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[TF2] Quick plugin review before I submit

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AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Mar 2010
Old 07-18-2022 , 02:10   [TF2] Quick plugin review before I submit
Reply With Quote #1

Hi there,

I was hoping to get some eyeballs on this before I submit it for review. Hopefully there is nothing wrong with it, but I wrote it back in 2017.

The purpose of this plugin is to stop the jitter issues that a TF2 server can experience if the server has been empty and on the same map for too long.
I'm not entirely sure how to describe it, other than a server getting the jitters. If you've ever connected to a server that has been sitting on the same map for hours you'll probably know what I mean.

It is a basic solution of just restarting the server every hour, provided there is no one actually in it.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can verify it for me, or help me fix issues.

Here is my code:

#include <sourcemod>

new Handle:hEnable;
new Handle:hUpTime_Min, Handle:hUpTime_Max;
new Handle:hMaxPlayers;
new Handle:hWarn_ShowChat;
new bool:InRestartCountdown;
new iIdleTime;

public const Plugin:myinfo = {
	name = "Server UpTime Restarter",
	author = "CoolJosh3k",
	description = "Restarts a server after a specified uptime. Respects player counts.",
	version = "1.0.1",

public OnPluginStart()
	hEnable = CreateConVar("SUR_Enable", "1", "Use this if you wish to stop plugin functions temporarily.", FCVAR_NOTIFY, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	hUpTime_Min = CreateConVar("SUR_UpTime_Min", "3600", "Minimum time in seconds before restart attempt.", FCVAR_NOTIFY, true, 60.0);
	hUpTime_Max = CreateConVar("SUR_UpTime_Max", "86400", "Time in seconds before server restart is forced, regardless of player count.", FCVAR_NOTIFY, true, 60.0);
	hMaxPlayers = CreateConVar("SUR_MinPlayers", "1", "Atleast this many players will cause the restart to be delayed. Spectators are not counted.", FCVAR_NOTIFY, true, 1.0);
	hWarn_ShowChat = CreateConVar("SUR_Warn_ShowChat", "1", "Display restart warning message as a chat message.", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	CreateTimer(1.0, CheckTime, _, TIMER_REPEAT);

stock bool:IsValidPlayer(client)
	if ((client < 1) || (client > MaxClients))
		return false;
	if (IsClientInGame(client))
		if (IsFakeClient(client))
			return false;
		if (IsClientSourceTV(client) || IsClientReplay(client))
			return false;
		if (GetClientTeam(client) < 2)	//No team or spectator
			return false;
	else	//Client is not in the game
		return false;
	return true;

public Action:CheckTime(Handle:timer)
	if (GetConVarBool(hEnable) == false)
	if (InRestartCountdown)	//We are already going to be restarting, but we are busy still letting players know before we actually do.
	if (GetEngineTime() >= GetConVarInt(hUpTime_Max))	//It has been far too long. A server restart must happen.
	if (GetEngineTime() >= GetConVarInt(hUpTime_Min))
		if (GetGameTime() < 60.0)	//Give time for server to fill. It only just started a new map and might have had enough players.
			iIdleTime++;	//GameTime will not start incrementing without at least 1 player, so we must account for that scenario.
			if (iIdleTime < 60)	//We have been not been idle for long enough. Someone might be coming.
			iIdleTime = 0;
		new TotalActivePlayers;
		for (new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
			if (IsValidPlayer(client))
		if (TotalActivePlayers >= GetConVarInt(hMaxPlayers))

public OnMapEnd()
	if (GetConVarBool(hEnable) == false)
	if (InRestartCountdown)
		LogMessage("Server restart using \"Server UpTime Restarter\" on map end...");

//- Chain of timers for countdown -//

public BeginServerRestart()
	InRestartCountdown = true;
	if (GetConVarBool(hWarn_ShowChat))
		PrintToChatAll("\x03SUR: \x04Server will perform scheduled restart in 60 seconds.");
	CreateTimer(30.0, ServerRestartThirty);

public Action:ServerRestartThirty(Handle:timer)
	if (GetConVarBool(hEnable))
		if (GetConVarBool(hWarn_ShowChat))
			PrintToChatAll("\x03SUR: \x04Server will perform scheduled restart in 30 seconds.");
		CreateTimer(20.0, ServerRestartTen);
		InRestartCountdown = false;

public Action:ServerRestartTen(Handle:timer)
	if (GetConVarBool(hEnable))
		if (GetConVarBool(hWarn_ShowChat))
			PrintToChatAll("\x03SUR: \x04Server will perform scheduled restart in TEN seconds.");
		CreateTimer(5.0, ServerRestartFive);
		InRestartCountdown = false;

public Action:ServerRestartFive(Handle:timer)
	if (GetConVarBool(hEnable))
		if (GetConVarBool(hWarn_ShowChat))
			PrintToChatAll("\x03SUR: \x04Server will perform scheduled restart in FIVE seconds!");
		CreateTimer(4.0, ServerRestartOne);
		InRestartCountdown = false;

public Action:ServerRestartOne(Handle:timer)
	if (GetConVarBool(hEnable))
		if (GetConVarBool(hWarn_ShowChat))
			PrintToChatAll("\x03SUR: \x04Server will now restart!");
		CreateTimer(1.0, ServerRestartZero);
		InRestartCountdown = false;

public Action:ServerRestartZero(Handle:timer)
	if (GetConVarBool(hEnable))
		LogMessage("Server restart using \"Server UpTime Restarter\"...");
		InRestartCountdown = false;
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