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[TF2] Take Control of Bots

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Join Date: May 2012
Old 11-29-2012 , 10:07   Re: [TF2] Take Control of Bots
Reply With Quote #41

Originally Posted by moxie2020 View Post
Could you possibly share your code? I have been trying to do this off and on for several weeks with no success...
Sure. I have it working, it's not perfect. The one bug that sticks out is when you are specing a BOT and the BOT dies, the message doesn't change immediately, I haven't fixed that yet - and it's not a high priority.

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <smlib>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <cstrike>
#include <bot2player>
#include <JM>

new const String:PLUGIN_NAME[]= "bot2player"
new const String: PLUGIN_AUTHOR[]= "Bittersweet"
new const String:PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION[]= "Allows players to control bots after they've died (adapted from botcontrol for TF2 by Grognak)"
new const String: PLUGIN_VERSION[]= "2012."

new Handle:cvarEnabled
new Handle:BotTakeoverClientsHandle

new bool:b2pEnabled, bool:bHideDeath[MyMaxClients + 1] = {false, ...};

new iTargetActiveWeapon
new g_offObserverTarget
new iTargetWeapon[5]
new iTargetClip[5]
new iTargetAmmo[5]
new ClientSpecClient[MyMaxClients + 1] = {0, ...}
new ClientTookover[MyMaxClients + 1] = {0, ...}
new BetWarning[MyMaxClients + 1] = {0, ...}
new BotTakeverCost[MyMaxClients + 1] = {1000, ...}
new Nades[MyMaxClients + 1][3]
new BotTakeverCostIncrement = 250
new g_iAccount = -1
new gameround = 1

new String:iTargetActiveWeaponName[32]

public Plugin:myinfo =
	name        = PLUGIN_NAME,
	author      = PLUGIN_AUTHOR,
	description = PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION,
	version     = PLUGIN_VERSION,
public OnPluginStart()
	PrintToServer("[%s %s] - Loaded", PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION)
	cvarEnabled = CreateConVar("bot2player_enabled", "1", "Enable the plugin?", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)
	HookConVarChange(cvarEnabled, CvarChange)
	b2pEnabled = GetConVarBool(cvarEnabled)
	HookEvent("player_death", Event_PlayerDeath, EventHookMode_Pre)
	HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart)
	HookEvent("round_end", Event_RoundEnd, EventHookMode_Pre)
	// round_freeze_end only used for debugging
	//HookEvent("round_freeze_end", Event_RoundFreezeEnd)
	g_iAccount = FindSendPropOffs("CCSPlayer", "m_iAccount");
	g_offObserverTarget = FindSendPropOffs("CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget")
	BotTakeoverClientsHandle = CreateArray(1, MyMaxClients + 1)
	//PrintToServer("[%s] Handle to array=%X", PLUGIN_NAME, BotTakeoverClientsHandle)
	if(g_offObserverTarget == -1)
		SetFailState("Expected to find the offset to m_hObserverTarget, couldn't.")
	AddCommandListener(NewTarget, "spec_next");
	AddCommandListener(NewTarget, "spec_prev");
public APLRes:AskPluginLoad2(Handle:myself, bool:late, String:error[], err_max)
	CreateNative("BotTakeoverClients", Native_BotTakeoverClients);
	return APLRes_Success;
public Native_BotTakeoverClients(Handle:otherplugin, numParams)
	return _:CloneHandle(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, otherplugin)
public OnMapStart()
	for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
		BotTakeverCost[i] = 1000
		SetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i, 0)
	gameround = 1
public Action:Event_RoundStart(Handle:Event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
	for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
		ClientSpecClient[i] = 0
		//if (IsClientConnected(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i) != 0) PrintToServer("[%s] Round Start - before resetting array value for %N to 0, current value=%i", PLUGIN_NAME, i, GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i))
		SetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i, 0)
		//if (IsClientConnected(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i) != 0) PrintToServer("[%s] Round Start - after resetting array value for %N to 0, current value=%i", PLUGIN_NAME, i, GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i))		
		BetWarning[i] = 0
public Action:Event_RoundEnd(Handle:Event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
	for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
		ClientSpecClient[i] = 0
		//if (IsClientConnected(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i) != 0) PrintToServer("[%s] Round End - before resetting array value for %N to 0, current value=%i", PLUGIN_NAME, i, GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i))
		SetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i, 0)
		//if (IsClientConnected(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i) != 0) PrintToServer("[%s] Round End - after resetting array value for %N to 0, current value=%i", PLUGIN_NAME, i, GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i))
		if (IsClientConnected(i) && IsClientInGame(i) && !IsClientObserver(i) && ClientTookover[i])
			//4.6 just a hair early, 5.0 too late - 4.7 seems good
			CreateTimer(4.7, StripWeapons, i)
		ClientTookover[i] = 0
		BetWarning[i] = 0
public Action:Event_RoundFreezeEnd(Handle:Event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
	//This entire routine is for debugging only
	PrintToServer("Round %i -----------------------------------------------------------------------", gameround)
	for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
		if(!IsClientConnected(i) || !IsClientInGame(i) || IsClientObserver(i)) continue
		new TempWeapon[5]
		for (new ii = 0; ii <= 4; ii++)
			TempWeapon[ii] = Client_GetWeaponBySlot(i, ii)
			if (TempWeapon[ii] > -1) 
				new String:Weapon[32]
				GetEdictClassname(TempWeapon[ii], Weapon, sizeof(Weapon))
				if (ii == 3)
					new tnades = GetAllClientGrenades(i)
					if (tnades)
						PrintToServer("Nade report for %N:", i)
						if (Nades[i][0]) PrintToServer("%i HE Nades", Nades[i][0])
						if (Nades[i][1]) PrintToServer("%i Flash Nades", Nades[i][1])
						if (Nades[i][2]) PrintToServer("%i Smoke Nades", Nades[i][2])
						PrintToServer ("Line 114 - Total = %i", tnades)
public GetAllClientGrenades(client)
	Nades[client][0] = 0
	Nades[client][1] = 0
	Nades[client][2] = 0
	new offsNades = FindDataMapOffs(client, "m_iAmmo") + (11 * 4);
	new granadesnr = GetEntData(client, offsNades)
	new lastgranadesnr = 0
	//PrintToServer("Raw data 0=%i", granadesnr)
	if (granadesnr > lastgranadesnr)
		// HE Nades
		Nades[client][0] = granadesnr
		lastgranadesnr = granadesnr
	offsNades += 4
	granadesnr += GetEntData(client, offsNades)
	//PrintToServer("Raw data 1=%i", granadesnr)
	if (granadesnr > lastgranadesnr)
		// Flashbangs
		Nades[client][1] = granadesnr - lastgranadesnr
		lastgranadesnr = granadesnr
	offsNades += 4
	granadesnr += GetEntData(client, offsNades)
	//PrintToServer("Raw data 2=%i", granadesnr)
	if (granadesnr > lastgranadesnr)
		// Smoke Nades
		Nades[client][2] = granadesnr - lastgranadesnr
		lastgranadesnr = granadesnr
	return granadesnr
public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client)
	//if (!IsFakeClient(client)) PrintToServer("[%s] - %N connected and initialized", PLUGIN_NAME, client)
	SetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, client, 0)
	BotTakeverCost[client] = 1000
	ClientSpecClient[client] = 0
	ClientTookover[client] = 0
	BetWarning[client] = 0
public Action:StripWeapons(Handle:timer, any:client)
public Action:NewTarget(iClient, const String:cmd[], args)
	new iTarget = GetEntPropEnt(iClient, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget")
	if (!b2pEnabled || !IsValidClient(iTarget) || !IsClientObserver(iClient)) return Plugin_Continue;
	CreateTimer(0.1, DisplayTakeOverMessage, iClient)
	return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:DisplayTakeOverMessage(Handle:timer, any:iClient)
	if (!b2pEnabled || !IsClientConnected(iClient)) return Plugin_Continue
	new ClientTeam = GetClientTeam(iClient)
	if (ClientTeam < 2) return Plugin_Continue
	new iTarget = -1
	iTarget = GetEntPropEnt(iClient, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget")
	if (iTarget == -1) return Plugin_Continue
	decl String:BOTName[64]
	GetClientName(iTarget, BOTName, sizeof(BOTName))
	if (!IsValidClient(iTarget) || !IsClientObserver(iClient)) return Plugin_Continue
	ClientSpecClient[iClient] = iTarget
	new ClientCash = GetMoney(iClient)
	new BotTakeover = GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, iClient)
	if (BotTakeover > 1)
		if (!BetWarning[iClient] && ClientCash >= BotTakeverCost[iClient])
			PrintHintText(iClient, "You can't take over BOTs in any round after you've placed a bet")
			BetWarning[iClient] = 1
			PrintHintText(iClient, "")
		if (IsFakeClient(iTarget))
			if (ClientCash >= BotTakeverCost[iClient])
				//PrintToServer("[%s] Cash=%i, Cost=%i", PLUGIN_NAME, ClientCash, BotTakeverCost[iClient])
				if (ClientTeam == GetClientTeam(iTarget) && ClientCash >= BotTakeverCost[iClient])
					PrintHintText(iClient, "For $%i - Press the Use key [default E] to take control of %s", BotTakeverCost[iClient], BOTName)
					PrintHintText(iClient, "")
			PrintHintText(iClient, "")
	return Plugin_Continue
public Action:Event_PlayerDeath(Handle:Event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
	if (!b2pEnabled) return Plugin_Continue
	new iClient = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(Event, "userid"))
	if (!IsFakeClient(iClient)) CreateTimer(6.75, DisplayTakeOverMessage, iClient)
	for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
		new ClientCash = GetMoney(iClient)
		if (IsClientConnected(iClient) && IsClientConnected(i) && IsClientInGame(i) && IsClientObserver(i) && ClientSpecClient[i] == iClient && (GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, iClient) < 2) && ClientCash >= BotTakeverCost[iClient])
			PrintHintText(i, "%N died - You can't control dead BOTs", iClient)
			ClientSpecClient[i] = 0
	if (!bHideDeath[iClient]) return Plugin_Continue
	CreateTimer(0.2, tDestroyRagdoll, iClient)
	return Plugin_Handled // Disable the killfeed notification for takeovers
public Action:tDestroyRagdoll(Handle:timer, any:iClient)
	new iRagdoll = GetEntPropEnt(iClient, Prop_Send, "m_hRagdoll")
	bHideDeath[iClient] = false
	if (iRagdoll < 0) return
	AcceptEntityInput(iRagdoll, "kill");
public Action:Give_iTargetWeaponsTo_iClient(Handle:timer, any:iClient)
	for (new i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
		if (iTargetWeapon[i] != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE)
			Client_EquipWeapon(iClient, iTargetWeapon[i], false)
			Client_SetActiveWeapon(iClient, iTargetWeapon[i])
			Client_GetActiveWeaponName(iClient, iTargetActiveWeaponName, sizeof(iTargetActiveWeaponName))
			Client_SetWeaponClipAmmo(iClient, iTargetActiveWeaponName, iTargetClip[i])
			Client_SetWeaponPlayerAmmo(iClient, iTargetActiveWeaponName, iTargetAmmo[i])
		Client_SetActiveWeapon(iClient, iTargetActiveWeapon)
	if (Nades[iClient][0] > 0) Client_GiveWeapon(iClient, "weapon_hegrenade", false)
	if (Nades[iClient][1] > 0) Client_GiveWeapon(iClient, "weapon_flashbang", false)
	if (Nades[iClient][1] > 1) Client_GiveWeapon(iClient, "weapon_flashbang", false)
	if (Nades[iClient][2] > 0) Client_GiveWeapon(iClient, "weapon_smokegrenade", false)
public CvarChange(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
	b2pEnabled = GetConVarBool(convar)
stock FindRagdollClosestToEntity(iEntity, Float:fLimit)
	new iSearch = -1,
	iReturn = -1;
	new Float:fLowest = -1.0,
	if (!IsValidEntity(iEntity)) return iReturn;
	GetEntPropVector(iEntity, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", fEntityPos);
	while ((iSearch = FindEntityByClassname(iSearch, "tf_ragdoll")) != -1)
		GetEntPropVector(iSearch, Prop_Send, "m_vecRagdollOrigin", fRagdollPos);
		fVectorDist = GetVectorDistance(fEntityPos, fRagdollPos);
		if (fVectorDist < fLimit && (fVectorDist < fLowest || fLowest == -1.0))
			fLowest = fVectorDist
			iReturn = iSearch
	return iReturn
stock bool:IsValidClient(iClient) 
	if (iClient <= 0 ||	iClient > MaxClients ||	!IsClientInGame(iClient)) return false
	return true
public Action:OnPlayerRunCmd(iClient, &buttons, &impulse, Float:vel[3], Float:angles[3], &weapon)
	if (!IsClientConnected(iClient) || !(buttons & IN_USE) || IsPlayerAlive(iClient) || !b2pEnabled || !IsClientObserver(iClient)) return Plugin_Continue
	new iTarget = GetEntPropEnt(iClient, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget")
	new ClientCash = GetMoney(iClient)
	if (IsValidClient(iTarget) && IsFakeClient(iTarget) && GetClientTeam(iClient) == GetClientTeam(iTarget) && ClientCash >= BotTakeverCost[iClient])
		if (GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, iClient) > 1) return Plugin_Continue
		//Get all of BOTs stats
		new Float:iTargetOrigin[3],	Float:iTargetAngles[3]
		GetClientAbsOrigin(iTarget, iTargetOrigin)
		GetClientAbsAngles(iTarget, iTargetAngles)
		new iTargetHealth = GetClientHealth(iTarget)
		new iTargetArmor = GetClientArmor(iTarget)
		iTargetActiveWeapon = Client_GetActiveWeapon(iTarget)
		for (new i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
			iTargetWeapon[i] = Client_GetWeaponBySlot(iTarget, i)
			if (iTargetWeapon[i] > -1) 
				Client_SetActiveWeapon(iTarget, iTargetWeapon[i])
				Client_GetActiveWeaponName(iTarget, iTargetActiveWeaponName, sizeof(iTargetActiveWeaponName))
				iTargetClip[i] = Weapon_GetPrimaryClip(iTargetWeapon[i])
				Client_GetWeaponPlayerAmmo(iTarget, iTargetActiveWeaponName, iTargetAmmo[i])		
				iTargetClip[i] = 0
				iTargetAmmo[i] = 0
		//Set all of humans stats, but not weapons		
		SetEntityHealth(iClient, iTargetHealth)
		Client_SetArmor(iClient, iTargetArmor)
		CreateTimer(0.05, Give_iTargetWeaponsTo_iClient, iClient)
		//Take control
		bHideDeath[iTarget] = true
		ClientTookover[iClient] = 1
		ClientSpecClient[iClient] = 0
		ClientCash = ClientCash - BotTakeverCost[iClient]
		SetMoney(iClient, ClientCash)
		BotTakeverCost[iClient] = BotTakeverCost[iClient] + BotTakeverCostIncrement
		//Show that you've used BOT takeover, so you can't BET this round
		SetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, iClient, 1)
		//check for last player on team alive
		new MyTeam = GetClientTeam(iClient)
		new TeamMatesAlive = 0
		for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
			if (!IsClientConnected(i) || i == iClient) continue
			if (MyTeam == GetClientTeam(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i))
		new Handle:NoEndRoundHandle = FindConVar("mp_ignore_round_win_conditions")
		if (TeamMatesAlive == 1)
			SetConVarInt(NoEndRoundHandle, 1)
		TeleportEntity(iClient, iTargetOrigin, iTargetAngles, NULL_VECTOR)
		SetConVarInt(NoEndRoundHandle, 0)
		PrintToChatAll("%N took control of %N", iClient, iTarget)
		return Plugin_Handled
	return Plugin_Continue
public GetMoney(client)
	if (g_iAccount != -1)
		return GetEntData(client, g_iAccount)
		return 0
public SetMoney(client, amount)
	if (g_iAccount != -1)
		SetEntData(client, g_iAccount, amount)

//End of code
Thank you in advance for your help

My plugins:
[CS:S] BOT Swat | [ANY] CVAR Randomizer | [CS:S] SM CS:S Tag Beta | [CS:S] Bot2Player
Awesome & Crucial plugins by other people:
[CS:S/CS:GO] GunGame | [UMC3] Ultimate Mapchooser | [ANY] Server Crontab | [ANY] SM ForceCamera
Bittersweet is offline
Veteran Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Old 11-29-2012 , 22:23   Re: [TF2] Take Control of Bots
Reply With Quote #42

Originally Posted by Bittersweet View Post
Sure. I have it working, it's not perfect. The one bug that sticks out is when you are specing a BOT and the BOT dies, the message doesn't change immediately, I haven't fixed that yet - and it's not a high priority.

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <smlib>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <cstrike>
#include <bot2player>
#include <JM>

new const String:PLUGIN_NAME[]= "bot2player"
new const String: PLUGIN_AUTHOR[]= "Bittersweet"
new const String:PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION[]= "Allows players to control bots after they've died (adapted from botcontrol for TF2 by Grognak)"
new const String: PLUGIN_VERSION[]= "2012."

new Handle:cvarEnabled
new Handle:BotTakeoverClientsHandle

new bool:b2pEnabled, bool:bHideDeath[MyMaxClients + 1] = {false, ...};

new iTargetActiveWeapon
new g_offObserverTarget
new iTargetWeapon[5]
new iTargetClip[5]
new iTargetAmmo[5]
new ClientSpecClient[MyMaxClients + 1] = {0, ...}
new ClientTookover[MyMaxClients + 1] = {0, ...}
new BetWarning[MyMaxClients + 1] = {0, ...}
new BotTakeverCost[MyMaxClients + 1] = {1000, ...}
new Nades[MyMaxClients + 1][3]
new BotTakeverCostIncrement = 250
new g_iAccount = -1
new gameround = 1

new String:iTargetActiveWeaponName[32]

public Plugin:myinfo =
    name        = PLUGIN_NAME,
    author      = PLUGIN_AUTHOR,
    description = PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION,
    version     = PLUGIN_VERSION,
public OnPluginStart()
    PrintToServer("[%s %s] - Loaded", PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION)
    cvarEnabled = CreateConVar("bot2player_enabled", "1", "Enable the plugin?", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)
    HookConVarChange(cvarEnabled, CvarChange)
    b2pEnabled = GetConVarBool(cvarEnabled)
    HookEvent("player_death", Event_PlayerDeath, EventHookMode_Pre)
    HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart)
    HookEvent("round_end", Event_RoundEnd, EventHookMode_Pre)
    // round_freeze_end only used for debugging
    //HookEvent("round_freeze_end", Event_RoundFreezeEnd)
    g_iAccount = FindSendPropOffs("CCSPlayer", "m_iAccount");
    g_offObserverTarget = FindSendPropOffs("CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget")
    BotTakeoverClientsHandle = CreateArray(1, MyMaxClients + 1)
    //PrintToServer("[%s] Handle to array=%X", PLUGIN_NAME, BotTakeoverClientsHandle)
    if(g_offObserverTarget == -1)
        SetFailState("Expected to find the offset to m_hObserverTarget, couldn't.")
    AddCommandListener(NewTarget, "spec_next");
    AddCommandListener(NewTarget, "spec_prev");
public APLRes:AskPluginLoad2(Handle:myself, bool:late, String:error[], err_max)
    CreateNative("BotTakeoverClients", Native_BotTakeoverClients);
    return APLRes_Success;
public Native_BotTakeoverClients(Handle:otherplugin, numParams)
    return _:CloneHandle(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, otherplugin)
public OnMapStart()
    for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
        BotTakeverCost[i] = 1000
        SetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i, 0)
    gameround = 1
public Action:Event_RoundStart(Handle:Event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
    for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
        ClientSpecClient[i] = 0
        //if (IsClientConnected(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i) != 0) PrintToServer("[%s] Round Start - before resetting array value for %N to 0, current value=%i", PLUGIN_NAME, i, GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i))
        SetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i, 0)
        //if (IsClientConnected(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i) != 0) PrintToServer("[%s] Round Start - after resetting array value for %N to 0, current value=%i", PLUGIN_NAME, i, GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i))        
        BetWarning[i] = 0
public Action:Event_RoundEnd(Handle:Event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
    for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
        ClientSpecClient[i] = 0
        //if (IsClientConnected(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i) != 0) PrintToServer("[%s] Round End - before resetting array value for %N to 0, current value=%i", PLUGIN_NAME, i, GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i))
        SetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i, 0)
        //if (IsClientConnected(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i) != 0) PrintToServer("[%s] Round End - after resetting array value for %N to 0, current value=%i", PLUGIN_NAME, i, GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i))
        if (IsClientConnected(i) && IsClientInGame(i) && !IsClientObserver(i) && ClientTookover[i])
            //4.6 just a hair early, 5.0 too late - 4.7 seems good
            CreateTimer(4.7, StripWeapons, i)
        ClientTookover[i] = 0
        BetWarning[i] = 0
public Action:Event_RoundFreezeEnd(Handle:Event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
    //This entire routine is for debugging only
    PrintToServer("Round %i -----------------------------------------------------------------------", gameround)
    for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
        if(!IsClientConnected(i) || !IsClientInGame(i) || IsClientObserver(i)) continue
        new TempWeapon[5]
        for (new ii = 0; ii <= 4; ii++)
            TempWeapon[ii] = Client_GetWeaponBySlot(i, ii)
            if (TempWeapon[ii] > -1) 
                new String:Weapon[32]
                GetEdictClassname(TempWeapon[ii], Weapon, sizeof(Weapon))
                if (ii == 3)
                    new tnades = GetAllClientGrenades(i)
                    if (tnades)
                        PrintToServer("Nade report for %N:", i)
                        if (Nades[i][0]) PrintToServer("%i HE Nades", Nades[i][0])
                        if (Nades[i][1]) PrintToServer("%i Flash Nades", Nades[i][1])
                        if (Nades[i][2]) PrintToServer("%i Smoke Nades", Nades[i][2])
                        PrintToServer ("Line 114 - Total = %i", tnades)
public GetAllClientGrenades(client)
    Nades[client][0] = 0
    Nades[client][1] = 0
    Nades[client][2] = 0
    new offsNades = FindDataMapOffs(client, "m_iAmmo") + (11 * 4);
    new granadesnr = GetEntData(client, offsNades)
    new lastgranadesnr = 0
    //PrintToServer("Raw data 0=%i", granadesnr)
    if (granadesnr > lastgranadesnr)
        // HE Nades
        Nades[client][0] = granadesnr
        lastgranadesnr = granadesnr
    offsNades += 4
    granadesnr += GetEntData(client, offsNades)
    //PrintToServer("Raw data 1=%i", granadesnr)
    if (granadesnr > lastgranadesnr)
        // Flashbangs
        Nades[client][1] = granadesnr - lastgranadesnr
        lastgranadesnr = granadesnr
    offsNades += 4
    granadesnr += GetEntData(client, offsNades)
    //PrintToServer("Raw data 2=%i", granadesnr)
    if (granadesnr > lastgranadesnr)
        // Smoke Nades
        Nades[client][2] = granadesnr - lastgranadesnr
        lastgranadesnr = granadesnr
    return granadesnr
public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client)
    //if (!IsFakeClient(client)) PrintToServer("[%s] - %N connected and initialized", PLUGIN_NAME, client)
    SetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, client, 0)
    BotTakeverCost[client] = 1000
    ClientSpecClient[client] = 0
    ClientTookover[client] = 0
    BetWarning[client] = 0
public Action:StripWeapons(Handle:timer, any:client)
public Action:NewTarget(iClient, const String:cmd[], args)
    new iTarget = GetEntPropEnt(iClient, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget")
    if (!b2pEnabled || !IsValidClient(iTarget) || !IsClientObserver(iClient)) return Plugin_Continue;
    CreateTimer(0.1, DisplayTakeOverMessage, iClient)
    return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:DisplayTakeOverMessage(Handle:timer, any:iClient)
    if (!b2pEnabled || !IsClientConnected(iClient)) return Plugin_Continue
    new ClientTeam = GetClientTeam(iClient)
    if (ClientTeam < 2) return Plugin_Continue
    new iTarget = -1
    iTarget = GetEntPropEnt(iClient, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget")
    if (iTarget == -1) return Plugin_Continue
    decl String:BOTName[64]
    GetClientName(iTarget, BOTName, sizeof(BOTName))
    if (!IsValidClient(iTarget) || !IsClientObserver(iClient)) return Plugin_Continue
    ClientSpecClient[iClient] = iTarget
    new ClientCash = GetMoney(iClient)
    new BotTakeover = GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, iClient)
    if (BotTakeover > 1)
        if (!BetWarning[iClient] && ClientCash >= BotTakeverCost[iClient])
            PrintHintText(iClient, "You can't take over BOTs in any round after you've placed a bet")
            BetWarning[iClient] = 1
            PrintHintText(iClient, "")
        if (IsFakeClient(iTarget))
            if (ClientCash >= BotTakeverCost[iClient])
                //PrintToServer("[%s] Cash=%i, Cost=%i", PLUGIN_NAME, ClientCash, BotTakeverCost[iClient])
                if (ClientTeam == GetClientTeam(iTarget) && ClientCash >= BotTakeverCost[iClient])
                    PrintHintText(iClient, "For $%i - Press the Use key [default E] to take control of %s", BotTakeverCost[iClient], BOTName)
                    PrintHintText(iClient, "")
            PrintHintText(iClient, "")
    return Plugin_Continue
public Action:Event_PlayerDeath(Handle:Event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
    if (!b2pEnabled) return Plugin_Continue
    new iClient = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(Event, "userid"))
    if (!IsFakeClient(iClient)) CreateTimer(6.75, DisplayTakeOverMessage, iClient)
    for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
        new ClientCash = GetMoney(iClient)
        if (IsClientConnected(iClient) && IsClientConnected(i) && IsClientInGame(i) && IsClientObserver(i) && ClientSpecClient[i] == iClient && (GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, iClient) < 2) && ClientCash >= BotTakeverCost[iClient])
            PrintHintText(i, "%N died - You can't control dead BOTs", iClient)
            ClientSpecClient[i] = 0
    if (!bHideDeath[iClient]) return Plugin_Continue
    CreateTimer(0.2, tDestroyRagdoll, iClient)
    return Plugin_Handled // Disable the killfeed notification for takeovers
public Action:tDestroyRagdoll(Handle:timer, any:iClient)
    new iRagdoll = GetEntPropEnt(iClient, Prop_Send, "m_hRagdoll")
    bHideDeath[iClient] = false
    if (iRagdoll < 0) return
    AcceptEntityInput(iRagdoll, "kill");
public Action:Give_iTargetWeaponsTo_iClient(Handle:timer, any:iClient)
    for (new i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
        if (iTargetWeapon[i] != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE)
            Client_EquipWeapon(iClient, iTargetWeapon[i], false)
            Client_SetActiveWeapon(iClient, iTargetWeapon[i])
            Client_GetActiveWeaponName(iClient, iTargetActiveWeaponName, sizeof(iTargetActiveWeaponName))
            Client_SetWeaponClipAmmo(iClient, iTargetActiveWeaponName, iTargetClip[i])
            Client_SetWeaponPlayerAmmo(iClient, iTargetActiveWeaponName, iTargetAmmo[i])
        Client_SetActiveWeapon(iClient, iTargetActiveWeapon)
    if (Nades[iClient][0] > 0) Client_GiveWeapon(iClient, "weapon_hegrenade", false)
    if (Nades[iClient][1] > 0) Client_GiveWeapon(iClient, "weapon_flashbang", false)
    if (Nades[iClient][1] > 1) Client_GiveWeapon(iClient, "weapon_flashbang", false)
    if (Nades[iClient][2] > 0) Client_GiveWeapon(iClient, "weapon_smokegrenade", false)
public CvarChange(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
    b2pEnabled = GetConVarBool(convar)
stock FindRagdollClosestToEntity(iEntity, Float:fLimit)
    new iSearch = -1,
    iReturn = -1;
    new Float:fLowest = -1.0,
    if (!IsValidEntity(iEntity)) return iReturn;
    GetEntPropVector(iEntity, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", fEntityPos);
    while ((iSearch = FindEntityByClassname(iSearch, "tf_ragdoll")) != -1)
        GetEntPropVector(iSearch, Prop_Send, "m_vecRagdollOrigin", fRagdollPos);
        fVectorDist = GetVectorDistance(fEntityPos, fRagdollPos);
        if (fVectorDist < fLimit && (fVectorDist < fLowest || fLowest == -1.0))
            fLowest = fVectorDist
            iReturn = iSearch
    return iReturn
stock bool:IsValidClient(iClient) 
    if (iClient <= 0 ||    iClient > MaxClients ||    !IsClientInGame(iClient)) return false
    return true
public Action:OnPlayerRunCmd(iClient, &buttons, &impulse, Float:vel[3], Float:angles[3], &weapon)
    if (!IsClientConnected(iClient) || !(buttons & IN_USE) || IsPlayerAlive(iClient) || !b2pEnabled || !IsClientObserver(iClient)) return Plugin_Continue
    new iTarget = GetEntPropEnt(iClient, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget")
    new ClientCash = GetMoney(iClient)
    if (IsValidClient(iTarget) && IsFakeClient(iTarget) && GetClientTeam(iClient) == GetClientTeam(iTarget) && ClientCash >= BotTakeverCost[iClient])
        if (GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, iClient) > 1) return Plugin_Continue
        //Get all of BOTs stats
        new Float:iTargetOrigin[3],    Float:iTargetAngles[3]
        GetClientAbsOrigin(iTarget, iTargetOrigin)
        GetClientAbsAngles(iTarget, iTargetAngles)
        new iTargetHealth = GetClientHealth(iTarget)
        new iTargetArmor = GetClientArmor(iTarget)
        iTargetActiveWeapon = Client_GetActiveWeapon(iTarget)
        for (new i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
            iTargetWeapon[i] = Client_GetWeaponBySlot(iTarget, i)
            if (iTargetWeapon[i] > -1) 
                Client_SetActiveWeapon(iTarget, iTargetWeapon[i])
                Client_GetActiveWeaponName(iTarget, iTargetActiveWeaponName, sizeof(iTargetActiveWeaponName))
                iTargetClip[i] = Weapon_GetPrimaryClip(iTargetWeapon[i])
                Client_GetWeaponPlayerAmmo(iTarget, iTargetActiveWeaponName, iTargetAmmo[i])        
                iTargetClip[i] = 0
                iTargetAmmo[i] = 0
        //Set all of humans stats, but not weapons        
        SetEntityHealth(iClient, iTargetHealth)
        Client_SetArmor(iClient, iTargetArmor)
        CreateTimer(0.05, Give_iTargetWeaponsTo_iClient, iClient)
        //Take control
        bHideDeath[iTarget] = true
        ClientTookover[iClient] = 1
        ClientSpecClient[iClient] = 0
        ClientCash = ClientCash - BotTakeverCost[iClient]
        SetMoney(iClient, ClientCash)
        BotTakeverCost[iClient] = BotTakeverCost[iClient] + BotTakeverCostIncrement
        //Show that you've used BOT takeover, so you can't BET this round
        SetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, iClient, 1)
        //check for last player on team alive
        new MyTeam = GetClientTeam(iClient)
        new TeamMatesAlive = 0
        for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
            if (!IsClientConnected(i) || i == iClient) continue
            if (MyTeam == GetClientTeam(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i))
        new Handle:NoEndRoundHandle = FindConVar("mp_ignore_round_win_conditions")
        if (TeamMatesAlive == 1)
            SetConVarInt(NoEndRoundHandle, 1)
        TeleportEntity(iClient, iTargetOrigin, iTargetAngles, NULL_VECTOR)
        SetConVarInt(NoEndRoundHandle, 0)
        PrintToChatAll("%N took control of %N", iClient, iTarget)
        return Plugin_Handled
    return Plugin_Continue
public GetMoney(client)
    if (g_iAccount != -1)
        return GetEntData(client, g_iAccount)
        return 0
public SetMoney(client, amount)
    if (g_iAccount != -1)
        SetEntData(client, g_iAccount, amount)

//End of code
I just need functional thanks!
moxie2020 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Old 11-29-2012 , 22:36   Re: [TF2] Take Control of Bots
Reply With Quote #43

Originally Posted by Bittersweet View Post
Sure. I have it working, it's not perfect. The one bug that sticks out is when you are specing a BOT and the BOT dies, the message doesn't change immediately, I haven't fixed that yet - and it's not a high priority.

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <smlib>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <cstrike>
#include <bot2player>
#include <JM>

new const String:PLUGIN_NAME[]= "bot2player"
new const String: PLUGIN_AUTHOR[]= "Bittersweet"
new const String:PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION[]= "Allows players to control bots after they've died (adapted from botcontrol for TF2 by Grognak)"
new const String: PLUGIN_VERSION[]= "2012."

new Handle:cvarEnabled
new Handle:BotTakeoverClientsHandle

new bool:b2pEnabled, bool:bHideDeath[MyMaxClients + 1] = {false, ...};

new iTargetActiveWeapon
new g_offObserverTarget
new iTargetWeapon[5]
new iTargetClip[5]
new iTargetAmmo[5]
new ClientSpecClient[MyMaxClients + 1] = {0, ...}
new ClientTookover[MyMaxClients + 1] = {0, ...}
new BetWarning[MyMaxClients + 1] = {0, ...}
new BotTakeverCost[MyMaxClients + 1] = {1000, ...}
new Nades[MyMaxClients + 1][3]
new BotTakeverCostIncrement = 250
new g_iAccount = -1
new gameround = 1

new String:iTargetActiveWeaponName[32]

public Plugin:myinfo =
    name        = PLUGIN_NAME,
    author      = PLUGIN_AUTHOR,
    description = PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION,
    version     = PLUGIN_VERSION,
public OnPluginStart()
    PrintToServer("[%s %s] - Loaded", PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION)
    cvarEnabled = CreateConVar("bot2player_enabled", "1", "Enable the plugin?", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)
    HookConVarChange(cvarEnabled, CvarChange)
    b2pEnabled = GetConVarBool(cvarEnabled)
    HookEvent("player_death", Event_PlayerDeath, EventHookMode_Pre)
    HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart)
    HookEvent("round_end", Event_RoundEnd, EventHookMode_Pre)
    // round_freeze_end only used for debugging
    //HookEvent("round_freeze_end", Event_RoundFreezeEnd)
    g_iAccount = FindSendPropOffs("CCSPlayer", "m_iAccount");
    g_offObserverTarget = FindSendPropOffs("CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget")
    BotTakeoverClientsHandle = CreateArray(1, MyMaxClients + 1)
    //PrintToServer("[%s] Handle to array=%X", PLUGIN_NAME, BotTakeoverClientsHandle)
    if(g_offObserverTarget == -1)
        SetFailState("Expected to find the offset to m_hObserverTarget, couldn't.")
    AddCommandListener(NewTarget, "spec_next");
    AddCommandListener(NewTarget, "spec_prev");
public APLRes:AskPluginLoad2(Handle:myself, bool:late, String:error[], err_max)
    CreateNative("BotTakeoverClients", Native_BotTakeoverClients);
    return APLRes_Success;
public Native_BotTakeoverClients(Handle:otherplugin, numParams)
    return _:CloneHandle(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, otherplugin)
public OnMapStart()
    for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
        BotTakeverCost[i] = 1000
        SetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i, 0)
    gameround = 1
public Action:Event_RoundStart(Handle:Event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
    for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
        ClientSpecClient[i] = 0
        //if (IsClientConnected(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i) != 0) PrintToServer("[%s] Round Start - before resetting array value for %N to 0, current value=%i", PLUGIN_NAME, i, GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i))
        SetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i, 0)
        //if (IsClientConnected(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i) != 0) PrintToServer("[%s] Round Start - after resetting array value for %N to 0, current value=%i", PLUGIN_NAME, i, GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i))        
        BetWarning[i] = 0
public Action:Event_RoundEnd(Handle:Event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
    for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
        ClientSpecClient[i] = 0
        //if (IsClientConnected(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i) != 0) PrintToServer("[%s] Round End - before resetting array value for %N to 0, current value=%i", PLUGIN_NAME, i, GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i))
        SetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i, 0)
        //if (IsClientConnected(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i) != 0) PrintToServer("[%s] Round End - after resetting array value for %N to 0, current value=%i", PLUGIN_NAME, i, GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, i))
        if (IsClientConnected(i) && IsClientInGame(i) && !IsClientObserver(i) && ClientTookover[i])
            //4.6 just a hair early, 5.0 too late - 4.7 seems good
            CreateTimer(4.7, StripWeapons, i)
        ClientTookover[i] = 0
        BetWarning[i] = 0
public Action:Event_RoundFreezeEnd(Handle:Event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
    //This entire routine is for debugging only
    PrintToServer("Round %i -----------------------------------------------------------------------", gameround)
    for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
        if(!IsClientConnected(i) || !IsClientInGame(i) || IsClientObserver(i)) continue
        new TempWeapon[5]
        for (new ii = 0; ii <= 4; ii++)
            TempWeapon[ii] = Client_GetWeaponBySlot(i, ii)
            if (TempWeapon[ii] > -1) 
                new String:Weapon[32]
                GetEdictClassname(TempWeapon[ii], Weapon, sizeof(Weapon))
                if (ii == 3)
                    new tnades = GetAllClientGrenades(i)
                    if (tnades)
                        PrintToServer("Nade report for %N:", i)
                        if (Nades[i][0]) PrintToServer("%i HE Nades", Nades[i][0])
                        if (Nades[i][1]) PrintToServer("%i Flash Nades", Nades[i][1])
                        if (Nades[i][2]) PrintToServer("%i Smoke Nades", Nades[i][2])
                        PrintToServer ("Line 114 - Total = %i", tnades)
public GetAllClientGrenades(client)
    Nades[client][0] = 0
    Nades[client][1] = 0
    Nades[client][2] = 0
    new offsNades = FindDataMapOffs(client, "m_iAmmo") + (11 * 4);
    new granadesnr = GetEntData(client, offsNades)
    new lastgranadesnr = 0
    //PrintToServer("Raw data 0=%i", granadesnr)
    if (granadesnr > lastgranadesnr)
        // HE Nades
        Nades[client][0] = granadesnr
        lastgranadesnr = granadesnr
    offsNades += 4
    granadesnr += GetEntData(client, offsNades)
    //PrintToServer("Raw data 1=%i", granadesnr)
    if (granadesnr > lastgranadesnr)
        // Flashbangs
        Nades[client][1] = granadesnr - lastgranadesnr
        lastgranadesnr = granadesnr
    offsNades += 4
    granadesnr += GetEntData(client, offsNades)
    //PrintToServer("Raw data 2=%i", granadesnr)
    if (granadesnr > lastgranadesnr)
        // Smoke Nades
        Nades[client][2] = granadesnr - lastgranadesnr
        lastgranadesnr = granadesnr
    return granadesnr
public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client)
    //if (!IsFakeClient(client)) PrintToServer("[%s] - %N connected and initialized", PLUGIN_NAME, client)
    SetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, client, 0)
    BotTakeverCost[client] = 1000
    ClientSpecClient[client] = 0
    ClientTookover[client] = 0
    BetWarning[client] = 0
public Action:StripWeapons(Handle:timer, any:client)
public Action:NewTarget(iClient, const String:cmd[], args)
    new iTarget = GetEntPropEnt(iClient, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget")
    if (!b2pEnabled || !IsValidClient(iTarget) || !IsClientObserver(iClient)) return Plugin_Continue;
    CreateTimer(0.1, DisplayTakeOverMessage, iClient)
    return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:DisplayTakeOverMessage(Handle:timer, any:iClient)
    if (!b2pEnabled || !IsClientConnected(iClient)) return Plugin_Continue
    new ClientTeam = GetClientTeam(iClient)
    if (ClientTeam < 2) return Plugin_Continue
    new iTarget = -1
    iTarget = GetEntPropEnt(iClient, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget")
    if (iTarget == -1) return Plugin_Continue
    decl String:BOTName[64]
    GetClientName(iTarget, BOTName, sizeof(BOTName))
    if (!IsValidClient(iTarget) || !IsClientObserver(iClient)) return Plugin_Continue
    ClientSpecClient[iClient] = iTarget
    new ClientCash = GetMoney(iClient)
    new BotTakeover = GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, iClient)
    if (BotTakeover > 1)
        if (!BetWarning[iClient] && ClientCash >= BotTakeverCost[iClient])
            PrintHintText(iClient, "You can't take over BOTs in any round after you've placed a bet")
            BetWarning[iClient] = 1
            PrintHintText(iClient, "")
        if (IsFakeClient(iTarget))
            if (ClientCash >= BotTakeverCost[iClient])
                //PrintToServer("[%s] Cash=%i, Cost=%i", PLUGIN_NAME, ClientCash, BotTakeverCost[iClient])
                if (ClientTeam == GetClientTeam(iTarget) && ClientCash >= BotTakeverCost[iClient])
                    PrintHintText(iClient, "For $%i - Press the Use key [default E] to take control of %s", BotTakeverCost[iClient], BOTName)
                    PrintHintText(iClient, "")
            PrintHintText(iClient, "")
    return Plugin_Continue
public Action:Event_PlayerDeath(Handle:Event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
    if (!b2pEnabled) return Plugin_Continue
    new iClient = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(Event, "userid"))
    if (!IsFakeClient(iClient)) CreateTimer(6.75, DisplayTakeOverMessage, iClient)
    for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
        new ClientCash = GetMoney(iClient)
        if (IsClientConnected(iClient) && IsClientConnected(i) && IsClientInGame(i) && IsClientObserver(i) && ClientSpecClient[i] == iClient && (GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, iClient) < 2) && ClientCash >= BotTakeverCost[iClient])
            PrintHintText(i, "%N died - You can't control dead BOTs", iClient)
            ClientSpecClient[i] = 0
    if (!bHideDeath[iClient]) return Plugin_Continue
    CreateTimer(0.2, tDestroyRagdoll, iClient)
    return Plugin_Handled // Disable the killfeed notification for takeovers
public Action:tDestroyRagdoll(Handle:timer, any:iClient)
    new iRagdoll = GetEntPropEnt(iClient, Prop_Send, "m_hRagdoll")
    bHideDeath[iClient] = false
    if (iRagdoll < 0) return
    AcceptEntityInput(iRagdoll, "kill");
public Action:Give_iTargetWeaponsTo_iClient(Handle:timer, any:iClient)
    for (new i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
        if (iTargetWeapon[i] != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE)
            Client_EquipWeapon(iClient, iTargetWeapon[i], false)
            Client_SetActiveWeapon(iClient, iTargetWeapon[i])
            Client_GetActiveWeaponName(iClient, iTargetActiveWeaponName, sizeof(iTargetActiveWeaponName))
            Client_SetWeaponClipAmmo(iClient, iTargetActiveWeaponName, iTargetClip[i])
            Client_SetWeaponPlayerAmmo(iClient, iTargetActiveWeaponName, iTargetAmmo[i])
        Client_SetActiveWeapon(iClient, iTargetActiveWeapon)
    if (Nades[iClient][0] > 0) Client_GiveWeapon(iClient, "weapon_hegrenade", false)
    if (Nades[iClient][1] > 0) Client_GiveWeapon(iClient, "weapon_flashbang", false)
    if (Nades[iClient][1] > 1) Client_GiveWeapon(iClient, "weapon_flashbang", false)
    if (Nades[iClient][2] > 0) Client_GiveWeapon(iClient, "weapon_smokegrenade", false)
public CvarChange(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
    b2pEnabled = GetConVarBool(convar)
stock FindRagdollClosestToEntity(iEntity, Float:fLimit)
    new iSearch = -1,
    iReturn = -1;
    new Float:fLowest = -1.0,
    if (!IsValidEntity(iEntity)) return iReturn;
    GetEntPropVector(iEntity, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", fEntityPos);
    while ((iSearch = FindEntityByClassname(iSearch, "tf_ragdoll")) != -1)
        GetEntPropVector(iSearch, Prop_Send, "m_vecRagdollOrigin", fRagdollPos);
        fVectorDist = GetVectorDistance(fEntityPos, fRagdollPos);
        if (fVectorDist < fLimit && (fVectorDist < fLowest || fLowest == -1.0))
            fLowest = fVectorDist
            iReturn = iSearch
    return iReturn
stock bool:IsValidClient(iClient) 
    if (iClient <= 0 ||    iClient > MaxClients ||    !IsClientInGame(iClient)) return false
    return true
public Action:OnPlayerRunCmd(iClient, &buttons, &impulse, Float:vel[3], Float:angles[3], &weapon)
    if (!IsClientConnected(iClient) || !(buttons & IN_USE) || IsPlayerAlive(iClient) || !b2pEnabled || !IsClientObserver(iClient)) return Plugin_Continue
    new iTarget = GetEntPropEnt(iClient, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget")
    new ClientCash = GetMoney(iClient)
    if (IsValidClient(iTarget) && IsFakeClient(iTarget) && GetClientTeam(iClient) == GetClientTeam(iTarget) && ClientCash >= BotTakeverCost[iClient])
        if (GetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, iClient) > 1) return Plugin_Continue
        //Get all of BOTs stats
        new Float:iTargetOrigin[3],    Float:iTargetAngles[3]
        GetClientAbsOrigin(iTarget, iTargetOrigin)
        GetClientAbsAngles(iTarget, iTargetAngles)
        new iTargetHealth = GetClientHealth(iTarget)
        new iTargetArmor = GetClientArmor(iTarget)
        iTargetActiveWeapon = Client_GetActiveWeapon(iTarget)
        for (new i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
            iTargetWeapon[i] = Client_GetWeaponBySlot(iTarget, i)
            if (iTargetWeapon[i] > -1) 
                Client_SetActiveWeapon(iTarget, iTargetWeapon[i])
                Client_GetActiveWeaponName(iTarget, iTargetActiveWeaponName, sizeof(iTargetActiveWeaponName))
                iTargetClip[i] = Weapon_GetPrimaryClip(iTargetWeapon[i])
                Client_GetWeaponPlayerAmmo(iTarget, iTargetActiveWeaponName, iTargetAmmo[i])        
                iTargetClip[i] = 0
                iTargetAmmo[i] = 0
        //Set all of humans stats, but not weapons        
        SetEntityHealth(iClient, iTargetHealth)
        Client_SetArmor(iClient, iTargetArmor)
        CreateTimer(0.05, Give_iTargetWeaponsTo_iClient, iClient)
        //Take control
        bHideDeath[iTarget] = true
        ClientTookover[iClient] = 1
        ClientSpecClient[iClient] = 0
        ClientCash = ClientCash - BotTakeverCost[iClient]
        SetMoney(iClient, ClientCash)
        BotTakeverCost[iClient] = BotTakeverCost[iClient] + BotTakeverCostIncrement
        //Show that you've used BOT takeover, so you can't BET this round
        SetArrayCell(BotTakeoverClientsHandle, iClient, 1)
        //check for last player on team alive
        new MyTeam = GetClientTeam(iClient)
        new TeamMatesAlive = 0
        for (new i = 1; i <= MyMaxClients; i++)
            if (!IsClientConnected(i) || i == iClient) continue
            if (MyTeam == GetClientTeam(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i))
        new Handle:NoEndRoundHandle = FindConVar("mp_ignore_round_win_conditions")
        if (TeamMatesAlive == 1)
            SetConVarInt(NoEndRoundHandle, 1)
        TeleportEntity(iClient, iTargetOrigin, iTargetAngles, NULL_VECTOR)
        SetConVarInt(NoEndRoundHandle, 0)
        PrintToChatAll("%N took control of %N", iClient, iTarget)
        return Plugin_Handled
    return Plugin_Continue
public GetMoney(client)
    if (g_iAccount != -1)
        return GetEntData(client, g_iAccount)
        return 0
public SetMoney(client, amount)
    if (g_iAccount != -1)
        SetEntData(client, g_iAccount, amount)

//End of code
Is there an include file needed to compile now?

#include <bot2player>
#include <JM>

I get a fatal error cannot read from bot2player...
Also I am using TF2, I added the TF2 includes is there anything else I need?
moxie2020 is offline
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Join Date: May 2012
Old 11-30-2012 , 10:28   Re: [TF2] Take Control of Bots
Reply With Quote #44

Originally Posted by moxie2020 View Post
Is there an include file needed to compile now?

#include <bot2player>
#include <JM>

I get a fatal error cannot read from bot2player...
Also I am using TF2, I added the TF2 includes is there anything else I need?
This absolutely will not work with TF2. I was only giving the code for an example. It looks like you'll need to do the coding yourself, since the OP doesn't seem to be around.

For TF2, I would just use the original plugin if you don't want to recode yourself.
Thank you in advance for your help

My plugins:
[CS:S] BOT Swat | [ANY] CVAR Randomizer | [CS:S] SM CS:S Tag Beta | [CS:S] Bot2Player
Awesome & Crucial plugins by other people:
[CS:S/CS:GO] GunGame | [UMC3] Ultimate Mapchooser | [ANY] Server Crontab | [ANY] SM ForceCamera
Bittersweet is offline
Veteran Member
Join Date: May 2012
Old 12-10-2012 , 12:09   Re: [TF2] Take Control of Bots
Reply With Quote #45

Moxie, try this out and see if it works for you. It's the same as the original, with just a delay added. I can't test it myself because I don't run a TF2 server.
Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (botcontrol2.sp - 332 views - 6.8 KB)
File Type: smx botcontrol2.smx (7.4 KB, 188 views)
Thank you in advance for your help

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Old 01-07-2013 , 19:51   Re: [TF2] Take Control of Bots
Reply With Quote #46

Here's my version for CS:S, with the include files as requested. You should check/edit JM.inc, as it contains specifics to my server - in particular MyMaxClients is set to 16. There's also some code that ties into the teambets that you may have to comment out, or you can use my version.
Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (bot2player.sp - 156 views - 14.7 KB)
File Type: smx bot2player.smx (19.9 KB, 154 views)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (teambets.sp - 157 views - 12.4 KB)
File Type: smx teambets.smx (8.8 KB, 135 views)
File Type: inc JM.inc (636 Bytes, 170 views)
File Type: inc bot2player.inc (370 Bytes, 146 views)
Thank you in advance for your help

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[CS:S] BOT Swat | [ANY] CVAR Randomizer | [CS:S] SM CS:S Tag Beta | [CS:S] Bot2Player
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Last edited by Bittersweet; 01-07-2013 at 19:52.
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Old 01-08-2013 , 03:46   Re: [TF2] Take Control of Bots
Reply With Quote #47

Thanks for sharing the includes
I love this feature ty vm!
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Old 04-15-2013 , 20:25   Re: [TF2] Take Control of Bots
Reply With Quote #48

can i use this on css?
applemes is offline
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Old 05-03-2013 , 01:36   Re: [TF2] Take Control of Bots
Reply With Quote #49

Just tested it on my cs:s server but it crashed all 3 minutes...:S can someone help me ? i used the version of Bittersweet, after deinstalling the plugin my server didnt crash anymore...

Does someone know a similar plugin ?
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Old 05-12-2013 , 08:42   Re: [TF2] Take Control of Bots
Reply With Quote #50

Originally Posted by Xynics View Post
Just tested it on my cs:s server but it crashed all 3 minutes...:S can someone help me ? i used the version of Bittersweet, after deinstalling the plugin my server didnt crash anymore...

Does someone know a similar plugin ?
What version of MM:S and SM are you using?
Thank you in advance for your help

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[CS:S] BOT Swat | [ANY] CVAR Randomizer | [CS:S] SM CS:S Tag Beta | [CS:S] Bot2Player
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[CS:S/CS:GO] GunGame | [UMC3] Ultimate Mapchooser | [ANY] Server Crontab | [ANY] SM ForceCamera
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