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[csgo] is it possible to change a bots skill?

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Old 01-16-2025 , 02:26   [csgo] is it possible to change a bots skill?
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Once a bot is in game is there a way to change its skill level (0-3) instead of kicking the bot and adding another one at the different skill level?

Last edited by Austin; 01-16-2025 at 02:27.
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Old 01-20-2025 , 06:38   Re: [csgo] is it possible to change a bots skill?
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yes , but it would be complex with the many built-in functions that manage bots actions .
here is an example of how to improve bot aim accuracy , but it would not be efficient , since bots are being tracked in each frame by another functions like (pre_think) . and these functions set their (buttons / flags / angles ... ) in order to re-act with environment .

Example to improve bot aim or modifying damage based on difficulty:
PHP Code:
#include <sdkhooks> 
#include <sdktools> 

Handle Cvar_Level;

Cvar_Level CreateConVar("bot_difficulty_level""1""1: easy ,  2:Normal ,  3:Hard , 4:Expert "FCVAR_NONEtrue1.0true4.0);


Action OnTraceAttack(int victimint &attackerint &inflictorfloat &damageint &damagetypeint &ammotypeint hitboxint hitgroup)
    if (
int x GetRandomInt(10 20) * (GetConVarInt(Cvar_Level) ) ;   // random accuracy factor based on difficulty

static float APos[3], HPos[3], Vector[3], Angles[3];

HPos[2] -=  ;
MakeVectorFromPoints(APosHPos Vector);  //connect bot eyes position with victim head position (head aim)

Angles[GetRandomInt(0,1)] += GetRandomInt(-1,1) * x/10;  //Optional


damage *= Pow(2.0 GetConVarFloat(Cvar_Level) - 2.0 );

* Note : this may not be a working code , that was just an example of how to improve bots aim skills based on difficulty , because the built-in structure already handled that .

Last edited by 101; 01-21-2025 at 09:25.
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Old 01-25-2025 , 23:05   Re: [csgo] is it possible to change a bots skill?
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Originally Posted by Austin View Post
Once a bot is in game is there a way to change its skill level (0-3) instead of kicking the bot and adding another one at the different skill level?
It's possible
Code above - this isn't solution
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Old 01-28-2025 , 10:37   Re: [csgo] is it possible to change a bots skill?
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PHP Code:
"bot_difficulty" "1"
Defines the skill of bots joining the game.  Values are0=easy1=normal2=hard3=expert.

"sv_auto_adjust_bot_difficulty" "1"
Adjust the difficulty of bots each round based on contribution score.

"sv_bots_get_easier_each_win" "0"
- If > 0some # of bots will lower thier difficulty each time they win. The argument defines how many will lower their difficulty each time.

"sv_compute_per_bot_difficulty" "0"
compute all bot difficulties equallycompute unique bot difficulty for each bot 

"sv_show_bot_difficulty_in_name" "0"
hide bot difficulty in bot nameshow bot difficulty in bot name

"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high" "0.0" def"5.0" min. -20.000000 max20.000000
Upper bound above Average Human Contribution Score that a bot must be above to change its difficulty

"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low" "-2.0" min. -20.000000 max20.000000
Lower bound below Average Human Contribution Score that a bot must be below to change its difficulty 

Some cvars require sm_cvar to change.
Use these in game mode config (override) file
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Last edited by Bacardi; 01-28-2025 at 10:39.
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Old 02-04-2025 , 15:16   Re: [csgo] is it possible to change a bots skill?
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Its nice to have everyone back together again!
I haven't been around as much since totally moving over to cs2 and cs#.
Here is the place to be now for cs2 and cs# plugins.

I should have been more specific with my question
and thanks for all the info but I know all about bot cvars

First I said bot skill and then mentioned difficultly levels which are two different things sorry!

My question is about changing a bots difficulty level -while the bot is in game- without having to do this
1) bot_difficulty newlevel
2) bot_kick
3) bot_add (add a totally new bot at this new bot_difficulty level just set)
4) set bot_difficulty back to default

That was my question.

And also what is Skill? And how does this affect bots?
Skill is a setting in the botprofile.db template and goes from 0 to 100
It is totally different from the 0-3 difficulty level that maps to and chooses the the templates.

These difficulty levels 0-3 gives these templates and notice the game decides between 2-3 different ones on all levels besides level 0
bot_difficulty 0 = Easy, 1 = fair+normal, 2 = tough+hard+veryHard, 3 = expert+elite At least for the default botoprofile.db

Again how does Skill affect the bots?

I have only been focused on difficulty 0-3 and using the
Templates that are associated with those levels to set the things like ReactionTime AttackDelay etc.
But this Skill is also a setting in the template.
What does it do?

Template Expert
Skill = 60 // <= what does this do? How does it change the bots?
Aggression = 45
ReactionTime = 0.50
AttackDelay = 0.50
Cost = 2
Difficulty = EXPERT
VoicePitch = 96
AimFocusInitial = 11
AimFocusDecay = 0.50
AimFocusOffsetScale = 0.50
AimfocusInterval = 0.50
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Old 02-05-2025 , 02:55   Re: [csgo] is it possible to change a bots skill?
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"Skill" personality, 0 = terrible, 100 = expert
"Aggression", 0 = coward, 100 = berserker

"Difficulty", you 'flag' this specific profile as 'X' difficulty, you not change difficulty. This affect loading profile when bot created. ["EASY", "NORMAL", "HARD", "EXPERT"]

About "Skill"
- bot aim accuracy, when aiming enemy, affect aim accuracy = turn distance calculate with skill

- bot aim At Part, Is Using Machinegun, aim GUT (non-skill)
- bot aim At Part, Is Using AWP or Is Using Shotgun, aim GUT (non-skill)
- bot aim At Part, when active weapon recoil is at the moment high (sprayin and prayin) -> skill over 50% aim GUT
- bot aim At Part, skill less 80% aim GUT (don't go for headshots)
- bot aim At Part, skill 80% and over, aim HEAD

- bot vision, bot Is using sniper rifle, skill over 40% pre-zoom (when view is not moving)
- bot vision, map NAV have so called 'encounter spots', how long bot glance those spots, low skill look longer.
- bot vision, chance of noticing player by skill (there are on top, lot of non-skill based stuff what trigger 'noticing')

- bot attack, high skill bots (over 50%) bigger chance to dodge fight when outnumbered or see sniper.
"Aggression" affect also, is bot bailing out of fight. (m_isCoward)

- bot dodging, move towards or away from enemy when using knife and enemy facing, skill less than 66% move backwards when in min. combat range.
Combat range is random on each bot when created.
- bot dodging, slide right or left, high-skill bots keep moving and don't jump when they see sniper (over 50%)

- bot using pistol, fire as fast as possible in pistol range (360 unit) when skill over 75%
- bot not using pistol, skill less than 50% 'spray and pray'
(there are also non-skill based stuff, sprayRange 400 unit or Is Using Machinegun)

- bot aim offset, aim error based skill

- bot avoid enemy grenades, skill less than 60% do not avoid grenades.

- bot active weapon clip empty, skill over 50% switch to pistol instead reloading in combat.
- bot use all ammo and switch to pistol instead realoading in combat (skill over 50%)
- bot hide to reload chance based by skill

- bot using silencer skill over 70% (there is also "prefer silencer" by bot name { m_name[0] % 2 } start letters  A C E G I K M O Q)

- bot buy defusekit chance, based skill

- high-skill bots run with knife, unless using scout (over 33%)
These examples are taken from CS:S unfortunally
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Last edited by Bacardi; 02-05-2025 at 04:49.
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Old 02-05-2025 , 14:09   Re: [csgo] is it possible to change a bots skill?
Reply With Quote #7

Originally Posted by Vit_amin View Post
It's possible
Code above - this isn't solution
If you have a solution I am interested!
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Old 02-05-2025 , 14:12   Re: [csgo] is it possible to change a bots skill?
Reply With Quote #8

Originally Posted by Bacardi View Post
"Skill" personality, 0 = terrible, 100 = expert
"Aggression", 0 = coward, 100 = berserker

About "Skill"

These examples are taken from CS:S unfortunally
Thanks for this!
It almost certainty works like this in cs2 since the bot seem to work mostly the same, and have the same settings. The only things I noticed is there is a total new non editable nav system and the bots are way better at following most all of the radio commands

The ones in these menus
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