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Help me to add team restricts to Quake Sounds

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Join Date: May 2008
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Old 08-21-2009 , 11:29   Help me to add team restricts to Quake Sounds
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I whant install this script on my zombiemod css server, but sounds plaing for infection of players.

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>

#pragma semicolon 1

#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.8"
#define MAX_FILE_LEN 64
#define NO_KILLS -1.0
#define MAX_NUM_SETS 5

#define NUM_SOUNDS 24
#define HEADSHOT 0
#define GRENADE 1
#define SELFKILL 2
#define ROUND_PLAY 3
#define KNIFE 4
#define KILLS_1 5
#define KILLS_2 6
#define KILLS_3 7
#define KILLS_4 8
#define KILLS_5 9
#define KILLS_6 10
#define KILLS_7 11
#define KILLS_8 12
#define KILLS_9 13
#define KILLS_10 14
#define KILLS_11 15
#define FIRSTBLOOD 16
#define TEAMKILL 17
#define DOUBLECOMBO 18
#define TRIPLECOMBO 19
#define QUADCOMBO 20
#define HEADSHOT3 22
#define HEADSHOT5 23

#define JOINSERVER 0

#define OTHER 0
#define DODS 1
#define CSS 2
#define HL2DM 3

// Plugin definitions
public Plugin:myinfo = 
	name = "Quake Sounds",
	author = "dalto",
	description = "Quake Sounds Plugin",
	version = PLUGIN_VERSION,
	url = "http://forums.alliedmods.net"

// Global Variables
new soundPreference[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
new textPreference[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
new consecutiveKills[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
new Float:lastKillTime[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
new lastKillCount[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
new String:soundsList[MAX_NUM_SETS][NUM_SOUNDS][MAX_FILE_LEN];
new String:eventSoundsList[NUM_EVENT_SOUNDS][MAX_FILE_LEN];
new String:setNames[MAX_NUM_SETS][30];
new killNumSetting[50];
new settingsArray[NUM_SOUNDS];
new eventSettingsArray[NUM_EVENT_SOUNDS];
new totalKills;
new gameType = OTHER;
new headShotCount[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
new Handle:kvQUS;
new String:fileQUS[MAX_FILE_LEN];
new	Handle:cvarEnabled = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:cvarAnnounce = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:cvarTextDefault = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:cvarSoundDefault = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:cvarVolume = INVALID_HANDLE;
new numSets;
new bool:lateLoaded;
new bool:IsHooked = false;
static const String:eventSoundNames[NUM_EVENT_SOUNDS][] = {"join server"};
static const String:soundNames[NUM_SOUNDS][] = {"headshot", "grenade", "selfkill", "round play", "knife",
"killsound 1", "killsound 2", "killsound 3", "killsound 4", "killsound 5", "killsound 6", "killsound 7",
"killsound 8", "killsound 9", "killsound 10", "killsound 11", "first blood", "teamkill", "double combo",
"triple combo", "quad combo", "monster combo", "headshot 3", "headshot 5"};

// We need to capture if the plugin was late loaded so we can make sure initializations
// are handled properly
public bool:AskPluginLoad(Handle:myself, bool:late, String:error[], err_max)
	lateLoaded = late;
	return true;

public OnPluginStart()
	// Before we do anything else lets make sure that the plugin is not disabled
	cvarEnabled = CreateConVar("sm_quakesounds_enable", "1", "Enables the Quake sounds plugin");
	HookConVarChange(cvarEnabled, EnableChanged);
	// Counter Strike Source
	decl String:gameName[80];
	GetGameFolderName(gameName, 80);
	if(StrEqual(gameName, "cstrike"))
		gameType = CSS;
	else if(StrEqual(gameName, "dod"))
		gameType = DODS;
	else if(StrEqual(gameName, "hl2mp"))
		gameType = HL2DM;
	// Create the remainder of the CVARs
	CreateConVar("sm_quakesounds_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "Quake Sounds Version", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
	cvarAnnounce = CreateConVar("sm_quakesounds_announce", "1", "Announcement preferences");
	cvarTextDefault = CreateConVar("sm_quakesounds_text", "1", "Default text setting for new users");
	cvarSoundDefault = CreateConVar("sm_quakesounds_sound", "1", "Default sound for new users, 1=Standard, 2=Female, 0=Disabled");
	cvarVolume = CreateConVar("sm_quakesounds_volume", "1.0", "Volume: should be a number between 0.0. and 1.0");

	// Hook events and register commands as needed
	if(GetConVarBool(cvarEnabled)) {
		HookEvent("player_death", EventPlayerDeath);
		if(gameType == CSS)
			HookEvent("round_freeze_end", EventRoundFreezeEnd, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
		else if(gameType == DODS)
			HookEvent("dod_warmup_ends", EventRoundFreezeEnd, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
		if(gameType == DODS)
			HookEvent("dod_round_start", EventRoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
			HookEvent("round_start", EventRoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
		IsHooked = true;
	RegConsoleCmd("quake", MenuQuake);
	// Execute the config file
	AutoExecConfig(true, "sm_quakesounds");
	// Load the sounds and initialize kvQUS
  	BuildPath(Path_SM, fileQUS, MAX_FILE_LEN, "data/quakeusersettings.txt");
	if(!FileToKeyValues(kvQUS, fileQUS))
    	KeyValuesToFile(kvQUS, fileQUS);
    // if the plugin was loaded late we have a bunch of initialization that needs to be done
	if(lateLoaded) {
	    // First we need to do whatever we would have done at RoundStart()
		// Next we need to whatever we would have done as each client authorized
		for(new i = 1; i < GetMaxClients(); i++) {

public OnMapStart()
	if(gameType == HL2DM)

public Action:TimerAnnounce(Handle:timer, any:client)
		PrintToChat(client, "%t", "announce message");

// When a new client joins we reset sound preferences
// and let them know how to turn the sounds on and off
public OnClientPutInServer(client)
	// Initializations and preferences loading
	// Play event sound
	if(eventSettingsArray[JOINSERVER] && !IsFakeClient(client))
		EmitSoundToClient(client, eventSoundsList[JOINSERVER], _, _, _, _, GetConVarFloat(cvarVolume));

// The death event this is where we decide what sound to play
// It is important to note that we will play no more than one sound per death event
// so we will order them as to choose the most appropriate one
public EventPlayerDeath(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
	decl String:weapon[64];
	new victimId = GetEventInt(event, "userid");
	new attackerId = GetEventInt(event, "attacker");
	new attackerClient = GetClientOfUserId(attackerId);
	new victimClient = GetClientOfUserId(victimId);
	new bool:headshot;
	GetEventString(event, "weapon", weapon, sizeof(weapon));
	new soundId = -1;

	if(gameType == CSS)
		headshot = GetEventBool(event, "headshot");
		headshot = false;
		consecutiveKills[victimClient] = 0;
	if(attackerId == victimId && settingsArray[SELFKILL])
		soundId = SELFKILL;
	if(headshot && attackerClient > 0 && attackerClient <= MAXPLAYERS)
		switch(++headShotCount[attackerClient]) {
			case 3:
					soundId = HEADSHOT3;
			case 5:
					soundId = HEADSHOT5;
					soundId = HEADSHOT;
	if(totalKills == 1 && settingsArray[FIRSTBLOOD])
		soundId = FIRSTBLOOD;
	if(attackerClient && killNumSetting[consecutiveKills[attackerClient]])
			soundId = killNumSetting[consecutiveKills[attackerClient]];

	if(IsGrenade(weapon) && settingsArray[GRENADE])
		soundId = GRENADE;
	if(IsKnife(weapon) && settingsArray[KNIFE])
		soundId = KNIFE;
	if(attackerClient && attackerClient != victimClient && (settingsArray[DOUBLECOMBO] || settingsArray[TRIPLECOMBO] || settingsArray[QUADCOMBO] || settingsArray[MONSTERCOMBO]))
		if(lastKillTime[attackerClient] != -1.0) {
			if((GetEngineTime() - lastKillTime[attackerClient]) < 1.5) {
					case 2:
						soundId = DOUBLECOMBO;
					case 3:
						soundId = TRIPLECOMBO;
					case 4:
						soundId = QUADCOMBO;
					case 5:
						soundId = MONSTERCOMBO;
		} else
			lastKillCount[attackerClient] = 1;
		lastKillTime[attackerClient] = GetEngineTime();
	if(attackerClient && victimClient && GetClientTeam(attackerClient) == GetClientTeam(victimClient) && attackerId != victimId && settingsArray[TEAMKILL])
		soundId = TEAMKILL;
	// Play the appropriate sound if there was a reason to do so 
	if(soundId != NO_KILLS) {
		PlayQuakeSound(soundId, attackerClient, victimClient);
		PrintQuakeText(soundId, attackerClient, victimClient);

//  This selects or disables the quake sounds
public MenuHandlerQuake(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
	if(action == MenuAction_Select)	{
		// The Disable Choice moves around based on if female sounds are enabled
		new disableChoice = numSets + 1;
		// Update both the soundPreference array and User Settings KV
		if(param2 == disableChoice)
			soundPreference[param1] = 0;
		else if(param2 == 0)
			textPreference[param1] = Flip(textPreference[param1]);
			soundPreference[param1] = param2;
		decl String:steamId[20];
		GetClientAuthString(param1, steamId, 20);
		KvJumpToKey(kvQUS, steamId);
		KvSetNum(kvQUS, "sound preference", soundPreference[param1]);
		MenuQuake(param1, 0);
	} else if(action == MenuAction_End)	{
//  This creates the Quake menu
public Action:MenuQuake(client, args)
	new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(MenuHandlerQuake);
	decl String:buffer[100];
	Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "quake menu", client);
	SetMenuTitle(menu, buffer);
	if(textPreference[client] == 0)
		Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "enable text", client);
		Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "disable text", client);
	AddMenuItem(menu, "text pref", buffer);

	for(new set = 0; set < numSets; set++) {
		if(soundPreference[client] == set + 1)
			Format(buffer, 50, "%T(Enabled)", setNames[set], client);
			Format(buffer, 50, "%T", setNames[set], client);
		AddMenuItem(menu, "sound set", buffer);
	if(soundPreference[client] == 0)
		Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T(Enabled)", "no quake sounds", client);
		Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "no quake sounds", client);
	AddMenuItem(menu, "no sounds", buffer);
	SetMenuExitButton(menu, true);

	DisplayMenu(menu, client, 20);
	return Plugin_Handled;

// Loads the soundsList array with the quake sounds
public LoadSounds()
	new Handle:kvQSL = CreateKeyValues("QuakeSoundsList");
	decl String:fileQSL[MAX_FILE_LEN];
	decl String:buffer[30];

	BuildPath(Path_SM, fileQSL, MAX_FILE_LEN, "configs/QuakeSoundsList.cfg");
	FileToKeyValues(kvQSL, fileQSL);
	if (!KvJumpToKey(kvQSL, "sound sets")) {
		SetFailState("configs/QuakeSoundsList.cfg not found or not correctly structured");

	// Load the quake sounds
	// Read the sound set information in
	numSets = 0;
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_SETS; i++) {
		Format(buffer, 30, "sound set %i", i + 1);
		KvGetString(kvQSL, buffer, setNames[numSets], 30);
		if(!StrEqual(setNames[numSets], ""))
	for(new soundKey = 0; soundKey < NUM_SOUNDS; soundKey++) {
		KvJumpToKey(kvQSL, soundNames[soundKey]);
		for(new set = 0; set < numSets; set++) {
			KvGetString(kvQSL, setNames[set], soundsList[set][soundKey], MAX_FILE_LEN);
			if(StrEqual(soundsList[set][soundKey], ""))
				PrintToServer("Failed to load %s:%s", soundsList[set], soundNames[soundKey]);
		if(soundKey >= KILLS_1 && soundKey <= KILLS_11)
			killNumSetting[KvGetNum(kvQSL, "kills")] = soundKey;
		settingsArray[soundKey] = KvGetNum(kvQSL, "config", 9);
	// Load the event sounds
	// If the event sounds section is missing we have an old config file
	if(!KvJumpToKey(kvQSL, "event sounds"))
		SetFailState("configs/QuakeSoundsList.cfg is missing event sounds section, you may need to upgrade it");
	// read the sounds in
	for(new eventKey = 0; eventKey < NUM_EVENT_SOUNDS; eventKey++) {
		KvJumpToKey(kvQSL, "event sounds");
		KvJumpToKey(kvQSL, eventSoundNames[eventKey]);
		KvGetString(kvQSL, "sound", eventSoundsList[eventKey], MAX_FILE_LEN);
		eventSettingsArray[eventKey] = KvGetNum(kvQSL, "config", 1);


// The Precaches all the sounds and adds them to the downloads table so that
// clients can automatically download them
// As of version 0.7 we only do this if the sounds are enabled
public PrepareQuakeSounds()
	for(new sound=0; sound < NUM_SOUNDS; sound++)
		if((settingsArray[sound] & 1) || (settingsArray[sound] & 2) || (settingsArray[sound] & 4))

public PrepareEventSounds()
	decl String:downloadFile[MAX_FILE_LEN];

	for(new sound = 0; sound < NUM_EVENT_SOUNDS; sound++) {
		if(!StrEqual(eventSoundsList[sound], "")) {
			PrecacheSound(eventSoundsList[sound], true);
			Format(downloadFile, MAX_FILE_LEN, "sound/%s", eventSoundsList[sound]);

// This plays the quake sounds based on soundPreference
public PlayQuakeSound(soundKey, attackerClient, victimClient)
	new playersConnected = GetMaxClients();
	if(settingsArray[soundKey] & 1) {
		for (new i = 1; i < playersConnected; i++)
			if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && soundPreference[i] && !StrEqual(soundsList[soundPreference[i]-1][soundKey], ""))
				EmitSoundToClient(i, soundsList[soundPreference[i]-1][soundKey], _, _, _, _, GetConVarFloat(cvarVolume));
	if(soundPreference[attackerClient] && (settingsArray[soundKey] & 2) && attackerClient && !StrEqual(soundsList[soundPreference[attackerClient]-1][soundKey], ""))
		EmitSoundToClient(attackerClient, soundsList[soundPreference[attackerClient]-1][soundKey], _, _, _, _, GetConVarFloat(cvarVolume));
	if(soundPreference[victimClient] && (settingsArray[soundKey] & 4) && victimClient && !StrEqual(soundsList[soundPreference[victimClient]-1][soundKey], ""))
		EmitSoundToClient(victimClient, soundsList[soundPreference[victimClient]-1][soundKey], _, _, _, _, GetConVarFloat(cvarVolume));

// This prints the quake text
public PrintQuakeText(soundKey, attackerClient, victimClient)
	new playersConnected = GetMaxClients();
	decl String:attackerName[30];
	decl String:victimName[30];
	// Get the names of the victim and the attacker
	if(attackerClient && IsClientInGame(attackerClient))
		GetClientName(attackerClient, attackerName, 30);
		attackerName = "Nobody";
	if(victimClient && IsClientInGame(victimClient))
		GetClientName(victimClient, victimName, 30);
		victimName = "Nobody";
	if(settingsArray[soundKey] & 8) {
		for(new i = 1; i < playersConnected; i++)
			if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && textPreference[i])
				PrintCenterText(i, "%t", soundNames[soundKey], attackerName, victimName);
	if(textPreference[attackerClient] && (settingsArray[soundKey] & 16) && attackerClient)
		PrintCenterText(attackerClient, "%t", soundNames[soundKey], attackerName, victimName);
	if(textPreference[victimClient] && (settingsArray[soundKey] & 32) && victimClient)
		PrintCenterText(victimClient, "%t", soundNames[soundKey], attackerName, victimName);

// Play the starting sound
public EventRoundFreezeEnd(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
	PlayQuakeSound(ROUND_PLAY, 0, 0);
	PrintQuakeText(ROUND_PLAY, 0, 0);

// Initializations to be done at the beginning of the round
public EventRoundStart(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
	if(gameType != HL2DM)

public ResetConsecutiveKills()
	for(new i=1; i <= MAXPLAYERS; i++)
		consecutiveKills[i] = 0;

public ResetLastKillTime()
	for(new i=1; i <= MAXPLAYERS; i++)
		lastKillTime[i] = NO_KILLS;

public PrepareSound(sound)
	decl String:downloadFile[MAX_FILE_LEN];

	for(new set = 0; set < numSets; set++) {
		if(!StrEqual(soundsList[set][sound], "")) {
			PrecacheSound(soundsList[set][sound], true);
			Format(downloadFile, MAX_FILE_LEN, "sound/%s", soundsList[set][sound]);

public IsGrenade(String:weapon[])
	// Counter Strike:Source grenades
	if(StrEqual(weapon, "hegrenade") || StrEqual(weapon, "smokegrenade") || StrEqual(weapon, "flashbang"))
		return 1;
	// Day of Defeat:Source grenades
	if(StrEqual(weapon, "riflegren_ger") || StrEqual(weapon, "riflegren_us") || StrEqual(weapon, "frag_ger") || StrEqual(weapon, "frag_us") || StrEqual(weapon, "smoke_ger") || StrEqual(weapon, "smoke_us"))
		return 1;
	// HL2:Deathmatch grenades
	if(StrEqual(weapon, "grenade_frag"))
		return 1;
	return 0;

public IsKnife(String:weapon[])
	// Counter Strike Knife
	if(StrEqual(weapon, "knife"))
		return 1;
	// Day of Defeat:Source knives
	if(StrEqual(weapon, "spade") || StrEqual(weapon, "amerknife") || StrEqual(weapon, "punch"))
		return 1;
	// HL2:Deathmatch knives
	if(StrEqual(weapon, "stunstick") || StrEqual(weapon, "crowbar"))
		return 1;
	return 0;

// When a user disconnects we need to update their timestamp in kvC4
public OnClientDisconnect(client)
	decl String:steamId[20];
	if(client && !IsFakeClient(client)) {
		GetClientAuthString(client, steamId, 20);
		if(KvJumpToKey(kvQUS, steamId))
			KvSetNum(kvQUS, "timestamp", GetTime());

// Switches a non-zero number to a 0 and a 0 to a 1
public Flip(flipNum)
	if(flipNum == 0)
		return 1;
		return 0;

// This is called from EventRoundStart or OnMapStart depending on the mod
public NewRoundInitialization()
	totalKills = 0;
	for(new i; i <= MAXPLAYERS; i++) {
		headShotCount[i] = 0;
		lastKillCount[i] = -1;
	// Save quake user settings to a file
	KeyValuesToFile(kvQUS, fileQUS);

public PrepareClient(client)
	decl String:steamId[20];
	if(client) {
		if(!IsFakeClient(client)) {
			// Get the users saved setting or create them if they don't exist
			GetClientAuthString(client, steamId, 20);
			if(KvJumpToKey(kvQUS, steamId)) {
				soundPreference[client] = KvGetNum(kvQUS, "sound preference", GetConVarInt(cvarSoundDefault));
				textPreference[client] = KvGetNum(kvQUS, "text preference", GetConVarInt(cvarTextDefault));
			else {
				KvJumpToKey(kvQUS, steamId, true);
				KvSetNum(kvQUS, "sound preference", GetConVarInt(cvarSoundDefault));
				KvSetNum(kvQUS, "text preference", GetConVarInt(cvarTextDefault));
				KvSetNum(kvQUS, "timestamp", GetTime());
				soundPreference[client] = GetConVarInt(cvarSoundDefault);
				textPreference[client] = GetConVarInt(cvarTextDefault);

			// Make the announcement in 30 seconds unless announcements are turned off
				CreateTimer(30.0, TimerAnnounce, client);
		// Initialize variables
		consecutiveKills[client] = 0;
		lastKillTime[client] = -1.0;

// Looks for cvar changes of the enable cvar and hooks or unhooks the events
public EnableChanged(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
	if(GetConVarBool(cvarEnabled) && !IsHooked) {
		HookEvent("player_death", EventPlayerDeath);
		if(gameType == CSS)
			HookEvent("round_freeze_end", EventRoundFreezeEnd, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
		else if(gameType == DODS)
			HookEvent("dod_warmup_ends", EventRoundFreezeEnd, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
		if(gameType == DODS)
			HookEvent("dod_round_start", EventRoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
			HookEvent("round_start", EventRoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
		IsHooked = true;
	} else if(!GetConVarBool(cvarEnabled) && IsHooked) {
		UnhookEvent("player_death", EventPlayerDeath);
		if(gameType == CSS)
			UnhookEvent("round_freeze_end", EventRoundFreezeEnd, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
		else if(gameType == DODS)
			UnhookEvent("dod_warmup_ends", EventRoundFreezeEnd, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
		if(gameType == DODS)
			UnhookEvent("dod_round_start", EventRoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
			UnhookEvent("round_start", EventRoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
		IsHooked = false;
In "Tripmines" use this code:

sm_tripmines_restrictedteam - restricts a team from using the tripmine (on CSS use 2 to block terrorists and 3 to block CTs)

  // check restricted team 
  new team = GetClientTeam(client);
  if(team == GetConVarInt(cvTeamRestricted))
    PrintHintText(client, "Your team does not have access to this equipment.");
    return Plugin_Handled;
Where it is necessary to insert it that sounds were playing only for kill by ct?

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