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[UWC3X] Bug and XP doesen't load mysql

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Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Romania
Old 12-16-2018 , 11:40   [UWC3X] Bug and XP doesen't load mysql
Reply With Quote #1

Hello i'm using uwc3x mod. i found a bug with hud mesage and xp wont connect to mysql.

Server Console
12/16/2018 - 18:29:46: [uwc3x.amxx] [UWC3X] SQ :: Loading XP for user Nic0|Zor :: [Start]
12/16/2018 - 18:29:46: [uwc3x.amxx] [UWC3X] SQ :: Loading XP :: Connected [FAILED]
12/16/2018 - 18:29:46: [uwc3x.amxx] [UWC3X] Error connecting to SQ database : Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
12/16/2018 - 18:29:46: [uwc3x.amxx] [UWC3X] Entering Skills_Check
12/16/2018 - 18:29:47: [uwc3x.amxx] [UWC3X] Entering Skills_Check
12/16/2018 - 18:29:47: [uwc3x.amxx] [UWC3X] Setting Mine Count
12/16/2018 - 18:29:47: [uwc3x.amxx] [UWC3X] Mine Count = 0
SQL Config Server
// SQL configuration file
amx_sql_host    ""
amx_sql_user    "root"
amx_sql_pass    "blablabla"
amx_sql_db      "amx"
amx_sql_table   "admins"
amx_sql_type    "mysql"
amx_sql_timeout "60"
SQL Config UWC3x Mode
            //********************Ultimate Warcraft3 Expansion Configuration File********************\\

//--Debuging Settings

UWX_DEBUG 				0				//set to 0 to disable debug mode, or set to a number to enable that level of debug

UWX_USE_DEBUG_CASH 			0			//Set to 0 to disable, otherwise amount is given to each player each respawn or round

UWX_show_player				0			//Set to 0 to disable -- Depricated

UWX_spec_info				1			//Set to 0 to disable -- Depricated


//--Main settings for XP saving - Fast XP or Long term, etc

sv_uwc3x	        		"1"         //set to 0 to disable the plugin

mp_savexp            		"1"         //Set 1 to save Long Term XP

UWX_saveby            		"2"         //Set 1 to save by STEAMID, 2 to save by Player Name

mp_save_method        		"1"         //Set 1 to use AMXX SQLX (MySQL) storage, 2 for SQLITE (not yet supported)

mp_xpmultiplier        		"1.5"       //Multiplier for xp table (xp needed per level)

mp_weaponxpmodifier        	"1"			//Awards xp for various weapons

UWX_enable_savedskillsets   "1"    		//Use saved skill sets to avoid having to resetskills all the time


//--SQL Database Server Settings

UWX_sql_host    			""			//Server host name.If its on the same computer it should be "" or "localhost"

UWX_sql_user    			"root"			//Database User Name

UWX_sql_pass    			"blablabla"		//Database User Password

UWX_sql_db    				"uwc3x"		//Database Name


//--Starting Method Settings

UWX_enable_starting_system  "0"			//If the starting XP/Level system is enabled

UWX_starting_level         	"30"        //Level to start players at

UWX_starting_method        	"2"         //Which one to give players 1=XP 2=Level  

UWX_starting_xp            	"90000"     //Starting XP to give new players


//--Bot Related Settings

UWX_enable_bot_skills    	"1"         //Enable to randomly pick resists, attribs, and skills for bots

UWX_bot_level        		"0"        //Level to set bots to


//--Giving XP and Level Settings (Admins Only)

UWX_disable_givexp        	"0"         //Set 1 to turn the amx_givexp command off

UWX_disable_setlevel    	"0"         //Set 1 to turn the amx_setlevel command off

UWX_disable_adminmenu    	"0"         //Set 1 to turn off the XP portion of the admin menu

UWX_disable_reset        	"0"         //Set 0 to disable ability for admins to reset players skills

UWX_admin_flag        		"1048576"   //Access Flag for Giving XP, Default is ADMIN_MENU

UWX_admin_flag_skills    	"524288"      //Access Flag for Admin only skills

										//The Custom flag values are listed below

										//ADMIN_LEVEL_A = 4096

										//ADMIN_LEVEL_B = 8192

										//ADMIN_LEVEL_C = 16384

										//ADMIN_LEVEL_D = 32768

										//ADMIN_LEVEL_E = 65536

										//ADMIN_LEVEL_F = 131072

										//ADMIN_LEVEL_G = 262144

										//ADMIN_LEVEL_H = 524288

										//ADMIN_MENU  = 1048576


//--Set to 1 to enable admin only skills

UWX_admin_mode    "1"

//Are these skills only for admins? 1 yes 0 no

//if these are removed they default to 0 (off)

UWX_vengance_adminonly		"0"

UWX_fanofknives_adminonly	"0"

UWX_blink_adminonly			"0"

UWX_trueshot_adminonly      "0"

UWX_voodoo_adminonly        "0"

UWX_repair_adminonly        "0"

UWX_napalm_adminonly        "0"

UWX_suicide_adminonly       "0"

UWX_icenade_adminonly       "0"

UWX_earthquake_adminonly    "0"

UWX_clusternade_adminonly   "0"

UWX_smite_adminonly        	"0"

UWX_rope_adminonly          "1"

UWX_grab_adminonly          "1"

UWX_hook_adminonly          "1"


//--Mole Settings

UWX_Enable_Mole        		"1"    		//Do you want to enable the Mole?

UWX_Enable_AdminMole    	"1"    		//Do you want admins to be able to buy mole even though its disabled?


//--Tome of Experience Settingsd

UWX_max_tomes    			"7"			//The maximum amount of tomes that can be purchased by one player per round

UWX_xpbonus        			"100"		//XP for the tome of experience


//--XP bonuses for Skill,Ultimates and map Objectives

//1.Aditional Settings

UWX_dmgxpbonus            	"1"         //Set 1 to Give XP bonus for doing most dmg to enemy

UWX_min_b4_XP           	"2"         //min. num of players needed to award XP 

UWX_xp_radius            	"1000"      //Objective radius for XP to teammates

UWX_underdog_kills          "1"         //Set 1 to Give XP bonus for underdog kills

UWX_hostage_touch_bonus     "1"         //Set 1 to Give XP bonus for touching the hostage

UWX_hostage_kill_xp        	"1"         //Set 1 to remove XP for killing a hostage

UWX_attempt_defuse_bonus    "1"         //Set 1 to Give XP bonus for attempting to defuse the bomb

UWX_bomb_event_bonus        "1"         //Set 1 to Give XP bonus for bomb events

UWX_VIP_spawn_bonus         "1"         //Set 1 to Give XP bonus for spawning as the VIP

//2.Skills and Ultimates

UWX_mend_XP            		"450"		//XP bonus amount for mending teammate wounds

UWX_repair_XP        		"400"		//XP bonus amount for repairing teammate armor

UWX_dispell_XP        		"400"		//XP bonus amount for mending teammate wounds

UWX_healingwave_XP        	"200"		//XP for healing wave

UWX_team_shield_xp        	"550"		//XP for using Team Shield (base value)

UWX_phoenix_XP        		"550"		//XP bonus amount for reviving a teammate with Phoenix

//3.Map Objectives

UWX_round_win_XP            "225"       //XP for the winning team

UWX_headshot_bonus          "100"       //XP for getting a headshot

UWX_defusexp                "220"       //XP for defusing the bomb

UWX_hostagexp            	"220"       //XP for helping to rescue the hostages

UWX_killrescuemanxp        	"220"       //XP for killing the hostage rescuer 

UWX_kill_bomb_carrier_bonus "220"     	//XP for killing the bomb carrier

UWX_defuser_kill_bonus      "200"       //XP for killing the defuser

UWX_VIP_kill_bonus          "220"       //XP for killing the VIP

UWX_VIP_escape_bonus        "250"       //XP for when the VIP escapes

UWX_bombplanterxp           "120"       //XP for planting the bomb


//--Other Settings

UWX_lowres_default        	"1"			//Set 1 to make lowres display setting default

UWX_medicalerts        		"2"			//Set 1 to have Medic Alerts be sent from injured teammates,2 use icons to.

UWX_write_html        		"1"			//If you want it to write uwc3_NAME.html files for easy exporting


//--Enhancements and Resistances/Attribs

UWX_use_enh            		"1"         //Set 1 to allow attributes/resistances to be enhanced

UWX_enh_minlevel        	"16"        //Min. level to start buying enhancements

UWX_max_resistvalue    		"20"        //Max. allowable value each resistance can be trained 

UWX_max_attribpts        	"40"        //Max. number of obtainable attribute pts (max is 40)

UWX_max_resistpts        	"75"        //Max. number of obtainable resistance pts (max is 500)

UWX_attrib_xpmodifier    	"0.5"       //This is a good setting for Long Term XP

UWX_resist_xpmodifier    	"0.5"       //This is a good setting for Long Term XP


//--Shopmenu1 Items Settings

//1.Items Settings

UWX_BOOTSPEED        		"300.0"     //Set a float value for the Boots of Speed (275 default)

UWX_FROSTSPEED        		"250.0"     //Set a float value for the Frost skill speed

UWX_MASKPERCENT        		"0.7"       //Set a float value for the Mask item

UWX_CLAWSOFATTACK        	"6"         //Set an integer value for the Claws of Attack item (6 default)

UWX_CLOAKINVISIBILITY    	"200"       //Set an integer value for the Cloak item (180 default)

UWX_HEALTHBONUS        		"15"        //Set an integer value for the Health rings

//2.Items Prices

UWX_price_ANKH        		"2000"		//The price of Ankh

UWX_price_BOOTS        		"2000"		//The price of Boots

UWX_price_CLAWS        		"2000"		//The price of Claws

UWX_price_CLOAK        		"2000"		//The price of Cloak

UWX_price_MASK        		"2000"		//The price of Mask

UWX_price_IMMUNITY        	"2000"		//The price of necklace

UWX_price_FROST        		"2000"		//The price of Frost

UWX_price_HEALTH        	"2000"		//The price of Health

UWX_price_TOME        		"4000"		//The price of Tome


//--Shopmenu2 Items Settings

//1.Items Settings

UWX_glove_timer        		"15"       //Time for receiving a new grenade with Flaming Gloves

UWX_no_gloves_on_ka    		"1"        //Prevents Flaming gloves of Warmth on ka maps

UWX_glove_orc_damage    	"1"        //1 allows critgren dmg for flaming glove nades

UWX_no_orcnades_on_he    	"1"        //Prevents orc nades on he maps and jail_riot

//2.Items Prices

UWX_price_RESPAWN        	"10000"		//The price of Respawn

UWX_price_PROTECTANT    	"5500"		//The price of Mole Protect

UWX_price_HELM        		"5000"		//The price of Helm

UWX_price_CAT        		"4000"		//The price of Amulet

UWX_price_FEATHER        	"4000"		//The price of Feather

UWX_price_INFERNO        	"4000"		//The price of Inferno

UWX_price_REGEN        		"4000"		//The price of Rings

UWX_price_CHAMELEON    		"10000"		//The price of Chameleon

UWX_price_MOLE        		"16000"		//The price of Mole


//--Shopmenu3 Items Settings

UWX_price_HEAL        		"5000"		//The price of Heal

UWX_price_INVIS        		"9000"		//The price of Invisibility

UWX_price_INVUL        		"9000"		//The price of Invulnerbility

UWX_price_GATE        		"7000"		//The price of Gate

UWX_price_DISEASE        	"6000"		//The price of Cure Disease

UWX_price_POISON        	"6000"		//The price of Cure Poison

UWX_price_FIRE        		"6000"		//The price of Cure Fire

UWX_price_ROTITEM        	"6000"		//The price of Cure Rot

UWX_price_DEHEX        		"6000"		//The price of De-Hex


//--Ultimate and Skills Settings

UWX_luck_skill            	 "1"         //Set 1 to allow Beginner's Luck skill for players lvl 0-4

UWX_ultimatedelay            "6.0"       //time delay for ultimates each round

UWX_force_vengeance        	 "1"         //Set 1 to allow Vengeance to work within ultimate delay

UWX_healing_range            "800"       //Range for Healing Wave to jump

UWX_unlimited_ammo_time      "5"         //The time the user has unlimited ammo for(Unlimited Ammo Ultimate)

UWX_badaim_time            	 "5"         //The amount of time that the user is "disoriented" for

UWX_entanglingroots_cooldown "15.0"    	 //Entangling roots (default is 35.0)

UWX_chainlightning_cooldown  "15.0"    	 //Chainlightning (default is 35.0)

UWX_locusts_cooldown         "15.0"    	 //Locusts (default is 35.0)

UWX_flash_cooldown           "15.0"      //Flash of Light (default is 25.0)

UWX_bigbadvoodoo_cooldown    "15.0"      //Big Bad Voodoo (default is 35.0)

UWX_flamestrike_cooldown     "15.0"      //Flame Strike (default is 35.0)

UWX_team_shield_cooldown     "15.0"      //Cooldown for Team Shield - value should be written as a decimal

//Suicide Bomber Ultimate Settings

UWX_warn_suicide             "1"         //Warns when Suicide Bomber is armed

UWX_blast_radius             "240"       //Blast Radius for Suicide Bomber

UWX_explosion_range        	 "280"       //Range of the Suicide Bomber's explosion

UWX_explosion_max_damage     "100"       //Max damage for explosion

//Teleport Ultimate Settings (do not confuse with Blink Skill)

UWX_teleport_cooldown        "15.0"    	//Teleport (default is 35.0)

UWX_blinkstartdisabled       "1"        //1 makes blink disabled for first 15 secs of rounds

UWX_blink_cooldown           "3.0"      //Time to wait for a retry of blink

UWX_blink_diziness           "2"        //Flashbang effect is 1, for blue diziness set to 2

UWX_blink_protection         "1"       	//Slays people who abuse blink on some maps

UWX_blink_delay            	 "15.0"    	//Delay for blink to be used 

UWX_blink_radius            "400"       //Enemies w/ immunity w/in radius cause blink to fail

//Gate Ultimate Settings

UWX_gate_cooldown            "5.0"      //Gate cool down - represented as a float (decimal)

UWX_gate_cooldown_int        "5"        //Gate cool down - represented as a INT (whole number) - should be the same 

//Jump Kick Skill Settings

UWX_jumpkick_radius        	"70.0"    	//Radius for jumpkick - value should be written as a decimal

UWX_jumpkick_cooldown        "15.0"    	//Cooldown for jumpkick - value should be written as a decimal

//Depower Ultimate Settings

UWX_depower_cooldown         "15.0"    	//Cooldown for Depower - value should be written as a decimal

UWX_depower_disallow_drop    "1"       	//When a user is depowered they can not drop the weapon until the enemyu's cooldown is done

//Cripple Ultimate Settings

UWX_cripple_chance1        	 "0.04"    	//Default is 5% chance - Chance of completely imobilizing player for 3 seconds

UWX_cripple_chance2        	 "0.08"    	//Default is 5% chance - Chance of significantly reducing players speed for 6 seconds

UWX_cripple_blocks_ultimates "0"       	//If Cripple will block users from ultimates while crippled, like gate, teleport, etc.

//Fatal Strike Skill

UWX_fatal_slay_chance        "0.02"    	//% chance of doing an instant kill with mastery of Fatal Strike


UWX_BLESS_XP 				 "1000"		//Amount of XP to get when using Bless

//Helm Splitter Ultimate

UWX_splitter_chance        	 "0.15"    	//Chance of a body shot shattering a HS Helm

//Hooks, rope and Grab

UWX_hook_no_vip    			"1"       	//1 = VIP can not use hook, 0 = VIP CAN use hook

UWX_rope_no_vip    			"1"         //1 = VIP can not use rope, 0 = VIP CAN use 

UWX_grab_no_vip    			"1"         //1 = VIP can not use grab, 0 = VIP CAN use grab

UWX_grab_speed    			"5" 		//Speend of the Grab

UWX_rope_speed    			"5"			//Speed of the Rope

UWX_hook_speed    			"5"			//Speed of the Hook

UWX_grab_cooldown    		"15"		//Change of Grabing and enemy (allso influented by the enemy speed)   

UWX_grab_chance    			"0.50"     	//Change of Grabing and enemy (allso influented by the enemy speed)


echo [UWC3X] UWC3X.cfg has been executed

Debug Mode uwc3x.amxx
L 12/16/2018 - 18:25:01: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "uwc3x.amxx", version "1.0.82")
L 12/16/2018 - 18:25:01: [AMXX] Run time error 25: parameter error 
L 12/16/2018 - 18:25:01: [AMXX]    [0] stock.inl::hudchat_show (line 104)
L 12/16/2018 - 18:25:01: [AMXX]    [1] shopmenu.inl::Buy_Item (line 173)

//set prices
public Set_Shopmenu1_Prices ( )
	// [07-31-04] Check for shop item cost overrides from config file
		itemcost[ANKH-1] = CVAR_SM1_PRICE_ANKH;

		itemcost[BOOTS-1] = CVAR_SM1_PRICE_BOOTS;

		itemcost[CLAWS-1] = CVAR_SM1_PRICE_CLAWS;

		itemcost[CLOAK-1] = CVAR_SM1_PRICE_CLOAK;

		itemcost[MASK-1] = CVAR_SM1_PRICE_MASK;


		itemcost[FROST-1] = CVAR_SM1_PRICE_FROST;


		itemcost[TOME-1] = CVAR_SM1_PRICE_TOMEXP;

public Set_Shopmenu1_Values ( )
	// [07-31-04] Check for other setting overrides from config file






public Show_Items_Info1( id )
	if ( !uwc3x )
	new temp[1024] , pos = 0;
	pos += format( temp[pos] , 1024-pos , "<body bgcolor = #000000><font color = #FFB000>" );
	pos += format( temp[pos] , 1024-pos , "%L:<p><ul>", id, "SHOPMENU1_HEADER" );
	pos += format( temp[pos] , 1024-pos , "<li>%L</li>" , id, "SHOPMENU1_ANKH" );
	pos += format( temp[pos] , 1024-pos , "<li>%L</li>" , id, "SHOPMENU1_BOOTS" );
	pos += format( temp[pos] , 1024-pos , "<li>%L</li>" , id, "SHOPMENU1_CLAWS" , CLAWSOFATTACK );
	pos += format( temp[pos] , 1024-pos , "<li>%L</li>" , id, "SHOPMENU1_CLOAK" );
	pos += format( temp[pos] , 1024-pos , "<li>%L</li>" , id, "SHOPMENU1_MASK" );
	pos += format( temp[pos] , 1024-pos , "<li>%L</li>" , id, "SHOPMENU1_NECKLACE" );
	pos += format( temp[pos] , 1024-pos , "<li>%L</li>" , id, "SHOPMENU1_ORB" );
	pos += format( temp[pos] , 1024-pos , "<li>%L</li>" , id, "SHOPMENU1_PERIPHAT" );
	pos += format( temp[pos] , 1024-pos , "<li>%L</li></ul>" , id, "SHOPMENU1_TOME" );

	show_motd( id , temp , "Shopmenu Item Information" );

public ShopMenu( id )

	if ( !uwc3x )

	new pos = 0;
	new keys = (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<7|1<<8|1<<9);
	new menu_body[512];
	pos += format( menu_body[pos], 511 - pos, "\yBuy Item\R$ Cost^n^n" );
	for ( new i = 0; i < 9; i++ )
		pos += format( menu_body[pos], 511 - pos, "\w%d. %s\y\R%d^n", i + 1 , itemname[i], itemcost[i] );
	pos += format( menu_body[pos], 511 - pos, "^n\w0. Exit" );
	show_menu( id, keys, menu_body, -1 );

public Buy_Item( id , key )
	if ( !uwc3x )

	if ( !Shopmenu_canBuy ( id, 1, key ) )
	new usermoney = cs_get_user_money( id );

	if ( key == TOME - 1 )
		cs_set_user_money( id, usermoney - itemcost[key], 1 );
		new p_tomes = playertombs[id];

			new tempVar[64];
			get_user_name ( id, tempVar, 63 );
			log_amx( "[UWC3X] DEBUG :: Buy_Item: Buy Tome -> Player: %s Current Amount: %d New Amount: %d", tempVar, playertombs[id], p_tomes);

		playertombs[id] = p_tomes;

		// Give XP bonus for buying Tome of Experience
		xpgiven = xpgiven_lev[p_level[id]];
		new iXP = ( XPBONUS + xpgiven );
		playerxp[id] += iXP;
		if( Util_Should_Msg_Client(id) )
			if ( file_exists( "sound/uwc3x/tomes.wav" ) == 1 )
				emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, "uwc3x/tomes.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

			//client_print ( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "SHOPMENU1_TOME2", MOD, iXP );
			hudchat_show(id, "%L", id, "SHOPMENU1_TOME2", iXP);
		displaylevel( id, 3 );
		cs_set_user_money( id, usermoney - itemcost[key], 1 );
		// Remove health bonus after buying new item
		if ( playeritem[id] == HEALTH )
			set_user_health_log( id, get_user_health( id ) - HEALTHBONUS );
		playeritem[id]= key + 1;
		if ( playeritem[id] == HEALTH )
			// Give health bonus for buying periapt of health
			set_user_health_log( id, get_user_health( id ) + HEALTHBONUS );
				new name[32];
				get_user_name(id, name, 31);
				log_amx( "[UWC3X] DEBUG :: In buy_item() :: [%s] Bought Health Has=(%d) Max=(%d)",name, get_user_health(id), maxhealth[id] );

	if( Util_Should_Msg_Client(id) )
		if ( file_exists( "sound/uwc3x/shopmenu/sm_pickupitem.wav" ) == 1 )
			emit_sound (id, CHAN_STATIC, "uwc3x/shopmenu/sm_pickupitem.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

	displaylevel( id, 3 );	

stock __HUDCHAT_R = 255;
stock __HUDCHAT_G = 255;
stock __HUDCHAT_B = 255;

stock __HUDCHAT_CHANNEL = 2;

stock Float:__HUDCHAT_REMOVETIME = 5.0;

stock Array:__HUDCHAT_MESSAGES[33];


stock hudchat_init()
	__HUDCHAT_MAXPLAYERS = get_maxplayers();
	for(new i = 1; i <= __HUDCHAT_MAXPLAYERS; i++)

stock hudchat_end()
	for(new i = 1; i <= __HUDCHAT_MAXPLAYERS; i++)
		remove_task(i + __HUDCHAT_TASKID_REMOVE);
		remove_task(i + __HUDCHAT_TASKID_UPDATE);

stock hudchat_update(id)
		new taskid = id + __HUDCHAT_TASKID_UPDATE;
		set_task(__HUDCHAT_UPDATEINTERVAL, "__TaskShowHudChat", taskid, .flags = "b");
		for(id = 1; id <= __HUDCHAT_MAXPLAYERS; id++)

stock hudchat_get_maxlines()

stock hudchat_set_color(r, g, b)
	__HUDCHAT_R = (r & 255);
	__HUDCHAT_G = (g & 255);
	__HUDCHAT_B = (b & 255);

stock hudchat_get_color(&r, &g, &b)
	r = __HUDCHAT_R;
	g = __HUDCHAT_G;
	b = __HUDCHAT_B;

stock hudchat_set_removetime(Float:_time)
	if(_time > 0.0 )

stock Float:hudchat_get_removetime()

stock hudchat_set_channel(channel)
	__HUDCHAT_CHANNEL = channel;

stock hudchat_get_channel()

stock hudchat_show(id, const msg[], any:...)
	new message[__HUDCHAT_MAXMSGLEN];
	vformat(message, charsmax(message), msg, 3);
			ArrayDeleteItem(__HUDCHAT_MESSAGES[id], 0);
		ArrayPushString(__HUDCHAT_MESSAGES[id], message);
		new taskid = id + __HUDCHAT_TASKID_REMOVE;
		set_task(__HUDCHAT_REMOVETIME, "__TaskRemoveHudChat", taskid);
		for(id = 1; id <= __HUDCHAT_MAXPLAYERS; id++)
			hudchat_show(id, "%s", message);

stock hudchat_clear(id)
		remove_task(id + __HUDCHAT_TASKID_REMOVE);
		remove_task(id + __HUDCHAT_TASKID_UPDATE);
		for(id = 1; id <= __HUDCHAT_MAXPLAYERS; id++)

stock user_spawn( index )
	return spawn(index);
stock cmd_target2 ( id,const arg[] ) 
	new player = find_player ( "bl", arg );

	if ( player )
		if ( player != find_player ( "blj", arg ) )
			console_print ( id,"There are more clients matching to your argument" );
			return 0;
	else if ( ( player = find_player ( "c",arg ) )==0 && arg[0]=='#' && arg[1] )
		player = find_player ( "k",str_to_num ( arg[1] ) );

	if ( !player )
		console_print ( id, "Client with that name or userid not found" );
		return 0;

	return player;

stock ExplodeString ( p_szOutput[][], p_nMax, p_nSize, p_szInput[], p_szDelimiter )
	new nIdx = 0, l = strlen ( p_szInput );
	new nLen = ( 1 + copyc ( p_szOutput[nIdx], p_nSize, p_szInput, p_szDelimiter ) );

	while ( ( nLen < l ) && ( ++nIdx < p_nMax ) )
		nLen += ( 1 + copyc ( p_szOutput[nIdx], p_nSize, p_szInput[nLen], p_szDelimiter ) );


stock sq ( num ) 
	return ( num * num );

stock diff ( num,num2 )
	if ( num>num2 )
		return ( num-num2 );
		return ( num2-num );

	return 0;

stock str_break ( const String[], Left[], Right[], lMax, rMax )
	new bool:quote_flag = false;
	new bool:done_flag = false;
	new left_pos = 0;
	new right_pos = 0;
	new i;
	new hold[] = "'^"x";

	copy ( Left, lMax, "" );
	copy ( Right, rMax, "" );

	for ( i=0; i<=strlen ( String )-1; i++ ) 
		if ( equali ( String[i], "^"", 1 ) ) 
			quote_flag = true;
		else if ( ( equali ( String[i], "^"", 1 ) ) && ( quote_flag ) ) 
			quote_flag = false;

		if ( ( equali ( String[i], " ", 1 ) ) && ( !quote_flag ) && ( !done_flag ) ) 
			done_flag = true;

		if ( !done_flag && !equali ( String[i], "^"", 1 ) ) 
			if ( left_pos < lMax ) 
				setc ( Left[left_pos], 1, String[i] )
				if ( equali ( Left[left_pos], "'", 1 ) ) 
					setc ( Left[left_pos], 1, hold[1] );
			if ( right_pos < rMax && !equali ( String[i], "^"", 1 ) ) 
				setc ( Right[right_pos], 1, String[i] );

				if ( equali ( Right[right_pos], "'", 1 ) ) 
					setc ( Right[right_pos], 1, hold[1] );


	Left[left_pos] = 0;
	Right[right_pos] = 0;

	return true;

stock replaceall ( text[], const LEN, const WHAT[], const WITH[] ) 
	while ( contain ( text, WHAT ) != -1 )
		server_print ( "replacing a ' ..." );
		replace ( text, LEN, WHAT, WITH );

stock getMaxClipAmmo(wpnid)
	new clipammo = 0;
	switch (wpnid)
		case CSW_P228 : clipammo = 13;
		case CSW_SCOUT : clipammo = 10;
		case CSW_HEGRENADE : clipammo = 0;
		case CSW_XM1014 : clipammo = 7;
		case CSW_C4 : clipammo = 0;
		case CSW_MAC10 : clipammo = 30;
		case CSW_AUG : clipammo = 30;
		case CSW_SMOKEGRENADE : clipammo = 0;
		case CSW_ELITE : clipammo = 15;
		case CSW_FIVESEVEN : clipammo = 20;
		case CSW_UMP45 : clipammo = 25;
		case CSW_SG550 : clipammo = 30;
		case CSW_GALI : clipammo = 35;
		case CSW_FAMAS : clipammo = 25;
		case CSW_USP : clipammo = 12;
		case CSW_GLOCK18 : clipammo = 20;
		case CSW_AWP : clipammo = 10;
		case CSW_MP5NAVY : clipammo = 30;
		case CSW_M249 : clipammo = 100;
		case CSW_M3 : clipammo = 8;
		case CSW_M4A1 : clipammo = 30;
		case CSW_TMP : clipammo = 30;
		case CSW_G3SG1 : clipammo = 20;
		case CSW_FLASHBANG : clipammo = 0;
		case CSW_DEAGLE : clipammo = 7;
		case CSW_SG552 : clipammo = 30;
		case CSW_AK47 : clipammo = 30;
		case CSW_KNIFE : clipammo = 0;
		case CSW_P90 : clipammo = 50;
	return clipammo;

public add_grenade_owner( owner ) 
	for ( new i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) 
		if ( grenade[i] == 0 ) 
			grenade[i] = owner;

stock get_grenade_owner() 
	new which = grenade[0]
	for ( new i = 1; i < 32; i++ ) 
		grenade[i - 1] = grenade[i];

	grenade[31] = 0;

	return which;

//Stocks ripped from xtrafun.inc for AMXx
//Gets the velocity of an entity */
stock get_entity_velocity(index, velocity[3]) 
	new Float:vector[3];
	entity_get_vector(index, EV_VEC_velocity, vector);
	FVecIVec(vector, velocity);

//Sets the velocity of an entity
stock set_entity_velocity(index, velocity[3]) 
	new Float:vector[3];
	IVecFVec(velocity, vector);
	entity_set_vector(index, EV_VEC_velocity, vector);

stock set_rendering2(index, fx=kRenderFxNone, r=255, g=255, b=255, render=kRenderNormal, amount=16)
#if defined engine
	return set_rendering(index,fx,r,g,b,render,amount)
	set_pev(index, pev_renderfx, fx);
	new Float:RenderColor[3];
	RenderColor[0] = float(r);
	RenderColor[1] = float(g);
	RenderColor[2] = float(b);
	set_pev(index, pev_rendercolor, RenderColor);
	set_pev(index, pev_rendermode, render);
	set_pev(index, pev_renderamt, float(amount));
	return 1;

stock Spawn_Ent(const classname[]) 
	new ent = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, classname))
	set_pev(ent, pev_origin, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0})    
	dllfunc(DLLFunc_Spawn, ent)
	return ent

stock Float:Vec2DLength( Float:Vec[2] )  
	return floatsqroot(Vec[x1]*Vec[x1] + Vec[y1]*Vec[y1] )

stock bool:UTIL_In_FOV(id,target)
	if (Find_Angle(id,target,9999.9) > 0.0)
		return true
	return false
stock Float:Find_Angle(Core,Target,Float:dist)
	new Float:vec2LOS[2]
	new Float:flDot	
	new Float:CoreOrigin[3]
	new Float:TargetOrigin[3]
	new Float:CoreAngles[3]
	if (get_distance_f(CoreOrigin,TargetOrigin) > dist)
		return 0.0
	pev(Core,pev_angles, CoreAngles)
	for ( new i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
		vec2LOS[i] = TargetOrigin[i] - CoreOrigin[i]
	new Float:veclength = Vec2DLength(vec2LOS)
	//Normalize V2LOS
	if (veclength <= 0.0)
		vec2LOS[x1] = 0.0
		vec2LOS[y1] = 0.0
		new Float:flLen = 1.0 / veclength;
		vec2LOS[x1] = vec2LOS[x1]*flLen
		vec2LOS[y1] = vec2LOS[y1]*flLen
	//Do a makevector to make v_forward right
	new Float:v_forward[3]
	new Float:v_forward2D[2]
	get_global_vector(GL_v_forward, v_forward)
	v_forward2D[x1] = v_forward[x1]
	v_forward2D[y1] = v_forward[y1]
	flDot = vec2LOS[x1]*v_forward2D[x1]+vec2LOS[y1]*v_forward2D[y1]
	if ( flDot > 0.5 )
		return flDot
	return 0.0	

Last edited by eNNkds; 12-16-2018 at 12:11. Reason: Forgett to add the include files.
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Romania
Old 12-20-2018 , 12:56   Re: [UWC3X] Bug and XP doesen't load mysql
Reply With Quote #2

Bump. Somebody can help me? Or update this mod to amx 1.8.3?

AMX Mod X 1.8.3-dev+5201 (http://www.amxmodx.org)
David "BAILOPAN" Anderson, Pavol "PM OnoTo" Marko
Felix "SniperBeamer" Geyer, Jonny "Got His Gun" Bergstrom
Lukasz "SidLuke" Wlasinski, Christian "Basic-Master" Hammacher
Borja "faluco" Ferrer, Scott "DS" Ehlert
Compiled: Sep 1 2018 09:52:22
Built from: https://github.com/alliedmodders/amxmodx/commit/8c0f97d
Build ID: 5201:8c0f97d
Core mode: JIT+ASM32
Meta List
Currently loaded plugins:
descriptionstat pend file verssrcload unlod
[ 1] AMX Mod X RUN- amxmodx_mm_i386. v1.8.3-d iniStart ANY 
[ 2] dproto_EF RUN- dproto2_i386.sov0.9.548 iniStart Never
[ 3] AntiDlFile RUN- antidlfile_i386. v1.4iniStart Never
[ 4] SafeNameAndChat RUN- SafeNameAndChat. v1.1iniANYANY 
[ 5] VoiceTranscoder RUN- VoiceTranscoder. v2017RC3 iniANYANY 
[ 6] WHBlocker RUN- whblocker_mm_i38 v1.5.692 iniChlvl ANY 
[ 7] MySQRUN- mysql_amxx_i386. v1.8.3-d pl1ANYANY 
[ 8] SQLite RUN- sqlite_amxx_i386 v1.8.3-d pl1ANYANY 
[ 9] Fun RUN- fun_amxx_i386.so v1.8.3-d pl1ANYANY 
[10] Engine RUN- engine_amxx_i386 v1.8.3-d pl1ANYANY 
[11] FakeMetaRUN- fakemeta_amxx_i3 v1.8.3-d pl1ANYANY 
[12] CStrike RUN- cstrike_amxx_i38 v1.8.3-d pl1ANYANY 
[13] CSX RUN- csx_amxx_i386.so v1.8.3-d pl1ANYANY 
[14] Ham Sandwich RUN- hamsandwich_amxx v1.8.3-d pl1ANYANY 
14 plugins, 14 running
Meta Version
Metamod v1.21p38 2018/02/11 (5:13)
by Will Day
Patch: Metamod-P (mm-p) v38
by Jussi Kivilinna
compiled: Feb 11 2018, 11:05:06 EET (optimized)
eNNkds is offline
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Veteran Member
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Macedonia
Old 12-20-2018 , 13:48   Re: [UWC3X] Bug and XP doesen't load mysql
Reply With Quote #3

AMXX is backwards-compatible. Plugins on older version will always work on newer versions. If you think this compatibility is broken, you should report the issue on the AMXX Github page and it will be fixed ASAP.
OciXCrom is offline
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