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Model doesn't look right

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Join Date: Feb 2019
Old 01-20-2020 , 02:20   Model doesn't look right
Reply With Quote #1

Seems that I got tired of trying, the issue is that the model looks wrong in the hologram, but fine once I start the car and drive with it around, is there a way to fix that?

Hologram Spawn:
    static func_breakable_id
    if (!func_breakable_id)
        func_breakable_id = engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "func_breakable")
    new iEntity = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, func_breakable_id)
    if (!pev_valid(iEntity))
        return FM_NULLENT
    dllfunc(DLLFunc_Spawn, iEntity)
    if (!id)
        return iEntity
    set_pev(iEntity, pev_classname, "savage")
    set_pev(iEntity, pev_owner, id)
    set_pev(iEntity, pev_solid, SOLID_NOT)
    set_pev(iEntity, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_PUSHSTEP)
    set_pev(iEntity, pev_frame, 0)
    set_pev(iEntity, pev_framerate, 0)
    set_pev(iEntity, pev_takedamage, 0.0)
    set_pev(iEntity, pev_renderfx, kRenderFxGlowShell)
    set_pev(iEntity, pev_renderamt, 5.0)
    engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, iEntity, modelname)
    engfunc(EngFunc_SetSize, iEntity, {-4.0, -4.0, 0.0}, {4.0, 4.0, 4.0})
    new Float:StartAngle[3]
    pev(id, pev_angles, StartAngle)
    set_pev(iEntity, pev_angles, StartAngle)
    CheckEntityPosition(iEntity, id)
    g_iSavageEntity[id] = iEntity
    return iEntity
public savage_think(SavEnt)
    new SavID = pev(SavEnt, pev_owner)
    if (!is_user_alive(SavID) || zp_core_is_zombie(SavID))
    new Float:FrameTime = (halflife_time() - fSavages[SavID][eLastTime])
    fSavages[SavID][eLastTime] = halflife_time()
    new Float:vOrigin[3]
    pev(SavEnt, pev_origin, vOrigin)
    // Health handling
    if (pev(SavEnt, pev_health) < 0.0)
        DestroySavage(SavID, true)
        client_print(SavID, print_center, "Your Car got destroyed")
        //zp_grenade_frost_set(SavID, false)
    new Float:vVelocity[3]
    pev(SavEnt, pev_velocity, vVelocity)
    // That stupid collision box gets stuck behind every little bump , so force it to keep moving
    vVelocity[0] = fSavages[SavID][eVelocity_x] * 0.8 + vVelocity[0] * 0.2
    vVelocity[1] = fSavages[SavID][eVelocity_y] * 0.8 + vVelocity[1] * 0.2
    // Input handling
    new buttonpress = 0
    if (g_iSavageCamEntity[SavID] && g_iSavageEntity[SavID])
        buttonpress = pev(SavID, pev_button)
    new Float:EngineForce = fSavages[SavID][eEngineForce]
    new Float:TurnAngle = fSavages[SavID][eTurnAngle]
    new Float:BrakeForce = 0.0
    new Float:JumpForce = fSavages[SavID][eJumpForce]
    if (buttonpress & IN_ATTACK2 && JumpForce > -1.0)   // Jump
        JumpForce += 5.0 * FrameTime  
        if (JumpForce > 3.0)    JumpForce = 3.0
    if (buttonpress & IN_JUMP)  // Break
        EngineForce = 0.0
        BrakeForce = MaxGrip
    else if (buttonpress & IN_FORWARD)  // Forward
        EngineForce += Accel * FrameTime
        if (EngineForce > MaxForce)
            EngineForce = MaxForce
    else if (buttonpress & IN_BACK) // Back
        EngineForce -= Accel * FrameTime
        if (EngineForce < MaxForce * -0.7)
            EngineForce = MaxForce * -0.7
        EngineForce = 0.0
    if (buttonpress & IN_MOVELEFT)  // Left
        TurnAngle += 1.5 * FrameTime
        if (TurnAngle > 0.5)
            TurnAngle = 0.5
    else if (buttonpress & IN_MOVERIGHT)    // Right
        TurnAngle -= 1.5 * FrameTime
        if (TurnAngle < -0.5)
        TurnAngle = -0.5
        if (floatabs(TurnAngle) < 0.2)
            TurnAngle = 0.0
        else if (TurnAngle > 0.0)
            TurnAngle -= 1.5 * FrameTime
        else if (TurnAngle < 0.0)
            TurnAngle += 1.5 * FrameTime
    // dynamics handling  
    new Float:vAngles[3]
    pev(SavEnt, pev_angles, vAngles)
    new Float:Angle = vAngles[1] / 180 * M_PI
    new Float:Speed = floatsqroot( vVelocity[0]*vVelocity[0] +vVelocity[1]*vVelocity[1] )
    new Float:VelocityAngle = floatatan2( vVelocity[1], vVelocity[0], radian )
    new Float:Grip = 0.0
    new Float:Accel_x = -1 * Drag * vVelocity[0]
    new Float:Accel_y = -1 * Drag * vVelocity[1]
    new Float:vAVelocity[3]
    pev(SavEnt, pev_avelocity, vAVelocity)
    if (!pev(SavEnt, pev_flags))
        // Set angle startpoint for stunts calculations
        if (JumpForce > -1.0 && !(buttonpress & IN_ATTACK2))
            set_pev(SavEnt, pev_startpos, vAngles)
            JumpForce = -1.0
        set_pev(SavEnt, pev_endpos, vAngles)
        if (buttonpress & IN_FORWARD)
            vAVelocity[0] += 800.0 * FrameTime
            if (vAVelocity[0] > 500.0)
                vAVelocity[0] = 500.0
        else if (buttonpress & IN_BACK)
            vAVelocity[0] -= 800.0 * FrameTime
            if (vAVelocity[0] < -500.0)
            vAVelocity[0] = -500.0
            if (floatabs(vAVelocity[0]) < 80.0)
                vAVelocity[0] = 0.0
            else if (vAVelocity[0] > 0.0)
                vAVelocity[0] -= 800.0 * FrameTime
            else if (vAVelocity[0] < 0.0)
                vAVelocity[0] += 800.0 * FrameTime
        if (buttonpress & IN_MOVELEFT)
            vAVelocity[1] += 800.0 * FrameTime * dSavages[SavID][eDirection]
            if (vAVelocity[1] > 500.0)
                vAVelocity[1] = 500.0
        else if (buttonpress & IN_MOVERIGHT)
            vAVelocity[1] -= 800.0 * FrameTime * dSavages[SavID][eDirection]
            if (vAVelocity[1] < -500.0)
                vAVelocity[1] = -500.0
            if (floatabs(vAVelocity[1]) < 80.0)
                vAVelocity[1] = 0.0
            else if (vAVelocity[1] > 0.0)
                vAVelocity[1] -= 800.0 * FrameTime
            else if (vAVelocity[1] < 0.0)
                vAVelocity[1] += 800.0 * FrameTime
    else if ((pev(SavEnt, pev_flags) & FL_INWATER) && (engfunc(EngFunc_PointContents, vOrigin) == CONTENTS_SKY))
        new Float:vBump[3]
        vBump[0] = vOrigin[0] - vVelocity[0] * FrameTime
        vBump[1] = vOrigin[1] - vVelocity[1] * FrameTime
        vBump[2] = vOrigin[2] - vVelocity[2] * FrameTime
        set_pev(SavEnt, pev_origin, vBump)
        vVelocity[0] *= -0.5
        vVelocity[1] *= -0.5
        vVelocity[2] *= -0.5
        set_pev(SavEnt, pev_velocity, vVelocity)
        if (floatcos(vAngles[0], degrees) < -0.1)   // Upside down in the ground, so crashed
            client_print(SavID, print_center, "Your car was almost crashed, write /rc to spawn it again")
        // Just landed, check stunts
        if (JumpForce < 0.0)
            JumpForce = 0.0
        if (Speed > 0.1)
            Grip = floatsin(Angle - VelocityAngle)
        new Float:TireGrip = Grip
        if (TireGrip < MaxGrip*-1.0) TireGrip = MaxGrip*-1.0
        else if (TireGrip > MaxGrip) TireGrip = MaxGrip
        // 3-speed gearbox
        if (Speed > MaxForce * 1.1)
            if(fSavages[SavID][eGear] < 1.5)
                EngineForce *= 0.5
            fSavages[SavID][eGear] = 1.6
            TireGrip *= 0.6
        else if (Speed > MaxForce * 0.7 && Speed < MaxForce * 0.9)
            if (fSavages[SavID][eGear] < 1.2 || fSavages[SavID][eGear] > 1.4 )
                EngineForce *= 0.5
            fSavages[SavID][eGear] = 1.3  
            TireGrip *= 0.8
        else if (Speed < MaxForce * 0.5)
            fSavages[SavID][eGear] = 1.0
        // Check direction the car is going
        if (floatcos(Angle - VelocityAngle) > 0.0)
            dSavages[SavID][eDirection] = 1
            dSavages[SavID][eDirection] = -1
        Accel_x += floatcos(Angle) * EngineForce * fSavages[SavID][eGear]
        Accel_y += floatsin(Angle) * EngineForce * fSavages[SavID][eGear]
        Accel_x -= floatcos(Angle) * BrakeForce * Speed * dSavages[SavID][eDirection]
        Accel_y -= floatsin(Angle) * BrakeForce * Speed * dSavages[SavID][eDirection]
        //Sideways friction ( drifting)
        Accel_x -= floatcos( Angle - M_PI/2 ) * TireGrip * Speed * 10   // Cheap but working tracktion
        Accel_y -= floatsin( Angle - M_PI/2 ) * TireGrip * Speed * 10
        new Float:vNewAngle[3]
        vector_to_angle(vVelocity, vNewAngle)  
        vAngles[0] = vNewAngle[0] * dSavages[SavID][eDirection]
        vVelocity[0] += Accel_x * FrameTime// * floatcos(CurAng[1], degrees)
        vVelocity[1] += Accel_y * FrameTime// * floatcos(CurAng[1], degrees)
        // Rotational force doesn't excists, but i got it right here :)
        vAVelocity[0] = 0.0
        vAVelocity[1] = Speed * floatsin(TurnAngle) * (1-floatabs(Grip)) * dSavages[SavID][eDirection]
        vAVelocity[2] = 0.0
        if (!(buttonpress & IN_ATTACK2) && JumpForce > 0.0)
            vVelocity[2] += JumpForce * 100
            JumpForce = 0.0
            entity_set_byte(SavEnt, EV_BYTE_controller1, 127)
            entity_set_byte(SavEnt, EV_BYTE_controller2, 127)
            vVelocity[2] -= Gravity * FrameTime // To stop him from riding up the wall, almost
        set_pev(SavEnt, pev_velocity, vVelocity)
        entity_set_byte(SavEnt, EV_BYTE_controller1, floatround((EngineForce-Speed*0.1)/MaxForce *-32)+127)
        entity_set_byte(SavEnt, EV_BYTE_controller2, floatround(TireGrip*(Speed/MaxForce)*32)+127)
    entity_set_byte(SavEnt, EV_BYTE_controller3, floatround(TurnAngle*192)+127)
    set_pev(SavEnt, pev_framerate, dSavages[SavID][eDirection]*Speed/100)
    vAngles[0] += vAVelocity[0] * FrameTime
    vAngles[1] += vAVelocity[1] * FrameTime
    vAngles[2] += vAVelocity[2] * FrameTime
    set_pev(SavEnt, pev_angles, vAngles)
    set_pev(SavEnt, pev_avelocity, vAVelocity)
    fSavages[SavID][eEngineForce] = EngineForce
    fSavages[SavID][eTurnAngle] = TurnAngle
    fSavages[SavID][eVelocity_x] = vVelocity[0]
    fSavages[SavID][eVelocity_y] = vVelocity[1]
    fSavages[SavID][eVelocity_z] = vVelocity[2]
    fSavages[SavID][eJumpForce] = JumpForce
    // sound
    new Float:pitch = floatabs(EngineForce/MaxForce) + Speed/1000
    if (fSavages[SavID][eNextSoundTime] < halflife_time())
        emit_sound(SavEnt, CHAN_VOICE, "shmod/savage_engine.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, 80+floatround(pitch*50) )
        fSavages[SavID][eNextSoundTime] = halflife_time() + 0.5
    else if(fSavages[SavID][eNextPitchTime] < halflife_time())
        emit_sound(SavEnt, CHAN_VOICE, "shmod/savage_engine.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, SND_CHANGE_PITCH, 80+floatround(pitch*50) )
        fSavages[SavID][eNextPitchTime] = halflife_time() + 0.1
    set_pev(SavEnt, pev_nextthink, halflife_time() + 0.04)
public camera_think(CamEnt)
    new SavID = pev(CamEnt, pev_owner)
    if (!is_valid_ent(SavID)) return
    new Float:TargetOrigin[3], Float:CameraOrigin[3], Float:CameraAngles[3]
    pev(g_iSavageEntity[SavID], pev_origin, TargetOrigin)
    pev(CamEnt, pev_origin, CameraOrigin)
    pev(CamEnt, pev_angles, CameraAngles)
    new Float:Direction[3], Float:Angles[3]
    Direction[0] = (TargetOrigin[0] - CameraOrigin[0])
    Direction[1] = (TargetOrigin[1] - CameraOrigin[1])
    Direction[2] = (CameraOrigin[2] - TargetOrigin[2])
    vector_to_angle(Direction, Angles)
    Angles[0] -= CameraAngles[0]
    Angles[1] -= CameraAngles[1]
    Angles[0] = floatsin(Angles[0], degrees) * 500
    Angles[1] = floatsin(Angles[1], degrees) * 500
    set_pev(CamEnt, pev_avelocity, Angles)
    new Float:Distance = (vector_distance(TargetOrigin, CameraOrigin) - 100) / 50
    Direction[0] *= Distance
    Direction[1] *= Distance
    Direction[2] = (TargetOrigin[2] - CameraOrigin[2] + 50) * Distance
    set_pev(CamEnt, pev_velocity, Direction)
    if (g_iSavageCamEntity[SavID] && g_iSavageEntity[SavID])
        set_pev(CamEnt, pev_nextthink, halflife_time() + 0.1)
savage think (when the car starts moving around) ^ above
The car spawn:
    if (!is_user_alive(id) || zp_core_is_zombie(id))
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    new SavEnt = g_iSavageEntity[id]
    if (!pev_valid(SavEnt))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    if (!pev(SavEnt, pev_iuser2))
        engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, SavEnt)
        zp_colored_print(id, "!tYou can't place Remote car here.")
    //    SpawnFakeSavage(id)	
        set_task(2.0,"OpenSavageMenu", id)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
   // set_pev(SavEnt, pev_framerate, 0.0)
    set_pev(SavEnt, pev_solid, SOLID_SLIDEBOX)
    set_pev(SavEnt, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_PUSHSTEP)
    set_pev(SavEnt, pev_friction, 0.0000001)
    set_pev(SavEnt, pev_takedamage, 1.0)
    set_pev(SavEnt, pev_health, get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarSavageCarHP))
    set_pev(SavEnt, pev_sequence, 1)
//    set_pev(SavEnt, pev_framerate, 0)
    set_pev(SavEnt, pev_framerate, 20.0)
    set_pev(SavEnt, pev_body, 3)
    g_iHasSavage[id] -= 1
    g_bHasSpawned[id] = true
    g_bIsSpawningCar[id] = false
    RegisterHamFromEntity(Ham_TakeDamage, SavEnt, "Ham_SavageTakeDamage_Pre", false)
    RegisterHamFromEntity(Ham_TakeDamage, SavEnt, "Ham_SavageTakeDamage_Post", true)
    new Float:StartAngle[3]
    pev(id, pev_angles, StartAngle)
    //StartAngle[1] = 270.0
    //StartAngle[0] = 90.0 //get_pcvar_float(g_pcvarSavageAngel)
    set_pev(SavEnt, pev_angles, StartAngle)
    set_pev(SavEnt, pev_nextthink, halflife_time() + 0.01)
    if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarChaseCam))
        new CamEnt = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target"))
        if (!pev_valid(CamEnt))
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED
        g_iSavageCamEntity[id] = CamEnt
        set_pev(CamEnt, pev_classname, "camera")
        set_pev(CamEnt, pev_owner, id)
        set_pev(CamEnt, pev_rendermode, kRenderTransColor)
        engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, CamEnt, "models/rpgrocket.mdl")
        set_pev(CamEnt, pev_solid, SOLID_NOT)
        set_pev(CamEnt, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP)
        set_pev(CamEnt, pev_angles, StartAngle)
        new Float:StartOrigin[3], Float:Angle = StartAngle[1] / 180 * M_PI
        pev(id, pev_origin, StartOrigin)
        StartOrigin[0] -= floatcos(Angle) * 110
        StartOrigin[1] -= floatsin(Angle) * 110
        StartOrigin[2] += 50
        set_pev(CamEnt, pev_origin, StartOrigin)
        set_pev(CamEnt, pev_nextthink, halflife_time() + 0.05)
        attach_view(id, CamEnt)
    new Float:time = halflife_time()
    fSavages[id][eLastTime] = time
    fSavages[id][eNextSoundTime] = time
    fSavages[id][eNextPitchTime] = time
    Accel = get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarAccel)
    MaxForce = get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarMaxForce)
    MaxGrip = get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarMaxGrip)
    MaxGrip *= MaxGrip
    Drag = get_pcvar_float(g_pCvarDrag)
    if (MaxGrip > 1.0)  MaxGrip = 1.0
    if (Drag > 1.0) Drag = 1.0
    //Gravity = get_cvar_num("sv_gravity")
    //set_user_maxspeed(id, 0.1)
    zp_grenade_frost_set(id, true)
    //g_bHasSpawned[id] = true
    new szName[32]
    get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName))
    ColorChat(0,GREEN,"^03 %s ^01 Spawned a ^04 Race Car", szName)

Last edited by LordDeath; 01-20-2020 at 02:27.
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Old 01-21-2020 , 17:33   Re: Model doesn't look right
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not sure, but it looks like it's using some other animation. try forcing the animation you use when "driving" it after you spawn it.
georgik57 is offline
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