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Runtime error 10: (native "get_pcvar_string") and (native "get_pcvar_num")

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Join Date: Sep 2023
Old 10-12-2023 , 21:24   Runtime error 10: (native "get_pcvar_string") and (native "get_pcvar_num")
Reply With Quote #1

Please helpme, sorry if I put all the code =)

L 10/12/2023 - 20:16:12: Invalid CVAR pointer
L 10/12/2023 - 20:16:12: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "agmodx.amxx", version "unknown")
L 10/12/2023 - 20:16:12: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "get_pcvar_string")
L 10/12/2023 - 20:16:12: [AMXX] [0] agmodx.sma::plugin_precache (line 300)
L 10/12/2023 - 20:16:12: Invalid CVAR pointer
L 10/12/2023 - 20:16:12: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "agmodx.amxx", version "unknown")
L 10/12/2023 - 20:16:12: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "get_pcvar_num")
L 10/12/2023 - 20:16:12: [AMXX] [0] agmodx.sma::InitAgTimer (line 716)
L 10/12/2023 - 20:16:12: [AMXX] [1] agmodx.sma::plugin_init (line 482)
	AG Mod X by rtxA

	# Thanks to:
	- BulliT for his AG Mod and some useful codes.
	- Lev for his Bugfixed HL and some useful codes.
	- KORD_12.7 for his HL Stocks include for AMXX.

	# Information:
	AG Mod X is an improved Mini AG alternative made as a plugin for AMX Mod X 
	from the ground. It's easy to add new stuff, make improvements, do changes, etc.
	# Features:
	- Uses Bugfixed HL in the core, a HL that fixes a lot of issues and comes with some features
	and improvements.
	- Some fixes and improvements to the original Mini AG.
	- Supports multilingual (English and Spanish are included).
	- Portability, because of the nature of the mod, it allows to use other plugins in your server,
	and in case it's interfering with other plugins, you can switch it off.

	More info: https://git.io/agmodx
	Contact: [email protected] or rtxa#6795 (Discord)

#include <agmodx>
#include <agmodx_const>
#include <agmodx_stocks>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <fun>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <hlstocks>

#define PLUGIN  "AG Mod X"
#define AUTHOR  "rtxA"
#define VERSION "1.0"

#define CONTACT_INFO "More info: https://git.io/agmodx"

#pragma semicolon 1

// TaskIDs
enum (+=100) {

new Array:gAgCmdList;
new Array:gAgVoteList;

// Location system
new Array:gLocations;
new Float:gDeathLocation[MAX_PLAYERS + 1][3];

// Game player equip
new bool:gGamePlayerEquipExists;

// timeleft / timelimit system
new gTimeLeft; // if timeleft is set to -1, it means unlimited time
new gTimeLimit;

new cvarhook:gHookCvarTimeLimit;

// ag hud color
new gHudRed, gHudGreen, gHudBlue;

// play_team cmd
new Float:gPlaySoundDelayTime[33];
// gamerules flags
new bool:gBlockCmdKill;
new bool:gBlockCmdSpec;
new bool:gBlockCmdDrop;
new bool:gBlockPlayerSpawn;
new bool:gSendVictimToSpec;
new bool:gSendConnectingToSpec;
new bool:gIsSuddenDeath;

// agstart
new bool:gVersusStarted;
new gStartVersusTime;

// Team info
new gNumTeams;

// This array saves the score from all players/teams
// Every element inside the array is a datapack with the next structure:
// 1. Name of the player/team
// 2. Frags
new Array:gScoreLog;

// hud sync handles
new gHudDisplayVote;
new gHudShowMatch;
new gHudShowAgTimer;

new gGameModeName[32];

// Restore Score System
// ========================
// The dynamic array saves DataPacks inside in this way:
// 1. authid
// 2. ip
// 3. frags
// 4. deaths
new Array:gRestoreScorePlayers;

// ============= vote system ===============
#define VOTE_YES 1
#define VOTE_NO -1

#define VOTE_RUNNING 0
#define VOTE_DENIED 1

new Trie:gTrieVoteList;

new gVotePlayers[MAX_PLAYERS + 1]; // 1: vote yes; 0: didn't vote; -1; vote no;

new gVoteNumFor;
new gVoteNumAgainst;
new gVoteNumUndecided;

new gVoteOption;

new bool:gVoteIsRunning;

new Float:gVoteFailedTime; // in seconds
new Float:gVoteEndTime;
new Float:gVoteDisplayEndTime;

new gVoteCallerName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
new gVoteCallerUserId;

new gNumVoteArgs;
new gVoteArg1[32];
new gVoteArg2[32];

new gVoteOptionFwHandle;

new Float:gVoteNextThink = -1.0;
new Float:gVoteDisplayNextThink = -1.0;

// ============= END vote system ===============

// cvar pointers
new gCvarContact;
new gCvarAllowedGameModes;
new gCvarGameMode;
new gCvarHudColor;
new gCvarSpecTalk;
new gCvarMaxSpectators;

new gCvarAllowVote;
new gCvarAllowVoteGameMode;
new gCvarAllowVoteAgAllow;
new gCvarAllowVoteAgStart;
new gCvarAllowVoteMap;
new gCvarAllowVoteKick;
new gCvarAllowVoteSetting;

new gCvarVoteTimeLimitMax;
new gCvarVoteTimeLimitMin;
new gCvarVoteFragLimitMax;
new gCvarVoteFragLimitMin;

new gCvarVoteFailedTime;
new gCvarVoteDuration;
new gCvarVoteOldStyle;
new gCvarAllowVoteBots;

new gCvarAgStartMinPlayers;

new gCvarAmxNextMap;

new gCvarBunnyHop;
new gCvarFallDamage;
new gCvarFlashLight;
new gCvarFootSteps;
new gCvarForceRespawn;
new gCvarFragLimit;
new gCvarFriendlyFire;
new gCvarSelfGauss;
new gCvarTimeLimit;
new gCvarWeaponStay;
new gCvarHeadShot;
new gCvarGaussFix;
new gCvarWallGauss;
new gCvarBlastRadius;
new gCvarRpgFix;
new gCvarMaxSpeed;
new gCvarOldPhysics;

new gCvarStartHealth;
new gCvarStartArmor;
new gCvarStartLongJump;

new gCvarStartWeapons[SIZE_WEAPONS];
new gCvarStartAmmo[SIZE_AMMO];
new gCvarMpDmgWeapons[SIZE_DMGWEAPONS];
new gCvarAgDmgWeapons[SIZE_DMGWEAPONS];

new gCvarBanWeapons[SIZE_BANWEAPONS];
new gCvarBanAmmo[SIZE_AMMOENTS];
new gCvarBanBattery;
new gCvarBanHealthKit;
new gCvarBanLongJump;
new gCvarBanChargers;

new gCvarCoreBlockSpec;
new gCvarMatchRunning;

new gFwPause;

new const gWeaponClass[][] = {

new const gAmmoClass[][] = {

public plugin_precache() {
	// AG Mod X Version
	create_cvar("agmodx_version", AGMODX_VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER);

	// General cvars
	gCvarHudColor = create_cvar("sv_ag_hud_color", "255 255 0", FCVAR_SERVER); // yellow
	gCvarMaxSpectators = create_cvar("sv_ag_max_spectators", "32", FCVAR_SERVER);
	gCvarAgStartMinPlayers = create_cvar("sv_ag_start_minplayers", "2", FCVAR_SERVER);
	gCvarSpecTalk = create_cvar("ag_spectalk", "0", FCVAR_SERVER);
	gCvarContact = get_cvar_pointer("sv_contact");
	// Allowed vote cvars
	gCvarAllowVote = create_cvar("sv_ag_allow_vote", "1", FCVAR_SERVER);
	gCvarAllowVoteGameMode = create_cvar("sv_ag_vote_gamemode", "1", FCVAR_SERVER);
	gCvarAllowVoteAgAllow = create_cvar("sv_ag_vote_allow", "1", FCVAR_SERVER);
	gCvarAllowVoteAgStart = create_cvar("sv_ag_vote_start", "1", FCVAR_SERVER);
	gCvarAllowVoteMap = create_cvar("sv_ag_vote_map", "1", FCVAR_SERVER);
	gCvarAllowVoteKick = create_cvar("sv_ag_vote_kick", "0", FCVAR_SERVER);
	gCvarAllowVoteSetting = create_cvar("sv_ag_vote_setting", "1", FCVAR_SERVER);
	gCvarAllowVoteBots = create_cvar("sv_ag_vote_allow_bots", "0");

	// Limits for vote cvars
	gCvarVoteTimeLimitMax = create_cvar("sv_ag_vote_mp_timelimit_high", "1440"); // one day
	gCvarVoteTimeLimitMin = create_cvar("sv_ag_vote_mp_timelimit_low", "10");
	gCvarVoteFragLimitMax = create_cvar("sv_ag_vote_mp_fraglimit_high", "999");
	gCvarVoteFragLimitMin = create_cvar("sv_ag_vote_mp_fraglimit_low", "0");

	// Vote cvars
	gCvarVoteFailedTime = create_cvar("sv_ag_vote_failed_time", "15");
	gCvarVoteDuration = create_cvar("sv_ag_vote_duration", "30");
	gCvarVoteOldStyle = create_cvar("sv_ag_vote_oldstyle", "0");

	// Gamemode cvars
	gCvarAllowedGameModes = create_cvar("sv_ag_allowed_gamemodes", "", FCVAR_SERVER);
	gCvarGameMode = create_cvar("sv_ag_gamemode", "tdm", FCVAR_SERVER);
	create_cvar("sv_ag_gametype", "", FCVAR_SERVER);

	// Start player health/armor and LJ
	gCvarStartHealth = create_cvar("sv_ag_start_health", "100");
	gCvarStartArmor = create_cvar("sv_ag_start_armour", "0");
	gCvarStartLongJump = create_cvar("sv_ag_start_longjump", "0");

	new value[32];

	// Damage cvars
	for (new i; i < SIZE_DMGWEAPONS; i++ ) {
		gCvarMpDmgWeapons[i] = get_cvar_pointer(gMpDmgWeapons[i]);

		// get default value
		get_pcvar_string(gCvarMpDmgWeapons[i], value, charsmax(value));

		// bind sv_ag_dmg_xxx cvars with the ones from bugfixed hl...
		gCvarAgDmgWeapons[i] = create_cvar(gAgDmgWeapons[i], value);
		hook_cvar_change(gCvarAgDmgWeapons[i], "CvarMpDmgHook");

	// Start weapons
	for (new i; i < sizeof gCvarStartWeapons; i++)
		gCvarStartWeapons[i] = create_cvar(gAgStartWeapons[i], "0");
	// Start ammo
	for (new i; i < sizeof gCvarStartAmmo; i++)
		gCvarStartAmmo[i] = create_cvar(gAgStartAmmo[i], "0");
	// Ban weapons
	for (new i; i < sizeof gCvarBanWeapons; i++)
		gCvarBanWeapons[i] = create_cvar(gAgBanWeapons[i], "0");
	// Ban ammo
	for (new i; i < sizeof gCvarBanAmmo; i++)
		gCvarBanAmmo[i] = create_cvar(gAgBanAmmo[i], "0");
	// Ban items
	gCvarBanHealthKit = create_cvar("sv_ag_ban_health", "0");
	gCvarBanBattery = create_cvar("sv_ag_ban_armour", "0");
	gCvarBanLongJump = create_cvar("sv_ag_ban_longjump", "0");
	gCvarBanChargers = create_cvar("sv_ag_ban_recharg", "0");

	// Multiplayer cvars
	gCvarHeadShot = create_cvar("sv_ag_headshot", "3");
	gCvarBlastRadius = create_cvar("sv_ag_blastradius", "1");
	gCvarWallGauss = create_cvar("sv_ag_wallgauss", "1");
	gCvarGaussFix = create_cvar("ag_gauss_fix", "0");
	gCvarRpgFix = create_cvar("ag_rpg_fix", "0");
	gCvarOldPhysics = create_cvar("sv_ag_oldphysics", "1");
	gCvarBunnyHop = get_cvar_pointer("mp_bunnyhop");
	gCvarFallDamage = get_cvar_pointer("mp_falldamage");
	gCvarFlashLight = get_cvar_pointer("mp_flashlight");
	gCvarFootSteps = get_cvar_pointer("mp_footsteps");
	gCvarForceRespawn = get_cvar_pointer("mp_forcerespawn");
	gCvarFragLimit = get_cvar_pointer("mp_fraglimit");
	gCvarFriendlyFire = get_cvar_pointer("mp_friendlyfire");
	gCvarSelfGauss = get_cvar_pointer("mp_selfgauss");
	gCvarTimeLimit = get_cvar_pointer("mp_timelimit");
	gCvarWeaponStay = get_cvar_pointer("mp_weaponstay");
	gCvarMaxSpeed = get_cvar_pointer("sv_maxspeed");

	// bind some ag cvars with the ones from bugfixed hl...
	hook_cvar_change(gCvarHeadShot, "CvarAgHeadShotHook");
	hook_cvar_change(gCvarBlastRadius, "CvarBlastRadiusHook");
	hook_cvar_change(gCvarWallGauss, "CvarWallGaussHook");
	hook_cvar_change(gCvarRpgFix, "CvarAgRpgFixHook");
	hook_cvar_change(gCvarGaussFix, "CvarAgGaussFixHook");
	hook_cvar_change(gCvarOldPhysics, "CvarOldPhysicsHook");

	// keep AG HUD color updated
	new color[32];
	get_pcvar_string(gCvarHudColor, color, charsmax(color));
	GetStrColor(color, gHudRed, gHudGreen, gHudBlue);
	hook_cvar_change(gCvarHudColor, "CvarHudColorHook");

	// Put this before loading the gamemode .cfg to avoid any issues

	// Some gamemodes need to block the spectator cmd handling of the core to avoid player score getting reset
	gCvarCoreBlockSpec = create_cvar("sv_ag_core_block_spec", "0");
	set_pcvar_string(gCvarCoreBlockSpec, "0");

	// reset this always
	gCvarMatchRunning = create_cvar("sv_ag_match_running", "0");
	set_pcvar_string(gCvarMatchRunning, "0");
	new fwPreConfig, fwPostConfig, fwReturnTemp;
	fwPreConfig = CreateMultiForward("agmodx_pre_config", ET_IGNORE);
	fwPostConfig = CreateMultiForward("agmodx_post_config", ET_IGNORE);
	gFwPause = CreateMultiForward("agmodx_pause", ET_IGNORE);

	// Load mode cvars
	new mode[32];
	get_pcvar_string(gCvarGameMode, mode, charsmax(mode));

	ExecuteForward(fwPreConfig, fwReturnTemp);
	server_cmd("exec gamemodes/%s.cfg", mode);
	ExecuteForward(fwPostConfig, fwReturnTemp);

public plugin_natives() {
	register_native("ag_vote_add", "native_ag_vote_add");
	register_native("ag_vote_remove", "native_ag_vote_remove");
	register_native("ag_vote_exists", "native_ag_vote_exists");
	register_native("ag_is_player_inmatch", "native_ag_is_player_inmatch");

public plugin_init() {

	// Cache models from teamlist
	GetTeamListModels(gTeamsName, HL_MAX_TEAMS, gNumTeams); // This will fix VGUI Viewport
	CacheTeamListModels(gTeamsName, HL_MAX_TEAMS);

	// Get locations from locs/<mapname>.loc file
	gLocations = ArrayCreate(32);

	// Multilingual

	// amxx help translations

	// show current AG mode on game description when you find servers
	register_forward(FM_GetGameDescription, "FwGameDescription");

	// player's hooks
	RegisterHam(Ham_Killed, "player", "PlayerPostKilled", true);
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "PlayerPostSpawn", true);
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "PlayerPreSpawn");

	gAgCmdList = ArrayCreate();
	gAgVoteList = ArrayCreate(32);
	gScoreLog = ArrayCreate();

	ag_register_concmd("agabort", "CmdAgAbort", ADMIN_BAN, "AGCMD_AGABORT", _, true);
	ag_register_concmd("agallow", "CmdAgAllow", ADMIN_BAN, "AGCMD_AGALLOW", _, true);
	ag_register_concmd("agpause", "CmdAgPause", ADMIN_BAN, "AGCMD_AGPAUSE", _, true);
	ag_register_concmd("agstart", "CmdAgStart", ADMIN_BAN, "AGCMD_AGSTART", _, true);
	ag_register_concmd("agnextmode", "CmdAgNextMode", ADMIN_BAN, "AGCMD_AGNEXTMODE", _, true);
	ag_register_concmd("agnextmap", "CmdAgNextMap", ADMIN_BAN, "AGCMD_AGNEXTMAP", _, true);
	ag_register_concmd("agmap", "CmdAgMap", ADMIN_BAN, "AGCMD_AGMAP", _, true);
	ag_register_concmd("agforcespectator", "CmdAgForceSpectator", ADMIN_BAN, "AGCMD_FORCESPECTATOR", _, true);
	ag_register_concmd("agforceteamup", "CmdAgForceTeamUp", ADMIN_BAN, "AGCMD_FORCETEAMUP", _, true);
	ag_register_concmd("aglistvotes", "CmdVoteHelp", ADMIN_ALL, "AGCMD_LISTVOTES", _, true);
	ag_register_concmd("timeleft", "CmdTimeLeft", ADMIN_ALL, "AGCMD_TIMELEFT", _, true);
	ag_register_clcmd("vote", "CmdVote", ADMIN_ALL, "AGCMD_VOTE", _, true);
	ag_register_clcmd("yes", "CmdVoteYes", ADMIN_ALL, "AGCMD_YES", _, true);
	ag_register_clcmd("no", "CmdVoteNo", ADMIN_ALL, "AGCMD_NO", _, true);
	ag_register_clcmd("say !yes", "CmdVoteYes_Say", ADMIN_ALL, "AGCMD_YES", _, true);
	ag_register_clcmd("say !no", "CmdVoteNo_Say", ADMIN_ALL, "AGCMD_NO", _, true);
	ag_register_clcmd("settings", "CmdSettings", ADMIN_ALL, "AGCMD_SETTINGS", _, true);
	ag_register_clcmd("say settings", "ShowSettings", ADMIN_ALL, "AGCMD_SETTINGS", _, true);
	ag_register_clcmd("say_close", "CmdSayClose", ADMIN_ALL, "AGCMD_SAYCLOSE", _, true);
	ag_register_clcmd("play_close", "CmdPlayClose", ADMIN_ALL, "AGCMD_PLAYCLOSE", _, true);
	ag_register_clcmd("play_team", "CmdPlayTeam", ADMIN_ALL, "AGCMD_PLAYTEAM", _, true);

	register_concmd("help", "CmdHelp", ADMIN_ALL, "AGCMD_HELP", _, true);

	register_clcmd("spectate", "CmdSpectate"); // block spectate
	register_clcmd("drop", "CmdDrop"); // block drop
	register_clcmd("jointeam", "CmdJoinTeam"); // this will make work the vgui
	register_clcmd("changeteam", "CmdChangeTeam");

	// i create this cmds to set pausable to 0
	register_clcmd("pauseAg", "CmdPauseAg");
	// hook intermission mode
	register_event_ex("30", "EventIntermissionMode", RegisterEvent_Global);

	// Chat and voice 
	register_message(get_user_msgid("SayText"), "MsgSayText");
	register_forward(FM_Voice_SetClientListening, "FwVoiceSetClientListening");

	// Useful for vote think, because it executes every server frame and works even in pause (workaround for set_task())
	register_forward(FM_AllowLagCompensation, "FwAllowLagCompensation");

	gHudDisplayVote = CreateHudSyncObj();
	gHudShowMatch = CreateHudSyncObj();
	gHudShowAgTimer = CreateHudSyncObj();

	// this saves score of players that're playing a match
	// so if someone get disconnect by any reason, the score will be restored when he returns
	gRestoreScorePlayers = ArrayCreate();

	// hook chargers to block them in case the gamemodes requires it
	RegisterHam(Ham_Use, "func_healthcharger", "FwChargersUse");
	RegisterHam(Ham_Use, "func_recharge", "FwChargersUse");


public FwChargersUse() {
	if (get_pcvar_bool(gCvarBanChargers))
	return HAM_IGNORED;

public FwAllowLagCompensation() {
	if (GetServerUpTime() >= gVoteNextThink && gVoteNextThink != -1) {

	if (GetServerUpTime() >= gVoteDisplayNextThink && gVoteDisplayNextThink != -1) {

public plugin_cfg() {
	// this should fix bad cvar pointer
	gCvarAmxNextMap = get_cvar_pointer("amx_nextmap");

	gGamePlayerEquipExists = FindGamePlayerEquip() ? true : false;

public plugin_end() {
	set_pcvar_num(gCvarTimeLimit, gTimeLimit);

	// i use this handle in general
	new any:handle;

	// destroy vote list
	handle = TrieIterCreate(gTrieVoteList);

	new value;
	while (!TrieIterEnded(handle)) {
		TrieIterGetCell(handle, value);

	// destroy data contained in gScoreLog
	for (new i; i < ArraySize(gScoreLog); i++) {
		handle = ArrayGetCell(gScoreLog, i);
	ArrayDestroy(gScoreLog); // finally destroy gScoreLog


// Gamemode name that should be displayed in server browser and in splash with server settings data
public FwGameDescription() {
	forward_return(FMV_STRING, gGameModeName);

public client_putinserver(id) {
	if (gVersusStarted) {
		new numSpecs = CountSpecs();
		if (numSpecs >= get_pcvar_num(gCvarMaxSpectators)) {
			if (!is_user_admin(id) || !RestoreScore_FindPlayer(id)) {
				server_cmd("kick #%d ^"%l^"", get_user_userid(id), "KICK_MAXSPECTATORS", get_pcvar_num(gCvarMaxSpectators));		

	if (gSendConnectingToSpec) {
		// warning: authid checking can fail because client_authorized() can be called after this...
		if (!gVersusStarted || !RestoreScore_FindPlayer(id)) {
			set_task(0.1, "SendToSpec", id + TASK_SENDTOSPEC); // delay to avoid some scoreboard glitchs

	set_task(3.0, "ShowSettings", id);
	set_task(25.0, "DisplayInfo", id);

public client_disconnected(id) {
	remove_task(TASK_SENDTOSPEC + id);
	remove_task(TASK_SENDVICTIMTOSPEC + id);

	// Sometimes a player connects and disconnects before ClientPutInServer()
	// so he will not have private data...
	if (pev_valid(id) != 2)

	new frags = get_user_frags(id);
	new deaths = hl_get_user_deaths(id);

	// log
	if (!gVersusStarted) {
		client_print(0, print_console, "%l", "MATCH_LEAVE", id, frags, deaths);
		log_amx("%L", LANG_SERVER, "MATCH_LEAVE", id, frags, deaths);

	// save player score
	if (gVersusStarted) {
		if (!RestoreScore_FindPlayer(id))
		// log
		client_print(0, print_console, "%l", "MATCH_LEAVE", id, frags, deaths);
		log_amx("%L", LANG_SERVER, "MATCH_LEAVE", id, frags, deaths);

		// give a chance to the player to recover his score
		if (hl_get_user_spectator(id)) { 
		} else {
			RestoreScore_SavePlayer(id, frags, deaths);

public client_remove(id) {
	// check if we have a winner now when someones disconnects in sudden death
	if (gIsSuddenDeath) {
		if (!IsSuddenDeathNeeded())

public PlayerPreSpawn(id) {
	// never block the first spawn or it will cause some glitchs
	if (!get_ent_data(id, "CBasePlayer", "m_fGameHUDInitialized"))
		return HAM_IGNORED;

 	if (gBlockPlayerSpawn)
	 	return HAM_SUPERCEDE;

	if (task_exists(TASK_SENDVICTIMTOSPEC + id)) 

	return HAM_IGNORED;

public PlayerPostSpawn(id) {
	// ag clients needs this to allow them to bunnyhop
	if (get_pcvar_bool(gCvarBunnyHop))
		engfunc(EngFunc_SetPhysicsKeyValue, id, "bj", "1");

	// restore score system
	if (!get_ent_data(id, "CBasePlayer", "m_fGameHUDInitialized")) {
		if (RestoreScore_FindPlayer(id)) {
			set_task(0.1, "PrintScoreRestored", id);

	// when player joins the server for the first time, he spawns dead...
	if (is_user_alive(id)) {
		// ignore gamemode cvars if map has a game_player_equip
		// this avoid problems in maps like 357_box or bootbox
		// todo: add cvar to disable this behaviour
		if (!gGamePlayerEquipExists) {
			// remove default weapons given in spawn (only happens when game_player_equip doesn't exists)
			hl_strip_user_weapon(id, HLW_GLOCK);
			hl_strip_user_weapon(id, HLW_CROWBAR);

	// when he spawn, the hud gets reset so allow him to show settings again
	remove_task(id + TASK_SHOWSETTINGS);

public PrintScoreRestored(id) {
	client_print(id, print_center, "%l", "SCORE_RESTORED");

public client_kill() {
	if (gBlockCmdKill)

public PlayerPostKilled(victim, attacker) {
	// Save player death location
	pev(victim, pev_origin, gDeathLocation[victim]);

	// AG works like this, if player dies and the killer isn't a player, penalize him substracting one point
	// Probably we need to add a cvar to disable this in case a mod requires it
	// or just make agmodx disable everything except the vote system
	if (!IsPlayer(attacker)) {
		if (!get_gamerules_int("CHalfLifeTeamplay", "m_DisableDeathPenalty")) {
			hl_set_user_frags(victim, hl_get_user_frags(victim) - 1);

	if (gSendVictimToSpec)
		set_task(3.0, "SendVictimToSpec", victim + TASK_SENDVICTIMTOSPEC);

	if (gIsSuddenDeath) {

stock bool:PlayerKilledHimself(victim, attacker) {
	return (!IsPlayer(attacker) || victim == attacker); // attacker can be worldspawn if player dies by fall

public ResetBpAmmo(id) {
	for (new i; i < sizeof gCvarStartAmmo; i++) {
		if (get_pcvar_num(gCvarStartAmmo[i]) != 0)  // only restore backpack ammo set in game_player_equip from the map
			set_ent_data(id, "CBasePlayer", "m_rgAmmo", get_pcvar_num(gCvarStartAmmo[i]), i + 1);

public CmdTimeLeft(id) {
	new text[128];
	if (gIsSuddenDeath)
		formatex(text, charsmax(text), "0");
		FormatTimeLeft(gTimeLeft, text, charsmax(text));
	client_print(id, print_console, "timeleft: %s", text);

* AG Timer System
public InitAgTimer() {
	gTimeLimit = get_pcvar_num(gCvarTimeLimit);
	// from now, i'm gonna use my own timer
	// by-pass timelimit from gamerules by setting it to unlimited time
	// add an unprintable character to keep the unlimited time
	set_pcvar_string(gCvarTimeLimit, fmt("%c%d", 2, gTimeLimit)); 
	gHookCvarTimeLimit = hook_cvar_change(gCvarTimeLimit, "CvarTimeLimitHook");

StartAgTimer() {
	gTimeLeft = gTimeLimit > 0 ? gTimeLimit * 60 : 0;
	if (CheckAgTimer()) {
		set_task_ex(1.0, "AgTimerThink", TASK_AGTIMER, .flags = SetTask_Repeat);

public AgTimerThink() {
	if (CheckAgTimer())

CheckAgTimer() {
	if (task_exists(TASK_STARTVERSUS)) { // when player send agstart, freeze timer
		return false;

	if (gTimeLeft == 0 && gTimeLimit != 0) {
		if (gVersusStarted && IsSuddenDeathNeeded()) {
			gIsSuddenDeath = true;
		} else {
			return false;

	return true;

public ShowAgTimer() {
	new r = gHudRed;
	new g = gHudGreen;
	new b = gHudBlue;

	new timerText[128];

	// unlimited time
	if (gTimeLimit == 0) {
		set_hudmessage(r, g, b, -1.0, 0.02, 0, 0.01, 600.0, 0.01, 0.01); // flicks the hud with out this, maybe is a bug
		ShowSyncHudMsg(0, gHudShowAgTimer, "%l", "TIMER_UNLIMITED");

	// set color red for sudden death or when time is almost out
	if (gTimeLeft < 60) { 
		r = 255; 
		g = 50;
		b = 50; 

	// sudden death
	if (gIsSuddenDeath && gTimeLeft <= 0) {
		FormatTimeLeft(abs(gTimeLeft), timerText, charsmax(timerText));
		set_hudmessage(r, g, b, -1.0, 0.02, 0, 0.01, 600.0, 0.01, 0.01);
		ShowSyncHudMsg(0, gHudShowAgTimer, "%s^n%l", timerText, "SUDDEN_DEATH");
	// normal behaviour
	} else if (gTimeLeft > 0) {
		FormatTimeLeft(gTimeLeft, timerText, charsmax(timerText));
		set_hudmessage(r, g, b, -1.0, 0.02, 0, 0.01, 600.0, 0.01, 0.01);
		ShowSyncHudMsg(0, gHudShowAgTimer, timerText);

FormatTimeLeft(timeleft, output[], length) {
	new days, hours, minutes, seconds;


	new seconds_total = timeleft;

	days = seconds_total / SECONDS_PER_DAY;
	seconds_total = seconds_total % SECONDS_PER_DAY;

	hours = seconds_total / SECONDS_PER_HOUR;
	seconds_total = seconds_total % SECONDS_PER_HOUR;

	minutes = seconds_total / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
	seconds_total = seconds_total % SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;

	seconds = seconds_total;

	if (days > 0) {
		formatex(output, length, "%id %ih %im %is", days, hours, minutes, seconds);	
	} else if (hours > 0)
		formatex(output, length, "%ih %02im %02is", hours, minutes, seconds);
	else if (minutes > 0)
		formatex(output, length, "%i:%02i", minutes, seconds);
	else // seconds
		formatex(output, length, "%i", seconds);

public CvarAgHeadShotHook(pcvar, const old_value[], const new_value[]) {
	new skill = clamp(get_cvar_num("skill"), 1, 3);
	set_cvar_string(fmt("sk_player_head%d", skill), new_value);

public CvarBlastRadiusHook(pcvar, const old_value[], const new_value[]) {
	set_cvar_string("mp_blastradius", new_value);

public CvarWallGaussHook(pcvar, const old_value[], const new_value[]) {
	set_cvar_string("mp_wallgauss", new_value);

public CvarAgRpgFixHook(pcvar, const old_value[], const new_value[]) {
	set_cvar_string("mp_rpg_fix", new_value);

public CvarAgGaussFixHook(pcvar, const old_value[], const new_value[]) {
	new num = clamp(str_to_num(new_value), 0, 1);
	set_pcvar_num(gCvarSelfGauss, num ? 0 : 1);

public CvarOldPhysicsHook(pcvar, const old_value[], const new_value[]) {
	set_pcvar_string(gCvarBunnyHop, new_value);

public CvarMpDmgHook(pcvar, const old_value[], const new_value[]) {
	for (new i; i < sizeof gCvarAgDmgWeapons; i++) {
		if (gCvarAgDmgWeapons[i] == pcvar) {
			set_pcvar_string(gCvarMpDmgWeapons[i], new_value);

public CvarTimeLimitHook(pcvar, const old_value[], const new_value[]) {
	// disable hook to avoid recursion
	new timeLimit = clamp(str_to_num(new_value), 0);

	// a match with unlimited time doesn't makes sense, we'll never get a winner
	if (timeLimit == 0 && gVersusStarted) {
		client_print(0, print_center, "%l", "MATCH_DENY_CHANGEUNLIMITED");
	} else {
		gTimeLimit = timeLimit;


		// add an unprintable character to keep the unlimited time and to able to track cvar changes
		set_pcvar_string(pcvar, fmt("%c%d", 2, gTimeLimit)); 


* AgStart
public StartVersus() {
	if (get_playersnum() < get_pcvar_num(gCvarAgStartMinPlayers)) {
		client_print(0, print_center, "%l", "MATCH_MINPLAYERS_CENTER", get_pcvar_num(gCvarAgStartMinPlayers));
	} else if (gTimeLimit <= 0) { // a match with unlimited time doesn't makes sense, we'll never get a winner
		client_print(0, print_center, "%l", "MATCH_DENY_STARTUNLIMITED");

	// remove previous start match even if doesn't exist

	// clear old list of players playing a match

	// gamerules
	gBlockCmdSpec = true;
	gBlockCmdDrop = true;
	gBlockCmdKill = true;
	gSendConnectingToSpec = true;
	gBlockPlayerSpawn = true; // if player is dead on agstart countdown, he will be able to spawn...
	gIsSuddenDeath = false;
	set_pcvar_num(gCvarMatchRunning, 0); // reset to 0 so plugins hooking this cvar can be triggered

	// reset score and freeze players who are going to play versus
	new players[MAX_PLAYERS], numPlayers;
	get_players(players, numPlayers);

	new player;
	for (new i; i < numPlayers; i++) {
		player = players[i];
		// save his score even if he's not gonna play the match, just in case...

	gStartVersusTime = 9;
	set_pcvar_num(gCvarMatchRunning, 1);

	new fwCountdownStart, fwReturnTemp;
	fwCountdownStart = CreateMultiForward("agmodx_countdown_start", ET_IGNORE);
	ExecuteForward(fwCountdownStart, fwReturnTemp);


public StartVersusCountdown() {
	PlayNumSound(0, gStartVersusTime);

	if (gStartVersusTime == 0) {
		new fwCountdownEnd, fwReturnTemp;
		fwCountdownEnd = CreateMultiForward("agmodx_countdown_end", ET_IGNORE);
		ExecuteForward(fwCountdownEnd, fwReturnTemp);
		gVersusStarted = true;

		gBlockCmdDrop = false;
		gBlockPlayerSpawn = false;


		// message holds for a long time to avoid flickering, remove it when the countdown finishes
		ClearSyncHud(0, gHudShowMatch);

		new players[MAX_PLAYERS], numPlayers;
		get_players(players, numPlayers);

		new player;
		for (new i; i < numPlayers; i++) {
			player = players[i];

			// unfreeze all players
			FreezePlayer(player, false);

			if (hl_get_user_spectator(player))			


			// remove him from welcomecam
			if (IsInWelcomeCam(player)) {
				set_ent_data_float(player, "CBaseMonster", "m_flNextAttack", 0.0);
				set_pev(player, pev_button, pev(player, pev_button) | IN_ATTACK);
				ExecuteHam(Ham_Player_PreThink, player);
			} else {
			set_task(0.5, "ShowSettings", player);



		// it's seems that startversus is in the same frame when it's called, so it still being called

		// set new timeleft according to timelimit


	PlaySound(0, gBeepSnd);

	set_hudmessage(gHudRed, gHudGreen, gHudBlue, -1.0, 0.2, 0, 3.0, 15.0, 0.2, 0.5);
	ShowSyncHudMsg(0, gHudShowMatch, "%l", "MATCH_START", gStartVersusTime);

	set_task(1.0, "StartVersusCountdown", TASK_STARTVERSUS);


* AgAbort
public AbortVersus() {
	if (gIsSuddenDeath) {

	gVersusStarted = false;

	// clear old list of players playing a match

	// remove start match hud

	// restore gamerules
	gBlockCmdSpec = false;
	gBlockCmdDrop = false;
	gBlockCmdKill = false;
	gSendConnectingToSpec = false;
	gBlockPlayerSpawn = false;
	gIsSuddenDeath = false;

	set_pcvar_num(gCvarMatchRunning, 0);

	new players[32], numPlayers, player;
	get_players(players, numPlayers);

	for (new i; i < numPlayers; i++) {
		player = players[i];
		if (is_user_alive(player))
			FreezePlayer(player, false);
		else if (hl_get_user_spectator(player))
			hl_set_user_spectator(player, false);

FreezePlayer(id, bool:freeze=true) {
	new flags = pev(id, pev_flags);
	if (freeze) {
		set_pev(id, pev_flags, flags | FL_FROZEN);
	} else {
		set_pev(id, pev_flags, flags & ~FL_FROZEN);

public SendToSpec(taskid) {
	new id = taskid - TASK_SENDTOSPEC;
	if (is_user_connected(id))
		hl_set_user_spectator(id, true);

public SendVictimToSpec(taskid) {
	new id = taskid - TASK_SENDVICTIMTOSPEC;
	if (is_user_connected(id)) {
		if (!is_user_alive(id) || is_user_bot(id)) {
			hl_set_user_spectator(id, true);

* AG Say
public MsgSayText(msg_id, msg_dest, receiver) {
	new text[191]; // 192 will crash the sv by overflow if someone send a large message with a lot of %l, %w, etc...
	get_msg_arg_string(2, text, charsmax(text)); // get user message
	if (text[0] != 2) // only modify player messages

	new sender = get_msg_arg_int(1);
	new isSenderSpec = hl_get_user_spectator(sender);
	new isReceiverSpec = hl_get_user_spectator(receiver);

	// using say_close
	if (contain(text, "(C)") == 1) {
		if (isSenderSpec)
	// using say_team
	} else if (contain(text, "(TEAM)") == 1) {
		if (isSenderSpec) { 
			if (!isReceiverSpec) // only show messages to spectators
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
				replace(text, charsmax(text), "(TEAM)", "(ST)"); // Spectator Team
		} else {
			if (isReceiverSpec)
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
				replace(text, charsmax(text), "(TEAM)", "(T)"); 
	// using say
	} else {
		if (isSenderSpec) {
			// specs can't talk in a match, unless the spec is one of the player of the match
			if (gVersusStarted && !get_pcvar_num(gCvarSpecTalk) && !RestoreScore_FindPlayer(sender)) {
				if (sender == receiver)
					client_print(sender, print_chat, "%l", "SPEC_CANTTALK");
				return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
			} else {
				replace(text, charsmax(text), "^x02", "^x02(S) ");
		} else {
			replace(text, charsmax(text), "^x02", "^x02(A) ");

	new str[32];

	// replace all %h with health
	formatex(str, charsmax(str), "%d", get_user_health(sender));
	replace_string(text, charsmax(text), "%h", isSenderSpec ? "" : str, false);

	// replace all %a with armor
	formatex(str, charsmax(str), "%d", get_user_armor(sender));
	replace_string(text, charsmax(text), "%a", isSenderSpec ? "" : str, false);

	// replace all %p with longjump
	formatex(str, charsmax(str), "%s", hl_get_user_longjump(sender) ? "Yes" : "No");
	replace_string(text, charsmax(text), "%p", isSenderSpec ? "" : str, false);

	// replace all %l with current location
	GetPlayerLocation(sender, str, charsmax(str));
	replace_string(text, charsmax(text), "%l", str, false);

	// replace all %d with death location
	GetDeathLocation(sender, str, charsmax(str));
	replace_string(text, charsmax(text), "%d", str, false);

	new ammo, bpammo, weaponid;
	if (!isSenderSpec && (weaponid = get_user_weapon(sender, ammo, bpammo))) {
		get_weaponname(weaponid, str, charsmax(str));
		replace_string(str, charsmax(str), "weapon_", "");

	// replace all %w with current weapon
	replace_string(text, charsmax(text), "%w", isSenderSpec ? "" : str, false);

	// replace all %s with current score
	formatex(str, charsmax(str), "%d/%d", hl_get_user_frags(sender), hl_get_user_deaths(sender));
	replace_string(text, charsmax(text), "%s", isSenderSpec ? "" : str, false);

	if (!isSenderSpec) {
		new arGrenades;
		if (weaponid == HLW_MP5)
			arGrenades = hl_get_user_bpammo(sender, HLW_CHAINGUN);
		FormatAmmo(weaponid, ammo, bpammo, arGrenades, str, charsmax(str));
	// replace all %q with ammo of current weapon
	replace_string(text, charsmax(text), "%q", isSenderSpec ? "" : str, false); 

	// send final message
	set_msg_arg_string(2, text);


stock FormatAmmo(weaponid, ammo, bpammo, arGrenades, output[], len) {
	new formatOption;
	switch (weaponid) {
		case HLW_NONE: 		formatOption = 0;
		case HLW_CROWBAR:	formatOption = 0;
		case HLW_CROSSBOW: 	formatOption = 2;
		case HLW_GLOCK: 	formatOption = 2;
		case HLW_MP5: 		formatOption = 3;
		case HLW_PYTHON: 	formatOption = 2;
		case HLW_RPG: 		formatOption = 2;
		case HLW_SHOTGUN: 	formatOption = 2;
		default: 			formatOption = 1;

	switch (formatOption) {
		case 0: copy(output, len, ""); 
		case 1: copy(output, len, fmt("%i", ammo < 0 ? bpammo : ammo + bpammo));
		case 2: copy(output, len, fmt("%i/%i", ammo, bpammo));
		case 3: copy(output, len, fmt("%i/%i/%i", ammo, bpammo, arGrenades));

* Block Voice of Spectators
public FwVoiceSetClientListening(receiver, sender, bool:listen) {
	if (receiver == sender)

	if (!is_user_connected(receiver) || !is_user_connected(sender))

	if (gVersusStarted) {
		// Don't allow players who are not in the match to hear players in a match even if ag_spectalk is enabled
		if (RestoreScore_FindPlayer(sender) && !RestoreScore_FindPlayer(receiver)) {
			engfunc(EngFunc_SetClientListening, receiver, sender, false);

		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarSpecTalk)) {
			// Don't allow players who are not in the match to speak to players in a match
			if (!RestoreScore_FindPlayer(sender) && RestoreScore_FindPlayer(receiver)) {
				engfunc(EngFunc_SetClientListening, receiver, sender, false);


* Location System
public LoadLocations() {
	new mapFile[64];
	// because fopen is case sensitive, we need to find the .loc file and use his exact name
	// otherwise, files like HAVOC.LOC or HaVoC.LoC will not be read
		new mapName[32];
		get_mapname(mapName, charsmax(mapName));

		new file[64];
		new handleDir = open_dir("locs", file, charsmax(file));
		do {
			if (equali(file, fmt("%s.loc", mapName))) {
				formatex(mapFile, charsmax(mapFile), "locs/%s", file);
		} while (next_file(handleDir, file, charsmax(file)));

	new handle = fopen(mapFile, "r");

	if (!handle)
		return false;

	new name[32], Float:origin[3];

	new buffer[32], numHash, c, i;
	while ((c = fgetc(handle)) != -1) {
		// hash signs marks the end of the string
		if (c == '#') {
			// put null character in the buffer to make it safe to read
			if (i < charsmax(buffer))
				buffer[i] = '^0';	

			// reset position for buffer
			i = 0;

			if (numHash == 0) {
				copy(name, charsmax(name), buffer);
			} else if (numHash > 0 && numHash <= 3) {
				origin[numHash - 1] = str_to_float(buffer);
			// finish to read this loc and put it into the array
			if (numHash == 3) {
				ArrayPushArray(gLocations, origin, sizeof(origin));
				ArrayPushString(gLocations, name);
				// reset everything so we can read a new location
				arrayset(origin, 0.0, sizeof(origin));
				numHash = 0;
		} else if (i < charsmax(buffer)) { // copy until the buffer is full
			buffer[i++] = c;


	return true;

// get location name from the inputed origin
public FindNearestLocation(Float:origin[3], output[], len) {
	new Float:nearestOrigin[3], idxNearestLoc;
	new Float:locOrigin[3];

	if (!ArraySize(gLocations))
		return false;

	// initialize nearest origin with the first location
	ArrayGetArray(gLocations, 0, nearestOrigin, sizeof(nearestOrigin));
	for (new i; i < ArraySize(gLocations); i += 2) {
		ArrayGetArray(gLocations, i, locOrigin, sizeof(locOrigin));
		if (vector_distance(origin, locOrigin) <= vector_distance(origin, nearestOrigin)) {
			nearestOrigin = locOrigin;
			idxNearestLoc = i;

	// save location name in the output
	return ArrayGetString(gLocations, idxNearestLoc + 1, output, len) > 0 ? true : false;

public GetPlayerLocation(id, locName[], len) {
	new Float:origin[3];
	pev(id, pev_origin, origin);
	if (!FindNearestLocation(origin, locName, len)) {
		locName[0] = '^0';

public GetDeathLocation(id, locName[], len) {
	if (!FindNearestLocation(gDeathLocation[id], locName, len)) {
		locName[0] = '^0';

public CmdHelp(id, level, cid) {
	ProcessCmdHelp(id, .start_argindex = 1, .do_search = false, .main_command = "help");

ProcessCmdHelp(id, start_argindex, bool:do_search, const main_command[], const search[] = "")
	new user_flags = get_user_flags(id);

	// HACK: ADMIN_ADMIN is never set as a user's actual flags, so those types of commands never show
	if (user_flags > 0 && !(user_flags & ADMIN_USER))
		user_flags |= ADMIN_ADMIN;

	new clcmdsnum = ArraySize(gAgCmdList);

	if (clcmdsnum == -1)
		clcmdsnum = 0; // avoid error on clamp native

	const MaxDefaultEntries    = 10;
	const MaxCommandLength     = 32;
	const MaxCommandInfoLength = 128;

	new HelpAmount = MaxDefaultEntries; // default entries

	new start  = clamp(read_argv_int(start_argindex), .min = 1, .max = clcmdsnum) - 1; // Zero-based list;
	new amount = !id ? read_argv_int(start_argindex + 1) : HelpAmount;
	new end    = min(start + (amount > 0 ? amount : HelpAmount), clcmdsnum);

	console_print(id, "^n----- %l -----", "TITLE_CMDHELP");

	new info[MaxCommandInfoLength];
	new command[MaxCommandLength];
	new command_flags;
	new bool:is_info_ml;
	new index;

	for (index = start; index < end; ++index)
		get_concmd(ArrayGetCell(gAgCmdList, index), command, charsmax(command), command_flags, info, charsmax(info), user_flags, -1, is_info_ml);

		if (is_info_ml)
			LookupLangKey(info, charsmax(info), info, id);

		console_print(id, "%3d: %s %s", index + 1, command, info);

	console_print(id, "----- %l -----", "HELP_ENTRIES", start + 1, end, clcmdsnum);

	formatex(command, charsmax(command), "%s%c%s", main_command, do_search ? " " : "", search);

	if (end < clcmdsnum)
		console_print(id, "----- %l -----", "HELP_USE_MORE", command, end + 1);
	else if (start || index != clcmdsnum)
		console_print(id, "----- %l -----", "HELP_USE_BEGIN", command);

public CmdSpectate(id) {
	if (get_pcvar_bool(gCvarCoreBlockSpec))

	if (!hl_get_user_spectator(id)) {
		// saves his score before go to spec in case he entered by accident
		if (RestoreScore_FindPlayer(id)) {
			RestoreScore_SavePlayer(id, get_user_frags(id), hl_get_user_deaths(id));

	if (gBlockCmdSpec) {
		if (!RestoreScore_FindPlayer(id)) // only players playing a match can spectate


// maybe we need to show old style menu because VGUI Viewport just let you select the first four teams.
public CmdChangeTeam(id) {

public ShowVGUITeamMenu(id) {
	static msgVGUIMenu;

	if (!msgVGUIMenu)
		msgVGUIMenu = get_user_msgid("VGUIMenu");

	message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("VGUIMenu"), _, id);

public CmdJoinTeam(id) {
	new option = read_argv_int(1); 
	switch (option) {
		case 1, 2, 3, 4: { // in vgui viewport there are only four buttons where you choose the first 4 teams, maybe is better to show a menu to show all team (max 10 teams)
			if (!equal(gTeamsName[option - 1], "")) {
				hl_set_user_model(id, gTeamsName[option - 1]);
				if (hl_get_user_spectator(id))
					client_cmd(id, "spectate");

public CmdDrop() {
	if (gBlockCmdDrop)

// I made this function for foreigners so they can differentiate the order of the month and the day...
GetPluginBuildDate(output[], len) {
	format_time(output, len, "%d %b %Y", parse_time(__DATE__, "%m:%d:%Y")); // 15 Nov 2018

public CmdSettings(id) {

// We need to use director hud msg because there aren't enough hud channels, unless we make a better gui that use less channels
// We are limited to 128 characters, so that is bad for multilingual or to show more settings ...
public ShowSettings(id) {
	// avoid hud overlap
	if (task_exists(id + TASK_SHOWSETTINGS) || !is_user_connected(id))
	new arg[64], buildDate[32];
	GetPluginBuildDate(buildDate, charsmax(buildDate));
	get_pcvar_string(gCvarContact, arg, charsmax(arg));
	if (!arg[0]) 
		formatex(arg, charsmax(arg), CONTACT_INFO);

	// left - top
	set_dhudmessage(gHudRed, gHudGreen, gHudBlue, 0.05, 0.02, 0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.2);
	show_dhudmessage(id, "AG Mod X %s Build %s^n%s", AGMODX_VERSION, buildDate, arg);

	// center - top
	if (gVersusStarted) {
		set_dhudmessage(gHudRed, gHudGreen, gHudBlue, -1.0, 0.02, 0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.2);
		show_dhudmessage(id, "^n%l", "MATCH_STARTED");

	// right - top
	set_dhudmessage(gHudRed, gHudGreen, gHudBlue, -0.05, 0.02, 0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.2);
	show_dhudmessage(id, "%l", "SETTINGS_VARS", gGameModeName, gTimeLimit, 
		get_pcvar_num(gCvarFriendlyFire) ? "On" : "Off", 
		get_pcvar_num(gCvarForceRespawn) ? "On" : "Off",
		get_pcvar_num(gCvarSelfGauss) ? "On" : "Off");

	set_task(10.0, "ShowSettings", id + TASK_SHOWSETTINGS); // this will stop hud overlap

public CmdAgForceSpectator(id, level, cid) {
	if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1))

	new arg[32];
	read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg));

	new target = ag_cmd_target(id, arg);

	if (!target)

	if (!hl_get_user_spectator(target))


public CmdAgForceTeamUp(id, level, cid) {
	if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))

	new arg1[32], arg2[32];
	read_argv(1, arg1, charsmax(arg1));

	new target = ag_cmd_target(id, arg1);

	if (!target)

	read_argv(2, arg2, charsmax(arg2));

	// if it is a #teamid (example: agforceteamup Player2 #1)
	if (strlen(arg2) >= 2 && arg2[0] == '#' && arg2[1]) {
		new team = str_to_num(arg2[1]);
		if (team <= 0 || team > gNumTeams + 1) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_TEAMID");
		copy(arg2, charsmax(arg2), gTeamsName[team - 1]);

	// check if model name is valid
	if (GetTeamIndex(arg2, gTeamsName, gNumTeams) == -1) {
		console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_TEAMNAME");

	hl_set_user_model(target, arg2);

public CmdAgPause(id, level, cid) {
	if (!IsUserServer(id)) {
		new cmd[16];
		read_argv(0, cmd, charsmax(cmd));
		client_cmd(id, "vote %s", cmd);

	log_amx("AgPause: %N", id);



public CmdAgStart(id, level, cid) {
	if (!IsUserServer(id)) {
		new cmd[16];
		read_argv(0, cmd, charsmax(cmd));
		client_cmd(id, "vote %s", cmd);

	new arg[32];
	read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg));

	if (equal(arg, "")) { 

	// from here, where're going to get which players are going to play versus...
	new target[MAX_PLAYERS + 1], player;

	for (new i = 1; i < read_argc(); i++) {
		read_argv(i, arg, charsmax(arg));

		player = ag_cmd_target(id, arg, i);

		if (!player)
		target[player] = player;

	// only let play selected players
	for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) {
		if (is_user_connected(i)) {
			if (i == target[i]) {
				hl_set_user_spectator(i, false);
			} else {
				hl_set_user_spectator(i, true);
				set_pev(i, pev_flags, pev(i, pev_flags) & ~FL_FROZEN);

	log_amx("AgStart: %N", id);



public CmdAgAbort(id, level, cid) {
	if (!IsUserServer(id)) {
		new cmd[16];
		read_argv(0, cmd, charsmax(cmd));
		client_cmd(id, "vote %s", cmd);

	log_amx("AgAbort: %N", id);



public CmdAgAllow(id, level, cid) {
	if (!IsUserServer(id)) {
		new cmd[16], args[32];
		read_argv(0, cmd, charsmax(cmd));
		read_args(args, charsmax(args));
		client_cmd(id, "vote %s %s", cmd, args);

	if (!gVersusStarted)

	new arg[32], player;
	read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg));

	if (equal(arg, ""))
		player = id;
		player = ag_cmd_target(id, arg);

	if (!player)

	log_amx("AgAllow: %N to %N", id, player);



public AllowPlayer(id) {
	if (!is_user_connected(id) || !gVersusStarted)

	if (hl_get_user_spectator(id)) {

		hl_set_user_spectator(id, false);


		// create a key for this new guy so i can save his score when he gets disconnect...

		client_print(0, print_console, "%l", "MATCH_ALLOW", id);
		set_hudmessage(gHudRed, gHudGreen, gHudBlue, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 0.0, 5.0); 
		ShowSyncHudMsg(0, gHudShowMatch, "%l", "MATCH_ALLOW", id);	


public CmdAgNextMode(id, level, cid) {
	new arg[32];
	read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg));

	if (!IsUserServer(id)) {
		new cmd[16];
		read_argv(0, cmd, charsmax(cmd));
		client_cmd(id, "vote %s %s", cmd, arg);

	if (TrieKeyExists(gTrieVoteList, arg)) {
		log_amx("AgNextMode: ^"%s^" ^"%N^"", arg, id);
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarGameMode, arg); // set next mode
	} else {
		client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "INVALID_MODE");


public CmdAgNextMap(id, level, cid) {
	new arg[32];
	read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg));

	if (!IsUserServer(id)) {
		new cmd[16];
		read_argv(0, cmd, charsmax(cmd));
		client_cmd(id, "vote %s %s", cmd, arg);

	if (is_map_valid(arg)) {
		log_amx("AgNextMap: ^"%s^" ^"%N^"", arg, id);
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarAmxNextMap, arg); // set new mode
	} else {
		client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "INVALID_MAP");


public CmdGameMode(id, level, cid) {
	new arg1[32];
	read_argv(0, arg1, charsmax(arg1));
	new arg2[32];
	read_argv(1, arg2, charsmax(arg2));

	// If a normal player is calling this command, then call a vote
	if (!IsUserServer(id)) {
		client_cmd(id, "vote %s %s", arg1, arg2);

	// If the server console is calling this command,
	// then let's change the game mode without calling a vote

	new argc = read_argc();

	// if only game mode has been specified, then change to the same map
	if (argc == 1) {
		log_amx("Change gamemode: ^"%s^" ^"%N^"", arg1, id);
	if (!is_map_valid(arg2)) {
		console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_MAP");

	log_amx("Change gamemode: ^"%s %s^" ^"%N^"", arg1, arg2, id);

	ChangeMode(arg1, arg2);


public CmdAgMap(id, level, cid) {
	new arg[32];
	read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg));

	if (!IsUserServer(id)) {
		new cmd[16];
		read_argv(0, cmd, charsmax(cmd));
		client_cmd(id, "vote %s %s", cmd, arg);

	if (is_map_valid(arg)) {
		log_amx("AgMap: ^"%s^" ^"%N^"", arg, id);
	} else {
		console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_MAP");


* Vote system
CreateVoteSystem() {
	gTrieVoteList = TrieCreate();
	ag_vote_add("agabort", "OnVoteAgAbort");
	ag_vote_add("agallow", "OnVoteAgAllow");
	ag_vote_add("agkick", "OnVoteAgKick");
	ag_vote_add("agnextmap", "OnVoteAgNextMap");
	ag_vote_add("agnextmode", "OnVoteAgNextMode");
	ag_vote_add("agpause", "OnVoteAgPause");
	ag_vote_add("agstart", "OnVoteAgStart");
	ag_vote_add("agmap", "OnVoteAgMap");
	ag_vote_add("map", "OnVoteAgMap");
	ag_vote_add("mp_bunnyhop", "OnVoteBunnyHop");
	ag_vote_add("mp_falldamage", "OnVoteFallDamage");
	ag_vote_add("mp_flashlight", "OnVoteFlashLight");
	ag_vote_add("mp_footsteps", "OnVoteFootSteps");
	ag_vote_add("mp_forcerespawn", "OnVoteForceRespawn");
	ag_vote_add("mp_fraglimit", "OnVoteFragLimit");
	ag_vote_add("mp_friendlyfire", "OnVoteFriendlyFire");
	ag_vote_add("mp_selfgauss", "OnVoteSelfGauss");
	ag_vote_add("mp_timelimit", "OnVoteTimeLimit");
	ag_vote_add("mp_weaponstay", "OnVoteWeaponStay");
	ag_vote_add("ag_gauss_fix", "OnVoteSelfGauss");
	ag_vote_add("ag_rpg_fix", "OnVoteRpgFix");
	ag_vote_add("ag_spectalk", "OnVoteSpecTalk");
	ag_vote_add("sv_maxspeed", "OnVoteMaxSpeed");

public OnVoteSpecTalk(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;
	if (!check) {
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarSpecTalk, arg2);
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteSetting)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_str_num(arg2)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_NUMBER");
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteMaxSpeed(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;
	if (!check) {
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarMaxSpeed, arg2);
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteSetting)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_str_num(arg2)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_NUMBER");
			return false;

		new num = str_to_num(arg2);
		if (num > 350) {
			console_print(id, "%l %d", "INVALID_NUMBER_MAX", 350);
			return false;
		} else if (num < 270) {
			console_print(id, "%l %d", "INVALID_NUMBER_MIN", 270);
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteAgKick(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc > 2) {
		client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	static userid;
	if (!check) {
		server_cmd("kick #%d", userid);
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteKick)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		new player;
		if (!strlen(arg2)) { 
			return false;
		} else if ((player = ag_cmd_target(id, arg2))) {
			get_user_name(player, arg2, 31);
			userid = get_user_userid(player);
		} else {
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteTimeLimit(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;
	if (!check) {
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarTimeLimit, arg2);
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteSetting)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_str_num(arg2)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_NUMBER");
			return false;

		new num = str_to_num(arg2);
		if (num > get_pcvar_num(gCvarVoteTimeLimitMax)) {
			console_print(id, "%l %d", "INVALID_NUMBER_MAX", get_pcvar_num(gCvarVoteTimeLimitMax));
			return false;
		} else if (num < get_pcvar_num(gCvarVoteTimeLimitMin)) {
			console_print(id, "%l %d", "INVALID_NUMBER_MIN", get_pcvar_num(gCvarVoteTimeLimitMin));
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteFriendlyFire(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;
	if (!check) {
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarFriendlyFire, arg2);
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteSetting)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_str_num(arg2)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_NUMBER");
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteBunnyHop(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;
	if (!check) {
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarBunnyHop, arg2);
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteSetting)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_str_num(arg2)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_NUMBER");
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteFallDamage(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	if (!check) {
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarFallDamage, arg2);
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteSetting)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_str_num(arg2)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_NUMBER");
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteFlashLight(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	if (!check) {
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarFlashLight, arg2);
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteSetting)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_str_num(arg2)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_NUMBER");
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteFootSteps(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	if (!check) {
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarFootSteps, arg2);
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteSetting)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_str_num(arg2)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_NUMBER");
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteFragLimit(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	if (!check) {
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarFragLimit, arg2);
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteSetting)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_str_num(arg2)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_NUMBER");
			return false;

		new num = str_to_num(arg2);
		if (num > get_pcvar_num(gCvarVoteFragLimitMax)) {
			console_print(id, "%l %d", "INVALID_NUMBER_MAX", get_pcvar_num(gCvarVoteFragLimitMax));
			return false;
		} else if (num < get_pcvar_num(gCvarVoteFragLimitMin)) {
			console_print(id, "%l %d", "INVALID_NUMBER_MIN", get_pcvar_num(gCvarVoteFragLimitMin));
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteSelfGauss(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	if (!check) {
		new num = str_to_num(arg2);
		if (equal(arg1, "ag_gauss_fix"))
			num = num > 0 ? 0 : 1;
		set_pcvar_num(gCvarSelfGauss, num);
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteSetting)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_str_num(arg2)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_NUMBER");
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteRpgFix(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	if (!check) {
		set_pcvar_num(gCvarRpgFix, str_to_num(arg2));
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteSetting)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_str_num(arg2)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_NUMBER");
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteForceRespawn(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	if (!check) {
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarForceRespawn, arg2);
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteSetting)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_str_num(arg2)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_NUMBER");
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteWeaponStay(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	if (!check) {
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarWeaponStay, arg2);
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteSetting)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_str_num(arg2)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_NUMBER");
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteAgAbort(id, check, argc) {
	if (argc != 1) {
		client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	if (!check) {
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteAgStart)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;
	return true;

public OnVoteAgStart(id, check, argc) {
	if (argc != 1) {
		client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	if (!check) {
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteAgStart)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (get_playersnum() < get_pcvar_num(gCvarAgStartMinPlayers)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "MATCH_MINPLAYERS", get_pcvar_num(gCvarAgStartMinPlayers));
			return false;
	return true;

public OnVoteAgPause(id, check, argc) {
	if (argc != 1) {
		client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	if (!check) {
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteAgStart)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteAgMap(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	// Rename vote always to agmap to be consistent
	formatex(arg1, 31, "%s", "agmap");

	if (!check) {
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteMap)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_map_valid(arg2)) {
			client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "INVALID_MAP");
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteAgNextMap(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	if (!check) {
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarAmxNextMap, arg2);
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteMap)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_map_valid(arg2)) {
			client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "INVALID_MAP");
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteAgNextMode(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc != 1) {
		client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	if (!check) {
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteGameMode)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteAgAllow(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (argc > 2) {
		client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "VOTE_INVALID");
		return false;

	static userid;
	if (!check) {
		AllowPlayer(find_player_ex(FindPlayer_MatchUserId, userid));
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteAgStart) || !get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteAgAllow)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		new player;
		if (equal(arg2, "")) { // allow yourself
			userid = get_user_userid(id);
		} else if ((player = ag_cmd_target(id, arg2))) {
			get_user_name(player, arg2, 31);
			userid = get_user_userid(player);
		} else {
			return false;

	return true;

public OnVoteGameMode(id, check, argc, arg1[], arg2[]) {
	if (!check) {
		ChangeMode(arg1, arg2);
		return true;
	} else {
		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteGameMode)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;
		if (!IsGameModeAllowed(arg1)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "GAMEMODE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		// now let's check if the player specified a map change too
		if (argc < 2) {
			return true;

		if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVoteMap)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "VOTE_NOTALLOWED");
			return false;

		if (!is_map_valid(arg2)) {
			console_print(id, "%l", "INVALID_MAP");
			return false;

		return true;

LoadGameMode() {
	// by default, no gamemode
	copy(gGameModeName, charsmax(gGameModeName), "No Gamemode");

	new fileName[32];
	new handleDir = open_dir("gamemodes", fileName, charsmax(fileName));

	if (!handleDir)

	new mode[32];
	get_pcvar_string(gCvarGameMode, mode, charsmax(mode));

	do {
		// get index for file type
		new len = strlen(fileName) - 4;
		if (len < 0) len = 0;

		if (equali(fileName[len], ".cfg")) {
			new name[32], info[64];
			read_file(fmt("gamemodes/%s", fileName), 0, name, charsmax(name)); // first line specifies what game name that should be displayed in server browser and in splash with server settings data
			read_file(fmt("gamemodes/%s", fileName), 1, info, charsmax(info)); // second line is help text displayed when someone types help in console
			replace(info, charsmax(info), "//", ""); // remove comments
			replace(name, charsmax(name), "//", ""); // remove comments

			replace(fileName[len], charsmax(fileName), ".cfg", "");

			if (equal(mode, fileName))
				gGameModeName = name;

			// create cmd and vote for gamemode
			ag_register_concmd(fileName, "CmdGameMode", ADMIN_BAN, fmt("- %s", info));
			ag_vote_add(fileName, "OnVoteGameMode"); 

			AddTranslation("en", CreateLangKey(fmt("%s%s", "AGVOTE_", fileName)), fmt("- %s", info));
	} while (next_file(handleDir, fileName, charsmax(fileName)));


public CmdGenericVote(id) {
	new args[128];
	new cmdName[32];
	read_argv(0, cmdName, charsmax(cmdName));
	read_args(args, charsmax(args));
	client_cmd(id, "vote %s %s", cmdName, args);

public CmdVoteYes_Say(id) {
	gVotePlayers[id] = VOTE_YES;

public CmdVoteNo_Say(id) {
	gVotePlayers[id] = VOTE_NO;

public CmdVoteYes(id) {
	gVotePlayers[id] = VOTE_YES;

public CmdVoteNo(id) {
	gVotePlayers[id] = VOTE_NO;

public CmdVote(id) {
	if (!get_pcvar_num(gCvarAllowVote))

	// Print help on console
	new argc = read_argc();
	if (argc == 1) {
		client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "VOTE_HELP");

	// get timeleft to call a new vote
	new Float:timeleft = gVoteFailedTime - GetServerUpTime();

	if (timeleft > 0) {	
		client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "VOTE_DELAY", floatround(timeleft, floatround_floor));
	} else if (gVoteIsRunning) {
		client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "VOTE_RUNNING");


	read_argv(1, gVoteArg1, charsmax(gVoteArg1));
	read_argv(2, gVoteArg2, charsmax(gVoteArg2));

	gVoteCallerUserId = get_user_userid(id);
	gNumVoteArgs = argc - 1;
	// If vote doesn't exist
	if (!TrieGetCell(gTrieVoteList, gVoteArg1, gVoteOptionFwHandle)) {
		client_print(id, print_console, "%l", "VOTE_NOTFOUND");
	// execute vote callback, this checks that the required arguments are correct and gives a result
	new voteResult;
	ExecuteForward(gVoteOptionFwHandle, voteResult, id, true, gNumVoteArgs, PrepareArray(gVoteArg1, sizeof(gVoteArg1), true), PrepareArray(gVoteArg2, sizeof(gVoteArg2), true));

	if (!voteResult)

	get_user_name(id, gVoteCallerName, charsmax(gVoteCallerName));

	// Vote Log

	new voteArgs[128];
	if (strlen(gVoteArg2)) {
		formatex(voteArgs, charsmax(voteArgs), "%s %s", gVoteArg1, gVoteArg2);
	} else {
		formatex(voteArgs, charsmax(voteArgs), "%s", gVoteArg1);

	log_amx("%L", LANG_SERVER, "LOG_VOTE_STARTED", voteArgs, id);

	// ==============
	new Float:time = GetServerUpTime();

	// Start Vote
	gVoteIsRunning = true;
	gVotePlayers[id] = VOTE_YES;

	gVoteNextThink = gVoteDisplayNextThink = time;
	gVoteEndTime = gVoteDisplayEndTime = time + get_pcvar_num(gCvarVoteDuration);

public VoteDisplayThink() {
	if (GetServerUpTime() > gVoteDisplayEndTime) {
		gVoteDisplayNextThink = -1.0;

	if (get_pcvar_num(gCvarVoteOldStyle) <= 0)
	gVoteDisplayNextThink = GetServerUpTime() + 1.0;

public VoteThink() {
	new Float:time = GetServerUpTime();

	if (time > gVoteEndTime) {
		gVoteIsRunning = false;
		gVoteDisplayEndTime = time + 3.0; // add 3 more seconds to show vote was denied or accepted
		gVoteOption = VOTE_DENIED;

		gVoteNextThink = -1.0;

	gVoteOption = CalculateVote(gVoteNumFor, gVoteNumAgainst, gVoteNumUndecided);

	switch (gVoteOption) {
		case VOTE_ACCEPTED: DoVote();
		case VOTE_DENIED: DenyVote();

	if (gVoteOption != VOTE_RUNNING) {
		gVoteIsRunning = false;
		gVoteDisplayEndTime = time + 3.0; // add 3 more seconds to show vote was denied or accepted
		gVoteNextThink = -1.0;

	gVoteNextThink = GetServerUpTime() + 1.0;

CalculateVote(&numFor, &numAgainst, &numUndecided) {
	new players[MAX_PLAYERS], numPlayers;

	if (get_pcvar_bool(gCvarAllowVoteBots)) {
		get_players_ex(players, numPlayers, GetPlayers_ExcludeHLTV);
	} else {
		get_players_ex(players, numPlayers, GetPlayers_ExcludeHLTV | GetPlayers_ExcludeBots);

	numFor = numAgainst = numUndecided = 0;

	// count votes
	for (new i; i < numPlayers; i++) {
		switch (gVotePlayers[players[i]]) {
			case VOTE_YES: numFor++;
			case VOTE_NO: numAgainst++;
	numUndecided = numPlayers - (numFor + numAgainst);

	// show vote hud
	if (numFor > numAgainst && numFor > numUndecided) // accepted
	else if (numAgainst > numFor && numAgainst > numUndecided) // denied
		return VOTE_DENIED;
	else // in progress
		return VOTE_RUNNING;

DisplayVote(option) {
	// reduce flickering by using long hold times.
	if (option == VOTE_RUNNING) {
		set_hudmessage(gHudRed, gHudGreen, gHudBlue, 0.05, 0.125, 0, 0.0, get_pcvar_num(gCvarVoteDuration) + 5.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	} else {
		set_hudmessage(gHudRed, gHudGreen, gHudBlue, 0.05, 0.125, 0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	switch (option) {
		case VOTE_ACCEPTED:	ShowSyncHudMsg(0, gHudDisplayVote, "%l", "VOTE_ACCEPTED", gVoteArg1, gVoteArg2, gVoteCallerName);
		case VOTE_DENIED: 	ShowSyncHudMsg(0, gHudDisplayVote, "%l", "VOTE_DENIED", gVoteArg1, gVoteArg2, gVoteCallerName);
		case VOTE_RUNNING: 	ShowSyncHudMsg(0, gHudDisplayVote, "%l", "VOTE_START", gVoteArg1, gVoteArg2, gVoteCallerName, gVoteNumFor, gVoteNumAgainst, gVoteNumUndecided);

DisplayVoteOldStyle(option) {
	switch (option) {
		case VOTE_ACCEPTED:	client_print(0, print_center,"%l", "VOTE_ACCEPTED", gVoteArg1, gVoteArg2, gVoteCallerName);
		case VOTE_DENIED: 	client_print(0, print_center, "%l", "VOTE_DENIED", gVoteArg1, gVoteArg2, gVoteCallerName);
		case VOTE_RUNNING: 	client_print(0, print_center,"%l", "VOTE_START", gVoteArg1, gVoteArg2, gVoteCallerName, gVoteNumFor, gVoteNumAgainst, gVoteNumUndecided);

public DoVote() {
	new caller = find_player_ex(FindPlayer_MatchUserId, gVoteCallerUserId);
	// if vote caller is not connected, cancel it...
	if (!caller)

	// Vote Log

	new voteArgs[128];
	if (strlen(gVoteArg2)) {
		formatex(voteArgs, charsmax(voteArgs), "%s %s", gVoteArg1, gVoteArg2);
	} else {
		formatex(voteArgs, charsmax(voteArgs), "%s", gVoteArg1);

	log_amx("%L", LANG_SERVER, "LOG_VOTE_ACCEPTED", voteArgs, caller);

	// ==============

	ExecuteForward(gVoteOptionFwHandle, _, caller, false, gNumVoteArgs, PrepareArray(gVoteArg1, sizeof(gVoteArg1), true), PrepareArray(gVoteArg2, sizeof(gVoteArg2), true));

public DenyVote() {
	new caller = find_player_ex(FindPlayer_MatchUserId, gVoteCallerUserId);

	// Vote Log

	new voteArgs[128];
	if (strlen(gVoteArg2)) {
		formatex(voteArgs, charsmax(voteArgs), "%s %s", gVoteArg1, gVoteArg2);
	} else {
		formatex(voteArgs, charsmax(voteArgs), "%s", gVoteArg1);

	log_amx("%L", LANG_SERVER, "LOG_VOTE_DENIED", voteArgs, caller);

	// ==============

	gVoteFailedTime = GetServerUpTime() + get_pcvar_num(gCvarVoteFailedTime);

public ResetVote() {
	gVoteIsRunning = false;

	gVoteArg1[0] = gVoteArg2[0] = '^0';

	// reset user votes
	arrayset(gVotePlayers, 0, sizeof gVotePlayers);	

public CmdVoteHelp(id) {
	ProcessVoteHelp(id, .start_argindex = 1, .do_search = false, .main_command = "aglistvotes");

ProcessVoteHelp(id, start_argindex, bool:do_search, const main_command[], const search[] = "")
	new clcmdsnum = ArraySize(gAgVoteList);

	if (clcmdsnum == -1)
		clcmdsnum = 0;

	const MaxDefaultEntries    = 10;
	const MaxCommandLength     = 32;
	const MaxCommandInfoLength = 128;

	new HelpAmount = MaxDefaultEntries; // default entries

	new start  = clamp(read_argv_int(start_argindex), .min = 1, .max = clcmdsnum) - 1; // Zero-based list;
	new amount = !id ? read_argv_int(start_argindex + 1) : HelpAmount;
	new end    = min(start + (amount > 0 ? amount : HelpAmount), clcmdsnum);

	console_print(id, "^n----- %l -----", "TITLE_VOTEHELP");

	new info[MaxCommandInfoLength];
	new command[MaxCommandLength];
	new index;

	for (index = start; index < end; ++index)
		ArrayGetString(gAgVoteList, index, command, charsmax(command));

		formatex(info, charsmax(info), "%s%s", "AGVOTE_", command);
		if (!LookupLangKey(info, charsmax(info), info, id))
			formatex(info, charsmax(info), "%l", "CMD_NOINFO");

		console_print(id, "%3d: %s %s", index + 1, command, info);

	console_print(id, "----- %l -----", "HELP_ENTRIES", start + 1, end, clcmdsnum);

	formatex(command, charsmax(command), "%s%c%s", main_command, do_search ? " " : "", search);

	if (end < clcmdsnum)
		console_print(id, "----- %l -----", "HELP_USE_MORE", command, end + 1);
	else if (start || index != clcmdsnum)
		console_print(id, "----- %l -----", "HELP_USE_BEGIN", command);

 * Changes game mode and shows intermission
 * @note This doesn't check that the game mode or map exists,
 *       so make sure they do before using it.
 * @param mode Name of the game mode.
 * @param map  Name of the map. If not specified, it will use
 *             the current one. 
ChangeMode(const mode[], const map[] = "") {
	set_pcvar_string(gCvarGameMode, mode); // set next mode
	if (!strlen(map)) {
		new currentMap[32];
		get_mapname(currentMap, charsmax(currentMap));
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarAmxNextMap, currentMap);
	} else {
		set_pcvar_string(gCvarAmxNextMap, map);
 * Checks if the game mode is allowed
 * by looking at the cvar 'sv_ag_allowed_gamemodes'
bool:IsGameModeAllowed(const mode[]) {
    new allowedModes[512];
    get_pcvar_string(gCvarAllowedGameModes, allowedModes, charsmax(allowedModes));
    // if cvar is empty, then all modes are allowed
    if (!strlen(allowedModes)) {
        return true;

    // if we match the game mode inside the string, then is allowed
    new str[32];
    while (strlen(allowedModes)) {
        strtok(allowedModes, str, charsmax(str), allowedModes, charsmax(allowedModes), ';');
        if (equali(mode, str)) {
            return true;

    return false;

// i want to show score when map finishes so you can take a pic, engine_changelevel() will change it instantly
public ChangeMap(const map[]) {
	set_pcvar_string(gCvarAmxNextMap, map);

public CmdPlayTeam(caller) {
	if (get_gametime() < gPlaySoundDelayTime[caller])

	if (read_argc() < 2)

	new sound[256];
	read_args(sound, charsmax(sound));

	new team = hl_get_user_team(caller);

	// don't play sound if he doesn't have a team (that's why is called play_team)
	if (!team)

	new players[32], numPlayers, player;
	get_players_ex(players, numPlayers, GetPlayers_ExcludeDead);

	for (new i; i < numPlayers; i++) {
		player = players[i];
		if (team == hl_get_user_team(player))
			PlaySound(player, sound);

	gPlaySoundDelayTime[caller] = get_gametime() + 0.75;

public CmdSayClose(caller) {
	if (read_argc() < 2)

	new teamCaller = hl_get_user_team(caller);

	// don't play sound if he doesn't have a team
	if (!teamCaller)

	new text[191];
	read_args(text, charsmax(text));

	new name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
	get_user_name(caller, name, charsmax(name));

	// avoid repeating code by formating message like a real one so MsgSayText can handle it
	format(text, charsmax(text), "%c(C) %s: %s^n", 2, name, text);
	new Float:callerPos[3], Float:targetPos[3];

	pev(caller, pev_origin, callerPos);

	new players[MAX_PLAYERS], numPlayers;
	get_players_ex(players, numPlayers, GetPlayers_ExcludeDead);

	new target;
	for (new i; i < numPlayers; i++) {
		target = players[i];

		if (teamCaller != hl_get_user_team(target))

		pev(target, pev_origin, targetPos);

		if (vector_distance(callerPos, targetPos) <= 700) {
			emessage_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), .player = target);

public CmdPlayClose(caller) {
	if (read_argc() < 2)

	if (get_gametime() < gPlaySoundDelayTime[caller])

	new teamCaller = hl_get_user_team(caller);

	// don't play sound if he doesn't have a team
	if (!teamCaller)

	new sound[256];
	read_args(sound, charsmax(sound));
	// return the index of the nearest location for the player from an array
	new Float:callerPos[3], Float:targetPos[3];
	pev(caller, pev_origin, callerPos);

	new players[MAX_PLAYERS], numPlayers;
	get_players_ex(players, numPlayers, GetPlayers_ExcludeDead);

	new target;
	for (new i; i < numPlayers; i++) {
		target = players[i];

		if (teamCaller != hl_get_user_team(target))

		pev(target, pev_origin, targetPos);
		if (vector_distance(callerPos, targetPos) <= 700) {
			PlaySound(target, sound);

	gPlaySoundDelayTime[caller] = get_gametime() + 0.75;

* Finds game player equipment of the map
FindGamePlayerEquip() {
	new ent;
	while ((ent = find_ent_by_class(ent, "game_player_equip"))) {
		// ignore the ones with use flag, they don't give weapons to all players
		if (!(pev(ent, pev_spawnflags) & SF_PLAYEREQUIP_USEONLY))
			return ent;
	return 0;

SetPlayerEquipment(id) {
	set_user_health(id, get_pcvar_num(gCvarStartHealth));
	set_user_armor(id, get_pcvar_num(gCvarStartArmor));

	for (new i; i < SIZE_WEAPONS; i++) {
		if (get_pcvar_num(gCvarStartWeapons[i]))
			give_item(id, gWeaponClass[i]);

	// AG gives by default an mp5 with full clip
	if (get_pcvar_num(gCvarStartWeapons[START_9MMAR])) {
		new weapon = hl_user_has_weapon(id, HLW_MP5);
		if (weapon)
			hl_set_weapon_ammo(weapon, 50);

	if (get_pcvar_bool(gCvarStartLongJump)) {
		hl_set_user_longjump(id, true);


BanGamemodeEnts() {
	if (get_pcvar_num(gCvarBanLongJump))

	if (get_pcvar_num(gCvarBanBattery))

	if (get_pcvar_num(gCvarBanHealthKit))

	for (new i; i < SIZE_BANWEAPONS; i++) {
		if (get_pcvar_num(gCvarBanWeapons[i]))

	for (new i; i < SIZE_AMMOENTS; i++) {
		if (get_pcvar_num(gCvarBanAmmo[i]))

// Advertise about the use of some commands in AG mod x
public DisplayInfo(id) {
	client_print(id, print_chat, "%l", "DISPLAY_INFO1");
	client_print(id, print_chat, "%l", "DISPLAY_INFO2");

// Server can't pause the game, we always need to use real players to circumvent this problem
PauseGame() {
	new players[MAX_PLAYERS], numPlayers;
	get_players_ex(players, numPlayers, GetPlayers_ExcludeHLTV | GetPlayers_ExcludeBots);

	if (numPlayers < 1)
	// use random players to reduce the chance of the command not getting executed when player isn't sending packets
	set_cvar_num("pausable", 1);
	client_cmd(players[random(numPlayers)], "pause; pauseAg"); 

public CmdPauseAg(id) {
	new fwReturnTemp;
	set_cvar_num("pausable", 0);	
	ExecuteForward(gFwPause, fwReturnTemp);

* Restore Score system for matchs
bool:RestoreScore_FindPlayer(id, &DataPack:handle_player = Invalid_DataPack) {
	if (!is_user_connected(id))
		log_amx("Warning: Trying to get authid from a player not authorized. Id: %d", id);
	get_user_authid(id, authid, charsmax(authid));
	get_user_ip(id, ip, charsmax(ip), .without_port = true);

	new DataPack:handle;
	new storedAuth[MAX_AUTHID_LENGTH];
	new storedIp[MAX_IP_LENGTH];

	for (new i; i < ArraySize(gRestoreScorePlayers); i++) {
		handle = ArrayGetCell(gRestoreScorePlayers, i);


		ReadPackString(handle, storedAuth, charsmax(storedAuth));
		ReadPackString(handle, storedIp, charsmax(storedIp));

		// if authid isn't like this "STEAM_X:X:XXX", it's not safe to check, use ip instead
		if (equal(storedAuth, authid) && (!contain(storedAuth, "STEAM_") || !contain(storedAuth, "VALVE_")) && isdigit(storedAuth[6])) {
			handle_player = handle;
			return true;

		// check ip
		if (equal(storedIp, ip)) {
			handle_player = handle;
			return true;

	return false;

RestoreScore_SavePlayer(id, frags = 0, deaths = 0) {
	new DataPack:handle;

	new playerExists = RestoreScore_FindPlayer(id, handle);

	// if player already exists in the list, save it in the same handle
	if (playerExists) {
	} else { // then add a new one
		handle = CreateDataPack();

	get_user_authid(id, authid, charsmax(authid));
	get_user_ip(id, ip, charsmax(ip), .without_port = true);

	WritePackString(handle, authid);
	WritePackString(handle, ip);
	WritePackCell(handle, frags);
	WritePackCell(handle, deaths);

	if (!playerExists)
		ArrayPushCell(gRestoreScorePlayers, handle);

RestoreScore_GetSavedScore(id, &frags, &deaths) {
	new DataPack:handle;
	if (!RestoreScore_FindPlayer(id, handle))
		return 0;


	new buffer[64];

	// leave cursor pos where score starts
	ReadPackString(handle, buffer, charsmax(buffer));
	ReadPackString(handle, buffer, charsmax(buffer));

	frags = ReadPackCell(handle);
	deaths = ReadPackCell(handle);

	return 1;

RestoreScore_RestorePlayer(id) {	
	new frags, deaths;
	RestoreScore_GetSavedScore(id, frags, deaths);
	hl_set_user_score(id, frags, deaths);

RestoreScore_Clear() {

ResetScore(id) {
	set_user_frags(id, 0);
	hl_set_user_deaths(id, 0);

CreateDeprecatedCvars() {
	// List
	new cvarXbow = create_cvar("sv_ag_dmg_crossbow", "");
	new cvarBolts = create_cvar("sv_ag_dmg_bolts", "");
	// Always reset their values to be able to track changes
	set_pcvar_string(cvarXbow, "");
	set_pcvar_string(cvarBolts, "");
	// Hook contains the warning message
	hook_cvar_change(cvarXbow, "CvarDeprecatedXbowHook");
	hook_cvar_change(cvarBolts, "CvarDeprecatedBoltsHook");

public CvarDeprecatedXbowHook(pcvar, const old_value[], const new_value[]) {
	log_amx("Warning: CVar ^"sv_ag_dmg_crossbow^" is deprecated. Use instead ^"sv_ag_dmg_bolts_normal^". More info on the wiki.");

public CvarDeprecatedBoltsHook(pcvar, const old_value[], const new_value[]) {
	log_amx("Warning: CVar ^"sv_ag_dmg_bolts^" is deprecated. Use instead ^"sv_ag_dmg_bolts_explosion^". More info on the wiki.");

public CvarHudColorHook(pcvar, const old_value[], const new_value[]) {
	GetStrColor(new_value, gHudRed, gHudGreen, gHudBlue);

public EventIntermissionMode() {
	new str[256], name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], frags;

	// print final match result
	if (gVersusStarted) {
		for (new i; i < ArraySize(gScoreLog); i++) {
			frags = ScoreLog_GetScore(i, name, charsmax(name));
			add(str, charsmax(str), fmt("%s: %d ", name, frags));
		// note: not possible to show all players/team scores in some cases
		// client console max length per line is 127 chars
		// server console max length per line is 383 chars
		log_amx("%s", str);
		client_print(0, print_console, "%s", str);

	gBlockCmdKill = true;
	gBlockCmdSpec = true;
	gBlockCmdDrop = true;
	gVersusStarted = false; // allow specs at the end to talk
	gIsSuddenDeath = false;

	set_pcvar_num(gCvarMatchRunning, 0);

	new players[MAX_PLAYERS], numPlayers;
	get_players(players, numPlayers);

	for (new i; i < numPlayers; i++) {
		FreezePlayer(players[i]); // sometimes in intermission mode, player can move...


public StartIntermissionMode() {
	new ent = create_entity("game_end");
	if (is_valid_ent(ent))
		ExecuteHamB(Ham_Use, ent, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0);

ScoreLog_UpdateScores() {
	new Float:isTeamPlay;
	global_get(glb_teamplay, isTeamPlay);
	// i use this handle in general
	new DataPack:handle;

	// destroy old data
	for (new i; i < ArraySize(gScoreLog); i++) {
		handle = ArrayGetCell(gScoreLog, i);


	new name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];

	new players[MAX_PLAYERS], numPlayers, plr;
	get_players(players, numPlayers);

	if (isTeamPlay) {
		new teamScore[HL_MAX_TEAMS], bool:teamExists[HL_MAX_TEAMS];
		// calculate team score
		new team;
		for (new i; i < numPlayers; i++) {
			plr = players[i];
			if (!ag_get_user_spectator(plr) && (team = hl_get_user_team(plr))) {
				teamScore[team - 1] += hl_get_user_frags(plr);
				teamExists[team - 1] = true;
		// save it into the array
		for (new i; i < HL_MAX_TEAMS; i++) {
			if (teamExists[i]) {
				handle = CreateDataPack();
				WritePackString(handle, gTeamsName[i]);
				WritePackCell(handle, teamScore[i]);
				ArrayPushCell(gScoreLog, handle);
	} else { // no teamplay
		for (new i; i < numPlayers; i++) {
			plr = players[i];
			if (!ag_get_user_spectator(plr)) {
				handle = CreateDataPack();
				get_user_name(plr, name, charsmax(name));
				WritePackString(handle, name);
				WritePackCell(handle, hl_get_user_frags(plr));
				ArrayPushCell(gScoreLog, handle);

// if you try to get the score from an invalid index, an error will be thrown
ScoreLog_GetScore(idx, name[] = "", len = 0) {
	new DataPack:handle = ArrayGetCell(gScoreLog, idx);
	ReadPackString(handle, name, len);	
	return ReadPackCell(handle); // frags

ScoreLog_GetMaxScore() {
	if (ArraySize(gScoreLog) < 2)
		return 0;

	// get max score
	new maxScore = ScoreLog_GetScore(0);
	for (new i = 1; i < ArraySize(gScoreLog); i++) {
		if (ScoreLog_GetScore(i) > maxScore)
			maxScore = ScoreLog_GetScore(i);
	return maxScore;

IsSuddenDeathNeeded() {

	// we need at least two players/teams to have a tie break
	if (ArraySize(gScoreLog) < 2)
		return false;

	new maxScore = ScoreLog_GetMaxScore();

	// check if there's at least two players/teams with the same score
	new matches;
	for (new i; i < ArraySize(gScoreLog); i++) {
		if (ScoreLog_GetScore(i) == maxScore)

	return matches > 1 ? true : false;

public CacheTeamListModels(teamlist[][], size) {
	new file[128];
	for (new i; i < size; i++) {
		formatex(file, charsmax(file), "models/player/%s/%s.mdl", teamlist[i], teamlist[i]);
		if (file_exists(file))
			engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheModel, file);

bool:IsObserver(id) {
	return get_ent_data(id, "CBasePlayer", "m_afPhysicsFlags") & PFLAG_OBSERVER > 0 ? true : false;

bool:IsInWelcomeCam(id) {
	return IsObserver(id) && !hl_get_user_spectator(id) && get_ent_data(id, "CBasePlayer", "m_iHideHUD") & (HIDEHUD_WEAPONS | HIDEHUD_HEALTH);

IsUserServer(id) {
	if (is_dedicated_server()) {
		if (!id) {
			return true;
	} else { // listen server
		new ip[MAX_IP_LENGTH];
		get_user_ip(id, ip, charsmax(ip), true);
		if (equal(ip, "loopback")) {
			return true;
	return false;

ag_register_concmd(const cmd[], const function[], flags = -1, const info[] = "", FlagManager = -1, bool:info_ml = false) {
	new idx = register_concmd(cmd, function, flags, info, FlagManager, info_ml);
	if (idx) {
		ArrayPushCell(gAgCmdList, idx);
	return idx;

ag_register_clcmd(const cmd[], const function[], flags = -1, const info[] = "", FlagManager = -1, bool:info_ml = false) {
	new idx = register_clcmd(cmd, function, flags, info, FlagManager, info_ml);
	if (idx) {
		ArrayPushCell(gAgCmdList, idx);
	return idx;

// This is a special case, because when a player enters the server and
// he's supposed to be in spec mode, that will not happen after 0.1s
// let's simulate the player is already in spec mode to avoid any issues
bool:ag_get_user_spectator(id) {
	return hl_get_user_spectator(id) || task_exists(TASK_SENDTOSPEC + id) ? true : false;

public native_ag_vote_add(plugin_id, argc) {
	if (argc < 2)
		return false;

	new voteName[32]; get_string(1, voteName, charsmax(voteName));
	new funcName[64]; get_string(2, funcName, charsmax(funcName)); // the callback function

	new fwHandle = CreateMultiForward(funcName, ET_STOP, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_ARRAY, FP_ARRAY);

	if (fwHandle == -1)
		return false;

	TrieSetCell(gTrieVoteList, voteName, fwHandle);
	ArrayPushString(gAgVoteList, voteName);

	// i hate this behaviour from miniag, it's much better to use all votes only with "vote <votename>"
	// because this way leads to a possibly overlap of commands from other plugins, whatever...
	register_clcmd(voteName, "CmdGenericVote");

	return true;

public native_ag_vote_remove(plugin_id, argc) {
	if (argc < 1)
		return false;

	new voteName[32]; get_string(1, voteName, charsmax(voteName));

	if (TrieKeyExists(gTrieVoteList, voteName)) {
		new handle;
		TrieGetCell(gTrieVoteList, voteName, handle);
		TrieDeleteKey(gTrieVoteList, voteName);
		return true;
	new idx = ArrayFindString(gAgVoteList, voteName);
	if (idx != -1)
		ArrayDeleteItem(gAgVoteList, idx);

	return false;

public native_ag_vote_exists(plugin_id, argc) {
	if (argc < 1)
		return false;

	new voteName[32]; get_string(1, voteName, charsmax(voteName));

	if (TrieKeyExists(gTrieVoteList, voteName))
		return true;

	return false;

public native_ag_is_player_inmatch(plugin_id, argc) {
    if (argc < 1)
        return false;

    new id = get_param(1);
    if (!IsPlayer(id) || !gVersusStarted)
        return false;
    return RestoreScore_FindPlayer(id);

Last edited by Fururasshu; 10-12-2023 at 21:25.
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Old 10-12-2023 , 22:47   Re: Runtime error 10: (native "get_pcvar_string") and (native "get_pcvar_num")
Reply With Quote #2

gMpDmgWeapons[] is an empty array

PHP Code:
// Damage cvars
for (new iSIZE_DMGWEAPONSi++ ) {
gCvarMpDmgWeapons[i] = get_cvar_pointer(gMpDmgWeapons[i]); 
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Old 10-13-2023 , 19:19   Re: Runtime error 10: (native "get_pcvar_string") and (native "get_pcvar_num")
Reply With Quote #3

Originally Posted by Bugsy View Post
gMpDmgWeapons[] is an empty array

PHP Code:
// Damage cvars
for (new iSIZE_DMGWEAPONSi++ ) {
gCvarMpDmgWeapons[i] = get_cvar_pointer(gMpDmgWeapons[i]); 
Sir, I don't know what else to compile, I would appreciate it if you could help me please =)
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Old 10-14-2023 , 01:38   Re: Runtime error 10: (native "get_pcvar_string") and (native "get_pcvar_num")
Reply With Quote #4

Originally Posted by Bugsy View Post
gMpDmgWeapons[] is an empty array

PHP Code:
// Damage cvars
for (new iSIZE_DMGWEAPONSi++ ) {
gCvarMpDmgWeapons[i] = get_cvar_pointer(gMpDmgWeapons[i]); 
If the array was empty, wouldn't we see an index out-of-bounds first? Also, that array is defined here (presuming he's got all the proper code for building the plugin).

Fururasshu, are you using all the proper files from the original version on GitHub here?
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Old 10-14-2023 , 02:25   Re: Runtime error 10: (native "get_pcvar_string") and (native "get_pcvar_num")
Reply With Quote #5

On a quick look at mobile it seems that he didn’t register the cvar and is trying to getting it’s value
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Old 10-14-2023 , 11:09   Re: Runtime error 10: (native "get_pcvar_string") and (native "get_pcvar_num")
Reply With Quote #6

Originally Posted by fysiks View Post
If the array was empty, wouldn't we see an index out-of-bounds first? Also, that array is defined here (presuming he's got all the proper code for building the plugin).

Fururasshu, are you using all the proper files from the original version on GitHub here?
No index out of bounds for this, as it's declared, but never populated with values. So the above for-loop is doing this SIZE_DMGWEAPONS times: get_cvar_pointer( "" )
PHP Code:
new gCvarMpDmgWeapons[SIZE_DMGWEAPONS]; 
I did not spend enough time to determine if this array is filled in some other random include file.
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Old 10-14-2023 , 12:11   Re: Runtime error 10: (native "get_pcvar_string") and (native "get_pcvar_num")
Reply With Quote #7

Oh he is using agmodx
stock const gMpDmgWeapons[][] = {
for (new i; i < SIZE_DMGWEAPONS; i++ )
for (new i; i < SIZE_DMGWEAPONS - 1; i++ )
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Old 10-14-2023 , 15:08   Re: Runtime error 10: (native "get_pcvar_string") and (native "get_pcvar_num")
Reply With Quote #8

Originally Posted by Bugsy View Post
So the above for-loop is doing this SIZE_DMGWEAPONS times: get_cvar_pointer( "" )
If that was true, I would expect an error from this function (though I've never tested it).

Originally Posted by Jhob94 View Post
Oh he is using agmodx
stock const gMpDmgWeapons[][] = {
for (new i; i < SIZE_DMGWEAPONS; i++ )
for (new i; i < SIZE_DMGWEAPONS - 1; i++ )
No, that is not correct. The original will function correctly loop through all 16 values (yours will only loop through 15 and miss the last one). There are better ways to handle this but it will properly loop over the items in that array.

Granted, this is all assuming the OP hasn't changed things that he didn't tell us about.
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Old 10-14-2023 , 20:52   Re: Runtime error 10: (native "get_pcvar_string") and (native "get_pcvar_num")
Reply With Quote #9

Originally Posted by fysiks View Post
If the array was empty, wouldn't we see an index out-of-bounds first? Also, that array is defined here (presuming he's got all the proper code for building the plugin).

Fururasshu, are you using all the proper files from the original version on GitHub here?
Yes sir, I included everything and I have not modified anything, I have only compiled, I hope you can help me
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Old 10-14-2023 , 22:23   Re: Runtime error 10: (native "get_pcvar_string") and (native "get_pcvar_num")
Reply With Quote #10

Originally Posted by fysiks View Post
If that was true, I would expect an error from this function (though I've never tested it).

No, that is not correct. The original will function correctly loop through all 16 values (yours will only loop through 15 and miss the last one). There are better ways to handle this but it will properly loop over the items in that array.

Granted, this is all assuming the OP hasn't changed things that he didn't tell us about.
Likely no error, just a 0 return value
Cvar pointer on success, 0 if cvar was not found
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