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Ptahhotep's Team Balancer

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Join Date: Mar 2004
Old 01-26-2007 , 20:25   Ptahhotep's Team Balancer
Reply With Quote #1

Hello all

PTB_LOG_TRANSFERS = ^"<><><>^" triggered ^"amx_chat^" (text ^"[PTB] Transfered %s to %s^")
PTB_LAST_TRANSFERED = LastRound transfered: %i
PTB_END_ROUND = PTB: Round ended, checking teams.
PTB_BEST_PLAYER = PTB: Won't switch players, best player makes the winning team.
PTB_TEAMS_FULL = PTB: Can't switch players, both teams are full.
PTB_VALID_TARGET_EACH_TEAM = PTB: Can't switch players, need valid target in each team.
PTB_SWITCH_ALIVE = PTB: Couldn't switch dead, switching alive.
PTB_SWITCHING = PTB: Switching %s with %s.
PTB_NEED_PLAYERS = PTB: Can't switch players, need players in each team.
PTB_LOSING_TEAM_FULL = PTB: Can't transfer player, losing team is full.
PTB_NO VALID_TARGET_WINNING_TEAM = PTB: Can't transfer player, no valid target in winning team.
PTB_TRANSFER_ALIVE = PTB: Couldn't transfer dead, transferring alive.
PTB_NO_IMPROVE = PTB: No transfer would improve team balancing.
PTB_TRANSFERING = PTB: Transfering %s to the %s
PTB_JOIN_SAME_TEAM = PTB: Joining to the same team is not allowed...
PTB_KICK_WTJ = PTB: Kicking %s for a WTJ count %d of %d.
PTB_CTS_STRONG_ENOUGH = PTB: The CTs are strong enough, %s (WTJ: %d/%d).
PTB_TS_STRONG_ENOUGH = PTB: The Ts are strong enough, %s (WTJ: %d/%d).
PTB_MAX_TEAMSIZE = PTB: Maximum team size prohibits team change.
PTB_MIN_TEAMSIZE = PTB: Maximum team size difference prohibits team change.
PTB_FORCE_TO_TS = PTB: Forcing %s to the Ts (WTJ: %d/%d).
PTB_FORCE_TO_CTS = PTB: Forcing %s to the CTs (WTJ: %d/%d).
PTB_MAX_TEAMSIZE_JOIN = PTB: Maximum team size prohibits team join.
PTB_MAX_TEAMSIZE_DIFF = PTB: Maximum team size difference prohibits team join.
PTB_STAY_CURRENT_TEAM = PTB: You have better stay in your current team...
PTB_AUTO_ASSIGN = PTB: You have been auto-assigned...
PTB_SUPPORT_CTS = PTB: The COUNTER-TERRORIST team could use some support.
PTB_SUPPORT_TS = PTB: The TERRORIST team could use some support.
PTB_ADVANTAGE_TS = PTB: Observing TERRORIST team advantage.
PTB_TEAMS_FINE = PTB: Teams look fine, no action required.
PTB_ENABLE = PTB: Enabled all PTB actions.
PTB_DISABLE = PTB: Disabled all PTB actions.
PTB_AVAILABLE_CMDS = PTB: Available Commands:
PTB_JOIN_CTRL = PTB: Team Join Control: ^"limitjoin^", ^"limitafter^", ^"limitmin^", ^"maxsize^", ^"autorounds^",
PTB_JOIN_CTRL2 = PTB: ^"maxdiff^", ^"wtjauto^", ^"wtjkick^", ^"kick^", ^"savewtj^"
PTB_BALANCE_ACTIONS = PTB: Team Balancing Actions: ^"switch^", ^"switchafter^", ^"switchmin^", ^"switchfreq^", ^"playerfreq^",
PTB_BALANCE_ACTIONS2 = PTB: ^"forceswitch^", ^"deadonly^"
PTB_STRENGTH_LIMITS = PTB: Team Strength Limits: ^"maxstreak^", ^"maxscore^", ^"minrating^", ^"maxrating^", ^"superrating^"
PTB_MSGS = PTB: Messages: ^"tellwtj^", ^"announce^", ^"sayok^", ^"typesay^"
PTB_MISC = PTB: Misc: ^"status^", ^"list^", ^"help^", ^"on^", ^"off^", ^"save^", ^"load^"
PTB_VIEW_SETTINGS = PTB: To view all PTB settings, type ^"amx_ptb status^".
PTB_VIEW_CHANGE_SETTING = PTB: To view or change a single PTB setting, type ^"amx_ptb <setting> <on|off|value>^".
PTB_STATS = PTB: For PTB statistics, simply type ^"amx_ptb^".
PTB_TEAM_SELECT_CTRL = PTB: ---------- Team Selection Control ----------
PTB_LIMITJOIN = PTB: (limitjoin) WTJ prevention is %s.
PTB_LIMITAFTER = PTB: (limitafter) Team limiting starts after %d round(s).
PTB_LIMITMIN = PTB: (limitmin) Team limiting needs at least %d player(s).
PTB_MAXSIZE = PTB: (maxsize) Maximum team size is %d player(s).
PTB_MAXDIFF = PTB: (maxdiff) Maximum team size difference is %d.
PTB_AUTOROUNDS = PTB: (autorounds) First %d rounds no free team choice.
PTB_WTJAUTO = PTB: (wtjauto) Auto-joining WTJ after %d tr(y/ies).
PTB_WTJKICK = PTB: (wtjauto) Auto-kicking WTJ after %d tr(y/ies).
PTB_KICK = PTB: (kick) WTJ kicking is %s.
PTB_SAVEWTJ = PTB: (savewtj) Saving to wtj.log is %s.
PTB_TEAM_BALANCE_ACTIONS = PTB: ---------- Team Balancing Actions ----------
PTB_SWITCH = PTB: (switch) Team switching is %s.
PTB_SWITCHAFTER = PTB: (switchafter) Switching starts after %d round(s).
PTB_SWITCHMIN = PTB: (switchmin) Switching needs at least %d player(s).
PTB_PLAYERFREQ = PTB: (playerfreq) Individual players are switched every %d round(s) at maximum.
PTB_SWITCHFREQ = PTB: (switchfreq) Switch occurs every %d round(s) at maximum.
PTB_FORCESWITCH = PTB: (forceswitch) Forcing switch after %d unsuccessful switch(es).
PTB_DEADONLY = PTB: (deadonly) Switching dead only is %s.
PTB_MESSAGES = PTB: ---------- Messages ----------
PTB_TELLWTJ = PTB: (tellwtj) Telling about WTJ tries is %s.
PTB_ANNOUNCE = PTB: (announce) Announcements are %s.
PTB_SAYOK = PTB: (sayok) ^"OK^" announcements are %s.
PTB_TYPESAY = PTB: (typesay) typesay usage is %s.
PTB_TEAM_STRENGTH_LIMITS = PTB: ---------- Team Strength Limits ----------
PTB_MAXSTREAK = PTB: (maxstreak) Maximum accepted win streak is %d.
PTB_MAXSCORE = PTB: (maxscore) Maximum accepted team score difference is %d.
PTB_MINRATING = PTB: (minrating) Minimum critical strength rating is %.2f.
PTB_MAXRATING = PTB: (maxrating) Maximum critical strength rating is %.2f.
PTB_SUPERRATING = PTB: (superrating) Super critical strength rating is %.2f.
PTB_MAXINCIDENTS = PTB: (maxincidents) Maximum incidents before internal player score scale down is %d.
PTB_SCALEDOWN = PTB: (scaledown) Integer scale down factor for player scores is %d.
PTB_STATUS = PTB: ---------- Misc ----------
PTB_STATUS1 = PTB: To enable or disable PTB, type ^"amx_ptb <on|1|off|0>^".
PTB_STATUS2 = PTB: To view or change a single PTB setting, type ^"amx_ptb <setting> <on|off|value>^".
PTB_STATUS3 = PTB: To view a brief overview of PTB commands, type ^"amx_ptb help^" or ^"amx_ptb list^".
PTB_STATUS4 = PTB: For PTB statistics, simply type ^"amx_ptb^".
PTB_CONNECTED_PLAYERS = PTB: Connected players: %d
PTB_TEAM_SIZES = PTB: Team sizes: CTs %d, Ts %d
PTB_TEAM_SCORES = PTB: Team scores: CTs %d, Ts %d
PTB_TEAM_KDRATIO_CTS = PTB: Team kills:deaths: CTs %d:%d, Ts %d:%d
PTB_TEAM_KDRATIO_TS = PTB: Team kills/deaths: CTs %.2f, Ts %.2f
PTB_TEAM_STRENGTHS = PTB: Team strengths: CTs %.2f, Ts %.2f
PTB_TEAM_RATINGS = PTB: Team ratings: CTs %.2f, Ts %.2f
PTB_LAST_WIN_CTS = PTB: Last %d round(s) won by CTs.
PTB_LAST_WIN_TS = PTB: Last %d round(s) won by Ts.
PTB_CTS_WINNING = PTB: The CTs are the winning team.
PTB_TS_WINNING = PTB: The Ts are the winning team.
PTB_TEAMS_BALANCED = PTB: Teams are balanced.
let's roll

vlad is offline
D o o m
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Germany
Old 01-27-2007 , 09:56   Re: Ptahhotep's Team Balancer
Reply With Quote #2

PTB_LOG_TRANSFERS = ^"<><><>^" ^"amx_chat^" ausgeloest (Text ^"[PTB] %s nach %s^ transferiert")
PTB_LAST_TRANSFERED = LetzteRunde transferiert: %i
PTB_END_ROUND = PTB: Runde zu Ende, pruefe Teams.
PTB_BEST_PLAYER = PTB: Werde keine Spieler verschieben, beste Spieler bilden das gewinnende Team.
PTB_TEAMS_FULL = PTB: Kann Spieler nicht verschieben, beide Teams sind voll.
PTB_VALID_TARGET_EACH_TEAM = PTB: Kann Spieler nicht verschieben, benoetige ein gueltiges Ziel in jedem Team.
PTB_SWITCH_ALIVE = PTB: Konnte keine Toten verschieben, verschiebe Lebendige.
PTB_SWITCHING = PTB: Tausche %s mit %s.
PTB_NEED_PLAYERS = PTB: Kann Spieler nicht verschieben, benoetige Spieler in jedem Team.
PTB_LOSING_TEAM_FULL = PTB: Spieler kann nicht transferiert werden, das verlierende Team ist voll.
PTB_NO VALID_TARGET_WINNING_TEAM = PTB: Kann Spieler nicht transferieren, kein gueltiges Ziel im gewinnenden Team.
PTB_TRANSFER_ALIVE = PTB: Konnte keine Toten transferieren, transferiere Lebendige.
PTB_NO_IMPROVE = PTB: Kein Transfer wuerde die Teams ausgleichen.
PTB_TRANSFERING = PTB: Transferiere %s zu den %s
PTB_JOIN_SAME_TEAM = PTB: Demselben Team beizutreten ist nicht erlaubt...
PTB_KICK_WTJ = PTB: Kicke %s fuer WTJ-Versuch %d von %d.
PTB_CTS_STRONG_ENOUGH = PTB: Die CTs sind stark genug, %s (WTJ: %d/%d).
PTB_TS_STRONG_ENOUGH = PTB: Die Ts sind stark genug, %s (WTJ: %d/%d).
PTB_MAX_TEAMSIZE = PTB: Maximale Teamgroesse verhindert Teamwechsel.
PTB_MIN_TEAMSIZE = PTB: Maximale Teamgroessendifferenz verhindert Teamwechsel.
PTB_FORCE_TO_TS = PTB: Zwinge %s zu den Ts (WTJ: %d/%d).
PTB_FORCE_TO_CTS = PTB: Zwinge %s zu den CTs (WTJ: %d/%d).
PTB_MAX_TEAMSIZE_JOIN = PTB: Maximale Teamgroesse verhindert Teambeitritt.
PTB_MAX_TEAMSIZE_DIFF = PTB: Maximale Teamgroessendifferenz verhindert Teambeitritt.
PTB_STAY_CURRENT_TEAM = PTB: Du bleibst besser in deinem momentanen Team...
PTB_AUTO_ASSIGN = PTB: Du wurdest automatisch zugeteilt...
PTB_SUPPORT_CTS = PTB: Das COUNTER-TERRORISTEN-Team koennte Unterstuetzung brauchen.
PTB_SUPPORT_TS = PTB: Das TERRORISTEN-Team koennte Unterstuetzung brauchen.
PTB_ADVANTAGE_TS = PTB: Beobachte den Vorteil des TERRORISTEN-Teams.
PTB_TEAMS_FINE = PTB: Teams sehen gut aus, keine Aktion noetig.
PTB_ENABLE = PTB: Alle PTB Aktionen aktiviert.
PTB_DISABLE = PTB: Alle PTB Aktionen deaktiviert.
PTB_AVAILABLE_CMDS = PTB: Verfuegbare Befehle:
PTB_JOIN_CTRL = PTB: Teambeitrittskontrolle: ^"limitjoin^", ^"limitafter^", ^"limitmin^", ^"maxsize^", ^"autorounds^",
PTB_JOIN_CTRL2 = PTB: ^"maxdiff^", ^"wtjauto^", ^"wtjkick^", ^"kick^", ^"savewtj^"
PTB_BALANCE_ACTIONS = PTB: Teamausgleichaktionen: ^"switch^", ^"switchafter^", ^"switchmin^", ^"switchfreq^", ^"playerfreq^",
PTB_BALANCE_ACTIONS2 = PTB: ^"forceswitch^", ^"deadonly^"
PTB_STRENGTH_LIMITS = PTB: Teamstaerkenlimitierungen: ^"maxstreak^", ^"maxscore^", ^"minrating^", ^"maxrating^", ^"superrating^"
PTB_MSGS = PTB: Nachrichten: ^"tellwtj^", ^"announce^", ^"sayok^", ^"typesay^"
PTB_MISC = PTB: Verschiedenes: ^"status^", ^"list^", ^"help^", ^"on^", ^"off^", ^"save^", ^"load^"
PTB_VIEW_SETTINGS = PTB: Um alle PTB Einstellungen zu sehen, gib ^"amx_ptb status^" ein.
PTB_VIEW_CHANGE_SETTING = PTB: Um eine einzige PTB Einstellung einzusehen oder zu veraendern, gib ^"amx_ptb <setting> <on|off|value>^" ein.
PTB_STATS = PTB: Fuer PTB Statistiken, einfach ^"amx_ptb^" eingeben.
PTB_TEAM_SELECT_CTRL = PTB: ---------- Team-Auswahl-Kontrolle ----------
PTB_LIMITJOIN = PTB: (limitjoin) WTJ Schutz ist %s.
PTB_LIMITAFTER = PTB: (limitafter) Teamlimitierung startet nach %d Runde(n).
PTB_LIMITMIN = PTB: (limitmin) Teamlimitierung benoetigt mindestens %d Spieler.
PTB_MAXSIZE = PTB: (maxsize) Maximale Teamgroesse ist/sind %d Spieler.
PTB_MAXDIFF = PTB: (maxdiff) Maximale Teamgroessendifferenz ist %d.
PTB_AUTOROUNDS = PTB: (autorounds) Erst %d Runden ohne freiwillige Teamauswahl.
PTB_WTJAUTO = PTB: (wtjauto) Auto-joining WTJ nach %d Versuch(en).
PTB_WTJKICK = PTB: (wtjauto) Auto-kicking WTJ nach %d Versuch(en).
PTB_KICK = PTB: (kick) WTJ kicking ist %s.
PTB_SAVEWTJ = PTB: (savewtj) Speichere wtj.log ist %s.
PTB_TEAM_BALANCE_ACTIONS = PTB: ---------- Team-Ausgleich-Aktionen ----------
PTB_SWITCH = PTB: (switch) Teamverschiebung ist %s.
PTB_SWITCHAFTER = PTB: (switchafter) Tausch startet nach %d Runde(n).
PTB_SWITCHMIN = PTB: (switchmin) Tausch benoetigt mindestens %d Spieler.
PTB_PLAYERFREQ = PTB: (playerfreq) Einzelne Spieler werden alle %d Runde(n) verschoben.
PTB_SWITCHFREQ = PTB: (switchfreq) Tausch tritt alle %d Runde(n) auf.
PTB_FORCESWITCH = PTB: (forceswitch) Erzwungener Tausch nach %d erfolglosen Verschiebung(en).
PTB_DEADONLY = PTB: (deadonly) Tausche nur Tote ist %s.
PTB_MESSAGES = PTB: ---------- Nachrichten ----------
PTB_TELLWTJ = PTB: (tellwtj) Ueber WTJ Versuche informieren, ist %s.
PTB_ANNOUNCE = PTB: (announce) Ankuendigungen sind %s.
PTB_SAYOK = PTB: (sayok) ^"OK^" Ankuendigungen sind %s.
PTB_TYPESAY = PTB: (typesay) typesay Benutzung ist %s.
PTB_TEAM_STRENGTH_LIMITS = PTB: ---------- Team-Staerken-Limitierungen ----------
PTB_MAXSTREAK = PTB: (maxstreak) Maximale akzeptierte Gewinnstraehne ist %d.
PTB_MAXSCORE = PTB: (maxscore) Maximale Teamscore Differenz ist %d.
PTB_MINRATING = PTB: (minrating) Minimale kritische Staerkenbewertung ist %.2f.
PTB_MAXRATING = PTB: (maxrating) Maximale kritische Staerkenbewertung ist %.2f.
PTB_SUPERRATING = PTB: (superrating) Superkritische Staerkenbewertung ist %.2f.
PTB_MAXINCIDENTS = PTB: (maxincidents) Maximale Geschehnisse bevor interne Spielerpunktskala unten ist, ist %d.
PTB_SCALEDOWN = PTB: (scaledown) Ganzzahliger Faktor fuer die Skala der Spielerpunkte ist %d.
PTB_STATUS = PTB: ---------- Verschiedenes ----------
PTB_STATUS1 = PTB: Um PTB zu (de)aktiveren, gib ^"amx_ptb <on|1|off|0>^" ein.
PTB_STATUS2 = PTB: Um eine einzige PTB Einstellung einzusehen oder zu veraendern, gib ^"amx_ptb <setting> <on|off|value>^" ein.
PTB_STATUS3 = PTB: Um eine kurz dargestellte Uebersicht der PTB Befehle zu sehen, gib ^"amx_ptb help^" oder ^"amx_ptb list^" ein.
PTB_STATUS4 = PTB: Fuer PTB Statistiken, einfach ^"amx_ptb^" eingeben.
PTB_CONNECTED_PLAYERS = PTB: Verbundene Spieler: %d
PTB_TEAM_SIZES = PTB: Teamgroessen: CTs %d, Ts %d
PTB_TEAM_SCORES = PTB: Teamscores: CTs %d, Ts %d
PTB_TEAM_KDRATIO_CTS = PTB: Team Kills:Deaths: CTs %d:%d, Ts %d:%d
PTB_TEAM_KDRATIO_TS = PTB: Team Kills/Deaths: CTs %.2f, Ts %.2f
PTB_TEAM_STRENGTHS = PTB: Teamstaerken: CTs %.2f, Ts %.2f
PTB_TEAM_RATINGS = PTB: Teambewertungen: CTs %.2f, Ts %.2f
PTB_LAST_WIN_CTS = PTB: Letzte %d Runde(n) von den CTs gewonnen.
PTB_LAST_WIN_TS = PTB: Letzte %d Runde(n) von den Ts gewonnen.
PTB_CTS_WINNING = PTB: Die CTs sind das Siegerteam.
PTB_TS_WINNING = PTB: Die Ts sind das Siegerteam.
PTB_TEAMS_BALANCED = PTB: Teams sind ausgeglichen.
I didn't know, if I had to translate the shortcuts in the brackets too, so I let it like it was, but I can translate this too, if you want

I just have one question for the translation. I don't really unterstand a word in the text, it's " typesay " It occurs at " PTB_TYPESAY ", but I couldn't really find out what it means.. Can you maybe explain it or give me a synonym for it, pls?
:+: Deadpool :+:
D o o m is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2004
Old 01-27-2007 , 10:10   Re: Ptahhotep's Team Balancer
Reply With Quote #3

the shortcuts are plugin settings and don't need to be translated =)
'typesay' also is a ptb setting.

amx_ptb typesay      on/off	// use HUD messages
Thx D o o m
vlad is offline

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