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Server redirect - part 2

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Old 04-09-2007 , 15:25   Re: Server redirect - part 2
Reply With Quote #31

your comparison is not useful - google uses top level domain names which refer to the country (brazil) and not the language that is spoken there.
i wonder if there is a list of these tags used for AMXX somewhere. i would think that [pt] is correct but how can i know? AMXX does not use it in their default dictionaries.
be it as it is: AMXX decided to use [bp] and i will use that too. the reason is obvious: when someone wants to use that language he would have no possibility to have all plugins in the language he wants. he would have to decide between having xREDIRECT in the correct language (setinfo "lang" "br") or having the rest in correct language (setinfo "lang" "bp"). not what we want, isn't it?

and yes, please don't start any flame wars here, especially between nationalities. noone outside would understand your reasons and arguments anyway, we are not into this.

many thanks for your translations, i will of course add them both.
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Last edited by xOR; 04-09-2007 at 15:48.
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H(x)m3m do S@c0
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Old 04-09-2007 , 18:50   Re: Server redirect - part 2
Reply With Quote #32

i would think that [pt] is correct but how can i know?
You can be sure about that, its correct.In other way [bp] it isn´t, but i understand your point of view.

The point is that AmxModx decided to join Portuguese (Portugal) and Portuguese (Brasil) in one and unique language [bp].
Thats not right and thats not faire.In future versions i would be pleased if i see two languages, [pt] and [br] or [bp] (if they prefer that way).
I can contribute with more translations for that purpose, if requested.

and yes, please don't start any flame wars here, especially between nationalities. noone outside would understand your reasons and arguments anyway, we are not into this.
Of course not, i´m not a kid.
It´s just i´m a litle sick of seeing Portuguese Brasil translations all over the place, like in movies and important books and in most cases they are not correct translations.Can you understand that?

For me its not relevant when gaming, i use English, but its relevant for Portuguese kids.

Congratulations for your plugin, its indeed a great job.

Para commonbullet:

Vê se te emendas, oh gajo!
Essa teve piada, traduzindo para Português, "Vê se alteras a tua conduta".
Não acho que seja caso para dizeres isso mas tudo bem.
Quanto ao acordo Luso-Brasileiro de cultura, terei muito prazer em debater o assunto contigo em local apropriado.
Fica bem.E desculpa se te ofendi.
[T(x)Ps] ToP OperATions CLaN ®

Last edited by H(x)m3m do S@c0; 04-09-2007 at 20:04.
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Old 09-02-2007 , 08:06   Re: Server redirect - part 2
Reply With Quote #33

Slovak Translation without Special characters!!

MSG_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVERS = ERROR: musis mat aspon 2 servery v zozname
MSG_ERROR_NO_FILE = ERROR: subor '%s' nenajdeny
MSG_LOADED_SERVER = Nahraty server %s (%s:%s)
MSG_SELECT_SERVER = Vyber server:
MSG_SERVER_FULL_REDIRECTING = Server je plny, presmeruvavam ta na %s...
MSG_REDIRECTED = '%s' bol presmerovany na %s
MSG_REDIRECTING = OK, presmeruvavam ta na %s...
MSG_FOLLOWED = '%s' nasledoval '%s' na %s
MSG_FOLLOW = napis /follow aby si tam bol aj ty presmerovany
MSG_MANUAL_DISABLED = Prepac, manualne presmerovanie je vypnute
MSG_FOLLOW_DISABLED = Prepac, nasledovanie je vypnute
MSG_NO_REDIRECT_SERVER = Prepac, ale server je plny a v tejto chvili tu nieje ziaden iny server kam ta presmerovat
MSG_REDIRECT_RECEIVE = '%s' sem bol presmerovany z %s
MSG_CANT_FOLLOW = Nemozes pouzit /follow, pretoze nikto este nebol presmerovany
MSG_SAY_SERVER = Napis (Say) /server aby si sa mohol presuvat medzi servermi:
MSG_REDIRFORADMIN = Bol si presmerovany, aby si uvolnil miesto adminovi
MSG_REDIRFROM = Vitaj na %s, bol si sem presmerovany z %s
MSG_RETRY_ANNOUNCE = Napis (Say) /retry ak chces byt presunuty na server hned ako bude mat volne miesto
MSG_RETRY_BACK_ANNOUNCE = Napis (Say) /retry ak chces byt presmerovany naspat hned ako sa uvolni miesto
MSG_REDIR_REG = Musis byt registrovany aby si mohol pouzivat tuto funkciu
MSG_OWN_DETECTION_ERROR = ERROR: Vlastny server nebol najdeny, plugin nebude fungovat spravne
MSG_SOCKET_ERROR = ERROR: Socket error %i na sockete pre sevrer %i
MSG_RETRY_SUCCESS = Miesto na zadanom serveri je uz volne, presmeruvavam ta tam...
MSG_QUEUE_ADD = Si teraz %i v poradi v zozname cakatelov na server %s
MSG_QUEUE_REMOVE = Bol si odobraty zo zoznamu cakatelov na server %s
MSG_QUEUE_DEACTIVATED = Zoznam cakatelov je vypnuty na tomto servery
MSG_QUEUE_NO_LAST = Posledny server neznamy, nemozem pouzit opakovanu volbu (retry)
MSG_QUEUE_ANNOUNCE = %s sa postavil do rady pre presmerovanie na %s
MSG_QUEUE_REMOVE_ALL = Bol si odobrany zo zoznamu cakatelov pre vsetky sevrery
MSG_QUEUE = Vstup do zoznam cakatelov
MSG_LEAVEQUEUE = Vystup zo zoznamu cakatelov
MSG_SRVINFO_CAPTION = Serverove informacie:
MSG_SRVINFO_ERR_FULL = Server je plny
MSG_SRVINFO_ERR_PROT = Nesuhlas protokolov/odlisny mod
MSG_SRVINFO_ERR_DOWN = Server vypnuty
MSG_SRVINFO_ERR_NOMANUAL = Nanualne presmerovanie vypnute
MSG_INVALID_PARAMS = Neplatne parametre prikazu
MSG_REDIRECT = Presmerovat
MSG_REDIRFORLOCAL = Bol si presmerovany, aby si uvolnil miesto lokalnemu hracovi
Cheater ONCE, cheater FOREVER !!!
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Old 10-29-2007 , 12:57   Re: Server redirect - part 2
Reply With Quote #34

Chinese translation:
with special chars:
MSG_ERROR_NO_FILE = 错误: 找不到文件 '%s
MSG_LOADED_SERVER = 已加载服务器 %s (%s:%s)
MSG_REDIRECTED = '%s' 转移到 %s
MSG_REDIRECTING = 正在连接 %s...
MSG_FOLLOWED = '%s' 跟随 '%s' 到 %s
MSG_FOLLOW = 输入 /follow 尾随进入该服务器
MSG_MANUAL_DISABLED = 对不起, 连接服务器功能已关闭
MSG_FOLLOW_DISABLED = 对不起, 跟随功能已关闭
MSG_NO_REDIRECT_SERVER = 对不起, 服务器已满, 没有其他可转移的服务器
MSG_REDIRECT_RECEIVE = '%s' 由 %s 来到这里
MSG_CANT_FOLLOW = 目前无人转移到其他服务器, 因此不能使用 /follow 命令
MSG_SAY_SERVER = 输入 /server 查看服务器列表:
MSG_REDIRFORADMIN = 管理员进入, 你被转移到其它服务器
MSG_REDIRFROM = 欢迎来到 %s, 你从 %s 转来这里
MSG_RETRY_ANNOUNCE = 输入 /retry 重新尝试进入该服务器
MSG_RETRY_BACK_ANNOUNCE = 输入 /retry 重新尝试回原服务器
MSG_REDIR_REG = 只有注册用户才能使用此功能
MSG_OWN_DETECTION_ERROR = 错误: 本服务器无响应, 插件出现异常
MSG_SOCKET_ERROR = 发生 Socket 错误. 错误编号为 %i , 发生在编号为 %i 的服务器
MSG_RETRY_SUCCESS = 目标服务器有空位, 你将被转移到那里...
MSG_QUEUE_ADD = 排队中. 你的序号为 %i 在连接服务器 %s 的队伍中
MSG_QUEUE_REMOVE = 你从连向服务器 %s 的等待队伍中离开
MSG_QUEUE_DEACTIVATED = 等待连接服务器的队列已被解散
MSG_QUEUE_NO_LAST = 上一个服务器无响应, 不能重试
MSG_QUEUE_ANNOUNCE = %s 进入连接服务器 %s 的队列
MSG_QUEUE = 进入队列
MSG_SRVINFO_ERR_PROT = 传输协议不正确 / 使用不同版本
MSG_REDIRFORLOCAL = 局域网玩家进入, 你被转移到其它服务器
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Old 01-03-2008 , 14:43   Re: Server redirect - part 2
Reply With Quote #35

thanks for your translations Seehank and nooby but of course it would be important to have both the versions with and without special characters of a language, otherwise it is just not complete. could you please also add this?

also i really have no idea how to treat chinese characters. not only that i don't see them (probably i am missing fonts for it) but also i still don't know whether any mod can display these. i know source can display a lot of UTF-8 characters, but this plugin is for hl1 only. so it would be more important to have a version that works with standard ascii characters. i saw chinese people chatting in chinese on my servers, it seemed they just wrote the syllables like they would be written in english. so it seems to be possible, but i really have no idea whether this would give any good results.
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Old 01-08-2008, 20:09
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Old 02-06-2008 , 12:29   Re: Server redirect - part 2
Reply With Quote #36

Here is the Norwegian translation. Don't know if it's any good, but it works for me... If there is anyone else from Norway here, please correct or come with suggestions for changing it

w/ special characters
MSG_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVERS = FEIL: du trenger minst 2 servere i listen
MSG_ERROR_NO_FILE = FEIL: filen '%s' ble ikke funnet
MSG_LOADED_SERVER = Lastet inn server %s (%s:%s)
MSG_SELECT_SERVER = Valgt server:
MSG_SERVER_FULL_REDIRECTING = Serveren er full, viderfører deg til %s...
MSG_REDIRECTED = '%s' du har blitt viderført til %s
MSG_REDIRECTING = OK, viderfører deg til %s...
MSG_FOLLOWED = '%s' har følgt '%s' til %s
MSG_FOLLOW = skriv /follow for å bli viderført her du også
MSG_MANUAL_DISABLED = Sorry, manuell server viderføring er deaktivert
MSG_FOLLOW_DISABLED = Sorry, /follow er deaktivert
MSG_NO_REDIRECT_SERVER = Sorry, serveren er full og det er for øyeblikket ikke en annen å viderføre deg til
MSG_REDIRECT_RECEIVE = '%s' har blitt viderført her fra %s
MSG_CANT_FOLLOW = Kan ikke bruke /follow, fordi ingen har blitt viderført enda
MSG_SAY_SERVER = Skriv /server for å bytte mellom servere:
MSG_REDIRFORADMIN = Du har blitt viderført for å lage plass til en admin
MSG_REDIRFROM = Velkommen til %s, du har blitt viderført her fra %s
MSG_RETRY_ANNOUNCE = Skriv /retry hvis du vil bli sendt til en server så snart den har åpne slots
MSG_RETRY_BACK_ANNOUNCE = Skriv /retry hvis du vil bli sendt tilbake til en server så snart den har åpne slots
MSG_REDIR_REG = Du må være registrert for å bruke denne pluginen
MSG_OWN_DETECTION_ERROR = FEIL: Egen server er ikke blitt funnet, pluginen vil ikke fungere korrekt
MSG_SOCKET_ERROR = FEIL: Socket feil %i på socket for serveren %i
MSG_RETRY_SUCCESS = Ett slot på målserveren er åpent nå, du blir viderført...
MSG_QUEUE_ADD = Du er nå i slot %i i retry køen for denne serveren %s
MSG_QUEUE_REMOVE = Du er blitt fjernet fra retry køen for denne serven %s
MSG_QUEUE_DEACTIVATED = Retry kø er deaktivert på denne serveren
MSG_QUEUE_NO_LAST = Siste server ikke funnet, kan ikke reconnecte
MSG_QUEUE_ANNOUNCE = %s har satt seg selv i kø for viderføring til %s
MSG_QUEUE_REMOVE_ALL = Du er blitt fjernet fra retry køen til alle serverne
MSG_BACK = Tilbake
MSG_QUEUE = Gå inn i retry kø
MSG_LEAVEQUEUE = Forlat retry kø
MSG_SRVINFO_CAPTION = Server informasjon:
MSG_SRVINFO_ERR_CURRENT = Gjeldende server
MSG_SRVINFO_ERR_FULL = Serveren er full
MSG_SRVINFO_ERR_PROT = Protocol mismatch/forskjellig mod
MSG_SRVINFO_ERR_DOWN = Serveren er nede
MSG_SRVINFO_ERR_NOMANUAL = Manuell viderføring er deaktivert
MSG_INVALID_PARAMS = Invalid command parameters
MSG_REFRESH = Oppdater
MSG_REDIRFORLOCAL = Du har blitt viderført for å lage plass til en Lokal spiller
w/o special characters

MSG_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVERS = FEIL: du trenger minst 2 servere i listen
MSG_ERROR_NO_FILE = FEIL: filen '%s' ble ikke funnet
MSG_LOADED_SERVER = Lastet inn server %s (%s:%s)
MSG_SELECT_SERVER = Valgt server:
MSG_SERVER_FULL_REDIRECTING = Serveren er full, viderfQrer deg til %s...
MSG_REDIRECTED = '%s' du har blitt viderfQrt til %s
MSG_REDIRECTING = OK, viderfQrer deg til %s...
MSG_FOLLOWED = '%s' har fQlgt '%s' til %s
MSG_FOLLOW = skriv /follow for aa bli viderfQrt her du ogsaa
MSG_MANUAL_DISABLED = Sorry, manuell server viderfQring er deaktivert
MSG_FOLLOW_DISABLED = Sorry, /follow er deaktivert
MSG_NO_REDIRECT_SERVER = Sorry, serveren er full og det er for Qyeblikket ikke en annen aa viderfQre deg til
MSG_REDIRECT_RECEIVE = '%s' har blitt viderfQrt her fra %s
MSG_CANT_FOLLOW = Kan ikke bruke /follow, fordi ingen har blitt viderfQrt enda
MSG_SAY_SERVER = Skriv /server for aa bytte mellom servere:
MSG_REDIRFORADMIN = Du har blitt viderfQrt for aa lage plass til en admin
MSG_REDIRFROM = Velkommen til %s, du har blitt viderfQrt her fra %s
MSG_RETRY_ANNOUNCE = Skriv /retry hvis du vil bli sendt til en server saa snart den har aapne slots
MSG_RETRY_BACK_ANNOUNCE = Skriv /retry hvis du vil bli sendt tilbake til en server saa snart den har aapne slots
MSG_REDIR_REG = Du maa være registrert for aa bruke denne pluginen
MSG_OWN_DETECTION_ERROR = FEIL: Egen server er ikke blitt funnet, pluginen vil ikke fungere korrekt
MSG_SOCKET_ERROR = FEIL: Socket feil %i paa socket for serveren %i
MSG_RETRY_SUCCESS = Ett slot paa maalserveren er aapent naa, du blir viderfQrt...
MSG_QUEUE_ADD = Du er naa i slot %i i retry kQen for denne serveren %s
MSG_QUEUE_REMOVE = Du er blitt fjernet fra retry kQen for denne serven %s
MSG_QUEUE_DEACTIVATED = Retry kQ er deaktivert paa denne serveren
MSG_QUEUE_NO_LAST = Siste server ikke funnet, kan ikke reconnecte
MSG_QUEUE_ANNOUNCE = %s har satt seg selv i kQ for viderfQring til %s
MSG_QUEUE_REMOVE_ALL = Du er blitt fjernet fra retry kQen til alle serverne
MSG_BACK = Tilbake
MSG_QUEUE = Gaa inn i retry kQ
MSG_LEAVEQUEUE = Forlat retry kQ
MSG_SRVINFO_CAPTION = Server informasjon:
MSG_SRVINFO_ERR_CURRENT = Gjeldende server
MSG_SRVINFO_ERR_FULL = Serveren er full
MSG_SRVINFO_ERR_PROT = Protocol mismatch/forskjellig mod
MSG_SRVINFO_ERR_DOWN = Serveren er nede
MSG_SRVINFO_ERR_NOMANUAL = Manuell viderfQring er deaktivert
MSG_INVALID_PARAMS = Invalid command parameters
MSG_REFRESH = Oppdater
MSG_REDIRFORLOCAL = Du har blitt viderfQrt for aa lage plass til en Lokal spiller

Last edited by D4ark; 02-06-2008 at 13:10.
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Old 02-06-2008 , 12:49   Re: Server redirect - part 2
Reply With Quote #37

my bad, it is not easy to see:

Originally Posted by xOR View Post
i need you again. please look here.

many thanks in advance
the problem is that i thought that only the new thread would be on top in the forum but it seems this older thread pushes it's way up just as good. so you saw only this thread and thus missed some translation items. so could you please also translate the missing items as well? there's not much left anymore from where you already are.
thanks in advance.
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Old 02-06-2008 , 12:50   Re: Server redirect - part 2
Reply With Quote #38

my bad, it is not easy to see:

Originally Posted by xOR View Post
i need you again. please look here.

many thanks in advance
the problem is that i thought that only the new thread would be on top in the forum but it seems this older thread pushes it's way up just as good. so you saw only this thread and thus missed some translation items. so could you please also translate the missing items as well? there's not much left anymore from where you already are.
thanks in advance.

also i saw there are still "å" and "æ" in the version without special characters. this should be cut out as well - i don't even have any of these on my keyboard.
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Old 02-06-2008 , 13:03   Re: Server redirect - part 2
Reply With Quote #39

Originally Posted by xOR View Post
my bad, it is not easy to see:

the problem is that i thought that only the new thread would be on top in the forum but it seems this older thread pushes it's way up just as good. so you saw only this thread and thus missed some translation items. so could you please also translate the missing items as well? there's not much left anymore from where you already are.
thanks in advance.

also i saw there are still "å" and "æ" in the version without special characters. this should be cut out as well - i don't even have any of these on my keyboard.

Oh, sorry

Think I found them now... it was all the way to the right, had forgotten to change that part

Hope its okey now... If you can find even more, please tell me
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Old 02-06-2008 , 13:08   Re: Server redirect - part 2
Reply With Quote #40

oh, i just saw you already translated the complete items, so then it is fine.

but there are still special characters in there

- an å in MSG_FOLLOW
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