Wpisz na czacie /hmskin aby wybrac swoj wyglad!
RUNNING_TERR = [HALOMOD] Ten serwer jest w trybie Territories HaloModa)
RUNNING_TSLAY = [HALOMOD] en serwer jest w trybie druzynowego zabijania(zabijania druzyny) HaloModa
SKIN_MENU_TITLE = Wyglad Slayerow w Halo:
SLAYER = Slayer!
SLAY_ONE_KILLS_TO_WIN = %s potrzebuje jeszcze 1 zabojstwo aby wygrac!
SLAY_TWO_KILLS_TO_WIN = %s potrzebuje jeszcze 2 zabojstwa aby wygrac!
SLAY_WIN_VICTIM = Byles ostatnia ofiara %s
TEAL = Turkus
TEAL_SKIN_MSG = Twoj kolor postaci to Turkusowy
TEN_SEC_REM = Pozostalo 10 sekund!
TERRITORIES = Territories!
TERR_ACTIVE = Tryb Territories WLACZONY!
TERR_CAPTURE = %s: [%s] Zdobyl [%s] terytorium!
TERR_CONTROLLED = Terytorium Zdobyte!
TERR_HUD_BLUE_TEAM = Druzyna Niebieskich
TERR_HUD_RED_TEAM = Druzyna Czerwonych
TERR_MOST_POINTS = Najwiecej punktow terytorialnych:
THIRTY_SEC_REM = Pozostalo 30 sekund!
TSLAYER = Team Slayer!
TYPE_MENU = [HALOMOD] Aby uzyskac menu pomocy wpisz /hmmenu
VERSION = Wersja
VERSION_CMD = Wersja HaloModa to %s
VIEW_NADE_COUNT = Ilosc granatow HE
YELLOW = Zolty
YELLOW_SKIN_MSG = Twoj kolor postaci to Zolty

CONNECT_LINE_2F = Grasz teraz w trybie Przejmij Flage!^n
CTF_START = Przejmij Flage
CTF_ACTIVE = Tryb PF Mode Wlaczony
RED_TEAM = Druzyna Czerwonych
BLUE_TEAM = Druzyna Niebieskich
RED_FLAG_LOCATION = Polozenie Czerwonej Flagi
BLUE_FLAG_LOCATION = Polozenie Niebieskiej Flagi
RED_TEAM_HAS_FLAG = Druzyna Czerwonych Zdobyla Flage!
BLUE_TEAM_HAS_FLAG = Druzyna Niebieskich Zdobyla Flage!
RED_FLAG_RETURN = Flaga Czerwonych trafila do bazy!
BLUE_FLAG_RETURN = Flaga Niebieskich trafila do bazy!
ONGROUND = Na ziemie!
BSCORE = Wynik Druzyny Niebieskich
RSCORE = Wynik Druzyny Czerwonych
BBASE = Baza Druzyny Niebieskich
RBASE = Baza Druzyny Czerwonych
There are some language changes (just like in BlackMilk post):

1. As same in polish language we don't use "skin", so i used "your hero kolor is"
2. We don't say "blue team score" we have "point for blue team", so again changed
3. I didn't have any idea to translate "Territories" ^^

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Last edited by Morfi; 07-12-2007 at 03:56.
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Old 07-11-2007 , 16:01   Re: Halo Gameplay Mod Translation
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Oh yes, I forgot to say that.
Morfi, maybe you don't have to translate "Territories"

I didn't change the names of game modes or any other names that were from Halo, because that's how they're known, and obviously like I just said twice, they're names, not words needing translation.

So I left Slayer as Slayer, Team Slayer as Team Slayer, etc.

But Morfi, if you're still looking to replace "Territories", maybe try a word like "Zones" instead?

EDIT: Morfi, I just saw you forgot the lines

RED_FLAG_RETURN = The Red Team Flag Has Been Returned!
BLUE_FLAG_RETURN = The Blue Team Flag Has Been Returned!
on the final part? Just a heads up, dunno what's with em.

BTW, that's one cool language =P
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Old 07-11-2007 , 16:24   Re: Halo Gameplay Mod Translation
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Yea, but you see that some i leave original name and some I translate to have better meaning

EDIT: Morfi, I just saw you forgot the lines
RED_FLAG_RETURN = The Red Team Flag Has Been Returned!
BLUE_FLAG_RETURN = The Blue Team Flag Has Been Returned!

BTW, that's one cool language =P
Which ? Polish ?
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Old 07-11-2007 , 22:24   Re: Halo Gameplay Mod Translation
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thx guys!!!!!

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Old 07-12-2007 , 04:19   Re: Halo Gameplay Mod Translation
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Which ? Polish ?
Yeah, as opposed to danish and stuff >.> That I do not like.
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Old 08-04-2007 , 15:15   Re: Halo Gameplay Mod Translation
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I will do in FRENCH =D working on it right now!

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Old 08-04-2007 , 16:07   Re: Halo Gameplay Mod Translation
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There is the French translation =D

BETRAYAL = Trahison!
BETRAYAL_MSG = %s A Trahi %s!
BETRAYAL_VICTIM_MSG = Vous avez été Trahi par %s!
BLUE = Bleu
BLUE_SCORE = Pointage des Bleus!
BLUE_SKIN_MSG = Votre couleur de peau est bleu
BLUE_TEAM_KILLS = L'équipe des bleus a tuer %i Personnes!
BLUE_WIN = L'équipe des Bleus GAGNE!
COLOR_SKIN_CHOOSER = Choisir la couleur de peau
CONNECT_LINE_1 = Ce serveur utilise Halo GamePlay mod par:^n
CONNECT_LINE_2A = Vous jouez Maintenant à Slayermode!^n
CONNECT_LINE_2B = Vous jouez Maintenant à TeamSlayermode!^n
CONNECT_LINE_2C = Vous jouez Maintenant à Territories!^n
CONNECT_LINE_2D = Vous jouez Maintenant à Juggernaut!^n
CONNECT_LINE_3 = Pour le menu d'Halo mod, Écrivez '/hmmenu^n'
CONNECT_LINE_4 = Appuyez Sur n'importe quelle chiffre pour continuer
DARK_ORANGE = Orange Foncé
DARK_ORANGE_SKIN_MSG = Votre couleur de peau est orange foncé
GAMEOVER = Gameover!
GREEN = Vert
GREEN_SKIN_MSG = Votre couleur de peau est verte
GRENADES_CMD = Vous avez %i/%i Grenades
HALO_DISABLED = HaloMod est maintenant fermé!
HALO_SKIN_HUD = Couleur de peau Halo:
HELP = Aide
JUGGERNAUT = Juggernaut!
JUGG_ACTIVE = Juggernaut mode ACTIVÉ!
JUGG_CHAT_WIN = Les Juggernauts %s GAGNENT!
JUGG_DISCONNECT = Le Juggernaut %s a Déconnecté!
JUGG_HUD_WIN = Les Juggernauts %s GAGNENT!
JUGG_NEW_PLAYER = %s Est le nouveau Juggernaut!
JUGG_ONE_KILLS_CHAT = %s a besoin de 1 autre Frag pour GAGNER!
JUGG_ONE_KILLS_HUD = %s a besoin de 1 autre Frag pour GAGNER!
JUGG_SCORE_HUD = Juggernaut Courant: %s^nJuggernaut Points de Vie: %d
JUGG_TWO_KILLS_CHAT = %s a besoin de 2 autres Frags pour GAGNER!
JUGG_TWO_KILLS_HUD = %s a besoin de 2 autres Frags pour GAGNER!
MAIN_MENU_TITLE = Menu principal de Halo:
MAPCHANGE = Le Niveau change pour %s
ONE_MIN_REM = 1 minute Restante!
ORANGE = Orange
ORANGE_SKIN_MSG = Votre Couleur de peau est orange
PURPLE = Purple
PURPLE_SKIN_MSG = Votre Couleur de peau est violet
RANDOM_SKIN = Peau au Hasard: %s
RED = Rouge
RED_SCORE = Pointage de l'équipe des rouges!
RED_SKIN_MSG = Votre couleur de peau est rouge
RED_TEAM_KILLS = L'équipe des rouges a tuer %i Personnes!
RED_WIN = L'équipe des rouges GAGNE!
REJOIN_MSG = Rejoindre dans %d
RUNNING_JUGG = [HALOMOD] Ce serveur utilise Juggernaut Mode de HaloMod
RUNNING_SLAY = [HALOMOD] Ce serveur utilise Slayer Mode de HaloMod
RUNNING_SLAY_SKIN = [HALOMOD] Écrivez /hmskin dans le chat pour choisire votre couleur de peau!
RUNNING_TERR = [HALOMOD] Ce serveur utilise Territories Mode de HaloMod
RUNNING_TSLAY = [HALOMOD] Ce serveur utilise Team Slayer Mode de HaloMod
SKIN_MENU_TITLE = Peau de Halo Slayer:
SLAYER = Slayer!
SLAY_ONE_KILLS_TO_WIN = %s a besoin de 1 autre Frag pour GAGNER!
SLAY_TWO_KILLS_TO_WIN = %s a besoin de 2 autres Frags pour GAGNER!
SLAY_WIN = %s est le GAGNANT!
SLAY_WIN_VICTIM = Vous étiez %s dernière victime
TEAL = Sarcelle
TEAL_SKIN_MSG = Votre couleur de peau est sarcelle
TEN_SEC_REM = 10 Secondes Restantes!
TERRITORIES = Territories!
TERR_ACTIVE = Territories mode ACTIVÉ!
TERR_CAPTURE = %s: [%s] Capture le [%s] territory!
TERR_CONTROLLED = Territory Controlé!
TERR_HUD_RED_TEAM = Équipe Rouge
TERR_MOST_POINTS = Le plus de Territory Points:
THIRTY_SEC_REM = 30 Secondes Restantes!
TSLAYER = Team Slayer!
TSLAY_ACTVE = Team Slayer mode ACTIVÉ!
TYPE_MENU = [HALOMOD] Pour un menu d'aide écrivez /hmmenu
VERSION = Version
VERSION_CMD = La version de Halomod est %s
VIEW_NADE_COUNT = Voir le compte de Grenades
YELLOW = Jaune
YELLOW_SKIN_MSG = Votre couleur de peau est Jaune

CONNECT_LINE_2F = Vous jouez maintenant a capturer le drapeau!^n
CTF_START = Capturer le Drapeau
CTF_ACTIVE = CTF Mode Activé
RED_TEAM = Équipe Rouge
BLUE_TEAM = Équipe Bleu
RED_FLAG_LOCATION = Location du drapeau rouge
BLUE_FLAG_LOCATION = Location du drapeau bleu
RED_TEAM_HAS_FLAG = L'équipe des rouges a le drapeau!
BLUE_TEAM_HAS_FLAG = L'équipe des bleus a le drapeau!
RED_FLAG_RETURN = Le drapeau des rouges a été remis!
BLUE_FLAG_RETURN = Le drapeau des bleus a été remis!
ONGROUND = A terre
BSCORE = Pointage des bleus
RSCORE = Pointage des rouges
BBASE = Base des bleus
RBASE = Base des rouges

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