Its nice to have everyone back together again!
I haven't been around as much since totally moving over to cs2 and cs#.
Here is the place to be now for cs2 and cs# plugins.
I should have been more specific with my question
and thanks for all the info but I know all about bot cvars
First I said bot skill and then mentioned difficultly levels which are two different things sorry!
My question is about changing a bots difficulty level -while the bot is in game- without having to do this
1) bot_difficulty newlevel
2) bot_kick
3) bot_add (add a totally new bot at this new bot_difficulty level just set)
4) set bot_difficulty back to default
That was my question.
And also what is Skill? And how does this affect bots?
Skill is a setting in the botprofile.db template and goes from 0 to 100
It is totally different from the 0-3 difficulty level that maps to and chooses the the templates.
These difficulty levels 0-3 gives these templates and notice the game decides between 2-3 different ones on all levels besides level 0
bot_difficulty 0 = Easy, 1 = fair+normal, 2 = tough+hard+veryHard, 3 = expert+elite At least for the default botoprofile.db
Again how does Skill affect the bots?
I have only been focused on difficulty 0-3 and using the
Templates that are associated with those levels to set the things like ReactionTime AttackDelay etc.
But this Skill is also a setting in the template.
What does it do?
Template Expert
Skill = 60 // <= what does this do? How does it change the bots?
Aggression = 45
ReactionTime = 0.50
AttackDelay = 0.50
Cost = 2
Difficulty = EXPERT
VoicePitch = 96
AimFocusInitial = 11
AimFocusDecay = 0.50
AimFocusOffsetScale = 0.50
AimfocusInterval = 0.50