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sm_adsmysql in utf-8

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Join Date: Sep 2009
Old 09-04-2010 , 12:39   sm_adsmysql in utf-8
Reply With Quote #1

Hello, can someone help, i added some lines, what i find in forum and shows the utf-8 characters in first time in server, but after map change again disappears utf-8 charaters and only shows ???????!

What is wrong in my code?
 * =============================================================================
 * SourceMod MySQL Advertisements 
 * (c)2009 DJ Tsunami - http://www.tsunami-productions.nl
 * (c)2009 <eVa>Dog - http://www.theville.org
 * SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC.  All rights reserved.
 * =============================================================================
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
 * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
 * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
 * by the Valve Corporation.  You must obey the GNU General Public License in
 * all respects for all other code used.  Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
 * this exception to all derivative works.  AlliedModders LLC defines further
 * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
 * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>.

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <adminmenu>

#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.2.100"
#define CVAR_ENABLED  "ON"

new Handle:hAdminMenu = INVALID_HANDLE
new Handle:hDatabase = INVALID_HANDLE
new Handle:hTimer = INVALID_HANDLE
new Handle:hInterval = INVALID_HANDLE
new Handle:g_hCenterAd[MAXPLAYERS + 1]

new bool:g_bTickrate = true

new Float:g_fTime

new g_iFrames = 0
new g_iTickrate
new g_AdCount
new g_Current

static String:g_sSColors[4][13]  = {"{DEFAULT}","{LIGHTGREEN}", "{TEAM}", "{GREEN}"}
static String:g_sTColors[13][12] = {"{WHITE}",       "{RED}",        "{GREEN}",   "{BLUE}",    "{YELLOW}",    "{PURPLE}",    "{CYAN}",      "{ORANGE}",    "{PINK}",      "{OLIVE}",     "{LIME}",      "{VIOLET}",    "{LIGHTBLUE}"};
static g_iSColors[4]             = {1, 3, 3, 4};
static g_iTColors[13][3]         = {{255, 255, 255}, {255, 0, 0},    {0, 255, 0}, {0, 0, 255}, {255, 255, 0}, {255, 0, 255}, {0, 255, 255}, {255, 128, 0}, {255, 0, 128}, {128, 255, 0}, {0, 255, 128}, {128, 0, 255}, {0, 128, 255}};

new String:GameName[64]

new String:g_type[1024][2]
new String:g_text[1024][192]
new String:g_flags[1024][27]
new String:g_game[1024][64]

public Plugin:myinfo =
    name = "Advertisements from Database",
    author = "Tsunami and <eVa>Dog",
    description = "Reads server ads from a common database",
    version = PLUGIN_VERSION,
    url = "http://www.theville.org"

public OnPluginStart()
    CreateConVar("sm_adsmysql_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, " Adverts from DB Version", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY)
    RegAdminCmd("sm_reloadads", Admin_ReloadAds, ADMFLAG_CONVARS, " - reloads the ads ")
    hInterval = CreateConVar("sm_adsmysql_interval", "45", "Amount of seconds between advertisements")
    HookConVarChange(hInterval, ConVarChange_Interval)
    GetGameFolderName(GameName, sizeof(GameName))
    new Handle:topmenu
    if (LibraryExists("adminmenu") && ((topmenu = GetAdminTopMenu()) != INVALID_HANDLE))
    SQL_TConnect(DBConnect, "admintools")

public DBConnect(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data)
    if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE)
        LogError("Database failure: %s", error)
        PrintToServer("AdsMYSQL - Unable to connect to database")
/* Set codepage to utf8 */

decl String:query[255];
Format(query, sizeof(query), "SET NAMES 'utf8'");
if (!SQL_FastQuery(hndl, query))
LogError("Can't select character set (%s)", query);

/* End of Set codepage to utf8 */    
    hDatabase = hndl
    PrintToServer("AdsMYSQL - Connected Successfully to Database")
    LogAction(0, 0, "AdsMYSQL - Connected Successfully to Database")

public OnMapStart()
    g_Current = 0
    CreateTimer(10.0, SetupAds, _)

public Action:SetupAds(Handle:timer, any:timedelay)
    new String:query[1024]
    Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM adsmysql ORDER BY id;")
    SQL_TQuery(hDatabase, ParseAds, query, _, DBPrio_High)
    hTimer = CreateTimer(GetConVarInt(hInterval) * 1.0, Timer_DisplayAds, _, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE)

public ParseAds(Handle:owner, Handle:hQuery, const String:error[], any:client)
    g_AdCount = 0
    if(hQuery != INVALID_HANDLE)
        if(SQL_GetRowCount(hQuery) > 0)
            PrintToConsole(client, "[AdsMYSQL] %i rows found", SQL_GetRowCount(hQuery))
                SQL_FetchString(hQuery, 1, g_type[g_AdCount], 2)
                SQL_FetchString(hQuery, 2, g_text[g_AdCount], 192)
                SQL_FetchString(hQuery, 3, g_flags[g_AdCount], 27)
                SQL_FetchString(hQuery, 4, g_game[g_AdCount], 64)
                PrintToConsole(client, "[AdsMYSQL] Ad %i found in database: %s, %s, %s, %s", g_AdCount, g_type[g_AdCount], g_text[g_AdCount], g_flags[g_AdCount], g_game[g_AdCount])
        if (client > 0)
            PrintToChat(client, "[SM] Reloaded ads")
        LogToGame("[SM] Query failed! %s", error)

public Action:Timer_DisplayAds(Handle:timer) 
    decl AdminFlag:fFlagList[16], String:sBuffer[256], String:sFlags[27], String:sText[192], String:sType[2], String:sGame[64]
    if (g_Current == g_AdCount) 
        g_Current = 0
    //For debugging purposes
    //PrintToServer("[AdsMYSQL] Ad %i/%i: %s, %s, %s, %s", g_Current, g_AdCount, g_type[g_Current], g_text[g_Current], g_flags[g_Current], g_game[g_Current])
    sType = g_type[g_Current]
    sText = g_text[g_Current]
    sFlags = g_flags[g_Current]
    sGame = g_game[g_Current]
    if (StrEqual(sGame, GameName) || StrEqual(sGame, "All"))
        new bool:bAdmins = StrEqual(sFlags, ""), bool:bFlags = !StrEqual(sFlags, "none")
        if (bFlags) 
            FlagBitsToArray(ReadFlagString(sFlags), fFlagList, sizeof(fFlagList))
        if (StrContains(sText, "{TICKRATE}")   != -1) 
            IntToString(g_iTickrate, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer))
            ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{TICKRATE}",   sBuffer)
        if (StrContains(sText, "{CURRENTMAP}") != -1) 
            GetCurrentMap(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer))
            ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{CURRENTMAP}", sBuffer)
        if (StrContains(sText, "{DATE}")       != -1) 
            FormatTime(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%m/%d/%Y")
            ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{DATE}",       sBuffer)
        if (StrContains(sText, "{TIME}")       != -1) 
            FormatTime(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%I:%M:%S%p") 
            ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{TIME}",       sBuffer)
        if (StrContains(sText, "{TIME24}")     != -1) 
            FormatTime(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%H:%M:%S")
            ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{TIME24}",     sBuffer)
        if (StrContains(sText, "{TIMELEFT}")   != -1) 
            new iMins, iSecs, iTimeLeft
            if (GetMapTimeLeft(iTimeLeft) && iTimeLeft > 0) 
                iMins = iTimeLeft / 60
                iSecs = iTimeLeft % 60
            Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%d:%02d", iMins, iSecs)
            ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{TIMELEFT}",   sBuffer)
        if (StrContains(sText, "\\n")          != -1) 
            Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%c", 13)
            ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "\\n",          sBuffer)
        new iStart = StrContains(sText, "{BOOL:")
        while (iStart != -1) 
            new iEnd = StrContains(sText[iStart + 6], "}")
            if (iEnd != -1) 
                decl String:sConVar[64], String:sName[64]
                strcopy(sConVar, iEnd + 1, sText[iStart + 6])
                Format(sName, sizeof(sName), "{BOOL:%s}", sConVar)
                new Handle:hConVar = FindConVar(sConVar)
                if (hConVar != INVALID_HANDLE) 
                    ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), sName, GetConVarBool(hConVar) ? CVAR_ENABLED : CVAR_DISABLED)
            new iStart2 = StrContains(sText[iStart + 1], "{BOOL:") + iStart + 1
            if (iStart == iStart2) 
                iStart = iStart2
        iStart = StrContains(sText, "{")
        while (iStart != -1) 
            new iEnd = StrContains(sText[iStart + 1], "}")
            if (iEnd != -1) 
                decl String:sConVar[64], String:sName[64]
                strcopy(sConVar, iEnd + 1, sText[iStart + 1])
                Format(sName, sizeof(sName), "{%s}", sConVar)
                new Handle:hConVar = FindConVar(sConVar)
                if (hConVar != INVALID_HANDLE) 
                    GetConVarString(hConVar, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer))
                    ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), sName, sBuffer)
            new iStart2 = StrContains(sText[iStart + 1], "{") + iStart + 1
            if (iStart == iStart2) 
                iStart = iStart2
        if (StrContains(sType, "C") != -1) 
            for (new i = 1, iClients = GetClientCount(); i <= iClients; i++) 
                if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&
                        ((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && HasFlag(i, fFlagList))) ||
                         bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_GENERIC ||
                                                 GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_ROOT))) 
                    PrintCenterText(i, sText)
                    new Handle:hCenterAd
                    g_hCenterAd[i] = CreateDataTimer(1.0, Timer_CenterAd, hCenterAd, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE|TIMER_REPEAT)
                    WritePackCell(hCenterAd,   i)
                    WritePackString(hCenterAd, sText)
        if (StrContains(sType, "H") != -1) 
            for (new i = 1, iClients = GetClientCount(); i <= iClients; i++) 
                if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&
                        ((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && HasFlag(i, fFlagList))) ||
                         bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_GENERIC ||
                                                 GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_ROOT))) 
                    PrintHintText(i, sText)
        if (StrContains(sType, "M") != -1) 
            new Handle:hPl = CreatePanel()
            DrawPanelText(hPl, sText)
            SetPanelCurrentKey(hPl, 10)
            for (new i = 1, iClients = GetClientCount(); i <= iClients; i++) 
                if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&
                        ((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && HasFlag(i, fFlagList))) ||
                         bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_GENERIC ||
                                                 GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_ROOT))) 
                    SendPanelToClient(hPl, i, Handler_DoNothing, 10)
        if (StrContains(sType, "T") != -1) 
            decl String:sColor[16]
            new iColor = -1, iPos = BreakString(sText, sColor, sizeof(sColor))
            for (new i = 0; i < sizeof(g_sTColors); i++) 
                if (StrEqual(sColor, g_sTColors[i])) 
                    iColor = i
            if (iColor == -1) 
                iPos     = 0
                iColor   = 0
            new Handle:hKv = CreateKeyValues("Stuff", "title", sText[iPos])
            KvSetColor(hKv, "color", g_iTColors[iColor][0], g_iTColors[iColor][1], g_iTColors[iColor][2], 255)
            KvSetNum(hKv,   "level", 1)
            KvSetNum(hKv,   "time",  10)
            for (new i = 1, iClients = GetClientCount(); i <= iClients; i++) 
                if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&
                        ((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && HasFlag(i, fFlagList))) ||
                         bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_GENERIC ||
                                                 GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_ROOT))) 
                    CreateDialog(i, hKv, DialogType_Msg)
        if (StrContains(sType, "S") != -1) 
            new iTeamColors = StrContains(sText, "{TEAM}"), String:sColor[4]
            Format(sText, sizeof(sText), "%c%s", 1, sText)
            for (new c = 0; c < sizeof(g_iSColors); c++) 
                if (StrContains(sText, g_sSColors[c])) 
                    Format(sColor, sizeof(sColor), "%c", g_iSColors[c])
                    ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), g_sSColors[c], sColor)
            if (iTeamColors == -1) 
                for (new i = 1, iClients = GetClientCount(); i <= iClients; i++) 
                    if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&
                            ((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && HasFlag(i, fFlagList))) ||
                             bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_GENERIC ||
                                                     GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_ROOT))) 
                        PrintToChat(i, sText)
                for (new i = 1, iClients = GetClientCount(); i <= iClients; i++) 
                    if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&
                            ((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && HasFlag(i, fFlagList))) ||
                             bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_GENERIC ||
                                                     GetUserFlagBits(i) & ADMFLAG_ROOT))) 
                        if (StrEqual(GameName, "tf") || StrEqual(GameName, "cstrike") || StrEqual(GameName, "cstrike_beta"))
                            SayText2(i, sText)
                            PrintToChat(i, sText)

bool:HasFlag(iClient, AdminFlag:fFlagList[16]) 
    new iFlags = GetUserFlagBits(iClient)
    if (iFlags & ADMFLAG_ROOT) 
        return true
        for (new i = 0; i < sizeof(fFlagList); i++) 
            if (iFlags & FlagToBit(fFlagList[i])) 
                return true
        return false

public Action:Timer_CenterAd(Handle:timer, Handle:pack) 
    decl String:sText[256]
    static iCount = 0
    new iClient = ReadPackCell(pack)
    ReadPackString(pack, sText, sizeof(sText))
    if (IsClientInGame(iClient) && ++iCount < 5) 
        PrintCenterText(iClient, sText)
        return Plugin_Continue
        iCount = 0
        g_hCenterAd[iClient] = INVALID_HANDLE
        return Plugin_Stop

SayText2(to, const String:message[]) 
    new Handle:hBf = StartMessageOne("SayText2", to)
    if (hBf != INVALID_HANDLE) 
        BfWriteByte(hBf,   to)
        BfWriteByte(hBf,   true)
        BfWriteString(hBf, message)

public Handler_DoNothing(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2) 

public ConVarChange_Interval(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[]) 
    if (hTimer != INVALID_HANDLE) 
    hTimer = CreateTimer(GetConVarInt(hInterval) * 1.0, Timer_DisplayAds, _, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE)

public Action:Admin_ReloadAds(client, args)
    new String:query[1024]
    Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM adsmysql ORDER BY id;")
    SQL_TQuery(hDatabase, ParseAds, query, client, DBPrio_High)
    return Plugin_Handled

public OnGameFrame() 
    if (g_bTickrate) 
        new Float:fTime = GetEngineTime();
        if (fTime >= g_fTime) 
            if (g_iFrames == g_iTickrate) 
                g_bTickrate = false;
            } else 
                g_iTickrate = g_iFrames;
                g_iFrames   = 0;    
                g_fTime     = fTime + 1.0;

// ############################################################################
// Admin Menus
// ############################################################################

public OnLibraryRemoved(const String:name[])
    if (StrEqual(name, "adminmenu")) 
        hAdminMenu = INVALID_HANDLE;

public OnAdminMenuReady(Handle:topmenu)
    if (topmenu == hAdminMenu)
    hAdminMenu = topmenu

    new TopMenuObject:player_commands = FindTopMenuCategory(hAdminMenu, ADMINMENU_SERVERCOMMANDS)

    if (player_commands != INVALID_TOPMENUOBJECT)

public AdminMenu_ReloadAds(Handle:topmenu, 
    if (action == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption)
        Format(buffer, maxlength, "Reload Ads")
    else if (action == TopMenuAction_SelectOption)
        new String:query[1024]
        Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM adsmysql ORDER BY id;")
        SQL_TQuery(hDatabase, ParseAds, query, param, DBPrio_High)
Original post there and noone help!
Maybe there someone can help?
Dagunchi is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Old 09-11-2010 , 10:08   Re: sm_adsmysql in utf-8
Reply With Quote #2

Anyone please!
Dagunchi is offline

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