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[CS:GO] Looking for a Deahtrun Knifes plugin

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Join Date: Jul 2020
Location: Romania
Old 09-20-2020 , 16:34   [CS:GO] Looking for a Deahtrun Knifes plugin
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Hi,if u help me please,i need a custom knife plugin with custom abilities for my cs:go deathrun server.
The knives will show like this:
1. Machete (More Damage/Low Speed)
2. Bak Knife (No Footsteps)
3. Pocket Knife (High Speed)
4. Butcher Knife (Low Gravity)
5. Default Knife (Health Regeneration)
And if u can please ad the posibility to change the knife skin(model).
The abilities need to show like this please:
km_highspeed 340 ( Pocket Knife)
km_lowspeed 170 ( Machete)
km_addhealth 3 ( Default Knife)
km_maxhealth 75 ( D-knife)
km_damage 2 (Machete)
km_lowgravity 400 (sets the low gravity)

I found this plugin,i just want to add custom models for knives,please if u can help me.
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <clientprefs>

#define MOD_TAG "\x01\x0B★ \x07[Knife Mod]\x04 "
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "[DR] Knife Mod",
description = "Knife Mod DR",
author = "X Matei X",
version = "1.0",
url = "https://"


Handle g_selectedknife;

int Knife[MAXPLAYERS + 1];

bool MoreDamageLowSpeed[MAXPLAYERS + 1], NoFootSteps[MAXPLAYERS + 1], HighSpeed[MAXPLAYERS + 1], MoreLowGravity[MAXPLAYERS + 1], HealthRegeneration[MAXPLAYERS + 1];

public void OnPluginStart()
HookEvent("player_spawn", Event_PlayerSpawn);

g_selectedknife = RegClientCookie("sm_knifeselected", "Selected knife skills", CookieAccess_Protected);
RegConsoleCmd("sm_knife", Display_Knife);

CVAR_HIGHSPEED = CreateConVar("km_highspeed", "1.3")
CVAR_LOWSPEED = CreateConVar("km_lowspeed", "0.7")
CVAR_HEALTH_ADD = CreateConVar("km_addhealth", "3")
CVAR_HEALTH_MAX = CreateConVar("km_maxhealth", "75")
CVAR_DAMAGE = CreateConVar("km_damage", "2.0")
CVAR_LOWGRAV = CreateConVar("km_lowgravity", "0.6")
AutoExecConfig(true, "Knife_Mod");
CreateTimer(480.0, kmodmsg, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
CreateTimer(4.0, Healing, _, TIMER_REPEAT);

public void OnClientPutInServer(int client)
SDKHook(client, SDKHook_OnTakeDamage, OnTakeDamage);
if (!IsFakeClient(client)) {
SendConVarValue(client, FindConVar("sv_footsteps"), "0");

public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
if (AreClientCookiesCached(client))
char value[11];
Format(value, sizeof(value), "%d", Knife[client]);
SetClientCookie(client, g_selectedknife, value);
Knife[client] = 0;
SDKUnhook(client, SDKHook_OnTakeDamage, OnTakeDamage);

public void OnClientCookiesCached(int client)
char value[11];
GetClientCookie(client, g_selectedknife, value, sizeof(value));
Knife[client] = StringToInt(value);

public Action Event_PlayerSpawn(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
int client = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("userid"));
float lowspeed = CVAR_LOWSPEED.FloatValue;
float highspeed = CVAR_HIGHSPEED.FloatValue;
float gravity = CVAR_LOWGRAV.FloatValue;
if (MoreDamageLowSpeed[client]) {
SetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Data, "m_flLaggedMovementValue", lowspeed);
else if (HighSpeed[client]) {
SetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Data, "m_flLaggedMovementValue", highspeed);
else if (MoreLowGravity[client]) {
SetEntityGravity(client, gravity);

public Action OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, int &buttons, int &impulse, float vel[3], float angles[3], int &weapon)
float lowspeed = CVAR_LOWSPEED.FloatValue;
float highspeed = CVAR_HIGHSPEED.FloatValue;
float gravity = CVAR_LOWGRAV.FloatValue;
if (MoreDamageLowSpeed[client]) {
if (GetClientSpeed(client) != lowspeed) {
SetClientSpeed(client, lowspeed);
else if (HighSpeed[client]) {
if (GetClientSpeed(client) != highspeed) {
SetClientSpeed(client, highspeed);
else if (MoreLowGravity[client]) {
if (GetEntityGravity(client) != gravity) {
SetEntityGravity(client, gravity);

public Action OnTakeDamage(int victim, int &attacker, int &inflictor, float &damage, int &damagetype)
if (MoreDamageLowSpeed[attacker])
char weapons[64];
float dmg = CVAR_DAMAGE.FloatValue;
GetClientWeapon(attacker, weapons, sizeof(weapons));
if ((StrContains(weapons, "knife", false) != -1) || (StrContains(weapons, "bayonet", false) != -1))
damage *= dmg;
return Plugin_Changed;
return Plugin_Continue;

public Action Display_Knife(int client, int args)
Menu menu = new Menu(Menu_Handler);
menu.SetTitle("Knife Mod");
menu.AddItem("", "Machete (More Damage/Low Speed)");
menu.AddItem("", "Bak Knife (No Footsteps)");
menu.AddItem("", "Pocket Knife (High Speed)");
menu.AddItem("", "Butcher Knife (More Low Gravity)");
menu.AddItem("", "Default Knife (Health Regeneration)");
menu.ExitButton = false;
menu.Display(client, 60);

public int Menu_Handler(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int item)
if (action == MenuAction_Select)
switch (item)
case 0:SetKnife(client, 0)
case 1:SetKnife(client, 1)
case 2:SetKnife(client, 2)
case 3:SetKnife(client, 3)
case 4:SetKnife(client, 4)
if (action == MenuAction_End)delete menu;

public SetKnife(int client, int knife) {
switch (knife)
case 0:
MoreDamageLowSpeed[client] = true;
NoFootSteps[client] = false;
HighSpeed[client] = false;
MoreLowGravity[client] = false;
HealthRegeneration[client] = false;
Knife[client] = 1;
case 1:
MoreDamageLowSpeed[client] = false;
NoFootSteps[client] = true;
HighSpeed[client] = false;
MoreLowGravity[client] = false;
HealthRegeneration[client] = false;
Knife[client] = 2;
case 2:
MoreDamageLowSpeed[client] = false;
NoFootSteps[client] = false;
HighSpeed[client] = true;
MoreLowGravity[client] = false;
HealthRegeneration[client] = false;
Knife[client] = 3;
case 3:
MoreDamageLowSpeed[client] = false;
NoFootSteps[client] = false;
HighSpeed[client] = false;
MoreLowGravity[client] = true;
Knife[client] = 4;
case 4:
MoreDamageLowSpeed[client] = false;
NoFootSteps[client] = false;
HighSpeed[client] = false;
MoreLowGravity[client] = false;
HealthRegeneration[client] = true;
Knife[client] = 5;

public Action Healing(Handle timer)
int maxhp = CVAR_HEALTH_MAX.IntValue;
int addhp = CVAR_HEALTH_ADD.IntValue;
for (int i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i))
if (HealthRegeneration[i] && IsPlayerAlive(i))
if (GetClientHealth(i) < maxhp)
SetEntityHealth(i, GetClientHealth(i) + addhp);

public Action Sound(int clients[MAXPLAYERS], int &numClients, char sample[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], int &entity, int &channel, float &volume, int &level, int &pitch, int &flags, char soundEntry[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], int &seed)
if (!IsValidClient(entity) || IsFakeClient(entity))
return Plugin_Continue;

if ((StrContains(sample, "physics") != -1 || StrContains(sample, "footsteps") != -1) && StrContains(sample, "suit") == -1)
if (!NoFootSteps[entity])
EmitSoundToAll(sample, entity);

return Plugin_Handled;

return Plugin_Continue;

public Action kmodmsg(Handle timer) {
PrintToChatAll("%s Type /knife to change your knife skills", MOD_TAG);

void RestartStats(int client)
SetClientSpeed(client, 1.0);
SetEntityGravity(client, 1.0);

void SetClientSpeed(int client, float speed)
SetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Data, "m_flLaggedMovementValue", speed);
float GetClientSpeed(int client)
return GetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Data, "m_flLaggedMovementValue");

public bool IsValidClient(int client)
if (!(1 <= client <= MaxClients) || !IsClientInGame(client) || !IsClientConnected(client) || IsFakeClient(client) || IsClientSourceTV(client))
return false;

return true;

Last edited by XMateiXGO; 09-22-2020 at 02:17.
XMateiXGO is offline

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