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[REQ] Help edit VIP plugin

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Join Date: Jun 2011
Old 09-30-2016 , 19:47   [REQ] Help edit VIP plugin
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so i need someone to edit this plugin for me i will try to be descriptive as possible i will post source code below so i need

1.Bullet Damage / REMOVED
2.the say command /vips / REMOVED
3.the say command /wantvip / REMOVED
4.all the money bonuses and stuff / REMOVED
5.this advertisment message "[VIP] write /wantvip and u will see how get VIP and VIP privilegies." / REMOVED
6.the HP Heal on kill / REMOVED

and last but not least add AWP to the vip gun menu

1.Optional Modification [not necessary but if it can be done fast why not]

Disable giving free Granades on maps like fy_ , awp_ , aim_

i think i can do num.2,3 and 5 myself i will try and edit post if it works or not

basically i all need in this plugin are the these 2 cvars only

all other cvars can be removed completely

also the vip gun menu if you do not choose a weapon it will stay there forever it will not close can it be done when you leave buy zone the menu to close ?
or if possible to add timer to the menu for example at round start the menu only stays open for like 7 secs that would be even better so you have 7 secs after round start to choose weapon or menu disappears

also there is small bug where the vip menu would appear the second round instead of the third after map change i do not know how to fix this

Plugin source : https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpo...&postcount=459

Source Code :

Edited by me to remove the say commands

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fun>

static const CONTACT[] = ""
new maxplayers
new mpd, mkb, mhb
new g_MsgSync
new health_add
new health_hs_add
new health_max
new nKiller
new nKiller_hp
new nHp_add
new nHp_max
new g_awp_active
new g_menu_active
new CurrentRound[32]
new bool:HasC4[ 33 ]
#define Keysrod ( 1 <<0 ) | ( 1 <<1 ) | ( 1 <<9 ) // Keys: 1234567890
new g_MsgSync2

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin( "VIP Eng Version", "3.0.1", "Dunno" )
    mpd           = register_cvar( "money_per_damage", "3" )
    mkb           = register_cvar( "money_kill_bonus", "200" )
    mhb           = register_cvar( "money_hs_bonus", "500" )
    health_add    = register_cvar( "amx_vip_hp", "15" )
    health_hs_add = register_cvar( "amx_vip_hp_hs", "30" )
    health_max    = register_cvar( "amx_vip_max_hp", "100" )
    g_awp_active  = register_cvar( "awp_active", "1" )
    g_menu_active = register_cvar( "menu_active", "1" )
    register_event( "Damage", "Damage", "b" )
    register_event( "DeathMsg", "death_msg", "a" )
    register_menucmd( register_menuid( "rod" ), Keysrod, "Pressedrod" )
    register_clcmd( "awp", "HandleCmd" )
    register_clcmd( "sg550", "HandleCmd" )
    register_clcmd( "g3sg1", "HandleCmd" )
    maxplayers  = get_maxplayers()
    register_cvar( "amx_contactinfo", CONTACT, FCVAR_SERVER )

    //register_logevent( "LogEvent_RoundStart", 2, "1=Round_Start" );
    RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "LogEvent_RoundStart", 1) 

    register_event( "TextMsg", "Event_RoundRestart", "a", "2&#Game_w" )
    register_event( "TextMsg", "Event_RoundRestart", "a", "2&#Game_C" );
    register_event( "DeathMsg", "hook_death", "a", "1>0" )
    register_event( "Damage", "on_damage", "b", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0" )
    g_MsgSync = CreateHudSyncObj()
    g_MsgSync2 = CreateHudSyncObj()

public on_damage( id )
    new attacker = get_user_attacker( id )

    // id should be connected if this message is sent, but lets check anyway
    if( is_user_connected( id )
        && is_user_connected( attacker ) )
        if( get_user_flags( attacker ) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H )
            new damage = read_data( 2 )
            set_hudmessage( 255, 0, 0, 0.45, 0.50, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.1, 0.1, -1 )
            ShowSyncHudMsg( id, g_MsgSync2, "%i^n", damage )
    if( is_user_connected( attacker )
        && ( get_user_flags( attacker ) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H ) )
        new damage = read_data( 2 )
        set_hudmessage( 0, 100, 200, -1.0, 0.55, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1 )
        ShowSyncHudMsg( attacker, g_MsgSync, "%i^n", damage )

public Damage( id )
    new weapon, hitpoint, attacker = get_user_attacker( id, weapon, hitpoint )
    if( attacker <= maxplayers
        && is_user_alive( attacker )
        && attacker != id )
        if( get_user_flags( attacker ) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H )
            new money = read_data( 2 ) * get_pcvar_num( mpd )
            if( hitpoint == 1 )
                money += get_pcvar_num( mhb )
            cs_set_user_money( attacker, cs_get_user_money( attacker ) + money )

public death_msg()
    if( read_data( 1 ) <= maxplayers
        && read_data( 1 )
        && read_data( 1 ) != read_data( 2 ) )
        cs_set_user_money( read_data( 1 ), cs_get_user_money( read_data( 1 ) ) + get_pcvar_num( mkb ) - 300 )

public LogEvent_RoundStart(player_id)
    if( is_user_alive( player_id )
        && get_user_flags( player_id ) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H )
        give_item( player_id, "weapon_hegrenade" )
        give_item( player_id, "weapon_flashbang" )
        give_item( player_id, "weapon_flashbang" )
        give_item( player_id, "weapon_smokegrenade" )
        give_item( player_id, "item_assaultsuit" )
        give_item( player_id, "item_thighpack" )
        if( !get_pcvar_num( g_menu_active ) )
            return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
        if( CurrentRound[player_id] >= 3 )
            Showrod( player_id );

public Event_RoundRestart()
    arrayset( CurrentRound, 0, sizeof( CurrentRound ) )

public hook_death()
    // Killer id
    nKiller = read_data( 1 )
    if( ( read_data( 3 ) == 1 )
        && ( read_data( 5 ) == 0 ) )
        nHp_add = get_pcvar_num( health_hs_add )
        nHp_add = get_pcvar_num( health_add )
    nHp_max = get_pcvar_num( health_max )
    // Updating Killer HP
    if( !( get_user_flags( nKiller ) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H ) )
    nKiller_hp  = get_user_health( nKiller )
    nKiller_hp += nHp_add
    // Maximum HP check
    if( nKiller_hp > nHp_max )
        nKiller_hp = nHp_max
    set_user_health( nKiller, nKiller_hp )
    // Hud message "Healed +15/+30 hp"
    set_hudmessage( 0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.15, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, -1 )
    show_hudmessage( nKiller, "Healed +%d hp", nHp_add )
    // Screen fading
    message_begin( MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid( "ScreenFade" ), { 0, 0, 0 }, nKiller )
    write_short( 1 << 10 )
    write_short( 1 << 10 )
    write_short( 0x0000 )
    write_byte( 0 )
    write_byte( 0 )
    write_byte( 200 )
    write_byte( 75 )

public Showrod( id )
    show_menu( id, Keysrod, "Free VIP Guns^n\w1. Get M4A1+Deagle ^n\w2. Get AK47+Deagle^n0. Exit^n", -1, "rod" ) // Display menu

public Pressedrod( id, key )
    /* Menu:
    * VIP Menu
    * 1. Get M4A1+Deagle
    * 2. Get AK47+Deagle
    * 0. Exit
    switch( key )
        case 0:
            if( user_has_weapon( id, CSW_C4 )
                && get_user_team( id ) == 1 )
                HasC4[ id ] = true;
                HasC4[ id ] = false;
            strip_user_weapons( id )
            give_item( id, "weapon_m4a1" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_556nato" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_556nato" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_556nato" )
            give_item( id, "weapon_deagle" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_50ae" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_50ae" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_50ae" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_50ae" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_50ae" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_50ae" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_50ae" )
            give_item( id, "weapon_knife" )
            give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" )
            give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
            give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
            give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
            give_item( id, "item_assaultsuit" );
            give_item( id, "item_thighpack" );
            client_print( id, print_center, "You Taked Free M4A1 and Deagle" )
            if( HasC4[ id ] )
                give_item( id, "weapon_c4" );
                cs_set_user_plant( id );
        case 1:
            if( user_has_weapon( id, CSW_C4 )
                && get_user_team( id ) == 1 )
                HasC4[ id ] = true;
                HasC4[ id ] = false;
            strip_user_weapons( id )
            give_item( id, "weapon_ak47" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_762nato" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_762nato" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_762nato" )
            give_item( id, "weapon_deagle" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_50ae" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_50ae" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_50ae" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_50ae" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_50ae" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_50ae" )
            give_item( id, "ammo_50ae" )
            give_item( id, "weapon_knife" )
            give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" )
            give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
            give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
            give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
            give_item( id, "item_assaultsuit" );
            give_item( id, "item_thighpack" );
            client_print( id, print_center, "You Taked Free AK47 and Deagle" )
            if( HasC4[ id ] )
                give_item( id, "weapon_c4" );
                cs_set_user_plant( id );
        case 9:

public HandleCmd( id )
    if( !get_pcvar_num( g_awp_active ) )
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    if( get_user_flags( id ) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H )
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    client_print( id, print_center, "Sniper's Only For VIP's" )

*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1063\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }

Last edited by vase070; 09-30-2016 at 21:04.
vase070 is offline

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