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[CSS/CSGO] Hide and Seek (Prop Hunt)

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Old 02-28-2015 , 08:46   Re: [CSS/CSGO] Hide and Seek (Prop Hunt)

why cant I download it ;(
nahoj5 is offline
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Old 03-04-2015 , 21:59   Re: [CSS/CSGO] Hide and Seek (Prop Hunt)

plugin dead ?
nguyenbaodanh is offline
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Old 03-14-2015 , 02:12   Re: [CSS/CSGO] Hide and Seek (Prop Hunt)

Originally Posted by qiuhaian View Post
[CSS/CSGO] Hide and Seek (Prop Hunt) 1.5.2

#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <cstrike>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <smlib>
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.5.2"
// that's what GetLanguageCount() got me
#define MAX_LANGUAGES 27
#define PREFIX "\x04Hide and Seek \x01> \x03"
new csgo = false;
// plugin cvars
new Handle:g_hCVEnable = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVFreezeCTs = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVFreezeTime = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVChangeLimit = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVChangeLimittime = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVAutoChoose = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVWhistle = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVWhistleTimes = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVWhistleSeeker = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVAntiCheat = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVCheatPunishment = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVHiderWinFrags = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVSlaySeekers = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVHPSeekerEnable = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVHPSeekerDec = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVHPSeekerInc = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVHPSeekerIncShotgun = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVHPSeekerBonus = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVOpacityEnable = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVHiderSpeed = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVDisableRightKnife = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVDisableDucking = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVAutoThirdPerson = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVHiderFreezeMode = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVHideBlood = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVShowHideHelp = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVShowProgressBar = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVCTRatio = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVDisableUse = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVHiderFreezeInAir = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVRemoveShadows = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVUseTaxedInRandom = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hCVHidePlayerLocation = INVALID_HANDLE;
// primary enableswitch
new bool:g_bEnableHnS = true;
// config and menu handles
new Handle:g_hModelMenu[MAX_LANGUAGES] = {INVALID_HANDLE, ...};
new String:g_sModelMenuLanguage[MAX_LANGUAGES][4];
new Handle:kv;
// offsets
new g_Render;
new g_flFlashDuration;
new g_flFlashMaxAlpha;
new g_Freeze;
new g_iHasNightVision;
new g_flLaggedMovementValue;
new g_flProgressBarStartTime;
new g_iProgressBarDuration;
new g_iAccount;
new bool:g_bInThirdPersonView[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false,...};
new bool:g_bIsFreezed[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false,...};
new bool:g_bShotgun[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false,...};
new g_iFreezeEntity[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {-1,...};
new Handle:g_hRoundTimeTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_iRoundTime = INVALID_HANDLE;
new g_iRoundStartTime = 0;
new g_iFirstCTSpawn = 0;
new g_iFirstTSpawn = 0;
new Handle:g_hShowCountdownTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_hSpamCommandsTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
new bool:g_bRoundEnded = false;
new bool:g_bFirstSpawn[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {true,...};
// Cheat cVar part
new Handle:g_hCheckVarTimer[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {INVALID_HANDLE,...};
new String:cheat_commands[][] = {"cl_radaralpha", "r_shadows"};
new bool:g_bConVarViolation[MAXPLAYERS+1][2]; // 2 = amount of cheat_commands. update if you add one.
new g_iConVarMessage[MAXPLAYERS+1][2]; // 2 = amount of cheat_commands. update if you add one.
new Handle:g_hCheatPunishTimer[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {INVALID_HANDLE};
// Terrorist Modelchange stuff
new g_iTotalModelsAvailable = 0;
new g_iModelChangeCount[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {0,...};
new bool:g_bAllowModelChange[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {true,...};
new Handle:g_hAllowModelChangeTimer[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {INVALID_HANDLE,...};
new bool:g_bShowFakeProp[MAXPLAYERS+1];
// Model ground fix
new Float:g_iFixedModelHeight[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {0.0,...};
new bool:g_bClientIsHigher[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false,...};
new g_iLowModelSteps[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {0,...};
new bool:g_bIsCTWaiting[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false,...};
new Handle:g_hFreezeCTTimer[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {INVALID_HANDLE,...};
new Handle:g_hUnfreezeCTTimer[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {INVALID_HANDLE,...};
// protected server cvars
new String:protected_cvars[][] = {"mp_flashlight", 
new forced_values[] = {0, // mp_flashlight
        0, // sv_footsteps
        0, // mp_limitteams
        0, // mp_autoteambalance
        0, // mp_freezetime
        1, // sv_nonemesis
        1, // sv_nomvp
        1, // sv_nostats
        1, // mp_playerid
        0, // sv_allowminmodels
        1, // sv_turbophysics
        0, // mp_teams_unbalance_limit
        0 // mp_show_voice_icons
new previous_values[13] = {0,...}; // save previous values when forcing above, so we can restore the config if hns is disabled midgame. !same as comment next line!
new Handle:g_hProtectedConvar[13] = {INVALID_HANDLE,...}; // 13 = amount of protected_cvars. update if you add one.
new Handle:g_hForceCamera = INVALID_HANDLE;
// whistle sounds
new g_iWhistleCount[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {0,...};
new Handle:g_hWhistleDelay = INVALID_HANDLE;
new String:whistle_sounds[][] = {"ambient/animal/cow.wav", "ambient/animal/horse_4.wav", "ambient/animal/horse_5.wav", "ambient/machines/train_horn_3.wav", "ambient/misc/creak3.wav", "doors/door_metal_gate_close1.wav", "ambient/misc/flush1.wav"};
// Teambalance
new g_iLastJoinedCT = -1;
new bool:g_bCTToSwitch[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false,...};
// AFK check
new Float:g_fSpawnPosition[MAXPLAYERS+1][3];
public Plugin:myinfo = 
 name = "Hide and Seek",
 author = "Jannik 'Peace-Maker' Hartung and Vladislav Dolgov and edited by Dk-- for works on CSGO",
 description = "Terrorists set a model and hide, CT seek terrorists.",
 version = PLUGIN_VERSION,
 url = "http://www.wcfan.de/ | http://www.elistor.ru/"
public OnPluginStart()
 if(hVersion != INVALID_HANDLE)
  SetConVarString(hVersion, PLUGIN_VERSION);
 // Config cvars
 g_hCVEnable =    CreateConVar("sm_hns_enable", "1", "Enable the Hide and Seek Mod?", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
 g_hCVFreezeCTs =   CreateConVar("sm_hns_freezects", "1", "Should CTs get freezed and blinded on spawn?", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
 g_hCVFreezeTime =   CreateConVar("sm_hns_freezetime", "25.0", "How long should the CTs are freezed after spawn?", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 1.00, true, 120.00);
 g_hCVChangeLimit =   CreateConVar("sm_hns_changelimit", "2", "How often a T is allowed to choose his model ingame? 0 = unlimited", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00);
 g_hCVChangeLimittime =  CreateConVar("sm_hns_changelimittime", "30.0", "How long should a T be allowed to change his model again after spawn?", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00);
 g_hCVAutoChoose =   CreateConVar("sm_hns_autochoose", "0", "Should the plugin choose models for the hiders automatically?", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
 g_hCVWhistle =    CreateConVar("sm_hns_whistle", "1", "Are terrorists allowed to whistle?", FCVAR_PLUGIN);
 g_hCVWhistleTimes =  CreateConVar("sm_hns_whistle_times", "5", "How many times a hider is allowed to whistle per round?", FCVAR_PLUGIN);
 g_hCVWhistleSeeker =  CreateConVar("sm_hns_whistle_seeker", "0", "Allow CTs to enforce T whistle?", FCVAR_PLUGIN);
 g_hCVAntiCheat =   CreateConVar("sm_hns_anticheat", "0", "Check player cheat convars, 0 = off/1 = on.", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
 g_hCVCheatPunishment =  CreateConVar("sm_hns_cheat_punishment", "1", "How to punish players with wrong cvar values after 15 seconds? 0: Disabled. 1: Switch to Spectator. 2: Kick", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00, true, 2.00);
 g_hCVHiderWinFrags =  CreateConVar("sm_hns_hider_win_frags", "5", "How many frags should surviving terrorists gain?", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00, true, 10.00);
 g_hCVSlaySeekers =   CreateConVar("sm_hns_slay_seekers", "0", "Should we slay all seekers on round end and there are still some hiders alive? (Default: 0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
 g_hCVHPSeekerEnable =  CreateConVar("sm_hns_hp_seeker_enable", "1", "Should CT lose HP when shooting, 0 = off/1 = on.", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
 g_hCVHPSeekerDec =   CreateConVar("sm_hns_hp_seeker_dec", "5", "How many hp should a CT lose on shooting?", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00);
 g_hCVHPSeekerInc =   CreateConVar("sm_hns_hp_seeker_inc", "15", "How many hp should a CT gain when hitting a hider?", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00);
 g_hCVHPSeekerIncShotgun=CreateConVar("sm_hns_hp_seeker_inc_shotgun", "5", "How many hp should a CT gain when hitting a hider with shotgun? (CS:GO only)", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00);
 g_hCVHPSeekerBonus =  CreateConVar("sm_hns_hp_seeker_bonus", "50", "How many hp should a CT gain when killing a hider?", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00);
 g_hCVOpacityEnable =  CreateConVar("sm_hns_opacity_enable", "0", "Should T get more invisible on low hp, 0 = off/1 = on.", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
 g_hCVHiderSpeed  =   CreateConVar("sm_hns_hidersspeed", "1.00", "Hiders speed (Default: 1.00).", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 1.00, true, 3.00);
 g_hCVDisableRightKnife =CreateConVar("sm_hns_disable_rightknife", "1", "Disable rightclick for CTs with knife? Prevents knifing without losing heatlh. (Default: 1).", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00, true, 1.00);
 g_hCVDisableDucking = CreateConVar("sm_hns_disable_ducking", "1", "Disable ducking. (Default: 1).", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00, true, 1.00);
 g_hCVAutoThirdPerson = CreateConVar("sm_hns_auto_thirdperson", "1", "Enable thirdperson view for hiders automatically. (Default: 1)", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00, true, 1.00);
 g_hCVHiderFreezeMode = CreateConVar("sm_hns_hider_freeze_mode", "1", "0: Disables /freeze command for hiders, 1: Only freeze on position, be able to move camera, 2: Freeze completely (no cameramovements) (Default: 2)", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00, true, 2.00);
 g_hCVHideBlood =  CreateConVar("sm_hns_hide_blood", "1", "Hide blood on hider damage. (Default: 1)", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00, true, 1.00);
 g_hCVShowHideHelp =  CreateConVar("sm_hns_show_hidehelp", "1", "Show helpmenu explaining the game on first player spawn. (Default: 1)", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00, true, 1.00);
 g_hCVShowProgressBar = CreateConVar("sm_hns_show_progressbar", "1", "Show progressbar for last 15 seconds of freezetime. (Default: 1)", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00, true, 1.00);
 g_hCVCTRatio =   CreateConVar("sm_hns_ct_ratio", "3", "The ratio of hiders to 1 seeker. 0 to disables teambalance. (Default: 3)", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 1.00, true, 64.00);
 g_hCVDisableUse =  CreateConVar("sm_hns_disable_use", "1", "Disable CTs pushing things. (Default: 1)", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00, true, 1.00);
 g_hCVHiderFreezeInAir = CreateConVar("sm_hns_hider_freeze_inair", "0", "Are hiders allowed to freeze in the air? (Default: 0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00, true, 1.00);
 g_hCVRemoveShadows = CreateConVar("sm_hns_remove_shadows", "1", "Remove shadows from players and physic models? (Default: 1)", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00, true, 1.00);
 g_hCVUseTaxedInRandom = CreateConVar("sm_hns_use_taxed_in_random", "0", "Include taxed models when using random model choice? (Default: 0)", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00, true, 1.00);
 g_hCVHidePlayerLocation=CreateConVar("sm_hns_hide_player_locations", "1", "Hide the location info shown next to players name on voice chat and teamsay? (Default: 1)", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.00, true, 1.00);
 g_bEnableHnS = GetConVarBool(g_hCVEnable);
 HookConVarChange(g_hCVEnable, Cfg_OnChangeEnable);
 HookConVarChange(FindConVar("mp_restartgame"), RestartGame);
  // !ToDo: Exclude hooks and other EnableHnS dependand functions into one seperate function.
  // Now you need to add the hooks to the Cfg_OnChangeEnable callback too..
  HookConVarChange(g_hCVHiderSpeed, OnChangeHiderSpeed);
  HookConVarChange(g_hCVAntiCheat, OnChangeAntiCheat);
  // Hooking events
  HookEvent("player_spawn", Event_OnPlayerSpawn);
  HookEvent("weapon_fire", Event_OnWeaponFire);
  HookEvent("player_death", Event_OnPlayerDeath);
  HookEvent("player_blind", Event_OnPlayerBlind);
  HookEvent("round_start", Event_OnRoundStart);
  HookEvent("round_end", Event_OnRoundEnd);
  HookEvent("player_team", Event_OnPlayerTeam);
  HookEvent("item_pickup", Event_OnItemPickup);
  decl String:theFolder[40];
  GetGameFolderName(theFolder, sizeof(theFolder));
  if(StrEqual(theFolder, "csgo"))
   csgo = true;
   HookEvent("item_equip", Event_ItemEquip);
 // Register console commands
 RegConsoleCmd("hide", Menu_SelectModel, "Opens a menu with different models to choose as hider.");
 RegConsoleCmd("hidemenu", Menu_SelectModel, "Opens a menu with different models to choose as hider.");
 RegConsoleCmd("tp", Toggle_ThirdPerson, "Toggles the view to thirdperson for hiders.");
 RegConsoleCmd("thirdperson", Toggle_ThirdPerson, "Toggles the view to thirdperson for hiders.");
 RegConsoleCmd("third", Toggle_ThirdPerson, "Toggles the view to thirdperson for hiders.");
 RegConsoleCmd("+3rd", Enable_ThirdPerson, "Set the view to thirdperson for hiders.");
 RegConsoleCmd("-3rd", Disable_ThirdPerson, "Set the view to firstperson for hiders.");
 RegConsoleCmd("jointeam", Command_JoinTeam);
 RegConsoleCmd("whistle", Play_Whistle, "Plays a random sound from the hiders position to give the seekers a hint.");
 RegConsoleCmd("whoami", Display_ModelName, "Displays the current models description in chat.");
 RegConsoleCmd("hidehelp", Display_Help, "Displays a panel with informations how to play.");
 RegConsoleCmd("freeze", Freeze_Cmd, "Toggles freezing for hiders.");
 RegConsoleCmd("overview_mode", Block_Cmd);
 RegAdminCmd("sm_hns_force_whistle", ForceWhistle, ADMFLAG_CHAT, "Force a player to whistle");
 RegAdminCmd("sm_hns_reload_models", ReloadModels, ADMFLAG_RCON, "Reload the modellist from the map config file.");
 // Loading translations
 LoadTranslations("common.phrases"); // for FindTarget()
 // set the default values for cvar checking
 for(new x=1;x<=MaxClients;x++)
  for(new y=0;y<sizeof(cheat_commands);y++)
   g_bConVarViolation[x][y] = false;
   g_iConVarMessage[x][y] = 0;
  // start advertising spam
  g_hSpamCommandsTimer = CreateTimer(120.0, SpamCommands, 0);
 // hook cvars
 g_hForceCamera =  FindConVar("mp_forcecamera");
 g_iRoundTime =  FindConVar("mp_roundtime");
 // get the offsets
 // for transparency
 g_Render = FindSendPropOffs("CAI_BaseNPC", "m_clrRender");
 if(g_Render == -1)
  SetFailState("Couldnt find the m_clrRender offset!"); 
 // for hiding players on radar
 g_flFlashDuration = FindSendPropOffs("CCSPlayer", "m_flFlashDuration");
 if(g_flFlashDuration == -1)
  SetFailState("Couldnt find the m_flFlashDuration offset!");
 g_flFlashMaxAlpha = FindSendPropOffs("CCSPlayer", "m_flFlashMaxAlpha");
 if(g_flFlashMaxAlpha == -1)
  SetFailState("Couldnt find the m_flFlashMaxAlpha offset!");
 g_Freeze = FindSendPropOffs("CBasePlayer", "m_fFlags");
 if(g_Freeze == -1)
  SetFailState("Couldnt find the m_fFlags offset!");
 g_iHasNightVision = FindSendPropOffs("CCSPlayer", "m_bHasNightVision");
 if(g_iHasNightVision == -1)
  SetFailState("Couldnt find the m_bHasNightVision offset!");
 g_flLaggedMovementValue = FindSendPropOffs("CCSPlayer", "m_flLaggedMovementValue");
 if(g_flLaggedMovementValue == -1)
  SetFailState("Couldnt find the m_flLaggedMovementValue offset!");
 g_flProgressBarStartTime = FindSendPropOffs("CCSPlayer", "m_flProgressBarStartTime");
 if(g_flProgressBarStartTime == -1)
  SetFailState("Couldnt find the m_flProgressBarStartTime offset!");
 g_iProgressBarDuration = FindSendPropOffs("CCSPlayer", "m_iProgressBarDuration");
 if(g_iProgressBarDuration == -1)
  SetFailState("Couldnt find the m_iProgressBarDuration offset!");
 g_iAccount = FindSendPropOffs("CCSPlayer", "m_iAccount");
 if(g_iAccount == -1)
  SetFailState("Couldnt find the m_iAccount offset!");
 AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.hide_and_seek");
public OnPluginEnd()
  ServerCommand("mp_restartgame 1");
public OnConfigsExecuted()
  // set bad server cvars
  for(new i=0;i<sizeof(protected_cvars);i++)
   g_hProtectedConvar[i] = FindConVar(protected_cvars[i]);
   if(g_hProtectedConvar[i] == INVALID_HANDLE)
   previous_values[i] = GetConVarInt(g_hProtectedConvar[i]);
   SetConVarInt(g_hProtectedConvar[i], forced_values[i], true);
   HookConVarChange(g_hProtectedConvar[i], OnCvarChange);
* Generic Events
public OnMapStart()
 for(new i=0;i<sizeof(whistle_sounds);i++)
  PrecacheSound(whistle_sounds[i], true);
 PrecacheSound("radio/go.wav", true);
 // prevent us from bugging after mapchange
 g_iFirstCTSpawn = 0;
 g_iFirstTSpawn = 0;
 if(g_hShowCountdownTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
  g_hShowCountdownTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
 new bool:foundHostageZone = false;
 // check if there is a hostage rescue zone
 new maxent = GetMaxEntities(), String:eName[64];
 for (new i=MaxClients;i<maxent;i++)
  if ( IsValidEdict(i) && IsValidEntity(i) )
   GetEdictClassname(i, eName, sizeof(eName));
   if(StrContains(eName, "func_hostage_rescue") != -1)
    foundHostageZone = true;
 // add a hostage rescue zone if there isn't one, so T will win after round time
  new ent = CreateEntityByName("func_hostage_rescue");
  if (ent>0)
   new Float:orign[3] = {-1000.0,...};
   DispatchKeyValue(ent, "targetname", "hidenseek_roundend");
   DispatchKeyValueVector(ent, "orign", orign);
 // Remove shadows
 // Thanks to Bacardi and Leonardo @ http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=154269
  new bool:bShadowDisabled = false;
  new ent = -1;
  while((ent = FindEntityByClassname(ent, "shadow_control")) != -1)
   AcceptEntityInput(ent, "SetShadowsDisabled");
   bShadowDisabled = true;
  // Some maps don't have a shadow_control entity, so we create one.
  // Thanks to zipcore's suggestion http://forums.alliedmods.net/showpos...4&postcount=16
   ent = CreateEntityByName("shadow_control");
   if(ent != -1)
    AcceptEntityInput(ent, "SetShadowsDisabled");
public OnMapEnd()
 for(new i=0;i<MAX_LANGUAGES;i++)
  if(g_hModelMenu[i] != INVALID_HANDLE)
   g_hModelMenu[i] = INVALID_HANDLE;
  Format(g_sModelMenuLanguage[i], 4, "");
 g_iFirstCTSpawn = 0;
 g_iFirstTSpawn = 0;
 if(g_hShowCountdownTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
  g_hShowCountdownTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
 if(g_hRoundTimeTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
  g_hRoundTimeTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
 if(g_hWhistleDelay != INVALID_HANDLE)
  g_hWhistleDelay = INVALID_HANDLE;
public OnClientPutInServer(client)
 if(!IsFakeClient(client) && GetConVarBool(g_hCVAntiCheat))
  g_hCheckVarTimer[client] = CreateTimer(1.0, StartVarChecker, client, TIMER_REPEAT);
 // Hook weapon pickup
 SDKHook(client, SDKHook_WeaponCanUse, OnWeaponCanUse);
 SDKHook(client, SDKHook_WeaponCanSwitchTo, OnWeaponCanUse);
 SDKHook(client, SDKHook_WeaponEquip, OnWeaponCanUse);
 SDKHook(client, SDKHook_WeaponSwitch, OnWeaponCanUse);
 // Hook attackings to hide blood
 SDKHook(client, SDKHook_TraceAttack, OnTraceAttack);
 // Hide player location info
 SDKHook(client, SDKHook_PostThinkPost, Hook_OnPostThinkPost);
 SDKHook(client, SDKHook_PostThink, Hook_OnPostThink);
public OnClientDisconnect(client)
 // set the default values for cvar checking
  for(new i=0;i<sizeof(cheat_commands);i++)
   g_bConVarViolation[client][i] = false;
   g_iConVarMessage[client][i] = 0;
  g_bInThirdPersonView[client] = false;
  g_bIsFreezed[client] = false;
  g_iModelChangeCount[client] = 0;
  g_bIsCTWaiting[client] = false;
  g_iWhistleCount[client] = 0;
  if (g_hCheatPunishTimer[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
   g_hCheatPunishTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
  if (g_bAllowModelChange[client] && g_hAllowModelChangeTimer[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
   g_hAllowModelChangeTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
  if(g_hFreezeCTTimer[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
   g_hFreezeCTTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
  if(g_hUnfreezeCTTimer[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
   g_hUnfreezeCTTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
 g_bAllowModelChange[client] = true;
 g_bFirstSpawn[client] = true;
 g_bClientIsHigher[client] = false;
 g_iFixedModelHeight[client] = 0.0;
 g_iLowModelSteps[client] = 0;
 // Teambalancer
 g_bCTToSwitch[client] = false;
 CreateTimer(0.1, Timer_ChangeTeam, client, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
 // AFK check
 for(new i=0;i<3;i++)
  g_fSpawnPosition[client][i] = 0.0;
 /*if (g_hCheckVarTimer[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
  g_hCheckVarTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
// prevent players from ducking
public Action:OnPlayerRunCmd(client, &buttons, &impulse, Float:vel[3], Float:angles[3], &weapon, &subtype, &cmdnum, &tickcount, &seed, mouse[2])
  return Plugin_Continue;
 new iInitialButtons = buttons;
 decl String:weaponName[30];
 // don't allow ct's to shoot in the beginning of the round
 new team = GetClientTeam(client);
 GetClientWeapon(client, weaponName, sizeof(weaponName));
 if(team == CS_TEAM_CT && g_bIsCTWaiting[client] && (buttons & IN_ATTACK || buttons & IN_ATTACK2))
  buttons &= ~IN_ATTACK;
  buttons &= ~IN_ATTACK2;
 } // disable rightclick knifing for cts
 else if(team == CS_TEAM_CT && GetConVarBool(g_hCVDisableRightKnife) && buttons & IN_ATTACK2 && !strcmp(weaponName, "weapon_knife"))
  buttons &= ~IN_ATTACK2;
 //Freeze and rotation fix
 // Modelfix
 if(g_iFixedModelHeight[client] != 0.0 && IsPlayerAlive(client) && GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_T)
  new Float:vecVelocity[3];
  vecVelocity[0] = GetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Send, "m_vecVelocity[0]");
  vecVelocity[1] = GetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Send, "m_vecVelocity[1]");
  vecVelocity[2] = GetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Send, "m_vecVelocity[2]");
  // Player isn't moving
  if(vecVelocity[0] == 0.0 && vecVelocity[1] == 0.0 && vecVelocity[2] == 0.0 && !(buttons & IN_FORWARD || buttons & IN_BACK || buttons & IN_MOVELEFT || buttons & IN_MOVERIGHT || buttons & IN_JUMP))
   if(!g_bClientIsHigher[client] && GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hGroundEntity") != -1)
    new Float:vecClientOrigin[3];
    GetClientAbsOrigin(client, vecClientOrigin);
    vecClientOrigin[2] += g_iFixedModelHeight[client];
    TeleportEntity(client, vecClientOrigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
    SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_NONE);
    g_bClientIsHigher[client] = true;
    g_iLowModelSteps[client] = 0;
  // Player is running for 60 thinks? make him visible for a short time
  else if(g_iLowModelSteps[client] == 60)
   if(!g_bClientIsHigher[client] && GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hGroundEntity") != -1)
    new Float:vecClientOrigin[3];
    GetClientAbsOrigin(client, vecClientOrigin);
    vecClientOrigin[2] += g_iFixedModelHeight[client];
    TeleportEntity(client, vecClientOrigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
   g_iLowModelSteps[client] = 0;
  // Player is moving
  else if(!g_bIsFreezed[client])
    new Float:vecClientOrigin[3];
    GetClientAbsOrigin(client, vecClientOrigin);
    vecClientOrigin[2] -= g_iFixedModelHeight[client];
    TeleportEntity(client, vecClientOrigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
    SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK);
    g_bClientIsHigher[client] = false;
  // Always disable ducking for that kind of models.
  if(buttons & IN_DUCK)
   buttons &= ~IN_DUCK;
 // disable ducking for everyone
 if(buttons & IN_DUCK && GetConVarBool(g_hCVDisableDucking))
  buttons &= ~IN_DUCK;
 // disable use for everyone
 if(GetConVarBool(g_hCVDisableUse) && buttons & IN_USE)
  buttons &= ~IN_USE;
 if(iInitialButtons != buttons)
  return Plugin_Changed;
  return Plugin_Continue;
// SDKHook Callbacks
public Action:OnWeaponCanUse(client, weapon)
 // Allow only CTs to use a weapon
 if(g_bEnableHnS && IsClientInGame(client) && GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_CT)
  return Plugin_Handled;
 return Plugin_Continue;
//Used to balance life hit for seekers
public Action:Event_ItemEquip(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
 new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
 new type = GetEventInt(event, "weptype");
 if(type == 4) // 4 = Shotgun
  //Player has a shutgun in his hand
  g_bShotgun[client] = true;
 else g_bShotgun[client] = false;
// Used to block blood
// set a normal model right before death to avoid errors
public Action:OnTraceAttack(victim, &attacker, &inflictor, &Float:damage, &damagetype, &ammotype, hitbox, hitgroup)
  return Plugin_Continue;
 if(GetClientTeam(victim) == CS_TEAM_T)
  new remainingHealth = GetClientHealth(victim)-RoundToFloor(damage);
  // Attacker is a human?
  if(GetConVarBool(g_hCVHPSeekerEnable) && attacker > 0 && attacker <= MaxClients && IsPlayerAlive(attacker) && !IsPlayerAFK(victim))
   new decrease = GetConVarInt(g_hCVHPSeekerDec);
    SetEntityHealth(attacker, GetClientHealth(attacker)+GetConVarInt(g_hCVHPSeekerIncShotgun)+decrease);
   else SetEntityHealth(attacker, GetClientHealth(attacker)+GetConVarInt(g_hCVHPSeekerInc)+decrease);
   // the hider died? give extra health! need to add the decreased value again, since he fired his gun and lost hp.
   // possible "bug": seeker could be slayed because weapon_fire is called earlier than player_hurt.
   if(remainingHealth < 0)
    SetEntityHealth(attacker, GetClientHealth(attacker)+GetConVarInt(g_hCVHPSeekerBonus)+decrease);
  // prevent errors in console because of missing death animation of prop ;)
  if(remainingHealth < 0)
   //SetEntityModel(victim, "models/player/t_guerilla.mdl");
   return Plugin_Continue; // just let the damage get through
  else if(GetConVarBool(g_hCVOpacityEnable))
   new alpha = 150 + RoundToNearest(10.5*float(remainingHealth/10));
   SetEntData(victim, g_Render+3, alpha, 1, true);
   SetEntityRenderMode(victim, RENDER_TRANSTEXTURE);
   // Simulate the damage
   SetEntityHealth(victim, remainingHealth);
   // Don't show the blood!
   return Plugin_Handled;
 return Plugin_Continue;
public Hook_OnPostThinkPost(client)
 if(GetConVarBool(g_hCVHidePlayerLocation) && GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_T)
  SetEntPropString(client, Prop_Send, "m_szLastPlaceName", "");
public Hook_OnPostThink(client)
 if(csgo && GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_T)
  SetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_bSpotted", 0);
* Hooked Events
// Player Spawn event
public Action:Event_OnPlayerSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
  return Plugin_Continue;
 new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
 new team = GetClientTeam(client);
 if(team <= CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR || !IsPlayerAlive(client))
  return Plugin_Continue;
 else if(team == CS_TEAM_T) // Team T
  // set the mp_forcecamera value correctly, so he can use thirdperson again
  if(!IsFakeClient(client) && GetConVarInt(g_hForceCamera) == 1)
   SendConVarValue(client, g_hForceCamera, "0");
  // reset model change count
  g_iModelChangeCount[client] = 0;
  g_bInThirdPersonView[client] = false;
  if(!IsFakeClient(client) && g_hAllowModelChangeTimer[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
   g_hAllowModelChangeTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
  g_bAllowModelChange[client] = true;
  // Reset model fix height
  g_iFixedModelHeight[client] = 0.0;
  g_bClientIsHigher[client] = false;
  // set the speed
  SetEntDataFloat(client, g_flLaggedMovementValue, GetConVarFloat(g_hCVHiderSpeed), true);
  // reset the transparent
   SetEntityRenderMode(client, RENDER_TRANSTEXTURE);
  new Float:changeLimitTime = GetConVarFloat(g_hCVChangeLimittime);
  // Assign a model to bots immediately and disable all menus or timers.
   g_hAllowModelChangeTimer[client] = CreateTimer(0.1, DisableModelMenu, client);
   // only disable the menu, if it's not unlimited
   if(changeLimitTime > 0.0)
    g_hAllowModelChangeTimer[client] = CreateTimer(changeLimitTime, DisableModelMenu, client);
   // Set them to thirdperson automatically
    SetThirdPersonView(client, true);
   else if(changeLimitTime > 0.0)
    DisplayMenu(g_hModelMenu[GetClientLanguageID(client)], client, RoundToFloor(changeLimitTime));
    DisplayMenu(g_hModelMenu[GetClientLanguageID(client)], client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
  g_iWhistleCount[client] = 0;
  g_bIsFreezed[client] = false;
  if(g_iFirstTSpawn == 0)
   g_iFirstTSpawn = GetTime();
   PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "seconds to hide", RoundToFloor(GetConVarFloat(g_hCVFreezeTime)));
   PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "seconds to hide", 0);
 else if(team == CS_TEAM_CT) // Team CT
  if(!IsFakeClient(client) && GetConVarInt(g_hForceCamera) == 1)
   SendConVarValue(client, g_hForceCamera, "1");
  new currentTime = GetTime();
  new Float:freezeTime = GetConVarFloat(g_hCVFreezeTime);
  // don't keep late spawning cts blinded longer than the others :)
  if(g_iFirstCTSpawn == 0)
   if(g_hShowCountdownTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
    g_hShowCountdownTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
     for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
       SetEntDataFloat(i, g_flProgressBarStartTime, 0.0, true);
       SetEntData(i, g_iProgressBarDuration, 0, 4, true);
   else if(GetConVarBool(g_hCVFreezeCTs))
    // show time in center
    g_hShowCountdownTimer = CreateTimer(0.01, ShowCountdown, RoundToFloor(GetConVarFloat(g_hCVFreezeTime)));
   g_iFirstCTSpawn = currentTime;
  // only freeze spawning players if the freezetime is still running.
  if(GetConVarBool(g_hCVFreezeCTs) && (float(currentTime - g_iFirstCTSpawn) < freezeTime))
   g_bIsCTWaiting[client] = true;
   CreateTimer(0.05, FreezePlayer, client, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
   // Start freezing player
   g_hFreezeCTTimer[client] = CreateTimer(2.0, FreezePlayer, client, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE|TIMER_REPEAT);
   if(g_hUnfreezeCTTimer[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
    g_hUnfreezeCTTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
   // Stop freezing player
   g_hUnfreezeCTTimer[client] = CreateTimer(freezeTime-float(currentTime - g_iFirstCTSpawn), UnFreezePlayer, client, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
   PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Wait for t to hide", RoundToFloor(freezeTime-float(currentTime - g_iFirstCTSpawn)));
  // show help menu on first spawn
  if(GetConVarBool(g_hCVShowHideHelp) && g_bFirstSpawn[client])
   Display_Help(client, 0);
   g_bFirstSpawn[client] = false;
  // Make sure CTs have a knife
  CreateTimer(2.0, Timer_CheckCTHasKnife, GetClientUserId(client), TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
 // hide radar
 // Huge thanks to GoD-Tony!
 SetEntDataFloat(client, g_flFlashDuration, 10000.0, true);
 SetEntDataFloat(client, g_flFlashMaxAlpha, 0.5, true);
 CreateTimer(0.5, Timer_SaveSpawnPosition, GetClientUserId(client), TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
 return Plugin_Continue;
// subtract 5hp for every shot a seeker is giving
public Action:Event_OnWeaponFire(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
  return Plugin_Continue;
 if(!GetConVarBool(g_hCVHPSeekerEnable) || g_bRoundEnded)
  return Plugin_Continue;
 new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
 new decreaseHP = GetConVarInt(g_hCVHPSeekerDec);
 new clientHealth = GetClientHealth(client);
 // he can take it
 if((clientHealth-decreaseHP) > 0)
  SetEntityHealth(client, (clientHealth-decreaseHP));
 else // slay him
 return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:Event_OnRoundStart(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
  return Plugin_Continue;
 g_bRoundEnded = false;
 // When disabling +use or "e" button open all doors on the map and keep them opened.
 new bool:bUse = GetConVarBool(g_hCVDisableUse);
 new maxent = GetMaxEntities(), String:eName[64];
 for (new i=MaxClients;i<maxent;i++)
  if ( IsValidEdict(i) && IsValidEntity(i) )
   GetEdictClassname(i, eName, sizeof(eName));
   // remove bombzones and hostages so no normal gameplay could end the round
   if ( StrContains(eName, "hostage_entity") != -1 || StrContains(eName, "func_bomb_target") != -1  || (StrContains(eName, "func_buyzone") != -1 && GetEntProp(i, Prop_Data, "m_iTeamNum", 4) == CS_TEAM_T))
   // Open all doors
   else if(bUse && StrContains(eName, "_door", false) != -1)
    AcceptEntityInput(i, "Open");
    HookSingleEntityOutput(i, "OnClose", EntOutput_OnClose);
 // Remove shadows
 // Thanks to Bacardi and Leonardo @ http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=154269
  new ent = -1;
  while((ent = FindEntityByClassname(ent, "shadow_control")) != -1)
   AcceptEntityInput(ent, "SetShadowsDisabled");
 // show the roundtime in env_hudhint entity
 g_iRoundStartTime = GetTime();
 new realRoundTime = RoundToNearest(GetConVarFloat(g_iRoundTime)*60.0);
 //If it's CS:Source we need to show round time while in thirdperson
  g_hRoundTimeTimer = CreateTimer(0.5, ShowRoundTime, realRoundTime, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
 return Plugin_Continue;
// give terrorists frags
public Action:Event_OnRoundEnd(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
  return Plugin_Continue;
 // round has ended. used to not decrease seekers hp on shoot
 g_bRoundEnded = true;
 g_iFirstCTSpawn = 0;
 g_iFirstTSpawn = 0;
 if(g_hShowCountdownTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
  g_hShowCountdownTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
 if(g_hRoundTimeTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
  g_hRoundTimeTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
 if(g_hWhistleDelay != INVALID_HANDLE)
  g_hWhistleDelay = INVALID_HANDLE;
 new winnerTeam = GetEventInt(event, "winner");
 if(winnerTeam == CS_TEAM_T)
  new increaseFrags = GetConVarInt(g_hCVHiderWinFrags);
  new bool:aliveTerrorists = false;
  new iFrags = 0;
  // increase playerscore of all alive Terrorists
  for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
   if(IsClientInGame(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_T)
    if(increaseFrags > 0)
     // increase kills by x
     iFrags = GetClientFrags(i) + increaseFrags;
     SetEntProp(i, Prop_Data, "m_iFrags", iFrags, 4);
     aliveTerrorists = true;
    // set godmode for the rest of the round
    SetEntProp(i, Prop_Data, "m_takedamage", 0, 1);
   PrintToChatAll("%s%t", PREFIX, "got frags", increaseFrags);
   // slay all seekers
   for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
    if(IsClientInGame(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_CT)
 // Switch the flagged players to CT
 CreateTimer(0.1, Timer_SwitchTeams, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
 return Plugin_Continue;
// remove ragdolls on death...
public Action:Event_OnPlayerDeath(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
  return Plugin_Continue;
 new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
 if(g_iFixedModelHeight[client] != 0.0 && g_bClientIsHigher[client])
  SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK);
  g_bClientIsHigher[client] = false;
 g_iFixedModelHeight[client] = 0.0;
 g_bClientIsHigher[client] = false;
 // Show guns again.
 SetThirdPersonView(client, false);
 // set the mp_forcecamera value correctly, so he can watch his teammates
 // This doesn't work. Even if the convar is set to 0, the hiders are only able to spectate their teammates..
 if(GetConVarInt(g_hForceCamera) == 1)
  if(!IsFakeClient(client) && GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_T)
   SendConVarValue(client, g_hForceCamera, "1");
  else if(!IsFakeClient(client))
   SendConVarValue(client, g_hForceCamera, "0");
 if (!IsValidEntity(client) || IsPlayerAlive(client))
  return Plugin_Continue;
 // Unfreeze, if freezed before
  if(GetConVarInt(g_hCVHiderFreezeMode) == 1)
   SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK);
   SetEntData(client, g_Freeze, FL_FAKECLIENT|FL_ONGROUND|FL_PARTIALGROUND, 4, true);
   SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK);
  g_bIsFreezed[client] = false;
 new ragdoll = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hRagdoll");
 if (ragdoll<0)
  return Plugin_Continue;
 return Plugin_Continue;
public Event_OnPlayerBlind(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
 // Thanks to GoD-Tony!
 new userid = GetEventInt(event, "userid");
 new client = GetClientOfUserId(userid);
 new Float:iDuration = GetEntDataFloat(client, g_flFlashDuration);
 if(iDuration > 0.1)
  iDuration -= 0.1;
 if (client && GetClientTeam(client) > 1)
  CreateTimer(iDuration, Timer_FlashEnd, userid, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
public Action:Event_OnPlayerTeam(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
  return Plugin_Continue;
 new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
 new team = GetEventInt(event, "team");
 new bool:disconnect = GetEventBool(event, "disconnect");
 // Handle the thirdperson view values
 // terrors are always allowed to view players in thirdperson
 if(client && !IsFakeClient(client) && GetConVarInt(g_hForceCamera) == 1)
  if(team == CS_TEAM_T)
   SendConVarValue(client, g_hForceCamera, "0");
  else if(team != CS_TEAM_CT)
   SendConVarValue(client, g_hForceCamera, "1");
 // Player disconnected?
  g_bCTToSwitch[client] = false;
 // Player joined spectator?
 if(!disconnect && team < CS_TEAM_T)
  g_bCTToSwitch[client] = false;
  // Unblind and show weapons again
  SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_bDrawViewmodel", 1);
  PerformBlind(client, 0);
  // Reset the model fix
  if(g_iFixedModelHeight[client] != 0.0 && g_bClientIsHigher[client])
   SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_OBSERVER);
  g_iFixedModelHeight[client] = 0.0;
  g_bClientIsHigher[client] = false;
  // Unfreeze, if freezed before
   if(GetConVarInt(g_hCVHiderFreezeMode) == 1)
    SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_OBSERVER);
    SetEntData(client, g_Freeze, FL_FAKECLIENT|FL_ONGROUND|FL_PARTIALGROUND, 4, true);
    SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_OBSERVER);
   g_bIsFreezed[client] = false;
 // Reset the last joined ct, if he left
 if(disconnect && g_iLastJoinedCT == client)
  g_iLastJoinedCT = -1;
 // Strip the player if joined T midround
 if(!disconnect && team == CS_TEAM_T && IsPlayerAlive(client))
 // Ignore, if Teambalance is disabled
 if(GetConVarFloat(g_hCVCTRatio) == 0.0)
  return Plugin_Continue;
 // GetTeamClientCount() doesn't handle the teamchange we're called for in player_team,
 // so wait two frames to update the counts
 CreateTimer(0.2, Timer_ChangeTeam, client, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
 return Plugin_Continue;
public Event_OnItemPickup(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
 new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt( event, "userid"));
 decl String:sItem[100];
 GetEventString(event, "item", sItem, sizeof(sItem));
 // restrict nightvision
 if(StrEqual(sItem, "nvgs", false))
  SetEntData(client, g_iHasNightVision, 0, 4, true);
public EntOutput_OnClose(const String:output[], caller, activator, Float:delay)
 AcceptEntityInput(caller, "Open");
* Timer Callbacks
// Freeze player function
public Action:FreezePlayer(Handle:timer, any:client)
 if(!IsClientInGame(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client) || !g_bIsCTWaiting[client])
  g_hFreezeCTTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
  return Plugin_Stop;
 // Force him to watch at the ground.
 new Float:fPlayerEyes[3];
 GetClientEyeAngles(client, fPlayerEyes);
 fPlayerEyes[0] = 180.0;
 TeleportEntity(client, NULL_VECTOR, fPlayerEyes, NULL_VECTOR);
 SetEntData(client, g_Freeze, FL_CLIENT|FL_ATCONTROLS, 4, true);
 SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_NONE);
 PerformBlind(client, 255);
 return Plugin_Continue;
// Unfreeze player function
public Action:UnFreezePlayer(Handle:timer, any:client)
 g_hUnfreezeCTTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
 if(!IsClientInGame(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client))
  return Plugin_Stop;
 SetEntData(client, g_Freeze, FL_FAKECLIENT|FL_ONGROUND|FL_PARTIALGROUND, 4, true);
 SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK);
  PerformBlind(client, 0);
 g_bIsCTWaiting[client] = false;
 EmitSoundToClient(client, "radio/go.wav");
 PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Go search");
 return Plugin_Stop;
public Action:DisableModelMenu(Handle:timer, any:client)
 g_hAllowModelChangeTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
  return Plugin_Stop;
 g_bAllowModelChange[client] = false;
  PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Modelmenu Disabled");
 // didn't he chose a model?
 if(GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_T && g_iModelChangeCount[client] == 0)
  // give him a random one.
  PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Did not choose model");
 return Plugin_Stop;
public Action:StartVarChecker(Handle:timer, any:client)
 if (!IsClientInGame(client))
  return Plugin_Stop;
 // allow watching
 if(GetClientTeam(client) < CS_TEAM_T)
  PerformBlind(client, 0);
  return Plugin_Continue;
 // check all defined cvars for value "0"
 for(new i=0;i<sizeof(cheat_commands);i++)
  QueryClientConVar(client, cheat_commands[i], ConVarQueryFinished:ClientConVar, client);
  // Blind and Freeze player
  PerformBlind(client, 255);
  SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_NONE);
  if(GetConVarInt(g_hCVCheatPunishment) != 0 && g_hCheatPunishTimer[client] == INVALID_HANDLE)
   g_hCheatPunishTimer[client] = CreateTimer(15.0, PerformCheatPunishment, client, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
  if(g_hCheatPunishTimer[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
   g_hCheatPunishTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
    SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK);
   PerformBlind(client, 0);
 return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:PerformCheatPunishment(Handle:timer, any:client)
 g_hCheatPunishTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
 if(!IsClientInGame(client) || !IsConVarCheater(client))
  return Plugin_Stop;
 new punishmentType = GetConVarInt(g_hCVCheatPunishment);
 if(punishmentType == 1 && GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR )
  g_bCTToSwitch[client] = false;
  // Unblind and show weapons again
  SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_bDrawViewmodel", 1);
  PerformBlind(client, 0);
  // Reset the model fix
  if(g_iFixedModelHeight[client] != 0.0 && g_bClientIsHigher[client])
   SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_OBSERVER);
  g_iFixedModelHeight[client] = 0.0;
  g_bClientIsHigher[client] = false;
  // Unfreeze, if freezed before
   if(GetConVarInt(g_hCVHiderFreezeMode) == 1)
    SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_OBSERVER);
    SetEntData(client, g_Freeze, FL_FAKECLIENT|FL_ONGROUND|FL_PARTIALGROUND, 4, true);
    SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_OBSERVER);
   g_bIsFreezed[client] = false;
  if(g_iLastJoinedCT == client)
   g_iLastJoinedCT = -1;
  ChangeClientTeam(client, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR);
  PrintToChatAll("%s%N %t", PREFIX, client, "Spectator Cheater");
 else if(punishmentType == 2)
  for(new i=0;i<sizeof(cheat_commands);i++)
    PrintToConsole(client, "Hide and Seek: %t %s 0", "Print to console", cheat_commands[i]);
  KickClient(client, "Hide and Seek: %t", "Kick bad cvars");
 return Plugin_Stop;
// teach the players the /whistle and /tp commands
public Action:SpamCommands(Handle:timer, any:data)
 if(GetConVarBool(g_hCVWhistle) && data == 1)
  PrintToChatAll("%s%t", PREFIX, "T type /whistle");
 else if(!GetConVarBool(g_hCVWhistle) || data == 0)
  for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
   if(IsClientInGame(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_T)
    PrintToChat(i, "%s%t", PREFIX, "T type /tp");
 g_hSpamCommandsTimer = CreateTimer(120.0, SpamCommands, (data==0?1:0));
 return Plugin_Stop;
// show all players a countdown
// CT: I'm coming!
public Action:ShowCountdown(Handle:timer, any:freezeTime)
 new seconds = freezeTime - GetTime() + g_iFirstCTSpawn;
 PrintCenterTextAll("%d", seconds);
 if(seconds <= 0)
  g_hShowCountdownTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
   for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
     SetEntDataFloat(i, g_flProgressBarStartTime, 0.0, true);
     SetEntData(i, g_iProgressBarDuration, 0, 4, true);
  return Plugin_Stop;
 // m_iProgressBarDuration has a limit of 15 seconds, so start showing the bar on 15 seconds left.
 if(GetConVarBool(g_hCVShowProgressBar) && (seconds) < 15)
  for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
   if(IsClientInGame(i) && GetEntProp(i, Prop_Send, "m_iProgressBarDuration") == 0)
    SetEntDataFloat(i, g_flProgressBarStartTime, GetGameTime(), true);
    SetEntData(i, g_iProgressBarDuration, seconds, 4, true);
 g_hShowCountdownTimer = CreateTimer(0.5, ShowCountdown, freezeTime);
 return Plugin_Stop;
public Action:ShowRoundTime(Handle:timer, any:roundTime)
  return Plugin_Stop;
 decl String:timeLeft[10];
 new seconds = roundTime - GetTime() + g_iRoundStartTime;
 new minutes = RoundToFloor(float(seconds) / 60.0);
 new secs = seconds - minutes*60;
 if(secs < 10)
  Format(timeLeft, sizeof(timeLeft), "%d:0%d", minutes, secs);
  Format(timeLeft, sizeof(timeLeft), "%d:%d", minutes, secs);
 for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
  if(IsClientInGame(i) && g_bInThirdPersonView[i])
   Client_PrintKeyHintText(i, "%s", timeLeft);
 if(seconds > 0)
  g_hRoundTimeTimer = CreateTimer(0.5, ShowRoundTime, roundTime, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
  g_hRoundTimeTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
 return Plugin_Stop;
public Action:Timer_SwitchTeams(Handle:timer, any:data)
 decl String:sName[64];
 for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
    GetClientName(i, sName, sizeof(sName));
    CS_SwitchTeam(i, CS_TEAM_T);
    PrintToChatAll("%s%t", PREFIX, "switched", sName);
   g_bCTToSwitch[i] = false;
 return Plugin_Stop;
public Action:Timer_ChangeTeam(Handle:timer, any:client)
 new iCTCount = GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_CT);
 new iTCount = GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_T);
 new iToBeSwitched = 0;
 // Check, how many cts are going to get switched to terror at the end of the round
 new iTeam;
 for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
  // Don't care for cheaters
    iTeam = GetClientTeam(i);
    if(iTeam == CS_TEAM_CT)
    else if(iTeam == CS_TEAM_T)
  else if(g_bCTToSwitch[i])
 //PrintToServer("Debug: %d players are flagged to switch at the end of the round.", iToBeSwitched);
 new Float:fRatio = FloatDiv(float(iCTCount), float(iTCount));
 new Float:fCFGCTRatio = GetConVarFloat(g_hCVCTRatio);
 new Float:fCFGRatio = FloatDiv(1.0, fCFGCTRatio);
 //PrintToServer("Debug: Initial CTCount: %d TCount: %d Ratio: %f, CFGRatio: %f", iCTCount, iTCount, fRatio, fCFGRatio);
 decl String:sName[64];
 // There are more CTs than we want in the CT team and it's not the first CT
 if((iCTCount > 0 || iTCount > 0) && iCTCount != 1 && fRatio > fCFGRatio)
  //PrintToServer("Debug: Too much CTs! Taking action...");
  // Any players flagged to be moved at the end of the round?
  if(iToBeSwitched > 0)
   for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
     g_bCTToSwitch[i] = false;
     GetClientName(i, sName, sizeof(sName));
     PrintToChatAll("%s%t.", PREFIX, "stop switch", sName);
     //PrintToServer("Debug: Unflagged one player from being switched to T. CTCount: %d TCount: %d Ratio: %f", iCTCount, iTCount, FloatDiv(float(iCTCount), float(iTCount)));
     // switched enough players?
     if(float(iTCount) < fCFGCTRatio || FloatDiv(float(iCTCount), float(iTCount)) <= fCFGRatio)
      //PrintToServer("Debug: Switched enough players after unflagging.");
      return Plugin_Stop;
  // First check, if the last change has been from x->CT
  if(client && IsClientInGame(client) && GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_CT)
   // Reverse the change or put him in T directly
   ChangeClientTeam(client, CS_TEAM_T);
   GetClientName(client, sName, sizeof(sName));
   PrintToChatAll("%s%t", PREFIX, "switched", sName);
   //PrintToServer("Debug: Switched the player %s straight back to T. CTCount: %d TCount: %d Ratio: %f", sName, iCTCount, iTCount, FloatDiv(float(iCTCount), float(iTCount)));
   // switched enough players?
   if(float(iTCount) < fCFGCTRatio || FloatDiv(float(iCTCount), float(iTCount)) <= fCFGRatio)
    //PrintToServer("Debug: Switched enough players after reversing the last change.");
    return Plugin_Stop;
  // Switch last joined CT
  else if(g_iLastJoinedCT != -1)
   // Dead? switch directly.
   if(IsClientInGame(g_iLastJoinedCT) && !IsPlayerAlive(g_iLastJoinedCT))
    ChangeClientTeam(g_iLastJoinedCT, CS_TEAM_T);
    GetClientName(g_iLastJoinedCT, sName, sizeof(sName));
    PrintToChatAll("%s%t", PREFIX, "switched", sName);
    //PrintToServer("Debug: Switched the last joined CT %s to T. CTCount: %d TCount: %d Ratio: %f", sName, iCTCount, iTCount, FloatDiv(float(iCTCount), float(iTCount)));
   else if(IsClientInGame(g_iLastJoinedCT))
    g_bCTToSwitch[g_iLastJoinedCT] = true;
    GetClientName(g_iLastJoinedCT, sName, sizeof(sName));
    PrintToChatAll("%s%t", PREFIX, "going to switch", sName);
    //PrintToServer("Debug: Flagged the last joined CT %s to switch at roundend. CTCount: %d TCount: %d Ratio: %f", sName, iCTCount, iTCount, FloatDiv(float(iCTCount), float(iTCount)));
   // switched enough players?
   if(float(iTCount) < fCFGCTRatio || FloatDiv(float(iCTCount), float(iTCount)) <= fCFGRatio)
    //PrintToServer("Debug: Switched enough players after checking the last joined CT.");
    return Plugin_Stop;
  // First search for a dead seeker, so we can switch him
  // @TODO: Take care for ranking on the scoreboard or longest playtime as CT
  for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
   // switched enough players?
   if(float(iTCount) < fCFGCTRatio || FloatDiv(float(iCTCount), float(iTCount)) <= fCFGRatio)
    //PrintToServer("Debug: Switched enough players after switching dead cts");
    return Plugin_Stop;
   // Switch one ct to t immediately.
   if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsPlayerAlive(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_CT && !g_bCTToSwitch[i])
    ChangeClientTeam(i, CS_TEAM_T);
    GetClientName(i, sName, sizeof(sName));
    PrintToChatAll("%s%t", PREFIX, "switched", sName);
    //PrintToServer("Debug: Switched dead CT %s to T. CTCount: %d TCount: %d Ratio: %f", sName, iCTCount, iTCount, FloatDiv(float(iCTCount), float(iTCount)));
  // Still not enough switched? Just pick a random one and switch him at the end of the round
  for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
   // switched enough players?
   if(float(iTCount) < fCFGCTRatio || FloatDiv(float(iCTCount), float(iTCount)) <= fCFGRatio)
    //PrintToServer("Debug: Switched enough players after flagging alive CTs");
    return Plugin_Stop;
   if(IsClientInGame(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_CT && !g_bCTToSwitch[i])
    g_bCTToSwitch[i] = true;
    GetClientName(i, sName, sizeof(sName));
    PrintToChatAll("%s%t", PREFIX, "going to switch", sName);
    //PrintToServer("Debug: Flagging alive CT %s to switch to T at roundend. CTCount: %d TCount: %d Ratio: %f", sName, iCTCount, iTCount, FloatDiv(float(iCTCount), float(iTCount)));
 // Is the player in CT now?
 // He joined last!
 else if(client && IsClientInGame(client) && GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_CT)
  g_iLastJoinedCT = client;
 return Plugin_Stop;
// Make sure CTs have knifes
public Action:Timer_CheckCTHasKnife(Handle:timer, any:userid)
 new client = GetClientOfUserId(userid);
  return Plugin_Stop;
 if(IsClientInGame(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client) && GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_CT)
  new iWeapon = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 2);
  if(iWeapon == -1)
   iWeapon = GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_knife");
   EquipPlayerWeapon(client, iWeapon);
 return Plugin_Stop;
// Hide the radar again after flashing
public Action:Timer_FlashEnd(Handle:timer, any:userid)
 new client = GetClientOfUserId(userid);
 if (client && GetClientTeam(client) > 1)
  SetEntDataFloat(client, g_flFlashDuration, 10000.0, true);
  SetEntDataFloat(client, g_flFlashMaxAlpha, 0.5, true);
 return Plugin_Stop;
public Action:Timer_SaveSpawnPosition(Handle:timer, any:userid)
 new client = GetClientOfUserId(userid);
  return Plugin_Stop;
 GetClientAbsOrigin(client, g_fSpawnPosition[client]);
 return Plugin_Stop;
* Console Command Handling
// say /hide /hidemenu
public Action:Menu_SelectModel(client,args)
 if (!g_bEnableHnS || g_hModelMenu[GetClientLanguageID(client)] == INVALID_HANDLE)
  return Plugin_Handled;
 if(GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_T)
  new changeLimit = GetConVarInt(g_hCVChangeLimit);
  if(g_bAllowModelChange[client] && (changeLimit == 0 || g_iModelChangeCount[client] < (changeLimit+1)))
    DisplayMenu(g_hModelMenu[GetClientLanguageID(client)], client, RoundToFloor(GetConVarFloat(g_hCVChangeLimittime)));
   PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Modelmenu Disabled");
  PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Only terrorists can select models");
 return Plugin_Handled;
// say /tp /third /thirdperson
public Action:Toggle_ThirdPerson(client, args)
 if (!g_bEnableHnS || !IsClientInGame(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client))
  return Plugin_Handled;
 // Only allow Terrorists to use thirdperson view
 if(GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_T)
  PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Only terrorists can use");
  return Plugin_Handled;
  SetThirdPersonView(client, true);
  PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Type again for ego");
  SetThirdPersonView(client, false);
  // remove the roundtime message
  if(!csgo) Client_PrintKeyHintText(client, "");
 return Plugin_Handled;
// say /+3rd
public Action:Enable_ThirdPerson(client, args)
 if (!g_bEnableHnS || !IsClientInGame(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client))
  return Plugin_Handled;
 // Only allow Terrorists to use thirdperson view
 if(GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_T)
  PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Only terrorists can use");
  return Plugin_Handled;
  SetThirdPersonView(client, true);
  PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Type again for ego");
 return Plugin_Handled;
// say /-3rd
public Action:Disable_ThirdPerson(client, args)
 if (!g_bEnableHnS || !IsClientInGame(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client))
  return Plugin_Handled;
 // Only allow Terrorists to use thirdperson view
 if(GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_T)
  PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Only terrorists can use");
  return Plugin_Handled;
  SetThirdPersonView(client, false);
  // remove the roundtime message
  if(!csgo) Client_PrintKeyHintText(client, "");
 return Plugin_Handled;
// jointeam command
// handle the team sizes
public Action:Command_JoinTeam(client, args)
 if (!g_bEnableHnS || !client || !IsClientInGame(client) || GetConVarFloat(g_hCVCTRatio) == 0.0)
  return Plugin_Continue;
 decl String:text[192];
 if (!GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text)))
  return Plugin_Continue;
 // Player wants to join CT
 if(strcmp(text, "3", false) == 0)
  new iCTCount = GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_CT);
  new iTCount = GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_T);
  // This client would be in CT if we continue.
  // And would leave T
  if(GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_T)
  // Check, how many terrors are going to get switched to ct at the end of the round
  for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
  new Float:fRatio = FloatDiv(float(iCTCount), float(iTCount));
  new Float:fCFGRatio = FloatDiv(1.0, GetConVarFloat(g_hCVCTRatio));
  //PrintToServer("Debug: Player %N wants to join CT. CTCount: %d TCount: %d Ratio: %f", client, iCTCount, iTCount, FloatDiv(float(iCTCount), float(iTCount)));
  // There are more CTs than we want in the CT team.
  if(iCTCount > 1 && fRatio > fCFGRatio)
   PrintCenterText(client, "CT team is full");
   //PrintToServer("Debug: Blocked.");
   return Plugin_Handled;
 return Plugin_Continue;
// say /whistle
// plays a random sound loudly
public Action:Play_Whistle(client,args)
 // check if whistling is enabled
 if(!g_bEnableHnS || !GetConVarBool(g_hCVWhistle) || !IsPlayerAlive(client))
  return Plugin_Handled;
 new bool:cvarWhistleSeeker = bool:GetConVarInt(g_hCVWhistleSeeker);
 if(cvarWhistleSeeker && GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_CT)
  PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Only counter-terrorists can use");
  return Plugin_Handled;
 // only Ts are allowed to whistle
 else if(!cvarWhistleSeeker && GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_T)
  PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Only terrorists can use");
  return Plugin_Handled;
 new cvarWhistleTimes = GetConVarInt(g_hCVWhistleTimes);
 if(g_iWhistleCount[client] < cvarWhistleTimes)
   EmitSoundToAll(whistle_sounds[GetRandomInt(0, sizeof(whistle_sounds)-1)], client, SNDCHAN_AUTO, SNDLEVEL_GUNFIRE);
   PrintToChatAll("%s%N %t", PREFIX, client, "whistled");
   PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "whistles left", (cvarWhistleTimes-g_iWhistleCount[client]));
   new target;
   new iCount;
   new Float:maxrange;
   new Float:range;
   for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
    if(IsClientInGame(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_T)
     range = Entity_GetDistance(client, i);
     if(range > maxrange)
      maxrange = range;
      target = i;
   if(iCount > 1)
    EmitSoundToAll(whistle_sounds[GetRandomInt(0, sizeof(whistle_sounds)-1)], target, SNDCHAN_AUTO, SNDLEVEL_GUNFIRE);
    PrintToChatAll("%s %N forced %N to whistle.", PREFIX, client, target);
    PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "whistles left", (cvarWhistleTimes-g_iWhistleCount[client]));
  PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "whistle limit exceeded", cvarWhistleTimes);
 return Plugin_Handled;
// say /whoami
// displays the model name in chat again
public Action:Display_ModelName(client,args)
 // only enable command, if player already chose a model
 if(!g_bEnableHnS || !IsPlayerAlive(client) || g_iModelChangeCount[client] == 0)
  return Plugin_Handled;
 // only Ts can use a model
 if(GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_T)
  PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Only terrorists can use");
  return Plugin_Handled;
 decl String:modelName[128], String:langCode[4];
 GetClientModel(client, modelName, sizeof(modelName));
 if (!KvGotoFirstSubKey(kv))
  return Plugin_Handled;
 decl String:name[30], String:path[100], String:fullPath[100];
  KvGetSectionName(kv, path, sizeof(path));
  FormatEx(fullPath, sizeof(fullPath), "models/%s.mdl", path);
  if(StrEqual(fullPath, modelName))
   GetClientLanguageID(client, langCode, sizeof(langCode));
   KvGetString(kv, langCode, name, sizeof(name));
   PrintToChat(client, "%s%t\x01 %s.", PREFIX, "Model Changed", name);
 } while (KvGotoNextKey(kv));
 return Plugin_Handled;

// say /hidehelp
// Show the help menu
public Action:Display_Help(client,args)
  return Plugin_Handled;
 new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(Menu_Help);
 decl String:buffer[512];
 Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "HnS Help", client);
 SetMenuTitle(menu, buffer);
 SetMenuExitButton(menu, true);
 Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Running HnS", client);
 AddMenuItem(menu, "", buffer);
 Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Instructions 1", client);
 AddMenuItem(menu, "", buffer);
 AddMenuItem(menu, "", "", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);
 Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Available Commands", client);
 AddMenuItem(menu, "1", buffer);
 Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Howto CT", client);
 AddMenuItem(menu, "2", buffer);
 Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Howto T", client);
 AddMenuItem(menu, "3", buffer);
 DisplayMenu(menu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
 return Plugin_Handled;
// say /freeze
// Freeze hiders in position
public Action:Freeze_Cmd(client,args)
 if(!g_bEnableHnS || !GetConVarInt(g_hCVHiderFreezeMode) || GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_T || !IsPlayerAlive(client))
  return Plugin_Handled;
  if(GetConVarInt(g_hCVHiderFreezeMode) == 1)
    SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK);
   SetEntData(client, g_Freeze, FL_FAKECLIENT|FL_ONGROUND|FL_PARTIALGROUND, 4, true);
    SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK);
  g_bIsFreezed[client] = false;
  PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Hider Unfreezed");
 else if (GetConVarBool(g_hCVHiderFreezeInAir) || (GetEntityFlags(client) & FL_ONGROUND || g_bClientIsHigher[client])) // only allow freezing when being on the ground!
  // Don't allow fixed models to freeze while being bugged
  // Put him up before freezing
  if(g_iFixedModelHeight[client] > 0.0 && !g_bClientIsHigher[client] && GetEntityFlags(client) & FL_ONGROUND)
   new Float:vecClientOrigin[3];
   GetClientAbsOrigin(client, vecClientOrigin);
   vecClientOrigin[2] += g_iFixedModelHeight[client];
   TeleportEntity(client, vecClientOrigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
   g_bClientIsHigher[client] = true;
  if(GetConVarInt(g_hCVHiderFreezeMode) == 1)
   SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_NONE); // Still able to move camera
   SetEntData(client, g_Freeze, FL_CLIENT|FL_ATCONTROLS, 4, true); // Can't move anything
   SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_NONE);
  // Stop him
  TeleportEntity(client, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, Float:{0.0,0.0,0.0});
  g_bIsFreezed[client] = true;
  PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Hider Freezed");
 return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Block_Cmd(client,args)
 // only block if anticheat is enabled
 if(g_bEnableHnS && GetConVarBool(g_hCVAntiCheat))
  return Plugin_Handled;
  return Plugin_Continue;
// Admin Command
// sm_hns_force_whistle
// Forces a terrorist player to whistle
public Action:ForceWhistle(client, args)
 if(!g_bEnableHnS || !GetConVarBool(g_hCVWhistle))
  ReplyToCommand(client, "Disabled.");
  return Plugin_Handled;
 if(GetCmdArgs() < 1)
  ReplyToCommand(client, "Usage: sm_hns_force_whistle <#userid|steamid|name>");
  return Plugin_Handled;
 decl String:player[70];
 GetCmdArg(1, player, sizeof(player));
 new target = FindTarget(client, player);
 if(target == -1)
  return Plugin_Handled;
 if(GetClientTeam(target) == CS_TEAM_T && IsPlayerAlive(target))
  EmitSoundToAll(whistle_sounds[GetRandomInt(0, sizeof(whistle_sounds)-1)], target, SNDCHAN_AUTO, SNDLEVEL_GUNFIRE);
  PrintToChatAll("%s%N %t", PREFIX, target, "whistled");
  ReplyToCommand(client, "Hide and Seek: %t", "Only terrorists can use");
 return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:ReloadModels(client, args)
  ReplyToCommand(client, "Disabled.");
  return Plugin_Handled;
 // reset the model menu
 // rebuild it
 ReplyToCommand(client, "Hide and Seek: Reloaded config.");
 return Plugin_Handled;

* Menu Handler
public Menu_Group(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, param2)
 // make sure again, the player is a Terrorist
 if(client > 0 && IsClientInGame(client) && GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_T && g_bAllowModelChange[client])
  if (action == MenuAction_Select)
   decl String:info[100], String:info2[100], String:sModelPath[100];
   new bool:found = GetMenuItem(menu, param2, info, sizeof(info), _, info2, sizeof(info2));
    if(StrEqual(info, "random"))
     // Check for enough money
     decl String:sTax[32];
     new iPosition;
     if((iPosition = StrContains(info, "||t_")) != -1)
      new iAccountValue = GetEntData(client, g_iAccount);
      // Stupid string information storage-.-
      new iPosition2 = StrContains(info[iPosition+4], "||hi_");
      if(iPosition2 != -1)
       strcopy(sTax, iPosition2-iPosition+3, info[iPosition+4]);
       strcopy(sTax, sizeof(sTax), info[iPosition+4]);
      new iTax = StringToInt(sTax);
      // He doesn't have enough money?
      if(iTax > iAccountValue)
       PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "not enough money");
       // Show the menu again
       Menu_SelectModel(client, 0);
      // Get the money
      SetEntData(client, g_iAccount, (iAccountValue - iTax), 4, true);
      PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "tax charged", iTax);
     // Put him down before changing the model again
      new Float:vecClientOrigin[3];
      GetClientAbsOrigin(client, vecClientOrigin);
      vecClientOrigin[2] -= g_iFixedModelHeight[client];
      TeleportEntity(client, vecClientOrigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
      SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK);
      g_bClientIsHigher[client] = false;
     // Modelheight fix
     if((iPosition = StrContains(info, "||hi_")) != -1)
      g_iFixedModelHeight[client] = StringToFloat(info[iPosition+5]);
      PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "is heightfixed");
      g_iFixedModelHeight[client] = 0.0;
     if(SplitString(info, "||", sModelPath, sizeof(sModelPath)) == -1)
      strcopy(sModelPath, sizeof(sModelPath), info);
     SetEntityModel(client, sModelPath);
     PrintToChat(client, "%s%t \x01%s.", PREFIX, "Model Changed", info2);
  } else if(action == MenuAction_Cancel)
   PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Type !hide");
  // display the help menu afterwards on first spawn
  if(GetConVarBool(g_hCVShowHideHelp) && g_bFirstSpawn[client])
   Display_Help(client, 0);
   g_bFirstSpawn[client] = false;
// Display the different help menus
public Menu_Help(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
 if (action == MenuAction_Select)
  new String:info[32];
  GetMenuItem(menu, param2, info, sizeof(info));
  new iInfo = StringToInt(info);
   case 1:
    // Available Commands
    new Handle:menu2 = CreateMenu(Menu_Dummy);
    decl String:buffer[512];
    Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Available Commands", param1);
    SetMenuTitle(menu2, buffer);
    SetMenuExitBackButton(menu2, true);
    Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/hide, /hidemenu - %T", "cmd hide", param1);
    AddMenuItem(menu2, "", buffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
    Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/tp, /third, /thirdperson - %T", "cmd tp", param1);
    AddMenuItem(menu2, "", buffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
     Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/whistle - %T", "cmd whistle", param1);
     AddMenuItem(menu2, "", buffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
     Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/freeze - %T", "cmd freeze", param1);
     AddMenuItem(menu2, "", buffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
    Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/whoami - %T", "cmd whoami", param1);
    AddMenuItem(menu2, "", buffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
    Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/hidehelp - %T", "cmd hidehelp", param1);
    AddMenuItem(menu2, "", buffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
    DisplayMenu(menu2, param1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
   case 2:
    // Howto CT
    new Handle:menu2 = CreateMenu(Menu_Dummy);
    decl String:buffer[512];
    Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Howto CT", param1);
    SetMenuTitle(menu2, buffer);
    SetMenuExitBackButton(menu2, true);
    Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Instructions CT 1", param1);
    AddMenuItem(menu2, "", buffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
    AddMenuItem(menu2, "", "", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);
    Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Instructions CT 2", param1, GetConVarInt(g_hCVHPSeekerDec));
    AddMenuItem(menu2, "", buffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
    Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Instructions CT 3", param1, GetConVarInt(g_hCVHPSeekerInc), GetConVarInt(g_hCVHPSeekerBonus));
    AddMenuItem(menu2, "", buffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
    DisplayMenu(menu2, param1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
   case 3:
    // Howto T
    new Handle:menu2 = CreateMenu(Menu_Dummy);
    decl String:buffer[512];
    Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Howto T", param1);
    SetMenuTitle(menu2, buffer);
    SetMenuExitBackButton(menu2, true);
    Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Instructions T 1", param1);
    AddMenuItem(menu2, "", buffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
    Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Instructions T 2", param1);
    AddMenuItem(menu2, "", buffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
    DisplayMenu(menu2, param1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
 else if (action == MenuAction_End)
public Menu_Dummy(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
 if (action == MenuAction_Cancel && param2 != MenuCancel_Exit)
   Display_Help(param1, 0);
 else if (action == MenuAction_End)
* Helper Functions
// read the hide_and_seek map config
// add all models to the menus according to the language
 g_iTotalModelsAvailable = 0;
 kv = CreateKeyValues("Models");
 new String:file[256], String:map[64], String:title[64], String:finalOutput[100];
 GetCurrentMap(map, sizeof(map));
  BuildPath(Path_SM, file, 255, "configs/hide_and_seek/maps_csgo/%s.cfg", map);
   BuildPath(Path_SM, file, 255, "configs/hide_and_seek/maps_csgo/default.cfg");
  BuildPath(Path_SM, file, 255, "configs/hide_and_seek/maps_css/%s.cfg", map);
   BuildPath(Path_SM, file, 255, "configs/hide_and_seek/maps_css/default.cfg");
 FileToKeyValues(kv, file);
 if (!KvGotoFirstSubKey(kv))
  SetFailState("Can't parse modelconfig file for map %s.", map);
 decl String:name[30];
 decl String:lang[4];
 decl String:path[100];
 new langID, nextLangID = -1;
  // get the model path and precache it
  KvGetSectionName(kv, path, sizeof(path));
  FormatEx(finalOutput, sizeof(finalOutput), "models/%s.mdl", path);
  PrecacheModel(finalOutput, true);
  // Check for heightfixed models
  decl String:sHeightFix[32];
  KvGetString(kv, "heightfix", sHeightFix, sizeof(sHeightFix), "noo");
  if(!StrEqual(sHeightFix, "noo"))
   Format(finalOutput, sizeof(finalOutput), "%s||hi_%s", finalOutput, sHeightFix);
  // Check for tax
  decl String:sTax[32];
  KvGetString(kv, "tax", sTax, sizeof(sTax), "noo");
  if(!StrEqual(sTax, "noo"))
   Format(finalOutput, sizeof(finalOutput), "%s||t_%s", finalOutput, sTax);
  // roll through all available languages
  for(new i=0;i<GetLanguageCount();i++)
   GetLanguageInfo(i, lang, sizeof(lang));
   // search for the translation
   KvGetString(kv, lang, name, sizeof(name));
   if(strlen(name) > 0)
    // Show the tax
    if(!StrEqual(sTax, "noo"))
     Format(name, sizeof(name), "%s ($%d)", name, StringToInt(sTax));
    // language already in array, only in the wrong order in the file?
    langID = GetLanguageID(lang);
    // language new?
    if(langID == -1)
     nextLangID = GetNextLangID();
     g_sModelMenuLanguage[nextLangID] = lang;
    if(langID == -1 && g_hModelMenu[nextLangID] == INVALID_HANDLE)
     // new language, create the menu
     g_hModelMenu[nextLangID] = CreateMenu(Menu_Group);
     Format(title, sizeof(title), "%T:", "Title Select Model", LANG_SERVER);
     SetMenuTitle(g_hModelMenu[nextLangID], title);
     SetMenuExitButton(g_hModelMenu[nextLangID], true);
     // Add random option
     Format(title, sizeof(title), "%T", "random", LANG_SERVER);
     AddMenuItem(g_hModelMenu[nextLangID], "random", title);
    // add it to the menu
    if(langID == -1)
     AddMenuItem(g_hModelMenu[nextLangID], finalOutput, name);
     AddMenuItem(g_hModelMenu[langID], finalOutput, name);
 } while (KvGotoNextKey(kv));
 if (g_iTotalModelsAvailable == 0)
  SetFailState("No models parsed in %s.cfg", map);
GetLanguageID(const String:langCode[])
 for(new i=0;i<MAX_LANGUAGES;i++)
  if(StrEqual(g_sModelMenuLanguage[i], langCode))
   return i;
 return -1;
GetClientLanguageID(client, String:languageCode[]="", maxlen=0)
 decl String:langCode[4];
 GetLanguageInfo(GetClientLanguage(client), langCode, sizeof(langCode));
 // is client's prefered language available?
 new langID = GetLanguageID(langCode);
 if(langID != -1)
  strcopy(languageCode, maxlen, langCode);
  return langID; // yes.
  GetLanguageInfo(GetServerLanguage(), langCode, sizeof(langCode));
  // is default server language available?
  langID = GetLanguageID(langCode);
  if(langID != -1)
   strcopy(languageCode, maxlen, langCode);
   return langID; // yes.
   // default to english
   for(new i=0;i<MAX_LANGUAGES;i++)
    if(StrEqual(g_sModelMenuLanguage[i], "en"))
     strcopy(languageCode, maxlen, "en");
     return i;
   // english not found? happens on custom map configs e.g.
   // use the first language available
   // this should always work, since we would have SetFailState() on parse
   if(strlen(g_sModelMenuLanguage[0]) > 0)
    strcopy(languageCode, maxlen, g_sModelMenuLanguage[0]);
    return 0;
 // this should never happen
 return -1;
 for(new i=0;i<MAX_LANGUAGES;i++)
  if(strlen(g_sModelMenuLanguage[i]) == 0)
   return i;
 SetFailState("Can't handle more than %d languages. Increase MAX_LANGUAGES and recompile.", MAX_LANGUAGES);
 return -1;
// Check if a player has a bad convar value set
 for(new i=0;i<sizeof(cheat_commands);i++)
   return true;
 return false;
 new Float:fOrigin[3];
 GetClientAbsOrigin(client, fOrigin);
 // Did he move after spawn?
 if(UTIL_VectorEqual(fOrigin, g_fSpawnPosition[client], 0.1))
  return true;
 return false;
stock bool:UTIL_VectorEqual(const Float:vec1[3], const Float:vec2[3], const Float:tolerance)
 for(new i=0;i<3;i++)
  if(vec1[i] > (vec2[i] + tolerance) || vec1[i] < (vec2[i] - tolerance))
   return false;
 return true;
// Fade a players screen to black (amount=0) or removes the fade (amount=255)
PerformBlind(client, amount)
 new mode;
 if(amount == 0)
  mode = FFADE_PURGE;
  Client_ScreenFade(client, 1536, mode, 1536, 0, 0, 0, amount);
  new Handle:hFadeClient = StartMessageOne("Fade", client);
  PbSetInt(hFadeClient, "duration", 1);
  PbSetInt(hFadeClient, "hold_time", 3);
  if(amount == 0)
   PbSetInt(hFadeClient, "flags", FFADE_PURGE);
   PbSetInt(hFadeClient, "flags", FFADE_STAYOUT);
  PbSetColor(hFadeClient, "clr", {0, 0, 0, 255});
// set a random model to a client
 // give him a random one.
 decl String:ModelPath[80], String:finalPath[100], String:ModelName[60];
 decl String:langCode[4], String:sHeightFix[35], String:sTax[32];
 new RandomNumber = GetRandomInt(0, g_iTotalModelsAvailable-1); 
 new currentI = 0;
 new iTax;
 new iAccountValue = GetEntData(client, g_iAccount);
 new bool:bUseTaxedInRandom = GetConVarBool(g_hCVUseTaxedInRandom);
  if(currentI == RandomNumber)
   // Check for enough money
   KvGetString(kv, "tax", sTax, sizeof(sTax), "noo");
   if(!StrEqual(sTax, "noo"))
    iTax = StringToInt(sTax);
    // He doesn't have enough money? skip this one
    if(!bUseTaxedInRandom || iTax > iAccountValue)
    // Get the money
    SetEntData(client, g_iAccount, iAccountValue - iTax, 4, true);
    PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "tax charged", iTax);
   // set the model
   KvGetSectionName(kv, ModelPath, sizeof(ModelPath));
   FormatEx(finalPath, sizeof(finalPath), "models/%s.mdl", ModelPath);
   // Put him down before changing the model again
    new Float:vecClientOrigin[3];
    GetClientAbsOrigin(client, vecClientOrigin);
    vecClientOrigin[2] -= g_iFixedModelHeight[client];
    TeleportEntity(client, vecClientOrigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
    SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK);
    g_bClientIsHigher[client] = false;
   SetEntityModel(client, finalPath);
   // Check for heightfixed models
   KvGetString(kv, "heightfix", sHeightFix, sizeof(sHeightFix), "noo");
   if(!StrEqual(sHeightFix, "noo"))
    g_iFixedModelHeight[client] = StringToFloat(sHeightFix);
    PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "is heightfixed");
    g_iFixedModelHeight[client] = 0.0;
    // print name in chat
    GetClientLanguageID(client, langCode, sizeof(langCode));
    KvGetString(kv, langCode, ModelName, sizeof(ModelName));
    PrintToChat(client, "%s%t \x01%s.", PREFIX, "Model Changed", ModelName);
 } while (KvGotoNextKey(kv));
 // display the help menu afterwards on first spawn
 if(GetConVarBool(g_hCVShowHideHelp) && g_bFirstSpawn[client])
  Display_Help(client, 0);
  g_bFirstSpawn[client] = false;
bool:SetThirdPersonView(client, bool:third)
 static Handle:m_hAllowTP = INVALID_HANDLE;
 if(m_hAllowTP == INVALID_HANDLE)
  m_hAllowTP = FindConVar("sv_allow_thirdperson");
 SetConVarInt(m_hAllowTP, 1);
 if(third && !g_bInThirdPersonView[client])
  ClientCommand(client, "thirdperson");
  g_bInThirdPersonView[client] = true;
  return true;
 else if(!third && g_bInThirdPersonView[client])
  ClientCommand(client, "firstperson");
  g_bInThirdPersonView[client] = false;
  return true;
 return false;
stock StripPlayerWeapons(client)
 new iWeapon = -1;
 for(new i=CS_SLOT_PRIMARY;i<=CS_SLOT_C4;i++)
  while((iWeapon = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, i)) != -1)
   RemovePlayerItem(client, iWeapon);
* Handle ConVars
// Monitor the protected cvars and... well protect them ;)
public OnCvarChange(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
 decl String:cvarName[50];
 GetConVarName(convar, cvarName, sizeof(cvarName));
 for(new i=0;i<sizeof(protected_cvars);i++)
  if(StrEqual(protected_cvars[i], cvarName) && StringToInt(newValue) != forced_values[i])
   SetConVarInt(convar, forced_values[i]);
   PrintToServer("Hide and Seek: %T", "protected cvar", LANG_SERVER);
// directly change the hider speed on change
public OnChangeHiderSpeed(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
 for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
  if(IsClientInGame(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_T)
   SetEntDataFloat(i, g_flLaggedMovementValue, GetConVarFloat(g_hCVHiderSpeed), true);
// directly change the hider speed on change
public OnChangeAntiCheat(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
 if(StrEqual(oldValue, newValue))
 // disable anticheat
 if(StrEqual(newValue, "0"))
  for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
   if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i))
    if(g_hCheckVarTimer[i] != INVALID_HANDLE)
     g_hCheckVarTimer[i] = INVALID_HANDLE;
    if(g_hCheatPunishTimer[i] != INVALID_HANDLE)
     g_hCheatPunishTimer[i] = INVALID_HANDLE;
 // enable anticheat
 else if(StrEqual(newValue, "1"))
  for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
   if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && g_hCheckVarTimer[i] == INVALID_HANDLE)
    g_hCheckVarTimer[i] = CreateTimer(1.0, StartVarChecker, i, TIMER_REPEAT);
// disable/enable plugin and restart round
public RestartGame(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
 // don't execute if it's unchanged
 if(StrEqual(oldValue, newValue))
 // disable - it's been enabled before.
 if(!StrEqual(newValue, "0"))
  // round has ended. used to not decrease seekers hp on shoot
  g_bRoundEnded = true;
  g_iFirstCTSpawn = 0;
  g_iFirstTSpawn = 0;
  if(g_hShowCountdownTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
   g_hShowCountdownTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
  if(g_hRoundTimeTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
   g_hRoundTimeTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
  if(g_hWhistleDelay != INVALID_HANDLE)
   g_hWhistleDelay = INVALID_HANDLE;
  // Switch the flagged players to CT
  CreateTimer(0.1, Timer_SwitchTeams, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
// disable/enable plugin and restart round
public Cfg_OnChangeEnable(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
 // don't execute if it's unchanged
 if(StrEqual(oldValue, newValue))
 // disable - it's been enabled before.
 if(StrEqual(newValue, "0"))
  UnhookConVarChange(g_hCVAntiCheat, OnChangeAntiCheat);
  UnhookConVarChange(g_hCVHiderSpeed, OnChangeHiderSpeed);
  // Unhooking events
  UnhookEvent("player_spawn", Event_OnPlayerSpawn);
  UnhookEvent("weapon_fire", Event_OnWeaponFire);
  UnhookEvent("player_death", Event_OnPlayerDeath);
  UnhookEvent("player_blind", Event_OnPlayerBlind);
  UnhookEvent("round_start", Event_OnRoundStart);
  UnhookEvent("round_end", Event_OnRoundEnd);
  UnhookEvent("player_team", Event_OnPlayerTeam);
  UnhookEvent("item_pickup", Event_OnItemPickup);
  // unprotect the cvars
  for(new i=0;i<sizeof(protected_cvars);i++)
   // reset old cvar values
   if(g_hProtectedConvar[i] == INVALID_HANDLE)
   UnhookConVarChange(g_hProtectedConvar[i], OnCvarChange);
   SetConVarInt(g_hProtectedConvar[i], previous_values[i], true);
  // stop advertising spam
  if(g_hSpamCommandsTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
   g_hSpamCommandsTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
  // stop countdown
  if(g_hShowCountdownTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
   g_hShowCountdownTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
  // stop roundtime counter
  if(g_hRoundTimeTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
   g_hRoundTimeTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
  // close handles
  if(kv != INVALID_HANDLE)
  for(new i=0;i<MAX_LANGUAGES;i++)
   if(g_hModelMenu[i] != INVALID_HANDLE)
    g_hModelMenu[i] = INVALID_HANDLE;
   Format(g_sModelMenuLanguage[i], 4, "");
  for(new c=1;c<=MaxClients;c++)
   // stop cheat checking
    if(g_hCheckVarTimer[c] != INVALID_HANDLE)
     g_hCheckVarTimer[c] = INVALID_HANDLE;
    if(g_hCheatPunishTimer[c] != INVALID_HANDLE)
     g_hCheatPunishTimer[c] = INVALID_HANDLE;
   // Unhook weapon pickup
   SDKUnhook(c, SDKHook_WeaponCanUse, OnWeaponCanUse);
   // Unhook attacking
   SDKUnhook(c, SDKHook_TraceAttack, OnTraceAttack);
   // reset every players vars
  g_bEnableHnS = false;
  // restart game to reset the models and scores
  ServerCommand("mp_restartgame 1");
 else if(StrEqual(newValue, "1"))
  // hook the convars again
  HookConVarChange(g_hCVHiderSpeed, OnChangeHiderSpeed);
  HookConVarChange(g_hCVAntiCheat, OnChangeAntiCheat);
  // Hook events again
  HookEvent("player_spawn", Event_OnPlayerSpawn);
  HookEvent("weapon_fire", Event_OnWeaponFire);
  HookEvent("player_death", Event_OnPlayerDeath);
  HookEvent("player_blind", Event_OnPlayerBlind);
  HookEvent("round_start", Event_OnRoundStart);
  HookEvent("round_end", Event_OnRoundEnd);
  HookEvent("player_team", Event_OnPlayerTeam);
  HookEvent("item_pickup", Event_OnItemPickup);
  // set bad server cvars
  for(new i=0;i<sizeof(protected_cvars);i++)
   g_hProtectedConvar[i] = FindConVar(protected_cvars[i]);
   if(g_hProtectedConvar[i] == INVALID_HANDLE)
   previous_values[i] = GetConVarInt(g_hProtectedConvar[i]);
   SetConVarInt(g_hProtectedConvar[i], forced_values[i], true);
   HookConVarChange(g_hProtectedConvar[i], OnCvarChange);
  // start advertising spam
  g_hSpamCommandsTimer = CreateTimer(120.0, SpamCommands, 0);
  for(new c=1;c<=MaxClients;c++)
   // start cheat checking
   if(!IsFakeClient(c) && GetConVarBool(g_hCVAntiCheat) && g_hCheckVarTimer[c] == INVALID_HANDLE)
    g_hCheckVarTimer[c] = CreateTimer(1.0, StartVarChecker, c, TIMER_REPEAT);
   // Hook weapon pickup
   SDKHook(c, SDKHook_WeaponCanUse, OnWeaponCanUse);
   // Hook attack to hide blood
   SDKHook(c, SDKHook_TraceAttack, OnTraceAttack);
  g_bEnableHnS = true;
  // build the menu and setup the hostage_rescue zone
  // restart game to reset the models and scores
  ServerCommand("mp_restartgame 1");
// check the given cheat cvars on every client
public ClientConVar(QueryCookie:cookie, client, ConVarQueryResult:result, const String:cvarName[], const String:cvarValue[])
 new bool:match = StrEqual(cvarValue, "0");
 for(new i=0;i<sizeof(cheat_commands);i++)
  if(!StrEqual(cheat_commands[i], cvarName))
   g_bConVarViolation[client][i] = true;
   // only spam the message every 5 checks
   if(g_iConVarMessage[client][i] == 0)
    PrintToChat(client, "%s%t\x04 %s 0", PREFIX, "Print to console", cvarName);
    PrintHintText(client, "%t %s 0", "Print to console", cvarName);
   if(g_iConVarMessage[client][i] > 5)
    g_iConVarMessage[client][i] = 0;
   g_bConVarViolation[client][i] = false;
stock Client_ResetFakeProp(client)
 new entity = g_iFreezeEntity[client];
 if (entity > 0)
  if (IsValidEntity(entity)) AcceptEntityInput(entity, "kill");
  g_iFreezeEntity[client] = -1;
  g_bIsFreezed[client] = false;
stock Client_UpdateFakeProp(client)
 new bool:showprop = true;
 //Not alive, reset prop
   g_bShowFakeProp[client] = false;
    SetEntityRenderMode(client, RENDER_TRANSCOLOR);
   else CSS_SetEntityAlpha(client, 255);
 //Wrong team, reset prop
 if(GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_T)
   g_bShowFakeProp[client] = false;
    SetEntityRenderMode(client, RENDER_TRANSCOLOR);
   else CSS_SetEntityAlpha(client, 255);
 //No fake prop exist? Create a one
 if(g_iFreezeEntity[client] <= 0)
   g_bShowFakeProp[client] = false;
    SetEntityRenderMode(client, RENDER_TRANSCOLOR);
   else CSS_SetEntityAlpha(client, 255);
 //Not a valid prop? Create a new one
   g_bShowFakeProp[client] = false;
    SetEntityRenderMode(client, RENDER_TRANSCOLOR);
   else CSS_SetEntityAlpha(client, 255);
 decl Float:fVelocity[3];
 GetEntPropVector(client, Prop_Data, "m_vecVelocity", fVelocity); //velocity
 new Float:currentspeed = SquareRoot(Pow(fVelocity[0],2.0)+Pow(fVelocity[1],2.0));
 new Float:ang_eye[3], Float:ang_abs[3];
 GetClientEyeAngles(client, ang_eye);
 GetClientAbsAngles(client, ang_abs);
 decl String:fullPath[100];
 GetClientModel(client, fullPath, sizeof(fullPath));
 new Float:place[3], Float:place2[3], Float:secondpos[3];
 GetClientAbsOrigin(client, place);
 ang_eye[0] = 0.0; //no x-axis rotation
 ang_eye[2] = 0.0; //no z-axis rotation
 place[0] -= 0.0;
 place2[0] = 0.0;
 if(g_iFixedModelHeight[client] < 0.0)
  place[2] += g_iFixedModelHeight[client];
  place2[2] += g_iFixedModelHeight[client];
 GetEntPropVector(client, Prop_Data, "m_vecVelocity", secondpos);
 AddVectors(place2, secondpos, place2);
  TeleportEntity(g_iFreezeEntity[client], place, NULL_VECTOR, place2);
 else TeleportEntity(g_iFreezeEntity[client], place, ang_eye, place2);
 //Toggle visibility
 if(g_bShowFakeProp[client] != showprop)
  g_bShowFakeProp[client] = showprop;
    SetEntityRenderMode(client, RENDER_NONE);
    SetEntityRenderMode(g_iFreezeEntity[client], RENDER_TRANSCOLOR);
    CSS_SetEntityAlpha(client, 0);
    CSS_SetEntityAlpha(g_iFreezeEntity[client], 255);
    SetEntityRenderMode(client, RENDER_TRANSCOLOR);
    SetEntityRenderMode(g_iFreezeEntity[client], RENDER_NONE);
    CSS_SetEntityAlpha(client, 255);
    CSS_SetEntityAlpha(g_iFreezeEntity[client], 0);
stock Client_ReCreateFakeProp(client)
 //delete old one if valid
 new entity_old = g_iFreezeEntity[client];
 if (entity_old > 0)
  if (IsValidEntity(entity_old)) AcceptEntityInput(entity_old, "kill");
  g_iFreezeEntity[client] = -1;
 //Det model
 decl String:fullPath[100];
 GetClientModel(client, fullPath, sizeof(fullPath));
 //Create Fake Model
 new entity = CreateEntityByName("prop_physics_override");
 if (IsValidEntity(entity))
  g_iFreezeEntity[client] = entity;
  PrecacheModel(fullPath, true);
  SetEntityModel(entity, fullPath);
  SetEntityMoveType(entity, MOVETYPE_NONE);
  SetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity", client);
  SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_CollisionGroup", 1);
  SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Send, "m_usSolidFlags", 12);
  SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Send, "m_nSolidType", 6);
  SetEntData(entity, g_Freeze, FL_CLIENT|FL_ATCONTROLS, 4, true);
  SetEntityMoveType(entity, MOVETYPE_NONE);
  SetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Data, "m_hLastAttacker", client);
    SetEntityRenderMode(g_iFreezeEntity[client], RENDER_TRANSCOLOR);
    CSS_SetEntityAlpha(g_iFreezeEntity[client], 255);
    SetEntityRenderMode(g_iFreezeEntity[client], RENDER_NONE);
    CSS_SetEntityAlpha(g_iFreezeEntity[client], 0);
 else g_iFreezeEntity[client] = -1;
public CSS_SetEntityAlpha(entity, alpha)
 // player model
 SetEntityRenderMode(entity, RENDER_TRANSCOLOR);
 SetEntityRenderColor(entity, 255, 255, 255, alpha);
  // weapon model
  new iItems = FindSendPropOffs("CBaseCombatCharacter", "m_hMyWeapons");
  if(iItems != -1)
   for(new i=0; i<=128; i+=4)
    new nEntityID = GetEntDataEnt2(entity, (iItems+i));
    SetEntityRenderMode(nEntityID, RENDER_TRANSCOLOR);
    SetEntityRenderColor(nEntityID, 255, 255, 255, alpha);
Can't compile this ... need help
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Old 03-14-2015 , 09:48   Re: [CSS/CSGO] Hide and Seek (Prop Hunt)

Originally Posted by nguyenbaodanh View Post
Can't compile this ... need help
Here you have a compiled of this code
Attached Files
File Type: smx prophunt.smx (51.7 KB, 651 views)
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Old 03-14-2015 , 10:18   Re: [CSS/CSGO] Hide and Seek (Prop Hunt)

Originally Posted by Franc1sco View Post
Here you have a compiled of this code
getting some errors tho
13 <Error> "Hide and Seek" (1.5.2) by Jannik 'Peace-Maker' Hartung and Vladislav Dolgov and edited by Dk-- for works on CSGO
14 "Admin File Reader" (1.7.1-dev+5163) by AlliedModders LLC
15 "SourceBans" (1.4.11) by SourceBans Development Team
16 "Reserved Slots" (1.7.1-dev+5163) by AlliedModders LLC
17 "Nextmap" (1.7.1-dev+5163) by AlliedModders LLC
18 "Basic Votes" (1.7.1-dev+5163) by AlliedModders LLC
19 "Admin Help" (1.7.1-dev+5163) by AlliedModders LLC
Load Errors:
Hide and Seek: Can't parse modelconfig file for map de_inferno

Last edited by MiserAbleMan; 03-14-2015 at 10:18.
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Old 03-14-2015 , 10:29   Re: [CSS/CSGO] Hide and Seek (Prop Hunt)

Originally Posted by MiserAbleMan View Post
getting some errors tho
13 <Error> "Hide and Seek" (1.5.2) by Jannik 'Peace-Maker' Hartung and Vladislav Dolgov and edited by Dk-- for works on CSGO
14 "Admin File Reader" (1.7.1-dev+5163) by AlliedModders LLC
15 "SourceBans" (1.4.11) by SourceBans Development Team
16 "Reserved Slots" (1.7.1-dev+5163) by AlliedModders LLC
17 "Nextmap" (1.7.1-dev+5163) by AlliedModders LLC
18 "Basic Votes" (1.7.1-dev+5163) by AlliedModders LLC
19 "Admin Help" (1.7.1-dev+5163) by AlliedModders LLC
Load Errors:
Hide and Seek: Can't parse modelconfig file for map de_inferno
You need the rest of files like the files in addons/sourcemod/configs/hide_and_seek/maps_csgo/

You can get these files here https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpo...5&postcount=32
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Old 03-14-2015 , 11:10   Re: [CSS/CSGO] Hide and Seek (Prop Hunt)

Originally Posted by Franc1sco View Post
You need the rest of files like the files in addons/sourcemod/configs/hide_and_seek/maps_csgo/

You can get these files here https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpo...5&postcount=32
random crashs, plus ct wont have any guns
i guess this need to be rewriting or something

thnx anyone man
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Old 03-15-2015 , 21:08   Re: [CSS/CSGO] Hide and Seek (Prop Hunt)

this is a good mod... very fun to play. Some one please revive it.
nguyenbaodanh is offline
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Old 03-19-2015 , 09:22   Re: [CSS/CSGO] Hide and Seek (Prop Hunt)

Have someone the props cfg for the new maps for me? . (to example cobblestone, train (new one), overpass)

Last edited by borussiaR; 03-19-2015 at 09:22.
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Old 03-24-2015 , 07:20   Re: [CSS/CSGO] Hide and Seek (Prop Hunt)

Originally Posted by Franc1sco View Post
Here you have a compiled of this code
Thanks Frac1sco.
nguyenbaodanh is offline
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