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Old 06-09-2010 , 01:06   Re: [L4D2] LAST BOSS
Reply With Quote #11

leon0206 how do u get 2 main weapon o.O and u replaced the secondary slot?
ghosthunterfool is offline
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Old 06-09-2010 , 02:01   Re: [L4D2] LAST BOSS
Reply With Quote #12

He changed the weapon type of the AK47 from a primary to a sidearm in the weapons info file
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Old 06-09-2010 , 03:07   Re: [L4D2] LAST BOSS
Reply With Quote #13

Originally Posted by birno View Post
leon0206:Which plugin do you use to show the Tank HP in a hint message?
to birno:

Use this plugin:http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=971386

to ghosthunterfool:

Just Edit pak01_dir.vpk

1.use "gcfscape.exe"
edit pak01_dir.vpk,extract "scripts" folder's all "weapon_xxx.txt" file.
2.put all "weapon_xxx.txt" file in "Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\scripts" folder.
3.edit "weapon_xxx.txt" file like this, such as ak47 file:

"anim_prefix" "anim"
"bucket" "0" <==Changed to 1 or 2,3,4 (slot 2,3,4,5)
"bucket_position" "0"

4.use "notepad++" edit "pak01_dir.vpk" ,find all "weapon_xxx.txt" file's site.
Change the name like this:

weapon_rifle_ak47.txt ==> aeapon_rifle_ak47.txt

So that your server will have the modified weapons effects, connect the players will have the same effect.

Last edited by leon0206; 06-09-2010 at 03:33.
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Old 06-09-2010 , 04:07   Re: [L4D2] LAST BOSS
Reply With Quote #14

do note that this plugin have conflict with multitank... btw to the author of this plugin: can u have an option to enable 2 tank for 2nd wave of final? and add some more ablities to the first form =D would be awesome if u make expansion of this plugin to the normal regular tank without this strong ablities maybe just 2 forms?
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Old 06-09-2010 , 11:01   Re: [L4D2] LAST BOSS
Reply With Quote #15

to leon : Wat happened if the ak (secondary) ran out of ammo and yr main weapon too ran out of molo ...
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Old 06-09-2010 , 15:02   Re: [L4D2] LAST BOSS
Reply With Quote #16

The first announcment message a little interesting:
"Health: ?????" etc.
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Old 06-09-2010 , 15:42   Re: [L4D2] LAST BOSS
Reply With Quote #17

I love your keyman plugin, however only the modded version some guys posted in the thread really works. So no offence mate, but are you going to maintain THIS one here or will it become abandoned as quickly as the other one (still Version 1.0).
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Old 06-09-2010 , 16:08   Re: [L4D2] LAST BOSS
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doesn't work, i have to remove it. always starts in the fourth mode and die easily regardless of high health settings.
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Old 06-09-2010 , 20:20   Re: [L4D2] LAST BOSS
Reply With Quote #19

>do note that this plugin have conflict with multitank
I added notice for that. thx.

>can u have an option to enable 2 tank for 2nd wave of final?
This means multitank support? I'll try.

>add some more ablities to the first form
I'd like to add more abilities to each form, Do you have some ideas?
However, I think that First form should be weak.

>would be awesome if u make expansion of this plugin to the normal
 regular tank without this strong ablities maybe just 2 forms?

I can, but this is not about Last Tank, so please let me postpone it.
This plugin still may have some bug.

>are you going to maintain THIS one here or will it become abandoned
 as quickly as the other one

So sorry for that, I have no time to maintain at that time. I'll maintain this.

>doesn't work, i have to remove it. always starts in the fourth mode
 and die easily regardless of high health settings.

Could you tell me by which map it happened and plugin about Tank that you are using?
Now, It starts in the forth form in "The Parish" finale(c5m5_bridge).
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Old 06-09-2010 , 23:51   Re: [L4D2] LAST BOSS
Reply With Quote #20

yeah i have many ideas ...
First Form (The Giant Mutunt) yellow
abilties addon :
(Healing Soul) Hp Regenerate slowly,

(Crys For Doom) Tank can Call Out An Panic Event as many times as it wanna to... (EPIC GENERAL CALLING FOR BACKUP?)

(The Giant Growth) Grow in terms of Damage & Force & Speed For A Certain Amount Of Time.(Tank Become Bigger In Game, I dk Whether Is This Possible)

(Mutant Explosion) When It Turning to 2nd form It Gives Of Boomer Explosion Which will Bile The Survivor

2nd Form (Steal OverLord) Grey
ablities Addon:
(Overcharge) Smoke sprites appear, gives a force field knock back effect.

(Molecular Science) Stone Become (Lethal Shot) Effect But smaller surface area.(maybe overed powered)

(Mech clone) Spawn Another Tank With A small health of (anynumber, eg, 3k) to fight.)

(Repair Factory) Tank Stop Moving (Stun) And Begins To Regenerate it own Hp for 10 secs

With Addition of Gravity Claw + Steel Skin

(Suicide Explosion) Tank Explode (Propane tank explosion) B4 Turning to 3rd form

3rd form: Night Lord (Black) smoke effect
Abilties addon:
(Ambush):when tank is going to change to 4th form (low health) it will turn on god mode for 10 sec to the final fight! Gives Off A Huge Cloud Of Smoke!

(Ways Of Ninja) Able To Move Super Fast In 2 Sec.

(invisable Strike) Stone Become Invasable (transparent stone) <Remove Away Blast Rock)

(Poison Dart) Stone Have Spitter Effect(green goo)

(Stealth Clones) Spawn 2 Extra Tank That Does No Damage To Survivors.

(Poison Claw) Damage The Survivor With A Poison Effect... that Last For 10 sec (dmg every sec is 2?)

+Stealth Skin - Tank gradually becomes transparent and cannot be burnt.

4th form: (Nature NightMare) Green (aura effect)?
(MotherEarth healing soul): God Mode For 10 seconds

(Forest Fire): Burning Tank Regenerate Hp Instead.

(Last Hope): Spawn 1 Tank To Fight With Great Amount Of Health But Health is Decreasing very quickly by itself.

(Green Day): Gives Tank A Boost In All Stats ( Force / Strength/ Speed) for a few sec

(Last Day On Earth): Tank Explode With (Spitter Goo) effect b4 it turns to 5th form.

(Animal Intincts): Mad Spring effect - Tank jumps frequently.

(Thick Bark): Melee Have No Effect (like Steel Skin)

5th Form: (Hell's Fury) Red (fire EffecT)
Addon Ablities:
Fire wall: Survivors Cant go Near Tank, Will Get Burn damage

(Flame Track): Tank walks , and Leave behind a Trail Of Fire (Burn survivors / infceted)

(Meteor Shower): Tank Throw Stone Rapidly with (Blast Rock)

(Add Fuel To Fire): When Tank Is On Fire by Molotov, It regenerate Hp + Speed + Strength + Force.

(Burning Soul): Any incap survivor Tat has been atk by the Tank again is immediately Dead.

(Burning Skin): survivors Will Get Damage If they atk the tank with melee weapons.

+ Comet Strike - Rock explodes and burns when survivors are hit.  Burn Claw - Attacked survivor's health turned into temp health.

Well It could Be More Fun =D just ideas for u ! thx for checking this out ... btw these are addon abilties ... meaning u can use the original ablities to add in , i prefer 1 form to have 4/5 ablities or even more... Thx

Well If u need ideas for Regular Tank I Can Come Out With Some =D Glad to Help To This Amazing Plugin ... Thumbs up

Last edited by ghosthunterfool; 06-10-2010 at 00:12.
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