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Prop Spawn help

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Join Date: Mar 2014
Old 03-04-2014 , 20:42   Prop Spawn help
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Hi, i'm trying to make a plugin that spawns chairs at my aim. everything works fine, but the deal is to remove only one with my aim, not all the chairs. can someone help me?

#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdktools_sound>
#include <smlib>
#include <sdkhooks>

#define PLUGIN_VERSION "v1.2"
#define MAX_FILE_LEN 80

new Handle:g_CvarSoundName = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:cvarIngameMenu = INVALID_HANDLE;

new String:g_soundName[MAX_FILE_LEN];

public Plugin:myinfo =
	name = "Cadeira",
	author = "Dk--",
	description = "Spawn Props",
	version = PLUGIN_VERSION,

public OnPluginStart()
		g_CvarSoundName = CreateConVar("sm_join_sound", "music/cadeira/cadeira.mp3", "The sound to play");
		cvarIngameMenu = CreateConVar("cadeira_ingamemenu", "1", "Enabled menu", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
        RegAdminCmd("sm_cadeiras", Cadeira, ADMFLAG_GENERIC);

public OnConfigsExecuted()
    GetConVarString(g_CvarSoundName, g_soundName, sizeof(g_soundName)); //Gets the cvar value from g_CvarSoundName in OnPluginStart and puts it inside the string g_soundName
    decl String:buffer[MAX_FILE_LEN]; //Creates a string called buffer
    PrecacheSound(g_soundName, true); //Precaches the sound
    Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "sound/%s", g_soundName); //Formats the buffer string with the directory to the sound file
    AddFileToDownloadsTable(buffer); //Adds buffer (The sound file) to the downloads table

public Action:Cadeira(client,args)
		if(client == 0)
			PrintToServer("%t","Command is in-game only");
		PrintToConsole(client, "Menu de cadeiras esta aberto");

public bool:RayDontHitSelf(entity, contentsMask, any:data) 
	return (entity != data); 

public OnMapStart()

stock FindEntityByClassname2(startEnt, const String:classname[])

	while (startEnt > -1 && !IsValidEntity(startEnt)) startEnt--;
	return FindEntityByClassname(startEnt, classname);

public Action:DID(clientId) 
	new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(DIDMenuHandler);
	SetMenuTitle(menu, "Começar ou Pausar musica");

	AddMenuItem(menu, "option1", "Play");
	AddMenuItem(menu, "option2", "Stop");
	SetMenuExitButton(menu, true);
	DisplayMenu(menu, clientId, 15);
	return Plugin_Handled;

public DIDMenuHandler(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, itemNum) 
	if ( action == MenuAction_Select ) 
		new String:info[32];
		GetMenuItem(menu, itemNum, info, sizeof(info));

		if ( strcmp(info,"option1") == 0 ) 
				PrintToChatAll("Iniciando Musica");
		else if ( strcmp(info,"option2") == 0 ) 
				for (new i = 1; i < GetMaxClients(); i++)
					StopSoundPerm(i, g_soundName);
				PrintToChatAll("Pausando Musica");

public Action:SoundHook(clients[64], &numClients, String:sound[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], &Ent, &channel, &Float:volume, &level, &pitch, &flags)
    if (StrEqual(sound, "g_soundName", false)) return Plugin_Stop;
    return Plugin_Continue;

stock StopSoundPerm( client, String:sound[ ] )
    StopSound( client, SNDCHAN_AUTO, sound );
    StopSound( client, SNDCHAN_WEAPON, sound );
    StopSound( client, SNDCHAN_VOICE, sound );
    StopSound( client, SNDCHAN_ITEM, sound );
    StopSound( client, SNDCHAN_BODY, sound);
    StopSound( client, SNDCHAN_STREAM, sound );
    StopSound( client, SNDCHAN_VOICE_BASE, sound );
    StopSound( client, SNDCHAN_USER_BASE, sound );

public Action:DID2(clientId) 
	new Handle:menu2 = CreateMenu(DID2MenuHandler);
	SetMenuTitle(menu2, "Crie sua cadeira");

	AddMenuItem(menu2, "option1", "Criar cadeira");
	AddMenuItem(menu2, "option3", "Deletar cadeiras");
	AddMenuItem(menu2, "option2", "Menu de Musica");
	SetMenuExitButton(menu2, true);
	DisplayMenu(menu2, clientId, 15);
	return Plugin_Handled;

public DID2MenuHandler(Handle:menu2, MenuAction:action, client, itemNum) 
	if ( action == MenuAction_Select ) 
		new String:info[32];
		GetMenuItem(menu2, itemNum, info, sizeof(info));

		if ( strcmp(info,"option1") == 0 ) 
				decl Float:start[3], Float:angle[3], Float:end[3], Float:normal[3], Float:fOrigin[3];
				GetClientEyePosition(client, start); 
				GetClientEyeAngles(client, angle); 
				TR_TraceRayFilter(start, angle, MASK_SOLID, RayType_Infinite, RayDontHitSelf, client); 
				if (TR_DidHit(INVALID_HANDLE)) 
					TR_GetEndPosition(end, INVALID_HANDLE); 
					TR_GetPlaneNormal(INVALID_HANDLE, normal); 
					GetVectorAngles(normal, normal); 
					normal[0] += 90.0; 
					new ent = CreateEntityByName("prop_physics_override"); 
					if(ent == -1)
					return Plugin_Handled;
					SetEntityModel(ent, "models/props/gg_tibet/modernchair.mdl");
					DispatchKeyValue(ent, "StartDisabled", "false"); 
					DispatchKeyValue(ent, "physdamagescale", "50.0");
					DispatchKeyValue(ent, "spawnflags", "8"); 
					DispatchKeyValue(ent, "Solid", "6"); 
					DispatchKeyValue(ent, "classname", "models/props/gg_tibet/modernchair.mdl");
					SetEntPropEnt(ent, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity", client);
					SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Data, "m_iHealth", 50);
					if ( DispatchSpawn(ent) ) 
						SetEntPropEnt(ent, Prop_Send, "m_hEffectEntity", client);
						TeleportEntity(ent, end, normal, NULL_VECTOR);  
						SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_usSolidFlags",  152);
						SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_CollisionGroup", 8);
						AcceptEntityInput(ent, "DisableMotion");
						return ent;
					return -1;


				PrintToChat(client, "\x04[\x04Brazuka Gamers\x01] \x01Voce criou uma cadeira ^^"); // english
		else if ( strcmp(info,"option3") == 0 ) 
			//For delete only my prop!!
			//This delete all created
			new index = -1;
			while ((index = FindEntityByClassname2(index, "prop_physics_override")) != -1)
			AcceptEntityInput(index, "Kill");
			return Plugin_Handled;
		else if ( strcmp(info,"option2") == 0 ) 
tedoficialsteam is offline

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