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[L4D2] Vote the Tank in

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    Let the infected team call a tank onto the map
    Old 01-13-2011 , 23:42   [L4D2] Vote the Tank in
    Reply With Quote #1

    Tank the Vote

    Version 0.4b
    created January 13th, 2011. By Xyster (aka, steve).

    Description: The infected team can vote on when a tank is brought onto the map; up to one tank per team per round. This can be used to replace the Director AI spawned tanks to better suit a team's strategy, or it can be used along side them for increased gameplay difficultly.

    With the default config, a losing team gains the ability to call a bonus tank each round, but not during the finale, pre-game, or first rounds. In such a way, this mod can be considered a handicap for the winning team in an attempt to make the game more competitive.

    background: Pub stomping in versus has got a bit too easy for me and my friends lately, aka everyone rages on us, so I made this mod today to make things a bit more fun for the losing team. I've only discovered sourcemod a week ago though, so there are still some problems in this mod that I haven't figured out yet. Help and suggestions would be appreciated.

    In-game plugin commands:
    call tank - If you can think of a better command name, let me know, but for now typing 'call tank' into the chat will bring up a voting menu for you team. The vote lasts up to 15 seconds, during which your team votes on whether the tank should be summoned that moment. Up to one tank per round per team, max.
    debug - Says to you which round the plugin thinks it currently is. losing team can call tank during rounds 3, 5, 7, and 9.

    cfg file convars:
    onlylosingteam = Does only the losing team get the tank? 1 default
    notifyeveryoneoftank = When a voted-on tank is called, do the survivors get notified? 1 default
    tankonfinale = Can a tank call be voted on during the finale? 0 default
    allowdirectortanks = Allow the director to spawn tanks at non-finale moments ? 1 default
    tankonlywithbigwin = (currently bugged) Does the losing team only get the tank if they are losing by a lot? (200 points) 0 Default

    Plugin's Code:
    #pragma semicolon 1   // preprocessor?  whatever, no idea what it does. but im leaving it
    #include <sourcemod>  //  bleh. i figure i need this.
    #include <sdktools>   // not even sure i need this, but im leaving it
    #define PLUGIN_VERSION "0.4b"
    #define PLUGIN_NAME "Tank the Vote"
    new Handle:onlylosingteam = INVALID_HANDLE;  // just calling the global variables used for the cfg file import
    new Handle:notifyeveryoneoftank = INVALID_HANDLE;
    new Handle:tankonfinale = INVALID_HANDLE;
    new Handle:allowdirectortanks = INVALID_HANDLE;
    new Handle:tankonlywithbigwin = INVALID_HANDLE;
    new Handle:g_hCvarRestartGame  = INVALID_HANDLE; // has to do with hooking the restart event
    public Plugin:myinfo = 
    	name = "Tank the Vote",  // just a name
    	author = "xyster", // aka steve seguin
    	description = "In Versus, infected can vote when the tank comes.",
    	version = PLUGIN_VERSION,  //  whatever; variable called earlier
    	url = "l4d2clan.hostoi.com"  // my clan site
    public OnPluginStart()      //  The pimp function, cause it calls all the hookers
    	CreateConVar("l4d2_tankthevote_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, " Version of L4D2 Tank the Vote on this server ", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD); // add version info to cfg file
    	onlylosingteam = CreateConVar("l4d2_tankthevote_losingteam", "1", " Does only the losing team get the tank? ", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
    	notifyeveryoneoftank = CreateConVar("l4d2_tankthevote_notifyeveryone", "1", " When a voted-on tank is called, do the survivors get notified? ", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
    	tankonfinale = CreateConVar("l4d2_tankthevote_tankonfinale", "0", " Can a tank call be voted on during the finale? ", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
    	allowdirectortanks = CreateConVar("l4d2_tankthevote_allowdirectortanks", "1", " Allow the director to spawn tanks at non-finale moments ? ", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
    	tankonlywithbigwin = CreateConVar("l4d2_tankthevote_tankonlywithbigwin", "0", " Buggy, do not enable; Only let the losing team get a tank if they are losing by a lot? (>= 200 points) ", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
    	AutoExecConfig(true, "l4d2_tankthevote"); // load the config file i guess
    	HookEvent("tank_spawn", Event_TankSpawn, EventHookMode_Pre);  // alert me -before- a tank spawns
    	HookEvent("player_say", Event_PlayerSay);  // catch anything any player says
    	HookEvent("round_start", EventRoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);   // I have no idea why postnocopy is used here, but whatever
    	HookEvent("finale_start", FinaleBegins);  //  make sure no tanks spawn after the finale event has started
    	//HookEvent("versus_round_start", Event_VersusRoundStart, EventHookMode_Post);
    	g_hCvarRestartGame = FindConVar("mp_restartgame");                  // my best guess at avoiding a problem if the game restarts and losing team = 1.  good chance this does not work fully
        	HookConVarChange(g_hCvarRestartGame, CvarChange_RestartGame);     // ugh.  needs work im sure.
    new calledalready=0;  // Just setting the global flag variable, to make sure its a global variable.
    new havetheyleftyet = 0;  // have the surivors left the safe room yet
    new team2points = 0;  // survivors score
    new team3points = 0 ; // infected score
    new pointsdif = 0 ; // difference in team's scores at start of each round
    new roundcounter = -1; // keep track of what round it is
    public OnMapStart ()   // safe room event
        decl String:mapname[128];
        GetCurrentMap(mapname, sizeof(mapname));
        team2points = GetTeamScore(2) + team2points; // capture their previous round(s) score ; used to see who is winning
        team3points = GetTeamScore(3) + team3points; // capture their previous round(s) score ; ditto
        if (StrContains( mapname, "m1", false) > 0 )  // if first map of a campaign, reset all counters
    		team2points = 0;  // survivors score
    		team3points = 0 ; // infected score
    		pointsdif = 0 ; // difference in team's scores at start of each round
        havetheyleftyet=1;  // survivors have left the starting room
        pointsdif = team2points - team3points ; // winning team should make this negative
    public CvarChange_RestartGame(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])  //  mp_restart, if used, tries to adjust the roundcounter appropriately.  Dunno what else to hook in case though.
    	PrintToChatAll("restartgame event");
    	if (roundcounter == 2  || roundcounter == 4  || roundcounter == 6 || roundcounter == 8 || roundcounter == 10  )  
    			roundcounter = roundcounter - 2;  //resets counter if round restarts  .. no idea if this works right
    	if (roundcounter == 1  || roundcounter == 3  || roundcounter == 5 || roundcounter == 7 || roundcounter == 9  )  
    			roundcounter = roundcounter - 1;  //resets counter if round restarts  .. no idea if this works right
    public EventRoundStart(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)   // EVENT: The round has started
    	roundcounter++;  // keeps track of the round
    	havetheyleftyet = 0;
    	if (GetConVarFloat(onlylosingteam) == 1)   // only the losing team gets a tank
    			if (roundcounter == 3 || roundcounter == 5 || roundcounter == 7 || roundcounter == 9)
    				calledalready = 0;
    				if (GetConVarFloat(tankonlywithbigwin) == 1 && pointsdif >= 200)
    					PrintToChatTeam(3, "Your team is really losing. Say call tank to get a tank this round.");
    				if (GetConVarFloat(tankonlywithbigwin) == 1 && pointsdif < 200)
    					PrintToChatTeam(3, "You're not losing enough to really need a tank this round.");                             
    				if  (GetConVarFloat(tankonlywithbigwin) == 0)
    					PrintToChatTeam(3, "Your team is losing. Say call tank to get a tank this round.");
    			if (roundcounter == 4  || roundcounter == 6 || roundcounter == 8 || roundcounter == 10  )
    				calledalready = 3;
    				PrintToChatTeam(3, "Your team is winning, so you do not get to call a tank this round.");       
    			if (roundcounter == 0  || roundcounter == 1 || roundcounter == 2 )
    				calledalready = 5;
    				PrintToChatTeam(3, "Tank calls are not available on first level.");       
    	if (GetConVarFloat(onlylosingteam) != 1)  // both teams get to call tanks each round
    			PrintToChatTeam(3, "Hint: Use the call tank command to summon one tank this round.");
       			calledalready=0;  // Reset flag.  Allows the newly spawned infected team to call a tank.
    public Action:FinaleBegins(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)   // EVENT: Finale has begun
    if (GetConVarFloat(tankonfinale) == 0)  // check cfg file to see if finale tank calls are allowed
    	calledalready=2;  // Disable tank calling on finale.
    public Handle_VoteMenu(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)  // determines what happens after the vote finishes
    	if (action == MenuAction_End)   // vote has ended with no result i guess, so close the vote menu down
    		/* This is called after VoteEnd */
    		CloseHandle(menu);                     // close the menu
    	} else if (action == MenuAction_VoteEnd) {  //  The was a voting result! yaay...
    		/* 0=yes, 1=no */
    		if (param1 == 0)   //  If vote passed...
    			if (calledalready == 0)  // just in case finale is started also
    				calledalready=4; // prevent another vote from starting (4 is the same as 1, but with a double meaning)
    			if (GetConVarFloat(notifyeveryoneoftank) == 1)  // check config file
    				PrintToChatTeam(2,"Tank has been called! ring ring motherfuckers...");       // Alert survivors the called tank is coming
    			PrintToChatTeam(3, "Tank has been called!");       // Alert only infected team the called tank is coming
    			new flags = GetCommandFlags("z_spawn");             
    			SetCommandFlags("z_spawn", flags & ~FCVAR_CHEAT);
    			FakeClientCommand(1, "z_spawn tank auto");     //  sends the spawning command from client 1
    			SetCommandFlags("z_spawn", flags);             // tank should be spawning now i guess
    		if (param1 != 0)   //  If vote failed...
    			PrintToChatTeam(3, "Tank call not passed.");       // only infected team are alerted
    DoVoteMenu()                  // Vote has been called and is allowed
    	if (IsVoteInProgress())                // stop vote if there is already a vote going
    	new Clients[MaxClients], iCount;       // figure out how many people there are
    	new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(Handle_VoteMenu);   // make a menu to vote with
    	SetMenuTitle(menu, "Vote: Call the tank?");     // set its title
    	AddMenuItem(menu, "yes", "Yes");                 // option 1
    	AddMenuItem(menu, "no", "No");                 // option 2
    	SetMenuExitButton(menu, false);               //  disable the exit menu option
    	for ( new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)             //  cycle thru each player
            		if (IsClientInGame(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == 3)    // make an array of only infected players
                		Clients[iCount++] = i; 
        	VoteMenu(menu, Clients, iCount, 15);      // display the vote menu to only the infected players for 15 seconds; 
    public Event_TankSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)      // redundant at the moment; can be used to stop uncalled tanks from spawning, eventually
    {     // not yet called=1, called already=2, finale cant call=3, your team is winning=4, tank is being called =4 , tank is on first level=5
    	if(calledalready == 0 || calledalready == 1 || calledalready == 3 || calledalready == 5 ) //  tank that is being spawned was not called by any player -- director called it.
    		if (GetConVarFloat(allowdirectortanks) == 1)
    			return Plugin_Continue;
    			}	   // allow tank to spawn
    		if (GetConVarFloat(allowdirectortanks) == 0)
    			return Plugin_Handled;
    			}		  // stop tank from spawning
    	if (calledalready == 4)   // tank has been voted for and the voted tank is now spawning , allow it
    	    calledalready = 1;  // tank now has been used and any other tanks spawned are called by the director
    	    return Plugin_Continue;
    	return Plugin_Continue;  // if on the finale, tanks can spawn, if director or last minute vote spawns one
    public Action:Event_PlayerSay(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)       // catches everything every player says
    	new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));       // find out who said what
    	new iCurrentTeam = GetClientTeam( client );        // what team were they on?
    	new String:text[200];
    	GetEventString(event, "text", text, 200);
    	decl String:player_authid[32];
    	GetClientAuthString(client, player_authid, sizeof(player_authid));
    	if (strcmp(text, "call tank", false) == 0 && calledalready == 0 && iCurrentTeam == 3 )      // if vote called, tank is allowed, and infected, start vote.
    		if (havetheyleftyet == 1)
    			if (GetConVarFloat(tankonlywithbigwin) == 1 && pointsdif >= 200)
    			if (GetConVarFloat(tankonlywithbigwin) == 1 && pointsdif < 200)
    				PrintToChat(client, "You're not losing enough to really need a tank this round.");                             
    			if  (GetConVarFloat(tankonlywithbigwin) != 1)
    		if (havetheyleftyet == 0)
    			PrintToChat(client, "Can't call tank until the survivors have left the safe room.");    // alert player to the rules
    	if (strcmp(text, "call tank", false) == 0 && calledalready == 1 && iCurrentTeam == 3)    // tank has been called
    		PrintToChat(client, "Tank has already been called.");                             // alert player they are dumb
    	if (strcmp(text, "call tank", false) == 0 && calledalready == 4 && iCurrentTeam == 3)    // tank has been called, (just in case two tanks spawn at same time)
    		PrintToChat(client, "Tank has already been called.");                             // alert player they are dumb
    	if (strcmp(text, "call tank", false) == 0 && calledalready == 2 && iCurrentTeam == 3)      // finale has started, cant call tank
    		PrintToChat(client, "Tank can't be called on the Finale.");                        // alert player they are annoying
    	if (strcmp(text, "call tank", false) == 0 && iCurrentTeam != 3)                            // not infected, so cant call a tank
    		PrintToChat(client, "Only infected players can use that command.");                // player is really stupid and annoying, so i tell em
    	if (strcmp(text, "call tank", false) == 0  && calledalready == 5 && iCurrentTeam == 3)                            // not infected, so cant call a tank
    		PrintToChatTeam(3, "Tank calls are not available on first level.");  
    	if (strcmp(text, "call tank", false) == 0  && calledalready == 3 && iCurrentTeam == 3)                            // not infected, so cant call a tank
    		PrintToChatTeam(3, "Your team is winning, so you do not get a tank this round.");  
    	if (strcmp(text, "debug", false) == 0 )          // used for debugging reasons
    		new String:score1[64];
    		new String:score2[64];
    FloatToString(team2points, score1, sizeof(score1));
    FloatToString(team3points, score2, sizeof(score2));
    		PrintToChatAll("Team2score = %s", score1);
    		PrintToChatAll("Team3score = %s", score2);
    		if (roundcounter == -1){PrintToChatAll ("-1");}
    		if (roundcounter == 0){PrintToChatAll ("0");}
          	if (roundcounter == 1){PrintToChatAll ("1");}
    		if (roundcounter == 2){PrintToChatAll ("2");}
    		if (roundcounter == 3){PrintToChatAll ("3");}
    		if (roundcounter == 4){PrintToChatAll ("4");}
    		if (roundcounter == 5){PrintToChatAll ("5");}
    		if (roundcounter == 6){PrintToChatAll ("6");}
    		if (roundcounter == 7){PrintToChatAll ("7");}
    		if (roundcounter == 8){PrintToChatAll ("8");}
    		if (roundcounter == 9){PrintToChatAll ("9");}
    PrintToChatTeam(team, const String:message[])             // a function used for chating to just one team, and not both; 3=infected, 2=surv, 1=spec, >4=classes
        for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) 
            if (GetClientTeam(i) == team) 
                PrintToChat(i, message); 
    Bugs needing fixing:
    • if set to losing team only, round restarts *may* confuse the plugin as to who is winning. fresh server loaded via lobby works right now in this regard.
    • if a new game is started from anything but the first mission of a campaign, and losing team only is enabled, there is a good chance things will be wanky.
    • sometimes a tank is called, game says a tank is coming, but no tank is spawned. this happened on a finale map once so far.
    • sometimes there is no feedback when you call a vote, when there should be. no idea why this happened.
    • problably lots of other bugs, since i have only played a few rounds to test it out so far

    -Improved again how the plugin knows what round it is on.
    -disabled the under 200 points delta and you get no tank feature - problem with it.
    -Improved how the plugin know what round it is on, and hence, better knows who is losing.
    -Added an optional feature (default on) that prevents the losing team from getting a tank when only losing by a little bit (under 200 points difference).

    How to Install:
    *You will need sourcemod and the L4D2 server installed obviously -- just like all the other l4d2 mods here, so I won't explain that bit.
    1. Download the l4d2_tankthevote.smx plugin file from below and put it in your "../left4dead2/addons/sourcemod/plugins" directory.
    2. When you next load up your L4D2 server, a l4d2_votethetank.cfg file should be created automatically in your "..left4dead2/cfg/sourcemod" directory, so you shouldn't need to do anything for this step. If you wish to change the default properties of the plugin though, you will need to edit the l4d2_votethetank.cfg file and make the changes you wish there.
    3. Your done! Just load up the game. The current command to make use of the plugin in game is "call tank". EnjoY!

    Notice: This plugin is still very buggy, but to improve it, I need feedback. Please help me test this plugin out for bugs and report them back here. Also, other modders, I really need some help solving some of the current bugs in the plugin. Thank you.
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    Last edited by xyster; 01-17-2011 at 16:34.
    xyster is offline
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    Old 01-14-2011 , 12:47   Re: [L4D2] Vote the Tank in
    Reply With Quote #2

    Well, to earn more viewers, place this in the L4D section, not the All steam games section
    Elektramode is offline
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    Old 01-14-2011 , 13:09   Re: [L4D2] Vote the Tank in
    Reply With Quote #3

    thanks. i totally thought I did that originally, but your right. cheers
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    Old 01-14-2011 , 13:39   Re: [L4D2] Vote the Tank in
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    I am no coder, therefore I do not know if you are able to accomplish my suggestion. So, is it possible to have the plugin check the points (it says the points of both teams when you press tab during game). The team with the lower amount of points is the losing team. Isn't that a way you could have the game distinguish who is winning?

    However, there would have to be a serious check on points, if the points are 100-200 apart, the plugin would have to ignore it and not activate because there is a chance that the other team could win or lose without the extra tank. So the plugin would only activate if the the round has started for 3 minutes and after that three minutes, if the point gap between the teams is still more than 500+, then you could call the vote for the tank.

    Last edited by delirium_trigger; 01-14-2011 at 13:44.
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    Old 01-14-2011 , 14:13   Re: [L4D2] Vote the Tank in
    Reply With Quote #5

    I am no coder, therefore I do not know if you are able to accomplish my suggestion. So, is it possible to have the plugin check the points (it says the points of both teams when you press tab during game). The team with the lower amount of points is the losing team. Isn't that a way you could have the game distinguish who is winning?
    Probably, but, I don't know how. If someone would enlighten me to what the command is to pull the scores, I would be happy to make that change asap. I searched thru the forums already though and i didn't see an answer, and since I just started coding in sourcemod yesterday, I'm still a bit of a newb with finding all the stuff I need.

    However, there would have to be a serious check on points, if the points are 100-200 apart, the plugin would have to ignore it and not activate because there is a chance that the other team could win or lose without the extra tank. So the plugin would only activate if the the round has started for 3 minutes and after that three minutes, if the point gap between the teams is still more than 500+, then you could call the vote for the tank.
    That's a very neat idea. I will implement that as an option once I get the proper code figured out. It might even be possible to base the tank's strength on how far apart the two scores are.

    Either way, thanks for the ideas, they are great. I will implement them once I figure out how to. ;)
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    Old 01-14-2011 , 15:18   Re: [L4D2] Vote the Tank in
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    Originally Posted by xyster View Post
    Probably, but, I don't know how. If someone would enlighten me to what the command is to pull the scores, I would be happy to make that change asap. I searched thru the forums already though and i didn't see an answer, and since I just started coding in sourcemod yesterday, I'm still a bit of a newb with finding all the stuff I need.

    That's a very neat idea. I will implement that as an option once I get the proper code figured out. It might even be possible to base the tank's strength on how far apart the two scores are.

    Either way, thanks for the ideas, they are great. I will implement them once I figure out how to. ;)

    You might want to look at this for a reference. Atomic said that he was able to take his Smoker Cloud Damage plugin, and make it able to add to the score when damage is done. If you look at the source, there might be something there about the points system in L4D2.
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    Old 01-14-2011 , 16:05   Re: [L4D2] Vote the Tank in
    Reply With Quote #7

    So I think I might of found a command for finding a team's score: GetTeamScore(teamindex)

    I've implemented it quickly into the plugin to hopefully fix the biggest bug plaguing the code. Needs testing still. Anyways, now when the survivors leave the starting safe room, the plugin compares the two team's scores, and if they are both zero, sets the round counter to 1, signifying the game has just started.

    For me to get rid of the round counter all together, and increase reliability of the plugin getting who is winning right, I need a better way of figuring out what round it is. I got some ideas, but nothing solid yet. Cheers.

    new team2points = 0;  // survivors score
    new team3points = 0 ; // infected score
    new roundcounter = 0; // keep track of what round it is
    public OnMapStart ()   // safe room event
        havetheyleftyet=1;  // survivors have left the starting room
        team2points = GetTeamScore(2); // capture their previous round(s) score ; used to see who is winning
        team3points = GetTeamScore(3); // capture their previous round(s) score ; ditto
        if (team2points == 0 && team3points == 0)
    		   roundcounter = 1  ; // Game just started as both teams have 0 score to start
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    xyster is offline
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    Old 01-14-2011 , 16:34   Re: [L4D2] Vote the Tank in
    Reply With Quote #8

    updated plugin again: added one of the requested features. **untested yet though**

    by default (you can disable it in the cfg file), the losing team only gets the bonus tank if they are losing by at least 200 points in score.

    	if (GetConVarFloat(onlylosingteam) == 1)
    			if (roundcounter == 3 || roundcounter == 5 || roundcounter == 7 || roundcounter == 9)
    				calledalready = 0;
    				if (GetConVarFloat(tankonlywithbigwin) == 1 && pointsdif >= 200)
    					PrintToChatTeam(3, "Your team is really losing. Say call tank to get a tank this round.");
    				if (GetConVarFloat(tankonlywithbigwin) == 1 && pointsdif < 200)
    					PrintToChatTeam(3, "You're not losing enough to really need a tank this round.");                             
    				if  (GetConVarFloat(tankonlywithbigwin) == 0)
    					PrintToChatTeam(3, "Your team is losing. Say call tank to get a tank this round.");
    			if (roundcounter == 4  || roundcounter == 6 || roundcounter == 8 || roundcounter == 10  )
    				calledalready = 3;
    				PrintToChatTeam(3, "Your team is winning, so you do not get to call a tank this round.");       
    			if (roundcounter == 0  || roundcounter == 1 || roundcounter == 2 )
    				calledalready = 5;
    				PrintToChatTeam(3, "Tank calls are not available on first level.");       
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    Last edited by xyster; 01-14-2011 at 16:59.
    xyster is offline
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    Old 01-14-2011 , 21:15   Re: [L4D2] Vote the Tank in
    Reply With Quote #9

    At the end of every round you should give the team that wins without calling a tank a bonus.
    Thraka is offline
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    Old 01-14-2011 , 21:17   Re: [L4D2] Vote the Tank in
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    And add support for witch.
    Thraka is offline

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