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plugin request

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Join Date: Jun 2018
Old 02-28-2022 , 11:20   plugin request
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can someone help me by changing my plugin from sql to nvault system if yes i will send you plugin in pm.
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Old 02-28-2022 , 14:06   Re: plugin request
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If you want help, attach the plugin. This is a public forum.
OciXCrom is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2018
Old 02-28-2022 , 14:39   Re: plugin request
Reply With Quote #3

Originally Posted by OciXCrom View Post
If you want help, attach the plugin. This is a public forum.
#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < colorchat >
#include < unixtime >
#include < engine >
#include < nvault >

#define IsUserAuthorized(%1) 	( g_PlayerInfo[ %1 ][ g_iConnected ] & FULL_STATUS == FULL_STATUS )

#define TASK_REWARD		9747

#define TOP_MOTD		"http://professional-cs.mojkgb.com/Mod/Timer/TopMotd.php"
#define MYTIME_MOTD		"http://professional-cs.mojkgb.com/Mod/Timer/MyTimeMotd.php?Id=%d"

enum ( <<= 1 ) {

new Handle: g_hSqlConnection;

enum _:StructPlayerInfo {
	g_szSteamId[ 32 ],
	g_szNick[ 32 ],
	g_szIp[ 20 ],

new g_PlayerInfo[ 33 ][ StructPlayerInfo ];

new g_szFiles[ ] = {

new bool: g_bDone = false;

public plugin_init( ) {
	register_plugin( "Timer", "1.0", "unknown" );
	register_clcmd( "say /toptime", "TopTime" );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /toptime", "TopTime" );
	register_clcmd( "say /online", "MyTime" );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /online", "MyTime" );
	register_clcmd( "say /mytime", "MyTime" );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /mytime", "MyTime" );
	register_clcmd( "say /time", "MyTime" );
	register_clcmd( "say_team /time", "MyTime" );
	if( !dir_exists( g_szFiles ) )
		mkdir( g_szFiles );	
	new szFile[ 256 ];
	get_localinfo( "amxx_configsdir", szFile, charsmax( szFile ) );
	add( szFile, charsmax( szFile ), "/Timer/Timer.cfg" );
	if( !file_exists( szFile ) )
		write_file( szFile, "; Here you can configure ByW Timer^nSQL_HOST =^nSQL_USER = professi_timer^nSQL_PASS = timer12345^nSQL_DB = professi_timer" );
	new iFile = fopen( szFile, "rt" );
	if( !iFile )
		set_fail_state( "Failed to open config file." );
	new iPos, szHost[ 64 ], szUser[ 64 ], szPass[ 64 ], szDb[ 64 ];
	while( iFile && !feof( iFile ) ) {
		fgets( iFile, szFile, 255 );
		trim( szFile );
		if( !szFile[ 0 ] || szFile[ 0 ] == ';' )
		if( ( iPos = contain( szFile, "=" ) ) < 0 )
		else if( equal( szFile, "SQL_HOST", 7 ) )
			copy( szHost, charsmax( szHost ), szFile[ iPos + 2 ] );
		else if( equal( szFile, "SQL_USER", 7 ) )
			copy( szUser, charsmax( szUser ), szFile[ iPos + 2 ] );
		else if( equal( szFile, "SQL_PASS", 7 ) )
			copy( szPass, charsmax( szPass ), szFile[ iPos + 2 ] );
		else if( equal( szFile, "SQL_DB", 5 ) )
			copy( szDb, charsmax( szDb ), szFile[ iPos + 2 ] );
	fclose( iFile );
	g_hSqlConnection = SQL_MakeDbTuple( szHost, szUser, szPass, szDb );

	InitialiseRewardSystem( );

InitialiseRewardSystem( ) {
	new iEntity = create_entity( "info_target" );
	entity_set_string( iEntity, EV_SZ_classname, "RewardSystem" );
	entity_set_float( iEntity, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + 5.0 );
	register_think( "RewardSystem", "fw_EntityThinks" );

public fw_EntityThinks( iEntity ) {
	if( !is_valid_ent( iEntity ) || g_bDone )
	entity_set_float( iEntity, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + 30.0 );
	if( !CheckTime( ) )
	g_bDone = true;
	new iErrorCode;
	new szError[ 512 ];
	new szDate[ 32 ], szErrorForFile[ 256 ];
	get_time( "%d.%m.%y %H:%M:%S", szDate, charsmax( szDate ) );
	new Handle: hSqlConnection2 = SQL_Connect( g_hSqlConnection, iErrorCode, szError, charsmax( szError ) );
	if( hSqlConnection2 == Empty_Handle ) {
		formatex(  szErrorForFile, charsmax(  szErrorForFile ), "[%s] ERROR WITH TIMER REWARD SYSTEM: %s", szDate, szError ); 
		write_file( "TIMER_ERRORS.TXT", szErrorForFile  );
		set_fail_state( szError );
	new Handle: hQuery = SQL_PrepareQuery( hSqlConnection2, "SELECT `SteamID`, `Nick`, `PlayedTime`, `LastSeen` FROM `bywtimer` ORDER BY `PlayedTime` DESC LIMIT 15;" );
	if( !SQL_Execute( hQuery ) ) {
		SQL_QueryError( hQuery, szError, charsmax( szError ) );
		formatex(  szErrorForFile, charsmax(  szErrorForFile ), "[%s] ERROR WITH TIMER REWARD SYSTEM: %s", szDate, szError ); 
		write_file( "TIMER_ERRORS.TXT", szErrorForFile  );
		SQL_FreeHandle( hQuery );
		SQL_FreeHandle( hSqlConnection2 );
	new szData[ 4 ][ 64 ];
	while( SQL_MoreResults( hQuery ) ) {
		SQL_ReadResult( hQuery, 0, szData[ 0 ], charsmax( szData[ ] ) );
		SQL_ReadResult( hQuery, 1, szData[ 1 ], charsmax( szData[ ] ) );
		SQL_ReadResult( hQuery, 2, szData[ 2 ], charsmax( szData[ ] ) );
		SQL_ReadResult( hQuery, 3, szData[ 3 ], charsmax( szData[ ] ) );
		if( ( get_systime( ) - str_to_num( szData[ 3 ] ) ) >= ( ( ( 24 * 60 ) * 60 ) * 25 ) )
		new szText[ 256 ], szDate[ 32 ];
		new iExpiration = get_systime( ) + ( ( ( 24 * 60 ) * 60 ) * 15 );
		new iDay, iMonth, iYear, iHour, iMinute, iSecond;
		UnixToTime( iExpiration, iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMinute, iSecond );
		formatex( szDate, charsmax( szDate ), "%02d/%02d/%d", iDay, iMonth, iYear );
		formatex( szText, charsmax( szText ), "^"%s^" ^"%s^" ^"%s^" ; %s", szData[ 0 ], szData[ 2 ], szDate, szData[ 1 ] );
		write_file( "PlayersToReward.txt", szText );
		SQL_NextRow( hQuery );
	SQL_QueryMe( "DELETE * FROM `bywtimer`;" );
	SQL_FreeHandle( hQuery );
	SQL_FreeHandle( hSqlConnection2 );

public plugin_end( )
	if( g_hSqlConnection )
		SQL_FreeHandle( g_hSqlConnection );

public TopTime( iPlayer )
	show_motd( iPlayer, TOP_MOTD );

public MyTime( iPlayer ) {
	new szLink[ 256 ];
	formatex( szLink, charsmax( szLink ), MYTIME_MOTD, g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iId ] );
	show_motd( iPlayer, szLink );
public client_authorized( iPlayer )
	if( ( g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iConnected ] |= AUTHORIZED ) & CONNECTED )
		UserHasBeenAuthorized( iPlayer );

public client_putinserver( iPlayer ) {
	if( !is_user_bot( iPlayer ) && ( g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iConnected ] |= CONNECTED ) & AUTHORIZED )
		UserHasBeenAuthorized( iPlayer );
	if( task_exists( iPlayer + TASK_REWARD ) )
		remove_task( iPlayer + TASK_REWARD );
	if( !is_user_bot( iPlayer ) )
		set_task( 15.0, "RewardPlayer", iPlayer + TASK_REWARD );

public client_disconnect( iPlayer ) {
	if( task_exists( iPlayer + TASK_REWARD ) )
		remove_task( iPlayer + TASK_REWARD );
	SQL_QueryMe( "UPDATE `bywtimer` SET `PlayedTime` = '%i' WHERE `Id` = '%i';", g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iTime ] + get_user_time( iPlayer ), g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iId ] );
	g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iTime ] = 0;
	g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iId ] = 0;
	g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iConnected ] = 0;

public RewardPlayer( iPlayer ) {
	if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) ) {
		new iHours = 0;
		if( CheckConditions( iPlayer, iHours ) ) {
			//add rewards here		
UserHasBeenAuthorized( const iPlayer ) {
	g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iTime ] = 0;
	g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iId ] = 0;
	get_user_authid( iPlayer, g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szSteamId ], charsmax( g_PlayerInfo[ ][ g_szSteamId ] ) );
	get_user_name( iPlayer, g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szNick ], charsmax( g_PlayerInfo[ ][ g_szNick ] ) );
	get_user_ip( iPlayer, g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szIp ], charsmax( g_PlayerInfo[ ][ g_szIp ] ), 1 );
	replace_all( g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szNick ], charsmax( g_PlayerInfo[ ][ g_szNick ] ), "`", "" );
	replace_all( g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szNick ], charsmax( g_PlayerInfo[ ][ g_szNick ] ), "^"", "" );
	replace_all( g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szNick ], charsmax( g_PlayerInfo[ ][ g_szNick ] ), "'", "" );

	new szQuery[ 128 ], szPlayerId[ 1 ]; szPlayerId[ 0 ] = iPlayer;
	formatex( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "SELECT `Id`, `PlayedTime` FROM `bywtimer` WHERE `SteamID` = '%s'", g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szSteamId ] );
	SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlConnection, "HandlePlayerConnect", szQuery, szPlayerId, 1 );

public HandlePlayerConnect( iFailState, Handle: hQuery, szError[ ], iError, szData[ ], iSize, Float: flQueueTime ) {
	if( SQL_IsFail( iFailState, iError, szError ) )
	new iPlayer = szData[ 0 ];
	if( !IsUserAuthorized( iPlayer ) )
	if( !SQL_NumResults( hQuery ) ) {
		new szQuery[ 256 ];
		formatex( szQuery, 255, "INSERT INTO `bywtimer` (`SteamID`, `Nick`, `PlayedTime`) VALUES (^"%s^", ^"%s^", '0')", g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szSteamId ],  g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szNick ] );
		SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlConnection, "HandlePlayerInsert", szQuery, szData, 1 );
	g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iId ] = SQL_ReadResult( hQuery, 0 );
	g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iTime ] = SQL_ReadResult( hQuery, 1 );
	replace_all( g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szNick ], charsmax( g_PlayerInfo[ ][ g_szNick ] ), "`", "" );
	replace_all( g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szNick ], charsmax( g_PlayerInfo[ ][ g_szNick ] ), "^"", "" );
	replace_all( g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szNick ], charsmax( g_PlayerInfo[ ][ g_szNick ] ), "'", "" );
	SQL_QueryMe( "UPDATE `bywtimer` SET `LastSeen` = '%i', `Nick` = '%s' WHERE `Id` = '%i';", get_systime( ), g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szNick ], g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iId ] );

public HandlePlayerInsert( iFailState, Handle: hQuery, szError[ ], iError, szData[ ], iSize, Float: flQueueTime ) {
	if( SQL_IsFail( iFailState, iError, szError ) )
	new iPlayer = szData[ 0 ];
	if( !IsUserAuthorized( iPlayer ) )
	new szQuery[ 128 ], szPlayerId[ 1 ]; szPlayerId[ 0 ] = iPlayer;
	formatex( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "SELECT `Id` FROM `bywtimer` WHERE `SteamID` = '%s'", g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szSteamId ] );
	SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlConnection, "HandlePlayerInsert2", szQuery, szPlayerId, 1 );

public HandlePlayerInsert2( iFailState, Handle: hQuery, szError[ ], iError, szData[ ], iSize, Float: flQueueTime ) {
	if( SQL_IsFail( iFailState, iError, szError ) )
	new iPlayer = szData[ 0 ];
	if( !IsUserAuthorized( iPlayer ) )
	g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iId ] = SQL_ReadResult( hQuery, 0 );
	g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iTime ] = 0;
	SQL_QueryMe( "UPDATE `bywtimer` SET `LastSeen` = '%i' WHERE `Id` = '%i';", get_systime( ), g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_iId ] );

public client_infochanged( iPlayer ) {
	new szName[ 32 ];
	get_user_info( iPlayer, "name", szName, charsmax( szName ) );
	if( !equal( g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szNick ], szName ) )
		copy( g_PlayerInfo[ iPlayer ][ g_szNick ], charsmax( g_PlayerInfo[ ][ g_szNick ] ), szName );

SQL_QueryMe( const szQuery[ ], any:... ) {
	new szMessage[ 256 ];
	vformat( szMessage, charsmax( szMessage ), szQuery, 2 );
	SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlConnection, "HandleQuery", szMessage );

SQL_IsFail( const iFailState, const iError, const szError[ ] ) {
	if( iFailState == TQUERY_CONNECT_FAILED ) {
		log_to_file( "SQL_Error.txt", "[Error] Could not connect to SQL database: %s", szError );
		return true;
	else if( iFailState == TQUERY_QUERY_FAILED ) {
		log_to_file( "SQL_Error.txt", "[Error] Query failed: %s", szError );
		return true;
	else if( iError ) {
		log_to_file( "SQL_Error.txt", "[Error] Error on query: %s", szError );
		return true;
	return false;

public HandleQuery( iFailState, Handle: hQuery, szError[ ], iError, szData[ ], iSize, Float: flQueueTime )
	SQL_IsFail( iFailState, iError, szError );

stock bool: CheckConditions( iPlayer, &iHours ) {
	if( !file_exists( "PlayersToReward.txt" ) )
		return false;
	new iFile = fopen( "PlayersToReward.txt", "rt" );
	if( !iFile )
		return false;
	new szSteam[ 64 ];
	get_user_authid( iPlayer, szSteam, charsmax( szSteam ) );
	new szData[ 512 ], szPiece[ 3 ][ 64 ], iGiven, iLine = 0;
	while( iFile && !feof( iFile ) ) {
		iLine ++;
		fgets( iFile, szData, charsmax( szData ) );
		if( szData[ 0 ] == EOS )
		if( szData[ 0 ] == '*' )
			iGiven ++;
		if( iGiven >= 15 ) {
			if( iFile ) fclose( iFile );
			unlink( "PlayersToReward.txt" );
			return false;
		parse( szData, szPiece[ 0 ], charsmax( szPiece[ ] ), szPiece[ 1 ], charsmax( szPiece[ ] ), szPiece[ 2 ], charsmax( szPiece[ ] ) );
		if( CheckExpration( szPiece[ 2 ] ) == true ) {
			write_file( "PlayersToReward.txt", "*", iLine - 1 );
			iGiven ++;
			if( iGiven >= 15 ) {
				if( iFile ) fclose( iFile );
				unlink( "PlayersToReward.txt" );
				return false;
		if( equal( szPiece[ 0 ], szSteam ) ) {
			write_file( "PlayersToReward.txt", "*", iLine - 1 );
			iGiven ++;
			iHours = str_to_num( szPiece[ 1 ] ) / 3600;
			if( iGiven >= 15 )
				unlink( "PlayersToReward.txt" );
			if( iFile ) fclose( iFile );
			return true;
	if( iFile ) 
		fclose( iFile );
	return false;

stock bool: CheckExpration( const szExpiration[ ] ) {
	if( get_systime( ) >= GetExpiration( szExpiration ) )
		return true;
	return false;

stock GetExpiration( const szExpiration[ ] ) {
	new szExp[ 32 ];
	copy( szExp, charsmax( szExp ), szExpiration );
	replace_all( szExp, charsmax( szExp ), "/", " " );
	replace_all( szExp, charsmax( szExp ), ".", " " );
	new szTime[ 3 ][ 5 ];
	new iExpiration;
	if( parse( szExp, szTime[ 0 ], charsmax( szTime[ ] ), szTime[ 1 ], charsmax( szTime[ ] ), szTime[ 2 ], charsmax( szTime[ ] ) ) < 3 )
		return true;
	new iYear = str_to_num( szTime[ 2 ] );
	new iMonth  = str_to_num( szTime[ 1 ] );
	new iDay = str_to_num( szTime[ 0 ] );
	new iHour, iMinute, iSecond = 0;
	iExpiration = TimeToUnix( iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMinute, iSecond );
	return iExpiration;

stock bool: CheckTime( ) {
	new iCurrentTime = get_systime( );
	new iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMinute, iSecond = 0;
	UnixToTime( iCurrentTime , iYear , iMonth , iDay , iHour , iMinute , iSecond );
	// First day in month and 1 'o clock at night and first minute
	return ( iDay == 1 ) && ( iHour == 1 ) && ( iMinute == 1 ) ? true : false;

Last edited by Alahmoh; 02-28-2022 at 14:53.
Alahmoh is offline
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Old 02-28-2022 , 21:35   Re: plugin request
Reply With Quote #4

If the purpose of this is because you don't want or have an external MySQL database, I'd recommend simply switching to SQLite. You should also post the database structure regardless of which method is chosen.

Also, when posting a plugin that you want modified, please post the original unmodified version (you can edit your last post to post the correct code).

Last edited by fysiks; 02-28-2022 at 21:41.
fysiks is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Old 03-01-2022 , 08:41   Re: plugin request
Reply With Quote #5

Originally Posted by fysiks View Post
If the purpose of this is because you don't want or have an external MySQL database, I'd recommend simply switching to SQLite. You should also post the database structure regardless of which method is chosen.

Also, when posting a plugin that you want modified, please post the original unmodified version (you can edit your last post to post the correct code).
well i didnt modify that much i only removed my rewards system along with my own include which are private and have nothing to do with this plugin,
also i asked someone to help me not because im lazy its just i know nothing about sql,nvault,sqlite.
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Old 03-01-2022 , 21:26   Re: plugin request
Reply With Quote #6

I've never used SQLite before but from the searches I did here make it seem like it may be as simple as changing the affinity and making sure the sqlite module loads (using a pragma).

Last edited by fysiks; 03-01-2022 at 21:28.
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