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Requesting help for compilation

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Join Date: Nov 2018
Old 07-09-2019 , 19:03   Requesting help for compilation
Reply With Quote #1

Hello everyone, i've got these errors after trying to compile a shop plugin, can anyone help me with these errors ? I would be verry thankfull

Errors :
//// furienshop3.sma
             \furienshop3.sma(164) : warning 217: loose indentation
             \furienshop3.sma(164) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
             \furienshop3.sma(164) : error 017: undefined symbol "Player_TakeDamage"
             \furienshop3.sma(164) : error 017: undefined symbol "iInflictor"
             \furienshop3.sma(164) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
// Compilation aborted.
// 4 Errors.
// Could not locate output file compiled\furienshop3.amx (compile failed).
// Compilation Time: 0.28 sec
And the line with those errors (I think ) :
public Player_TakeDamage ( iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:fDamage ) {
	if ( iInflictor == iAttacker && IsPlayer ( iAttacker ) && HasKnife [ iAttacker ] ) {
		SetHamParamFloat ( 4, fDamage * 3.0 );
		return HAM_HANDLED;
	if ( iInflictor == iAttacker && IsPlayer ( iAttacker ) && HasAk47[ iAttacker ] ) {
		SetHamParamFloat ( 4, fDamage * 2.0 );
		return HAM_HANDLED;
	return HAM_IGNORED;
Pegasus6 is offline
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Old 07-09-2019 , 20:21   Re: Requesting help for compilation
Reply With Quote #2

The error is not on those lines. It's somewhere before them - probably a missing bracket.
OciXCrom is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2018
Old 07-09-2019 , 20:26   Re: Requesting help for compilation
Reply With Quote #3

Hmm, i think you are right, I thought that there is the problem, here is the full code if anyone can help me

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < cstrike >
#include < colorchat >
#include < engine >
#include < fakemeta >
#include < hamsandwich >
#include < xs >
#include < fun >

#define PLUGIN "F & AF SHOP"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "HamletEagle"

#define IsPlayer(%0)    ( 1 <= %0 <= g_iMaxPlayers )

new const RADAR_SOUND[ ]		= "misc/motion.wav";
#define RADAR_DELAY	1.0

new money  [ 10 ]
new money1 [ 10 ]

new g_iMaxPlayers;
new g_iSprite

new g_bHasThermalGoggle
#define SetUserThermalGoggle(%1)		g_bHasThermalGoggle |= 1<<(%1&31)
#define RemoveUserThermalGoggle(%1)	g_bHasThermalGoggle &= ~(1<<(%1&31))
#define HasUserThermalGoggle(%1)		g_bHasThermalGoggle & 1<<(%1&31)

new g_bThermalGoggleActivated
#define ActiveUserThermalGoggle(%1)	g_bThermalGoggleActivated |= 1<<(%1&31)
#define DeactiveUserThermalGoggle(%1)	g_bThermalGoggleActivated &= ~(1<<(%1&31))
#define HasUserActiveThermalGoggle(%1)	g_bThermalGoggleActivated & 1<<(%1&31)

#define FREQUENCY 0.1
#define MAX_DISTANCE	1000.0

#define MAX_PLAYERS 32

new Float:g_flNextUpdate[MAX_PLAYERS+1]


new g_bHasNoFlash
#define SetUserNoFlash(%1)		g_bHasNoFlash |=   1<<(%1&31)
#define RemoveUserNoFlash(%1)		g_bHasNoFlash &= ~(1<<(%1&31))
#define HasUserNoFlash(%1)		g_bHasNoFlash &    1<<(%1&31)

new bool: HasKnife [ 33 ]
new bool: HasAk47 [ 33 ]

new const Knife [ ] [ ]= {


new g_iCvarMinFurienSpeed;
new g_iCvarRadarRange;
new Float:g_fCurrentTime;
new Float:g_fNextRadarTime[ 33 ];
new bool:g_bUserHasRadar[ 33 ];
new bool:g_bUserHasProtection[ 33 ];
new bool:g_bDrawFurienOnRadar[ 33 ];
new g_iMsgIdHostageK;
new g_iMsgIdHostagePos;

public plugin_init() {
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	register_clcmd ( "say /shop", "CheckAcces" );
	//////////Cvarurile pentru money//////////////
	money [ 1 ] = register_cvar( "f_item1", "16000" )
	money [ 2 ] = register_cvar( "f_item2", "4000" )
	money [ 3 ] = register_cvar( "f_item3" ,"4000" )
	money [ 4 ] = register_cvar( "f_item4" ,"3000" )
	money [ 5 ] = register_cvar( "f_item5" ,"3000" )
	money [ 6 ] = register_cvar( "f_item6" ,"5000" )
	money [ 7 ] = register_cvar( "f_item7" ,"10000" )
	money [ 8 ] = register_cvar( "f_item8" ,"16000" )
	money [ 9 ] = register_cvar( "f_item9" ,"5000" )
	money1 [ 1 ] = register_cvar( "af_item1" ,"16000" )
	money1 [ 2 ] = register_cvar( "af_item2" ,"300" )
	money1 [ 3 ] = register_cvar( "af_item3" ,"4000" )
	money1 [ 4 ] = register_cvar( "af_item4" ,"4000" )
	money1 [ 5 ] = register_cvar( "af_item5" ,"3000" )
	money1 [ 6 ] = register_cvar( "af_item6" ,"5000" )
	money1 [ 7 ] = register_cvar( "af_item7" ,"10000" )
	money1 [ 8 ] = register_cvar( "af_item8" ,"16000" )
	money1 [ 9 ] = register_cvar( "af_item9" ,"5000" )
	register_event ( "CurWeapon", "Current_Weapon", "be", "1=1" ); 
	RegisterHam ( Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "Player_TakeDamage", true );
	register_event ( "NVGToggle", "Event_NVGToggle", "be" );
	RegisterHam ( Ham_Killed, "player", "Ham_CBasePlayer_Killed_Post", true );
	register_forward(FM_FindEntityInSphere, "FindEntityInSphere")
	register_event(  "DeathMsg",  "EventDeathMsg",  "a"  );
	register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, "fw_PlayerPreThinkPre", false );
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "fwHamPlayerSpawnPost", 1)  
	g_iMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers ( )
	g_iCvarMinFurienSpeed = register_cvar( "afr_minspeed", "100" );
	g_iCvarRadarRange = register_cvar( "afr_range", "850" );
	g_iMsgIdHostageK = get_user_msgid( "HostageK" );
	g_iMsgIdHostagePos = get_user_msgid( "HostagePos" );

public plugin_precache( ) {
	static i;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( Knife ); i++ ) 
		precache_model ( Knife [ i ] )

	g_iSprite = precache_model("sprites/poison.spr")	
	precache_sound( RADAR_SOUND );

public Ham_CBasePlayer_Killed_Post(id) //remove thermalgoogle

public fwHamPlayerSpawnPost(id) {

     HasKnife [ id ] = false
     HasAk47 [ id ] = false


public Current_Weapon ( id ) {
	new weapon=get_user_weapon(id)
	if( weapon == CSW_KNIFE ) {
		if( HasKnife [ id ] == true ) {
			set_pev ( id, pev_viewmodel2, Knife [ 0 ] );
			set_pev ( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Knife [ 1 ] );


public Player_TakeDamage ( iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:fDamage ) {
	if ( iInflictor == iAttacker && IsPlayer ( iAttacker ) && HasKnife [ iAttacker ] ) {
		SetHamParamFloat ( 4, fDamage * 3.0 );
		return HAM_HANDLED;
	if ( iInflictor == iAttacker && IsPlayer ( iAttacker ) && HasAk47[ iAttacker ] ) {
		SetHamParamFloat ( 4, fDamage * 2.0 );
		return HAM_HANDLED;
	return HAM_IGNORED;

public Event_NVGToggle(id)
	if( HasUserThermalGoggle(id) )
		if( read_data(1) )

public client_PostThink(id)
	if( HasUserActiveThermalGoggle(id) || !is_user_alive(id) )
	new Float:flTime = get_gametime()
	if( g_flNextUpdate[id] > flTime )
	g_flNextUpdate[id] = flTime + FREQUENCY
	new Float:fMyOrigin[3]
	entity_get_vector(id, EV_VEC_origin, fMyOrigin)
	static Players[32], iNum
	get_players(Players, iNum, "ae", get_user_team(id) == 2? "TERRORIST" : "CT")
	for(new i = 0; i < iNum; ++i)
		new target = Players[3]
		new Float:fTargetOrigin[3]
		entity_get_vector(target, EV_VEC_origin, fTargetOrigin)
		if( get_distance_f(fMyOrigin, fTargetOrigin) > MAX_DISTANCE )
		new Float:fMiddle[3], Float:fHitPoint[3]
		xs_vec_sub(fTargetOrigin, fMyOrigin, fMiddle)
		trace_line(-1, fMyOrigin, fTargetOrigin, fHitPoint)
		new Float:fWallOffset[3], Float:fDistanceToWall
		fDistanceToWall = vector_distance(fMyOrigin, fHitPoint) - 10.0
		xs_vec_mul_scalar(fMiddle, fDistanceToWall/vector_length(fMiddle), fWallOffset)
		new Float:fSpriteOffset[3]
		xs_vec_add(fWallOffset, fMyOrigin, fSpriteOffset)
		new Float:fScale, Float:fDistanceToTarget = vector_distance(fMyOrigin, fTargetOrigin)
		if(fDistanceToWall > 100.0)
			fScale = 8.0 * (fDistanceToWall / fDistanceToTarget)
		fScale = 2.0
		message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_TEMPENTITY, .player=id)
			engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, fSpriteOffset[0])
			engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, fSpriteOffset[1])
			engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, fSpriteOffset[2])

public FindEntityInSphere(id, Float:fVecOrigin[3], Float:flRadius)
		while( IsPlayer( (id=engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, id, fVecOrigin, flRadius)) ) )
			if( ~HasUserNoFlash(id) && is_user_alive(id) )
				forward_return(FMV_CELL, id)
		forward_return(FMV_CELL, 0)

public CheckAcces ( id ) {
	if( is_user_alive ( id ) ) {
		if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 1 ) ShowMenu ( id )
		if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 2 ) ShowMenu1 ( id )

public ShowMenu( id )
	new menu = menu_create( "Furien Shop", "furien_handler" );
	menu_additem(menu, "SuperKnife   	         \r[ \y16000$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_additem(menu, "AP +35       	         \r[ \y4000$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_additem(menu, "HP +35 		         \r[ \y4000$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_additem(menu, "He Grenade			 \r[ \y3000$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_additem(menu, "Flashbang Grenade	         \r[ \y3000$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_additem(menu, "Smoke Grenade		 \r[ \y5000$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_additem(menu, "No Flash 		         \r[ \y10000$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_additem(menu, "AntiFurienRadarProtection	  r[ \y16000$ \r]", "", 0);
	menu_additem(menu, "NightVisionGoggles	         \r[ \y5000$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL);
	menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_NOCOLORS, 1);
	menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\y");
	menu_display(id, menu, 0);

public furien_handler(id, menu, item)
	if(item == MENU_EXIT)
	new  command[6], name[64], access, callback
	new price
	price = cs_get_user_money( id )
	menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, command, sizeof command - 1, name, sizeof name - 1, callback);
		case 0: {
			if(price>=get_pcvar_num(money[1])) {
				cs_set_user_money( id, price-get_pcvar_num(money [ 1 ] ))
				set_pev ( id, pev_viewmodel2, Knife [ 0 ] );
				set_pev ( id, pev_weaponmodel2, Knife [ 1 ] );
				HasKnife [ id ] = true
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 1: {
			if( price >= get_pcvar_num(money [ 2 ]) ) {
				cs_set_user_money( id,price- get_pcvar_num( money [ 2 ] ))
				set_user_armor ( id, get_user_armor ( id ) + 35 )
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 2: {
			if( price >=get_pcvar_num( money [ 3 ] )) {
				cs_set_user_money( id,price- get_pcvar_num(money [ 3 ])) 
				set_user_health ( id, get_user_health ( id ) + 35 )
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 3: {
			if( price >=get_pcvar_num( money [ 4 ] )) {
				cs_set_user_money( id, price-get_pcvar_num(money [ 4 ] ))
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 4: {
			if( price >= get_pcvar_num(money [ 5 ]) ) {
				cs_set_user_money( id,price-get_pcvar_num( money [ 5 ] ))
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 5: {
			if( price >=get_pcvar_num( money [ 6 ]) ) {
				cs_set_user_money( id, price-get_pcvar_num(money [ 6 ] ))
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 6: {
			if( price >= get_pcvar_num(money [ 7 ]) ) {
				cs_set_user_money( id,price- get_pcvar_num(money [ 7 ] ))
				SetUserNoFlash( id )
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 7: {
			if( price >= get_pcvar_num(money [ 8 ]) ) {
				cs_set_user_money( id,price-get_pcvar_num( money [ 8 ] ))
				g_bUserHasProtection[ id ] = true;
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 8: {
			if( price >= get_pcvar_num(money [ 9 ] )) {
				cs_set_user_money( id,price-get_pcvar_num(money [ 9 ] ))
				cs_set_user_nvg(id, 1)
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 

public ShowMenu1(id)
	new menu2 = menu_create("Anti-Furien Menu", "af_menu");
	menu_additem(menu2, "Anti-Furien Weapon - AK47   \r[ \y16000$ \r]", "", 0);
	menu_additem(menu2, "DefuseKIT 			 \r[ \y300$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_additem(menu2, "HP +35 			 \r[ \y4000$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_additem(menu2, "AP +35 			 \r[ \y4000$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_additem(menu2, "Flashbang Grenade		 \r[ \y5000$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_additem(menu2, "Smoke Grenade		 \r[ \y5000$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_additem(menu2, "No Flash			 \r[ \y10000$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_additem(menu2, "AntiFurienRadar		 \r[ \y16000$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_additem(menu2, "NightVisionGoggles 	 \r[ \y5000$ \r]", "", 0); 
	menu_setprop(menu2, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL);
	menu_setprop(menu2, MPROP_NOCOLORS, 1);
	menu_display(id, menu2, 0);

public af_menu(id, menu2, item)
	if(item == MENU_EXIT)
	new command[6], name[64], access, callback,price
	menu_item_getinfo(menu2, item, access, command, sizeof command - 1, name, sizeof name - 1, callback);
		case 0: {
			if( price >= get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 1 ]) ) {
				cs_set_user_money( id,price-get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 1 ] ))
				HasAk47 [ id ] = true
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 1: {
			if( price >=get_pcvar_num( money1 [ 2 ]) ) {
				cs_set_user_money( id, price-get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 2 ] ))
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 2: {
			if( price >= get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 3 ]) ) {
				cs_set_user_money( id, price-get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 3 ]) )
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 3: {
			if( price >= get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 4 ] )) {
				cs_set_user_money( id, price-get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 4 ] ))
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 4: {
			if( price >= get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 5 ] ) ){
				cs_set_user_money( id, price-get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 5 ] ))
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 5: {
			if( price >= get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 6 ] )) {
				cs_set_user_money( id,price-get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 6 ] ))
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 6: {
			if( price >= get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 7 ] )) {
				cs_set_user_money( id, price-get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 7 ] ))
				SetUserNoFlash( id )
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 7: {
			if( price >= get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 8 ] ) ){
				cs_set_user_money( id, price-get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 8 ] ))
				g_bUserHasRadar[ id ] = true;
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 
		case 8: {
			if( price >=get_pcvar_num( money1 [ 9 ] )) {
				cs_set_user_money( id, price-get_pcvar_num(money1 [ 9 ] ))
				cs_set_user_nvg(id, 1)
			else ColorChat(id,GREEN,"Nu ai destui bani") 

public client_putinserver( id )
	g_bUserHasRadar[ id ] = false;
	g_bUserHasProtection[ id ] = false;
	g_bDrawFurienOnRadar[ id ] = false;

public client_disconnect( id )
	g_bUserHasRadar[ id ] = false;
	g_bUserHasProtection[ id ] = false;
	g_bDrawFurienOnRadar[ id ] = false;

public EventDeathMsg(  )	
	static id;
	id = read_data( 2 );
	g_bUserHasRadar[ id ] = false;
	g_bUserHasProtection[ id ] = false;
	g_bDrawFurienOnRadar[ id ] = false;

public fw_PlayerPreThinkPre( id )
	if( !is_user_alive( id ) )
	g_fCurrentTime = get_gametime( );
	if( get_user_team( id ) == 2 && g_bUserHasRadar[ id ] )
		if( g_fNextRadarTime[ id ] <= g_fCurrentTime )
			g_fNextRadarTime[ id ] = g_fCurrentTime + RADAR_DELAY;
			static bool:bBeep;
			bBeep = false;
			for( new iFurien = 1; iFurien <= g_iMaxPlayers; iFurien++ )
				if( g_bDrawFurienOnRadar[ iFurien ] )
					if( !g_bUserHasProtection[ iFurien ] )
						static Float:fOrigin[ 3 ];
						pev( iFurien, pev_origin, fOrigin );
						UTIL_ShowOnRadar( id, iFurien, fOrigin );
					bBeep = true;
			if( bBeep )
				client_cmd( id, "spk %s", RADAR_SOUND );
	else if( get_user_team( id ) == 1 )
		static Float:fFurienOrigin[ 3 ];
		pev( id, pev_origin, fFurienOrigin );
		static Float:fVelocity[ 3 ];
		pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity );
		static Float:fCurSpeed;
		fCurSpeed = vector_length( fVelocity );
		if( fCurSpeed > float( get_pcvar_num( g_iCvarMinFurienSpeed ) ) )
			static iAnti;
			for( iAnti = 1; iAnti <= g_iMaxPlayers; iAnti++ )
				if( get_user_team( iAnti ) == 2 && is_user_alive( iAnti ) )
					static Float:fAntiOrigin[ 3 ];
					pev( iAnti, pev_origin, fAntiOrigin );
					if( get_distance_f( fFurienOrigin, fAntiOrigin ) <= float( get_pcvar_num( g_iCvarRadarRange ) ) )
						g_bDrawFurienOnRadar[ id ] = true;
			g_bDrawFurienOnRadar[ id ] = false;

UTIL_ShowOnRadar( id, iTarget, Float:fOrigin[ 3 ] )
	//Make a dot on players radar.
	message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_iMsgIdHostagePos, .player = id );
	write_byte( id );
	write_byte( iTarget );
	engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, fOrigin[ 0 ] );
	engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, fOrigin[ 1 ] );
	engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, fOrigin[ 2 ] );
	message_end( );
	//Make the dot red.
	message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_iMsgIdHostageK, .player = id );
	write_byte( iTarget );
	message_end( );
*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1033\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }
Pegasus6 is offline
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Old 07-09-2019 , 22:04   Re: Requesting help for compilation
Reply With Quote #4

It looks like you copy/pasted some of the code which is a frequent cause of things like this. Also, being able to keep track of braces is why I always but both the opening and closing brace on their own line so that they line up (when properly indented). Then, it's extremely easy to see where you're missing one.

In this particular code, it's immediately above the line where the compiler threw an error.

Also, if you use Notepad++, it has "matching brace highlighting" which can help finding this also.

Last edited by fysiks; 07-09-2019 at 22:05.
fysiks is offline
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Old 07-10-2019 , 11:10   Re: Requesting help for compilation
Reply With Quote #5

PHP Code:
public Current_Weapon id ) {
weapon == CSW_KNIFE ) {
HasKnife id ] == true ) {
set_pev idpev_viewmodel2Knife ] );
set_pev idpev_weaponmodel2Knife ] );



PHP Code:
public Current_Weapon id ) {
weapon == CSW_KNIFE ) {
HasKnife id ] == true ) {
set_pev idpev_viewmodel2Knife ] );
set_pev idpev_weaponmodel2Knife ] );

Compiles fine.

Last edited by SomewhereLost; 07-10-2019 at 11:11.
SomewhereLost is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2018
Old 07-10-2019 , 18:04   Re: Requesting help for compilation
Reply With Quote #6

Originally Posted by SomewhereLost View Post
PHP Code:
public Current_Weapon id ) {
weapon == CSW_KNIFE ) {
HasKnife id ] == true ) {
set_pev idpev_viewmodel2Knife ] );
set_pev idpev_weaponmodel2Knife ] );



PHP Code:
public Current_Weapon id ) {
weapon == CSW_KNIFE ) {
HasKnife id ] == true ) {
set_pev idpev_viewmodel2Knife ] );
set_pev idpev_weaponmodel2Knife ] );

Compiles fine.
Worked ! I thank you a lot for your help, you are awsome realy, appreciate that
Pegasus6 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Old 07-10-2019 , 18:09   Re: Requesting help for compilation
Reply With Quote #7

Originally Posted by fysiks View Post
It looks like you copy/pasted some of the code which is a frequent cause of things like this. Also, being able to keep track of braces is why I always but both the opening and closing brace on their own line so that they line up (when properly indented). Then, it's extremely easy to see where you're missing one.

In this particular code, it's immediately above the line where the compiler threw an error.

Also, if you use Notepad++, it has "matching brace highlighting" which can help finding this also.
Sorry for x2 post

Yes, is copy/pasted and i wanted to edit some things in this code and then i wanted to compile it and boom, errors , unbeliveble, no ? XD
Also, yes, it was a bracet error.
I thoght AMXX Studio helps you more.

Thank you a lot guys for your help+helping tips

Last edited by Pegasus6; 07-10-2019 at 18:11.
Pegasus6 is offline

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