Originally Posted by MaloModo
Thanks for reply. I should have specified I was asking for TF2. By stable I meant...not crashing server. I am going to give it a go. What maps would you suggest?
To answer MaloModo's question:
Any maps except for maps that have arena in their names as for some reason arena maps break war3source.
People tend to like Payload maps more than any other maps for War3Source type games. Then Koth(King of the Hill) is next, then cp(Control Points) are next.
CTF(Capture the Flag) maps do not do very well and tend to lose players the most. Only use these maps if your in game and watching player count. I suggest not letting player count get less than 16 before changing map. If they want to play a CTF map, make sure you have nearly a full server before going.
Changing maps tends to give you a loss on player count by around 5-6 players, so I suggest you also make map times no less than 40 minutes.
If your big enough, then having a War3Source for each map with unlimited time limits would be the best, as players tend to love "certain" maps and will stay there much much longer.
To Everyone:
My version of War3Source is currently limited on Races. I'm still working on a new feature I want to implement before continuing to build more races. The new feature would allow races to swap skills / change skills at any time. The new type of races would have "starting skills", then if the programmer chooses, they can change the skill at anytime during game play.
I have an idea for a few new races that would change their skill based on skill level... so for instance, if Skill 1 gets to level 4 (maxed out), it would than "transform" into a new skill. Lets say Skill 1 is "Jump Higher - You jump 5/10/15 percent higher than normal.", once the skill gets to level 4 it would be transformed to "Wings - when you jump, you fly." <<-- I know that is over powered, but just trying to give some kind of "transformation" effect of an idea.
So probably a lot of the new races should expect to be able to "transform" or "upgrade" their skills on max level for each skill.
Hitmany's idea for a skill than changes on every round would also be possible.
As of today, the stuff is already built into my engine (not released yet), and im currently testing this now.